7 Days With Linked List

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7 days with Linked List


Aditya Chatterjee,
Ue Kiao, PhD
Table of Contents
# Chapter Number
0 Introduction to this Book 3
Day Basics of Linked List +
1 Implementation 4
1 Problem 1 19
2 Variant of Day 1 Problem 23
Day Find the middle element of a singly
3 Linked List 29
Day Detect a loop in a linked list (3
4 methods) 35
Day Move First Element of Linked List
5 to End 50
6 Reverse a doubly linked list 56
Day Reverse a linked list using 2
7 pointers technique 63
7 Conclusion 73
Day 0: Introduction to this Book
Linked List is a fundamental Data Structure and an alternative to Array.
Despite being a simple Data Structure, problems involving it can be
challenging. With practice and correct way of thinking, you can master it
easily and know when to use it in real life problems.
We will attempt one problem every day in this week and analyze each
problem deeply.
Our schedule:
Day 1: Basics of Linked List + Implementation + Problem 1
Day 2: Variant of Day 1 Problem
Day 3: Find the middle element of a singly Linked List
Day 4: Detect a loop in a linked list (3 methods)
Day 5: Move First Element of Linked List to End
Day 6: Reverse a doubly linked list
Day 7: Reverse a linked list using 2 pointers technique
On following this routine sincerely, you will get a strong hold on Linked List
quickly and will be able to attempt interview and real-life problems easily.
#7daysOfAlgo: a 7-day investment to Algorithmic mastery.
Some of our other nice books on Algorithms:

Binary Tree Problems: Must for Interviews and Competitive

Coding (MUST)
#7daysOfAlgo Book series
"Day before Coding Interview" Book series
Day 1: Basics of Linked List + Problem
Basics of Linked List
List is a collection of similar type of elements. There are two ways of
maintaining a list in memory:

Linked List
The first way is to store the elements of the list in an array but arrays have
restrictions and disadvantages.
The second way of maintaining a list in memory is through linked list. Let us
study what a linked list is and after that we will come to know how it
overcomes the limitations of array.
There are several modifications of Linked List which finds use in various
basic and advanced applications. We will explore Singly Linked List and you
will get the basics of the other types as well.
Singly Linked List is a variant of Linked List which allows only forward
traversal of linked list. This is the simplest form of Linked List, yet it is
effective for several problems such as Big Integer calculations.
We will look into how various operations are performed and the advantages
and disadvantages.
Singly Linked List
A singly linked list is made up of nodes where each node has two parts:

The first part contains the actual data of the node

The second part contains a link that points to the next node of the list
that is the address of the next node.
The first node marked by a special pointer named START. This pointer
points to the first node of the list but the link part of the last node has no next
node to point to. Hence, the last node points to NULL.
To summarize:
Linked List is defined by a variable/ pointer named START which has the
address of the first node.
Every node has a value and the address of the next node.
The last node has a value and in place of address of the next node, it points to
NULL, and this is handled as a special case.

Note: Using NULL is not a good coding standard but it remains the most
common implementation technique. We will look into how to avoid using
NULL nodes at a later chapter in this book.
NULL is not good because it results in several runtime errors if not handled
Visualize this image to understand the idea of Singly Linked List:

Points to note in the above image:

START variable
First node, Second node, Third node
Third node is the last node.
Representation of Singly Linked List:
A Singly linked list is represented by a pointer to the first node of the linked
list. The first node is called head or start.
If the linked list is empty, then value of head is NULL.
Each node in a list consists of at least two parts:

pointer to the next node
In C, we can represent a node using structures.
In Java, LinkedList can be represented as a class and a Node as a separate
class. The LinkedList class contains a reference of Node class type.
Complexity of different operations:
Complexity of Insertion operation in a Linked List:

Worst case time complexity: Θ(1)

Average case time complexity: Θ(1)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Complexity of Deletion operation in a Linked List:

Worst case time complexity: Θ(1)

Average case time complexity: Θ(1)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Complexity of Search operation in a Linked List:

Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)

Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Time complexity to find the node before node X = O(N)
This is reduced to O(1) in Doubly Linked List, a variant of Linked List that
we will explore in later chapters.
Linked List Implementation
At this point, you can visualize a Singly Linked List but how can we convert
this idea into code?
This chapter will present the fundamental implementation ideas to help you
come up with strong Linked List implementation in the Programming
Language you use.
As we have seen a Linked List is an ordered set of Nodes. So, we need to
define the Node and use it to build our Linked List.
Node Structure in C Programming Language:

struct node
int data;
struct node *next;

We used the above structure to create our Linked List as follows:

struct node *p;

p=(struct node*)malloc(sizeof(struct node));

In the above two code snippets:

int data is the data part of the node which will hold the data.
struct node * next is the pointer variable of node datatype.
struct node * p defines start as a variable which can store the address
of the node.
p is a pointer variable which is used to create memory block in
p can be viewed as our Linked List as it is the starting node and the
entire Linked List can be accessed using it.

So, in this approach, when we need to add a second node (say P2) to the first
node (say P1), then we do as follow (provided both P1 and P2 exists):

P1.next = P2;

With this, you have the basic idea of how to create a Linked List structure in

We will, now, look into implementing Singly Linked List in an Object

Oriented Programming (OOP) Language like Java and C++. This is the
preferred and most common way of implementing.
The node structure in Java (OOP) will be as follows:

private static class Node<E>

E item;
Node<E> next;
Node(E element, Node<E> next)
this.item = element;
this.next = next;

Explanation of node structure:

Note the Node class is private. This is because we do not want the
node object to be created by other applications like a Binary Tree
data structure. This Node class will be a private class of Linked List
class and hence, only the Linked List class can create Node objects.
This is the right way as node are the building blocks of Linked List.
We have two data members: item and next (another Node object).
We have the constructor defined which is initializing the item and
next node.
The above node class will be the private class of a Linked List class which is
as follows:
class LinkedList<E>
private static class Node<E>
E item;
Node<E> next;
Node<E> prev;
Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next)
this.item = element;
this.prev = prev;
this.next = next;
int size = 0;
Node<E> first;

// Creates an empty list

public LinkedList() {}

Explanation of the LinkedList class structure:

It has the Node class as a private class. Nodes are the building blocks
of a Linked List.
E is the data type template which can be a standard data type like int
or an user defined data type.
There are 2 attributes of the Linked List class: size and first.
size stores the total size of the Linked List. In practice, one can
calculate the size provided the first node is given but it is a good
practice to store important information (like size) for instant access.
Using size attribute, size of Linked List is fetched in O(1) time while
getting the size using first node takes O(N) time as we need to
traverse the entire Linked List.
We define an empty constructor.

Based on this, we will have an add function with the Linked List class which
is used to create a sample Linked List like:
public class Test_LinkedList
public static void main()
LinkedList<Integer> ll = new LinkedList<Integer>();


ll is an object of our LinkedList class.

We are not declaring a Node object and we are not dealing with
Node objects explicitly.
Functions like add() will be handling Node objects internally.
With this, you have the fundamental knowledge of how a Singly Linked List
is represented in an implementation and the building blocks of a Linked List.
Further down, we will explore the different fundamental operations of a
Singly Linked List and how we can implement the operations to make our
Linked List ready for use and solving for Linked List based problems.
Search an element in a Linked List
To search an element in a Linked List, we need to traverse the entire Linked
List and compare each node with the data to be search and continue until a
match is found.
We need to begin the search process from the first node as random access is
not possible in a Linked List.
Pseudocode to search an element iteratively:

1) Initialize a node pointer, current = head.

2) Do following while current is not NULL
a) If current->key is equal to the key being searched,
then return true.
b) current = current->next
3) Return false

Pseudocode to search an element recursively:

search(head, x)
1) If head is NULL, return false.
2) If head's key is same as x, return true;
2) Else return search(head->next, x)

Considering that Linear Search is used in a Linked List and an array,

searching is always slower in a Linked List due to locality of reference. This
is due to the following facts:

How Linked Lists are stored in memory?

How is memory accessed by the operating system?
Linked Lists are stored randomly (scattered) in memory.
As array use contiguous memory, it has better locality of reference and hence,
memory access is faster in case of array.

When a data from a particular memory location is required, the operating

system fetches additional data from the memory locations that are adjacent to
the original memory location. The key idea is that the next memory location
to be fetched is likely to be fetched from a nearby location and this has the
potential to reduce the memory fetch operations. This concept is known as
locality of reference.
As Linked Lists are stored randomly, the next data to be fetched is in a far
memory location and hence, locality of reference does not reduce the memory
access operations.
As arrays are sequential, locality of reference plays a great role in making
search operations in array faster.
Is Binary Search possible in Linked List?
Yes, binary search is possible in a Linked List provided the data is sorted.
The problem is that random access is not possible in a Linked List.
Hence, accessing the middle element in a Linked List takes liner time.
Therefore, the binary search takes O(N) time complexity instead of O(log N)
in case of an array.
As binary search has no performance advantage compared to linear search in
case of a Linked List, linear search is preferred due to simple implementation
and single traversal of the Linked List.
Sample Implementation of search function in Java (same logic for C):

//Checks whether the value x is present in linked list

public boolean search(int x)
Node current = first; //Initialize current
while (current != null)
if (current.data == x)
return true; //data found
current = current.next;
return false; //data not found


Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)

Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Delete an element in a Linked List
To delete a node, we have to redirect the next pointer of the previous node to
point to the next node instead of the current one. This is possible when we
have access to the previous node.
If we do not have a pointer to the previous node, we cannot redirect its next
pointer. In this case, we can copy the data of the next node to the current
node and delete the next node.

How to delete first node of a Linked List?

The process of deleting a head of a Linked List is simple and same as the
previous method of deleting any node of a Linked List.

Pseudocode to delete first node of Linked List:

E unlinkFirst(Node<E> f) // Delete node f

final Node<E> next = f.next; // next points to the next node to f
first = next; // first is the pointer to the first node
final E element = f.item;
f.item = null;
f.next = null;
if(next == null) // Case of only one node
last = null;
next.prev = null;
-- size; // Reducing size of Linked List
return element;
How to delete last node from Singly Linked List?
We need to iterate over the nodes of the list until node.next.next is null. At
this point, node refers to the next to last node, and node.next refers to the last
node. Setting node.next to null removes the last node from the list, since no
node in the list refers to it anymore.
Given a pointer to a tail of a Linked List without any access to previous
nodes makes it impossible to remove the tail from the Linked List.
Pseudocode to delete last node:

E unlinkLast(Node<E> l)
final E element = l.item;
final Node<E> newLast = l.prev;
l.prev = null;
l.item = null;
last = newLast;
if(newLast == null)
first = null;
newLast.next = null;
-- size;
return element;

The steps to delete any node in between:

STEP 1: Find the previous (P1) and next node (P3). P2 is the node to be
deleted. In Singly Linked List, we need to traverse the Linked List that will
take O(N) time. In Doubly Linked List, we get this data in O(1) time.
STEP 2: Next link of P1 should point to P3.
STEP 3: Release memory of P2.
Note: For Doubly Linked List, we need to handle previous link of node as
well. The edge cases are when node to be deleted is the first or last node
(covered in previous cases).
E unlink(Node<E> n)
final E element = n.item;
final Node<E> before = n.prev;
final Node<E> next = n.next;
if( before == null )
return unlinkFirst(n);
else if(next == null)
return unlinkLast(n);
n.item = null;
n.next = null;
n.prev = null;
before.next = next;
next.prev = before;
-- size;
return element;

With this, you have a strong idea of how to delete any node in a Linked List.
Deletion is an advantage of Linked List over array.

Worst case time complexity: Θ(1)

Average case time complexity: Θ(1)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Note if we need to search the element to be deleted, then the time complexity
will be O(N) due to search operation.
Insert an element in a Linked List
To insert a node, we have to redirect the next pointer of the previous node to
point to the new node instead of the current one and the next pointer of the
new node must point to the original next node.
To insert a node at the front of the Linked List, the head pointer should point
to the new node and the next pointer of the new node must point to the
previous first node.

Pseudocode to insert node at start of Linked List:

private void LinkFirst(E e)

final Node<E> front = first;
final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(null, e, front);
first = newNode;
if( front == null)
last = newNode;
front.prev = newNode;
++ size;

How to insert a node at a particular location of a Linked List?

To insert a node at a particular location, we have to redirect the next pointer
of the previous node to point to the new node instead of the current one and
the next pointer of the new node must point to the original next node.

Pseudocode to insert node at a particular location of Linked List:

private void LinkBefore(E e, Node<E> succ)

Node<E> before = succ.prev;
Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(before, e, succ);
succ.prev = newNode;
if(before == null)
first = newNode;
before.next = newNode;
++ size;

How to insert a node at the end of the Linked List?

To insert a node, we have to redirect the next pointer of the previous node to
point to the new node instead of the current one and the next pointer of the
new node must point to the original next node.
To insert a node at the end of the Linked List, the next pointer of the last
node should point to the new node and the next pointer of the new node must
point to null.

Pseudocode to insert node at end of Linked List:

private void LinkLast(E e)

final Node<E> l = last;
final Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(l, e, null);
last = newNode;
if(l == null)
first = newNode;
l.next = newNode;
++ size;
With this, you have a strong idea of how to insert any node in a Linked List.
Insertion (along with Deletion) is an advantage of Linked List over array.

Worst case time complexity: Θ(1)

Average case time complexity: Θ(1)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)
Note if we need to insert the element at a particular location, then the time
complexity will be O(N) as we need to traverse to the location.
Similar to Linked List, Binary Tree takes the idea further to 2 dimensions.
Binary Tree with several problems has been covered in depth in our must
read book (360+ pages):
“Binary Tree Problems: Must for Interviews and Competitive Coding”

Day 1: Problem 1: Insert element in a

sorted Linked List
We will explore how to insert an element in a sorted Linked List such that the
modified Linked List is sorted as well.
For this case, we cannot use the usual insertion technique as it will be
inserting the new element either at the front of the Linked List or at the end of
the Linked List.
See this figure:
The first Linked List is the original input linked list. Note the elements are in
sorted order (5 < 10 < 90 < 100)
The second Linked list is the linked list where an element has been inserted.
Note, we need to insert element 50 into the Linked List.
In the input Linked List, there were 4 nodes. The new node 50 is the 3rd node
of the final Linked List.
Note the elements in the final Linked List are in sorted order (5 < 10 < 50 <
90 < 100).

Let the input linked list be sorted in increasing order.
STEP 1: Define a node with the new element (say N1)
STEP 2: If Linked list is empty, then make the node N1 as head and return it.
STEP 3: If value of the node to be inserted is smaller than value of head
node, then insert the node at start and make it head. If condition of STEP 3 is
false, then move to STEP 4.
STEP 4: Find the appropriate node after which the input node is to be
inserted. To find the appropriate node start from head, keep moving until we
reach a node whose value is greater than the input node. The node just before
the node is the appropriate node.
STEP 5: Insert the node after the appropriate node found in STEP 4.

The pseudocode is as follows:

void sortedInsert(E e)
Node current = first;
/* Special case for head node */
if (current == null || current.data >= e)
while (current.next != null &&
current.next.data < new_node.data)
current = current.next;
Node<E> newNode = new Node<>(current, e, current.next);

Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)
Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(1)
Space complexity: Θ(1)

Can binary search be used to improve performance?

We have achieved linear time O(N). Can we do better?
The main challenge is to find the smallest element that is greater than the
element to be inserted. By comparing elements one by one, we can do this
but it takes linear time O(N).
Using Binary Search in array, we can find the required element in O(logN)
time. The main idea is to compare with the middle element first and if the
middle element is less than the element to be inserted, we search in the next
half (right) or else we search in the first half (left). The process is repeated for
each half till we have 1 element left.
As the array size is made half each time, the time complexity is O(logN). The
main question is can we use Binary Search on a Linked List.

Yes, binary search can be used in Linked List but the performance will be
linear O(N) and not O(logN).

The problem is that random access is not possible in a Linked List.

Hence, accessing the middle element in a Linked List takes linear time.
Therefore, the binary search takes O(N) time complexity instead of O(log N)
in case of an array.
As binary search has no performance advantage compared to linear search. In
case of a Linked List, linear search is preferred due to simple implementation
and single traversal of the Linked List.

Hence, by solving this simple problem, we learn these key ideas:

Ideas applicable for array may not hold true for Linked List.
Random access is not possible in Linked List. It takes linear time
Linear Search is better than Binary Search for Linked List.
Think of these ideas and we will attempt another problem on Linked List
Day 2: Sort a Linked List which is
already sorted on absolute values
The problem at hand is to sort a singly Linked List which is already sorted on
absolute value. Sorting always takes a time complexity of O(N log N) and in
this case, we will be utilizing our knowledge of the data within the Linked
List to sort it in O(N) time complexity.

Initial data: 5 1 -3 2 4 9 10 0 -11 -2

Data sorted on absolute value: 0 1 -2 -3 4 5 9 10 -11
Data sorted on value: -11 -3 -2 0 1 4 5 9 10
Note: The challenge is with negative numbers. As we are getting elements
sorted in absolute value:

The negative numbers will be in reverse order.

The positive number will be in correct order.
Negative and positive numbers will be mixed in the original Linked

Brute Force approach

The brute force approach is to simply sort the Linked List. We can use any of
the standard sorting algorithms like Quick Sort or Merge Sort for this.
1. Sort Linked List using Quick Sort

Depending on the sorting algorithm you will choose, the complexity will be:
* Time Complexity: O(N logN)
* Space Complexity: O(1) or O(N)
Considering the information from the problem statement that the values are
sorted in absolute value, we might be able to achieve better performance.

Key idea: Positive values are already sorted, and negative values are sorted in
reverse order
The steps to solve this problem are:

1. Traverse Linked List from the front to end.

2. For every negative number encountered:
a. move the negative element to the front of the Linked List.
3. The modified Linked List is sorted.
This takes linear time as step 2 can be executed in constant time O(1) as we
have the head node and can make the current node as the new head node

Initial data: 5 1 -3 2 4 9 10 0 -11 -2

Data sorted on absolute value: 0 1 -2 -3 4 5 9 10 -11
Positive values separated in order: 0 1 4 5 9 10
Negative values separated in order: -2 -3 -11

Hence, negative values are sorted in reverse order

We can perform delete() and append() operations in a Linked List in O(1)
So, the key idea is to traverse the Linked List from the front to the end and
delete a node with a negative value and append it to the front of the Linked
The pseudocode is as follows:

Node prev = head; // NODE 1

Node curr = head.next; // NODE 2

while(curr != null) // END OF LINKED LIST

// This happens when NODE 2 (curr) has negative element.
// Note negative elements are sorted in absolute value.
if(curr.data < prev.data)
// Move curr (NODE 2) to front
prev.next = curr.next;
curr.next = head;
head = curr;
// Update NODE1 and NODE2
curr = prev;
// Update NODE1 and NODE2
prev = curr;
curr = curr.next;

Initial data: 5 1 -3 2 4 9 10 0 -11 -2
Data sorted on absolute value: 0 1 -2 -3 4 5 9 10 -11
Traverse it from the front and stop when a negative value is encountered
Negative value found: -2 : Delete the node and append it to the front
Data currently: -2 0 1 -3 4 5 9 10 -11
Negative value found: -3 : Delete the node and append it to the front
Data currently: -3 -2 0 1 4 5 9 10 -11
Negative value found: -11 : Delete the node and append it to the front
Data currently: -11 -3 -2 0 1 4 5 9 10
End of Linked List encountered
Data is sorted
Sorted data: -11 -3 -2 0 1 4 5 9 10

Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)
Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(N)
Space complexity: Θ(1)

Following is the Implementation in Java to help you get the basic

implementation skills along the way:

class Sort_Linked_List
static Node head;
static class Node
int data;
Node next;
Node(int d)
data = d;
next = null;
Node sortedList(Node head)
Node prev = head;
Node curr = head.next;
while(curr != null)
if(curr.data < prev.data)
prev.next = curr.next;
curr.next = head;
head = curr;
curr = prev;
prev = curr;
curr = curr.next;
return head;
public void push(int new_data)
Node new_node = new Node(new_data);
new_node.next = head;
head = new_node;

Can we solve the same problem for array?

Yes, the approach for solving this problem efficiently for array remains the
There are some key issues:

To maintain the linear time complexity O(N), we need to maintain

the output separately and cannot modify the input data. This brings
the space complexity to O(N).
If we need to modify the input data, then the time complexity will be
O(N2). This is because moving a negative element to the front of an
array requires us to move all other elements to the right.
Hence, the complexity will be as follows:

Maintain output separately

Time Complexity: O(N)
Space Complexity: O(N)
Modify Input data:
Time Complexity: O(N2)
Space Complexity: O(1)

With this problem, we understand some key points like:

If we have some information about the input data, then to sort the
data we may not need standard sorting algorithms.
Moving an element to the front takes O(1) in Linked List and O(N)
in an array.
This problem brings out the power of Linked List compared to array.
Day 3: Find the middle element of a
singly Linked List
The problem we are exploring is to find the middle element of a singly linked
list. For instance, if the linked list is 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5, then the middle
element is 3. If there are even number of elements in a linked list such as 1 ->
2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 6, then the middle element is 3 and 4.

There are two (2) approaches to solve this problem:

Using two (2) traversals of the linked list

One traversal: Using slow and fast pointers

Approach 1: Using two traversals

The idea is to use one traversal to count the number of elements (say n) in a
linked list and use another traversal to find the middle element that is the n/2
th element of the Linked List.

1. Traverse Linked List to get the number of elements (N).

2. Traverse Linked List again to identify the (N/2)th element

Both steps take O(N) time with constant space O(1).

Pseudocode of the algorithm to find the middle element of a linked list using
two traversals:

// one traversal
int count_elements(Node head)
int count = 0;
if(head != null) ++ count;
Node temp = head;
while(temp.next != null)
++ count;
temp = temp.next;
return count;

// second traversal
int middle_element(int count, Node head)
int middle = (int)count/2;
Node temp = head;

while(middle > 0)
temp = temp.next;
-- middle;

return temp.data; // middle element


Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)
Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(N)
Space complexity: Θ(1)

Approach 2: Using one traversal: Slow and fast pointers

The idea is to use two pointers: one pointer (say P1) will move by one step
and the other pointer (say P2) will move by two steps. The middle element
will be the element at the first pointer P1 when the second pointer P2 reaches
the end of the list.

1. Define two pointers P1 and P2 initialized as head of Linked List.

2. Traverse the Linked List:
a. P1 will move 1 step at a time (P1 = P1.next)
b. P2 will move 2 steps at a time (P2 = P2.next.next)
c. If P2 is null that, is we reached end of Linked List, then
P1 is the middle element of the Linked List.

The pseudocode of the algorithm to find the middle element using one
traversal is as follows:

// one traversal
int middle_element(Node head)
Node first_node = head, second_node = head;

if(head == null) return;

while(first_node != null && second_node != null)

first_node = first_node.next;
second_node = second_node.next;

Worst case time complexity: Θ(N)
Average case time complexity: Θ(N)
Best case time complexity: Θ(N)
Space complexity: Θ(1)

Let us go through an implementation in Java of our approach:

class LinkedList
Node head; // head of linked list
private class Node
int data;
Node next;
Node(int d)
data = d;
next = null;
void middle_element()
Node pointer_1 = head;
Node pointer_2 = head;
if(head == null) return;
while (pointer_2 != null && pointer_2.next != null)
pointer_2 = pointer_2.next.next;
pointer_1 = pointer_1.next;
System.out.println("The middle element is " + pointer_1.data );
public void add(int data)
Node new_node = new Node(data);
new_node.next = head;
head = new_node;
public void print_list()
Node temp = head;
while (temp != null)
temp = temp.next;
public static void main(String [] args)
LinkedList list = new LinkedList();
for (int i=0; i<=10; i++)

This is a very important technique in Linked List.

Linked List has the disadvantage of not supporting random access and this
disadvantage is mitigated to some extend using this technique of 2 pointers.
This is often, known as Tortoise and Rabbit technique. Tortoise refer to the
pointer that moves 1 step at a time and Rabbit refer to the pointer that moves
2 steps at a time.
In our problem for the next day, we will see how we add use the same
technique to some another problem.
Day 4: Detect a loop in a linked list (3
A Loop in a linked list is a condition when a Linked list does not have any
end. That means the last pointer does not point to null in case of single and
double linked list. In case of circular linked list, the last node, instead of
pointing to the head of the Linked List, points to some other node in the
linked list.
A loop is also known as cycle in a linked list.
We will detect the cycle in single linked list by different methods.
A Single linked list having loop can be seen as the diagram below:

Three methods to detect the loops in a Linked List are:

By marking visited nodes

Using HashMap
Floyd's cycle finding algorithm
We have covered each of the three methods in depth.

Marking Visited Nodes

For using this method, we have to modify the linked list data structure. The
class node of Linked List will contain one more data field (as marked).
The class definition of node will be as follows:
class node
int data;
int marked;
node* next;

As linked list is traversed, mark the marked for each node.

If you mark a visited node again, then there is a loop.


Create linked list with one additional data field.

Initialize this data filed with 0 while adding the node in the linked
Visit the nodes of the linked list if one node is visited more than once
there is a loop.
If a node is visited more than once, then there is a loop in the linked

Implementation of Marking visited nodes technique in C++:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class node
int data;
int marked;
node* next;
node* head=NULL;
class Linkedlist
void insertnode(int value)
node* new_node=new node();


void createloop()
node* temp=head;
int detectloop()


return 1;

return 0;

int main()
Linkedlist obj;
int a;
//insert nodes in linkedlist
//create loop for testing
// detect loop

cout<<"no loop"<<endl;


no loop

Example of the method

1.As shown in the above picture, initially all the nodes are marked as 0.

2. Now we traverse the linked list and mark each node as 1.

3. After the next step, all the nodes in the loop are marked as 2. Now
when the node 3 is traversed again, it is already marked as 2. It
shows that there is a cycle, and the while loop is terminated by a

Explanation for detect loop

Each node contains one flag (marked) with it for which we have to modify
the linked list data structure a bit.
Each node initially has its marked attribute as 0. When we traverse the linked
list, we mark the marked as 1. So, each node has its marked attribute set to 1.
If there is a Loop in the linked list in that case, the marked becomes 2 for that
node and the function returns true.
Else the loop terminates, and function returns false.

The Time and Space Complexity of our approach is as follows:

Time complexity: O(N)

Space complexity: O(N)
As we are traversing all nodes once, the time complexity is O(N). As we are
adding an extra attribute for each node, the space complexity is O(N).

Using HashMap
In this approach, we traverse the list and insert the address of each node into
the hash map. If there is a loop in the linked list, then at some point, the next
of the current node will point to the previously stored node in the hash map.
If there is no loop, then when the whole list is traversed, NULL is reached (as
the last node) false will be returned or else true will be returned.

Visit each node of the linked list one by one and put address of each
node in a Hash Table.
If the current node is already present in the Hash Map, then there is a
If we reach the last node (such that next pointer is NULL), then there
is no loop.
Implementation of Hashing method

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class node
int data;
node* next;
node* head=NULL;
class Linkedlist
void insertnode(int value)
node* new_node=new node();



void createloop()
node* temp=head;
bool detectloop()
set<node*> s;
while (head != NULL) {
//if node is alreay in the hash
//then there is a loop hence return
if (s.find(head) != s.end())
return true;

//insert the node into hash if it

//is traversed for the first time

head = head->next;

return false;

int main()
Linkedlist obj;
//insert nodes in linkedlist
//create loop for testing
// detect loop
bool a=obj.detectloop();
cout<<"Loop Found"<<endl;
cout<<"Loop not Found"<<endl;

bool b=obj.detectloop();
cout<<"Loop found"<<endl;
cout<<"Loop not found"<<endl;


Loop Found
Loop not found

Example of the method

Let the linked list be 1->2->3->4->2 (here 4 is connected to node 2 to create a
At first step, put the address of each node into the hash table that is in this
example address of node 1,2,3,4 are put into the hash table.
Now the next of the node 4 has the address of the previously stored node 2.
As the address of 2 is already in the hash table so it is not stored again and
the loop is detected.

Explanation of the Method detect loop

The detect loop method is detecting the loop in the linked list. s.insert() is
adding the node into the hash table if the node is traversed for the first time.if
the node is already in the hash then s.find(head) != s.end() will return true.if
there is no loop the method will return false.

Time and Space Complexity of our approach:

Time complexity: O(N)

Space complexity: O(1)

Floyd's Cycle finding algorithm

This is the fastest method for finding the loop in a linked list. In this
approach, two pointers are used to detect the cycle.

A slow and a fast pointer is used.

Slow pointer moves by one node and fast pointer moves by two
If there is a loop in the linked list, both the pointers meet at a node
else the pointers do not meet (NULL is encountered as end of Linked

Implementation of Floyd's Algorithm:

//algorithm to find the loop in linkedlist

using namespace std;
class node
int data;
node* next;
node* head=NULL;
class Linkedlist
void insertnode(int value)
node* new_node=new node();


void createloop()
node* temp=head;
int detectloop()
node* slow=head;
node* fast=head;
while(slow && fast && fast->next)
cout<<"Loop Found"<<endl;
return 1;

cout<<"Loop not found"<<endl;

return 0;
int main()
Linkedlist obj;

//insert nodes in linkedlist


//create loop for testing


// detect loop

//point the head to null to create a new list


//insert the nodes in list


//detect if there is a loop



Loop Found
Loop not found

Explanation and Example of the Method detect loop

1. This is the initial state of the algorithm, where slow and fast both the
pointer points to the head of the linked list.

2. At the second step of the algorithm, the slow pointer moves by one
node and the fast pointer moves by two nodes. so now slow is at 2
and fast is at 3.

3. At the third step of the algorithm, the loop continues and now slow is
at 3 and fast is at 5.

4. At the fourth step of the algorithm, the slow pointer is at 4 and now
fast pointer is at 3.

5. This is the fifth and the last step of the algorithm, in this step slow moves
by one node and fast moves by two so now both points to the node 5.

The time and space complexity of this approach:

Time complexity: O(N)

Space complexity: O(1)

If a Linked list has only a single node, can it contain a loop?
Yes, it can contain a loop if the node points back to itself. that means if the
next of the node points back to itself.

With this, we have explored three approaches to detect a loop. The key point
you must note:
The slow and fast pointer technique which efficiently solved our previous
problem for finding the middle node of Linked List, has been used to solve
our current problem (detecting loop) efficiently.
Both are distinct problems based on problem statement, yet the solution is
Think on this idea.
Day 5: Move First Element of Linked
List to End
In this problem, given a linked list, we move the first element of the linked
list to the end of the linked list.

Example input:
1 -> 2 -> 2 -> 3

Example output:
2 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1

Note: The element 1 has been moved to the end of the Linked List.
Brute Force
In Brute Force approach, we swap the data values of two adjacent nodes one
by one till the first node reaches the last position.

STEP1: For each value i from 1 to N-1

STEP 1.1: Swap Node i and Node i+1


for i = 0 to N-1
swap(node(i), node(i+1))

This approach has an O(N) time complexity. We can reduce the number of
operations performed in the efficient approach though the Time Complexity
will remain same. Swaps are expensive operations.

Solution Approach
In this solution approach we maintain two pointers. The algorithm is as
STEP 1: Two pointers, the "first" pointer and the "last" pointer are
STEP 2: Both of them initially contain reference to the head.
STEP 3: We traverse the Linked List using "last" pointer and "last" pointer is
made to point to the last node of the Linked List.
STEP 4: The next element after the head is made the new head by moving
the head reference to the next of current head.
STEP 5: The next of the last pointer points to the previous head and it's
"next" stores "null".


Node first = HEAD, last = HEAD;

// Traverse Linked List

while (last-> next != NULL)
last = last->next;

// Update head
HEAD = HEAD->next;

// Update last node

last->next = first;

Following is the sample implementation in C++ using structure to give you a

strong hold on Implementation (Even if you use another Programming
Language, you should go through this once):

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

//node representation
struct node {
int data;
struct node* next;

//pointer declaration
struct node* head;
struct node* tail = new node;
struct node* temp = new node;
struct node* curr;
struct node* pre;

//this is a function to print the data items in the linked list

void print_data(struct node* head){
temp = head;
while(temp != NULL){
cout << temp -> data << " ";
temp = temp -> next;

//the move to end function which implements the algorithm.

void move_to_end(struct node** head_pointer){

if(*head_pointer == NULL){ //this means our list is empty, we return


struct node* first = *head_pointer;

struct node* last = *head_pointer;

//go to the last node of the list and

//store the address of the last node
while(last -> next != NULL){
last = last -> next;
//we store the address of the second node here, this is the new head.
*head_pointer = first -> next;
//the previous head has the next set as NULL
first -> next = NULL;
//the previous head now becomes the tail
last -> next = first;

int main(){
int n, num, key;
cout << "Enter the number of elements" <<endl;
cin >> n ;

//accepting list from user

cout << "Enter the elements: " <<endl;
do {
cin >> num;
if(head == NULL){
head = new node;
head -> data = num;
head -> next = NULL;
tail = head;
//create and initialize a new node
struct node *new_node = new node;
new_node -> data = num;
new_node -> next = NULL;
tail -> next = new_node;
tail = new_node;
n = n - 1;
}while(n > 0);
cout << "List before moving" <<endl;
//pass the reference of head
cout <<"\nList after moving" <<endl;

A small example to understand the solution

Consider the linked list:

head tail
1 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3

Initially the head_pointer pointer would be storing the address of the head or
the first element of the linked list.
The first and last pointers are also initialized.

head tail
1 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3

The head_pointer then points to the next element after the head. We make the
next of head as our new head now.

head tail
1 -> 3 -> 2 -> 3

Now tail is moved to the first element and it's next stores null. The structure
of the list now becomes as follows

head tail
3 -> 2 -> 3 -> 1

This is the required output.

Time complexity:
The time complexity of this approach is O(N)
where, N is the number of nodes in the linked list. As we traverse all the N
nodes in one pass, this is done to reach the tail pointer. The space complexity
is O(1) as extra space is not allocated during this process.
Space Complexity: O(1).
Day 6: Reverse a Doubly Linked List
We are going to see how to reverse a doubly linked list by reversing the links
of each node (without swapping values of nodes).
Introduction to Doubly Linked List
A doubly linked list is a linear data structure which is a linked list which
contains an extra pointer to store the address of the previous node. It is a
variation of singly linked list. In singly linked list, only forward traversal is
possible, whereas in doubly linked list, forward and backward traversal is
Structure of a Doubly Linked List
A double linked list contains two pointers : a pointer to store the address of
the next node (same as in singly linked list) and a pointer to store the address
of the previous node. The structure of the doubly linked list also contains a
field to store the data of the node.

struct node
int data;
struct node *nptr; //next pointer
struct node *pptr; //previous pointer

Reversing the doubly linked list

Let us consider a doubly linked list :
Input :

Node 1's previous pointer should be NULL and next pointer should point to
Node 2.
Node 2's previous pointer should point to Node 1 and next pointer should
point to Node 3.
Node 3's previous pointer should point to Node 2 and next pointer should
point to Node 4.
Node 4's previous pointer should point to Node 3 and next pointer should
point to Node 5.
Node 5's previous pointer should point to Node 4 and next pointer should be

We need to reverse both the links of every node of the doubly linked list.
That is,
Node 1's previous pointer should point to Node 2 and next pointer be NULL.
Node 2's previous pointer points to Node 3 and next pointer points to Node 1.
Node 3's previous pointer points to Node 4 and next pointer points to Node 2.
Node 4's previous pointer points to Node 5 and next pointer points to Node 3.
Node 5's previous pointer points be NULL and next pointer points to Node 4.

Steps to do this:
STEP 1: For each node P in Linked List
STEP 1.1: Node next_original = P.next
STEP 1.2: P.next = P.previous
STEP 1.3: P.previous = P.next
STEP 2: The entire Linked List is reversed.

In short: First reverse the previous and next pointers of the doubly linked list.
We would have to make the previous pointer to point the next node (instead
of the previous node) and the next pointer to point to the previous node
(instead of the next node).

Now let us code it !

Following is the C++ implementation to give you the idea:

//Reverse a doubly linked list


using namespace std;

struct node
int data;
struct node *nptr; //next pointer
struct node *pptr; //previous pointer

struct node* hptr=NULL; //head pointer

void insertNode(int pos, int x)

struct node *temp=new node;
cout<<"Insertion not possible\n";
if(pos==1 && hptr==NULL)
else if(pos==1)
int i=1;
struct node *thptr=hptr;

void deleteNode(int pos)

cout<<"Deletion not possible\n";

int i=1;
struct node *thptr=hptr;


void reverseList()
struct node *current=hptr;
struct node *prev=NULL;
current->pptr=current->nptr; //line 1
current->nptr=prev; //line 2
prev=current; //line 3
current=current->pptr; //line 4

void print()
struct node *thptr=hptr;

int main()
return 0;


Explanation of code:
Let us look at the reverseList() function.
We use 2 pointers, current and prev for the link reversal.
Lines 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the key in reversing the links of every node.
Line 1 makes the current node's previous pointer point to its next node (link
Line 2 makes the current node's next pointer point to its previous node(link
Line 3 updates the prev pointer for link reversal of next node
Line 4 updates the current pointer for link reversal of next node
After every node gets its links reversed, we have one last thing to do :- update
the head pointer.
At the end of the while loop, current becomes NULL and prev points to the
last node (last node of input list). So, in our reversed list, the last node would
be the first node, so we update the head pointer as prev.
And the doubly linked list is reversed !

The Time and Space Complexity is:

Time Complexity: O(N)

Space Complexity: O(1)
Day 7: Reverse a linked list using 2
pointers (not 3)
The most common approach to reverse a Linked List uses 3 pointers. But do
you know how to reverse a linked list with just 2 pointers? We will explore
this. Let us dive into the basic approach to reverse a Singly Linked List
(similar to our Day 6 problem) and then, the efficient approach using 2
Let us consider the following input :
(^ represents the head pointer to the list)

Input :
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
Our objective is to reverse the linked list by reversing its links
Expected Output :
1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 4 <- 5
Before we dive into 2 pointer technique, let us take a look at the 3 pointer
technique to reverse a linked list.
Implementation in C++

//Reverse a linked list using 3 pointers


using namespace std;

struct node
int data;
struct node *nptr;
struct node *hptr=NULL;

void insertNode(int pos, int x)

struct node *temp=new node;
cout<<"Insert not possible\n";
int i=1;
struct node* thptr=hptr;

void reverseList()
struct node* current=hptr;
struct node* next;
struct node* prev=NULL;
next=current->nptr; //line 1
current->nptr=prev; //line 2
prev=current; //line 3
current=next; //line 4
void print()
struct node* temp=hptr;

int main()
return 0;



What is happening in the code? Step by step explanation

Let us take a look at the reverseList() function.
We have 3 pointers :

next pointer
current pointer
prev pointer
Our objective is to iterate over every node and make it point to the previous
node (reverse every node's link). Sounds simple right ?
Let us take the same example of the linked list
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> NULL
We need to reverse the link of every node, that is, make 1 to point to NULL,
2 to point to 1, 3 to point to 2, 4 to point to 3, and 5 to point to 4 and at last
make head pointer point to the node containing value 5.
NULL <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 4 <- 5
What should we do to get achieve this link reversal?
We need to make the current node point to the previous node (link reversal).
Let us try that.
Also remember that current is pointing to the 1st node (current = hptr) and
prev is pointing to NULL.
At first my current is pointing to node with value 1
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
If I make current->nptr = prev, that will result in :
1 -> NULL, 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
NOTE : The link between node 1 and node 2 is lost when node 1 points to
NULL. A node cannot point to 2 different locations.
Now, the head pointer is pointing to node containing 1 and the rest of the list
is lost (we do not have any reference to the list and hence cannot access it and
is lost!)
We do not want this to happen . So, we bring in another pointer next to have
a reference to the list.
Before we make current->nptr = prev (reversal of link), we first update the
next pointer as next=current->nptr;
( * is prev , ^ is current , and $ is next)
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5

Now let us make:

current->nptr = prev

We now have reference to the rest of the list too!

We have successfully reversed the link of the 1st node. To reverse the link of
the next node, our prev should become the 1st node and our current should
become the 2nd node.
So, we need to update prev and current.

prev = current;
current = next;

End of Iteration 1 :
1 -> NULL , 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
Keep repeating this procedure until the last node.
End of Iteration 2 :
NULL <- 1 <- 2 , 3 -> 4 -> 5
End of Iteration 3 :
NULL <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 , 4 -> 5
End of Iteration 4 :
NULL <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 4 , 5
End of Iteration 5 :
NULL <- 1 <- 2 <- 3 <- 4 <- 5
Now, current and next are pointing to NULL and prev is at the last node
(node containing value 5)
Last step is to update the head pointer hptr to prev and the linked list is
reversed !
Now that you have understood reversing a linked list using 3 pointers, let's
try to reduce it to 2 pointers. The key in reversing the list was these 4 lines
(marked in the comments) :

next=current->nptr; //line 1
current->nptr=prev; //line 2
prev=current; //line 3
current=next; //line 4

One thing that we know is the current and the prev pointers are definitely
needed to reverse the links for every node. So, we cannot eliminate these
pointers. Can we eliminate the next pointer somehow? Yes, you guessed it.
We can eliminate the next pointer using XOR.
First let us revisit the properties of XOR operator :
We know that :
A ^ 0 = A (Any element XOR'd with 0 is left unchanged)
A ^ A = 0 (Any value XOR'd with itself gives 0)
Essentially, what we are trying to do is, remove the need for the extra pointer
next. Look at line 1 and line 4 where next is being involved. Can't we just
combine those lines and eliminate the next pointer?
next holds current -> nptr. We need to temporarily store this without using a
Implementation in C++
//Reverse a Linked List using 2 pointers using XOR
typedef uintptr_t ut;
using namespace std;

struct node
int data;
struct node *nptr;
struct node *hptr=NULL;

void insertNode(int pos, int x)

struct node *temp=new node;
cout<<"Insert not possible\n";
int i=1;
struct node* thptr=hptr;

void reverseList()
struct node* current=hptr;
struct node* prev=NULL;
current = (struct node*)((ut)prev^(ut)current^(ut)(current->nptr)^(ut)(current-
>nptr=prev)^(ut)(prev=current)); //line 5


void print()
struct node* temp=hptr;

int main()
return 0;



Now, look at line 5:

current = (struct node*)((ut)prev^(ut)current^(ut)(current->nptr)^(ut)(current-


Let us break the expression into 5 components.

1st is prev, 2nd is current, 3rd is current->nptr, 4th is current->nptr=prev, 5th
is prev=current.
This expression is evaluated from left to right.
Compare this code with the previous version. Find any similarity? It is
actually the exact same code, except that in line 1 of the previous version we
had next = current -> nptr, but here we are temporarily storing current -> nptr
(component 3) and line 2 of previous version is the 4th component here.line 3
of previous version is 5th component.
But where is the 4th line of previous version ? line 4 was current=next; But
what does next contain ? next = current -> nptr;
Essentially 4th line can be interpreted as current = current -> nptr;
Where do you see this in this big expression ? The result after XORing the 5
components will be current -> nptr which will be assigned to the LHS,
The 4 lines of the previous version are executed in the same order, but
without using the next pointer.
Let us trace this using the same example :
1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5
current = 0 ^ 1 ^ 2 ^ 0 ^ 1
(1st component is 0 because, prev=NULL and (ut)prev is 0
2nd component is 1 because, current=hptr initially, so (ut)current is 1
3rd component is 2 because, it is the node after current and hence (ut)
(current->nptr) will be 1 more than current, that is 2
4th component is 1 because, it is nothing but prev
5th component is 0, because it is nothing but current)
Using the properties of XOR, we can simplify it to:
current = 2
Essentially, the 1st two and the last two components cancel each other, since
any value XOR'd with itself gives 0.
We have successfully incremented the current pointer.(same as line 4 of
previous code)
prev and current pointers are updated within this expression itself.
In the next iteration, current = 2 and prev = 1.
current = 1 ^ 2 ^ 3 ^ 2 ^ 1
Using properties of XOR (1^1 = 2^2 = 0) :
current = 3
current is incremented to the next node.
This is repeated till the last node.
Finally, we update the head pointer hptr.
And the linked list is reversed !
NOTE : line 1, line 2, line 3, line 4 of 3 pointers technique are equivalent to
line 5 of the 2 pointers technique.

With this, you must have a very strong hold on Linked Lists. Moving from 3
pointers to 2 pointers may not seem to be much improvement but this is
important because:

This brings in the idea of using XOR with Linked Lists

The advantage of 1 pointer is a significant performance boost for
several problems.
The same idea can be used to modify Doubly Linked List and replace the 2
pointer attributes of each node to just one attribute. You can arrive at this
modified version on your own by using same idea. Do work on this.
With the last 7 Linked List problems in the last 7 days, you must have a good
hold on Linked List data structure by now.
Before an Interview, revise these 7 core problems quickly so that you get into
the problem-solving mindset, and you can solve challenging algorithmic
problems easily.
Follow the following steps:
• Define a problem statement and come up with a solution using Linked List.
• Analyze the performance compared with other approaches and an approach
using Array.
• Modify the problem statement slightly and see how the performance of
Linked List approach is impacted.
These bring out the true insights of an algorithmic problem.
Linked List is a Data Structure that is a generalization of an array.
Techniques to handle this generalization (Linked List) differ from array and
can even outperform array for specific problems.
Similar to Linked List, Binary Tree takes the idea further to 2 dimensions.
Binary Tree with several problems has been covered in depth in our book
(370+ pages):
“Binary Tree Problems: Must for Interviews and Competitive Coding”
Keep solving Computing Problems with us.

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