Icici Lambord
Icici Lambord
Icici Lambord
Property Details
Address of Risk Location:
State: Pin code:
I understand that this policy is Group Policy and ICICI Home information has been withheld by me/us or anyone acting on
Finance Company Limited has taken the policy for their Home Loan my/our behalf to obtain any benefit under this policy.
customers. This policy is applicable to the Dwelling not more than * A material fact will mean and include all important, essential and
50 years old. relevant information pertaining to the questions raised above
I/ We have read and understood the terms and conditions of the herein that is likely to influence the Company's acceptance or
Policy and confirm to abide by the same. I/We hereby agree that assessment of the proposal.
the insurance coverage under the Policy will commence only on I/We declare that the contents of this enrollment form and other
realization of full premium. Receipt of enrollment form by the documents have been fully explained to me/us and I/We have fully
Company shall not be construed as acceptance of proposal. understood the significance of the proposed contract
Company in its sole discretion reserves the right to accept or reject I understand that the insurance coverage will commence not
any proposal as per the under writhing guideline of the Company. earlier than the date of disbursal of loan as referred overleaf or after
I/We, the undersigned hereby declare that the above statements the full premium is received by ICICI Lombard General Insurance
and particulars are true, accurate and complete and I/We declare Co. Ltd whichever is later subject to underwriting approval by ICICI
and agree that this declaration and the answers given above shall Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd. Receipt of enrollment
be held to be promissory and shall be the basis of the contract form by ICICI Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd shall not be
between me/us and the Insurer. construed as acceptance of my proposal. The company in its sole
I/we authorize the Company and their agents to exchange, share or discretion reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal
part with all the information relating to my/ our personal and financial without assigning any reason thereof.
details with Government bodies / Regulatory Authorities/ Statutory I also confirm and declare that the persons whose details have
bodies or under court orders as may be required and I/ we will not been mentioned in this proposal for coverage are the applicant(s)
hold the Company and its agents liable for use of this information. of the loan whose details have been mentioned in the enrollment
I/we agree that the Policy shall become void at the option of the form.
Insurer, in the event of any untrue or incorrect statement, I confirm that I have voluntarily participated for this
misrepresentation, non-description or non-disclosure in any
material fact* in the enrollment form/personal statement, policy.
declaration and connected documents, or any material l/We declare that the quality of construction of the building is
Cancellation Clause
We may at any time, cancel this Policy on grounds of mis-representation, fraud, non-disclosure of material facts, or Your non-
cooperation, by giving 15 day notice in writing by Registered post/Acknowledgement Due post to You at Your last known address in
which case We shall refund a pro-rata premium for the unexpired Policy Period. You may also cancel this Policy by giving 15 day notice in
writing, to Us in which case also, We shall refund a pro-rata premium for the unexpired Policy Period.
Main Exclusions
Kutcha Construction is excluded under this policy. Any loss due to direct or indirect involvement of Insured, cash, money and
monetary instruments excluded from covers in the policy.
Intentional self-injury, or breach of law with criminal intent, war, nuclear war, radioactive substances, any loss arising from an act made
in breach of law with or without criminal intent. Leakage/ Seepage due to uninsured perils are excluded under the policy.
For detailed exclusions refer to policy wordings.
Date: Place: Applicant's Signature :
(Under Section 41 of Insurance Law)
(Amendment Act 2015)
1) No person shall allow or offer to allow, either directly or indirectly as an inducement to any person to take out or renew or continue an
insurance in respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property, in India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission
payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy, nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a Policy accept
any rebate, except such rebate as may be allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or tables of the Insurer.
2) Any person making default in complying with the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty, which may extend to ten
I further agree and understand that all such refunds shall be made subject to the Terms and conditions of policy/ policies and refund of
premium by ICICI Lombard to Shall absolve ICICI Lombard from any and all
liabilities arising out of the said policy /policies
Applicant's Signature :
Enrollment Form for GHPP