Evidence Law Book Full IMP
Evidence Law Book Full IMP
Evidence Law Book Full IMP
Evidence Law
Chapter Two
2. Historical development of Law of evidence in Chapter fourteen
14. Privileges of witness
Chapter Three
3. Classification of Evidence
A.Original and hearsay
B.Dirrect and circumstantial
C.Primary and secondary
D.Oral, Documentary and real evidence
E.Exhibits and their real value
Chapter Four
Fact in issue and relevant fact
Chapter Five
Fact which not to be proved
5.1. Formal Admission
5.2. Judicial Notice
5.3. Presumption
Chapter Six
6. Deposition and Testimony
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
6.1. Admission
6.2. Statement on the spot
6.3. Dying declaration
6.4. Special statement by person on particular Occasions
6.5. Facts recoded in public documents
6.6. Facts recorded in book of account
6.7. Facts public in Books and Articles
6.8. Statement given by Witness in other case
6.9. Documents prepared in the time of investigation
6.10. Certificate, Report and special Kinds of Statics
Chapter Seven
7. Expert Reports and Opinions
Chapter Eight
8. Burden of Proof
Chapter Nine
9. Estoppels
Chapter One
a. Meaning
The word ‘evidence “is derived from the Latin word evider, which means to show clearly; to make clear to the
sight ; to discover clearly; to make plainly certain; to ascertain ;to prove. So evidence is about proving or disproving
facts in issue, the means by which such facts come to prove or disproved.1
Evidence, the means by which disputed facts are proved to be true or untrue in any trial before a court of law or an
agency that functions like a court.
Y.V. Chandrachud and VR Manohar, the Law of evidence ,[New Delhi: Wadhwa and Company Nagpur,21st Edition 20050p.1]
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Black’s Law Dictionary has defined the evidence as something (including testimony, documents and tangible
objects) that tends to prove or disprove the existence of an alleged fact. E.g. the bloody glove is the key piece of
evidence for the prosecution. Evidence is the demonstration of a fact , it signifies that which demonstrates makes
clear or ascertains the truth of the very fact or opint in issue.2
Moonir states that “The term evidence in its legal and general acceptation includes all means by which alleged fact
is proved or disproved to the satisfaction of the court”.
Phipson states that –Evidence means the testimony whether oral, documentary ,real which may be legally
received in order to proved or disproved some fact in issue”.
Black stone says that which demonstrates, makes clear or ascertain the truth of facts or points in issue either or
one side or other .
Evidence Act of Nepal 2031 does not define about the meaning or definition of evidence.
In conclusion evidence means to prove or disprove, fact in issue is evidence and in another word it called relevant
The evolution of evidence law is based on certain basic principles .These are knowing as “five principles” as
1. Best evidence must be produced in all cases: Where there is possibility of availability of best evidence the court
insist on its production. The court would not consider other inferior evidence .Direct evidence is regarded as best
2. Hearsay is no evidence: Generally hearsay evidence is discarded in the trial, where there is possibility of
availability of direct evidence .So it is the negative expression of the first principle state above. There are several
exceptions to this rule.
Bryan A. Garner,black’s Law Dictionary,7th Edition[West Group:1999.p.576]
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
3.He who sets the law in motion must establish his case himself: The rule concerns with burden of proof .The
Prosecution in criminal proceeding and the Plaintiff in civil proceeding must establish his case by evidence
before hearing the other party.
4. In criminal proceeding guilt must be proved beyond the reasonable doubt .Where there is doubt benefit of doubt
goes to the accused.
5. In civil proceeding the case may be adjudicated on balance of probability: The party wins the case that is able to
adduce more evidence compare to his opponent.
Evidence law is generally used in court. Its scope is very much high and broad. Generally it comes to use in two
sectors as Judicial and Quasi Judicial.
Judicial Sector:
a. Criminal Case and
b. Civil Case
a. In civil case: Law of evidence is playing vital role. If Plaintiff comes to court and ask for Justice then he/she
shall give evidence. If can not able to produce evidence, then he/she lost his/her case. In other hand if Plaintiff
produced evidence against the defendant then defendant shall also produce his/her evidence against plaintiff.
b. In criminal case:
Law of evidence can play most important role in criminal case as well as in civil case. If anyone frames charge shit
against anyone, the framer shall produce evidence .If someone takes plea of innocent then he/she shall produce
evidence of innocent.
Chapter Two
2.1. History of Law evidence:
Earlier, the principles relating to law of evidence were not clear both under English and Nepali as well as Hindu
and Muslim legal system. In the early English Law, ordeals, compurgation or wager of law and trial by battle were
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
used as modes of proof. Under Hindu system of jurisprudence, sometimes divine test were used 3.The modern law of
evidence owes its origin from English Common Law. Certain parts of law of evidence may be traced back to the
period middle Ages. However, the real beginning for the main outstanding features of evidence was made in 16 th
and 17th centuries, when jury started deciding cases on the evidence of witness. For the first time , a book on
evidence , was written by Chief Baron Gilbert, who died in 1726.The book was published in 1756 after his death.
Nepal does not have long legal history. The country remained divided into different principalities until
1825(Bs).Late Prithavi Narayan Shah , the great , united the country in one nation and king Rana Bahdur Shah
brought the country in present shape. The country remained under the Rana regime in between 1903 to 2007
(Bs) .The countries was subject to autocratic rule during this period with concentration of power in the hand of
Rana Prime minister and the king being only titular head of the country.
Rana regime was overthrown with popular movement in 2007(Bs).Until then we adopted inquisitor system of
prosecution. After 2007 (Bs) they got democratization with the growth of the notion of rule of law. Thereafter we
adopted adversary model of justice system. Many old provisions, traditions and practices still lurk over head even
though they do not confirm with modern philosophy.
We have first codification of law in 1437(Bs) during the reign of King Jayasthiti Malla under the title “Manab
Nyaya Sastra” before the unification of the country. It was basically religious code rather than code of law. Prime
minister Janga Bahadur Rana, during the regime of King Surendra Birbikram Shah implemented a new code name
“Muluki Ain" in 1910(Bs).Until 2007(Bs) the sources of law were command of the sovereign , custom, religious
text, equity , justice and good conscience .
Historically the country was ruled by Kirat dynasty, Lichhavi dynasty, Malla Dynasty and shah dynasty in different
period of time .Historically development of law has to be researched and evaluated in these perspectives.
Sen.Priya Nath:General Principles of Hindu Jurisprudence, p.371
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Until 2007(Bs) legal education was very limited. So litigants were not represented by any lawyer. They however,
could appoint any person of their choice to represent their case. Within the court room bench assistant (Taharir)
could give dissent opinion against the verdict of the Judge. Thus , both being subject matter of consideration in
appellate court .Thus unique method got subside with the growth of the legal education and with the concern
of legal aid in litigation.
4. Sarjamin [spot investigation]
Inquisition by public authority upon information of any crime is the usual practice that prevailed since the long
time. This practice was popularly known as”Sarjamin or Dor”.It’s job was to investigate the case by calling
persons residing at the surrounding area of the scene of crime .It played vital role throughout the history in the
adjudication on the case .It was finally decided by Supreme Court in Bir Bahadur Tamang v.Krishna Maya
Tamang4 that sarjamin is not substitute of a witness. In sarjamin the person giving a statement do not take oath
before their deposition , nor can they be cross examined by the opponent .So they can not be held liable for
perjury , if the statement proved false later on. Recently investigator has adopted new method of investigation the
case known as “Bastusthiti Muchulka”. Under this provision they invite local people at police station to relate
information known to them as to the incidence. Such documentation is not per se evidence. These documents may
be relevant in pre-trial proceeding to adjudicate whether the accused be released on bail or not pending the
trial[Sec.18 of the Evidence Act 2031]
5. Witness, examination of witness:
Religious text like Manusmriti, Yagyabalk Smriti, Bhanu Smriti, Narad Smriti etc. have given elaborate description
of competency of witness and their method of examination. There is no uniformity in their approach. But we can
draw some common ground as an essence of their direction. These texts emphasized that witness should be a person
of high moral values, honest in nature, free from greed and external influence. Person like convict, dishonest, saint,
person having low moral profile etc. are disregarded to be a competent witness. Witness were supposed to give
deposition before the sun or the fire or the god with intimations with his soul or inner conscience. He used to
be penalized if his statement proved false. Women were excluded to be a competent witness unless it is case
relating to women. The first code of 1910(Bs) has incorporated some provisions as to evidence but it does not relate
elaborately with examination of witness. In grave offences court officer himself was supposed to visit to the
resident of witness to take deposition if he is unable to come to the court because of his agedness, or in case of
woman because of her high social status and non exposure before the public. This provision still prevails in law
though obsolete in practice. The law had made mandatory provision to appear before the court compulsorily to a
witness who has seen the incident by own his eyewitness living at distant places could be examined through local
authority with directions of questions to be asked with the witness in written form. This was termed as “Banda
Sawal” which is still prevailing in the existing law. Witnesses were required to take oath by holding copper and
Tulsi Plant before the deposition. This provision was discarded after 2020 (Bs) with reformulation of New Muluki
NKP 2019,P.240
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Ain, it has written only oath provision on the face of his conscience. This law had further made provision that if
there were more than one witness, all of them must be examined wherever possible on the same day. The
opponent had right to cross-examine him. At the end of examination he was asked whether he had to say
anything more and get recorded his response .If anything was to be taken after the process of examination he
could be asked on such point only with the permission of the court .This process is know as “Tatimba’The
following persons were listed as incompetent witness
a. Who is blind before the time of incidence?
b. Who is dumb?
c. Who is convicted up to 3 times or more for giving perjury?
After 2020(Bs) lawyers were made immune from giving evidence on matters which are related to him by his
client .There were no provisions of privileges other than this. But Evidence Act 2031, has made a good progress
over the old law in the sense that now all types of persons can be witness if he/she had perceived the incidence
or fact by his/her own sense. It made further provision of privilege of witness in more extensive way. The Act has
made further provision that on points of technicalities or on any other subjects of complexity the court may
pursue opinion of experts in the course of the proceeding.
6. Documentary evidence:
Documentary evidence is regarded as vital evidence throughout the history. Kagaj janch ko Mahal has laid down
certain format for certain type of transactions. Documents not complying with these provisions do not create any
liability. There are certain documents which are to be required registered if the transactions to be valied.These are
some safeguards to hold the transaction free from collusion fraud or other forms of mis-representation. Any
document which is in one’s own handwriting may be given in evidence against such person even though he has not
fixed this signature on it. The usual practice is that the document given in evidence is shown to the other party for
his reaction on it. If he describes it as fraud, the court pursues other method of proving it 5.The Evidence Act 2031
has made elaborate provision as to the method of proving documentary evidence. It also specifies the conditions in
which secondary evidence can be adduced in the proceeding.
7. Admission and confession:
Admission and confession played dominating role throughout the history of Nepalese Justice System. Direct
examinations of the accused or the litigant prevailed until 2007(Bs).Jawan Bandi, Thado Bujhnu,Kayalnama,
Sabiti were such terms which have relevance with admission and confession of the litigant. Any accused against
which there is prima facie evidence, he was supposed to confess his guilt before the police. If he does not do so
the police was entitled to administer torture against him[Chori ko No.1,Muluki Ain 1910 Bs].This practice still
pervades among the police even though The Evidence 2031 has prohibited it. The present court practice is that
confession before the police is taken as evidence only if the court finds it free from torture, influence or pressure
of any kind or it must be corroborated by some other independent evidence.
Section 78 of Court Management of Muluki Ain 2020
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
8. Character evidence:
Character evidence is used in one of the evidences against the accused in the past. Accused who have criminal
record used to suffer in various ways in the process of confession from them. Evidence Act 2031 has dispensed
this practice by making clear cut provision that character can not be given as evidence unless the character is
itself in issue. Though the law has made such explicit provision the older practice of stating the past conviction
of the accuse in the charge sheet still prevails. These contradict with the spirit of evidence Act 2031, and it
awaiting reform on it.
9. New Introduction made by Evidence Act 2031:
The Evidence Act 2031 has introduced some new and progressive provisions that what existed in the past. They
may be listed as follows
a. Judicial Notice6
b. Presumption of law and presumption of fact7
c. Hearsay and exception to hearsay rule8
d. Expert opinion9
e. Burden of proof10
f. Estoppels11
g. Privileges of witness12
The present Evidence Act 2031 is obviously a progressive over the past practice. But we can not say that it is
perfect one. It has not yet been fully implemented in practice because of our traditional style of working and
inadequacy in training. The following points are worthy of consideration for future reform.
a. Even accuse may be invited as a witness of his /her case and be subjected to cross-examination by the opponent
unless and until he/she refuses to do so.
b. The defense of alibi has become of general phenomenon in our system, when an accused confesses his/her guilt
before the police and denies it before the court. A mechanism is to be evolved to discourage such practice which
encourages manufacturing of evidence.
c. Confession has to be made reliable and useful evidence by encouraging guilty party to plead guilt with an
attraction of lesser amount of punishment on such plea.
d. The method of adducing evidence at the beginning of the trail is to be reviewed .Instead of disclosing each
and every evidence at the out set the proceeding whether civil or criminal , the prosecution or the plaintiff must
Sec.5 of the Evidence Act 2031
Sec.6 and 7 of the Evidence Act 2031]
Sec.10,11,12 of the Evidence Act 2031]
Sec.23 of the Evidence Act 2031
Sec. 25 to 33 of the Evidence Act 2031
Sec.34 of the Evidence Act 2031
Sec.40 to 45 of the Evidence Act 2031]
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be allowed to establish their case by prima facei evidence. The burden of proof goes on changing as per the
progress of the case.
e.Conviction and sentencing proceeding has to be separated from betterment .Evidence Act 2031, has relevance
only with conviction proceeding .Every other thing such as character of the accused , his/her family
status ,his /her earning, his /her possibility of reformation, his /she is relevant in sentencing. Sentencing
considering all these matter may be regard as reformative approach of punishment.
Chapter Three
Classification of evidence:
Evidence is any fact presented before the court to proof or disproves the fact in issue under consideration on the
court .Evidence may be classified in to several categories.
1. Oral evidence:
Statement made by witness before a court to prove or disprove any fact is regarded an oral evidence. There is
general rule that oral evidence must be direct that is the person giving the evidence must have perceived the
fact by his/her own senses. It may be regarded as direct evidence. In order to ensure the reliability of the oral
evidence and disregard the defects that may creep. Direct evidence is testimony of witness to the existence or non-
existence of a fact or fact in issue.
Generally in the types of evidence, the following four types of measures are adopted while taking testimony of
a. The witness must take oath for giving any statement that he/she would speak the truth only and no more.
b. He/she is subjected to punishment under perjury if his/her statement proved untruthful.
c. He/she is subjected to cross-examination by the opponent party.
d. His/her bodily gesture and mode of speaking are observed by the court to ensure credibility of his/her statement.
2. Real Evidence:
Any thing or substance or material used in the commissions of any crime or marks blood , soil condition found
in the area of scene and identified by the witnesses in the court are regarded as real evidence ,Eg:Weapons, Blood
stained cloths etc.They are important if connection between them and the accused could be established in the
Chain of custody of physical evidence is to be protected properly from the scene of crime to court room to avoid
fraud distortion or manipulation of it. It has to travel through several frauds including laboratory and expert
examination before it is finally presented in the court. Therefore careful seal packing and documentation with
each change of hands is strictly necessary to ensure its protection .This is known as chain of custody of
physical evidence.
3. Direct Evidence: All types of evidence, which has directed relevant with fact in issue , may be regarded as direct
evidence. It is also know as “positive evidence”.Eidence given by direct witness/eye witness is called “Direct
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Evidence”. Direct evidence is the testimony of a witness to existence or non-existence of a fact or fact in
issue.Eg.Mr.Thapa is tried to setting fire to the house .Mr.Karki deposes that he saw Mr.Thapa setting fire.
Mr.Karki is eye witness.
4. Documentary evidence:
Any thing written or marked or inscribed on any substance or document, which conveys any idea meaningful to
other who reads it is regarded as document. Document may be private or public in its nature. Document prepared by
a public officer in exercise of his/her public duty is regarded as public document and all other documents are
private one. Documentary evidence may be categorized as primary evidence and secondary evidence. All types of
original documents are regarded as primary evidence. Documentary evidence is proved according to rules of law of
the law of evidence. Especially documentary evidence has greater relevance in civil proceedings while oral
evidence plays dominant role in criminal proceedings.
E.g. An inscription on metal plate or stone, map or plan, suicide note and sales deed etc.are known as documentary
5. Circumstantial evidence:
Circumstantial evidence is a testimony by witnesses as to the circumstances from which an inference is to drawn as
to the fact in issue. It is not possible to get direct evidence in all types of cases .In such situations the court has to
rely on circumstantial evidence. Circumstantial evidence is helpful to prove relevant fact connected with event. A
series of such evidence may help the court to arrive at a decision .Intention or knowledge of the accused is always
proved through circumstantial evidence. In the case of Kalua vs. State of U.P 13, Supreme Court of India has made a
marvelous decision on the basis of circumstantial evidence. Kalua was charged with the murder of the deceased by
shooting him with a pistol. The circumstantial evidence proved were :a)few days before the killing of the deceased
the accused had held out a threat against him ,b)a cartridge was found near the cot of the deceased)a pistol was
recovered from his house,d)the fire -arm expert gave his opinion that the cartridge found near the cot of the dead
body was fired from the pistol produced by the accused .It was held that there could be no room for thinking in
the circumstances established in this case , that anyone else other than the accused might have shot the
deceased .He was convicted.
6. Corroborative Evidence:
Corroborative evidence is that evidence which tend to support some other evidence .It is a weak type of evidence,
which supports some other evidence to strengthen its evidential value. Materials discovered through such
confession may corroborate confession by an accused .A witness may corroborate his /her statement by referring to
his/her previous expression.
7. Hearsay Evidence:
It is indirect evidence .It may be oral or documentary if any fact , which is heard from somebody else , is
deposited in the court , the deposition is regarded as hearsay .Hearsay evidence is inferior type of
AIR1958 SC 180
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evidence .Generally it is disregarded at any court proceedings but there are several exceptions laid down by the
law of evidence which allows hearsay evidence to betaken in court decision.Eg.Dying declaration, Statement on
the spot etc.The reason is that if hearsay evidence is totally disregarded may cases may go without evidence.
8. Original Evidence:
By original evidence is meant , the production of the thing proved in its original form .It is that , which a witness
reports himself/herself to have seen or heard through the media of his/her own sense.
9. Primary Evidence:
It means, the documents itself is produced for the inspection of the court. In the case of transaction of money, if
plaintiff produced the deed (Tamasuk) for the inspection of court is known as original evidence. Primary evidence
is considered as the best evidence since it provides proof with certainty. That is why; law insists/requires first the
primary evidence. The document may counter parts, and then each counter part is regarded as primary evidence. If
the document is made by uniform process like printing or lithography, each one constitutes the primary evidence.
10. Secondary Evidence:
It is also known as inferior type of evidence. It indicates the existence of more original sources of
information .Secondary evidence may be given in the absence of the primary evidence if proper explanation is
given for such absence. Section 65 of the India evidence Act 1872 provides for the circumstances in which
secondary evidence is admissible. Copies made and compared with the original or Photostat copies may be treated
as secondary evidence.
11. Judicial Evidence:
It is evidence received by the courts of justice in proof or disproof of facts, the existence of which comes in
question before them.
12. Non-judicial Evidence:
Evidence given in the court proceeding before police or officer not in a judicial capacity; but administrative is non-
judicial evidence.
Chapter Four
Fact, Fact in issue and relevant facts:
4.1. Fact:
The term ‘fact ‘means an existing thing. the object of the sense. Right and liabilities in a judicial proceeding emerge
out of facts.
Facts are categorizes into
(a) Physical Facts and
(b) Psychological Facts.
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
a) Physical Facts:
It means and includes anything, state of thing or relation of things, capable of being perceived by sense. In other
words, all facts, which are subject to perception by bodily sense, are called Physical Facts. They are also known as
external facts.
b) Psychological Facts:
They are also known as ‘internal facts’. Those facts, which cannot be perceived by senses, are called Psychological
The Evidence Act of India 1872, Sec.6]
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Fact showing occasion cause or effect in relation to fact in issue is relevant as evidence. Occasion denotes
opportunity.’A’ is charged with robbing ‘B’ .The fact that on some earlier occasion ‘B’ has visited market
where he had exhibited large sum in presence of some person including ‘A’ is relevant as fact showing
Fact showing motive, preparation, previous or subsequent conduct is relevant. Normally in any pre mediated
activity person does not act without motive .Motive throws light in to the incidence. So motive is one of the
relevant facts that prove in any case.
All types of pre contemplated activity undergo some sort of preparation .Preparation is relevant fact to show
that how the accused accomplished his/her enterprise. Therefore procuring poison from a shop is relevant fact in a
poison case.
Any conduct of the accused designated by him/her to avoid detection may be regarded as his/her previous or
subsequent conduct , which may be regarded as relevant fact in subsequent trial. The fact he/she absconded from
his/her house immediately after the incidence is relevant fact showing his/her subsequent conduct 15.
4.4. Admissible Fact:
Certain facts though relevant are not admissible on the grounds of public policy or privilege granted with the
witness .Voluntarily confessed by an accused is admissible16.
4.5. Corroborative Fact:
Facts, which are given in support of some other facts, are called corroborative facts.
4.6. Proof:
When evidence is proved a per the rule of the evidence it is regarded as proof. Document properly tendered
whose signature is proved becomes a proof as to contents of document.
4.7. Conclusive Proof:
Certain facts are conclusive proof, which can not be denied , in legal proceeding .The law presumes that a child
under 10 years cannot form means rea .Therefore any wrong committed by child under 10 years is conclusive
proof that he/she did it innocently. Any case, which is finally decided by any competent court, is conclusive proof
that the case got final decision.
Chapter Five
5. Fact which not need to be proved:
5.1) Formal Admission
5.2) Judicial notice
5.3) Presumption
Indian Evidence Act 1872,Sec.8]
Sec.9 of the Evidence Act 2031]
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Admissions are applied as evidence against the party making it. The principle is that no one generally speaks
against his/her own interest unless the subject matter is true.
However there are three exceptional situations where admission is relevant in one’s own favor and these situations
are as follows;
a. Statement accompanied by body or bodily feelings including statement made on the spot
spontaneous with the incident.
b. Statement made by persons who cannot be found.
c. Statement relevant as evidence other than admission
d. Statement made with a view to come to a compromise can never be given as an evidence
because dispute whenever possible must be tried to be solved by amicable means.
Rnajit Bhakta Pradhanag,Ageneral Introduction of the Nepalese Law of Evidence ,5th edition (Bhotahiti,Kathmandu,Ratna
Pustak Bhandaar 2050),p.125
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
e. Admission can never be a conclusive proof but it may operate as its estoppels. An admission made
by the party to the litigation is always relied upon by the court and separate evidence need not be given
to prove such facts.
In the case of Bhuwane vs .His majesty’s Government of Nepal, Supreme Court has made decision that “admission
alone is not sufficient to hold a person liable for murdered18
Characteristics of admission:
To constitute admission, the following characteristics are to be present;
a. It may be oral or documentary.
b. It is a statement to suggest any inference as to any fact in issue or relevant fact.
c. It may be made by any person prescribed under the law.
d. It must be made under the circumstances prescribed under the law.
Nature of Admission:
The statement made by parties during judicial proceeding is self regarding statement .The self regarding statements
are may be classified under two heads are:
a. Self-serving statements: are those, which serve, promote or advance the interest of the person making it. Hence,
they are not allowed to be proved. They enable to create evidence for themselves.
b. Self-harming statements: are those, which harm or prejudice or injure the interest of the person making it. These
self-harming statements are technically known as ‘Admissions’ and are allowed to be proved.
Importance of Admission:
An admission is the best evidence against the party making the same unless it is untrue and made under the
circumstances, which does not make it binding on him/her. Admission by a party is substantive evidence of the fact
admitted by him/her. Admissions duly proved are admissible evidence irrespective of whether the party making the
admission appeared in the witness box or not. In fact, admission is the best substantive evidence that an opposite
party can rely upon it. The evidentiary value of admission by the Government is merely relevant and not
conclusive , unless the party to whom they are made has acted upon and thus altered his/her detriment.
Chapter Six
6. Judicial Notice:
Certain facts are supposed to be already within the knowledge of court. So such facts need not be proved. They are
supposed to be within the notice of the court. Facts which are quite famous or infamous may be subject matter of
judicial notice. Similarly facts which are beyond controversy are judicially noticeable such as a week has 7 days,
Saturday is the official holiday of Nepal, Falgun 7 is the democracy day .These facts can not be a bone of
Bhuwane vs.HMG,NKP
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
contention. So they need not be proved. The court per se (by itself) acts upon them. As according to Section 5 of the
Evidence Act 2031 of Nepal deals with judicial notice. The section gains some examples in which the court is
supposed to take judicial notice. They may be stated as follows;
a. The National Anthem
b. Signature(sign manual) of the Head of State
c. The geographical condition of the country
d. The constitution of Nepal and the laws of the Nepal
e. Notice Published in Nepal Gazette
f. Other facts which are beyond controversy the court are regarded as expert of the law of Nepal and
the constitution.
The facts stated above are one famous and beyond controversy. Notice published in Nepal Gazette is the
notification of Nepal Government to public at large. So such facts are taken by the court without pursuing the
process of admitting evidence. However, when the court is not certain in any fact, the court may order to the
parties to the litigation to produce such materials which assist it to take judicial notice. Such materials are not
evidence; they are materials which assist the court to refresh its memory.
6.1. Improper Admission and rejections of evidence:
If any court admits any improper evidence or rejects proper evidence in any court proceeding the decision does
not fail or stand for the very reason unless it is proved that the rejection or admission of any evidence has
crucial effect at the adjudication .[Section 54 of the Evidence Act 2031 of Nepal]
6.2. Facts that need not to prove:
a. Facts which come within the definition of judicial notice.
b. Facts admitted by the opponent in the course of court proceeding. [Section 4 of Evidence Act 2031] and
c. Facts which come within the definition of presumption of law and presumption of fact. [Section 6 and 7 of
Evidence Act, 2031]
According to Section 56 of Indian Evidence Act 1872, facts of which court will take judicial notice need not to
prove by the parties to any court proceedings.
The expression ‘judicial notice ‘means notice or recognition of the truth of the fact.
6.3. Character Evidence:
According to Sec.24 of Evidence Act 2031, character evidence is irrelevant except character itself is in issue.
Character includes both reputation and disposition. It relates with a person’s past life and evaluation of it by other
members of society .Past conviction is an evidence of bad character. Character is excluded from taking into
evidence on the ground that it may prejudice the judge to act against the accused. A Dacoit one time may be a
Dacoit of every time .Therefore past dacoity is irrelevant to prove present Dacoity offence. Of course, past
conviction is relevant while fixing the punishment to increase amount of punishment. Conviction and sentencing
are separate proceeding at the administration of criminal justice .The rule of evidence concerns with conviction or
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acquittal of the accused. In sentencing proceeding everything may be relevant including character of the accused.
There is no exception to this rule. Where character itself in issue, then character may be relevant and admissible. In
litigation like defamation, adultery and divorce proceeding character may be a subject matter of issue. In such
situation good or bad character may be given in evidence.
Sec.52 to 55 of the Indian Evidence Act 1872, laid down the provisions relating to ‘Relevancy of Character’. The
character of the parties to a proceeding may be relevant under Sections 52 to 55.The evidence of character may
be tendered against or in favour of any person in his/her capacity as a witness or as a party to a proceeding. The
word has been defined in Sec.55 of the Evidence Act. It includes both reputation and disposition , but except as
provided in Sec.54, evidence may be given only in general reputation and general disposition , and not of
particular acts by which reputation or disposition were shown. According to Sec.52 in Civil proceeding character
is irrelevant.
Chapter Seven
7. Presumption:
Presumption is an inference, which takes place in the absence of absolute certainty as to truth or falsehood of a fact.
In other words, presumption is an inference drawn by the court as to the truth of a particular fact, from other known
or proved fact. The presumption has direct relevance with burden of proof. It shifts burden of proof on the other
party to prove otherwise against the party in whose favor the presumption exit.
7.1 Classification of Presumption:
Presumptions may be classified as follows:
a. Presumption of Law(Shall Presumption):
Sometimes the law defines certain situations to be presumed in a certain way. The law makes such presumption to
make our civil life easy and practical. As according to Section 6 of Evidence Act 2031 deals with presumption of
law. Its refutable presumption that means the aggrieved party must prove otherwise against the presumption if
he/she is to win the case. As per the Sec.6 of Evidence Act.2031has categorizes Presumption of law as
1. Presumption of undivided property:
If more than one co-partner is living together, the law presumes that the property is in possession of one of the co-
partner is divisible property among other partners equally.
2. Presumption of joint ownership:
If two or more person is in joint possession of any property, the law presumes that each and every person has equal
claim over the property.
3. Presumption of genuinely as to public documents: The law presumes that each and every public document
prepared in course of public duty and kept is public record is genuine and accurate a it purports to be. The
aggrieved party must prove otherwise to rebut this presumption. Until it is so done the court acts upon it.
4. Presumption of legitimacy:
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Any child begotten during lawful wedlock is presumed to be legitimate child of the same couple. Likewise child
begotten within 272 days of death of the deceased husband is presumed to be legitimate child of the deceased
husband and similarly child begotten within 272 days of divorce is presumed to be legitimate child of divorce.
5. Presumption of genuinity of published and certified document:
Document which purports to publication of government, or if any document is certified by any public official
without his/her authority. The law presumes that such publication or certification is genuine as it purports to be on
the face of it.
6. Presumption of genuinity of law or judicial decisions published by foreign government:
If any document which purports to be law or judicial decision is published by foreign government, the law
presumes such document to be genuine and accurate. It is taken as evidence on the same presumption. The
aggrieved party must bear burden of proof if he/she wants the court to be believe the other way.
1. Presumption of theft:
If a person is found in possession of stolen property the court may presume that he/she either a thief or a person
dealing with stolen property .The court may not presume such fact it is proved that the accused may come
across of such property because of his/her nature of business.
2. Presumption of adverse interest:
Any person who is in possession of any document if does not produce before the court when ordered .Court may
presume that the document if produced relates to adverse interest of such party .The court presumes this way only
when it is prudent to do so.
3. Presumption based on logic and experience:
The court may presume any think which is pertinent to the given situation on the strength of its prudence and
experience. Everything cannot be brought and proved before the court. There may be several such situations in
which the court presumes certain thing at the proof of some other things.
(A). Mixed Presumption:
Besides presumptions of fact and of law a third category of presumptions is also recognized which is referred to as
mixed presumptions of law and fact. They lie on the boundary line between the other two, i.e. and presumptions of
fact and presumptions of law. They consist chiefly of certain inferences which from their strength, importance or
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frequent occurrence and constant recommendations by judges become, in course of time, as familiar to the courts as
presumptions of law.
Presumption of law directs the court to presume certain fact mandatory on the given situation. So the court shall
presume such fact if the specified situation is before the court .Presumption of fact defers from presumption of law
in the sense that presumption of fact is at option of the court itself. The court is not obliged to presume any fact
mandatorily under it. It may presume certain fact if it thinks it appropriate in the given situation. Thus it depends
upon the perceptions of the court, its prudence and experience. Both of these perceptions are refutable in court
proceeding .The aggrieved party must give evidence, if it wants the court think otherwise. Conclusive proof is
another type of presumption which is irrefutable.
The law presumes that a child under 10 cannot form guilty mind, the proof of under agedness of 10 years is
sufficient to make believe the court that the child is innocent., the aggrieved party can not give evidence that
even if the child below 10, he/she did the act maliciously, with ill will or under cruel intention. So in conclusive
remark proof is known as fiction of law. It is irrefutable presumption of law. The two types of presumption of law
stated in the text of burden of proof are as follows:
1.Presumption of death :Any person who is not known to his/her close relations for more than 12 years of period
is presumed to be dead for the purpose of law19.
4. Presumption of ownership:
Any person who is in possession property is presumed to the owner of that property until otherwise proved. Indian
Evidence Act 1872 has given wide range of description relating to presumption of the public document and also
presumption of fact in sec.79 to 90, which does not differ with the provision mentioned in the Evidence Act
2031.Sec. 90 has stated that any document which is 30 years old and is produced from proper custody .The court
regards such document as genuine and the writing and attestation there in is genuine as per the law.
The law presumption relates to burden of proof. Presumptions whether of law or fact are always refutable by the
party on the strength of evidence, otherwise it may be the basis of decision.
Chapter Seven
A confession is a statement implicating him/her that the crime in question or alternatively he/she must have
admitted all real relevant facts which are connected with the crime under consideration. In the case HMG. VS.
Sec.32 of Evidence Act 2031]
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Jimidar Kurmi Supreme Court of Nepal has made an observation that If the accused has confessed his guilt before
the police voluntarily without exhibiting any resistance it may be taken as evidence 20 .
As per Sir James Stephen ‘a confession made at any time by a person charged with a crime stating or suggesting
the inference that he/she committed the crime. Confessions are special form of admissions. Thus it is popularly
said that “All confession are Admission, but all Admission are not Confession.”
It is a rule of universal law that' a person may convicted on the basis of his/her confession made in judicial
proceeding. The underlying principle is enshrined in two Latin Maxims as stated below:
Judicial confession:-Confession made before the court is judicial confession .Guilty plea in plea
bargaining is judicial confession. The court relies upon it unless there are reasonable doubts to it.
Extra Judicial confession:-Confession made by the accused before somebody outside the court.
Such person may be the police, person in authority, friends, neighbors or others. As to police and person in
authority the conditions on what ground confession is admissible has already been discussed above so far as the
other persons are concerned confession can be taken as evidence if the court is of the opinion that it is
voluntarily and free from the influence of torture. In Nepalese practice the prosecution has pay little attention
on this point and are very rare instances in which such persons like friends or neighbors produced in the court
to give evidence against the accused.
HMG vs. Jimidar Kurmi NKP2027 P.61).
AIR ,1939,P.47
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Generally, Nepalese court accepts, confession made before the police if it is of the opinion that it is made
voluntarily .If the courts find proof of torture, against the accused it has always rejected the confession to be taken
in evidence. But in India confession made before the police is inadmissible at all cost. Even confession made during
police custody is inadmissible.22
b. He must not have influenced with inducement, threat or promise from person under authority:
A confession to be admissible in evidence; it must be free and voluntary. If it proceeds from remorse and a desire to
make reparation for crime, it is admissible. A confession made by an accused in criminal proceeding is irrelevant, if
it is caused by any inducement, threat or promise.
c. He must not have nor made it under the pressure or torture of himself or somebody:
The Indian Evidence Act 1872, Sec.25 and 26
NKP 2021, P.182
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Analysis and Reform of the Criminal Justice System in Nepal-CeLLRd, 2057
NKP 2034,P.138
State vs.Porter,32/135,Wigmore ,f.821
Prakash Washti, Evidence Law,4th edition,2053(Kathmandu, Paribas Prakashan),p.122
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Similarly in Section 6 of Indian Evidence Act 1872 has made similar provision. It is also known as res jestae. Such
statement, in order to be admissible must be made spontaneously with the incidence. It should not be narrative in
style and should avoid concoction of evidence.
7.7. Rationality:
Any person who has spoken anything exhibiting his/her personal feeling through bodily gesture may be given in
evidence by a person who has come across of him/her. The principle is that such expressions are less likely to be
S.P. Tyagi ,Manual of the Evidence ,(Delhi, University Law Publiching,2002),p.233
V.R.Manohar, and Dhiraj Lal,,Law of Evidence ,19th edition(Mumbai:Wadhwa and Company Nagur Publication,2002)p.139
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Ram Prasad vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, AIR 1999 SC1969]
Sunder Joshi vs. HMG,NKP, 2044,p.577]
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The statement as to cause of death of the deceased person will be relevant only if the cause of his/her death is in
e. The statement must be complete:
To be admissible in evidence, dying declaration must be complete. This is a matter of common sense because the
deceased might have added something in contradiction to things already stated .It is therefore , necessary that
incomplete declaration should not be received in evidence.
f. In trials for murder the dying declaration of the victim made under the sense of impending death, is admissible to
prove the circumstances which are supposed to guarantee the truth of the statement in the solemnity of the occasion,
when the sense of impending death created a sanction equal to the obligation of an oath.
g.There must have existed a “settled, hopeless expectation of death "if death overtakes the deceased so rapidly that
he/she has no time to reflect or know that he/she is dying , any statement by him/her as to the cause of death is
admissible as a dying declaration[Rvs.Bedingfield(1879)14cox34].
h. The person who is near to the death does not have any love, affection, hatred. They speak truth.
i. The crime is generally done with the plan, so other witness may not be found in such places at this time. The
victim himself/herself will be the best evidence for their death.
j. A person who makes a dying declaration must, however, be competent at the time he/she makes a statement,
otherwise, it is inadmissible32
Gyanendra Br. Shrestha,Ain Sagraha(comment on acts with precent),Kathmandu , Pairavi Prakashan 2061,p.81,103]
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evidence.35Dying declaration is not the direct evidence so the reliability of the witness is not seen as compared to
direct evidence.
Universal Law Publishing Co.Pvt:2001)p.233,234
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Chapter Eight
8. Expert Reports and Opinions:
Generally an expert means a person who has special knowledge and skill in a special field either by the study or by
the experience. Some experts are being expert through their study and some are being expert through their
experience. In the western or developed country, these people are recognized as an expert. Who did special courses
like Doctor, Engineer and other specialized people? But in context of Nepal those people are recognized as an
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expert who have long time experience about such matter of handwriting, a person who observed someone
handwriting from long time before. According to Section 23 of Evidence Act 2031, stated that “An expert as a
person who has gained special knowledge through special studies, training and experience”.
According to Black’s Law Dictionary, “An expert is a person who through education or experience has developed
skill or knowledge in a particular subject, so that she/he may opinions that will assist the fact finders. 36
Similarly according to Ballentine’s Dictionary, “An expert means , one who is qualified either by actual experience
or by careful study , as to enable him/her to form a definite opinion of his/her own respecting a division of
science, branch of art or department of trade about which persons having no particular training or special study
are incapable of forming accurate opinions or deducing correct conclusions.37
Section 45 of Indian Evidence Act 1872 states that “when the court has to form an opinion upon a point of foreign
law, or science, or art or as to identify of handwriting or finger print expression , the opinion upon that point of
persons specially skilled in such foreign law, science or art , or in question as to identify of handwriting or finger
print impression are relevant facts. Such people are called an expert.
In short we can say an expert is that person who has knowledge on particular field by the study training or by the
Bryan A. Garner, Black’s Law Dictionary(St.Paul ,West Group,1999]
James A .Ballentine,Ballentine’s Law Dictionary (New York, The Lawyers Cooperative Publishing,3 rd Ed]
R.M.Jhala and K.Kumar,Medical Jurisprudence (Lucknow, Eastern Book,1997)p.47]
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c. Relevancy:
An expert opinion must be relevant to both, the issue in question as well as to the established and recognized
principles and findings of his/her subject. The findings must not be based on assumptions but on relevant data either
from own experience or from the published works of accredited authors.40
d. Reliability:
The court seeks for expert opinion in the presumption that such opinion will be more authoritative or more reliable
due to his/her special knowledge on the subject. Another side of the basis of reliability is non –commitment of the
expert to interests of either disputing party. They should not only be reliable but appear to be so, and that he/she
should satisfy himself/herself against bias arising out of certain cases.41
Such opinions are however to be admitted as evidence only if an expert comes and testifies in the court 46.The
expert’s opinion is only piece of evidence and cannot be taken as substantive piece of evidence since it is to be
judged along with other evidence. In other words, expert’s opinion must be corroborating with the other evidence.
As for instance, report of handwriting expert is not admissible in evidence in the absence of formal proof. In the
case of Mubark Ali vs. State of Bombay, the Indian Supreme Court laid down that a witness must confine himself
to the facts and not to state of his opinion. 47 But according to Section 23(7) of Evidence Act 2031, author of an
article or book need not be present in the court in person for the article or book to be admitted as evidence. And also
Evidence Act 2031(1974),Nepal ,Section 23(1)]
Ibid Section 23(2)
Ibid Section 23(3)]
Ibid Section 23(4)]
38. Section 23(5) of Evidence Act 2031
Mubarak Ali vs. State of Bombay, AIR 1957 SC 857;1957 Cr. LJ 1346(sc)]
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, if the Post Mortem Report does not contradict with other facts collected during the course of investigation or
if the opponent does not challenge matter in court, the Expert need not come to the court.
c. Re-examination:
Re-examination is the third stage of examination. The Evidence Act 2031, Section 50(2) states about re-
examination of witness. First party of case or who asked questions first with the expert can ask or clarify certain
question under the permission of Bench.
The Supreme Court of Nepal generally gives preferences to the opinion of expert. It is only sometimes that the
court does not consider the Expert Opinion as evidence
1. In the case of HMG vs. Rajesh K.C. and others,”Semen was found on the clothes of the victim and the person
accused of rape. The forensic report was positive during the examination of vaginal swab of the victim; the
Supreme Court in this case convicted the accused on the ground of Doctor’s medical report.50
2. Similarly in the case of Sideni Sah Kanu vs.Prabhu Sah Kanu,”the disput was whether the number ‘0’ had been
altered into ‘7’ or not? The expert opined that ‘7’ in the disputed writing and ‘7’in the writing in other places were
different .The writing of the disputed number ‘7’was written by different ink, contained plenty of hesitation marks
and tremors, and the pen pressure was very thick. The Supreme Court observed that the number ‘7’ was made by
altering number ‘o’.51
3. Similarly in the case of Prem Bahdur vs. Ganesh Das, the Supreme Court has observed that the written signature
deserves greater importance rather than finger prints impressions if the party executing it seems to be an educated
4. However in the case of Hanif vs.HMG, the Supreme Court rightly held that expert opinion given merely on the
ground of inference and not on reliable grounds cannot be relied upon.53[NKP, 2025(1968), p.94]
5.Similarly in the case of Milki Ram vs. HMG, the Supreme Court decided that where the doctor is supposed to
be , limited to corpse, if doctor gives an opinion on such things that does not conform the condition of dead
body , such opinion cannot be relied upon.54
Chapter Nine
9. Burden of Proof:
9.1. Definition:
The expression burden of proof means “obligation to proof a fact.”Every party of the case has to establish facts
which go in his/her favor or against his/her opponent. In other words, the general rule with regard to burden of
proof is:”He/she who asserts must prove.”The reason is “one who drags another into the court must hear the burden
of proving the facts which he/she asserts”.
53 .NKP,2O3291975),p.92
NKP,2026(1969),p.341] .
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The word ‘proof’ signifies a state of mental certainty as to existence or non-existence of some fact and the phrase’
burden of probabilities which has to be compulsive or overwhelming in the case of a choice in favor of a
conviction as to remove all reasonable doubt. Burden of and presumption may become decisive only where
evidence from both sides is equally balanced or there is paucity of evidence on either side.
9.2. Burden of proof on prosecution:
Section 25 of Evidence Act 2031lays down that in criminal cases the prosecution must bear burden of proof to
establish the guilt .He/she must prove it beyond the doubt. The accused need not prove anything on his/her part to
show his/her innocence. He/she may remain silent throughout the trial and observe the case being proved against
his/her on the strength of evidence. In case of any doubt and he/she is entitled to acquittal. This is general rule.
9.3. Burden of proof on the plaintiff:
According to Section 26 of Evidence Act 2031 says that in civil case "burden of proof" lies on the plaintiff to
establish his/her claim. The court hears the defendant at the same party with plaintiff and adjudicates the case on
balance of probability.
9.4. Burden of proof on the defendant:
Section 27 of the Evidence Act 2031 lays down that in criminal cases the defendant puts forwards his/her
defense , if he/she chooses so, to show that he/she is innocent or he /she is not liable fully for the consequence
of charge made against him/her. Therefore, he/she may plead self-defense, accident or provocation in order to
immune himself/herself from punishment or mitigate it as per the merit of the case. If he/she does so the onus lies
on him/her to prove it.
Similarly in civil cases the defendant must bear burden of proof if he/she wants the court to believe that the liability
attached to him/her has already been partly or fully discharge in favor of the plaintiff. In other words it is know as
adverse burden of proof.
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According to Section 29 of the Evidence Act 2031 stated that there are certain facts, which are presumed by the
court in favor of either party to the litigation. Presumption of law is those situations in which the law directs the
court to presume certain facts on proof of some other facts. The court is obliged to presume as per the direction of
law if such situation does not exist. Such situation are listed at the Section 6 of the Evidence Act 2031.The court
acts as per the presumption until it is rebutted by the other party.
Similarly, presumption of facts is those situations in which the court acts on option whether to presume certain fact
or not. If it does presume, the other party must bear burden of proof to rebut it. Section 7 of the Evidence Act 2031
has laid down such situations.
9.8. Burden of proving such fact which is condition precedent to some other fact:
Section 31 of the Evidence Act 2031 lays down that, there are certain facts which are admissible on proof of some
other facts. As in dying declaration admissible is only the evidence which proof that the person saying so is dead.
Certain facts are admissible as evidence. Under the Section 12 of the evidence Act 2031, only if the person making
it is dead or can not be found etc. secondary evidence is admissible, if it is public document or the original lost or
destroyed. In all these cases the party trying to prove the secondary fact must also prove the first fact as condition
AIR 1995 SC 995
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Section 33 of the Evidence Act 2031 says that any person who is in possession of property is presumed to be owner
of that property. The person rebutting it must bear burden of proof to the same effect. Similarly Section 110 of
Evidence Act 1872 of India lays down that a person in possession of a property is presumed to be the owner .If any
body denies that the possessor is not owner, the burden of proof lies on him/her.
Chapter Ten
10. Estoppels:
‘Estoppels ‘is derived from the French word ‘Estoup’ which means “shut the mouth”. When a person tells us
something , we generally hear him/her .If he/she says something different or contradicting , we would not hear
any more and contradict such statement .Otherwise ,we shall comply with it. a person by declaration (act or
omission) makes/induces another to believe a thing, can not deny its truth subsequently. The other person cannot
be stopped from proceeding upon such declaration. Estoppels is a rule of evidence , by which a person is not
allowed to plead the contrary of a fact or state of things, which he/she has formally asserted as existing.
As per the Sec.34 of Evidence Act 2031,”any body who represents to other by word or by writing or by conduct
any fact which the other party believes on it and works upon it, the first party is stopped from denying the fact
in the suit that follows.”Similarly Sec.115 of Evidence Act 1872 embodies the principle of estoppels. It runs as
follows, when one person has , by his declaration , act, or omission intentionally caused or permitted another
person to believe , neither he/she nor his/her representative shall be allowed , in any suit or proceeding between
himself/herself and such person or his/her representative , to deny the truth of the thing.
Pickard vs.Seers 1832 A&E 469.
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a. There must be a declaration (act or omission) on the part of one person, intentionally causing or
permitting another person to believe a thing to be true.
b. The other person (to whom the declaration is made) must believe that thing to be true.
c. There must be some act in pursuance of that belief.
Chapter Eleven
11. Plea of Alibi:
11.1. Definition:
Alibi is the Latin term, which means’elseweare’.Alibi is a piece of evidence that one was elsewhere and alleged act
took place, an excuse.58
AIR 1979 SC 621
S.R.Mynery,The law of Evidence 9Hydrabad ,ASIS Law House ,2008),p.22
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As per Oxford Dictionary Alibi means that a claim or the evidence supporting it, that when an alleged an act took
place one was elsewhere or an excuse of any kind, a pretext or justification59.
According to Ballentines Dictionary Alibi means that a rebuttal of evidence of the prosecution by evidence that the
accused was elsewhere that the alleged scene of the offence at the time of offence. 60
Section 28 of the Evidence Act 1031 lays down that ,if any law has laid down any such provision specifying that
certain facts are to be proved by the certain party in the given situation, the same hold good if such situation
does arise.
A defense that places the defendant at the relevant time of crime in different place than the scene involved and so
removed there from as render it impossible for him/her to be guilty party61.
These all definitions have lay down that Alibi means at the time of occurrence of crime he/she was not there. Plea
of Alibi is the mode of defense taken by the accused that he/she was physically not present at a time of scene of
offense by the reason of presence at another place. Alibi is different from all kinds of evidence; it is based on the
premise that defendant is truly innocent. Thus Alibi is based on the theory that presence of else where is
essentially is inconsistent of presence of accused at the place and the time of alleged occurrence and the
participant in it.
Plea of Alibi is view as self defense or provocation 62.Basically legal burden lies on prosecution in criminal case and
plaintiff in civil case. It does not mean that defendant has no any burden of proof. The burden of proof lies on the
party concerned as per the situation of the case .Usually the defendant does not legal burden in criminal case
however they often have evidential burden. If defendant wishes to do more than merely deny the prosecution case
and wishes to raise an affirmative defense that he/she will bear the evidential burden 63.Thus, in certain situation
burden of proving a particular fact in issue may be laid by the law on the accused. Therefore, plea of Alibi is one of
situation on which defendant has evidential burden to justify defense being consider seriously by the court. Once
there is any evidence to support such ‘explanation’ than legal burden of disproving such explanation rest upon the
Oxford Dictionary, revised edition 2000].
Ballentines Law Dictionary
Black’s Law Dictionary , 7th edition,p.72
Alan Taylor,Principle of Evidence (London ,Canvendish publish limited,2nd edition)p.14].
TraceyAquino,Essential Evidence(London ,canvendish publish limited, 1997)p.16
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personal participation in the fact. Thus the evidentiary fact is a new affirmative proposition consider as the factum
probandum through its logical operator is negative one.
Chapter Twelve
12. Procedure Relating to Collecting Evidences:
12.1. Definition:
S.R.Myneri, The law of evidence (Hydrabad ,Asis Law House ,2008).p.124
NKP 2021,p.53
NKP,1046, p.413
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Evidences as something legally submitted to a competent court as means of determining the truth or otherwise of an
alleged matter of fact under the investigation.
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Sample of blood (15-20 ml), hair, cloth, finger print are to be collected. The whole body of the victim is also
photographed as evidences to show any marked if any in the whole body of the victim.
Chapter Thirteen
13. Custody of Physical evidences:
13.1. Definition:
The evidence, which can be touched, seen, smell or any evidence which gives the relevancy with the fact of scene
of crime is known as physical evidence. Physical evidences are directly link up the scene of crime. It consists in
providing the presence of suspect at the scene of crime or in showing that an object which can be conclusively
linked with him/her in some way was used in the commission of crime. 70Physical evidence is reliable evidence,
which can prove the presence of offender in scene of crime, the notion behind this is “every contact leaves t
trace”71.Physical evidences are left by the offender at a time of occurrence of crime, and take something from
the body or scene of crime which was not before.
Generally we can found two types of evidence within the physical evidence having class character, and evidence
having individual character. From the evidence having class character, the offender can not find exactly. Class
character denotes the evidence found in scene of crime, which can be used by a large number of people .Such as,
shoe marks, tire marks, and so on. But in individual character evidence, investigator can find out the offender
exactly. Individual character evidence can not be found in repeated form and it poses the unique in nature, it
can not be duplicated and can not be found another similar potential value, such as finger print, foot print and palm
print. To fully appreciate the potential value of physical evidence , the investigator must understand difference
between class character and individual character of physical evidence that are termed class character. 72
Any evidence which has high degree of probability has a origin of a particular source. The ability to established
individuality distinguishes this type of physical evidence from that possessing only class charecterstic.Such as,
finger print, foot print and palm print.73
H.J.Walls,Forensic Science (An Introduction to Scientific Crime Detention)University Law Publishing Co.2 nd edition , p.3
Swanson, Chameli and Terrto,Criminal Investigation,MC Graw Hill , 8th edition , p.70
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
The physical evidence merely used to identify the offender from the physical techniques. Identification has its
purpose to determination of the physical or chemical identity of a substance with as near absolute certainty as
existing analytical techniques will perform.74
b. Comparison:
Another significance of physical evidence is comparison the collected evidence with the same characters object or
the things. Analysis is subject to a suspect specimen, and control specimen to the same tests and examinations for
the ultimate purpose of determining whether or not they have a common origin [Ibid]
b. Principle of Exchange:
Whenever two entities came in contact, there is exchange of traces mutually. This principle says that, when a
criminal or his/her instrument of crimes comes in contact with the victim or the object surrounding him/her, they
leave traces. Thus, mutual exchange of traces takes place between criminal, the victim and the object involved in
rime. The rationality behind this principle is the 3 rd motion of Newton. Which states that “in every action, equal and
opposite reaction”? [Ibid].According to this principle , when criminal attacks upon the victim by own self or by the
help of object , the body or the victims any thing re-act in same motion and at the time the traces is exchanged
between each other. The traces of victims go on the criminals and the traces of the offender's remains in the body of
the victim. By that traces the offender can be find out easily.
Rechard Saferson , Criminalitics, An Introduction to Forensic Science ,Prentic Hall Hood Cliffs, New Jersey , 5th edition, p.61.
John J.Hargon, Criminal Investigation,MC Graw Hill book co.1974 1st edition ,p.15
B.R.Sharma,Forensic Science in Criminal Investigation and Trial,Univessity Law Publishing Company ,2005, 4 th edition,p.14]
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Everything changes with the passage of time. Nothing in this world is unchangeable, permanent or invariable. But
the rate of change varies with tremendously with different objects. The criminal undergo progressive change. If
he/she is not apprehended in time, that becomes unrecognizable. But even in this, some evidences are those types
which never changes in their lifetime. Such as fingerprints, bone fractures, or other characteristics of the permanent
nature like body fluids, body cell, DNA profile never exchange. 77 So this principle demands that prompt action in
all aspect of criminal investigation.
d. Principle of Comparison:
Only the likes can be comparing. This principle governs the physical evidence is comparison of the similar things.
According to this principle, the evidence found in scene of crime is compared with the similar things before he/she
had done. Generally it emphasizes the necessity of providing like sample and specimens for comparison with the
question item. Under these principles the evidence found in scene of crime is compared with that’s previously done
thing, and from this comparison that document is produced before the court as evidence. In this comparison the
hand writing and printed document can compare to convict the criminal.78
Chapter Fourteen
Ibid n15
Ibid ,p.6]
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Examination means testified to the witness about relevancy to find out witness knowledge, confidence, so no for the
subject matter. Interrogative of witness by the opposition party is called cross examination. Cross examination is
also said to be ‘the greatest engine even invented for the discovery of earth80.
Cross examination is’ the questioning of a witness at a trial or hearing by the party opposed to the party who called
the witness to testify81.Cross-examination ‘the most effective art of the skilled trial lawyer; the interrogative of a
witness for the opposing party by questions formed to test the accuracy and truthfulness of his/her testimony on
direct examination and to bring out the truth of matter in issue; an absolute rights in action and proceeding 82.
According to Taylor, cross-examination is ‘the motives to prevent truth are so much numerous in judicial
investigation than in the ordinary affairs of life that the danger of injustice arising from this cause’
Cross-examination of the witness is the process of purity the fact from the witness of the opposite party. It does not
protect the rights of the party, must have both the right and opportunity of cross-examination. Cross-examination is
one of the greatest weapon of the testing the veracity of a statement made by a person. It is both, sword of attack
and a side of defense.
14.2. Purpose:
Cross-examination is designed to serve one or more of the following purposes as
a. To damage or destroy the opponent,
b. To substantially discredit the witness,
c. To support one’s own the case
According to Cross and Wilkins, the objective of cross-examination on conducted or on behalf of the opposite party
a. To elicit evidence directly relevant to the issued which is favorable to the cross-examiners case and
b. To discredit the witness.
The very purpose of the cross-examination is to ask the question regarding to what the witness has stated in the
examination in –chief are in the case of that witness and particularly when the witness is a party to the proceeding
of that party. The entire questions which are asked with a new challenge the evidence-in – chief are
permissible .The motives to prevent truth are so much more numerous in judicial investigation than in the
ordinary affairs of life and the danger of injustice arising from this cause.
M.Moonir, principle and Digests of law of evidence, Allahabad, the University Book Agency,1995,p.1403].
Black’s Law Dictionary
Ballentine’s Law Dictionary
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
a. Supportive:
This type of cross-examination is employed when one wants to ask questions and get answers that support and
advance the case. In supportive cross, questions are not used to attack, pillage and plunder the witness. Instead,
cross is used to obtain favorable information, e.g. admissions, fill in- gaps in the story facts etc. from the witness. If
one can develop favorable evidence from the opposition’s witness/he/she can then argue, "Their own witness said
(insert the testimony favorable to your position).”It adds creditability to the evidence if it comes from an opposing
witness. If someone is gong to rely on the evidence from an opposition witness, it may not make sense to attack the
credibility of that witness. Occasionally, the testimony on direct may be so helpful to the theory of the case that
he/she simply have the witness repeat it on cross and pass the witness. In most instances, the favorable evidence
that will accrue from opposition witness will come in small increments.
b. Discredit Cross-examination:
A discrediting cross-examination occurs when one attempts to discredit the believability of a witness, factual
testimony by showing that it does not jibe with common sense or with what other say. He/she may want to use
cross to show what the witness does not know or what the witness did not do in investigation. He/she may want to
employ cross to impeach the witness. Evidentiary procedure and rules provide a number of traditional modes of
impeachment. For example, a witness may be impeached by proof of inability to understand the nature and
obligation of an oath to tell the truth.
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5. At the completion of the deposition the witness who has already been examined can not be re-examined without
permission of the court. With the permission of the court he/she may examined on such matter which has been
omitted in the first examination and this proceeding known as Tatimba Sabal.
2. Cross- examination:
Cross- examination starts after the completion of examination in chief and opponent lawyer has right to cross –
examination. At this stage he/she is as liberty to put leading question to the witness. His/her questions may have
been designed to test the veracity, credibility and accuracy of the statement deposited by the witness. Exposing
his/her bad character may impeach the witness. It is one of the grounds to discredit the witness. Witness may be
discredited by showing relationship between him/her and the litigant, by showing his/her interest in between
him/her and litigant in the subject matter of case. He/she may be contradicted by presenting statement made by
him/her or some other occasion. Cross-examination is double edged weapon which should be wailed with great
caution. It is one of the most crucial parts of the examination of the witness which may affect the out come of the
case. According to Philip Wendel, it is double-edged weapon, if you know to wield, it helps to cut enemy’s neck.
Otherwise, it cuts one’s own hand. When a witness is cross-examined, he/she may be asked any question which
A.to testify his/her veracity (correctness)
B.to discover, who he/she is and what is his/her position and
C.to shakes his/her moral character
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
3. Re-examination:
After the completion of cross-examination the first presenting party has right to reexamination but he/she can not
ask questions on new subject matter. He/she must be limited to the impact of cross-examination. He/she should try
to make thinks correct which has been distorted in cross-examination. He/she can not ask leading question in re-
examination except in the following situations;
A.If not objected by the adverse party or
B.With the permission of the court or
C.Already sufficiently proved matter (undisputed)
The other adverse party may further re-cross examine the witness.
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
The word ‘hostile’ literally means unfriendly .A witness is generally expected to give evidence in favor of the party
to whom he/she is called. But in certain cases such witness may unexpectedly turn hostile and gives evidence
against the interest of the party, who has called him/her. Such witness is called ‘hostile witnesses. He /she are also
known as ‘Adverse witnesses or ‘Unfavorable witnesses. A hostile witness is one who form the manner in which
he/she gives evidence shows that he/she is not desirous to telling the truth to the court.
Where the witness is adverse to the party called him/her, such party is not entitled as of right to cross –examine the
witness. The matter is entirely in the discretion of the court whether to permit to the person calling the witness to
put any questions to him/her, which might be put by the adverse party in cross-examination. Before putting such
question, the party must take permission from the court. In the case of Sat. Paul vs. Delhi Administration the
Supreme Court of India observed that witnesses were supposed to be independent, made contradictory statement
and the prosecution with permission of the court can cross-examine them.84
AIR 1976,SC at p.303]
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
Cross-examination is often spoken by trial lawyers as the ultimate trial art-the most difficult skill for a lawyer to
master, requiring years of practice, an intuitive grasp of human psychology and understanding of the legal subject
matter, the judge and jury’s subjective needs and biases, and all of the information contained in the World
Almanac(just incase the witness testifies on direct that he/she saw the crime committed in the moon light in
which there was no moon).Young lawyers, however, often find that asking the non object able question on direct
examination is a bigger problem. But direct examination is mostly a matter of knowing what the foundational
requirements are for the evidence you want to elicit, asking the question in proper order (starting with who is
witness? what is her connection to the case?) to establish the necessary foundation and allowing the witness to tell
the story. Allowing the witness to tell his/her story makes not only good sense from an advocacy perspective; it is
what the rules require. Leading questions should not be used on direct examination or with friendly witness on
However cross-examination is the best test of truth or falsity. It helps to purify truth and fair justice. Cross-
examination of the witness helps to collect other evidence. Cross-examination of the witness is the process of
purifying the facts, collection of the facts fro the witness of the opposite party. The proper exercise cross-
examination is regarded as one of the most effective test which the law has devised for discovery of truth. It is a
most effective of all means for extracting truth and exposing falsehood.
Chapter Fifteen
15. Privileges of Witness.
15.1. Definition:
Certain witnesses are immune from giving evidence or no one can compel to certain witness to give evidence .This
is known as privilege of witness. The term privilege is derived from the Latin word ‘privilege’ which means special
legal right, advantage, or immunity belonging to a person, class or office. The privilege of witness is the right of a
witness to withhold evidence to disclose certain matters. Those communications which cannot be compelled to be
disclosed are privilege communication. The principle of privilege of a witness is based on the grounds of
convenience and public policy. Privilege is a legal freedom on the part of one person as against another to do a
given act or legal freedom not to do a certain act. Privilege is an exemption from some duty, burden or attendance
to which certain person is entitled.85
As per Moonir, Privilege of witness means, “right or duties to refuse, disclose a fact”. Similarly Walker said
that ,”Privilege of witness is a rule of evidence , whereby a witness may be rejected in refusing to answer a
question or produce a document or answer on interrogatory 86 .Phipson said that there are mainly three reasons
behind the privilege of witness as
a. National Security,
S.R.Myneni,The Law of Evidence (1st edition),Asia Law House , 2007-08,p.612].
86 ?
Prakash Wasti,Evidence law (4th edition)Kathmandu, Pairavi Prakashan,2053,p.198
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15.2. Classification:
There are certain circumstances in which certain persons are not compelled to testify/give evidence .Any statement
made by such person is said to be privilege. The Evidence Act 2031 of Nepal signifies about the privilege of
witness are:
a. Family privilege:
Family privilege person like father and mother, husband and wife, son and daughter cannot be compelled to be
witness against each other. This is known as family privilege, in order to keep family relationship intact,
confidential, loving, the law has adopted this rule.87
b. Matrimonial privilege:
Husband and wife are not compelled to give evidence against each other on matters which he/she communicated
the other in the source of their married life. In order to insure confidentiality, love and affection between husband
and wife, the law has guaranteed this sort of privilege .This privilege continuous even after the death of husband or
divorce between the parties .The evidence shall be given only by the consent or permission of husband or wife. This
provision has the exception where evidence shall be given by husband or wife if there is case between them and if
husband or wife commits any crime against his/her husband or wife 88.In the case of Stillman vs.Stillman, American
Supreme Court observed that matrimonial privilege is founded upon sound policy. Those living in the marriage
relation should not be compelled or to betray the mutual trust and confidence which such relation implies 89.
c. Judicial privilege:
Judges or Magistrates are not compelled to give evidence on matters, which are related to their professional
activities. Judges or Magistrates may not be compelled to answer on that matter where he/she has expressed the
matter being a judge. However, if any superior court orders to express such matter then he/she must express. Also,
if any act occurs in the court before the judge then the judge may be taken as the witness of such act. In order to
ensure independency of judiciary and allow the judge to act freely, the law has adopted this rule 90.
d. State Privilege:
Section 40 of the Evidence Act 2031]
Section 41 of the Evidence Act 2031
Richardson, Evidence law,115 Mis C106,107 187NYS383].
Section 42 of the Evidence Act 2031]
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This kind of privilege deals with the non-confidential matters related to the state administration. Until and unless
the concerned authority does not give the consent, such confidential matters may not be revealed. Documents
related to security matter or diplomacy is some examples of such documents. They can not be compelled to give
evidence, if it is against the interest of the nation. In formers relating to revenue proceeding or crime are protected
under this privilege91.In the case of HMG.vs Pasang Tsi Tibetan Bhote, the Supreme Court of Nepal made very
remarkable decision , one which brought the amendment in the Evidence Act 2031 regarding the privilege of the
police officer not to disclose the source or information of the crime 92. And similarly in the case of Damodar
Subedi vs. Ministry of Water Resources, Supreme Court of Nepal held that the information which is to be kept
confidential cannot be forced to be revealed according to Article 16 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal
e. Professional Privilege:
Legal counseling between lawyer and client are matters, which are not liable to exposure by the lawyer without
express permission of the client. The client also can not be compelled to express anything that took place between
hire and the lawyer. In order to ensure that the client be free to tell everything to his/her lawyer and received proper
legal advice thereon, the law has adopted this rule. However, this privilege is not available in the following two
situations as (1) if the client has come to the lawyer to seek such advice which is designed to commit a crime. Such
as A comes to B, a lawyer and says that I have prepared a forged document and I want to make case against C. This
communication does not come within the privileged and (2)if the client has committed further crime after the
appointment of the lawyer to his/her knowledge , he/she can not claim privilege on it. The second crime is liable to
expression .Neither the lawyer can advice his/her client to commit and act which is crime .Apart from the
privileges state above witness can be compelled to answer all questions put to him before the court. He/she can
not be withheld for answering any questions on the ground that if may expose him/her to criminal charge. But
he/she can not be prosecuted on the basis of such answer only94.
Section 43,44 of the Evidence Act 2031
NKP, 2062,writ no.2850].
Section 47 of the Evidence Act 2031]
Section 47 of the Evidence Act 2031
Keshab Bhattarai /LL.B 3rd Year/ Evidence law/ Handout by Prakash Sir/2068
answer questions, but he/she may claim the privilege against self-incrimination when necessary. Also, if the
accused reveals a part of the fact , then he/she is obliged to reveals a part of that fact, then he/she is obliged to
reveal whole the fact. Confession sometimes is also regarded as the incriminating statement if not corroborated by
the other independent evidence. In the case of Rajendra Birahi vs.HMG, The Supreme Court of Nepal declared that
an accused should not be convicted on the basis of confession made by him in police custody unless corroborated
by other independent evidences. If the doubt has been has been raised that the statement was not prepared in
verbatim96and in the case of Chandra Bahadur vs.HMG the Supreme Court has also laid down that it is for the
prosecution to establish the guilt of an accused and that the accused need not make any self incriminatory statement
because he has the right to remain silent. One cannot be regarded as an offender due to remaining silence because
the constitution had guaranteed the right against self-incrimination and so no person is compel to say anything
against him/her. But if the accused voluntarily say something then that can be taken as evidence on the support or
against his/her. He/she is not made liable for remaining silence but if the collected evidence shows the person
liable for the crime done then he/she will be made liable for the crime through remain silence 97.Similarly in the
case of Miranda vs. Arizona the U.S.Supreme Court has protected the right against self –incrimination where the
accused may deny answering the question or may refuse to give the documentary evidence which would intend
to incriminate the accused himself/herself98.The Interim Constitution of Nepal (2007) ,Article 24(7) also relates
with the protection of accused or the witness from those questions which would intend to make these people liable
of the punishment.
NKP,2031, p.
NKP, 2051,p
NKP, 2051,p