Carruthers TTime The Testosterone Revolution For Men
Carruthers TTime The Testosterone Revolution For Men
Carruthers TTime The Testosterone Revolution For Men
Why Testosterone is Important King of Hormones Hormone of Kings High-T males: Potentates to Presidents NOW The Hormone of Preventive Medicine!
70 Years of Testosterone
Ernst Laqueur Adolf Butenandt Leopold Ruzicka
Testosterone: use, misuse and abuse Medical Journal of Australia, October 2006, vol 185, 436-9.
Testosterone is among the oldest drugs in medicine. It has a long efficacy and safety record for its prime role of androgen replacement therapy in men with androgen deficiency.
Androgen misuse is the systematic over-prescribing for unproven medical indications. Misuse is increasingly evident for male ageing ("andropause") and some other clinical conditions. Further trials for new indications for androgens require reliable safety data, but rising costs may make it increasingly attractive to circumvent the need for evidence by promoting off-label mass marketing. For: The rest of this talk, and the many researchers who have given evidence in favour of the proven need, safety and efficacy of its use.
Testosterone a Tonic for the Heart No link between High-T and heart disease. Men with heart disease have lower T levels than those without. TRT lower heart attack risk factors, including cholesterol, neutral fat, high blood pressure and blood clotting factors. TRT increases blood flow to the heart. TRT improves angina.
Severe obesity is not a benign condition. It can lead to Metabolic Syndrome with raised cholesterol and neutral fat, blood pressure, heart disease and insulin resistance causing diabetes. Testosterone is low in Metabolic Syndrome. TRT improves body composition, reducing abdominal obesity and increasing muscle mass. It prevents and treats Metabolic Syndrome.
Ronald Reagan
Charlton Heston
Duration of AD can be 20 years or more, but typically 4-8 years (The long good-bye)
Loss of Dendrites
Right Cerebral Cortex Thicker, HypothalamicLimbic nuclei
Left Cerebral Cortex Thicker, Corpus Callosum Larger
Spatial Specialisation Focussed Dyslexic Colour-blind
Verbal Multi-tasking Diffuse Emotional Intuitive
Medical Problems
Illness, Stress, Sexual Activity, Smoking
Analytical Problems
Methodology, Specificity and Interference, Accuracy and Precision
Interpretation Problems
Log-normal distribution, Age-related Levels Androgen receptor polymorphism Up- and down-regulation Interactions of other hormones and drugs
Androgen Deficiency in the Adult Male (ADAM) Definition: An absolute or relative deficiency of testosterone or its metabolites according to the needs of that individual at that time in his lif
Medical Problems
Illness eg metabolic syndrome, Stress, Sexual Activity, Smoking
Analytical Problems
Methodology, Specificity and Interference, Accuracy and Precision
Interpretation Problems
Log-normal distribution, Age-related Levels Androgen Resistance
Each person had a consistent testosterone threshold for androgen deficiency symptoms that differed markedly between individuals Kelleher,S.; Conway,A.J.; Handelsman,D.J. J Clin.Endocrinol.Metab. 2004,89,3813-17
Sensitivity to T Feedback
Testicular Degeneration
** ** **
25 7
** *
* * *
6 20
Testosterone Treatment
Testosterone Pellet Implants Testosterone Undecanoate Injections (Nebido) Testosterone orally - Restandol Transdermal Creams DHT and Testosterone Transdermal Gels Androgel and Testogel Danazol
Application of Testogel
once daily, preferably in the morning on clean, dry and intact skin on upper arm, shoulder and / or abdomen - not on the genitals
Feldmann RJ,.Maibach HI. Regional variation in percutaneous penetration of 14C cortisol in man. Journal of Investigative Dermatol. 1967;48:181-3.
Conclusions on Testosterone Treatment and Prostate Cancer (Mr Mark Feneley Senior Lecturer in Urologic Oncology, Institute of Urology, London)
No evidence that testosterone treatment causes prostate cancer Pre-screening is important prior to testosterone therapy PSA monitoring identifies prostate cancer at an early stage Prostate cancer identified by PSA is potentially curable
Costs of Treatment/Month (Medication only other costs to medical system and patients not included)
Testosterone Preparation Testosterone Pellet Implants Injected T-Esters (Sustenon) Injected T-Undecanoate (Nebido) Oral T-Undecanoate (Andriol) T-Gel (Testogel) Scrotal T-Cream (Andromen)
Cost () % Abs. Theory Practice 20 10 22 27 33 8 100 * 100 * 100 ** 10 ** 15 *** 70 **** *** * **** ** *** ***
Why is it T-Time?
70 years of experience with testosterone treatment shows its safe, effective and not rocket science. Its being recognised that symptoms rather than blood tests are better for diagnosing testosterone deficiency. Testosterone deficiency can be due to resistance to its action as well as a low level. Resistance in the medical profession to its therapeutic use is being overcome. It is becoming accepted as an important factor in heart disease, obesity, diabetes, erection problems and the causes of physical and mental ageing. It is an economic form of treatment that can add life to years, as well as years to life.