Gs Test - 1

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  
    
    
   
 INDIAN POLITY : Constitution of India - Preamble to the Constitution – Salient features
of the Constitution - Union, State and Union Territory - Citizenship,
Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive Principles
of State Policy.
 /HISTORY /Indus Valley Civilization, Guptas
   
 MATHS  Basic Number system, Problem on Numbers
  /CA  2023 – October 01-15/ 

INDIAN POLITY/
 How many fundamental duties was recommended by Swaran Singh committee formed in 1976?
A) Six B) Eight C) Ten D) Eleven
A  B C  D
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) Article 36-51
51 states that directive principles of State Policy
2) Our constitution act was divided the directive Principles was three major categories
3) It was socialist, Gandhian and Liberal Intellectual principles
4) Gandhian Principles was written by PC Kumarappa
A) 1,3 only true B) 2,4 only true C) 1,2, 3 only true D) 2,3,4 only true 
A B
 C D

 Under which Citizenship Act was the citizenship of India's foreign nationals cardholder brought to 
people of Indian origin?
A) Citizenship amendment act - 2003 B) Citizenship amendment act - 2005
C) Citizenship amendment act - 2015 D) Citizenship amendment
endment act - 2019
  B
  D
 Arrange the chronological order of the cases belongs to Preamble 
1) Kesavanandha Bharati Case 2) S.R.Bommai case
3) Berubari Case 4) LIC case
A) 1,2,3,4 B) 3,1,2,4 C) 3,2,1,4   D
   
    
A  B C  D
 Which article of the Fundamental duties States that the progress towards excellence in individual and
collective activities to elevate the nation with higher goals and our efforts and achievements.?
A) Article 51 A( c) B) Article 51 A( e) C) Article 51 A(g) D) Article 51 A(j) 
A B C D
 Assertion :One cannot change his nationality.
Reason :Naturally acquired by a particular country on the basis of origin, birth and race.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false D) Assertion is false and reason is true
 Choose the incorrect pair in the following 
A) Gujarat - Bombay reorganization act 1960
B) Haryana - Punjab reorganization act 1966
C) Jharkhand - Goa State reorganization act 1987
D) Telangana - Andhra State reorganization act 2014
A 
   
B 
  
C 
 
  

 Arrange the chronological order of the fundamental rights 

1) Right to equality 2) Right against exploitation
3) Right to Freedom 4) Cultural and educational rights
5) Right to freedom of religion 6) Right to constitutional remedies
A) 1,2,3,4,5,6 B) 1,3,2,4,5,6 C) 1,3,2,5,4,6 D) 1,2,3,5,4,6 
    
    
    
A B
 C D
 Choose the incorrect pair in the following 
1) Right to Freedom of speech and expression - Article 19(1) (a)
2) Right to Form a union and coco-operatives - Article 19(1) (b)
3) Right to peaceful assembly without arms - Article 19(1) ( c)
4) Right to reside in any part of India - Article 19(1) ( d)
A) All the above B) 1,2,3 only C)1,2,4 only D)2,3,4 only 
   a
 (b
 
   c
 
  d)
A  B C D
 Match the following (Constituent assembly
assem committees) a b c d
a) Fundamental rights committee - 1. Jawaharlal Nehru A) 4 3 1 2
b) Rules of Procedure committee - 2. PattabiSittaramaya B) 1 2 3 4
c) Special committee on Draft examine - 3. Sardar Vallabhaipatel C) 1 4 3 2
d) Parliamentary committee - 4. Rajendra Prasad D) 3 4 1 2
      a b c d
a. 
   A    
b.   B    
c. 
 C    
d.     D    
 Which part of the constitution was described by B.R.Ambedhkar as Novel features of the Indian
A) Part III B) Part IV C) Part IV A D) Part V 
AIII  B
IV CIVA DV
 During the formation of the Constituent Assembly, how many members accepted and signed the
constitution on November 26, 1949?
A) 276 members B) 284 members C) 292 members D) 299 members
A    B
C    D

 Consider the following statements:-

statements: 
1) The first session of the constituent assembly was held in December 9,1946
2) Muslim members attended the meeting and raised the demand for Pakistan
3) Dr.Rajendra Prasad was the president of the Indian National congress during the formation of the
constituent assembly.
A) 1,2 only true B) 1,3 only true C) 1,2 only false D) 2,3 only false 
A    B
C    D
 Choose the incorrect one about the Fundamental duties 
1) Abandon violence and protect public property
2) To develop scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform
3) Strengthen the International Peace and security
A)None of the above B) 1 only C) 2only D) 3 only 
A  B C  D
 How many Pairs are correctly matched?
1) Bhangra - Punjab 2) Galibelia - Rajasthan
3) Solia - Uttarakhand 4) Theyyam - Kerala
A)1 Pair B)2 Pairs C) 3 Pairs D) All the above 
    
   
A  B C D
 The right to property, which was originally a fundamental right, was transferred from which article to
which article by which amendment?
A) Article 30 (A) – Article 300 (A) – 44th amendment
B) Article 30(A) – Article 300(A) – 42nd amendment
C) Article 31(A) – Article 301(A) – 42nd amendment
0(A) –44th amendment
D) Article 31(A) – Article 300
 


 Choose the odd one in the following :-

A) Following the principles followed at the
th time of liberation
B) To safeguard the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India
C) Respect and preserve the rich heritage of pluralistic culture
D) To preserve the monuments and historical places 
 
 
 Choose the correct statement about Citizenship. 
A) The term Citizen is derived from Greek word Civis
B) Indian constitution provides uniform dual citizenship
C) Part II of Article 5 to 9 of the constitution deals with Citizenship
D) During the adoption of constitution ,the way of acquiring
acquiring or loss of citizenship was not mention in the
constitution 
 
 Match the following (Union Territories) a b c d e
a) Diu and Daman - 1. 7 amendment A) 3 5 1 2 4
b) Chandigarh - 2. 10 amendment B) 2 1 3 5 4
c) Delhi - 3. 12 amendment C) 3 4 2 1 5
d) Dadra & Nagar haveli - 4. 14 amendment D) 1 3 2 5 4
e) Puducherry - 5. 18
1 amendment 
)      a b c d e
a.    A     
b.    B     
c.      C     
d.   D     
e.     
 Which article states that Freedom from taxation for propagation of any religion?
A) Article 25 B) Article 26 C) Article 27 D) Article 28
A  B C  D
 Consider the following statements 
Active the freedoms guaranteed under Article 19 are automatically
1) When the Article 352 became Active,
2) Article 15,16,19,29 and 30 are guaranteed to Indian citizen only
3) During the formation of constitution, there are six fundamental rights
A)1,2 only true B)2,3 only true
C) 1,3 only false D) 1,2 only false

AB CD
 Match the following
llowing ( National Symbols) a b c d e
a) 2010 - 1. River Ganges A) 1 2 3 4 5
b) 2008 - 2. Elephant B) 3 1 2 4 5
c) 2012 - 3. Lactobacillus C) 2 1 3 5 4
d) 1973 - 4. Mango D) 1 2 3 5 4
e) 1950 - 5. Tiger 
)   a b c d e
a.     A     
b.     B      
c.  
  C     
d.      D     
e.  
 Based on which amendment a union territory or a union territory of a state is empowered to merge
together to form a state or a union territory? 
A) Sixteenth amendment B) Eighteenth amendment
C) Twentieth amendment D) Twenty secondd amendment 
 B
  D
  
 Choose the correct Pair in the following 
A) Article 21- Right of Accused Persons
B) Article 22- Right to security of life and personal liberty
C) Article 23-Right
Right to protection against detention
D) Article 24-Right
Right to prevention of child
chil labour in harmful places
 
 Choose the incorrect pair in the following (acceptance) 
1) National Emblem - January 24,1950 2) National Flag - August 14,1947
3) National Song - January 25,1950 4) Supreme Court - January 28,1950
A)1,2 only B)1,2,3 only C)3,4 only D) 2,3,4 only 
 
 
A  B
 C D

 Choose the incorrect statement about the loss of citizenship 

A) Loss of citizenship through the process of naturalization of a citizen
B) Termination of citizenship on acquisition of citizenship in another country
C) Doing business with an enemy country and sentenced to prison
D) Obtained citizenship by fraud, misrepresentation
  
 
 Which committee was formed to examine the legal disputes in Fundamental duties?
A) Saran Singh Committee B) Hilton Young committee
C) Verma committee D) Naganathan Committee
A B C D
 Who said that”Directive Principles of State Policy has great value because economic democracy is the
goal of Indian citizenship.”?
A) LM Singhvi B) TT.Krishnamachari
C) Granville Austin D) Dr.B.R.AMbedhkar
A    B
C   D
 Match the following ( Part III) a b c d
a) Article 12 - 1. Avoidance of conflicting laws A) 1 2 3 4
b) Article 13 - 2. Definition of state B) 2 1 3 4
c) Article 34 - 3. Prohibition
Prohibitio during military acts C) 1 2 4 3
d) Article 35 - 4. Power of Parliament to make laws D) 2 1 4 3
III)        a b c d
a.  
  A    
b. 
   B    
c.  
  C    
d.  
  D    
  
 Choose the incorrect
correct pair in the following (Preamble)
( 
A) The crutch, the soul, the shoe of the constitution – Takur Das Bhargava
B)Our long time dream and desire has been revealed – TT Krishnamachari
C)It's better than the US preamble. – Justice Hidayatullah
D) Preamble is a not a part of the constitiution – Berubari case Verdict 
  
 
   
 
   


/Union Territories was

 According to State reorganization act 1956, Which of the following States/Union
A) Andhra Pradesh ,Punjab, Manipur, Tripura
B) Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh,Goa
C) Andhra Pradesh,Lakshadweep,Odisha,West Bengal
D) Andhra Pradesh,Tripura,West Bengal, Chennai 
 
 Which article denotes Power of Parliament to create new states from states in the Union of India, to 
change state areas, boundaries and names?
A)Article 1 B) Article 2 C) Article 3 D) Article 4
A B C  D
 Which act was denoted as the Charter of Slaves by Jawaharlal Nehru?
A) Government of India act 1909 B) Government of India act 1919
C) Government
ment of India act 1935 D) Government of India act 1947
 
  B
  D
 When did Objective resolution of Jawaharlal Nehru was accepted by the constituent assembly?
A) December 13,1946 B) January 22,1947 C) March 13,1947 D) April 22,1947
A B C D
 In which case verdict states thatIndia is a sovereign, democratic republic, and this is seen as the basic
element of the Constitution.? 
A) Union of India Vs Madanagopal case (1954)
B) Gopalan Vs Madras Government case (1950)
C) Indira Gandhi Vs Raj Narayanan Case (1975)
D) Synthetics
etics Vs Uttar Pradesh case (1990)
 
BVs (1950)
 
DVs 
 How many pairs are incorrectly matched?
1) Directive Principles of State Policy - South Africa 2) Prerogative Writs - America
3) Suspension of Fundamental Rights during Emergency - Germany
4) Republic and Preamble - Britain
A) 1 Pair B) 2 Pair C) 3 Pair D) All the above 

   
   
   
A  B C D
 Match the following :- a b c d
a) Key of the Indian constitution - 1. N.A.Palkilava A) 3 2 1 4
b) Identity card of the constitution - 2. K.M.Munshi B) 4 1 2 3
c) Horoscope of Democratic republic - 3. A.V.Dicey C) 2 3 4 1
d) Heaven of Paradise - 4. Erenst Bakner D) 1 2 3 4
         a b c d
a. 
 A    
  B    
c. 
   C    
d.    D    
 Based on which amendmentArticle 21A of the Constitution of India enshrined the provision of free and
compulsory education to all minors between the ages of 6 and 14 years as a fundamental right?
A) 42nd amendment B) 44th amendment C) 82nd amendment D) 86th amendment 
A   B
C D
 Choose the incorrect pair in the following ::-
1) Fundamental rights case - Kesavanandha Bharat case
2) Passport case - Minerva Mills case
3) 9 Schedule case - IR Coedho case
4) Parliament has the power to amend the Part III - Menaga Gandhi Case
A) 1,3 only B) 2,4 only C) 1,2,3 only D) 1,2,4 only 
     
       
 
     I.R. Coedho 
 
A  B C D
 Match the following (citizenship) a b c d
a) Article 8 - 1. Persons of Indian origin A) 1 2 3 4
b) Article 9 - 2. Legislation by Parliament B) 2 1 3 4
c) Article 10 - 3.loss C) 2 1 4 3
d) Article 11 - 4. Continuation D) 1 3 4 2
)       a b c d 
a.  
  A     
b.  
 B     
c.  
    C    
d.   
    D    

 1) A fundamental right cannot be amended or abrogated by a parliamentary amendment

2) It is the first time a Supreme Court decision has been appealed.
Which Supreme court case described the above statements?
A) Sankari Prasad Case B) Menaka Gandhi Case
C) Golaknath Case D) Minerva Mills case 
A B
C D
 Choose the incorrect statement about the term “fraternity “usedin the Preamble 
1) It does not accommodate the region.
2) It must grow among the people for democracy and freedom to flourish
3) The term fraternity was proposed by Jawaharlal Nehru
4) Ensures equal opportunity to all in qualification and opportunities
A) 1,2 only B) 1,2,3 only C) 3,4 only D) 2,3,4 only 
  
A  B C D
 Match the following:- a b c d
a) 36th amendment - 1. Meghalaya A) 1 2 3 4
b) 22nd amendment - 2. Sikkim B) 2 1 4 3
c) 55th amendment - 3. Arunachal Pradesh C) 1 2 4 3
d) 56th amendment - 4. Goa D) 2 1 3 4 
        a b c d
a.    A    
b.     B    
c.   C    
d.     D    
 1) The Princely states Joined with India through Instrument of accession 
2) It was Joined with India according to Guidance of Mountbatten
Which Princely states described by the above statements?
A) Junagadh B) Hyderabad C)Jammu and Kashmir D) Ajmer
A  B C D
 Which article states that Prevention of forced labo ur, slavery and inhumane trade?
A) Article 21 B) Article 22 C) Article 23 D) Article 24
A  B C  D

 Assertion: An amendment made under article 1 and article 2 shall cause a change in Schedule 1 and 
Schedule 4.
Reason: Schedule 1 and Schedule 4 specify the boundaries of the States and Union Territories and the
allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true 
C D
 Match the following (Sources of the constitution) a b c d e
a) Written constitution - 1. Britain A) 1 2 3 4 5
b) Rule of law - 2. America B) 1 2 4 5 3
c) Limited federal authority - 3. Switzerland C) 2 1 3 4 5
d)Procedure Established by law - 4. Japan D) 2 1 4 5 3
e)language of Preamble - 5. Australia
   a b c d e
a.    A     
b.    B     
c. 
 C     
d. 
  D    
e.    
 Choose the correct one about the implementation of Indian constitution act 
A) 10 Schedules , 1 Preamble B) 23 parts ,365 articles
C) 10 Fundamental duties, 2 Amendments D) 7 fundamental rights,, 14 recognized languages 
  
B 
 Choose the incorrect one about the Right to constitutional remedies 
A) Writs are the basic of Fundamental rights
B) Without this, the Constitution of India would be an invalid Constitution.
C) It is heart and Soul of the Indian constitution
D) It is the life-giving
giving one of the Constitution.
 
 

 Match the following (Constitution) a b c d

a) Bargained federalism - 1. Mory Jones A) 1 2 3 4
b) Extreme federalism - 2. Paul Apple Pye B) 2 1 5 3
c) Cooperative Federalism - 3. K.C.wheare C) 1 2 5 4
d) Copy of 1935 act - 4. Ivor Jennings D) 2 1 4 3
- 5. Granville Austin 
)       a b c d
a.     A    
  B    
c.      C    
d. 
   D    
      
 Choose the odd one in the following (Constituent assembly) 
A) Union Powers committee B) State committee
C) Provincial constitution committee D) Union constitution committee 
A  B
  D
 Choose the not matched one about the features of the Indian constitution
A) An independent, integrated
ed judiciary
B) The Preamble expresses the objective of the Constitution
C) Balanced Judicial review and Parliamentary supremacy
D) Only a Aristocracy Feature government
 
 
 Arrange the acts enacted related to Right against exploitation 
1) Minimum wages act 2) Contract labour act 3) Mines Labour act
4) Beedi and Cigar Labor Act 5)Abolition of Slavery act
A)1,2,3,4,5 B)1,3,4,2,5 C)1,5,3,2,4 D) 1,2,5,3,4 
 
  
   
A  B C D
 Which writ made by the concerned department for the petitioner to carry out the work related to his
petition with legal assistance?
A) Prohibition B) Mandamus C) Cretorio D) Quo Warranto 
  B
C D

ch part of the articles are placed in relation to old age, unemployment, sickness, special preference
 In which
for economically backward section people?
A) Part II B) Part III C) Part IV D) Part IV A 
AII  BIII CIV  DIV A
 Consider the following Statements 
19 0 under the chairmanship of Ambedkar to ratify
1) The Constituent Assembly met on January 24, 1950
the constitution.
2) The debates of the constituent assembly of India consist of Ten volumes
A)1 only true B) 2 only true C)1,2 is true D) 1,2 is false 
A  B
 C  D
 According to 42 amendment 1976, Pick out the not matched one about the articles enacted in DPSP
A) Article 39 A B) Article 39f C) Article 43 A D) Article 43B 
 DPSP
AA Bf CA DB
 Match the following :-
a) National Flag designed by - 1. Meghnad Saha
b) National Calendar - 2. Prem Behari Narain Raziada
c) Constitution
n was written in Italian style - 3. Pydimarri Venkata Subba Rao
d) National Pledge - 4. Pingali venkayya
a b c d
A) 3 1 2 4
B) 4 1 2 3
C) 4 2 1 3
D) 3 2 1 4
         a b c d
a.    A    
b.  B    
c.    C    
      D
    
d.   
 1) Crossing the differences of religion, language and caste, unity and universal brotherhood should be 
created among the people.
2) Actions that harm the dignity of women should be abandoned
Fundamental duties denoted by the above statements?
Which articles denotes the Fundamental
A) Article 51 A( c) B) Article 51 A( e) C) Article 51 A(g) D) Article 51 A(j) 
A B C D

 Who said that “Equality does not mean identity of treatment, the sameness of reward. It means first of all
absence of social privilege, on the second it means that adequate opportunities are laid upon to all”
A) Robert Howan B) Prof Lasky C) James Maddison D) Jean Bodin 
 
A BCD
 Choose the correct pair in the following:-
following: 
1) Article 38 - Creating welfare states that provide access to social, economic and political justice
for all.
2) Article 39 - Providing fair, humane working conditions and maternity services
3) Article 47 - Improving nutrition and quality of life of people and promoting public welfare
A)1 and 2 B) 1 and 3 C) 2 and 3 D) All the above 
 
A  B C D
 Match the following (Special Provisions) a b c d e
a) Article 371 A - 1. Nagaland A) 1 2 3 4 5
b) Article 371 B - 2. Assam B) 1 3 2 4 5
c) Article 371 C - 3. Manipur C) 2 1 3 5 4
d) Article 371D - 4. Andhra D) 1 3 2 5 4
e) Article 371 F - 5. Sikkim
)   a b c d e
a. A 
  A     
b.B 
  B      
c. C 
  C     
d. D  
  D     
e. F  
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) The term Liberty, Equality and Fraternity seen in the Preamble were the important slogans during
the French Revolution in 1789.
2) The social, economic and political justice mentioned in the Preamble was derived from the
American revolution of 1917.
A) 1 only true B) 1 only false C) 1,2 is true D) 1,2 is false 
A     B
C     D

 Assertion: The number of members in the constituent assembly of India was reduced from 389 to 299 
Reason: The Indian Independence Act was passed and the Constituent Assembly began functioning in
full swing.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false D) Assertion is false and reason is true
C D
 How many pairs are correctly matched?
1) Guardian
dian of the constitution - Part II
2) Magna Carta of the India - Part III
3) Pillars of the constitution - Part IV
4) Heart and Soul of the constitution - Part IV A
A) 1 Pair B) 2 Pairs C) 3 Pairs D) None of the above 
 II 
  III 
 
 IV
  IVA
A  B C D
 Choose the not matched one about the information presented in the Preamble 
A) Administers internal affairs without any foreign interference.
B) Socialist economic system was followed in India
C) All religions are equally recognized in India
D) In India the leaders was not elected based on monarchy 
B 
 1) Implementation of uninform civil code throughout the country 
2) Free law for the poor should reduce wage disparities
In which part the above articles are present?
A) Citizenship B) Fundamental rights
C) Directive Principles of state Policy D) Fundamental duties 
A  B
  D

 Assertion : Constitutional amendment is considered a setback in Indian democracy system 

Reason : Referendum has not been followed till now in Indian constitutional amendments.
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true 
 Based on which citizenship amendment actOverseas Indians living in 16 countries that have good
friendly relations with India have been granted dual citizenship.?
A) Citizenship amendment act 2003 B) Citizenship amendment act 2005
C) Citizenship amendment act 2015 mendment act 2019
D) Citizenship amendment
  B
  D
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) State reorganization commission was submitted its report on 1955.
2) This commission recommended to reconstruct as fourteen states and three union territories
3) Central Government with minor amendments into fourteen States
States and six Union Territories with
effect from 01.11.1956.
A) 1,2 only true B) 1,3 only true C) 1,2 only false D) 2,3 only false
 
A    B
C    D
 Based on which amendment Berubari Union Territory was given to East Pakistan?
A) 7th amendment B) 8th amendment C) 9th amendment D) 10th amendment 
A   B
C D
 1) States should be divided for administrative reasons, but not on the basis of culture and language.
2)This commission submitted their report on December 1948
Which commission described by the above statement?
A) S.K.Dhar commission B) JVP commission
C) Fazal Ali commission D) Pattabi Sitaramayya commission

A B
 C D
 Choose the incorrect statement about the citizenship amendment act 2019
1) Citizenship is granted to all foreigners who have lived in India for more than six years.
2) Those belonging to certain communities are granted citizenship within six years instead of
12 years.
3) It has been mentioned that Indian citizenship can be granted to those who migrated before 31st
December 2014.
A)1 and 2 B)2 and 3 C)1 and 3 D) All the above 
A  B C D
 Choose the odd one in the following 
Even the Government cannot take away or abridge these rights.
B) These are not enforceable in any court
C) These rights strengthen political democracy in the country
D) These have legal sanctions
 
 
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) Jammu and Kashmir was joined with India on October 26,1947
2) According to Article 370, Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer wrote separate constitution for Jammu and
Kashmir state .
3) It was inserted in Part XX and implemented on November 26,1954
4) In December 2019,Article 370 became inoperative by the 105th Amendment.
A)1,2 only false B)3,4 only false C)1,2,3 only false D)2,3,4 only false 
A    B
C    D

INDIAN HISTORY/
 Choose the correct Statement Guptas Society.
A) Sati was practiced during Gupta rule B) Polygamy was widely prevalent
C) Inscription refer to kuberanaga and Dhrubaswamini as the queens
queens of Chandragupta II
D) All the Above
   
 Incorrect Nick Name about Chandragupta
Chandragupta- II
A) Devasri B)VikramaDevaraja C)SimhaChandra D)Suryachandra
A B
C    D
 Choose the correct statement about Indus Valley Civilisation.
1. The civilization that appeared in the north western part of India and Pakistan in Third
Millienium BCE. 
2. Mohenjadaro was the first site to identified this civilization.
3. The beginnings of the Neolithic Villages in this region go back to about 3000BCE at the Neolithic
Site of Mehrgarh.
A) Statement 1, 2 correct B) Statement 1 only correct
C) Statement 2, 3 correct D) Statement all are correct 
A B
C D
 The people of Magadha were happy and prosperous, that Justice was mildly administered and there was
no death penalty. Gaya was desolated Kapilavasthu had become a Jungle, but at pataliputra people were
rich and prosperous was said by
A) Hieuen- T- Sang B) Fahien C) Vasubandu D) Aryabhatar
A B C D
 Choose the correct statements. 
1. The Harappan civilization belongs to the copper Age civilisation.
The tools
ools of Harappa were made of copper and silver.

3. The Harappans used chert blades, copper objects and bone and ivory tools. 
A) Statement 1, 3 are correct B) Statement 2, 3 are correct
C) Statement 1, 2, 3 are correct D) Statement 3 only correct
A B
C  D
 Choose the correct one
A) MahaSandhivigrahika - Commander of Cavalry
B) Mahadandanayakas - High ranking Military or Judicial
C) Mahashvapati - Minister for peace and war
D) All the Above
A 
B  
C  
 Chooses the incorrect statement.
A) Sanchi Inscription - Panchmandali
B) Damodarpur copper plate - AshtakulaAdhikarana
C) Vaishali Seal - RanabhandagarAdhikarana
D) None of the Above
A  
B 
C  
 Match the following related with Harappa. (Year – Archaeologist) a b c d
a. 1826 – 1. Alexander Cunningham A) 3 4 1 2
b. 1831 – 2. Mortimer Wheeler B) 3 4 2 1
c. 1856 – 3. Charles Mason C) 4 3 2 1
d. 1940 – 4. Alexander Burnes D) 4 2 3 1
      a b c d
a.  
   A    
b.       B    
c. 
      C    
d. 
     D    
 Varahamihira’s belong to____century
A) 4 Century B) 5th Century C) 6th Century D) 7th Century
A B C D

 Pick out correct statement settlement about Harappas.

A) Surkagen – dor in the west of Pakistan – Iran Border
B) Shortugai (Nepal) in the North C) Daimabad (Uttar Pradesh) in the east
D) Alamgirpur (Maharashtra) in the south
 
 Choose the Correct Pairs.
1. Kalidasa - Sanskrit Poet. 2. Sanku - Astrologer.
3. Amarasimha - Sanskrit Poet. 4. Varahimihira - Astronomer
5. Vittalbhatta - Lexicographer
A) Two Pairs B) Three Pairs C) Four Pairs D) Five Pairs
 
   
 
  
 
A B C D
 Who was the Director General of Archaeological Survey of India at the time of Indus Valley 
Excavation? 
A) Dr. R.D. Banerjee B) Sir John Marshall
C) D.R. Sahani D) Max Muller 
AR.D.    B
CD.R.  D
Vishnu gupta who reigned from______
 The last recognized king of the Gupta line was Vishnu
A) 540 to 550 CE B) 525 to 535 CE C) 510 to 520 CE D) 490 to 499 CE
 
A to Bto
Cto Dto
 Choose incorrect one.
A)Nalanda University - Sakradiya B) Chandragupta II son – Kumaragupta - I
C) Hun’s Invasion - Skanda Gupta D) Death of Skanda Gupta in 499 CE
A  
 
C  
 
 More than 500 Sea is have been discovered in Indus Valley Civilization which are all 
A) Gold B) Silver C) Terracottas D) Copper 
A     B
C   D

 Assertion (A) : The RohriChert, a fine grained sedimentary rock was found in the region of
Rohri in Iran. 
Reason (R) : RohriChert was used by The Harappans for making stone blades and tools.
A) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
C) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong
D) (R) is correct, but (A) is wrong
 Choose the correct statement about Chandragupta- II
1. He came to power after a succession struggle with his brother Rama Gupta
2. His capital Pataliputra
3. He defeated northern rulers like the Huns, Kambojas and Kirtas.
4. He was the first Gupta ruler to issue Silver coins
A) Statement 1, 2 are correct B) Statement 2, 3 are correct
C) Statement 1, 4 are correct  D) All the Correct
A B C D
 Match the following:- a b c d e
a. Mohenjadaro – 1. Haryana A) 5 3 4 2 1
b. Harappa – 2. Gujarat B) 5 4 3 2 1
c. Rakhigarhi – 3. Rajasthan C) 5 4 1 3 2
d. Kalibangan – 4.Punjab, Pakistan D) 4 5 2 3 1
e. Lothal – 5. Sindh
       a b c d e
a. 
  A) 5 3 4 2 1
b.    
  B) 5 4 3 2 1
c.  
  C) 5 4 1 3 2
d.  
 D) 4 5 2 3 1
e.   
 Name the type of government existed during the Gupta Period?
A)Polygarchy B)Monarchy
Monarchy C) Anarchy D) Autarchy
A B C D
 Which of the following statements about the Gupta Society is true?
1. The Gupta emperors called themselves as paramaBhagavatas.
2. Trade with Rome and China Flourished

3. Women were debarred red from exercising Public rights

4. The custom of Sati was practiced by them.
A) 1 and 3 are correct B) 3 and 4 are correct
C)only 4 is correct  D) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
 
A B C D
 Pick out incorrect statement about Mohenjadaro. 
A) The Mohenjadaro used baked and unbaked bricks, and stones for construction.
B) The site of mohenjo – Daro had a planned town, built on a platform.
C) In Mohenjo – Daro, a building has been identified as a ware house.
D) The great bath is a tank situated
situat within a court yard. 
D(The great bath) 
 Consider their following statements. 
1. Agriculture was an important source of subsistence for Harappans.
2. They adopted double cropping system. 3. The Harappans used ploughs.
4. Ploughed fields have been found at Rakhigarhi. 
A) Statement 1, 3 are correct B) Statement 2, 4 are correct
C) Statement 1, 2, 3 are correct D) Statement All are correct 
A B C D
 Pick out incorrect one about evidences of Harappan Sites. 
A) Boar B) Deer C) Gharial D) Porcupine
A B C D
 Incorrect statement about Harappas. 
A) Pastoralism was also practiced by the Harappans.
B) The Harappan elephant are called Zebu.
C) Theydomesticated sheep, goat and fowl. D) All the above

 Assertion (A): Craft production was an important part of the Harappan Economy. 
Reason (R): Harappans made beads and ornaments out of carnelian, Jasper, Crystal and Steatite.
A) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
B) Both (A) and (R) are correct, (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
C) (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong D) (R) is correct, but (A) is wrong
 
   D
 The Indus Valley Civilization, people had a trade contact with 
1. Central Asian Mesopotamia 2. North – Eastern Afghanistan
3. Gujarat and Baluchistan 4. Persia 
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) 3 only D) All the above
 
 
 
A     B
C D
 Who was the First Scholar to use the Term “Indus Civilization”?
A) Mortimer Wheeler B) Dr.Pranath
C) Alexander Cunningham D) Sir John Marshall
A B
C D
 Pick out correct Statement. 
A) Shell – Nageshwar and Oman B) Lapis Lazuli – Shortughai
C) Steatite – Rajasthan and Balakot D) Copper – Lothal
A   
B  
C 
D  
 Choose the correct Statements.
A) Ghatotkacha is considered as the founder of Gupta dynasty
B) Srigupta was the first gupta ruler to be featured on coins.
C) Ghatotkacha and Srigupta are mentioned as yuvaraja in Inscriptions.
D) Samudragupta I married Kumaradevi of the famous and powerful Lichchavi family
 
‘’ 

 _______Was
Was the first musician to use the word Raga
A) Matanaga B)vidyaranya C)Rurandardasa D) Thiyagaraja
A B C D
 Arrange the chronological order of the Gupta rulers
1) Narasimhagupta I 2) Vishnugupta 3) Kumaragupta 4) Buddha Gupta 5) Skandagupta
A) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 B) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 C) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 D) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
    
     
A) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4 B) 3, 5, 1, 4, 2 C) 1, 3, 5, 4, 2 D) 4, 1, 3, 5, 2
following Statement.
 Regarding the Indus Valley Civilization, Consider the following
1. It was predominantly a secular civilization and the religious element though present did not
Dominate the scene.
2. During the period, cotton was used for manufacturing Textiles in India.
Which of the following statements is/are correct.
A) 1 only B) 2 only C) Both 1 and 2 D) Neither 1 nor 2
A B CD
 Consider the following Statements:-
1. Sresti was a caravan trader who carried his goods to different places for profitable sale
2. Sarthavaha was usually settled at a particular place at trading.
A) Statement 1 is correct B) Statement 2 is correct
C) Both Statement are correct D) Both statement are wrong
A  B
C   D
 Pick out correct statement about Harappans Weapons used. 
1. Spear Head 2. Arrow Heads 3. Celt 4. Axe 5. Boomerang 
A) 1, 2 and 4 B) 2, 3 and 4 C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 D) 3, 4 and 5 
   
  
 
  
A) 1, 2  4 B) 2, 3  4 C) 1, 2, 3 4 D) 3, 4  5
 Discovery of Mohenjodaro and Harappan cities by ____ and ______
A) DayaramSahni and R.D.Banerjee B) R.D.Banerjee andDayaramSahni
C)R.D.Banerjeeand Sir John Marshal D) Sir John Marshal and Mortimer Wheeler
AR.D. BR.D.  
CR.D.    D

 Which of the following statement about Mohenjadaro is correct? 

1) Gold Ornaments were unknown. 2) Houses were made of burnt bricks
3) Implements were made of Iron
4) Greatt Bath was made water Tight with the Layers of Natural Bitume.
A) Statement 1 and 2 correct B) Statement 2 and 4 correct
C) Statement 1 and 3 correct D) Statement 2 and 3 correct
A B
C D
 Assertion (A) : The Gupta period is rrightly
ightly called the ‘Golden Age’ of literature and art.
Reason (R) : There was deterioration in the position of women, decline of the Urban Centres, increase
in social disorder and subinfeudation in the later gupta times.
A) Both (A) and R are correct and (R) explains (A)
B) Both A and (R) are correct, but R does not explains (A)
C) (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
D) (A) is wrong but (R) is Correct.
(A): 
(R) :
A (A) (R) (R) (A)
B (A)(R) 
 (R)  (A)
D(R) (A)
 Which tree was regarded as the Tree of creation and Knowledge during Indus Valley Civilization?
A) Pipal Tree B) Mango Tree C) Neem Tree D) Tamarind Tree
A B C D
 Choose the correct statements. 
A) The image of dancing girl found at Harappa is shown wearing bangles in Large numbers upto
The upper arm.
B) The cuneiform inscriptions mention the trade contact between Iran and Harappans
C) The mention of “Meluhha” in the Cuneiform Inscriptions refers to the Indus Region.
D) A Harappan Jar has been found in Afghanistan.
C ‘’

 Match the following a b c d

a) Samudra Gupta - 1. Paharpur Copper Plate A) 3 2 1 4
b) Chandra Gupta II - 2. Eran Stone Pillar. B) 2 3 1 4
c) Buddha Gupta - 3. Udayagiri caves C) 3 1 2 4
d) Skanda Gupta - 4. JunagathInsription D) 2 1 4 3
        a b c d
a)    
 A) 3 2 1 4
b) II   
  B) 2 3 1 4
c)    
  C) 3 1 2 4
d)   
  D) 2 1 4 3
 Which of the following statements are not true about the Harappan People?
A) The Harappans were the Phallus Worshippers
B) They Worshipped gods in the form of human beings.
C) They placed their gods in temples.
D) All the above 
C 
 According to whom, the Harappan Script is not Alphabetical but mainly pictographic in nature. 
A) J.P.Joshi B) S.R. Rao C) R.S. Sharma D) N.G.Majumdar
N.G.Maj 
A B
 C D
 Name the Indus site where workmen’s quarters have been found. 
A) Harappa B) Lothal C)Kalibangan D) Chanhudaro
A B C D
 Consider the following statements about Nalanda university
1. Nalanda was an acclaimed Mahavihara
Magadha in India
2. It is a large Buddhist Monastery in the Ancient kingdom of Magadha
th th
3. It was a centre of learning 5 century to 12 century.
4. Nalanda flourished under the patronage of the Gupta empire in 5th and 6th century
5. Nalanda was ransacked and destrobed by BakthiyarKhalji in 1300 CE
A) Statement 1, 2 and 3 are correct B) Statement 2, 3 and 5 are correct
C) Statement 1, 2, 3 and 4 are correct D) Statement 3, 4 and 5 are correct
A B
 D

 Match the following:- a b c d

a. Dholavira – 1. J.P.Joshi A) 3 4 2 1
b. Rakhigarhi – 2. Amrendranath B) 4 3 2 1
c. Kulli – 3.Aurel Stein C) 1 4 3 2
d. Chanhudharo – 4.Majumdar D) 1 2 3 4
       a b c d
a. J.P.
   A 3 4 2 1
b. 
   B 4 3 2 1
c.  
   C 1 4 3 2
    D 1 2 3 4
 Which of the following statements about Harappa are false? 
A) The Walls of Harappa wereere not Strengthened.
B) Tectonic disturbance caused the ruin
C) Short – headed Armenoid Skulls were found.
D) Harappa Disappeared by about 1750 B.C. 
 By whom refers Tamralipti in Bengal as an important centre of Trade on the eastern coast.
A) Hiuen – T- Sang B)Fahien C)Kalidasar D)Thandi
 
A B C D
 In correct statement about Surkotada
A) Horse remains and graveyard B) Soldiers sign – on – potsherd
C) Oval Grave D) Evidence of Rhinoceros.
C D
 Read the statement and find the correct answers.
1. R – 37 and H Cemetery found here 2. Coffin Burial
Copper Bullock cart 
A) Harappa B) Mohenjadaro C)Lothal D) Kalibangan
 RH
    
A B C D
 Incorrect statement about Rock
Rock- cut caves at Guptas.
A) Ajanta and Ellora – Maharashtra B)Bagh – Madhya Pradesh
C)Udayagiri caves – Odisha  D)Bhimbetka – Uttar Pradesh
A B
  D

 Choose the correct pairs. 

1. Chanhudaro – 1931 2. Kalibangan – 1953 3. Rangpur – 1931
4. Rakhigarhi – 1963 5. Surkotada - 1964
A) Two pairs B) Three pairs C) four pairs Fi pairs 
D) Five
    
    
A B C D
 Pick out Incorrect one about Guptas pottery places.
A) Achchichchatra B)Rai 
B)Raigar C) Bashar D)Mirpur Khan
A B C D
 Match the following:- a b c d
a. Mohenjadaro – 1. Measurement Scale A) 3 4 2 1
b. Harappa – 2. Lord Sh
Shiva B) 2 3 1 4
c. Trimukha Pose – 3. Great Bath C) 4 3 2 1
d. Bronze bar – 4.D.R.Sahani D) 1 2 3 4
       a b c d
a.   
 A    
b.   
   B    
c.   
 C    
d.  
 D    
 Pick out incorrect one about stone sculptures Indus Valley Civilization. 
A) Harappa B) Mohenjo – Daro C)Dholarira D) Banawali
A B C D
 The towns of Tondi, Kaweriwala, vanji were found at ____
A) Iran B) Pakistan C) Afghanistan D) B & C 
A B C DB & C
 Which one of the statement is correct regarding the Indus Valley Civilization? 
1. Harappa and Mohenjodaro the houses were made of kiln burnt bricks.
On kalibangan and Lothal mud bricks were used for the residential houses.
3. The Kiln – burnt bricks used in Large quantities in the construction drains, wells and Bathing
An average house consist of courtyard and fourt to six living room. 
A) 1 only B) 1, 2 only C) 1, 2, 3 only D) 1, 2, 3, 4
A B C D

 Choose the correct statement about Samudragupta

1. Samudragupta follower Vaishnavism.
2. His coins beart the insignia of him playing the veena (Lute)
3. He was given the title Adhiraja.
4. His court Poet Kalidasa.
A) Statement 1, 4 B) Statement 2, 3 C) Statement 3, 4 D) Statement 1, 2
A B C D
 Choose the incorrect statement. (City – River)
A) Chanhudaro – Indus B) Lothal – Bhogvaha
C) Daimabad – Pravara D) None of the above 
A    B
C    D
 Choose the Incorrect Statements about Samudragupta :
1. Four northern kings were conquered mainly in the area around Delhi and western Uttar Pradesh.
2. The king of Assam and Bengal in eastern India and those of small kingdoms in Nepal and the
Punjab also paid tribute by submission.
3. Nine Republics in Rajasthan, including The malavas and youdheyas, were
we forced to accept Gupta’s
suzerainty .
A) Statement 1 and 2 B) Statement 2 and 3
C) Statement 1, 2 and 3  D) None of the Above
A  B
C   D
 Choose the correct pairs.
1. Srigupta – 240 – 280 CE 2. Ghototkacha – 280 – 319 CE
3. Chandragupta I – 319 – 335 CE 4. Samudragupta – 335 – 380 CE
A) One Pair B) Two pair C) Three pair D) Four pair
  
  
 
A B C D

 Devi Chandra Guptam deals with the life history of

A) Chandra Gupta - I B) Chandra Gupta II C)Samudra Gupta D) Skandra Gupta
A B
C   D
 Choose the incorrect statement regarding Gupta Art.
A) Gupta Artists were normal and natural B) There was a keen sense of Aesthetic culture
C) Nudity is entirely Eliminated.  D) Not based on religious and spiritual ideas
 Choose the correct statement about reasons for decline in Harappa. 
A) S.R. Rao and Mackay – Flood B) Robert Raikes and Dales – Earthquake
C) Kennedy – Natural
Natura Calamities D) All the above
 B
 
C 
 D
 Income from land could be enjoyed, but the recipient is not permitted to gift it to anyone. The recipient
has no administrative rights either by______
A) Nividharma B)Nividharmaaksayana
C)Aprada dharma   D)Bhumichchidranyaya
A B
C    D
 Match the following a b c d e
a) Bhaga - 1. Sales tax in Land Registration A) 2 4 3 5 1
b) Bali - 2. 1/6 of cultivators tax B) 2 3 5 4 1
c) udianga - 3. opressive tax C) 2 3 4 5 1
d) Halivakara - 4. Plough tax D) 2 3 5 1 4
e) Upakilpta - 5. Extra tax
       a b c d e
a)   
 A) 2 4 3 5 1
b)   
  B) 2 3 5 4 1
c)  
  C) 2 3 4 5 1
d)  
   D) 2 3 5 1 4
e)  
 Consider the following statements. About Weight and Measures in Harappans. 
1) They used Binary Numbering System.
2) They also used a measuring scale in which one inch was around 2.54 cm
3) The Smallest Weight Measure of 16th ratio weighs 13.63 grams
4) Cubical Chert weights have been unearthed from Harappan sites.
A) Statement 1, 2 wrong B) Statement 1, 2 and 4 wrong
C) Statement 2, 3 wrong D) Statement 2 only wrong

A B
C  D
 Match the following:- a b c d
a) Panini - 1. Chandravyakarnam A) 2 3 4 1
b) Patanjali - 2. Ashtadhyayi B) 3 2 4 1
c) Amara Simhar - 3. Mahabshashya C) 4 3 2 1
d) Chandragomia - 4. Amarakosa D) 1 2 3 4
       a b c d
a)   
  A) 2 3 4 1
b)  
   B) 3 2 4 1
c)  
   C) 4 3 2 1
   D) 1 2 3 4
 Choose the incorrect statement.
A) Udayagiri cave Inscription – Chandragupta – I
B)Sanchi Stone Inscription – Chandragupta – II
C)Bithari Pillar Inscription – Skandagupta. D) All the above
 I
  II
C  D
 Match the following a b c d
a) Visakhadatt - 1. NitiSastras A) 3 4 2 1
b) Harsha - 2. Si- Yu-- Ki B) 4 3 2 1
c) Hiuen-T-Sang - 3. Mudrakshasha C) 1 2 3 4
d) Narada - 4. Nagananda D) 2 1 3 4
      a b c d
a)  
  A) 3 4 2 1
b)   
  B) 4 3 2 1
c)  
  C) 1 2 3 4
d)   
  D) 2 1 3 4
 Who was not the contemporary of Samudra Gupta?
A)Pushyavarman B)Bhaskarvarman C)Vishnugopa D) Sri Meghavarman
A B C D
 Name the king, who introduced the Asvamedha types of Gold coins bearing the figure of Lakshmi and
A)Samudraguptar B) Chandra gupta
gupta- II C) Kumara gupta D)Skandagupta

A BII C D
 Choose the correct statement about Harappans. 
1) About 7,000 texts have been documented from the Harappan sites.
2) The longest text has about Twenty Six Signs.
A) Statement 1 only correct B) Statement 2 only correct
C) Statement 1,2 only correct
rect D) Statement 1,2 only wrong
A B C  D
 Match the correct Classification of Land during the Gupta Period? a b c d
a) Kshetra - 1. Waste Land A) 1 2 3 4
b) Khila - 2. Cultivable Land B) 4 2 1 3
c) Aprakata - 3. Habitable Land C) 2 1 4 3
d) Vasti - 4. Jungle Land D) 3 4 1 2
a b c d
a)   
    A) 1 2 3 4
b)    B) 4 2 1 3
c)   C) 2 1 4 3
d)   
    D) 3 4 1 2
 Consider the following statement.
1. Mehrauli Iron Pillar Inscription achievements of Kumaragupta
2. Allahabad pillar Inscription describing chandragupta’s personality and Achievements
A) Statement 1 only correct B) Statement 2 only correct
C) Both Statements are correct D) Both
th Statements are wrong
 CD
A B
 Match the following:- a b c d
a. Copper – 1. Rajasthan and Oman A) 1 2 3 4
b. Tin – 2. Afghanistan and Central Asia B) 2 1 3 4
c. Gold – 3.Kolar fields of Karnataka C) 2 4 3 1
d. Precious stones – 4. Gujarat and Afghanistan D) 4 1 3 2
        
a.     
b.   
c.      
d.    
 a b c d
A 1 2 3 4
B 2 1 3 4
C 2 4 3 1

1 3 2


 A number is doubled and 9 is added if resultant is multiplied by 3, it becomes 75. What is the number?
A) 8 B) 6 C) 5 D) 9
A   B
   C   D
er must be added to 4456 to get a number exactly divisible by 6.
 What least number
A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1
A   B
   C   D
 A positive integer, when divided by 88, gives the remainder 61. What will be the remainder when
the same number is divisible by 11.
A) 6 B) 7 C) 3 D) 10
A   B
   C   D
 The sum of the digits of two-digit
digit number is 8. If 18 is added to the value of the number, its digits get
reversed. Find the number.
A) 15 B) 25 C) 35 D) 45
A   B
   C   D
 Each member of a picnic party contributed twice as many rupees as the total number of members and
the total collection was 338. The number of members present in the party was?
A) 11 B) 12 C) 13 D)) 14
A   B
   C   D
digit number is two greater than the tenth digit number and the product
 If unit digit of the two-digit
of the number and the sum of its digit is 144. Then, find the number.
A)24 B) 26 C) 42 D) 46
A   B
   C   D
 2 + 2 is equal to:
A) 4 B) 2 C) 2 D) 4
2 + 2 
A4 B2 C2 D4 
 10 lakh candidates write the TNPSC exam this year. If each exam centre is allotted with
1000 candidates. How many exam centres would be needed?
A) 100 B) 1000 C) 10000 D) 100000

A   B
  C  D
 The sum of three prime numbers is 80. If two of these prime numbers differ by 4, find these primes.
A) 7, 11, 62 B) 2, 37, 41 C) 3, 37, 41 D) 13, 17, 41
 
A  B
  C  D
 The unit digit of 4 is:
A) 4 B) 6 C) 2 D) 0
4 
A   B
   C   D
 The highest number which divides the product of any three consecutive even natural number is
A) 2 B) 4 C) 8 D) 16
A   B
   C   D
 A competitive exam paper has 100 questions for which 1 mark will be awarded for each correct
d ½ marks will be deducted for every wrong answer, ¼ marks will be deducted for
answer and
answering. Find the total mark scored by a candidate who answered 88 questions of which 61 are
A) 61 B) 44.5 C) 44.25 D) 54
 
 
A   B
  C  D
 The sum of a number and its reciprocal is then the number is
A) 6 B) 8 C) 9 D) 65
 
A   B
   C   D
 A total of 324 coins of 20 paise and 25 paise makes a sum of ₹ 71. The number of 25 paise coins is
A) 120 B) 124 C) 144 D) 200
₹ 
A   B
  C  D
 If one-third quantityy of water that half of the tank hold is
third of a tank holds 45 liters of water, then find the quantit
A) 90 l B) 22.5 l C) 67.5 l D) 30 l
A B C D
 How many ordered pairs of natural numbers (a, b) sat
satisfy 𝑎 + 2𝑏 = 100?
A) 33 B) 49 C) 50 D) 99
𝑎 + 2𝑏 = 100a, b
A   B
   C   D

 If we multiply a fraction by itself and divide the product by its reciprocal, the fraction thus obtained
is 18 . The original fraction is
A) B) 1 C) 2 D) 3
18 
A B1 C2 D3 
 The temperature at 12 noon at certain place was 18
18°° above zero. If it decreases at the rate of
3° per hour at what time it would be 12° below zero?
A) 12 mid night B) 12 noon C) 10 a.m. D) 10 p.m.
°C 
A B C D 
 Arrange the fractions , , , in the ascending order.
A) , , , B) , , , C) , , , D) , , ,
, , , 
A , , , B , , , C , , , D , , , 
 The height of a tree increases every year 1/8 times. If the present height of the tree is 64 cm, then
what will be the height after 2 years?
A) 76 cm B) 80 cm C) 81 cm D) None of these
A B C D
onsecutive number is 90. The greatest among the number is
 The sum of the four consecutive
A) 23 B) 24 C) 25 D) 30
A   B
   C   D
 Find the unit digit of 64 .
A) 2 B) 4 C) 6 D) 0
64 
A   B
   C   D
 The difference of the squares of two positive numbers is 45. The square of the smaller number is four
times the larger number. Find the number.
A and   B and  Cand  Dand 
A     B 
C    D
 If the product of the positive integers and sum of their squares are 120 and 289 respectively then find
their sum.
A) 19 B) 23 C) 22 D) 25

A) 19 B) 23 C) 22 D) 25
 In a two digit number the digit in the unit place is twice of the digit in the tenth place. If the digits are
reversed , the new number is 27 more than the given number. Find the number.
A40 B) 52 C) 28 D) 36
A40 B) 52 C) 28 D) 36
 Choose the incorrect pair in the following (Eminent Tamilargal) 
A) M.Vanitha - First women Project director of ISRO
B) V.Naraynanan - Scientist in Advanced space research group
C) M.Sankaran - Former director of U.R.Rao Space
D) A.Rajarajan - Chairman of the Board who approves the launch of the rocket
A 
 
C 
 
 Between which two countries 11th SAMPRITI Military exercise was held?
A) India and Malaysia B) India and Sri Lanka
C) India and Bangladesh D) India and Singapore 
 
A    B
C D
 Consider the following statements 
1) C.S.Lakshmi was a first Tamil writer won the Tata Literature Lifetime achievement award 2023
2) She won the SakityaAkademi award 2021 for the Novel Sivappu Kaluthudan Oru Pachai Paravai
A) 1,2 is true B)1 only true C)1 only false D)1,2 is false 
A  B C D
 Who was not matched with Nobel Prize 2023 awarded for experimental methods that generate 
atto second pulses of light for the study of electron in dynamics in Matter?
A) Anne L’Huillier B) Ferenc Krausz C) Drew Weissman D) pierre Agostini
A    B
C D

 Where did the Agriculture College and Research Institute is situated named after Dr.M.S. Sawminathan?
A) Viralimalai (Trichy) Thanjavur)
B) Eechankottai (Thanjavur)
C) Alagappapuram (Karaikudi
kudi) Coimbatore) 
D) Vadavalli (Coimbatore)
A   B
  D
 1) Setting up of National Turmeric Board 
2) Establishment of Central Tribal University
In which state the above scheme was enacted by Prime Minister Modi?
A)Tamil Nadu B) Karnataka C) Andhra Pradesh D) Telangana 
A  B C  D
 Consider the following statements 
1) The Writer Sivasankari won the Saraswathi Samman Literature award for the year 2022
2)This award was provided by K.K.Birla Trust
T since 1991
3) This award was gave to the Novel NeervaliPaduvoom
A)1,2 only true B)2,3 only true C) 1,3 only false D)2,3 only false 
 
A B CD
 Where did Indian Oil launched India's first bus that runs on green hydrogen fuel?
A) Chennai B) Mumbai C) Bangalore D) Delhi 
A  B C D
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) Asian
an games 2023 was held in Hangzhou city in India
2) Indian women team won the Gold medal in this games by defeating Sri Lanka
3) In Asian games 2023, Indian team won 77 medals, including 28 gold.
A)1,2 only true B)2,3 only true C)1,3 only false D)2,3 only false 
A B CD
cabinet system was introduced in India?
 Which of the following state was not matched with ee-cabinet
A) Uttar Pradesh B) Uttarakhand C) Tiripura D) Madhya Pradesh 
A B
 C  D

 Match the following :- a b c d

a) Nilgiri Tahr day - 1. October 3 A) 1 2 3 4
b) World Postal day - 2. October 7 B) 1 3 4 2
c)World Mental health day - 3. October 9 C) 2 1 3 4
d) World nature day - 4. October 10 D) 2 3 4 1 
       a b c d  
a. 
  A    
b.  
  B    
c.  
  C    
d. 
  D    
 What is India'ss position in the international internet speed ranking published by Okhla?
A) 36th Place B) 42nd Place C) 47th Place D) 53rd Place 
A  B C D
 Consider the following statements:-
statements: 
1) Uttar Pradesh government announced River Ganges dolphin was announced as a State aquatic 
2) Approximately 2000 River Ganges dolphin are present in this state
A) 1,2 only true B)1 only true C)1 only false D)1,2 is false
A B C D
length statue of Ambedkar was inaugurated on October 14, 2023 in which country?
 A 19-feet full-length
A) America B) England C) Canada D) Japan 
A  B
 C  D
 How many Pairs are correctly matched?( Nobel Prize 2023) 
1) Economics - Caludia Goldin 2) Chemistry - Alexei Ekimov
3) Peace - Nargis Mohammed 4) Literature - Moungi G.Bawendi
A)1 Pair B)2 Pairs C) 3 Pairs D) All
A the above
 
 
 
A  B C D
 Which of the following sports is not included in the Olympic Games to be held in Los Angeles in 2028?
A) Squash B) Kabbadi C) Cricket D) Flag Football 
A  B C D

 Which scheme was set up to rescue 18000 Indians from Israel to their homes?
A) Operation Ajay B) Operation Cauvery
C) Operation Dosth D) Operation Ganga
A    B
C    D
 Which country has been responsible for Indian Ocean Confederation for the year 2023?
A) India B) Sri Lanka C) Australia D) Singapore 
A  B C D
 Assertion : A Geographical Indications has been assigned to Udangudi Plam jaggery in Tuticorin 
Reason: Palm Jaggery with high sucrose content is produced with red sand dune and dry project
A) Assertion and reason are true, reason is the correct explanation of assertion
B) Assertion and reason are true, reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
C) Assertion is true and reason is false
D) Assertion is false and reason is true 
 
fewest balls in one
 Who is the world record holder for the fastest hundred off the fewest one-day cricket?
A) Maxwell B) Quiton de cock
C) Shubman Gill D) Jacob Fraser Mc Gurk 
A     B
C     D
 Consider the following statements 
1) Conciliation scheme for traders to pay outstanding taxes
2) It gave for six moths from October 14,2023 to April 15,2024
3) Under this scheme, the dues are completely waived off for merchants who owe less than Rs
5,00,000 in tax, interest and arrears.
A)1,2 only true B)2,3 only true
C) 1,3 only false D)2,3 only false

 
A B C D
Global Indian award by Canada India Trust?
 Who was the first women won the Global
A) C.S. Lakshmi B) S. Tamil Selvi C) Sudha Moorthy D) Sivasankari
A B C D
 How much was given by the Chief Minister to Nine Tamil Nadu scientists on the basis of
OlirumTamilnadumilirum Tamils scheme (Shining Tamil Nadu Shining Tamils)?
A) Rs.Ten Lakhs B) Rs.Twenty Five Lakhs
C) Rs.Fifty Lakhs D) Rs.Seventy Five Lakhs 
 
A    B
C D
 Consider the following statements 
1) The European Union Meteorological Observatory has announced that global average temperatures
will reach a new peak in September 2023.
2) The average temperature was raised to 16.38 degree Celsius
A)1 only true B) 2 only true C)1,2 is true D)1,2 is false 
A  B C  D
ipithan Memorial award 2022 gave by USA Light Literature Organization?
 Who won the Pudumaipithan
A) P.Velsamy B) Ambai C) Sivasankari D) Devi Bharathi 
 
A B C D
 
 
 
       
 
   

     

 
  

 
 
 
 

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