CBP 9911
CBP 9911
CBP 9911
5 December 2023
By Felicia Rankl
Planning reforms in England:
Levelling Up and Regeneration
Act 2023 and further changes
1 Background to planning reforms
2 A new category of planning policies: National Development
Management Policies (NDMPs)
3 Proposed reforms to local plan-making
4 Abolishing the ‘duty to cooperate’
5 Further changes to local plan-making
Number CBP 9911 Planning reforms in England: Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 and further changes
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Summary 4
The government said NDMPs will make local plans faster to produce and
easier to navigate because nationally important issues will be protected by
NDMPs and local plans will be able to focus on locally important issues. It
also said NDMPs will provide safeguards where local plans are out-of-date.
Views on NDMPs
The Home Builders Federation said NDMPS could standardise policies that
were already contained in most local plans. It said that, currently, a lack of
consistency made local plans difficult to navigate for developers.
The Local Government Association (LGA) and Royal Town Planning Institute
(RTPI) said they supported NDMPs ‘in principle’, but expressed concern that,
in case of a conflict between the two, NDMPs could override local plans. The
LGA argued that this undermined “the idea of a local, plan-led system”.
• three ‘gateway’ checks (of four to six weeks each) where technical
specialists or planning inspectors would help LPAs resolve issues.
The government also proposed that the examination of the local plan by the
Planning Inspectorate should take place during the 30-month timeframe. It
said the examination should last “no more than six months”.
They questioned whether it would be feasible for LPAs to produce local plans
in 30 months, however, highlighting the resourcing constraints faced by LPAs.
The LGA also expressed concern that LPAs might not be able to “meaningfully
consult the public” within the proposed timeframe.
Since 2019, the government has put forward different proposals to reform the
planning system in England and national planning policy. 1 It has said reforms
to the planning system are central to delivering a sufficient supply of homes
and ensuring that “the right homes will be built in the right places”. 2
The changes made by the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 are part of
a wider reform programme to the planning system. In its policy paper
accompanying the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (May 2022), the
government said it will also make changes to regulations, national policies
and guidance to speed up the plan-making process. 4
Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (LUHC) Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC
1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23, July 2023, para 9
Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), Levelling Up and Regeneration:
Further information, May 2022
DLUHC and Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), Planning for the
future, last updated January 2023; Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
Conservative Party, The Conservative and Unionist Party Manifesto (PDF), 2019
2023. 6 The government has said that the planning system is one of the main
reasons why not enough homes are built in England. 7
The government said a failure to build enough homes had led to people living
in “sub-standard or unsuitable homes”, such as homes that do not “provide a
reasonable degree of thermal comfort” or that “are not in a reasonable state
of repair”. It also noted that a failure to build enough homes had contributed
to the rising cost of purchasing a home. 8 Further, the Levelling Up, Housing
and Communities (LUHC) found that it had led to a lack of affordable housing
in the private rented sector. 9
In August 2020, the government published the ‘Planning for the Future’ White
Paper. The government proposed “radical reform” to the planning system to
make it “simpler, clearer, quicker to navigate”. It stated that the complexity
of the current system had resulted in “discretionary rather than rules-based”
decision-making on planning application and local plans that also took “too
long to produce”. To reform the planning system, the government proposed:
DLUHC, PM to build 1 million new homes over this Parliament, July 2023
DLUHC and MHCLG, Planning for the future, last updated January 2023
Homes England, Fact Sheet 1. The need for homes, November 2023
LUHC Committee, Reforming the Private Rented Sector (PDF) HC 624, Fifth Report of Session 2022–
23, February 2023, para 112
Notably, the government did not take forward proposed reforms to establish
a nationally-determined, binding housing target or proposed reforms to place
land in three categories. It retained its commitment to building 300,000 new
homes per year, although provisions giving that target statutory weight were
not in the Bill (now Act).
At the time of writing (5 December 2023), these provisions have not yet taken
effect. They require regulations to be brought into force, and the government
has not set out a timetable for when it will bring forward these regulations. 13
MHCLG, Launch of Planning for the future consultation to reform the planning system, August 2020;
DLUHC and MHCLG, Planning for the future, last updated January 2023
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023; DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further
information, May 2022
Section 255 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
Under section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, most
planning applications for development are decided by LPAs in line with their
local development plan unless ‘material considerations’ indicate otherwise. 14
Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Section 70 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990
DLUHC and MHCLG, Determining a planning application, last updated June 2021, para 8
DLUHC, National Planning Policy Framework, last updated September 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 10, para 4
Section 93 of the 2023 Act also contains provisions to provide that, in future,
material considerations will have to “strongly” indicate otherwise to override
the local plan or NDMPs. These provisions have also not yet taken effect. 19
Once NDMPs have been designated, LPAs will decide planning applications in
line with their local plan and NDMPs, unless material considerations strongly
indicate otherwise. In case of a conflict between a local plan and an NDMP,
the NDMP would take precedence over the local plan. 20 Local plans will also
not be able to repeat NDMPs or be inconsistent with them. 21
Benefits of NDMPs
The government has said NDMPs will have two main benefits:
• NDMPs will make local plans faster to produce and easier to navigate,
because LPAs could focus on locally important issues while policies on
nationally important issues will be set out by the government.
Section 93 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023; Section 255 of the Levelling Up and
Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 10, para 4
Section 93 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
Schedule 7(15C) of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 10, para 11
Scope of NDMPs
Anything that concerns the development or use of land in England could be
an NDMP; the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 does not place any
restrictions on the scope and content of NDMPs. The Secretary of State for
DLUHC will be responsible for designating, modifying and revoking NDMPs.
The government said that NDMPs will cover “general [planning] policies on
issues that apply in most areas” in England, while locally specific policies will
continue to be set out in local plans. 23 In a policy paper accompanying the
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (May 2022), the government suggested
that NDMPs would be derived from the policies currently set out in the NPPF.
It said the NPPF would be refocused on “setting out the principles to be taken
into account in [local] plan-making”. For example, the government suggested
that policies preventing inappropriate development on green belt land and in
areas at high risk of flooding might become NDMPs. 24
• They will only cover matters that have a direct impact on the
determination of planning applications.
• They will only address planning issues that concern the development and
use of land. 26
On 17 October 2023, during a debate on the Bill, the government said it would
consult on specific policies that would become NDMPs following the passage
of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill. 27 The Bill received Royal Assent on
26 October 2023. At the time of writing (5 December 2023), a consultation has
not yet been published.
Explanatory Notes to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (HL Bill 84) 2022-23, para 57
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 10, para 15
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 10, para 13
HC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill] 17 October 2023, c185
The Secretary of State must also consult the public and “appropriate” bodies
on proposed NDMPs. Exceptions to consultation requirements apply if either
of the following conditions apply:
Section 94 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
HC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill] 17 October 2023, c185; Section 94 of the Levelling Up
and Regeneration Act 2023
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), NPPF consultation response, March 2023; Planning Officers
Society (POS), POS response to Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation
of plan-making reforms, October 2023
RTPI, NPPF consultation response, March 2023
Local Government Association (LGA), Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National
Planning Policy Consultation, March 2023
LGA, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National Planning Policy Consultation, March
for the same reason. It argued that NDMPs would “centralise planning powers
and remove long-standing community rights to be heard” on the local plan. 34
Other organisations, for example the Home Builders Federation (HBF) which
represents the home building industry, expressed full support for NDMPs as a
way to standardise policies that it considered were already contained in most
local plans but were not consistent. The HBF said the lack of consistency had
led to a regulatory environments that developers found difficulty to navigate.
The HBF further stated that that it was “entirely right” for NDMPs to override
local plans in case of a conflict between the two to avoid “the patchwork quilt
of local policies that makes the case for NDMPs in principle”. 35
In its report on reforms to national planning policy (July 2023), the LUHC
Committee also expressed concern that the Bill established “in statute that
NDMPs will supersede policies in local plans when the two conflict”. 38
Some stakeholder groups, including the RTPI and the LGA, also called for
NDMPs to undergo consultation and scrutiny. The National Housing
Federation (NHF) argued that there should “a rigorous democratic process”
Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), NPPF consultation response, March 2023
Home Builders Federation (HBF), HBF's response to Government's NPPF consultation, March 2023;
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 016 [HBF]
HC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill] 8 June 2022; HL Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration
Bill] 17 January 2023
PBC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill (Thirteenth sitting)] 12 July 2022, c432
LUHC Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC 1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23,
July 2023, para 111
Clause 84 of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill 6 2022-23 [as introduced]
LUHC Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC 1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23,
July 2023, para 116
for NMDPs because they “will have legal weight in decision-making for
The Lords agreed to an amendment to the Bill which would have required
NDMPs to undergo public consultation and parliamentary scrutiny. 42 The
government proposed an amendment in its place which was added to the Bill
and is now part of the Act. This requires public consultation to take place in
“all but exceptional circumstances” but does not provide for parliamentary
scrutiny. 43 In its response to the LUHC Committee’s report (November 2023),
the government said the public consultation will allow “everyone with an
interest, including Parliamentarians,” to scrutinise NDMPs and comment on
them. 44
For example, the Planning Officers Society (POS) said there should not be “a
blanket ban” on local plans repeating NDMPs. The POS argued that “a one-
size-fits-all approach” may not work “given differing local challenges and
opportunities”. The POS argued that it should be possible for LPAs to take “a
different or more refined approach”. 45 The LGA also argued that LPAs should
be able “to tailor such policies [NDMPs] to local circumstances”. 46
The RTPI expressed concern “if not deployed effectively”, NDMPs could “stifle
innovation”. It said, in the case of climate policies, LPAs would be required to
“go at the speed of Government” instead of setting innovative local policies. 47
Wildlife and Countryside Link also said LPAs should be able to “go beyond”
NDMPs to include ambitious nature and climate policies in their local plans. 48
On the other hand, the HBF said NDMPs should set “a sufficiently ambitious
bar [for planning policies] that LPAs can make the case to stay below […] but
cannot go above”. 49
LUHC Committee, Oral evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), 13 March 2023, Q50
Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (Bill 369) 2022-23 (Lords Amendments), LA44; HL Deb [Levelling-
up and Regeneration Bill], 4 September 2023
HC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill] 17 October 2023, c196
DLUHC, Reforms to national planning policy report: Government response, November 2023
POS, Response to NPPF/LURB Consultation, February 2023; POS, POS response to Levelling-up and
Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, October 2023
LGA, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National Planning Policy Consultation, March
RTPI, NPPF consultation response, March 2023
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 004 [Wildlife
and Countryside Link]
Home Builders Federation (HBF), HBF's response to Government's NPPF consultation, March 2023
Section 17 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires LPAs
to prepare either a single document or a suite of documents that together
make up the ‘local plan’. 51 Schedule 7 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration
Act 2023 contains provisions to replace sections 15 to 37 of the 2004 Act and
instead require LPAs to prepare a single document called the ‘local plan’
rather than a suite of documents. 52
Provisions in Schedule 7 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 have
not yet taken effect. They will “come into force on such day as the Secretary of
State may be regulations appoint”. 53
Section 38 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Section 70 of the Town and Country
Planning Act 1990
Section 17 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
Schedule 7 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
Section 255 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
Section 28 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Schedule 7(15I) of the Levelling Up
and Regeneration Act 2023
SDS can set out policies that deal with matters that are only of strategic
importance to the development and land use in the joint area. 55
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 contains provisions which will
also allow other LPAs (that are not part of combined authorities, mayoral
combined authorities or in Greater London) to prepare a joint SDS. This power
would be optional to use at the discretion of LPAs.
Once adopted, a joint SDS will form part of the policies in line with which an
LPA makes decisions on planning applications, along with the local plan (and
once they are in force, NDMPs).
The government said that it will put “the regulations, policy and guidance” to
enable the preparation of local plans under the new plan-making process in
place by autumn 2024. 57
In preparing its local plan, an LPA must follow the Town and Country Planning
(Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The 2012 Regulations give LPAs
“considerable flexibility” as to how they prepare their local plans, 58 provided
that LPAs:
• consult the local community, local businesses and certain public bodies
(such as Natural England and the Environment Agency) under regulation
18. LPAs must take representations they receive in response into account
in preparing their local plans. 59
Greater London Authority Act 1999; Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 240
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 34
Regulation 18 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The
public bodies that an LPA should consult if it considers that they may have an interest in the local
plan and the local bodies and groups it should consult are set out in Regulation 2.
• publish and consult on their draft local plans for at least six weeks under
regulation 19 before submitting it for examination. 60
LPAs must also publish and keep up-to-date a ‘local development scheme’,
setting out a timetable for local plan preparation. 62 The Town and Country
Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 do not currently set a
mandatory timetable for plan-making process, however, except for setting
out a minimum consultation period of six weeks.
Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012. The
Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making,
last updated October 2021, para 35
Section 111 of the Localism Act 2011, which amended Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory
Purchase Act 2004
DLUHC, National Planning Policy Framework, last updated September 2023, para 35
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 56
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 57
The government has expressed concern that local plans can “often take a
long time to prepare, at least seven years on average” and that many local
plans are out-of-date. It estimated that only around 35% of LPAs in England
have adopted a local plan in the last five years. 69
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 gives the government the power
to set a mandatory timetable for local plan preparation. 72 The government
Regulation 10A of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 62
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, paras 62-64
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 38
The presumption in favour of sustainable development also applies where the housing delivery test
shows that an LPA has delivered less than 75% of its assessed local housing need.
DLUHC, National Planning Policy Framework, last updated September 2023, para 11
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022; DLUHC, Levelling-up and
Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, July 2023, paras 40-65
has said, alongside the 2023 Act, it will update regulations to require LPAs to
produce local plans within 30 months and update them every five years. 73
1. At the ‘scoping and participation’ stage, an LPA should define the scope
of its local plan and set out how it will engage the local community and
stakeholders. This stage is not part of the 30-month timeframe, and the
government has not proposed a time limit on this stage.
2. The first stage within the 30-month plan-making process is the ‘plan
visioning and strategy development’ stage. At this stage, an LPA should
establish the “visions, aims and objectives” the local plan will address
and what supporting evidence is needed.
3. As part of the ‘evidence gathering and drafting the plan’ stage, an LPA
should then gather the underpinning evidence and, on the basis of that
evidence, prepare a draft local plan.
4. The LPA should then resolve the issues the local community, statutory
bodies and other stakeholders raised during the consultation. This is the
last stage prior to submitting the local plan for examination.
5. The LPA will then submit the local plan to the Planning Inspectorate for
examination. The government said that an examination “should take no
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
Schedule 7(15B) of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
Schedule 7(15B) of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023; Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill:
consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, July 2023, para 82
Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
• The first and second gateway would take place at the start of and part-
way through the plan-making process respectively. For these gateways,
LPAs will be required to prepare a report identifying up to five issues that
pose a risk to the soundness and/or legal and procedural compliance of
their local plan.
• The third gateway would be at the end of the plan-making process. The
gateway is intended to ensure that a local plan meets key requirements
and is “ready to proceed to examination”.
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 43-65
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 137
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 143-147
The government said the three gateway checks will ensure “any issues with
the plan are picked up earlier in the plan-making process and resolved prior
to the examination”. It said the three gateway checks will reduce the risk of
local plans being found unsound at examination. 81
• shortening the notification period for hearings from six to three weeks.
• setting a time limit of three weeks “by default” on the consultation period
and allowing for a longer time period “by exception only”. 82
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 will also give planning inspectors
the power to pause the examination process. The government said a pause
will allow an LPA to address issues a planning inspector has identified without
having to withdraw its local plan. The government said a pause should last no
longer than six months. 83
The Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 also contains provisions that will
prevent an LPA from withdrawing its local plan once the LPA has submitted it
for examination unless withdrawal is recommended by a planning inspector
or directed by the Secretary of State. Under section 22 of the Planning and
Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, an LPA can currently withdraw its local plan
at any point.84
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 104-113
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 63
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 119
Schedule 7(15DA) of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
Section 22 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Schedule 7(15E) of the Levelling-up
and Regeneration Act 2023
Further, after four years of adopting their local plans, LPAs would be required
to complete “a detailed return” to inform updates to the local plan. 86
The government said LPAs must submit their local plans for examination by 31
June 2025 (and adopt them by 31 December 2026) if they want their local
plans to be adopted under the old plan-making system. If LPAs are not able
to meet these deadlines (or if their local plans fail at examination), then LPAs
must prepare their local plans under the new plan-making system. 87
The government has proposed that local plans which were prepared under
the old plan-making system will continue to be considered ‘up-to-date’ for
the first 30 months of the new plan-making system. It said this will ensure
that LPAs are “protected from the risk of speculative development”, even if
their local plans are more than five years old to allow LPAs to prepare local
plans under the new plan-making system. 88
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 168-169
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 249-250
For example, the LGA said it supported the government’s proposals to speed
up the plan-making process but considered the 30-month timeframe to be
“aspirational”.89 The Planning Officers Society (POS) also said the 30-month
plan-making process was “a highly laudable aim” but questioned whether it
could be achieved.90
The POS said that the three gateway checks and two statutory consultation
periods within the 30-month timeframe would “eat up much of the time” and
argued that LPAs would not “have much capacity for anything else”. 91
LGA, Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, October 2023
POS, POS response to Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms, October 2023
POS, POS response to Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms, October 2023
RTPI, Response to ‘Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms’, October 2023
TCPA, Response to government proposals to reform plan making in England, September 2023
LGA, Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, October 2023
weeks. It argued that three weeks were “an unacceptably short period” for
town or parish councils and community groups that usually meet monthly. 95
However, they argued that the same planning inspector should undertake all
three gateway assessments and the examination of the local plan “to ensure
consistency of advice and approach”. 96 The POS highlighted that, if the advice
given at the gateway checks and at examination were to differ, it could result
in “significant problems”. 97
The RTPI also expressed concern that resourcing constraints could impact the
Planning Inspectorate’s ability to support the gateway assessments process
as the Planning Inspectorate was currently “stretched to capacity”.98
For example, the planning consultancy Lichfields and the RTPI argued that
uncertainty about whether and when the proposed reforms would take effect
have resulted in “an impasse in plan-making”.99 The real estate services
company Savills also noted that “the prospect of planning reform” had led
some LPAs to delay the preparation of their local plans. 100
TCPA, Response to government proposals to reform plan making in England, September 2023
LGA, Consultation on implementation of plan-making reforms, October 2023
POS, POS response to Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms, October 2023
RTPI, Response to ‘Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms’, October 2023
Lichfields, Failing to Plan or Planning to Fail? The State of Local Plan-Making, April 2023; RTPI |
March 2023 NPPF consultation response
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 001 [Savills]
Lichfields, Start me up – but then you stopped: the continuing cost of local plan delays, January
2023; Lichfields, Failing to Plan or Planning to Fail? The State of Local Plan-Making, April 2023
HBF, Number of new homes gaining planning permission continues to plunge, September 2023
It is not possible to determine whether these LPAs have delayed their local
plans because of a lack of certainty about the proposed reforms to the plan-
making process, because of the possibility of greater flexibility to meet their
assessed local housing need, or for other, unrelated, reasons.
However, Lichfields argued that “the overwhelming mood” among LPAs was
“a cautious one in terms of proceeding with their emerging [local] plans”. 103
The POS said many LPAs were reluctant to continue working on their local
plan “until they know there is certainty” because they expected that “the goal
posts for plan-making” would keep changing. The LGA argued that it was
“inevitable” that some LPAs had paused their local plan-making process:
it is inevitable, when you have notable changes to planning law that people
will not know what is happening, and therefore will make judgements about
whether it is better to wait and have certainty. 104
In its report on reforms to national planning policy (July 2023), the LUHC
Committee noted that the government that had not denied that some LPAs
had delayed their local plans as a result of the government’s announcements
of the proposed reforms. However, the government said the analysis of delays
was “probably an overestimate”. 105
The committee concluded, the proposed reforms had slowed down local plan-
making, contrary to government aims. The committee called on the
government to pause further reforms “to allow for a period of stability”.106
Other organisations have also expressed concern that further reforms and
continuing uncertainty would lead to further delays. 107 The POS called on the
government to “announce dates as soon as possible” and also “to stick to an
approach and not deviate again in the future”. 108
Lichfields, Start me up – but then you stopped: the continuing cost of local plan delays, January
LUHC Committee, Oral evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), 13 March 2023, Q4
LUHC Committee, Oral evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), 24 April 2023, Q66
LUHC Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC 1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23,
July 2023, paras 13-15
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 001 [Savills];
HBF, HBF's response to Government's NPPF consultation, March 2023
POS, Response to NPPF/LURB Consultation, February 2023
The ‘duty to cooperate’ refers to provisions in section 33A of the Planning and
Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. These require LPAs to cooperate with each
other and with other prescribed bodies in preparing their local plans “so far
as relating to a strategic matter”. A strategic matter is defined as a matter
that relates to the “sustainable development or use of land that has or would
have a significant impact on at least two planning areas”. 109
The duty to cooperate is also set out in the government’s National Planning
Policy Framework (NPPF), which provides a framework against which LPAs
draw up their local plans. The NPPF requires local plans to be “informed by
agreements with other authorities”, for example, “so that unmet [housing]
need from neighbouring areas is accommodated where it is practical to do so
and is consistent with achieving sustainable development”. 110
To demonstrate that they have engaged with each other, LPAs can prepare a
‘statement of common ground’. A statement of common ground is prepared
by LPAs to set out on which cross-boundaries matters they will cooperate on
and how they will work tougher. 113
Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004
DLUHC, National Planning Policy Framework, last updated September 2023, para 35
Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004; Regulation 4 of the Town and
Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
LUHC Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC 1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23,
July 2023, para 59
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 10
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 31
The provision in the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill 2023 to abolish the
duty to cooperate have not yet taken effect; they will “come into force on such
day as the Secretary of State may be regulations appoint”. 116
In April 2023, the then Housing Minister, Rachel Mclean said the government
had not yet developed the flexible alignment policy. The Director General for
Regeneration at DLUHC, Emran Mian, said the flexible alignment policy would
be “used for developing infrastructure in common” rather than “as a way of
delivering local housing numbers”:
HC Deb [Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill (Fourteenth sitting)] 14 July 2022, c464
Section 255 of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Levelling Up and Regeneration: Further information, May 2022
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 4, para 15
LUHC Committee, Oral evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), 24 April 2023, Q94-Q95
Transitional arrangements
In its consultation on reforms to national planning policy (December 2022),
the government said the duty to cooperate “will remain in place” until the
flexible alignment policy takes effect as part of a future revised NPPF. 120
The government also said LPAs must submit their local plans for examination
by 31 June 2025 (and adopt them by 31 December 2026) if they want their local
plans to be adopted under the old plan-making system. It said “existing legal
requirements and duties” such as the duty to cooperate will still apply until
that date.121
One concern was that the conversations between neighbouring LPAs had
mostly focused on housing delivery rather than other strategic matters. In its
2014 report, the CLG Committee noted concerns that, in some areas, the duty
to cooperate may be used “to push ‘unwanted’ housing from one authority to
its neighbours”. 125 The County Council Network also argued that the duty to
cooperate often led to a focus on “conversations around housing numbers,
rather than wider matters such as infrastructure provision and delivery”. 126
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 4, para 15
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 9, para 4
Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee, Abolition of Regional Spatial Strategies: A
planning vacuum (PDF) HC 517, Second Report of Session 2010–11, March 2011, paras 61-72
CLG Committee, Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework (PDF) HC190, Fourth Report
of Session 2014–15, December 2014, para 44
Lords National Policy for the Built Environment Committee, Building better places (PDF) HL Paper
100, Report of Session 2015–16, February 2016, para 407
CLG Committee, Operation of the National Planning Policy Framework (PDF) HC190, Fourth Report
of Session 2014–15, December 2014, para 44
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: The future of the planning system in England (PDF), FPS 121
[County Councils Network]
Another concern was that the duty to cooperate emerged as an issue at the
end of the plan-making process. The HBF said this had caused many LPAs to
be sent “back to square one at examination”. 127
The TCPA highlighted that “many of the critical issues that local plans must
address are cross-boundary […] and require […] strategic planning”. 129
In its report on reforms to national planning policy (July 2023), the LUHC
Committee expressed concern that abolishing the duty to cooperate meant
“removing another incentive for local authorities to meet their local housing
need”. It recommended that the new alignment policy should require
neighbouring LPAs to cooperate on housing delivery or the government
should introduce “other mechanisms to encourage regional cooperation”.
The POS noted that collaboration was not only important for meeting local
housing need but also for delivering infrastructure, managing environmental
and natural assets (such as water) and mitigating and adapting to climate
change. 132 The TCPA also noted that issues, such as climate change, required
coordination “at national, regional and local levels”. It expressed concern
that otherwise risks related to flood management and water catchment
planning could potentially be missed. 133
In its report on reforms to national planning policy (July 2023), the LUHC
Committee said the government should ensure that there was no gap
between abolition of the duty to cooperate and adopting the new flexible
alignment policy. It also recommended that “the detail of the new alignment
policy must be defined, consulted on, and […] published”.134
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 016 [HBF]
RTPI, NPPF consultation response, March 2023
TCPA, Response to government proposals to reform plan making in England, September 2023
RTPI, NPPF consultation response, March 2023
LUHC Committee, Oral evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), 13 March 2023, Q27
POS, POS response to Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms, October 2023
TCPA, Response to government proposals to reform plan making in England, September 2023
LUHC Committee, Reforms to national planning policy HC 1122, Seventh report of session 2022-23,
July 2023, para 67
Indeed, the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 sets a limit on the scope
of supplementary plans. LPAs will be able to use them to create area-wide
design codes and/or to set out site-specific policies on affordable housing or
infrastructure. 140 The government said the scope of supplementary plans will
be limited to ensure that “they do not subvert the role of the local plan as the
principal planning policy framework” for an area”. 141
DLUHC and MHCLG, Plan-making, last updated October 2021, para 8; DLUHC, National Planning
Policy Framework, last updated September 2023
Schedule 7(15CC) of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
Explanatory Notes to the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill (HL Bill 84) 2022-23, para 1445
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 175-180
Schedule 7(15CC) of the Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 180
The requirements for producing supplementary plans will also be set out in
regulations under the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023. The 2023 Act
provides that these regulations must make provisions for supplementary
plans to be subject to consultation and examination. In its consultation on
plan-making reforms (July 2023), the government proposed:
The government said that LPAs could ensure that “important policies which
are required for decision-making purposes” which currently set out in SPDs
could be incorporated in their local plans. 145
The LGA also expressed concern that the resourcing constraints faced by LPAs
could impact their ability to produce supplementary plans. The LGA said that,
because supplementary plans will be subject to examination, LPAs may face
“an additional burden” in producing them. 146 The Association of Directors of
Environment, Planning and Transport shared concerns that supplementary
plans would “take more time and resources to produce”. 147
Part 5 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, paras 194-195
RTPI, NPPF consultation response, March 2023; LGA, Consultation on implementation of plan-
making reforms, October 2023
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Consultation on implementation of plan-making
reforms, July 2023, para 205
LGA, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to National Planning Policy Consultation, March
Why councils are alarmed at proposals to phase out supplementary planning documents, Planning
Resource Magazine [subscription required], March 2023
The NPPF, which provides a framework against which LPAs draw up their local
plans, already encourages LPAs to prepare design guides and codes as part
of their local plans or set them out in SPDs. 150 However, LPAs are not currently
required to prepare design guides or codes.
Once relevant regulations have been brought into force, LPAs will be required
to prepare local design codes either in the form of supplementary plans or as
part of their local plans. Because both supplementary plans and local plans
have statutory weight in decision-making on planning applications, in future,
proposed developments will be required to adhere to requirements set out in
local design codes.
Schedule 7(15F) of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023
DLUHC, Design: process and tools, last updated October 2019, para 8
DLUHC, National Planning Policy Framework, last updated September 2023, para 128
DLUHC, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill: Reforms to national planning policy, December 2022,
chapter 6, para 5
LGA, Planning reforms, June 2022; POS, Response to NPPF/LURB Consultation, February 2023
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 018 [Vistry
UK Green Building Council, Response to Government Consultation on National Planning Policy
Framework, March 2023
POS, Response to NPPF/LURB Consultation, February 2023; LGA, Levelling-up and Regeneration Bill:
Reforms to National Planning Policy Consultation, March 2023
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 018 [Vistry
LUHC Committee, Written evidence: Reforms to national planning policy (PDF), RNP 001 [Savills]