Corrigendum 0

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In continuation to the announcement made on the ICSSR website dated 11 March 2024, It is a
corrigendum to the original document of the Guidelines of ‘Special Call for Collaborative Research
Project’ uploaded on the ICSSR website on 5th April 2024. This is to be read together with the same.
Below are the added clauses in the guidelines, inter alia, to provide clarity to researchers regarding the
ICSSR's expectations:

Clause 1 Framework
Addition in Paragraph 1 - Purpose of Research The research in the proposed area aims to
provide solutions to the challenges to development and to unblock progress on the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) in India. It requires researchers to think and act differently, breaking
away from conventional approaches. They are expected to provide evidence-based ideas or
suggest new strategies, models, programs, and policies aimed at shaping and developing the plan
to optimize the country's human and natural resources for making India a developed nation.
Researchers are required to explore the themes and subthemes and collaborate with researchers
from different institutions by creating greater synergy between their respective areas of expertise.
This involves identifying and utilizing a large and diverse ecosystem of assets as laboratories of
change, where experimentation and innovation flourish. They shall conduct experimental and
longitudinal research aiming to discover new pathways to achieve the target of becoming a
developed nation.

Addition in Paragraph 3 - ICSSR will not consider any research proposal solely based on
informative, descriptive, or awareness-based research design unless it demonstrates outstanding
justification or research potential contributing towards the idea of the developed nation.

Clause 1.1 Duration of the Project

For Category 'B' Explorative, Experimental, and Longitudinal Collaborative Research Project,'
the duration may be further extended from three to five* years, on the grounds of satisfactory
progress and the potential of ongoing research in producing tangible periodic outcomes.

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Clause 2. Eligibility

2.2 Addition of Clause 2.4, For both Category A (Exploratory and Applied Research) and B
(Explorative, Experimental, and Longitudinal Research Studies), the Project Coordinator
(Principal Investigator) shall be from the fields of Social Science or Humanities. However, in
the collaborative framework of Category B, it is imperative for the team to also include at least
one Project Director with a background in Natural Sciences and another from the Research and
Development vertical of any corporate house in Bharat. Both Project Directors should
specialize in pertinent areas.

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Clause 4 Procedure of Award

Sequencing of ‘4.1’ as ‘4.1 (a)’ All applications submitted to the ICSSR will be
screened and evaluated by the expert committee following a blind review process.
Shortlisted applicants shall be invited for interaction/presentation at ICSSR (in
person or virtually). The expert committee(s) will make recommendation(s) for the
award of studies and also suggest the budget for the proposed studies.

Addition of ‘4.1 (b)’ In Category B, there will be two rounds of interaction. During
the first round, scholars will present their proposals to a panel of experts.
Outstanding proposals will be identified based on the potential demonstrated in the
planned research. Scholars with such outstanding proposals will then be directed to
further develop their proposal incorporating suggestions and recommendations
given by the experts to improve the research plan. After integrating the
recommendations and suggestions, scholars will give a second and final presentation
to the team of experts. Following this presentation, projects will be recommended
or not recommended for the award of grants by the experts to ICSSR. Thus based
on the recommendations of the experts ICSSR will declare the awards. Based on the
recommendations of the experts, ICSSR will announce the awards.

Clause 5
Addition of Clause 5.4 Estimated Budget for the Research Project:
a. For Category A- upto INR 25.00 Lakh
b. For Category B- upto INR 2.00 Cr.

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Addition of a document: Summary entailing details of Project Team to be filled along
with other documents
Summary of Project team entailing the following details to be uploaded along with
Important Documents
Project Coordinator (Principal Investigator)
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Department
4. University
5. Full address of University
6. Pin Code
Project Director 1
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Department
4. University
5. Full address of University
6. Pin Code
Project Director 2
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Department
4. University
5. Full address of University
6. Pin Code
Project Director 3
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Department
4. University
5. Full address of University
6. Pin Code

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Project Director 4
7. Name
8. Designation
9. Department
11.Full address of University
12.Pin Code
Project Director 5
1. Name
2. Designation
3. Department
4. University
5. Full address of University
6. Pin Code

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