AI Primer GBR
AI Primer GBR
AI Primer GBR
David Leslie, Christopher Burr, Mhairi
Aitken, Josh Cowls,
Mike Katell & Morgan Briggs
The Public Policy Programme at The Alan Turing Institute was set up in May 2018 with the aim of
developing research, tools, and techniques that help governments innovate with data-intensive
technologies and improve the quality of people's lives. We work alongside policy makers to explore
how data science and artificial intelligence can inform public policy and improve the provision of
public services. We believe that governments can reap the benefits of these technologies only if they
make considerations of ethics and safety a first priority.
Please note that this primer is a living document that will evolve and improve with input from users,
affected stakeholders, and interested parties. We need your participation. Please share feedback
with us at [email protected] This research was supported, in part, by a grant from ESRC
(ES/T007354/1) and from the public funds that make the Turing's Public Policy Programme possible.
The opinions expressed in this work are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily
reflect the official policy of the Council of Europe. The content on which much of this primer was built
was taken from The Feasibility Study published by the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence
published in December 2020. Readers are recommended to refer directly to this document for
expansion on the ideas contained herein:
TABLE OF CONTENTS Technical Concepts
Types of Machine Learning
Stages of the AI Lifecycle
Interdependence of Human Rights, Democracy,
and the Rule of Law
Connecting Principles, Rights, and Obligations
Additional Considerations
International Legal Frameworks
Current Soft Law Approaches
National Legal Instruments
The Role of Private Actors
Current Limitations
Future Needs and Opportunities
Options for a Legal Framework
Council of Europe's and Related Work in the
Field of AI and Adjacent Areas to Date
It has never been clearer, particularly after this year of COVID has exposed our ever greater
reliance on digital technology, that we need to retain public trust in the adoption of AI.
To do that we need, whilst realising the opportunities, to mitigate the risks involved in the
application of AI. This brings with it the need for a clear standard of accountability and ethical
If 2019 was the year when countries signed up to internationally agreed AI ethical principles such
as those in the OECD Recommendation on AI, and the G20 non-binding principles on AI, 2020
was the year when the international AI community started to move towards deciding how to
instill them in the development and deployment of AI systems.
Making ethical AI a reality involves assessing the risks of AI in context particularly in terms of
impact on civil and social rights and then, depending on the risk assessed, setting standards or
regulating for the ethical design, development and deployment of AI systems.
A key initiative in that process has been the Feasibility Study drawn up and agreed in December
by the Council of Europe’s Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI) which explores
options for an international legal response based on Council of Europe standards in the field of
human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
The key question is whether there are responses to the specific risks and opportunities presented
by AI systems which can and should be met by the use of binding and non-binding international
legal instruments through the agency of the Council of Europe which is the custodian of the
European Convention on Human Rights, Convention 108+, which safeguards the processing of
personal data, and the European Social Charter.
Now that the Council and CAHAI are entering the stakeholder consultation phase for the
Feasibility Study, it is crucial, if its potential is to be realised, and the right choices are to be made
particularly in terms of legal instrument and oversight and compliance mechanisms, that the
societal and regulatory implications of its principles-based proposals and approach are fully
This superb Primer produced by The Alan Turing Institute as a companion to the Feasibility Study
and designed to explain its context and assist with the consultation, is a model of clarity. It will
undoubtedly increase public engagement and ensure that a wide, and, at the same time, informed,
debate can take place. This is a vital area of public policy where broad informed discussion by the
many, particularly on the values to be adopted is crucial. This Primer will ensure that it is not just
left to the decision making of the specialist few.
The Purpose of this Primer
It is a remarkable fact that rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven technologies
over the last two decades have placed contemporary society at a pivot-point in deciding what shape the
future of humanity will take. On the one hand, the flourishing of societally beneficial AI innovation
promises, among other things, to help us tackle climate change and biodiversity loss; to equitably
improve medical care, living standards, transportation, and agricultural production; and to address many
of the social injustices and material inequalities that beset today's world. On the other hand, the
proliferation of irresponsible AI innovations is revealing warning signs of the potential troubles that may
lie ahead if the advancement of these technologies continues on its current worrying trajectory.
We see these warning signs, for instance, in the growing risks to cherished rights to privacy, self-
expression, association, and consent, as well as to other civil liberties and social freedoms, that digital
surveillance infrastructures like live facial recognition now increasingly pose. We see them in the
transformative effects already apparent in the broad-scale proliferation of individual-targeting
algorithmic curation and data-driven behavioural manipulation which have bolstered the revenues of Big
Tech platforms all while fostering global crises of social distrust, contagions of disinformation, and
heightening levels of cultural and political polarisation. We see them too in the way that the application
of predictive risk models and algorithmically-enhanced digital tracking capacities in high impact areas
like law enforcement has functioned to reinforce and further entrench patterns of structural
discrimination, systemic marginalisation, and inequality.
Recognising the need for democratically-led human intervention in setting AI innovation on the right
track, the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers adopted the terms of reference, in September
2019, for the Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence (CAHAI). The CAHAI is charged with
examining the feasibility and potential elements of a legal framework for the design, development, and
deployment of AI systems that accord with Council of Europe standards across the interrelated areas of
human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
As a first and necessary step in carrying out this responsibility, the CAHAI's Feasibility Study, adopted by
its plenary in December 2020, has explored options for an international legal response that fills existing
gaps in legislation and tailors the use of binding and non-binding legal instruments to the specific risks
and opportunities presented by AI systems. The Study examines how the fundamental rights and
freedoms that are already codified in international human rights law can be used as the basis for such a
legal framework. It proposes nine principles and priorities that are fitted to the novel challenges posed
by the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. When codified into law, these principles and
priorities create a set of interlocking rights and obligations that will work towards ensuring that the
design and use of AI technologies conform to the values of human rights, democracy, and the rule of
law. The Feasibility Study concludes that current rules and legal regimes are neither adequate for
safeguarding these basic values as they pertain to AI, nor suitable, in and of themselves, for creating an
AI innovation environment that can be deemed sufficiently trustworthy for steering AI and data-
intensive technologies in the right direction. A new legal framework is needed.
The purpose of this primer is to introduce the main concepts and principles presented in the CAHAI's
Feasibility Study for a general, non-technical audience. It also aims to provide some background
information on the areas of AI innovation, human rights law, technology policy, and compliance
mechanisms covered therein. In keeping with the Council of Europe's commitment to broad
multistakeholder consultations, outreach, and engagement, this primer has been designed to help
facilitate the meaningful and informed participation of an inclusive group of stakeholders as the CAHAI
seeks feedback and guidance regarding the essential issues raised by The Feasibility Study.
How to use this primer
This primer has been designed to support both readers who have no technical background and readers
who may have some but are still interested in "brushing up" on one or a few of the topics that are
covered by The Feasibility Study. For this reason, we have written the chapters in a modular fashion,
meaning that the reader is welcomed to either select those topics and sections that are of most interest
(and focus on them) or to engage with the primer from start to finish.
The first three chapters provide stage-setting information about AI and machine learning technologies
(Ch. 2); human rights, democracy, and the rule of law (Ch. 3); and the risks and opportunities presented
by AI systems in the human rights context (Ch. 4). The primer then moves on to discuss some of the
more specific subjects covered in The Feasibility Study. Chapter 5 lays out the nine principles and
priorities that have been proposed by the CAHAI as an anchor for a values-based and cross-sectoral
legal framework. It then presents the points of contact between these principles and priorities and the
key rights and obligations that will allow them to be translated into statute. Chapter 6 provides a
summary of the landscape of legal instruments that may be integrated into a larger arrangement of
binding and non-binding legal mechanisms. Finally, Chapter 7 presents the spectrum of compliance tools
that are available to support, operationalise, and underwrite the constraints set in place by a legal
At the very end of this primer, you will find a glossary of relevant terms and an annotated list of
publications, which includes some of the previous work done by the Council of Europe and others in the
field of AI standards and regulation and adjacent areas of technology policy.
Because there is no substitute for the great accomplishment of the original, we highly recommend that
readers directly engage with The Feasibility Study itself and use this primer merely as a companion,
ready-to-hand for contextual information, clarification, and condensed presentation.
Before launching into an exploration of how a framework of binding and non-binding legal instruments
can align the design, development, and deployment of AI technologies with human rights, democracy,
and the rule of law, we now present an explainer of the basic technical concepts, the types of machine
learning, and the stages of the AI lifecycle.
Data that can be used to identify an individual. Examples of personal data may include things
such as first name and surname, address, location data, forms of identification (e.g. passport,
national ID), amongst others.
A computational process or set of rules that are performed to solve some problem. A computer
is typically used to carry out complex algorithms, but a human could also follow an algorithmic
process, such as by following a recipe or using a mathematical formula to solve an equation.
Datasets that are voluminous, often require large amounts of storage, and contain vast
amounts of quantitative data that can be used for revealing patterns or trends. Data contained
within these large datasets can range in type (e.g. numbers, words, images) and be either
specific to a purpose and tabular (structured) or general and varied (unstructured).
A field that includes elements from various disciplines including computer science,
mathematics, statistics, and the social sciences, and is generally focused on extracting insights
and patterns from datasets to answer or address a specific question or problem.
If a human is able to identify how an AI or machine learning system came to some decision, or
explain why it behaved in some way, then the system can be described as interpretable.
Interpretability may also refer to the transparency of the processes by which the system was
Supervised Learning
Supervised learning models are trained on datasets
that contain labelled data. "Learning" occurs in these
models when numerous examples are used to train an
algorithm to map input variables (often called features)
onto desired outputs (also called target variables or
labels). On the basis of these examples, ML models
become capable of identifying patterns that link inputs
to outputs. Such ML models can then reproduce these
patterns by employing the rules honed during training to transform new inputs received into classifications or
predictions. A classic example of supervised learning is using various variables such as the presence of words like
"lottery" or "you won" to predict whether or not an email should be classified as spam or not spam. Supervised
learning can take the form of classification such as a prediction that an email is or is not spam, or regression which
involves determining the relationship between input variables and a target variable. While linear regression and
classification are the simplest forms of supervised learning, other supervised models such as support vector
machines and random forests are also common applications.
unSupervised Learning
The goal of unsupervised learning is for the system to
identify patterns amongst the data, while supervised
learning is a process of mapping relationships between
data points, as in the comparison of two images where
the objects in one have already been identified.
Unsupervised learning involves identifying patterns
and structures by measuring the densities or similarities of data points in the dataset. A common application of
unsupervised learning is clustering, in which the model receives unlabelled input data and determines similarities
and differences amongst the input data points, resulting in clusters based on similar traits that are important
factors in categorising the input data. In the example above, the model is given types of fruit, animals, a flower, and
a tree. Based on traits unique to each of the categories, clustering is able to separate animals, fruits, and plants out
into three separate clusters. Dimensionality reduction is another form of unsupervised learning.
Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning models learn on the basis of
their interactions with a virtual or real environment
rather than existing data. Reinforcement learning
"agents" search for an optimal way to complete a task
by taking a series of steps that maximise the probability
of achieving that task. Depending on the success or
failure of the steps they take, they are rewarded or
penalised. These "agents" are programmed to choose their steps to maximise their reward. They "learn" from past
rewards and failures, improve with multiple iterations of trial and error, and may be designed to develop long-term
strategies to maximise their reward overall rather than looking only at their next step. A common example of
reinforcement learning can be found in the development of autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars). Reinforcement
learning is used to improve the vehicle's performance in a simulated environment, testing for things such as
response to traffic controls and acceleration. Through these interactions with the simulated environment, the
reinforcement learning "agents" are penalised or rewarded based on task completion, thereby impacting the
vehicle's future performance. 9
Design Project Planning
A project team must decide what the project's goals are at the outset. Tasks in
this stage may include stakeholder engagement activities, wider impact
assessments, mapping of key stages within the project, or an assessment of
resources and capabilities within the team or organisation. For example, an AI
project team is deciding whether or not to use an AI application within an
agricultural setting to predict which fields are likely to be arable over the next
five years, and what the possible crop yield will be. This planning allows the
project team to reflect on the ethical, socio-economic legal, and technical issues
before investing any resources into developing the system.
Problem Formulation
A project team needs to determine what problem their model will address, along
with deciding what input data is needed and for what purpose. The team should
consider ethical and legal implications of the uses of data and provide a
thorough account of intended and unintended consequences of use. For
instance, the team has determined the overarching theme of the project will
involve crop yields. This more precise formulation helps to identify a specific
question that can be approached through data and ensure that the result will
accord with ethical and legal considerations, such as biodiversity or land use.
Data Analysis
At this stage, the project team can begin to inspect the data. Primarily, this will
entail a high degree of exploratory data analysis (EDA). EDA involves
understanding the makeup of the data through visualisation and summary
statistics. Some questions at this stage may include: is there missing data
(incomplete data), outliers (unexpected data), unbalanced classes (imbalanced
data), or correlation? For example, the team creates visualisations to understand
things such as the distribution of crop types across farms, weather conditions,
soil pH levels, along with understanding any missing data present.
The preprocessing stage is often the most time consuming part of the development
phase of the AI lifecycle. Preprocessing includes tasks such as data cleaning
(reformatting or removing incomplete information), and data wrangling
(transforming data into a format conducive for modelling), amongst other processes
that feed into the model training process. For example, during preprocessing, the
members of the team notice that soil pH levels are treated as both numeric and text
string data, which would cause issues when running the model, so they decide to
make all of the soil pH levels the same data type by transforming the text string
data into numeric data.
Model Reporting
After the team trains, validates, and tests the model, model evaluation (including a
variety of performance measures and impact assessments), along with detailed
information about the model workflow should be produced to better support
transparent discussions about the model's output. For example, to complete the
development phase, the team documents various performance metrics of their
model, along with the processes to get to the current iteration of the model including
preprocessing and the decision to add regularisation in the model testing and
validation stage.
Model Implementation
The next stage of the AI lifecycle involves deploying the trained model in the real
world. Effective implementation allows the model to be incorporated into a larger
system. New data is processed by the implemented model to serve the intended
purpose determined in the design phase. For instance, the AI project team has
decided that the crop yield model is ready to be used. They choose to make it
available to several farming co-ops and ask them to run it on their data to see if it
provides useful insights.
User Training
Implementers of the system must be trained to understand the logic of the
system, be able to explain its decisions in plain language to decision subjects, and
use independent and unbiased judgement to gauge the quality, reliability, and
fairness of its outputs. For example, after the team has trained specific users in
the agricultural industry on how to use their model, these users will report back
on whether they find the system to be useful, reliable, and accurate, amongst
other metrics.
After the model is implemented by the team, it must be monitored to ensure that it
is still serving the desired purpose, being used responsibly and within the intended
scope, and is responsive to emergent, real-world conditions. For instance, the team
notices that a new variable to measure water quality was released by a standards
agency. This could cause a lack of standardisation across the data, as it was not an
original variable included in the training data set. They decide to incorporate this
change into the model to stay current with agriculture norms and practices.
Updating or Deprovisioning
Over time, the model may lose efficacy, requiring the supervising team to revisit
earlier stages of the development phase including model selection and training.
If more significant changes are required, the system may need to be
deprovisioned, thereby restarting at the design process with project planning.
For example, the team has had to retrain the model several times based on new
variables and non-standardised data sets. They continue to monitor the model
while considering alternative options, including the development of a new
"All human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and interrelated"
-United Nations Vienna Declaration, 1993
Human rights, democracy, and the rule of law are closely linked. The capacity of legitimate
governments to effectively safeguard human rights is predicated on the interdependence of robust
and accountable democratic institutions, inclusive and transparent mechanisms of decision-making,
and an independent and impartial judiciary that secures the rule of law. Most generally, human rights
are the basic rights and freedoms that are possessed by every person in the world from cradle to
grave and that preserve and protect the inviolable dignity of each individual regardless of their race,
ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, class, religion, disability status, language, nationality, or any
other ascribed characteristic. These fundamental rights and freedoms create obligations that bind
governments to respecting, protecting, and fulfilling human rights. In the absence of the fulfilment of
these duties, individuals are entitled to legal remedies that allow for the redress of any human rights
The United Nations adopts the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR),
1948 which provides a first international standard for fundamental rights and freedoms.
Though not legally binding, this document would become the basis for the many
treaties, conventions, and charters on human rights that have been adopted worldwide
up to the present.
The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) goes into effect. First drafted by
1953 the Council of Europe in 1950, this international treaty enshrines the civil and political
rights to which the 47 Member States of the Council are legally bound. Beyond
establishing basic rights aimed to safeguard the inviolable dignity of every person, the
ECHR placed obligations on governments to protect ordinary people against human
rights violations.
The Council of Europe releases its European Social Charter (ESC) for signatures. This
1961 treaty extends basic rights to include social and economic rights covering health,
working conditions, housing, migrant labour, gender equality, and social security.
Additional protocols were added in 1988 that strengthened equality of opportunity in
the workplace, worker participation, and protection of the poor and elderly. A revised
ESC was then adopted in 1996.
The UN adopts its International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and
1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The ICCPR
includes freedom from torture, right to a fair trial, non-discrimination, and privacy
rights. The ICESCR extends basic rights to include rights to just working conditions,
health, living standards, education, and social security. Taken together, the UN's UDHR,
ICCPR and ICESCR are now known as The International Bill of Human Rights.
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR) goes into full legal force
2009 through the Treaty of Lisbon. This codified a basic set of civil, political, social,
economic, and cultural rights for citizens of the European Union in EU law. The areas of
human rights covered by the CFR include those pertaining to human dignity,
fundamental freedoms, equality, solidarity, and economic rights, and rights to
participation in the life of the community.
The body of principles that constitutes human rights can be broken down into two groupings:
-Right to life and human dignity -Right to just, safe, and healthy working conditions
-Right to physical and mental integrity -Right to fair remuneration
-Right to liberty and security of persons -Right to vocational training
-Freedom from torture and cruel treatment -Right to equality of opportunity in the workplace
-Right to a fair trial and due judicial process
-Right to organise and collectively bargain
-Right to effective remedy -Right to social security
-Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion -Right to education
-Freedom of expression and opinion -Right to an adequate standard of living
-Right to respect for private and family life -Right to social and medical assistance
-Right to the protection of personal data -Right to the protection of health
-Right to non-discrimination -Right of protection for migrant workers
-Right to equality before the law -Right for elderly persons to social protection
-Freedom of assembly and association -Right to protection against sexual harassment
-Right to participate in the conduct of public -Right to protection against poverty and social
affairs exclusion
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies provide a range of opportunities for the improvement of
human lives and the functioning of government. The power, scale, and speed of AI systems can
improve efficiency and effectiveness in numerous domains, including healthcare, transport,
education, and public administration. They can take over tedious, dangerous, unpleasant, and
complicated tasks from human workers. However, AI technologies also have the potential to
negatively impact human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. These combined opportunities
and risks should be understood in light of AI being “socio-technical” – AI is a broad range of
sophisticated technologies that operate in human contexts, designed to fulfil human-defined
goals. As such, AI technologies can be said to reflect the values and choices of the people who
build and use them.
AI can be applied to make predictions about human behaviour, to identify indicators of disease,
and to assess risks posed to the interests or well-being of others. All of these tasks may affect
the rights, opportunities, and well-being of those upon whom they are used. For this reason,
accountability is an essential aspect of developing and using such systems. While AI can take
over tedious or complex tasks from humans, the choices involved in the construction and use of
AI systems can result in the reproduction of harmful bias and other fallibilities of human
judgement that adversely impact affected individuals and wider society in ways that are harder
to identify than when done by humans.
The specific human rights implications for AI systems can be viewed through provisions of the
European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Social Charter (ESC), including
its specific guarantees regarding liberty and justice, privacy, freedom of expression, equality
and non-discrimination, and social and economic rights. There are additional implications of AI
on democracy and the rule of law that do not fall clearly within the provisions of the ECHR and
the ESC but are similarly important considerations nonetheless. A thorough consideration of the
risks and opportunities presented by AI systems will help us to identify where existing rights and
freedoms provide needed protections, where further clarification of existing rights and
freedoms is needed, and where new rights and freedoms must be tailored to the novel
challenges and opportunities raised by AI and machine learning.
Liberty and Justice: AI can adversely affect the liberty
and justice of individuals, particularly when implemented A system that supports
in high impact contexts such as criminal justice. The criminal sentencing decisions
complexity and opacity of AI systems may interfere with with scores to represent the
the right to a fair trial including the right to equality of risk that a convicted criminal
arms, in which a party subject to an algorithmic decision will commit additional crimes
can adequately examine and contest their reasoning. must be interpretable,
While the use of AI in this context may reduce verifiable, and open to
arbitrariness and discriminatory action, judicial decisions
challenge by the defendant to
supported or informed by AI may negatively affect the
ensure a fair and open judicial
rulemaking and decisional independence of the judiciary.
As a result, judicial actors should have a sufficient level of
understanding about the AI they use to ensure
accountability for decisions made with its assistance.
Equality and Non-Discrimination: AI systems are When predictive policing systems
capable of reproducing and augmenting the patterns rely on historical data, they risk
of discriminatory treatment that exist in the society in reproducing the results of prior
which they are created and used. This can occur when discriminatory practices. This can
the stereotyping biases and blind spots of system
lead to “feedback loops”, where
developers shape the choices made in the design and
each new policing decision based
deployment of systems. It can also occur when
historical structures of inequality and discrimination on historical data produces new
become entrenched in the datasets that are used to data, leading to members of
train AI and machine learning models. Where AI relies marginalised groups being
on such biased information, discriminatory human disproportionately suspected and
decisions that produced a dataset can lead to arrested.
discriminatory algorithmic decisions and behaviours.
All individuals are inherently and inviolably worthy of respect by mere virtue of their status as
human beings. Humans should be treated as moral subjects, and not as objects to be
algorithmically scored or manipulated.
The physical and mental integrity of humans and the sustainability of the biosphere must be
protected, and additional safeguards must be put in place to protect the vulnerable. AI systems
must not be permitted to adversely impact human wellbeing or planetary health.
Transparent and inclusive oversight mechanisms must ensure that the democratic decision-
making processes, pluralism, access to information, autonomy, and economic and social rights
are safeguarded in the context of the design and use of AI systems.
AI systems must not undermine judicial independence, due process, or impartiality. To ensure
this, the transparency, integrity, and fairness of the data, and data processing methods must be
These nine principles and priorities are horizontally applicable. They apply to the design, development,
and deployment of AI systems across sectors and use cases, though they could be combined with a
sector-specific approach that provides (more detailed) contextual requirements in the form of soft
law instruments, such as sectoral standards, guidelines, or assessment lists.
The legal framework is meant to start from this wide-angled point of view. It will aim to secure the
nine principles and priorities by identifying concrete rights that ensure the realisation of these cross-
sectoral principles at the individual level as well as the key obligations and requirements that
developers and deployers should meet in building and using AI systems that accord with human
rights, democracy, and the rule of law. The identified rights could be (1) drawn directly from existing
rights, (2) newly established rights that are tailored to the challenges and opportunities raised by AI,
or (3) further clarifications of existing rights.
Here is a mapping of how each of the principles and priorities is connected with corresponding rights
and obligations:
-The right to liberty and security (Art. 5 ECHR). -All AI-enabled manipulation, individualised
profiling, and predictions involving the
-The right to human autonomy and self- processing of personal data must comply
determination. The right not to be subject to a with the obligations set out in the Council of
decision based solely on automated processing Europe Convention for the Protection of
when this produces legal effects on or similarly Individuals with regard to Automatic
significantly affects individuals. Processing of Personal Data.
-The right to effectively contest and challenge -Member States should effectively
decisions informed and/or made by an AI implement the modernised version of the
system and to demand that such decision be Convention (“Convention 108+”) to better
HUMAN reviewed by a person. address AI-related issues.
FREEDOM & -The right to freely decide to be excluded from -Member States should require AI
AI-enabled manipulation, individualised developers and deployers to establish human
AUTONOMY profiling, and predictions. This also applies to oversight mechanisms that safeguard human
cases of non-personal data processing. autonomy, in a manner that is tailored to the
specific risks arising from the context in
-The right to have the opportunity, when it is which the AI system is developed and used.
not excluded by competing legitimate
overriding grounds, to choose to have contact -Member States should require AI
with a human being rather than a robot. developers and deployers to duly
communicate options for redress in a timely
substantive Rights Key obligations
-The right to life (Art. 2 ECHR) and the right to -Member States should ensure that
physical and mental integrity. developers and deployers of AI systems take
adequate measures to minimise any physical
-The right to the protection of the or mental harm to individuals, society, and the
environment. environment.
-The right to sustainability of the community -Member States should ensure the existence
and biosphere. of adequate (by design) safety, security, and
robustness requirements and compliance
therewith by developers and deployers of AI
-The right to non-discrimination (on the -Member States are obliged to ensure that the
basis of the protected grounds set out in AI systems they deploy do not result in
Article 14 of the ECHR and Protocol 12 to unlawful discrimination, harmful stereotypes
the ECHR), including intersectional (including but not limited to gender
discrimination. stereotypes), and wider social inequality, and
should therefore apply the highest level of
-The right to non-discrimination and the scrutiny when using or promoting the use of
right to equal treatment. AI systems in sensitive public policy areas,
including but not limited to law enforcement,
-AI systems can also give rise to unjust justice, asylum and migration, health, social
categorisation based on new types of
security, and employment.
differentiation that are not traditionally
-Member States should include non-
NON- discrimination and promotion of equality
DISCRIMINATION, -This right must be ensured in relation to the
entire lifecycle of an AI system (design,
requirements in public procurement processes
for AI systems and ensure that the systems
GENDER development, implementation, and use), as
well as to the human choices concerning AI are independently audited for discriminatory
EQUALITY, design, adoption, and use, whether used in effects prior to deployment.
the public or private sector.
FAIRNESS & -Member States should impose requirements
to effectively counter the potential
DIVERSITY discriminatory effects of AI systems deployed
by both the public and private sectors and
protect individuals from the negative
consequences thereof. Such requirements
should be proportionate to the risks involved.
substantive Rights Key obligations
-The right to be promptly informed that a -Users should be clearly informed of their
decision which produces legal effects or right to be assisted by a human being
similarly significantly impacts an individual’s whenever using an AI system that can impact
life is informed or made by an AI system their rights or similarly significantly affect
(Convention 108+). them, particularly in the context of public
services, and of how to request such
-The right to a meaningful explanation of how assistance. Member States should require
such an AI system functions, what developers and deployers of AI systems to
optimisation logic it follows, what type of provide adequate communication.
data it uses, and how it affects one’s
interests, whenever it generates legal effects -Whenever the use of AI systems risks
or similarly impacts individuals’ lives. The negatively affecting human rights, democracy,
explanation must be tailored to the context or the rule of law, Member States should
and provided in a manner that is useful and impose requirements on AI developers and
comprehensible for an individual, allowing deployers regarding traceability and the
individuals to effectively protect their rights. provision of information.
TRANSPARENCY & -The right of a user of an AI system to be -Member States should make public and
accessible all relevant information on AI
EXPLAINABILITY assisted by a human being when an AI system systems (including their functioning,
is used to interact with individuals, in
particular in the context of public services. optimisation functioning, underlying logic,
type of data used) that are used in the
provision of public services, while
safeguarding legitimate interests such as
public security or intellectual property rights,
yet securing the full respect of human rights.
substantive Rights Key obligations
-The right to an effective remedy for violation -Member States must ensure that effective
of rights and freedoms (Art. 13 ECHR). remedies are available under respective
national jurisdictions, including for civil and
-This should also include the right to effective
criminal responsibility, and that accessible
and accessible remedies whenever the
redress mechanisms are put in place for
development or use of AI systems by private or
individuals whose rights are negatively
public entities causes unjust harm or breaches
impacted by the development or use of AI
an individual’s legally protected rights.
There are some additional factors that should be weighed when the potential introduction of new
rights and obligations in a future principles-based legal framework on AI systems is being considered.
First, these rights and obligations should be necessary, useful, and proportionate to the goal of
protecting citizens from the negative impacts of AI systems on human rights, democracy, and the
rule of law, while at the same time ensuring the just and equitable distribution of their benefits.
These considerations of risks and benefits should be comprehensive and should incorporate an
awareness of the balance of legitimate interests at stake. A risk-based and benefits-aware approach
should also differentiate between different levels of risk and take this into account when regulatory
measures are formulated and agreed.
In terms of obligations and requirements, national authorities should play a central role in
systematically assessing domestic legislation to verify its compliance with the principles and
priorities of aligning AI design and use with human rights, democracy, and the rule of law, and to
identify any legal gaps. Moreover, national mechanisms for the audit and oversight of AI systems
should safeguard against harmful instances of non-compliance. Finally, as private actors are
increasingly providing critical digital infrastructure for the public sector that affects the public
interest, they have a responsibility to align the design, development, and deployment of their
technologies with these principles and priorities.
international legal frameworks
Currently, there are no international laws which focus specifically on AI – or automated
decision-making – but a number of existing legal frameworks are relevant. In particular (as
summarised above):
These legal instruments set out people’s fundamental rights, many of which are relevant to
applications of AI, for example: The right to non-discrimination and the right to privacy.
Similarly, there are a number of legal instruments which identify people’s rights in relation to
particular sectors and/or activities, including cybercrime, biomedicine, and aviation. As AI is
increasingly used across diverse sectors and in ways which affect more and more parts of our
lives, it is increasingly relevant to each of these areas of law.
AI is also relevant to legal instruments which serve to protect vulnerable or minority groups. As
such, while there is no specific legal mechanism relating to AI, an increasing number of current
legal mechanisms are relevant to the ways in which it is developed and deployed.
Currently the main approaches to governance or regulation of AI reflect “soft law” approaches.
The difference between hard and soft law can be viewed below.
Recent years have brought a proliferation of sets of guidance and principles for ethical practice
relating to AI. These are typically aimed at demonstrating trustworthiness in the ways that AI is
developed and deployed. Such guidance or principles have been developed by private sector,
academic, and public sector organisations. In many cases, the development of internal guidance
and best practice has served as a means of arguing against the need for hard law relating to AI
or greater centralised regulation of AI. Many organisations who have proposed principles or
guidance for ethical AI have argued strongly in favour of self-regulation.
Voluntary codes of conduct adopted within organisations using AI can play an important role in
shaping organisational culture and lead to meaningful impacts on practice. Moreover, they have
advantages in their flexibility, adaptability, immediacy of implementation, broader appeal, and
capacity to be reviewed and amended quickly. However, they have also been criticised for being
tokenistic and largely rhetorical.
There is some consistency in the principles put forward within existing sets of guidance. For
example, transparency is routinely emphasised. By contrast there is a lack of consistency around
practical guidance. This leads to very different approaches being taken and varied
understandings of what is ethically required or how AI should be regulated. Additionally, while
there is no shortage of codes of practice or guidance around ethical AI, there is generally a lack
of accountability and transparency relating to enforcement of these. Enforcement via internal
committees or review panels has been criticised for lacking transparency or effectiveness.
As such there is a strong case for combining voluntary soft law approaches with mandatory
These approaches have been led by a variety of institutions including national councils,
committees, specialist AI public institutions, and government entities.
In terms of developing hard law, the consultation with CAHAI members found that:
4 member states have adopted specific legal frameworks on AI in the testing and use of
autonomous vehicles (self-driving cars);
2 member states are developing legal frameworks on the use of AI in recruitment and
automated decision-making by public authorities.
It is clear that private actors have an important role to play. Private actors’ responsibility to
respect human rights across their operations, products, and services is set out in the U.N.
Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
If a new regulatory approach is implemented, the involvement and cooperation of private actors
will be vital to develop sectorial soft law. This will be important to complement and support the
implementation of hard law in context-specific manners (for example through sector-specific
guidance or certification schemes).
An effective regulatory framework for AI will require close cooperation between all
stakeholders, including states, public sector bodies, civil society, and business in order to reflect
diverse interests and perspectives.
Current limitations
Many of the legal instruments currently used to regulate aspects of AI were developed before
AI systems became commonplace. As such they may be inadequate to deal with the various
impacts and risks of AI.
Soft law approaches are non-binding and rely on voluntary compliance which can lead to varied
practices and outcomes. Additionally, the varied approaches taken by organisations following
soft law can lead to tokenistic or cosmetic commitments to ethical AI. Nonetheless, much work
now being done in the area of standards and certification may support future statutory
There are additionally some important principles which are not currently legally assured in the
governance of AI. For example, the need to ensure sufficient human control and oversight, and
the effective transparency and explainability of AI systems. There is a lack of legal instruments
to address these important technologically specific factors of AI.
While current legal mechanisms, to some extent, protect individual rights, the societal
dimensions of AI’s risks are not yet sufficiently addressed (e.g., risks to electoral processes or
democratic institutions). Protecting democracy and the rule of law requires public oversight and
involvement in the responsible design, development, and use of AI systems.
Finally, current regulatory gaps create uncertainty and ambiguity around AI. This is important
for AI developers, implementers, and users as well as wider society. Uncertainty in this area is
liable to hamper the benefits of AI innovation and may stand in the way of the important
innovation which could otherwise benefit citizens and the communities in which they live.
Future needs and opportunities
Future regulatory approaches should address the limitations set out above. They should cut
across sectors and contain binding provisions to safeguard human rights, democracy, and the
rule of law, and to ensure more comprehensive protection. This could complement existing
sector-specific rules.
There are two main distinctions to consider. The first is between binding and non-binding legal
instruments, which concerns whether States are bound to the rules that the Council decides
upon. The second is how much to consolidate and modernise existing instruments and how
much to create entirely new ones. See the graphic below for a map of these approaches and
where to find more information in this section.
1.1: Modernising existing binding legal instruments
One option under consideration is to amend existing rules for the context of AI. For example,
this could involve adding a protocol (a set of rights) to the existing European Convention on
Human Rights. An additional protocol would be a strong statement by Member States of
support for the protection of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in the case of AI, but
by itself, would not allow more specific requirements or standards to be laid out. Additional
protocols are only binding on States that ratify them, which may make oversight more
fragmented. The European Court of Human Rights is, moreover, already over-burdened with
Alternatively, the Council could decide to amend existing instruments (sets of rules) to
encompass the considerations raised by AI. Two existing instruments that could be amended in
this way are the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, and Convention 108+, which safeguards
the processing of personal data about individuals. An advantage of this approach is that there is
existing capacity for monitoring and enforcing the rules that are already in place. However, one
drawback of this approach is that it would be difficult to adapt the existing instruments
sufficiently. The challenges of cybercrime and data protection are related, but not identical, to
those raised by AI, such as accountability and explainability for automated systems.
A final consideration is that these two options could be combined to address the drawbacks of
each. Adding a protocol could establish overall principles and values, and amending existing
instruments could provide more detail about the obligations of States to protect these principles
in practice, while ensuring there is sufficient capacity for overseeing this. The question is
whether a combined approach would be too slow and unwieldy, set against the fast pace of AI
development and adoption.
A framework convention could provide broad principles and core values to be respected in the
design and rollout of AI systems, but it would leave significant discretion to States as to how
these principles and values would be implemented in practice. After the framework convention
was established, signers to the convention could decide to create more detailed protocols and
specific provisions. This approach could be well-suited to the rapid development of AI and the
novel ethical issues that it poses. A framework convention could include agreed upon principles
and rules for AI development, as well as specific guidance about how to ensure oversight and
cooperation between countries. Similar agreements are already in place among Council of
Europe Members for protecting national minorities, and protecting people in the context of
medical treatment and experimentation — which is notable because both issues have some
overlap with the potential harms of AI systems. Typically, however, framework conventions only
identify general duties for States rather than concrete rights for people, giving States leeway in
how the principles are implemented.
Conventions can allow for more comprehensive regulation. In the case of AI, a convention could
identify the rights and obligations that would safeguard human rights, democracy, and the rule
of law, and give greater legal protection to people as a result. Taking the convention route
would encourage States to act urgently to introduce relevant national laws, and it would create
a level playing field for responsible, trustworthy AI products, even across national borders.
The risk with taking the convention route, however, is that it could be overly rigid and impair
novel uses of AI that may benefit society. Nonetheless, a concrete set of internationally binding
rules would provide legal certainty to all involved, provide strong protection for individuals
adversely affected by AI, and lay the foundations for truly responsible AI development.
Non-binding or “soft law” instruments do not have the force of international law behind them
but may nonetheless play a role guiding States and other actors in a positive direction. Although
soft law cannot by itself ensure that AI is oriented towards human rights, democracy, and the
rule of law, it can contribute to this effort, and has the advantages of being flexible, adaptable,
and quick to implement. Non-binding legal instruments can be divided into those that are
enacted at the level of the Council of Europe and those to be approved by Member States.
These aren’t mutually exclusive, but again, let’s look at each in turn.
A broad soft law instrument at the Council of Europe level could take the form of a
recommendation or a declaration, either as a stand-alone document or to complement one of
the binding instruments discussed above. Another option is to create guidance documents or
manuals that help shed light on the implications of AI for human rights, democracy, and the rule
of law. These documents would be developed with all relevant parties, including representatives
of government, the private sector, civil society, and academia, and would be “evolving”, updated
over time to reflect new developments.
At the Member State level, soft law instruments could take the form of guidelines, codes of
conduct, or labels, marks, or seals of certification for AI products. These examples of soft law
could be incorporated into the governance, procurement, and auditing practices of organisations
such as private companies. However, while this form of “self-regulation” could complement
other principles and rules, it should not stand in for or replace the obligations of Member States
to actively safeguard human rights, democracy, and the rule of law.
Beyond binding and non-binding legal instruments, other forms of support could be provided to
Member States and other actors. This includes the potential for best practices to be established
to help guide positive action. Creating a “European Benchmarking Institute” could be an
effective way to identify and build consensus around what these best practices should be and
how they should be supported. In addition, creating a model or tool that allows for assessing the
impact of AI at the Council of Europe level could help to bring the implementation of standards
and values about AI across the continent to the same level.
The legal framework should set high-level requirements for how to develop these mechanisms.
For instance, it may suggest that the use of compliance mechanisms should evolve, alongside
the development and deployment of a system, to account for any changes in its function.
While the legal framework should set principles-based requirements for how to develop
compliance mechanisms, it should remain the responsibility of Member States to implement
them based on existing roles of local institutions and regulatory culture.
Actor Role of Actor
Independent oversight bodies, such as expert committees, sectoral
Assurers of regulators, or private sector auditors should represent and be accountable
Systems to clearly identified stakeholder groups affected by practical applications
of AI. However, their scope should not be expected to cover all AI-based
products and systems.
Operators and Well informed operators and users of AI generate demand and can use this
purchasing power to incentivise AI application providers and vendors to
Users of comply with the future legal framework. This is particularly true of the
Systems public sector and its significant procurement power.
It should also be noted that many AI systems, and the data flows they rely on, are deployed
across multiple jurisdictions making it necessary to ensure that adequate mechanisms for
information sharing and reporting are in place to support the tasks of the relevant actors.
There are some shared characteristics of effective practical mechanisms, which a legal
framework could specify as principles that should be adhered to. These could include:
Dynamic (not static) assessment at the start and throughout the AI project lifecycle to
account for ongoing decision-making
Mechanisms should be technology adaptive to support efforts at future-proofing
The processes and outputs of the mechanisms should be differentially accessible and
understandable to experts and non-experts to support appeals and redress
There should be independent oversight by the appropriate body or party (e.g. auditor)
Evidence-based technical standards, certifications, and practices should be promoted and
The following set of mechanisms represents a toolkit that meets many of these principles, while
also providing opportunity for refinement and regulatory innovation.
Human rights due diligence
To ensure that the design, development, and deployment of AI systems do not violate
human rights, it is vital that organisations exercise due diligence. The use of impact
assessments is one practical means for identifying, preventing, mitigating, and
accounting for adverse human rights impacts that may arise from the use of AI-
enabled systems. The effective use of impact assessments will depend on the
socioeconomic indicators used and the data that are collected. For instance, an impact
assessment may want to explore the impact that an AI-enabled system has on
individual well-being, public health, freedom, accessibility of information,
socioeconomic inequality, environmental sustainability, and more.
Regular audits by independent, expert bodies with responsibilities for overseeing a
particular industry (e.g. healthcare) or domain (e.g. autonomous vehicles) can help
facilitate a move towards more transparent and accountable use of AI-enabled
Regulatory sandboxes
The use of regulatory sandboxes enables authorised firms the opportunity to test AI-
enabled products or systems, which are not protected by current regulation, in a safe
and controlled manner (i.e. within a sandbox). The use of regulatory sandboxes can help
reduce the time-to-market and lower costs for the organisation, supporting innovation
in a controlled manner.
The promotion and mandating of practical mechanisms, such as those above, should be done in
conjunction with wider, supportive initiatives in order to maximise their potential. For instance,
investment in digital literacy within society and the development of competencies and
capacities among developers, policy-makers, and regulators are valuable preconditions for the
effectiveness of any legal framework. Centres of expertise would be well placed to support
these wider initiatives by facilitating ongoing discourse, collaboration, and best practice sharing
between actors at the national and international level.
In addition to the mechanisms above, there are a variety of relevant follow-up mechanisms and
measures. One example is the use of independent expert groups or committees that can be in
charge of monitoring the implementation and effective use of legal instruments (e.g. a
convention) or the societal consequences from the uptake of AI systems. As noted above, the
multi-jurisdictional scope of AI systems means that international co-operation will often be
required. Follow-up mechanisms to support this could include the creation of networks among
the state parties to advance mutual assistance and co-operation in criminal or civil matters.
In this primer, we have tried to introduce the main elements of the CAHAI's Feasibility Study,
and we have provided some background information about the technical aspects of AI and the
interwoven relationship of human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. We hope that, taken
together, this material can function as a kind of launching pad for meaningful reflection on the
prospects for a principles-based legal framework for governing AI research and innovation in
accordance with the Council of Europe's stewardship of fundamental rights and freedoms,
justice, and democratic values. Setting these transformative and increasingly powerful
technologies on the right path for both citizens and wider society will demand well-informed,
visionary policy-making and diligent anticipatory reflection. The Feasibility Study, and this
supporting primer, offer first steps in this direction.
As the work of the CAHAI now enters the stakeholder consultation and outreach phase, it must
be emphasised that the quality and success of this important effort will now depend on the
wisdom and insights of as wide and inclusive a group of participants as possible. This reliance on
you, the reader, at this critical stage makes good sense. The democratic steering of technology,
and technology policy, is at the very heart of the human centred and values-driven perspective
that places human rights, democracy, and the rule of law in the pole position for shaping the
future of AI governance and digital innovation, more generally. It is, in fact, only through ample
feedback and critique, that the voices of impacted individuals and communities can be properly
heard and heeded. It is through scrupulous stakeholder consultation alone that lived experience
can properly inform this cooperative endeavour to ensure the development of a sustainable
technological ecosystem that safeguards the flourishing of the society of tomorrow.
Accountability: Accountability can be broken down into two subcomponents: answerability and
auditability. Answerability refers to establishing a continuous chain of human responsibility
across the whole AI project delivery workflow and demands that explanations and justifications
of both the content of algorithmically supported decisions and the processes behind their
production be offered by competent human authorities in plain, understandable, and coherent
language. Auditability answers the question of how the designers and implementers of AI
systems are to be held accountable. This aspect of accountability has to do with demonstrating
both the responsibility of design and use practices and the justifiability of outcomes.
Algorithmic Audits: There are a variety of approaches to algorithmic auditing, which range from
the targeted assessment of a system according to some metric (e.g. level of bias) to a broader
approach that focuses on whether the system complies with a set of norms or regulatory area.
While typically performed by professionals for the purpose of independent assessment,
algorithmic audits have also been used by journalists, academics, and activists as a means of
securing greater levels of transparency and accountability.
Automated decision system: An automated decision system (ADS) augments or replaces human
decision-making by using computational processes to produce answers to questions either as
discrete classifications (e.g. yes, no; male, female, non-binary; malignant, benign) or continuous
scores (e.g. degree of creditworthiness, risk of crime occurrence, projected tumour growth). Most
ADS produce predictions about persons or conditions using machine learning and other
computational logic by calculating the probability that a given condition is met.
Typically, an automated decision system is "trained" on historical data looking for patterns of
relationships between data points (e.g. the relationship between barometer readings, ambient
temperature, and snowfall). An automated decision is made by comparing known patterns with
existing inputs to estimate how closely they match (e.g. weather prediction based on the
similarity between today's climate readings and those from the past). Examples of ADS include
algorithms that calculate credit scores and biometric recognition systems that attempt to
identify individual people based on physical traits, such as facial features.
Automation Bias: Automation bias is a psychological phenomenon that can occur when
operators of an AI system disregard or over-comply with the system's output or are unable to
appropriately assess the reliability of its decisions and outcomes for reason of technological
prejudice. As such the user can a) become over-reliant on the system and trust it too much, in
turn failing to identify inaccurate predictions or classifications, or b) become suspicious of the
system and under-use it, despite the fact that it may outperform them on certain tasks.
In the above example, only the first 4 patients are shown, and only 3 features are recorded.
However, medical datasets can be vast, not only in terms of the number of patients, but also in
terms of the possible values that are recorded. In addition, for patient 1268833 there is no
record of their weight. Missing data present a significant challenge for machine learning, and can
affect the accuracy of the model that is developed.
Equality of arms: Equality of arms describes the requirements for a person to be subject to a fair
trial. To have an equality of arms is expressed in human rights doctrine in the right to an
adequate defence, including the right to have access to legal counsel and to call and cross-
examine witnesses. Where technologies are used in the conduct of criminal prosecutions, an
equality of arms may mean being able to interpret and contest their functions and performance.
Fairness: Fairness can be defined in many ways, but it can be expressed by the extent to which an
AI system promotes or prevents the mitigation of bias and the exclusion of discriminatory
influences on its outputs and implementations. Because the AI lifecycle, including the decision to
use AI, is affected at every stage by human choices, AI fairness is determined by evaluating
human bias and its influence on what AI does and who benefits and does not from its use. In the
context of AI, ensuring fairness requires attending to the data employed, the overall design of the
system, the outcomes of its use, and decisions about its implementation.
Data fairness means that data sets used by AI are sufficiently representative of the population
likely to be affected, are of high quality and relevance, that the choices that resulted in the
data being collected in the first place are examined for bias, and that the data is auditable.
Design fairness means that the activities of system designers are thoughtful, reflective, and
mindful of the potential for standpoint bias by the development team. Design fairness
requires evaluation of the overall problem formation and chosen outcome, selection and
management of data used, feature selection, and whether similar outcomes are achieved for
members of different groups and identities. In short, designers should ensure that the
systems they produce do not contribute to undesirable social conditions, including harmful
discrimination, resource depletion, or oppressive structures of power.
We can break down the fairness of an instance of AI as well by the perspectives of the
stakeholders who affect or are affected by its use. Each instance of AI has a different and
potentially shifting set of stakeholders. General categories include subjects, implementers,
and societies.
To establish subject fairness, we can ask if the person who is subject to a decision or action
taken by or supported by an AI system perceives the process and outcome as justifiable and
legitimate. To establish justifiability and legitimacy, the subject may need to know the details
of how the decision or action was arrived at and what factors might have led to another
outcome (e.g. a recruiting algorithm rejects a job applicant, which can be explained by
showing that the applicant lacks a specifically named skill or credential). A subject also needs
access to recourse if they disagree with the outcome (e.g. a job applicant has the opportunity
to offer additional information or question the accuracy of the recruiting algorithm to a
human with authority to alter the outcome).
Societal fairness carries a wider concern. A system whose use has potential impacts on the
rights and privileges of individuals, groups, and/or the direction of society requires close
attention by human beings and an open deliberative process regarding its use. Policy makers,
scholars, and activists are tasked with proposing and critiquing strategies and actions aimed
at promoting general well-being and social justice. When AI is used in either private or public
sector settings (or both due to public-private partnerships), it potentially participates in
preserving or contesting existing social, economic, and political arrangements.
As such, AI should be subject to open and inclusive evaluation for its role in these arrangements,
and the humans involved in its design and implementation should be held to account for their
choices. Ultimately, the use of AI, like any tool, is acceptable only if it promotes improvements in
the conditions of life faced by humans without causing harm.
Intellectual property: Intellectual property (IP) describes the products of creative work and their
legal possession. Common forms of intellectual property include copyrights, patents, trademarks,
and trade secrets. Copyright is a form of IP that protects a creator's right to profit from the
authorship of an original work such as a novel, musical composition, or painting. A patent is an
exclusive but time-limited licence to profit from the invention and discovery of new and useful
processes, machines, articles of manufacture, or compositions of matter. Examples include new
medicinal drugs and driverless car technologies. A trademark allows a business entity to reserve
the use of a word, name, symbol, or device, or any combination thereof, that identifies its goods
and distinguishes them from goods produced by others. An example is the name "Twitter" and
associated logos that uniquely identify and distinguish a prominent social media platform. A
trade secret is any information that can be used in the operation of a business or other enterprise
and that is sufficiently valuable and secret to afford an actual or potential economic advantage
over others, such as the recipe for Coca-Cola.
Model: A model is the end result of applying an algorithm to a set of input data (or variables) in
order to obtain a predictive or informative output value. Typically, a model is a formal
(mathematical) mapping function that aims to represent the underlying processes, and the
interactions between them, which are assumed to give rise to relationship between the observed
input data and the algorithm's output. For example, the following simple model could express the
relationship between a set of input variables, such as the size of a property (x1), the number of
bedrooms (x2), the age of the property (x3), and an output variable (y), which represents the
price. Here, the coefficients or parameters of the x variables are used as weights that signify how
important each of the input variables are, based on how much they influence y. The task of the
learning algorithm in this case would be to find the values for each parameter that accurately
predict the actual house price in the training data. The resulting model could then be used to
estimate the prices of new houses, which were not included in the original dataset.
Proportionality: Proportionality is a legal principle that refers to the idea of delivering a just
outcome in ways that are proportionate to the cost, complexity, and resources available. In a
similar vein, it can also be used as an evaluative notion, such as in the case of a data protection
principle that states only personal data that are necessary and adequate for the purposes of the
task are collected.
Representativeness: Data used in the algorithm reflects the real world. Does the sample chosen
replicate characteristics found in the overall population? An example of non-representativeness
is illustrated by the fact that the largest image databases are constructed by people in a small
number of countries. A search for "wedding dress" in a typical image database may not identify
the marriage attire of many non-western cultures.
Socio-Technical System: A socio-technical system is one that couples human (or social)
behaviour to the functionings of a technical system, and in doing so gives rise to novel (and
emergent) functions that are not reducible to either the human or technical elements. By
intervening in human behaviours, attitudes, or their relations to the world, the technical system
restructures human behaviour. The socio-technical perspective is one that considers the human
desires or goals a technology is meant to, or does, achieve.
For example, AI recommender systems that are a common feature of retail, video, and social
media sites are socio-technical because they are intended to produce behaviours desired by the
operators of the site, such as longer engagement times and/or the purchase of goods. A machine
learning algorithm on a video-sharing site analyses the viewing behaviour of thousands or
millions of users and makes recommendations to viewers based on their resemblance to a similar
subset of users. It is socio-technical both because of its dependence on knowledge about its
viewers and because the purpose of its analysis is to keep viewers engaged watching videos,
which generates advertising revenue.
We can also describe as socio-technical those systems whose very existence, implementation, or
effects implicate human political, economic, or social relations. For example, surveillance systems
adopted by law enforcement agencies are socio-technical because their adoption and use have
political dimensions; the selected targets of police surveillance are affected more acutely than
others by the use of surveillance technologies based on the historical choices made by
government and law enforcement officials. From this socio-technical perspective, surveillance
technologies participate in relations between people and the centres of power in society.
Soft law: Soft laws are the policy and regulatory structures that compel or restrain action
without the force of state sanctions or penalties. Examples of soft law include 'best practices' and
ethics guidelines produced by companies and trade associations. In some professions, such as the
practice of law and healthcare, soft law is the set of ethical practices required for certification.
Violation of medical ethics can result in a loss of licence to practise medicine. These have varying
levels of punitive effect on those subject to them. For example, the Association of Computing
Machinery (ACM) has a 'Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct' that is supposed to be
followed by its members. However, there are no prescribed sanctions and no system of
adjudication for members of the Association who violate the Code. Soft law can also describe the
incentive structures reflected in government policy. For example, making tax credits available for
producers of 'green' technologies incentivises, but does not compel, production choices.
Training/Testing Data: To build a model and make sure it is accurate, a dataset will typically be
split into two smaller sets: training data and testing data. The training data are used to initially
develop the model, by feeding the data into an algorithm. Once the model has been trained, it is
then tested on the remaining data. The purpose for splitting the data in this manner is to ensure
that the model can generalise to new settings, as the data that are collected will only represent a
small sample of the overall population. If all the data were used to train the model there is a risk
of overfitting, which results in a model that performs well for the original dataset but poorly with
newer data. Testing a model with "unseen" data also enables data scientists to identify
underfitting, i.e. when a model's mapping function fits the data distribution too loosely and is
therefore unable to accurately account for the complex patterns it is trying classify or predict.
Transparency: The transparency of AI systems can refer to several features, both of their inner
workings and behaviours, as well as the systems and processes that support them. We can
describe an AI system as transparent when it is possible to determine how it was designed,
developed, and deployed. This can include, among other things, a record of the data that were
used to train the system, or the parameters of the model that transforms the input (e.g. an image)
into an output (e.g, a description of the objects in the image). However, it can also refer to wider
processes, such as whether there are legal barriers that prevent individuals from accessing
information that may be necessary to understand fully how the system functions (e.g. intellectual
property restrictions).
This additional reference material has been consolidated from Chapter 4 of the Feasibility Study. The
number headings correspond to those found in the Feasibility Study.
4.2. Cybercrime
Convention on Cybercrime (“Budapest Convention”)(2001)
“Criminalising offences against and by the means of computers, for procedural powers to
investigate cybercrime and secure electronic evidence.”
Crimes include but are not limited to infringements of copyright, computer-related fraud,
child pornography, and violations of a security network
Investigation includes a series of powers and procedures including interception and the
search of computer networks
Primary objective is to “pursue a common criminal policy aimed at the protection of society
against cybercrime, especially through appropriate legislation and international co-
The cross-border nature of digital networks necessitates a concerted international effort to
tackle misuse of technologies
Three aims of the convention:
“Harmonising the domestic criminal substantive law elements of offences and connected
provisions in the area of cyber-crime.”
“Providing for domestic criminal procedural law powers necessary for the investigation
and prosecution of such offences as well as other offences committed by means of a
computer system or evidence in relation to which is in electronic form.”
“Setting up a fast and effective regime of international co-operation.”
4.3. Work in the field of algorithmic systems
Declaration on the manipulative capabilities of algorithmic processes (2019)
Many individuals are unaware of the dangers of data exploitation
Computational means reinforce existing forms of discrimination by sorting individuals into
The Committee of Ministers draws attention to “the growing threat to the right of human
beings to form opinions and take decisions independently of automated systems, which
emanates from digital technologies.”
The primary threats include micro-targeting, identifying vulnerabilities, and the
reconfiguration of social environments
The Committee gives several recommendations for addressing these threats including but
not limited to considering additional protective frameworks that focus on the impacts of
targeted use of technologies, initiating open-ended, informed and inclusive public debates
about the line between permissible persuasion and unacceptable manipulation, empowering
users through increased public awareness and promotion of digital literacy skills, along with
several others
Recommendation on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems (2020)
Member States are advised to review their legislative frameworks, policies, and their own
practices to ensure that the procurement, design, and development of algorithmic systems
are not violating the human rights framework
“Human rights that are often violated through reliance on algorithmic systems include but
are not limited to the right to a fair trial; the right to privacy and data protection; the right to
freedom of thought, conscience, and religion; the right to freedom of expression; the right to
freedom of assembly; the right to equal treatment; and economic and social rights.”
Additionally, is it recommended that Member States engage in regular, inclusive, and
transparent consultation with relevant stakeholders – focusing on the voices of vulnerable
This recommendation includes various obligations of States with regards to the protection
and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the context of algorithmic
systems including obligations such as legislation, transparency, accountability and effective
remedies, precautionary measures, etc.
MSI-AUT Responsibility and AI: A study of the implications of advanced digital technologies
(including AI systems) for the concept of responsibility within a human rights framework (2019)
This report outlines what AI is and how task-specific technologies work, threats and harms
associated with advanced digital technologies, and a range of ‘responsibility models’ for the
adverse impacts of AI systems
The main recommendations from this report are “effective and legitimate mechanisms that
will prevent and forestall human rights violations”, policy choices regarding responsibility
models for AI systems, support of technical research involving human rights protections and
‘algorithmic auditing’, and the presence of legitimate governance mechanisms for the
protection of human rights in the digital age
Those who develop and implement digital technologies cannot do so without responsibility –
they must be held accountable for adverse impacts
4.4. Work in the field of justice
European Ethical Charter on the use of AI in judicial systems and their environment (2018)
Five key principles are outlined in this charter including respect for fundamental rights, non-
discrimination, quality and security, transparency, impartiality and fairness, and “under user
Most applications of AI in the judicial field have been found to be in the private sector –
“commercial initiatives aimed at insurance companies, legal departments, lawyers, and
Some potential uses of AI in a judicial setting include case-law enhancement, access to law,
and the creation of new strategic tools
Other considerations that require considerable methodological precautions include the
creation of scales, support for alternative dispute settlement measures in civil matters, pre-
litigation resolution of disputes online (when a later appeal to the judge remains possible), or
identification of where criminal offences are being committed
4.6. Work in the field of gender equality and non-discrimination
Committee of Ministers Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism
The recommendation states that measures must be taken to prevent and combat sexism,
along with including a call to integrate gender equality perspective to all work related to AI
while finding ways to help eliminate gender gaps and sexism
European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) - Discrimination, artificial
intelligence, and algorithmic decision-making (2018)
AI applications have found ways to “escape current laws.” Majority of non-discrimination
statutes relate only to specific protected characteristics. There are other forms of
discrimination that are not correlated with protected characteristics but can still reinforce
social inequality
The idea of sector-specific rules for the protection of fairness and human rights in the area of
AI is proposed, as different sectors necessitate different values and problems
For a particular sector, the ECRI proposes several questions that must be answered:
“Which rules apply in this sector, and what are the rationales for those rules?”
“How is or could AI decision-making be used in this sector, and what are the risks?”
“Considering the rationales for the rules in this sector, should the law be improved in the
light of AI decision-making?”
4.8. Work of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Technological convergence, artificial intelligence, and human rights (2017)
Calls for an implementation of “genuine world internet governance that is not dependent on
private interest groups or just a handful of States.”
Additionally, the Assembly calls on the Committee of Ministers to:
“Finalise the modernisation of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with
regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data”
“Define a framework for both assistive technologies and care robots in the Council of
Europe Disability Strategy 2017-2023.”
The Assembly also reiterates the importance of accountability and responsibility of AI
systems sitting with human beings, informing the public about their personal data generation
and data processing that occurs in relation to their personal data, and recognising rights
related to respect for private and family life, amongst other proposed guidelines
7 reports regarding AI have been adopted by the Parliamentary Assembly with topics ranging
from democratic governance to discrimination, and the legal aspects of autonomous vehicles
Need for democratic governance of artificial intelligence (2020)
The Assembly recommends the following:
“The elaboration of a legally binding instrument governing artificial intelligence…”
“Ensuring that such a legally binding instrument is based on a comprehensive approach,
deals with the whole life cycle of AI-based systems, is addressed to all stakeholders, and
includes mechanisms to ensure the implementation of this instrument.”
4.9. Work of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Preparation of “Smart cities: the challenges for democracy” is underway and will be issued in the
latter half of 2021
4.12. Work of the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC)
Feasibility study on a future Council of Europe instrument on Artificial Intelligence and Criminal
Law (2020)
Working group of the CDPC instructed in December 2019 to "carry out a feasibility study
identifying the scope and the main elements of a future Council of Europe instrument on AI
and criminal law, preferably a convention”
Explores the potential of the Council of Europe to pave the way for the adoption of an
international legal instrument on AI and criminal law and, on the basis of questionaire replies
from member states on AI and criminal law, lays out key elements of an international Council
of Europe instrument on AI and criminal law
Four objectives of the legal instrument identified:
i. To establish an international framework for the development of national legislation on
criminal law issues in relation to AI (more particularly regarding criminal liability in the
context of driving automation);
ii. To encourage member states to take into account the legal issues in the area of criminal
law and AI by addressing problems through legislation, using common normative
iii. To anticipate the evidentiary and other legal problems already identified in relation to
criminal liability and AI and to ensure fair trial-principles as well as effective international
co-operation in this area; and
iv. To ensure the development of AI systems in accordance with the fundamental rights
protected by Council of Europe instruments.
Study concludes: "agreeing on common standards to clearly and properly allocate possible
criminal responsibility and to clarify connected procedural issues as well as possible human
rights implication needs to be a joint effort by public and private sector actors, so that the
technology can develop successfully and in a way that respects the founding principles of civil
It is a remarkable fact that rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and data-driven
technologies over the last two decades have placed contemporary society at a pivot-point in
deciding what shape the future of humanity will take. On the one hand, the flourishing of
societally beneficial AI innovation promises, among other things, to help us tackle climate
change and biodiversity loss; to equitably improve medical care, living standards,
transportation, and agricultural production; and to address many of the social injustices and
material inequalities that beset today's world. On the other hand, the proliferation of
irresponsible AI innovations is revealing warning signs of the potential troubles that may lie
ahead if the advancement of these technologies continues on its current worrying trajectory.
The purpose of this primer is to introduce the main concepts and principles presented in
the CAHAI's Feasibility Study for a general, non-technical audience. It also aims to provide
some background information on the areas of AI innovation, human rights law, technology
policy, and compliance mechanisms covered therein. In keeping with the Council of
Europe's commitment to broad multistakeholder consultations, outreach, and engagement,
this primer has been designed to help facilitate the meaningful and informed participation of
Add a little bit of body text
an inclusive group of stakeholders as the CAHAI seeks feedback and guidance regarding
the essential issues raised by The Feasibility Study.
The Alan Turing Institute is the national The Council of Europe is the continent’s leading
institute for data science and artificial human rights organisation. It comprises 47
intelligence, with headquarters at the British member states, including all members of the
Library. It aims to make great leaps in data European Union. All Council of Europe member
science and artificial intelligence research in states have signed up to the European Convention
order to change the world for the better. on Human Rights, a treaty designed to protect
human rights, democracy and the rule of law. The European Court of Human Rights oversees the
implementation of the Convention in the member