Literacy Age 2
Literacy Age 2
Literacy Age 2
Help your child place the appropriate letter on the paper where it
Literacy: Sand Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Learn how to Sand, salt, or sugar Put some sand, sugar or cream of wheat in a square cake pan or box
write letters Cake Pan for drawing purposes.
Gently correct the child when they drive the car outside of the line (off
the road).
Literacy: M&M Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Begins to Paper On the paper draw dots that form a letter of the alphabet.
recognize some Marker
of the letters of M&Ms Show the child how to use a crayon to draw between the dots.
the alphabet
Have the child place M&Ms on each of the dots.
Literacy: Ziplock Bag Drawing
Objectives Materials Method
Learning the Gallon size ziplock Mix the food coloring and the hair gel in the ziplock bag.
letters bag
Food coloring Have your child trace letters on the outside of the ziplock bag
Hair Gel
Literacy: Sand Paper Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Letters cut out of Glue the sandpaper letters onto the card.
the letters of the sandpaper
alphabet Card cut into 26 Help your child trace the letter with their finger.
Say the sound the letter makes as you do so.
Literacy: Yarn Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Sandpaper Cut the yarn into varying lengths from 2 inches to 8 inches.
the letters of the Yarn
alphabet Crayons Draw several large letters on the sandpaper.
Show then how the yarn sticks to the sandpaper. Now let them use the
yarn to trace the letters.
They can then place each magnetic letter over the corresponding
written letter.
Gross Motor Repeat the sound of the letter over and over.
Literacy: Alphabet Cups
Objectives Materials Method
Learning the 5 Cups Place the mailing labels on the cups and write a letter on each mailing
letters 5 Mailing labels label, so that each cup is associated with a different letter.
Something to hide Show your child the item you are going to hide.
(such as a pompom
or small ball) Ask your child to close their eyes as you hide the object under one of
the cups.
Then have your child read one of the letters on a cup. As they read it,
have them lift up the cup to see if the object is under the cup.
If they are incorrect, invite them to read a different cup and then lift it.
Each time they find one, have them say the name or the sound of the
Literacy: Alphabet Playdough
Objectives Materials Method
Learning the Paper On the paper draw the outline of several large letters.
letters Playdough
Help your child roll the play dough and then place it within the outline of
the letter.
Repeatedly say the letter name and sound. Help them think of words
they know that start with that sound.
Literacy: Alphabet Order Game
Objectives Materials Method
Learning the A set of alphabet Place the letters in a large pile.
letters in order cards or foam or
plastic letters Sing the alphabet song with them and ask them what the first letter is. If
they struggle, try giving hints (such as showing them the alphabet in a
Once they have located the A, sing the alphabet song together again.
(You may do this while pointing to the letters in a book which has the
Ask them what comes after A. You may need to give a similar hint
Repeat until you have gone through the alphabet or your child is bored.
Literacy: Rock Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Learning the Small rocks On the paper draw circles about the size of the rocks on the paper so
letters Paper that the circles form a letter.
Have your child place the rocks on the circles so that when they are
done, the rocks form a letter.
Ask your child if they can identify the letter and the sound it makes.
If they struggle, help them with the answer. Make the question slightly
easier next time.
Literacy: Chalkboard Letter Erasing
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Chalkboard On a chalkboard write a letter.
the letters of the Chalk
alphabet Q-tip Have your child name the letter and say the sound of the letter.
Container of water
Give your child a q-tip which you have previously dipped in water. Help
them trace the letter so that the chalk disappears.
On one piece of paper write the letter, such as “P,” and one the other
piece of paper write the other letter, such as “B.”
Encourage your child to color the pictures and to name the objects.
Once they have completed coloring and naming the objects, have them
pick a card.
Show them the letters on the piece of paper and ask them the sound of
the letters.
Explain that they are going to sort the cards according to the first letter
of the word.
Have them say the name of the object and say it slowly. Repeat it
slowly, while emphasizing the first letter.
Ask them if the word starts with a “p” or a “b.” Help them if they are
Encourage them to try writing the letter (even if they can only scribble).
You can also tell them words that begin with that letter. (“T” is for truck.
“T” is for train. “T” is for tummy.)
Literacy: Chalkboard Letter Erasing
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Chalkboard On a chalkboard write a letter.
the letters of the Chalk
alphabet Q-tip Have your child name the letter and say the sound of the letter.
Container of water
Give your child a q-tip which you have previously dipped in water. Help
them trace the letter so that the chalk disappears.
During the activity, keep reminding them of the name and sound of the
Literacy: Tracing Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Paper Write one letter or several letters of the alphabet using dots.
the letters of the Pen
alphabet Crayons Show your child how to use a crayon to trace the letters.
Have them say the name of the letter and the sound of the letter.
Now have them look for the other cap which has the same letter on it.
Have your child find a letter and place it on the paper over the
corresponding letter.
Literacy: Magic Letters
Objectives Materials Method
Learn the name Paper On the paper draw one large letter using the white crayon.
and sound of a White Crayon
letter Paint Brush Have your child paint on the paper using the water colors.
Water Colors The letter is then revealed.
Ask your child to name the letter and say it's sound.
Lay the letters on a flat surface and then have your child pick up a letter
and say the sound and then place it through the mouth of the monster.
Literacy: Bag of B's
Objectives Materials Method
Learn the name Large bag Place the items in the bag.
and sound of a Items that start with
letter the letter B (such as Have your child reach into the bag and pull an object out.
ball, book)
Associate words Items that do not Ask them what the object is.
with particular start with the letter B
letters (such as pen, shoe) Say the word emphasizing the first letter and ask them if it starts with a
Since they probably won't know, tell them and repeat the exercise with
the other objects.
Literacy: Play Dough Writing
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Play dough Roll the play dough out on a flat surface.
the letters of the Pencil or pen
alphabet Have your child hold the pencil.
Guide your child's hand and write a letter of your choice repeatedly.
Now have your child try. This will likely be difficult but can be done
Literacy: Tracing lines
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Paper On the left hand side of the paper draw several pictures of animals, one
Crayon under each other (such as a fish, a cat, a duck, and a cow).
On the right hand side of the paper draw something that resembles
where they like to be (such as the ocean, a chair, a pond, and a field).
Have your child hold a crayon and guide their hand to trace the dotted
line. After that they may like to try alone.
Literacy: ABC Match
Objectives Materials Method
Associate words Paper Cut small squares (4” x 4”) from the paper and write some letters on the
with particular Marker squares, such as A, B, C.
letters Scissors
Objects beginning Find small objects that begin with those letters, such as an apple, a
with letters you want ball, and a cup.
to focus on
Place the letters on a flat surface and then have your child select an
object and name the object.
Repeat the name of the object, while emphasizing the first letter.
Have your child guess which letters the word begins with. Provide help
where needed.
Literacy: Letter Sort
Objectives Materials Method
Learn the name Paper Cut 20 or 25 small squares (2” x 2”) from the paper.
and sound of a Marker
letter Scissors Pick two or three letters you want to work with, such as B and T.
Write these letters on the squares. You might have 10 B squares and
15 T squares.
Have you child select a letter and say the sound of the letter.
Repeat. If the letter is the same as before, place these letters together.
Otherwise, make a new pile.
Within a short time, you should have two (or three, depending on how
many letters you are focusing on) piles of letters.
Once these piles are established, have your child guess which pile the
letters should go in.
Literacy: Yarn Swirls
Objectives Materials Method
Begin to trace Card Cut large (at least 11” x 11”) squares.
Scissors On the squares draw swirls, circles, lines, and zig-zags.
Elmer's Glue Have your child trace along the lines with the glue. Assist where
Now cut the yarn the right length and have your child place the yarn on
top of the glue.
It is probably easiest for your child to begin with a straight line, and then
a circle, then swirls, then finally zig-zags.