General Banking System of Uttara Bank Li
General Banking System of Uttara Bank Li
General Banking System of Uttara Bank Li
Prepared for:
Prepared by:
ID: 11264038
MBA Program
BRAC University
Dear Sir,
I am very glad to submit the report on “General Banking System Of Uttara Bank LTD”. I would like to
say that this report is very helpful for me to gather real life experience about whole job activities
performed in a bank. I also came to know that how handle customers and provide service to them as a
service Intern. I have tried my best to follow your guidelines in every aspect of planning and preparing
my report. I have collected what I believe to be most important information to make my report as specific
& coherent as possible.
So it was a wonderful opportunity for me to work on this topic and I am very grateful to you for giving
me this opportunity.
Sincerely yours
MBA Program
BRAC University
A lot of effort and study has been involved in preparing this report into reality. I would like to remember
the name of the Almighty Allah who has created us and given us knowledge, time and energy for
completing my Internship Program.
With a great pleasure, I would like to express my deep sense of gratitude to the management of Uttara
Bank Limited for their valuable and helpful support.
I would like to thank Mr. Jahangir Alam (Principal Officer & Manager), for giving me a chance to work
in Uttara Branch of Uttara Bank Limited, I am also grateful to Mr. Abdus Sobhan (Principal Officer), Mr.
Niag Morshed (Senior Officer), Mrs. Nasrin Sultana (Senior Officer), Mr. Bashar (Senior Officer), Mrs.
Shakila ferdousi (Senior Officer), Mrs. Tahmina Khatun (Associate Officer), Mr. Rajib Ahmed (Junior
Officer Cash) of Uttara Branch. Without their help it would have not been possible for me to complete the
internship program easily.
Then I would like to thank again Mr. Jahangir Alam (Principal Officer & Manager), who was my
honorable supervisor and Mr. Abdus Sobhan (Principal Officer), my instructor of the internship program.
He was always at my side with his ever-extending helping hand, guidance, enthusiasm and inspiration and
above all, flexibility of work.
I would also like to express my thanks to all employees of Uttara Bank Limited, Uttara Branch, who have
helped me by contributing their time and providing me with information related to the topic. I appreciate
their consideration.
Finally, I would also like to express heartfelt gratitude to Mohammad Rezaur Razzak, Assistant Professor
& Director CED of BRAC Business School for his guidelines and feedbacks on the report procedure.
Executive Summary
Uttara Bank LTD was established in 1965 under the name of “Eastern Banking Corporation Limited”
with the specific objective of accelerating trade and investment in the economically depressed eastern
wing of the than Pakistan. After liberation of Bangladesh the Bank underwent a major change namely, it
was nationalized in March, 1972 and given the name “Uttara Bank”. The Bank again in 1983 was
denationalized and made a commercial bank in the private sector under the name “Uttara Bank Limited.”
Banks and other financial institutions play a vital role in forecasting the economic and social condition of
a country. Banks in Bangladesh now constitutes the core of the country’s organized financial system. The
main tusk is to mobilize funds from surplus economic unit and deployment it to deficit economic unit and
UBL is doing that successfully from its establishment.
Customer satisfaction is very important for the reflections of the succession toward progress and
expansion for any service institution. Excellence in customer service helps an organization to build a good
position in the market and retain more customers. To keep the customers satisfied, UBL provides various
types of service to its customers. UBL Principal Branch has three departments. These are: General
Banking Department, Foreign Exchange Department and Credit Department. Through these three
departments they serve their customers.
General banking department provides service to the customers by doing the elementary tasks of the bank.
This department has three sections: Main Cash with Cash Cell; Deposit Section i.e. Savings, Current
deposit, FDR, SNTD; Clearing; Bills; Accounts; Sanchaypotra, These elementary tasks include account
opening, providing master credit card, internet banking, offering different types of schemes to the
customers, different types of bills and fees collection etc. Foreign Exchange department also play vital
role by providing service to the customers. This department has three sections. These are: Export section,
Import section and Foreign Remittance section. All these three sections Foreign Exchange department
provides services to its customers. Credit department has three sections i.e. General Loan, Industrial Loan
and Loan Recovery.
Foreign exchange is an important department of Uttara Bank Limited, which deals with import, export
and foreign remittances. It bridges between importers and exporters. This department is playing an
important role in enhancing export earnings, which aids economic growth and in turn it helps for the
economic development. On the other hand, it also helps to meet those goods and service, which are most
demandable and not adequate in our country.
Uttara Bank Limited is operating efficiently with its existing products and services. In service-oriented
industry, it is very difficult to set a standard rule to satisfy the customer. Several factors shape up the
decision of taking the service from an organization. The services which the Bank provides to their clients
are very prompt and quality one compare to other private or foreign banks. The bank made satisfactory
progress in all areas of business operation. So Uttara Bank Limited is the bank which will go on in the
banking sector of the world with their slogan " Abohoman Banglar Oitijje Lalito”.
Table of Content
1.1 Background 2
2.4 Vision 5
2.5 Goal 5
4.1.0 General Banking 12
5.1 Strengths 26
5.2 Weakness 27
5.3 Opportunities 27
5.4 Threats 27
6.1 Findings 28
6.2 Conclusion 28
6.3 Recommendation 29
References 30
Modern banks play an important role in promoting economic development of a country. Banks provide
necessary funds for executing various programs underway in the process of economic development. They
collect savings of large masses of people scattered throughout the country, which in the absence of banks
would have remained ideal and unproductive. These scattered amounts are collected, pooled together and
made available to commerce and industry for meeting the requirements.
As a servicing industry, the Banks are customers oriented. Customers are the driven power of a Bank and
it earns profit by providing services to customers. Customers are the person or institutions which deal
with the Bank. In general, he, who has an account in a Bank, may be treated as a customer. In broad
sense, customers may be seen from the two wings – Depositors and Borrowers. Beside these, other short-
term served customers may exist in a Bank. As the Banking area is very hard and competitive, in order to
survive and successfully compete with other Banks, a Bank has to serve its customers very carefully.
Now, in Bangladesh more than 50 scheduled Banks are operating their activities to serve customers
To fulfill the demand of time and impress the customer most of the banks are now trying to make their
whole banking operation through online. Online banking is the demand of time. It is now no longer a
“nice to have” but an “impossible to survive without” for all banks. Uttara Bank Ltd performs many of its
operation in on line and trying to include rest of the operations.
Online banking comes with huge benefits. Many customers warmly adopt the habit of online banking.
Some eagerly wait for new online services. But some still prefer traditional banking. They find traditional
banking easy, hassle free and more trustworthy than online banking.
Uttara Bank Ltd is continuing to begin new online services one by one. During my project period I got the
opportunity to observe customer closely. I found that many customer want more online services to save
their time and cost. Many customers are happy with traditional banking. Some customers have no faith on
online banking.
Online banking makes life easier, there is no doubt. But introducing a new system is not easy because it
brings some difficulties with it. In case of starting full online banking; the bank has to introduce some
new system/products. In that situation both employees and customers face some problem to adopt that
new system/product.
1.1: Background
The internship program is required for the student of Business School. It is a program with duration of
three months. Students who have completed all the required courses are eligible for this program. In the
internship program I was attached to the Uttara Bank Ltd. Uttara Branch for three months.
This report originates to fulfill the requirement of studying MBA Program at BRAC University. This
program has been designed to facilitate the students with basic theoretical and practical knowledge in the
job activities in the context of Bangladesh as well as worldwide.
Since the MBA program is an integrated, practical and theoretical method of learning, this program is
required to have practical exposure in any kind of business organization. This report has been prepared on
practical orientation.
The primary objective of this report is to comply with the requirement of my course. But the objective
behind this study is something broader. The principal intent of this report is to analyze the trends of
modern banking and their customer’s satisfaction. Objectives of the study are summarized in the
following manner:
For achieving the specific objective of this study, I have collected the related data both from primary &
secondary sources.
1.4: Limitations of the study:
The internship was based upon only Uttara bank, Uttara Branch, so the report doesn’t show all
branches’ activity of Uttara bank in depth.
Although I have obtained wholehearted co-operation from employees and customers of Uttara
bank, Uttara branch but they could not manage enough time to deal with my report.
The annual report and web sites are the main secondary sources of the information but this
information was not enough to complete the report.
The main limitation for me was that relevant data and document collection was difficult because
of the confidentiality of the administration.
Firstly I made a plan about what to do. Then check out some banking activities of the bank staffs. Gather
some practical banking knowledge from some banker of Uttara Bank Ltd. Then working few days with
them and acquire some experiences. After learning some work I gave some customer services. When I
became easy with customers I collect some primary data from them. I also talk with few bank staffs
personally to collect more primary data. I collect my secondary data from different sources like bank
website, brochures, commercials etc. After collecting necessary data I made the project.
The whole project was prepared through the following seven steps:
Uttara Bank ltd Limited is one of the oldest and largest commercial banks in private sector in Bangladesh.
It provides mass banking services to the customers through its branch network all over the country. This
bank has been playing a vital role in socio-economic, industrial and agricultural development as well as in
the overall economic development of the country since its inception through savings mobilization and
invests of funds.
Uttara Bank ltd Limited “Abohoman Banglar Oitijje Lalito” is perfectly applicable; it’s fast growing
ability and within a short period acquiring the position at the top slot in terms of quality service to the
customers’ add the value addition to the shareholders prove its accuracy.
It has already made significant progress from its existence. The bank has already occupied an enviable
position among its competitors after achieving success in all areas of business operation.
It offers all kind of Commercial Corporate and Personal Banking services covering all segments of
society within the frame work of Banking Company Act and rules and regulations laid down by our
central bank. Diversification of products and services include Corporate Banking, Retail banking and
Consumer Banking right from industry to agriculture, and real estate.
Uttara Bank ltd, since its beginning has attached more importance in technology integration. In order to
retain competitive edge, investment in technology is always a top agenda and under constant focus.
Keeping the network within a reasonable limit, its strategy is to serve the customers through capacity
building across multi-delivery channels. Their past performance gives an indication of their strength.
They are better placed and positioned to take their customers through fast changing times and enable them
compete more effectively in the market they operate.
The prosperity of a country depends on its economic activities. Like any other sphere of modern socio
economic activities, banking is a powerful medium of bringing about socio economic changes of a
developing country. Without adequate banking facility agriculture, commerce and industry cannot
flourish. A suitable developed banking system can provide the necessary boost for the economic growth
of the country. Because banking system is linked with the whole country.
Uttara Bank Limited has a glorious history as a private commercial bank which was established in 1965
under the name “Eastern Banking Corporation Limited” with the specific objective of accelerating trade
and investment in the economically depressed eastern wing of the than Pakistan. After liberation of
Bangladesh the Bank underwent a major change namely, it was nationalized in March, 1972 and given the
name “Uttara Bank”. The Bank again in 1983 was denationalized and made a commercial bank in the
private sector under the name “Uttara Bank Limited”. The Bank was incorporated as a banking company
on June 29, 1983 and obtained business commencement certificate on August 21, 1983. The Bank floated
shares in the year 1984.
UBL conducts all types of commercial banking activities. The core business of the bank comprises of
import, export, working capital finance and corporate finance. The bank is also rendering personal credit,
services related to local and foreign remittances. The “Personal Credit” scheme of the bank, which is
designed to help the fixed income group in raising standard of living is competitively priced and has been
widely appreciated by the customers. The bank’s strategy is to gradually cover the total arena of banking.
2.4 Vision:
Continuous improvement, problem solution, excellence in service, business prudence, efficiency and
adding value will be the operative words of the organization. UBL will serve its customers with respect
and will work very hard to instill a strong customer service culture throughout the bank. It will treat its
employees with dignity and will build a company of highly qualified professionals who have integrity and
believe in the Bank’s vision and who are committed to its success. UBL will be a socially responsible
institution that will not lend to businesses that have a detrimental impact on the environment and people.
“Building a profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Markets and
Business with growth potential, thereby assisting and stakeholders build a “just, enlightened,
healthy, democratic and poverty free Bangladesh”.
2.5 Goal:
Uttara Bank will be the absolute market leader in the number of loans given to small and medium sized
enterprises throughout Bangladesh. It will be a world-class organization in terms of service quality and
establishing relationships that help its customers to develop and grow successfully. It will be the Bank of
choice both for its employees and its customers, the model bank in this part of the world.
2.6 Objective of the Organization:
The objective of Uttara Bank Limited is specific and targeted to its vision and to position itself in the
mindset of the people as a bank with difference. The objective of Uttara Bank Limited is as follows:
Building a strong customer focus and relationship based on integrity, superior service.
2.8 Milestones in the development of the organization:
To be a dynamic leader in the financial market in innovating new products as to the needs of the
To earn positive economic value addition (EVA) each year to come.
To top the list in respect of cost efficiency of all the commercial Banks.
To become one of the best financial institutions in Bangladesh economy participating in
The most significant segments of business market that we serve.
This year simultaneously for development and achievements of continuous growth rate in all the areas of
banking operation .The bank has successfully been marching ahead with its prime business objective by
earning Achievements were possible because of his service excellence of management with support from
a very resourceful and- skilled workforce who are rendering efficient and specialized services.
For Customer: To become most caring Bank-by providing the most courteous and efficient
service in every area of business.
For Employees: By promoting the well-being of the members of the staff
For Shareholders: By ensuring fair return on their investment through generating stable profit.
For community: By assuming role as a special responsibility corporate entity in a tangible
manner through, close adherence to national policies and objectives, Upholding ethical values,
Constantly seeking to improve performance by aligning our goals with stakeholders’,
expectations because they value them.
2.10 Hierarchy of Uttara bank ltd Limited
• Chairman
• Board Of directors
Top • Executive Committee
• Managing Director
• Deputy Managing Directors
• Senior Executive Vice President
• Executive Vice President
Executive Level • Senior Vice President
Management • Vice President
• Senior Officer
• Management Trainee Officer
• Junior Officer
• Trainee Officer
Junior Level
2.11 Board of Directors of UBL:
UBL formed with the Bank Company Act 1991, the rules and regulations issued by the
Bangladesh Bank, the Company Act 1994, and the Securities and exchange Rules 1987 and other
applicable laws and regulations in 1999.The first Board of Directors of the bank was constituted
with 13 Directors. Since the Bank has floated its share for public subscriptions; two Directors
have been elected from the public shareholder. The director’s list is following:
Name Desicnation
UBL Networks
Corporate Offices ( Corporate Branch & Local Office ) 2
Regional Office 12
Training Institute 1
3.0: My experience in Uttara Bank Limited:
In UBL I worked in the General Banking department. I was placed in the account opening section. I was
responsible for opening all type of account of the customer. It was a great experience for me because I
achieved a lot of practical and professional knowledge. The office environment is very pretty and
friendly. All employees are very responsive and caring. They always helped me to learn extensively.
Employees were doing their job as a team. They help each other in every situation. They accepted me
cordially and treated me as their team member. In the account opening section at first customer used to
come for creating account/s then I tried to discover the purpose of the account of the customer. If the
customer were confident enough about the account type then only I proceeded further otherwise I
suggested them the type of account that suited them the most and the photocopy of the documents (like:
Passport sized photograph, National ID card of account holder & Nomine, TIN Certificate, Trade license
etc) they were needed to submit to the bank. Upon submission, I verified all the relevant documents and
necessary information. Further, I used to take signature of the applicant in the prescribed account opening
form of UBL. I used to fill up the account opening form and get verified by the relationship manager.
Then I entered that information into the Bank’s online system. Then, the customer used to get the account
number and they had to deposit minimum amount in that account number. In this way different accounts
were created by me and future transactions were carried out in those accounts. With this responsibility I
also used to write debit/credit vouchers, pay order, deposit slips, cheques etc. All in all, it was a great time
when I was doing my internship in UBL. It was a great official environment. Really, I achieved fruitful
knowledge from this bank and the employees. I think this experience will make my future career path
more suitable and easy.
Account Section:
I had to work on account section of Uttara Branch. I had to collect necessary documents from the
customers those who came to open account of Uttara Branch. Documents like TIN certificates, Trade
license, National ID Card, Photo of Holder and nominees etc.
My prime job at Uttar Branch was to update customer’s information. Customers who opened their bank
account before 2005, they need to update their information and also photo, address, transaction profile,
National ID no. etc. and I had to collect all information from the customers.
I had to collect debit card requisition from the customers and filled up necessary papers. After filled up
debit card form I had to send the papers to the card division of head branch.
Account opening:
I had to open all types of bank account and collect necessary documents from the customers.
Account closing:
I had to close all types of bank account when the customers want or over the maturity the account.
My key job was to correct customers name and address if changes necessary. I had to contact with
customers via phone and had to inform that their address or name have to correct.
In the month of June - July they need to calculate the depreciation of their fixed assets. They give me
opportunity to calculate this.
Salary Calculation:
As I passed my more time in Account section so I have learned how they calculate the salary and bonus
ending of the month so I can helped them to calculate the salary and bonus of employee.
UBL provides to types of cheque book they are MICR and Non MICR. I have learned how those books
issued so I did it.
I wrote their Dr. and Cr. Voucher because of their internal maintain activities.
I was assigned to Foreign Remittance Department under direct supervision of Ms. Niag Morshed who is a
senior officer in Uttara Branch. My job was to work where ever needed in remittance department.
At first I have to check the foreign remittance message where the pin number is written then
whenever I saw the pin number I can understand that which exchange company provides this
number because there is a pattern in pin number.
Then I have to collect information from customer and help them to write their applicant form.
After this my supervisor used to check this pin number.
Then when everything is all right I used to write debit voucher.
Entry this transaction in a register
Other then this I during lunch I used to serve customers.
4.1.0: General Banking:
During my practical orientation I was placed in General Banking of IFIC Bank Limited at Chapai
Nawabganj Branch. General Banking is the starting point and main function of all the banking operations.
It is the department which provides day-to-day service to the customers. It is associated with financial
transactions to facilitate customer service. However, there are other departments for successful banking
When anyone comes to open an account he has to submit some documents to the banker. Different types
of documents need for different customer. Some common documents require for all types of account are
Introduction recommendation.
Specimen signature card.
Account opening agreement form.
Two copies of Photograph of account holder and one copies of nominee.
Deposit slips book.
Cheque-book requisition slip.
Letter of mandate authorizing another person to operate the account on behalf of the
The major function of commercial Banks is mobilization of fund. Other than this, bank provides
supplementary services to its clients. Clients need to remit money from one place to another for their
business or other purposes. Banks fulfill this need of customers by means of remittance service.
Money can be remitted domestically or internationally, which known as local remittance and foreign
There are four ways of transferring fund domestically. The modes of transferring funds are:
Pay-Order (PO).
Demand Draft (DD).
Telegraphic Transfer (TT).
Mail Transfer (MT).
This is an instrument issued by the branch of a bank for enabling the Customer/Purchaser to pay certain
amount of money to the order of a certain person/firm/organization/office within the same clearing house
area of the pay order-issuing branch.
Characteristics of P.O:
Obtain P.O, application from duly filled in and signed by the Purchaser/application.
Receive the amount in cash/transfer with commission amount.
Issue Pay Order.
Enter in Pay Order register.
Obtain D.D. application from duly filled in and signed by the purchaser/application.
Receive the amount in cash/transfer with prescribed commission & postage amount
Issue the D.D. duly in and signed by the authorized officer.
Insert test number (where applicable)
Enter in the D.D. issue register.
Issue advices to the payee branch.
Examine the D.D. by verifying the signature, test number, serial number etc.
Enter the D.D. payable register.
Verify with the IBCA number. Pass necessary vouchers.
Charge for Demand Draft:
This is a mode of transfer of customer's money from a branch of one bank to another branch of the same
bank through telegraphic/telephonic message.
Characteristics of T.T:
Obtain T.T. application from duly filled in and signed by the purchaser/application with full A/C
particulars of the beneficiary.
Receive the amount in cash/transfer with prescribed commission, telephone/telex and postage
Prepare T.T. message inserting the test no.
Enter in T.T. issue register
Cash section is an important section where cash transactions are made. Cash sections demonstrate
liquidity strength of a bank. It is also sensitive as it deals with liquid money. Maximum concentration is
given while working on this section. Tense situation prevails if there is any imbalance in the cash account.
There are various systems maintain by cash officer that is under:
Cash Receive
Cash Payment
Cash Receive:
When clients deposit cash in the bank, the bank officer should follow the following common precaution
Cash Payment:
Cheque, demand drafts, pay orders, pay slips and debit cash vouchers etc. are received from various
departments for payment of cash to customers/payees. Prior payment of, cash it is the officer's duty to
make sure that the cheque/or the instrument has been genuinely passed. The following common
precaution is thoroughly practiced before honoring a cheque.
Vault Register: This is the book where amount of cash available in the branch is maintained. That is, the
amount in the vault register book
Cash Receive Register: This register keeps record of all incoming cash.
Cash Payment Register: Similar to the cash register book, this books keeps tracks of all outgoing cash,
that is all payments.
Cash Position Register: This is the book where cash balance is recorded by counting the notes and coins
that are physically available. The balance in this book is compare with the vault register, which should be
the same. In case there is an error, then the figures would not match but if no discrepancy is found then
anything is to be worried about
Other Registers:
Types of Clearing:
1) Outward Clearing: This is the opposite flow of the Inward cheque clearance. When UBL's cheque
sends to other person of other Bank, that Bank will do the same thing to claim money from Uttara Bank
Ltd. With the same procedure like Inward clearing of that Bank. At the time of Outward Cheque for
clearing, the things must have to be checked: The Clearing Seal, The Endorsement Seal, and The Branch
Cost of clearing the collection cost normally varies with the distance and UBL does not take any
charge for collection within Dhaka City or within the district. But when anyone issue check of
UBL without having enough sufficient money in the account, the clearing dept. will cut Tk.25
fine for this.
L.B.C:The word LBC means Local Bills for Collection. It is applied on transaction between inter
branch. Issuing cheque/DD from one branch to another branch of the same Bank. Suppose
Moulovibazar branch have issued a cheque to Uttara branch. After received the cheque the Uttara
branch will give a seal of Crossing, LBC seal and Endorsement seal on that check and will issue
forwarding on Moulovibazar Branch.
I.B.C: IBC means Inward Bills for Collection. It is the reverse of LBC. In this case Moulovibazar
branch will receive cheque and give a seal of Crossing, LBC and Endorsement seal on the cheque
and send it to Uttara branch with an Advise.
2) Inward Clearing: Whenever any branch of Uttara Bank Ltd. receives a cheque of other Bank to
collect money, then the branch sends the cheque to its Head Office. The Head Office arranges the cheques
separately by the name of different bank and then it send to the respective bank for clearance by the
clearinghouse. Those cheques of different Bank to collect money for the ordered person are called Inward
Cheque for clearing. Then these cheques go for entry in to the Inward Registry Book and Database of
Clearing Department.
Bangladesh Bank conducts this job of clearinghouse name HOUSE. This is done twice a day- First house
and Return house. First house is to deliver cheques and collect cheques from other banks. Return house is
to return the honored cheques. The practice among the bank is to give only the name of those cheques,
which were not honored.
As soon as the principal branch gets the clearance it sends an Inter Branch Transaction Advice (IBTA) to
the branch, who has sent the cheque for collection. Receiving the IBTA is considered as clearance for the
payment to the party.
Clearing house:
Clearing House is a place in the Central Bank where different banks come to settle their interrelated
Every Rank of the locality, which is a member of (he clearinghouse, prepares Bank-wish list of
cheque after receive from customers and drawn on different Banks of the locality.
An officer, in charge of clearinghouse, goes to the clearinghouse in the morning with the cheques
and their list. He delivers the cheques to the officials of the respective banks. Similarly, he also
receives the cheques drawn on his Bank from the officials of the other banks.
The official of each bank computerizes the final balance, payable or receivable by his Bank alter
taking into account the various amount of receipt and payment.
The official return of their respective Dank to meet again in the afternoon to return any
dishonored instruments to the officials of the respective Banks.
The final settlement is effective by the supervisor of the clearinghouse by debiting or crediting, as
the case may be, the accounts of the respective Banks as maintained with the clearinghouse
Banking is the business of correspondence. Lot of mail comes to the bank and dispatch from the branch
daily. Lot of my document causes much loss for bank. That is why bank has to record all Mail received
and dispatched through the bank.
Mail receiving:
All mail comes to the bank recorded in this desk. For this reason a register book maintained called inward
mail register. A number is given on receiving mail and records particulars of document in the register
Mail Dispatching:
Before dispatching mail from the bank, Bank must record in outward mail register. A number is given on
the mail. Destinations, date of dispatch are recorded in that register book.
4.2 Product and Service:
Some of the products and services provided by UBL are as below:
A. Deposit Schemes:
Fixed Deposit
Double Benefit Deposit Scheme
Deposit Pension Scheme
Monthly Deposit Scheme
Bearer Certificate of Deposit
Short Term deposit
Saving Bank Deposit
Current Account
Foreign Currency Deposit
B. Remittance:
Pay Order
Demand Draft
Telegraphic Transfer
Mail Transfer
C. Service:
Express Money
Money Gram
Instant Cash
SWIFT Service
International Money Order
D. Investment Modes:
Term Loan
Small Industries
Medium Industries
Large Industries
Export Financing
Commercial Loan
Other Loan
Over Draft
Micro Credit
Export Credit
Import Credit
Bills Purchases
Loan on Securities
Loan on Secured Mortgage
Payment Against Documents
Loan Against Imported Merchandise
Export Development Loan
4.3 Different Type of Deposit Account:
Deposit account is one of the important sources of bank’s funds. In order to attract customers the banks
offer attractive facilities to different types of deposit accounts holders. Some Deposit Accounts are like
Saving Accounts, Current Accounts, Fixed Deposit Accounts etc.
Any person who is adult and mentally sound can open and maintain a SB (Savings Bank a/c) with
the head of single or multiple users. The guardian of the minor child can open the SB a/c with the
favor of them.
Any club, association or any organization can open a SB a/c by providing the article of
association of their organization.
Any illiterate person can also open a SB a/c in the bank. But such account holder must be present
at the time of withdrawing money from their bank a/c.
There should be proper identification by any account holder who has the a/c in the same branch
and his account number and account name should be properly filled up in the SB opening form
with her/his valid signature that is used to run the bank account.
More than one account in any branch is not permitted. But the guardian or the parents of minor
child can open more SB a/c for their children in the bank.
For each and every a/c, a separate account number will be given that must be used for depositing,
withdrawing or other banking activities when required.
An account holder can deposit money in his/ her SB a/c more than one time as he/she wants.
Minimum deposit of 1000 (One Thousand) taka is the must to open a SB account. Bank can close
any SB account if the balance drops to less than 1000 taka.
A client can withdraw and deposit money only through specific cheque book and deposit book
issued by the bank only.
The withdrawing amount is not to exceed 25% of the total balance.
If customer withdraws money more than twice in a week than no interest is given to customers on
his account
A current account is an account, which is generally opened by business people for their convenience. A
current account is a running and active account, which may be operated upon any number of times during
a working day. There is no restriction on the number & amount withdrawals from current a/c. It does not
earn any interest.
Any adult and mentally sound person can open the current account in the single or multiple
Any client cannot open more than one current account of his/her own in any branch.
There is no obligation to deposit and to withdraw money from the current account.
To open a current account initial deposit of taka 2000 (Two Thousand Taka) is compulsory. If the
current balance of any current account falls below 2000 taka, bank can claim 100 ( One Hundred)
taka as incidental charge in the month of June and December.
Bank will collect tax on the balance of the account of the account holder as per the government
The amount of taka 100 ( One hundred) will be deducted from the bank account as account
running cost at the time of closing any bank account.
Bank can close the account and take any necessary steps any time without any notice if any
account is proven unsatisfactory to the bank.
It is to be clearly mentioned, if the account is run by more than one person, the nature to run the
account or the applicability of single or multiple signatures.
Bank can take the responsibility to collect the money of payee a/c cheque, draft, dividend warrant
etc. To deposit all of the cheque, draft, pay order, all are to be crossed signed.
To withdraw money from the bank account the account holder can only use the cheque only
issued by the same branch of the account.
If the cheque is refused for the low balance of the account, bank can charge 25 (twenty five) taka
as penalty.
The account holder must provide the sample signature to the bank and it must be used in each
document issued to the bank.
To open a bank a/c, two copies of passport size photograph is the must bBe need.
Current account cannot be identified by the SB a/c holder or any employee of the Bank.
Any account holder or multiple a/c holders can select one nominee if they want.
All mentioned rules and regulation can be changed or modified any time.
Current a/c may be individual or joint or partnership or can be formed on any name. It provides the
following facilities:
Overdraft facility,
Other facilities like collection of checks transfer of money, rendering Agency and general utility
In this category are included the deposit with the bank for a fixed period which is specified at the time of
making the deposit. Such deposits are therefore called fixed deposits or term deposits. A fixed deposit is
repayable on the expiry of a specified period, chosen by the depositor to suit his purpose and to enable
him to get back money us and when he needs it. The fixed deposit may be made for 3 months, 6 months,
1 year, 2 year or 3 year . As the date of repayment of fixed deposit is determined in advance, the banker
needs not keep more cash reserves against it and can utilize such amount more profitably. The banker
therefore offers higher rate of interest on such deposits. Fixed deposit has grown in importance and
popularity in our country during recent years. When a matured FDR is withdrawn, the principle amount
along with the interest amount (deducting 15% tax from the total but for TIN 10% tax from total) is paid
to the client.
The rate of interest and the terms of the Fixed Deposit receipt are given below:
UBL has recently increased its interest rate on FDR with the change of current market interest rates
available. This incremental rate will be applicable for new clients. In those cases contractual interest rates
shall be applicable up to the date of their respective maturity, One important thing is that the rate of
interest on FDR for a period if more than one year will be simple instead of compound.
It is a deposit account open by customer where customer deposited money for short period. Customer can
draw money after giving short notice; this account holder enjoys the same facilities of CD account
including receiving interest on his deposited money. Interest rate of STD is less than the interest rate of
SB account. STD account has the following properties:
4.3.5 Deposit Schemes:
1Govt. Semi-Govt., Autonomous organization and an individual may open SND Account with
7 days notice required to withdraw.
Deposit Below 1 core Equal and Equal and Equal and Equal and
Amount above 1 core above 25 above 50 above 100
and below 25 crore and crore and crore
core below 50 below 100
crore crore
Deposit may be withdraw before its maturity and no interest will be paid If withdraw before
1(one) year of deposit.
Interest will be paid at Savings rate if withdraw after 1(one) year.
Advance will be allowed up to 80% of the deposit after completion of one year
Full amount including interest will be paid on maturity.
Govt. tax, Surcharge, Source Tax, Levy, Govt. Excise duty will be recovered from the depositor’s
Account holder can appoint a nominee against the account.
Bank reserves the right to close the account at any time and make amendment / alteration of the
terms & conditions of the scheme without assigning any reason.
Anybody by single or by Couple can open this scheme by Deposited Tk.500, 1000, 2000,
5000,10000 only per Month.
The tenure of the scheme is fixed that is selected by depositor.
Rate of profit is: 10.89 %
If failure to pay monthly installment on due dates (10th of Month) he/she will pay penalty of
Tk.50/-(twenty) on next subsequent installment.
If 3 (three) consecutive monthly installment unpaid the account will be closed automatically.
The Account can be changed at any Branch of UBL but no transferable.
5.0 SWOT Analysis
SWOT analysis is an important tool for evaluating the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats. It helps the organization to identify how to evaluate its performance and scan the macro
environment, which in turn would help organization to navigate in the turbulent ocean of competition.
5.1. Strengths
Company reputation: Uttara bank has already established a favorable reputation in the banking industry
of the country particularly among the new comers. Within a period of 25 years, UBL has already
established a firm footing in the banking sector having tremendous growth in the profits and deposits. All
these have leaded them to earn a reputation in the banking field
Top Management: The top management of the bank is also major strength for the UBL has contributed
heavily towards the growth and development of the bank. The top management officials have all worked
in reputed banks and their years of banking experience, skills, expertise will continue to contribute
towards further expansion of the bank. At UBL, the top management is the driving force and the think
tank of the organization where policies are crafted and often cascaded down.
Facilities and equipment: UBL has adequate physical facilities and equipments to provide better
services to the customers. The bank has computerized and online banking operations under the software
called MBS banking operations. Counting machines in the teller counters have been installed for speedy
service ant the cash counters. Computerized statements for the customers as well as for the internal use of
the banks are also available.
Impressive branches: This creates a positive image in the minds of the potential customers and many
people get attracted to the bank. This is also an indirect marketing campaign for the bank for attracting
customers. 215 branches of the bank are impressive and are compatible to foreign banks.
Interactive corporate culture: UBL has an interactive corporate culture. Unlike other local organization,
UBL’s work environment is very friendly, interactive and informal. There are no hidden barriers or
boundaries while interacting among the superior or the subordinate. The environment is also lively and
since the nature of the banking job itself is monotonous and routine, UBL’s likely work environment
boosts up the spirit and motivation of the employees.
Team work at mid level and lower level: At UBL’s mid level and lower level management, there are
often team works. Many jobs are performed in groups of two or three in order to reduce the burden of the
workload and enhance the process of completion of the job. People are eager to help each other and
people in general are devoted to work.
5.2 Weaknesses:
Advertising and promotion: This is a major setback for UBL and one of its weakest areas. UBL’s
adverting and promotional activities are not satisfactory but it facilities are not advertised well. It does not
expose its product to general public properly and are not in lime light. UBL does not have neon sign or
any advertisement in the city. As a result people are not aware of the existence of this bank.
Low remuneration package: The remuneration package for the entry and the mid level management is
considerably low. The compensation package for BBL entry level positions is even lower than the
contemporary banks. Under the existing low payment structure, it will be very difficult to attract and
retain higher educated employees in UBL.
5.3 Opportunities:
Diversification: UBL can pursue a diversification strategy in expanding its current line of business. The
management can consider options of starting merchant banking or diversify in to leasing and insurance.
By expanding their business portfolio, UBL can reduce their business risk.
Product line proliferation: In this competitive environment UBL must expand its product line to
enhance its sustainable competitive advantage. As a part of its product line proliferation, UBL can
introduce the following products.
ATM: This is the fastest growing modern banking concept. Since UBL is a local bank, they can form an
alliance with other contemporary banks in launching the ATM, if they take this opportunity UBL will be a
fastest bank in the country. UBL take this opportunity very easily because this bank has lot of branches.
5.4 Threats:
Multinational banks: The emergence of multinational banks and their rapid expansion poses a potential
threat to the new growing private banks. Due to the booming energy sector, more foreign banks are
expected to arrive in Bangladesh. Moreover, the already existing foreign bank such as Standard Chartered
is now pursuing an aggressive branch expansion strategy. Since the foreign banks have tremendous
financial strength, it will pose a threat to local banks.
Upcoming banks: The upcoming private local banks can also pose a threat to the existing private
commercial banks like UBL. It is expected that in the next few years more local private banks may
emerge. If that happens the intensity of competition will rise further and banks will have to develop
strategies to compete against an on slaughter of foreign banks.
Contemporary banks: The contemporary banks of UBL such as Jamuna Bank, Brac Bank, Islami Bank,
Dhaka bank, Prime bank and Dutch Bangla are its major rivals. Jumana bank and other banks are carrying
out aggressive campaign to attract lucrative clients as well as big time depositors.
There is a shortage of employees. They are always in pressure. Due to shortage of employees,
customers can’t get quick service.
Few officers of the bank are competent. Even though many of them simply know the working
procedure of what they are doing but don’t know the philosophy behind doing those and some are
inefficient to serve the customer.
Some unskilled staff hinders the overall performance.
Officers of the desk, where workload is very high, hardly get the chance to go out for
development purpose and always feel that their duties for the organization would not be evaluated
unless they can show a good amount of deposit collection against their name.
To provide cheque book it takes minimum ten days. The days should be reduced.
In recent times, banking sector is one of the most competitive business fields in Bangladesh. Since,
Bangladesh is a developing country; a strong banking sector can alter the socio economic structure of the
country. So we can say, the whole economy of a country in coupled up with its banking system. Uttara
Bank Limited is the bank which is highly potential commercial Bank of Bangladesh. This bank performs
hundreds of important banking and non-banking activities for both the public and the government as a
whole. The Bank has an outstanding attitude to boom our business sector. From the learning and
experience point of view I can say that I have really benefited from my internship program at UBL. This
three months internship program at UBL will definitely help me to realize my future carrier in the job
market. Performance analysis of a department of a bank is not so sufficient to measure and express
perfectly within this short time of my internship period. But it is a great opportunity for me to get use to
with the operational environment of commercial banking of UBL. I have tried by soul to incorporate this
internship report with necessary relevant information.
The bank management needs to have a clear operational efficiency and must thoroughly analyze the
scopes for further development in order to retain and attract new customers towards any particular branch
of a bank, Therefore, it is vital for the commercial banks to closely monitor their performance level,
which comprises the functional units, that provides services to its clients. To make better position in the
industry banks need to expand some activities & should give emphasis on some field & need to introduce
new and diversified financial products to provide wider option to customers. Without having an effective
customer base, it becomes difficult for any bank to compete and sustain in the competitive market for the
banking services.
Before drawing the end I would like to offer the following suggestions for bringing improvements at
Uttara Bank Limited:
UBL has some attractive deposit schemes but it can be more to compare themselves from others
Bank. UBL is giving equal focus on all schemes; so they should try to update all types of deposit
schemes and the bank has to improve their deposit policy. The deposit of the bank should be more
Their interest rate is good but it is necessary to increase the rate of interest of special deposit to
take a better place in Marketing. They should try to make it a standard position.
To take a better place in marketing position they can make a market storming to introduce about
their deposit schemes.
Sometime customer cannot understand which types of Deposit they should to open in this case
the employee can help them to make a discussion.
Sometime customer do not spend more time to open a new deposit specially some valuable
clients want to open a deposit via a phone call so it is important so much to provide a quick
service to the customer. The Bank should update their software systems to satisfy their customers
by providing quick service.
If they can update or introduce with new deposit they can attract the new customer.
If the keep proper record they can give a better service and security to the deposit holders.
Customer of UBL is satisfied for their service. UBL should maintain it to make a better position
in banking sector.
Account opening process should be easier for illiterate customers.
The Bank should offer better training programs to their employees about the special scheme of
The Bank should increase their loan facility on deposit schemes.
Employee behavior with the customers sometimes reaches out of acceptance. In every month, it is
obvious that some customers are raising their voice loudly for misunderstanding with some
employees or such event occurs because of making delay to provide services.
Use of latest technology in banking operation to meet up the customers demand and service.
UBL has to increase their ATM booth services across the country.
Provide latest news about their deposit schemes if any changed or modified.
Annual Report of Uttara Bank Ltd 2013.