• A collection of polypeptides used for
communications between cells
• Low molecular weight
• secreted by cells of the immune system
• Affect the behaviour of other cells
• Role similar to hormones-Signalling molecules
• Key players in innate and acquired immunity
Which cells release cytokines ?
Cells of the immune system:
• Neutrophils – when they
encounter a pathogen
• NK cells – on encountering a
microbe infected cell /tumour cell
• Cell growth
• Cell differentiation
• Cell death
• Autocrine
– Cytokine binds to
receptor on cell that
secreted it
• Paracrine
– Cytokine binds to
receptors on near by cells
• Endocrine
– Cytokine binds cells in
distant parts of the body
Cytokine Actions
1. Pleiotropy
– Act on more than one cell type (INFα/β)
2. Redundancy
– More than one cytokine can do the same thing
(IFNα/β and IFNγ)
3. Synergy
– Two or more cytokines cooperate to produce an
effect that is different or greater than the combined
effect of the two cytokines when functioning
separately (IL-12 and IL-8)
4. Antagonism
– Two or more cytokines work against each other (IL-4
and IL-12)
1. Cytokines are pleiotropic … one cytokine can have
different effects on different cells.
2. Cytokines can be redundant … different cytokines can
have the same effects.
3. Cytokines can synergize with each other.
4. Cytokines can antagonize each other.
5. Cascade effect, cytokines can stimulate the
production of other cytokines.
6. Cytokines can influence the expression of
cytokine receptors.
7. Cytokines play key roles in regulating
hematopoiesis, innate immunity and acquired
There are many cytokines, including...
IL-1 IL-2 IL-3 IL-4
IL-5 IL-6 IL-7 IL-8
IL-9 IL-10 IL-11 IL-12
IL-13 IL-15 IL-16 IL-17
IL-18 IL-19 IL-20 IL-21
IL-22 IL-23
Cytokine Families
1. IL-1 family
2. Hematopoietin family
3. Interferon family
4. TNF family
5. IL-17 family
6. Chemokines family
IL-1 family
• IL-1 first noninterferon cytokine to be
• Important proinflammatory mediators.
• E.g. IL-1, IL-18, IL-33
Hematopoietin family
– α-helical structure
– Little or no β-
– Ex. IL-2 and IL-4
– Amino acid
sequences vary
Interferon family
• Antiviral response
• Immunomodulators
• E.g. IFN-α/β/γ, IL-10
Interferons (IFN)
• Cytokines produced by virus infected monocytes and
• “Interfere” with virus replication
• Warn the neighbouring cells that a virus is around...
1. Viral replication stimulates the infected host cell to produce
2. Interferon induces uninfected cells to
– produce antiviral proteins that prevent translation of viral mRNA
– degrade viral nucleic acid
3. Viral replication is blocked in uninfected cells
• If we did not have IFNs – most of us may die of influenza virus
How does IFN warn the neighbouring
cells ?
The infected cells release IFN
antiviral state
antiviral state
Virus infects the neighbouring cells
antiviral state
antiviral state
Prewarned cells are able to quickly
inhibit the virus
antiviral state
antiviral state
How do Interferons inhibit viruses ?
Cascade of events
Inhibition of
host protein
Virus cannot replicate
TNF family
• Soluble or membrane bound
• Immune system development, effector
functions and homeostasis
• E.g. TNF-α/β, CD40L, Fas (CD95)
Tumour necrosis factor (TNF)
• Interferons α/β
– Induced by dsRNA, etc.
– IFNs can induce more of themselves
– Directly interferes with viral replication
– Activation of T and NK cells
Early mediators
• IL-12, IL-15, 1l-18, IFN-γ (from NK cells), IL-10
• Proinflammatory mediators
• Produced by cell associated with innate immunity
(macrophages, NK, etc.)
• Mediate direct effects
• Promote inflammation
• Shape downstream responses
Late mediators
The Jak/Stat Signaling
1.- Binding of cytokine causes
dimerization of receptors and
activation of JAK kinases.
2.- Activated JAK kinases
phosphorylate receptor sites and
create docking sites for STAT
3. After binding to the receptor (a
chain), STATs are
4. They then dissociate from the
receptor, dimerize and
translocate to the nucleus, where
they mediate transcription of
target genes.
Cytokine cross-
• Helper T cells can be divided into two main types -
TH1 and TH2 - with distinct patterns of cytokine
Type Type
Cell-mediated 2 Humoral
Immune response T cell response
(Intracellular (extracellular
pathogens) IL-2 IL-4 pathogens)
IFN-g IL-5
Role of TH1/TH2 balance in
determining disease outcomes
• Balance of two subset determines response to
• Relative predominance of TH1 vs TH2 helper T
cells can influence the course of infectious disease
(Mycobacterium leprae)
• Leprosy
– Tuberculoid (TH1, CMI response, patient lives)
– Lepromatous (TH2, humoral response, patient
Course of Leprosy
• Chagas’ disease
– Trypanosoma cruzi infection results in sever immune suppression
– Depression of IL-2 receptor production
Therapeutic uses of cytokines
• Modulation of T H activation
• Interfere with receptor function
• Interfere with cytokine
– Make it unable to bind to receptor
– Make it unable to act
• Examples
– Anti-IL-2R
– Interleukin analogs which bind receptor, but do
not trigger activation (ties up receptor)
– Toxins conjugated to cytokines which kill
activated T-cells
– Administration of cytokines to enhance
immunity (side effects/ short half lives)