Recover Suit
Recover Suit
Recover Suit
Suit No.________/2009
Mr. Abdul Aziz S/O Akbar Ali R/O Village & Post Office
Kakhanwali, Tehsil Pasrur, Distt Sialkot.
Respectfully Sheweth:
3. That the customer opened an account with the plaintiff bank and
applied for Finance Facility by way of production loan in terms of the
plaintiff’s Agri. Loans facility (request annexure ---).
Agriculture Loan
10. That the plaintiff has suffered loss at the hands of the defendants due
to his non-fulfillment of contractual obligations according to the
agreed terms and conditions. Therefore, the plaintiff Bank is entitled
to claim the Mark Up, Charges, Commissions, Service charges, cost
incurred thereof and costs of funds.
12. That the parties reside in District Sialkot and cause of action also
arose at District Sialkot and this Learned Court Gujranwala created
under the special provisions of Law having a camp office at Sialkot
has the exclusive jurisdiction to adjudicate upon this matter and
determine this suit.
13. That the value of the suit for the purpose of court fee and jurisdiction
is Rs. 331,785/-(Three Lac Thirty One Thousand Seven Hundred and
eighty Five only) and the requisite court fee has been fixed with this
c. In case the sale proceeds fall short of the decretal amount then the
decree may be ordered to be satisfied by attachment and sale of
other assets and properties of the defendants and by way of arrest
and detention of the defendants.
d. The costs of the suit and the costs may also be granted.
e. Any other relief to which the plaintiff bank be found entitled as per
law, justice and equity or this Learned Court may deem fit and
appropriate in the circumstances of the case, may also be granted to
the plaintiff.
Muhammad Raza
Advocate High Court
Javaid Mehdi Law Chambers
205- District courts,
Verified on oath at Sialkot, this ---day of----, 2009 that the contents of the
Para no. --- to -- are true and correct to the best of my knowledge as per
bank record, maintained by the bank and is still in the custody of the bank
and from Para --- to -- to the best of my information provided to me in this
respect which I believe to be true and correct.