Denso Protal 7200 Brush Application Spec

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Protal 7200

Brush Application Specifications

1.0 Scope rust, corrosion products, oxides, paint and other foreign
matter. Very light shadow, very light streaks or slight discol-
1.1 This specification covers the external surface preparation orations shall be acceptable; however, at least 95% of the
and coating of pipeline applications such as weld joints, surface shall have the uniform grey appearance of a white
special pipe sections, fittings and fabrication. metal blast-cleaned surface as defined by Swedish Pictorial
Surface Preparation Standard Sa2 1/2 or SSPC VIS-1. In
some instances where abrasive blasting is not permissible,
the surface can be prepared to a near-white finish using
2.0 Material and Storage SSPC SP-11. The key with this method is achieving the
near white finish with a minimum 0.06 mm anchor profile.
2.1 Material shall be Denso Protal™ 7200 coating system as
After cleaning, blow dry and/or wipe clean with an isopropyl
supplied by Denso (Australia) Pty Ltd.
alcohol, xylene or MEK soaked lint-free cloth.
2.2 Material shall meet the physical properties of the product
4.4 Edges of the existing coating shall be roughened by power
data sheet.
brushing or by sweep blasting the coating for a distance of
1" (25 mm) minimum.
2.3 Storage: Material shall be stored in a dry place between
40°F (4°C) to 105°F (41°C). Care shall be taken to insure 4.5 The Contractor shall check the surface profile depth by
the material is stored up right (arrows on boxes facing up). using a suitable surface profile gauge (Press-O-Film Gauge
Note: If the material is kept cold, it will become very viscous. or equal).
Do not allow material to freeze.
4.6 Metal areas that develop flash rust due to exposure to rain
or moisture shall be given a sweep blast to return them to
3.0 Equipment their originally blasted condition.

3.1 For mixing, use strong wooden stir sticks or power drills
with appropriate mixing paddle. 5.0 Application
3.2 For application, use 4" (100 mm) wide brushes, Denso 5.1 The surface shall have no condensation, precipitation or
applicator pads or Protal™ 9" (225 mm) roller. any other forms of contamination on the blasted surface
prior to coating.
3.3 Wet film thickness gauges.
5.2 The substrate temperature range for application of
Protal™ is 50°F (10°C) to 212°F (100°C). The substrate
4.0 Surface Preparation temperature must be a minimum of 5°F (3°C) above the
dew point temperature before proceeding with the coating
4.1 All contaminants shall be removed from the steel surface to operation. Ambient temperature may be lower than 50°F
be coated. Oil and grease should be removed in accordance (10°C) if the substrate is heated. Preheating may be
with SSPC SP-1 using non-oily solvent cleaner (i.e., xylene, accomplished with a propane torch or induction coil prior
MEK, ethanol, etc.). to abrasive blasting.

4.2 Material for abrasive cleaning shall be the appropriate blend 5.3 Protal™ shall be applied to the specified Dry Film
of grit to produce an angular surface profile of 2.5 - 5 mils Thickness (DFT) using a brush, Denso applicator pad or
(0.063 - 0.125 mm). roller. Wet film measurements shall be performed to ensure
close adherence to the thickness specification.
4.3 All surfaces to be coated shall be grit blasted to a
5.4 Mixing: Make sure the part A (Resin) and Part B (Hardener)
near-white finish (SSPC SP-10, NACE No. 2 or Sa 2 1/2).
components match in both material and size as specified on
Note: Near-white finish is interpreted to mean that all metal
the containers. Mix the B component first, independent of
surfaces shall be blast cleaned to remove all dirt, mill scale,
the resin. Pour the contents into the part A (Resin) compo-
nent. Mix at a slow speed so as not to create a vortex that completed application. Notification of all defects must be
could introduce air into the product until a uniform colour made within a reasonable time frame from completion of
is achieved making sure to scrape the bottom and sides of the work to allow for all repairs within the allowed time frame
the container (approximately 2 minutes). No streaks shall for the project.
be visible.


MIXING. Apply the product onto the surface and spread
down and around the surface in bands beginning from the 7.1 Pinhole repairs may be repaired by using Protal™ Repair
leading edge of the material to as far under the pipe as can Cartridge. Areas shall be roughened a minimum 25 mm
be reached. Overlap the bands and onto the existing coating around holiday using Carborundum cloth or 80 grit sandpaper
a minimum of 1" (25 mm). Applicators shall use a brush to and wiped clean with a cloth or brush prior to patching.
smooth out any obvious sags or rough edges, valleys, or
drips. Special attention shall be given to weld buttons and 7.2 Areas larger than 0.15 sq. in. (0.3 sq. cm.), but less than
bottom surfaces. 1.0 sq. ft. (100 sq. cm.) shall be repaired using a Protal™
Repair Cartridge. The surface to be coated shall be clean
5.6 The thickness of Protal™ shall be checked periodically by and dry prior to applying the coating. Surfaces below 40°F
wet film gauge to achieve the minimum and maximum (4°C) shall be pre-heated in accordance with Section 5.2.
wet film thickness specified. After the Protal™ has cured, Areas requiring repair shall be prepared with a surface
the owner’s representative and/or contractor’s inspector grinder or by grit blasting prior to application of the coating.
should measure the film thickness by magnetic gauge and All edges of the surrounding area should be feathered prior
notify the applicator of their acceptance. Notification to the to performing the repair.
applicator of any inadequately coated sections must be
made immediately. 7.3 Refer to "7200 Accelerated Cure Specifications for Repairs"
for additional information.
5.7 Over-coating, when necessary, shall take place
within 2 hours at 80°F (27°C). If re-coat window has lapsed,
the surface shall be roughed prior to application of the topcoat 8.0 Safety Precautions
using 80 grit sand paper or by sweep blasting.
8.1 Follow the guidelines detailed in the Safety Data Sheets
6.0 Inspection/ Testing for Backfill
8.2 Keep containers closed when not in use. In case of spillage,
6.1 The finished coating shall be smooth and free of protuberances absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with
or holidays. All surfaces shall have the required minimum/ applicable regulations.
maximum DFT. Inspection of brush application is best
performed immediately after application. 8.3 Always refer to project specifications as they may
supercede Denso specifications.
6.2 Backfill time shall be determined by the “thumb nail test”.
The thumb nail test is defined by when one can no longer
make a permanent indention in the coating with his or her
thumb nail. Note: A full and/or chemical cure may not be
achieved by backfill time. Therefore, in wet soils or water
the coating will need a full chemical cure (refer to Section
6.3 for acceptable field test for chemical cure)

6.3 An acceptable field test to check to see if the coating has

a full chemical cure, a solvent such as Xylene, MEK or
Toluene can be rubbed on to the coating. If the gloss /sheen
is removed the coating is not fully cured.

6.4 Spark testing shall be performed to ensure proper film

thickness and for holiday inspection. The voltage used for
testing weld joints and field applications shall be equal to
that used for testing the mainline coating in the field or 125
volts/mil (4,920 V/mm).

6.5 Denso and/or the owner’s representative immediately upon

completion of the work shall make final inspection of the

VER 1803.14

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