Denso Protal 7200 Brush Application Spec
Denso Protal 7200 Brush Application Spec
Denso Protal 7200 Brush Application Spec
3.1 For mixing, use strong wooden stir sticks or power drills
with appropriate mixing paddle. 5.0 Application
3.2 For application, use 4" (100 mm) wide brushes, Denso 5.1 The surface shall have no condensation, precipitation or
applicator pads or Protal™ 9" (225 mm) roller. any other forms of contamination on the blasted surface
prior to coating.
3.3 Wet film thickness gauges.
5.2 The substrate temperature range for application of
Protal™ is 50°F (10°C) to 212°F (100°C). The substrate
4.0 Surface Preparation temperature must be a minimum of 5°F (3°C) above the
dew point temperature before proceeding with the coating
4.1 All contaminants shall be removed from the steel surface to operation. Ambient temperature may be lower than 50°F
be coated. Oil and grease should be removed in accordance (10°C) if the substrate is heated. Preheating may be
with SSPC SP-1 using non-oily solvent cleaner (i.e., xylene, accomplished with a propane torch or induction coil prior
MEK, ethanol, etc.). to abrasive blasting.
4.2 Material for abrasive cleaning shall be the appropriate blend 5.3 Protal™ shall be applied to the specified Dry Film
of grit to produce an angular surface profile of 2.5 - 5 mils Thickness (DFT) using a brush, Denso applicator pad or
(0.063 - 0.125 mm). roller. Wet film measurements shall be performed to ensure
close adherence to the thickness specification.
4.3 All surfaces to be coated shall be grit blasted to a
5.4 Mixing: Make sure the part A (Resin) and Part B (Hardener)
near-white finish (SSPC SP-10, NACE No. 2 or Sa 2 1/2).
components match in both material and size as specified on
Note: Near-white finish is interpreted to mean that all metal
the containers. Mix the B component first, independent of
surfaces shall be blast cleaned to remove all dirt, mill scale,
the resin. Pour the contents into the part A (Resin) compo-
nent. Mix at a slow speed so as not to create a vortex that completed application. Notification of all defects must be
could introduce air into the product until a uniform colour made within a reasonable time frame from completion of
is achieved making sure to scrape the bottom and sides of the work to allow for all repairs within the allowed time frame
the container (approximately 2 minutes). No streaks shall for the project.
be visible.
VER 1803.14