M4L 4 IE350 Courseware Topic4 Cont
M4L 4 IE350 Courseware Topic4 Cont
M4L 4 IE350 Courseware Topic4 Cont
Topic 4
Prepared by:
MidYear Term
Academic Year 2020-2021
Course / Section IE350 ANALYTICAL TOOLS & TRENDS Credit Units 3
Term Offered MidYear Term 2020 Total Hours 54
Instructor Engr. KRISTAN IAN D. CABAŇA
Pre-Requisite/s Second Year Standing
Co-Requisite/s None
Analytical Tools and Trends is divided into three major areas: analytical tools in
marketing, QM tools, and system dynamics. This introduces approaches in analyzing
marketing data in order to characterize and predict marketing data through
establishing spreadsheet models using Microsoft Excel® PivotTable, Solver & Data
Analysis Add-Ins. This course also explores analytical methodologies in product
research & development. System Dynamics is also integrated to this course in order
to understand the interconnectedness of variables or elements of complex systems
over time.
L01 Predict discrete and dichotomous choices of market using logistic regression
Evaluate the product characteristics that drive a consumer’s preference for products
using conjoint and discrete choice analyses
Categorize market data into groups using cluster analysis and appraise differences
among clusters
Often the marketer needs to categorize objects into groups (or clusters) so that the objects
in each group are similar, and the objects in each group are substantially different from the
objects in the other groups.
• When Proctor & Gamble (P&G) test markets a new cosmetic, it may want to
group U.S. cities into groups that are similar on demographic attributes such as
percentage of Asians, percentage of Blacks, percentage of Hispanics, median
age, unemployment rate, and median income level.
• As marketing analyst at Coca-Cola wants to segment the soft drink market based
on consumer preferences for price sensitivity, preference of diet versus regular
soda, and preference of Coke versus Pepsi.
• Microsoft might cluster its corporate customer based on the price a given
customer is willing to pay for a product. For example, there might be a cluster of
construction companies that are willing to pay a lot for Microsoft Project but not
so much for Power Point.
In our discussion, we will use the first example to learn how Excel Solver makes it easy to
perform a cluster analysis. For example, in the U.S. city illustration, you can find that every
U.S. city is similar to Memphis, Omaha, Los Angeles, or San Francisco. You can also find,
for example, that the cities in the Memphis cluster are dissimilar to the cities in the other
Now, refer to Microsoft Excel file “03-Cluster Analysis, sheet 01-cities. Suppose
you want to cluster 24 of America’s largest cities. For each city you have the
following demographic data that will be used as the basis of your cluster analysis:
(1) % age black; (2) age Hispanic, & (3) % age Asian.
In the example, if you cluster using the attribute levels, the percentage of Blacks and
Hispanics in each city will drive the clusters because these values are more spread out than
the other demographic attributes. To remedy this problem, you can standardize each
demographic attribute by subtracting off the attribute’s mean and dividing by the attribute’s
standard deviation.
1. You may want to add at least 5 rows above your data for other calculations. Starting
with, computing for AVERAGE and STDEVA per demographic attribute (%Black,
%Hispanics, %Asian) then proceed to STANDARDIZE.
2. Let us label STANDARDIZE column of %Black as Z1, Z2 for %Hispanic and Z3 for
3. Repeat step in #2 but this time for Z2 and Z3. It should show values in the illustration below.
To check if you run correct STANDARDIZE values, you can check the mean of Z1/Z2/Z3 is
0 and the standard deviation is 1.
Note: The values of the anchors are just their respective Z1, Z2 and
Z3 values.
EXCEL HACKS: Before we proceed , let’s talk about a more visual way or colorful
way rather to find the maximum value. We all know, =MAX right? This time we will
3. Choose any theme of colors. If you select the first one for example, the value with the
darkest red is the maximum value. Or you may try using MORE RULES, because I want
to see only one color in different shades to identify the minimum and maximum values.
Take for example the illustration below.
7. Run the Excel Solver by setting the sum as the objective, to minimize our anchors. It
could the cities in the anchors and the sum data. If not, then we have already correctly
identified the clusters.
Interpretation: You can find that Detroit cluster consists of 15 of 24 cities in the study. El
Paso consists of 8 cities and Honolulu alone is one cluster.
This tool is used to segment customers in a given market. Conjoint Analysis answers the
question, “What do Customers Want?”
Often the marketing analyst is asked to determine the attributes of a product that are most
(and least) preferred in driving a consumer’s product choice. For example, when a soda
drinker chooses between Coke & Pepsi, what is the relevant importance of the following:
• Price
• Brand (Coke or Pepsi)
• Type of soda (diet or regular)
After showing a consumer several products (called product profiles) and asking the
customer to rank these product profiles, the analyst can use full profile conjoint analysis to
determine the relative importance of various attributes. This module shows how the basic
ideas behind conjoint analysis are simply an application of multiple regression.
After understanding how to estimate a conjoint model, you will learn to use conjoint analysis
to develop a market simulator, which can determine how a product’s market share can
change if the product’s attributes are changed or if a new product is introduced into the
The consumer is shown a set of products (called product profiles) and asked to rank them
in order from best (#1) to worst. In the given data below, there are a total of 3 × 3 x 2 = 18
possible product profiles. The 18 product profiles cannot be randomly chosen. For example,
if every profile with pearl, then the analyst could not determine whether the consumer
preferred a profile because of nata or coffee jelly. Essentially, you want the attributes to be
uncorrelated. This combination of product profiles is called an orthogonal design (as table
shown below).
Choices Sinker/Floater Flavor Size
1 Pearl Okinawa Medium
2 Pearl Okinawa Large
3 Nata Okinawa Medium
4 Nata Okinawa Large
5 Coffee Jelly Okinawa Medium
6 Coffee Jelly Okinawa Large
7 Pearl Wintermelon Medium
8 Pearl Wintermelon Large
9 Nata Wintermelon Medium
10 Nata Wintermelon Large
11 Coffee Jelly Wintermelon Medium
12 Coffee Jelly Wintermelon Large
13 Pearl Classic Medium
14 Pearl Classic Large
15 Nata Classic Medium
16 Nata Classic Large
17 Coffee Jelly Classic Medium
18 Coffee Jelly Classic Large
Proof of Orthogonality
Attributes Levels
Milk Tea Sinkers / Floaters Pearl
For example, we set the following profile:
Coffee Jelly Pearl, Wintermelon, Large
Flavor Okinawa
Size Medium
Step 2: Create columns that asks for a preference, coding 0 for no, and 1 as yes. Do not
include columns that would ask our standard profile (Pearl, Wintermelon, Large) or simply
omit our standard profile. For example: since our sinker/floater is Pearl, add columns for
Nata and Coffee Jelly, and do the same for flavor and size.
Choice 1 profile is a Pearl, Okinawa, Medium. Put 0 if it doesn’t match the product profile,
and 1 if yes it matches what is in the profile.
Step 3: Rank the profiles as whether the most preferred (best), or the least preferred (worst
method). To get the worst in rank, = (Total Number of Profiles + 1) - RankoftheBest).
The Rank for the Best here is assumed for practice use. It should be the rank given by the customer themselves.
All independent variables except MEDIUM, is significant at 0.05 level (based on p-values).
But in this case, you don’t need to rerun the model since we are getting preference, and not
significance of the relationships.
The r2 value of 0.9477 indicates that the attributes explain 94.77% of the variation of the
consumer’s ranking. The best prediction for the rescaled rank of a product is as follows:
• Pearl leads to a rank 3.33 higher than Nata and 4.67 higher than Coffee Jelly.
• Wintermelon leads to a rank 6.67 lower than Okinawa and 4.67 higher than Classic.
• Large leads to a rank 0.33 higher than Medium.
You can see that FLAVOR is the most preferred or BEST attribute, and the least preferred
attribute or WORST is the size. This customer ranks levels as follows:
• Flavor: Okinawa, Wintermelon, Classic
• Sinkers/Floaters: Pearl, Nata, Coffee Jelly
• Size: Large, Medium
Within each attribute you can rank the levels from most preferred to least preferred. In this
customer’s example, Okinawa is most preferred, and Classic is least preferred.
Refer to worksheet 04-ConjointAnalysis, complete the objectives set in each
assigned sheet. Please see table below.
Submit your output in excel format via Moodle on or before 11:59PM, Wednesday, July 14.
File Name: LE4-IE350-FamilyName.xlsx
1. Wayne Winston, “Marketing Analytics: Data Driven Techniques with
Microsoft Excel”, 2014
2. Wayne Winston, “Microsoft Excel 2013: Data Analysis and Business
Modelling”, 2014