Proposal Ear Surani Khaira U Tbi 1
Proposal Ear Surani Khaira U Tbi 1
Proposal Ear Surani Khaira U Tbi 1
Written by:
Surani Khaira Ummah
Chapter I. Introduction
A. Research Background
B. Research Problem
C. Research Questions
D. Research Objectives
E. Research Significant
F. Definition of Key Terms
Chapter II. Theoretical Review
A. Previous Research
B. Relevant Theories
C. Hypothesis
Chapter III. Research Method
A. Approach and Design
B. Research Location
C. Research Subject
D. Data Collection
1.1 Research Background
Science lessons are a collection of data and facts that must be memorized, lessons that do
not involve students' emotions, even though science lessons are about people and events.
To overcome these obstacles students should be activated by encouraging students to seek
and find answers to the problems they face themselves. As well as being able to collect
the problem yourself through a process of thinking, logical and systematic. Because of,
the role of a teacher to motivate student learning is very important, many lessons make
students lose their enthusiasm for learning.
According to Nurilla (2020) in science lessons class activities are very much dominated
by teachers with monotonous methods that are active and varied so that they are less
attractive to students and cause low learning outcomes.
Based on the previous research above, the researcher wanted to examine how the Inquiry
method in learning science can increase students' learning motivation. This study aims to
provide an understanding to students and especially teachers to always pay attention to
the way they teach and the methods they use, so as not to make students less motivated to
- For a teacher, use Inquiry method can be helpful in science learning teaching to
increase the learning motivation and increase the confidence of students.
- For a student, with this method it can make they more active during the teaching and
learning process, think systematically and critically.
- For researchers, this can be used as the most effective method for science teachers in
overcoming the problem of students' lack of learning motivation and lack of student
1. Inquiry method
Inquiry learning method is a series of learning activities which emphasizes the process
of thinking critically and analytically to search and find the answer to a problem
yourself questioned. The thought process itself is usually done through asking
responsibility between teacher and student.
2. Learning motivation
Learner motivation is focused on those factors that affect learners' engagement with
the task of learning. From the perspective of the instructor or instructional designer, it
may be thought of in two ways: as either stimulating and empowering a learner's
intrinsic motivation; or, as providing extrinsic motivators that will energize learner
engagement. In reality, motivation is the product of a system of influences that are
both internal to the learner and external in the learning environment.
a. Previous Research
To make sure the originality of the idea in this research, the researcher will present
several previous studies that have relevance with this kind of research the researcher
conducted, such as:
b. Relevant Theories
c. Hypothesis
1. Improving the quality of learning, because the use of an inquiry approach in the
learning process can encourage students to think and work on their own initiative,
be objective, honest and open and provide opportunities for students to learn on
their own and be able to develop their individual talents and skills.
2. Techniques used: orientation, formulating problems, formulating hypotheses,
collecting data, testing hypotheses, and formulating conclusions.
3. Students are motivated in the learning process and can improve maximum
learning outcomes.
a. Approach and Design
The approach that used in this research was mixed qualitative. Qualitative research is
research that intends to understand phenomena about what is experienced by research
subject such as behaviour, perception, motivation action, etc. holistically and by
means of descriptions in the form of words and languages., in a particular natural
context and by utilizing various natural method.
The researcher will use the steps of implementing the inquiry method according to
Sanjaya (2009), namely: (1) Orientation, (2) Formulating problems, (3) Formulating
hypotheses, (4) Collecting data, (5) Testing hypotheses and (6) Formulating
Three conditions must be met by students so that research can be achieved: (1)
students are active in implementing learning using the inquiry method, (2) get a
minimum KKM score, (3) students must be able to share their thoughts during the
teaching and learning process.
The Inquiry cycle consists of observing, asking, investigating, analyse and formulate
theories, both individually and together with other friends. Develop and
simultaneously use critical thinking skills. The researcher conducted a planning cycle
in the classroom to implement the inquiry technique. The researcher conducted the
first cycle with the help of the science teacher as a partner or observer of the inquiry
method process carried out with the topic of discussion "The role of heat in changing
the state of matter and the temperature of an object".
b. Research location
c. Research subject
Research subject are informants who are used as data sources to report data sources
that are related to the research focus. The description includes what data you want
obtain, who has to be informant or research subject, how the data will be sought and
captured so that is validity can be guaranteed.
d. Data collection
After collecting data, the researcher will reflect. The researcher will cross-check
whether Sudha's research deserves success or not. If each criterion is met, this
research can be said to be successful.