Ijenm 2018 093708
Ijenm 2018 093708
Ijenm 2018 093708
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S. Mahendran*
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University College of Engineering,
College of Anna University Chennai,
Pattukkottai – 614 701, Tamilnadu, India
Email: [email protected]
*Corresponding author
A. Senthilkumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
University College of Engineering,
College of Anna University Chennai,
Panruti, Tamilnadu, India
Email: [email protected]
R. Jeyapaul
Department of Production Engineering,
National Institute of Technology,
Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu, India
Email: [email protected]
Keywords: value stream mapping; man machine chart; 5S; just in time; JIT;
value addition; value added time; non-value added time; man machine ration;
kanban; automobile industry.
1 Introduction
After the World War II, the manufacturers of Japan are lowest man power, less amount of
material, less ordering time, the new concept is required to manage the productivity of the
industry. At that time, lean concept was first used in Toyota manufacturing system,
Japan, in the year of 1940s. A study was made in Massachusetts institute of technology of
the movement from mass production to lean production (Womack et al., 1990). The
design changes made in conveyor line layout and kanban is made, reduces the waste,
excessive transportation and idle times applicable to every production and layout designs.
(Álvarez et al., 2009). The lean manufacturing with just in time (JIT) principle is used to
reduce the wastage and cost. The sequence of lean manufacturing implementation in a
company and JIT with suppliers is to get the maximum levels of punctuality (Romano
et al., 2010). The cell manufacturing is identified then group of products produced in a
same way. Depending on individual parts operation sequence and processing, material
handling time, the original layout cell is designed to reduce the waiting time and slack
time (non-value added time) (Pattanaik and Sharma, 2009). Lean Six Sigma is used to
reduce the wastage and cost of the industry. The wastes are classified in to three groups:
CVA, OVA and NVA. The major percentage of cycle time is reduced nearly 54% is
achieved and non-value added time is reduced (Ismail et al., 2014). The cellular
manufacturing system is machines are grouped into cells, where each cell is formed for
particular family and main aim is improve the cell independence. The cellular
manufacturing system is used to reduce the material handling, work in process, setup
time, lead time and improve the value addition time and productivity (Pattanaik and
Sharma, 2009). The lean manufacturing principle is applied in textile industry. Textile
Analysis of lean manufacturing in an automobile industry 131
industries main aim is reduce the wastage and cost and increase the productivity and
value addition percentage. The different lean tools used in various companies surveyed
and tabled. Lean manufacturing has not been applied only in high level industries,
applicable in all level industries (Hodge et al., 2011). The lean manufacturing is applied
in small and medium levelled production companies. The various lean tools are applied in
various companies, company A, company B, company C, company D. The smed tool is
best suitable for company A and 5S tool is applicable in company B, Kaizen is applicable
in company C and best suited and these results are compared (Panizzolo et al., 2012). The
lean Six Sigma tools are used to contrast the difference between batch manufacturing and
lean manufacturing. The batch manufacturing are transferred in to lean manufacturing
and reduce the setup time, increase the productivity and less space required for
manufacturing (Brown et al., 2015). The lean manufacturing principle is applied in 32%
of the companies and 68% of the companies have not yet taken the lean thinking. The
small and medium level companies are anxiety about changing mindset of workers,
lagging of awareness about lean principle, time and cost involved in implementation of
lean (Eswaramoorthi et al., 2011). The lean sigma and Six Sigma are the two lean tools
combined working for selecting of good switches and cause and effect diagram is used to
calculate the reason for failures. The overall equipment effectiveness is calculated. The
implementation of lean sigma concept is not only good operation in industry but also give
savings to the industry (Vinodh et al., 2014). The lean manufacturing principle is applied
in manufacturing company, then value stream mapping and man machine chart is used to
indicate the current status. The waste area is identified and using lean tools improve the
value stream mapping and man machine utilisation (Jeyaraj et al., 2013). The roofing tile
manufacturing company is another lean manufacturing company and waste area is
identified. The wasted areas operator motion, lost resources, overproduction, inventory,
idle time, quality issues and transportation are identified. The cause and effect diagram
and five whys method is used to calculate the reason for wastage and improve them
(Rahman and Karim, 2013). The lean sigma tools applied in an automotive
manufacturing company using DMAIC approach. There are three phases define, measure,
analyse phase and calculate the wastage. The cause and effect diagram is used to
calculate the reason for failure. The availability and OEE is calculated, then overall lead
time, setup time and non-value added time is reduced (Rahman and Karim, 2013). The
value stream mapping tool is used conventionally, now analytical hierarchy
process-preemptive goal programming has been proposed. This framework not only used
to select the VSM tool, also used to reduce the wastage and increase the productivity of
the industry (Vinodh et al., 2011). The material handling operations are studied in a
manufacturing company. The manual handling methods are identified and possibilities to
modify the automatic method. The material handling system is fully automated and
monitored by control system (Green et al., 2010). The lean tools JIT, kanban, Kaizen,
value stream mapping are used in a manufacturing company. The structural modelling
equation (SME) is used to cross-verify the values within the range. The results indicate
that JIT and automation have the strongest effect and Kaizen, TPM, VSM are the lesser
effect (Belekoukias et al., 2014). The lean manufacturing industries are more productivity
if the wastages are reduced. The Kaizen is an advanced technique, design changes are
used to improve the industries efficiency (Modarress et al., 2005). Lean manufacturing
techniques promote improved flexibility, enhanced reliability and substantial cost
reductions (Rajendhirakumar et al., 2012). The kanban system works effectively in
132 S. Mahendran et al.
From current state value stream mapping, the non-value added time is noted as
794 min, value added time is noted as 1,602 sec, the total inventory is noted as 1,268. The
no. of workers are 52. The main aim of this article is reduce the non-value added time,
value added time, total inventory, no. of workers.
2 Research gap
From literature survey, the lean manufacturing widely used in many industries all over
the world. Many researchers used lean tools such as 5S, JIT, kanban, Kaizen, value
stream mapping to reduce the wastage and cost. Lean manufacturing principle with value
stream mapping is commonly used. But few researchers are used value stream mapping
with man machine chart. In this article, combined value stream mapping and man
machine chart used to reduce the wastage, cost and increase the productivity of the
industry. The cycle time, processing time, value added time and non-value added time are
noted and current state value stream mapping is drawn. The man machine chart is created
for grinding and lathe operations. These works are combined and reduce the idle time of
the manufacturing line. This combined man machine chart and value stream mapping
diagram validates the increased percentage of value addition, overall efficiency of the
industry, reduced idle time.
3 Methodology
The literature survey is made from various lean manufacturing journal papers. The
automotive industry is identified as Rane engine valves private limited located in
Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. The manufacturing line 2 is selected and draws the
current position of the value stream mapping.
There are four members team walk around the industry, there are various machining
processes are rough centreless grinding, groove grinding, facing and turning (turret lathe,
centre lathe), drilling, slotting, undercutting and autocleaning are the various machining
processes. From above sequence of machining processes, the cycle time, processing time,
tool changeover time, no of shifts, no of operators, available time are noted.
The lean manufacturing tools JIT and man machine chart are used to reduce the
non-value added time and value added time. Now draw the future state of new value
stream mapping with improved performance. Man machine chart of uncombined working
and combined working of grinding and lathe machine is made. The results and
discussions are made. The results are compared, before and after implementation of lean.
A case study is made in automotive industry at Rane engine valves private limited located
in trichirappalli, tamilnadu, India. The industries annual turnover is 27 billion Indian
rupees. The industry has many plants in various cities at Chennai, Hyderabad,
Tiruchirappalli and Bangalore. In Tiruchirappalli there are two plants, valve
manufacturing and steering plant. There are various departments in automotive
134 S. Mahendran et al.
Value stream mapping is a paper and pencil method and draw the one page picture of all
activities in current status. The rough centreless machining, groove grinding, turret lathe,
centre lathe, drilling, slotting, undercut and autocleaning are the various machining
process sequences. The team with four members walk around the industry and observe
the machining processes to note down the datas. There are two shifts per day, working
time is 16 hours per day. There are 20 min lunch and 10 min break. Total available time
per day (2 shifts) is (960 min–60 min), 900 minute. In Figure 1, the changeover time is
noted using single minute exchange of dies. There are various rectangular boxes noted
cycle time, changeover time, available time, uptime and no of shits are noted. The
inventory detail is noted in triangular box. The initial inventory is noted as 1,900 and the
final inventory is noted as 1,100. The various inventories are noted in between the
processes. The non-value added time is noted for each machine processes. The total
non-value added time is noted as 566 minute. The total value added time is noted as
1,156 sec. The total inventory is noted, except initial and final inventory is 950.
6 Lean tools
The JIT is the main tool used in lean manufacturing to reduce the wastage. JIT means
whenever the material requires then only supplied. There is no inventory. There are right
materials at a right place at a right time. The inventory storage is reduced then cost is also
reduced. There is a pull production method not push production. The raw material supply
is reduced from 1,900 to 1,010 and an each process the inventory supply is reduced. The
final inventory is reduced from 1,100 to 640. The design changes are made in grinding
wheels. The grinding wheels are sharpened and thickness is reduced. The diameter of the
wheel is increased from 32 cm to 38 cm. The speed of the wheel is reduced from 140 rpm
to 115 rpm. The cycle time of the rough grinding machine is reduced from 212 sec to
142 sec and groove grinding machine is 246 sec to 142 sec. Turret lathe and centre lathe
is designed , the four jaw self independent chuck is replaced by three jaw self centring
chuck. So initial setting of workpiece time is reduced. The speed of the motor is
gradually increased from 175 rpm to 210 rpm. So the cycle time and set up time of the
machining process in lathe is decreased. In drilling machine, the drill bit is designed to
compact size for quick material removal slotting machine, the slotting tool is sharpened
to rectify the slotting process takes more time. Undercut process is made by curved tool.
The curvature of the tool is improved.
Analysis of lean manufacturing in an automobile industry 135
7 Methodology
In Table 1, current state, the worker (w1 + w2) working 16 hours and idle time is 16
hours. The worker 3 involves 8 hours working and 8 hours idle time. In machine wise,
grinding1 + grinding2 working 16 hours, idle time is 16 hours. Lathe machine, working
hours are 8 hours, idle time are 8 hours.
Table 2 Man machine chart (future state)
In Table 2, future state, the worker working (w1 + w2 +w3) 24 hours and idle time is
24 hours. Machine wise, grinding1 + grinding2 + lathe are combined working of 29 hours
and idle time is 19 hours. So working hours of combined grinding and lathe machines are
increased from 24 hours to 29 hours, idle time is reduced to 24 hours to 19 hours.
9 Conclusions
From above results, the lean manufacturing is successfully implemented in Rane engine
valves limited, Trichirappalli, Tamilnadu, India. The non-value added time is reduced
from 794 min to 566 min, 28.71% improved. The value added time is reduced from
1,602 sec to 1,156 sec, 27.84% improved. The total inventory is reduced from 1,268 to
950, as 25.07%. The percentage value addition is increased from 3.25% to 3.29%. The
man machine chart improves the man machine ratio 1.52:1.26. The workers are reduced
from 52 to 26. The overall productivity of the industry is improved. From man machine
chart, the combined working of grinding and lathe machines, the working time increased
from 24 hours to 29 hours. The idle time is reduced from 24 hours to 19 hours. The
overall efficiency of the industry is improved.
The limitations of the study are some companies not apply the lean method. If the
lean method is not applied, the value stream mapping and man machine chart method are
not applicable. The value stream mapping is a conventional method and the results are
applicable only for manufacturing and automotive industry. The output produced in the
industry is average then lean concept is applicable. If the production is dull, the value
stream map method is not suitable.
The future research is lean manufacturing principle is applied in all lines (A to M)
and comparative study is made between all lines. The supply chain principle is added to
lean concept. These supply chain covers the customer order, purchasing, working and
delivery to the end customer. This supply chain concept is used to improve overall
efficiency of the industry.
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