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IBCC 2016
Abstract. Forward from the sustainability agenda of Brundtland in 1987 and the increasing demand for energy
efficient buildings, the building industry has taken steps in meeting the challenge of reducing its environmental
impact. Initiatives such as ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ design have been at the forefront of architecture, while green
assessment tools have been used to predict the energy performance of building during its operational phase. However,
there is still a significant hap between predicted or simulated energy measurements compared to actual operational
energy consumption, or is more commonly referred as the ‘performance gap’. This paper tries to bridge this gap by
comparing measured operational energy consumption of a Green Building Index (GBI) certified office building in
Kuala Lumpur, with its predicted energy rating qualification.
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00071 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600071
IBCC 2016
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00071 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600071
IBCC 2016
building can get as high as 5 points [14]. Points are given intended as a CO2 emissions compliance tool [18] rather
in Advanced or Improved EE Performance if a building than energy simulation software.
manages to consume less than 150kWh/m2/year (this However, these simulation tools are not able to
number may vary according to the type of building, for predict the biggest variable in the calculations, as user
more information please refer to GBI) using BEI software behaviour, presence and activities can differ considerably
or any other software recognized by GBI or to save at to personal and group preference [6,7]. Building
least 20% of the normal energy consumption over 3 years occupants can considerably effect energy consumption by
using BEI [14]. Enhanced Commissioning is used to influencing internal conditions, such as individual
ensure that every energy using system is working at its controls on air-conditioning and heat, window openings -
best potential and to ensure the minimal energy used by passive ventilation and cooling methods, and shading
these systems [14]. mechanisms [6]. Furthermore, building occupants also
Points on On-going Post Occupancy have personal control over various electrical equipment
Commissioning will be given for regular Post Occupancy and appliances – or known as ‘unregulated loads’, such as
Evaluation (POE) and more points will be given if they computers, laptops, printers, and so forth [6].
are assessed by professional engineers [14]. EE Conversely during the operational stage of a
Monitoring & Improvement is for the use of Energy building, energy and facility management can
Management System (EMS) to monitor all the energy significantly effect how energy is consumed in a
usage in the building as well as the sub-metering. If a building. Good management and control can enhance
building is not equipped with EMS then they should operational efficiency of building services while the
submit BEI, fuel and water consumption of the building opposite reaction can occur through inappropriate
on annual basis to GBI for the 3 years of validity period strategies that result in unnecessary energy wastage [19].
[14]. Sustainable Maintenance focuses on the Other significant parameters to evaluate operational
maintenance of the energy related systems and points are energy performance of buildings include energy
given is the maintenance is planned properly and at least efficiency services and fittings, thermal performance of
75% of maintenance team participate in carrying out of materials and material efficiency [20]. A study done in
maintenance [14]. New York City found that one forth of the LEED Energy
Star buildings actually consume more energy than
predicted, and some was even consuming more than the
2.2 Predicted and Simulated Building
national baseline (Refer Figure 1) [21]. The discrepancy
is likely due to differences in operational practices and
schedules, equipment, construction changes and other
Other than green building rating tools, simulation tools issues not predicted in the energy modelling process [21].
like EnergyPlus and Simplified Building Energy Model
(SBEM) are also used as strategies to reduce the building
sector’s environmental impact and climate change effect.
Simulation and modelling tools are used as a design tool
to simulate and predict how the said building would
perform in its operational phase. An open source software
called EnergyPlus was developed under the prevue of the
United States Department of Energy Building
Technologies Office to simulate energy performance of
heating, cooling, ventilation, lighting, plug and process
loads and water consumption of buildings [15]. Some of
the EnergyPlus features include simulated: thermal zone
conditions for heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
(HVAC) systems; heat balance-based solution; combined
heat and mass transfer; luminance and glare, and built-in
HVAC and lighting control strategies [15].
The Simplified Building Energy Model (SBEM) is Figure 1: Predicted Energy Savings Versus Actual
Performance. Source: [21].
a software developed by the Building Research
Establishment (BRE) to model building’s CO2 emission
and energy consumption rates for new buildings, in Similar results were found in United Kingdom, through a
compliance with United Kingdom Building Regulations free online energy data-sharing platform called
[16]. SBEM predicts monthly energy use and CO2 CarbonBuzz (refer Figure 2). CarbonBuzz was launched
emissions of a building, using variables such as building in 2008 by the Royal Institute of British Architects
geometry, construction, function and usage, HVAC (RIBA) and the Chartered Institution of Building
systems and lighting [16]. The SBEM uses a steady-state Services Engineers (CISBE) in United Kingdom,
model for its building energy calculation, which is highly published its analysis of shared energy consumption data
simplified and highly computational – as it largely in three building sectors, i.e. schools, general offices and
ignores any dynamic characteristic [17], and is mainly university buildings [6] [22].
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00071 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600071
IBCC 2016
3 Methodology
The methodology used in this study is comparative case
study. This method is used when two or more similar
case studies are subjected and in depth comparison is
required between them [24]. Case studies for this
research have been chosen firstly from GBI Non-
Figure 2: CarbonBuzz median electricity consumption per- Residential New Construction (NRNC) list of certified
sector – predicted vs. actual. Source: [22]. buildings, the second conventional baseline building is
chosen carefully from the commercial buildings, which
In an energy audit done by CarbonBuzz in 2013, it was have the similar number of floors and floor area for a fair
largely found that the actual energy performance of all and valid comparison. There are total number of 116
the building sectors was higher than its predicted NRNC buildings in Malaysia which have been awarded
performance, approximately about 70% to 89% higher by GBI certification, 54 of which have been awarded by
than the predicted energy performance, or a Factor of GBI Certified certification, 18 have been awarded GBI
Change (from Design to Actual) – Performance Gap Silver certification, 39 have been awarded Gold and only
between 1.71 to 1.90 (refer Table 3) [23]. The typical 5 are awarded GBI Platinum certification [25].
variable that affects operational energy performance of a Consequently, electricity bills were collected from
building largely lies in the underestimating the the case studies and the data are quantitative and the
‘unregulated’ energy use from occupant-related usage, monthly average electricity consumption is calculated for
such as personalized computer/laptop, electronic plug-in each building. The selected GBI certified building is
appliances, heating and cooling, operating time, number categorized under the Non-Residential New Construction
of occupant and so forth [23]. category. The data is then categorized in Building Energy
Index (BEI), in terms of kWh/m2/year. The findings are
Table 3. CarbonBuzz median electricity consumption per-sector then compared to see how better (or worse) GBI certified
– predicted vs. actual. Source: [23]. buildings perform, in comparison to a baseline
conventional non-GBI certified building.
Building Median Electricity Factor Differen
Sector Consumption Change -ce (%) 4 Case Study and Findings
Design to
(kWh/m2/year) Actual – The selected GBI certified building was designed to
perform at 150 kWh/m2/year and has a total floor area of
Predict- Actual 43,943 m2, while the baseline building with 41,249 m2.
ed Both buildings used double-glazed glass for its windows,
and the GBI certified building has a total of 15 lifts, while
Schools 71 121 1.71 70% the baseline building had 11 lifts. A brief description of
the building characteristics of the selected case studies is
presented in Table 4.
General 56 106 1.90 89%
Office Table 4: Building Characteristics of Selected Case Studies
Item Non-Residential
The ‘performance gap’ discrepancy can also be attributed
to the lack of feedback to building designers after Baseline Building GBI Certified
handover to enhance building performance [6] and Building
therefore the inability to ensure the building performs as Number 36 35
predicted. Other factors that could contribute to such of Floors
discrepancies insufficient data and assumptions during Total 41,249 43,943
the design stage, where the building function, use and Floor
future tenant are largely unknown or uncertain, which Area
could lead to oversimplified and unrealistic performance (m2)
[6]. Additionally, the modelling and simulation software
used can contain fundamental errors in its calculation if Building Double-glazed Tempered Double-
the tools have not been extensively validates and do not Façade low E insulated Glazed tinted glass
consider the specific typology of buildings being glass
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00071 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600071
IBCC 2016
The electricity data collected for both the case study 5 Discussion
buildings were for a total duration of 12 months between
2013 and 2014. Table 5 represents the collated electricity This paper has highlighted the need to bridge the
data and energy performance of the baseline building and ‘performance gap’ between simulated and operational
the GBI certified building. It was found that the energy measured energy performance of buildings. Through the
performance of the baseline building was lower than the case studies selected and the data collected, it was found
GBI certified building, at 69 kWh/m2/year and 111 that the selected non-residential GBI certified building
kWh/m2/year, respectively. As presented in Table 5, was performing better than the simulated or intended
there is a stark difference in total electricity consumed by energy performance. However, through the comparative
both buildings, where the annual electricity consumption case study between a conventional non-GBI certified
by the baseline was at 236,984 kWh and the GBI building building and a GBI certified building, it was found that
was at 407,131 kWh. the conventional building was performing better than the
GBI rated building over time. Identifying the factors that
Table 5: Electricity Consumption and Energy Performance of affect how energy is consumed in buildings will enable
Case Studies researched to bridge this performance gap to potentially
Baseline Building GBI Building
predict energy performance and design building more
Month accurately through simulated.
Floor Area: 41249 m2 Floor Area: 43943 m2 Researching how user behaviour affects energy
kWh kWh/m2 kWh kWh/m2 performance of buildings is essential to bridging the
performance gap, and can be done through Post-
1 281,333 7 212,551 5 Occupancy Evaluation (POE) and sensor monitoring.
2 251,001 6 212,201 5 POE is a common method to measure actual building
performance, and now can be used to address to bridge
3 225,765 5 235,059 5 the gap between simulated and operational building
4 200,778 5 418,868 10 performance (Menezes et al., 2011). Green building
rating tools like the GBI is an effective tool to reduce
5 213,104 5 427,861 10 electricity consumption, but using this tool alone and
6 263,810 6 478,788 11 certification does not guarantee energy saving. From the
research it is understood that a well-managed and
7 231,928 6 469,016 11
efficient building operations of a conventional non-GBI
8 225,961 5 479,199 11 certified building can perform as well as or even better
than a green building.
9 252,135 6 524,961 12
MATEC Web of Conferences 66, 00071 (2016) DOI: 10.1051/ matecconf/20166600071
IBCC 2016