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OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE b) Explain the working principle of emitter coupled differential
ENGINEERING 15. a) Write a CMOS fabrication with neat sketches. MODEL EXAM or EE3402-LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS b) Explain the various methods of fabricating diodes in monolithic DATE: 25.6.24 YEAR&SEM: II/IV integrated circuits. TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 PART A 10*2=20 1. Define an integrated circuit. 2. What is meant by dielectric isolation in I.C. fabrication. Mention its applications and limitations 3. List out the ideal characteristics of OP-OMP. 4. Define slew rate. What causes it? 5. List the various applications of a comparator. 6. What is zero crossing detector? 7. Draw the functional block diagram of a PLL. 8. Define lock in range. 9. Define line regulation. 10. What is an Opto-coupler IC? PART B 5*16=80 11. a) Explain the function of SMPS with neat waveforms and schema. or b) Discuss in detail about switching regulator. 12. a) Explain the working of an analog multiplier using emitter coupler transistor pair OR b) Mention breify the application of PLL. 13. a) Explain the working of instrumentation amplifier. or b) Explain the operation of Schmitt trigger. 14. a) Explain in detail about various methods of frequency compensation used in operational amplifiers. or OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE or DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS b) what are the different types of testing of insulators? Explain any ENGINEERING one method. MODEL EXAM 14. a) with neat diagram, explain the various methods of grading of EE3401-TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION underground cables. DATE: 22.6.24 YEAR&SEM: II/IV or TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 b) describe the general construction of an underground cable with a neat sketch. PART A 10*2=20 15. a) discuss the method of voltage control in transmission line. 1. what are the various types of HVDC transmission system? or 2. List out the main components of a HVDC system b) what are the different types of bus bar arrangements used in 3. Give an expression for the flux linkages due to a single current substations? Illustrate your answer with suitable diagrams. carrying capacitor? 4. Write an expression for electrical potential at a charged single conductor? 5. What is corona? 6. Define Ferranti effect? 7. Why cables are not used for long distance transmission? 8. State the advantages of polythene insulators. 9. Define resonant frequency 10. Name the various types of grounding. PART B 5*16=80 11. a) derive the expression for capacitance of symmetrical and unsymmetrical double circuit three phase line. or b) derive the expression for inductance of three phase line with unsymmetrical spacing. 12. a) derive the expression power flow through transmission line and explain various steps involved in sending end power circle diagram with neat sketch OR b) using rigorous method, derive expression for sending end voltage and current for a long transmission line. 13. a) derive the expression for the insulation resistance, capacitance and electrostatic stress of single core cable. OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE 13. a) derive the expression for unknown inductance using Maxwell’s DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS bridge. ENGINEERING or MODEL EXAM b) State the conditions for a ac bridge to be balanced. Draw the EE3403-MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION circuit diagram of a schering’s bridge and derive the expressions DATE: 27.6.24 YEAR&SEM: II/IV for the unknown quantities. TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 14. a) Explain why the ac tachometer deviates from linearity characteristics at high speeds. PART A 10*2=20 or 1. what is calibrations? b) With a circuit explain the working of a thermistor and explain 2. Define static error. why it is not suited at high temperatures. 3. Define gravity control 15. a) Explain four important features of virtual instrumentation and 4. What are the types of instruments? Its consist of two types draw the block diagram of a DSO and explain the working, 5. Mention some applications of AC potentiometers. compare between ASO and DSO performance. 6. What is kelvin’s bridge? or 7. Differentiate between LED and LCD. b) Design a R-2R converter circuit by assuming suitable 8. Define data logger? specifications. 9. What is piezoelectric effect? 10. Mention the applications of LVDT. PART B 5*16=80 11. a) Explain in detail about instrumental errors, their classification and remedial step taken in the case of occurrence of such errors. or b) Draw the block diagram of a measurement system and explain about each functional element in it. 12. a) With neat diagrams, explain the working of dynamometer wattmeter and write the expression for average deflecting torque while measuring AC power. OR b) Explain the construction and principle of working of induction type wattmeter. 13. a) With neat diagram, explain the architecture and interfacing of 8255 PPI. or OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE b) Draw the internal block diagram of 8279 keyboard display DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS controller and explain its features. ENGINEERING 14. a) Explain the various operating modes of 8051 timer and special MODEL EXAM function registers associated with timer/counter. EE3404-MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLER or DATE: 29.6.24 YEAR&SEM: II/IV b) Explain the structure of port 0 and port 3 of 8051 TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 microcontroller. 15. a) Draw the architecture and list the major functional elements of PART A 10*2=20 PIC microcontroller. 1. What is stack and what is the use of stack pointer? or 2. What is interrupt? b) Mention the instructions of PIC microcontroller and their 3. Explain the difference between a JMP instruction and CALL functions. instruction. 4. What are the different types of addressing modes? 5. Distinguish between synchronous and asynchronous transmission. 6. What are the functions of USART? 7. Define IDE. 8. Mention the role of stack pointer in using stack. 9. Compare CISC with RISC. 10. List any four special features of PIC controller. PART B 5*16=80 11. a) Explain the software and hardware interrupts available in 8085 along with their vector addresses. or b) Draw and explain the timing diagram of I memory red machine cycle and ii memory write cycle of 8085 12. a) List and define the addressing modes supported by 8085 microprocessor with examples. or b) State the data manipulation instructions in 8051 microprocessor and mention their functions. or b) explain the torque slip characteristic of 3 phase induction motor. 14. a) with neat diagram explain the slip power recovery scheme. OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE or DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS b) explain the cascaded operation of three phase induction motor. ENGINEERING 15. a) explain the operation os single phase induction motor using MODEL EXAM double field revolving theory. EE3405-ELECTRICAL MACHINES-II or DATE: 2.7.24 YEAR&SEM: II/IV b) explain the constructional features and principle of operation of TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 AC series motor. PART A 10*2=20 1. Write down the equation for frequency of emf induced in an alternator. 2. Define the term voltage regulation of alternator. 3. What is meant by torque angle. 4. What are the main parts of synchronous motor? 5. Why the rotor slots are slightle skewed in squirrel cage IM? 6. Define slip of induction motor? 7. What are the various methods of speed control of 3 phase induction motor? 8. Define dynamic braking. 9. Why single phase induction motor is not a self starting? 10. State the applications of shaded pole single phase induction motor. PART B 5*16=80 11. a) describe with neat sketches the constructional details of a salient pole type alternator. or b) derive the emf equation of an alternator. 12. a) explain what is meant by V cruves. Draw the V curves of a sysnchronous motor. or b) draw the equivalent circuit and phasor diagram of a synchronous motor. 13. a) explain the equivalent circuit of double cage induction motor. 12. a) With neat diagrams explain the construction and working OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE principle of DC generator. DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS or ENGINEERING b) Describe about the construction of core type and shell type MODEL EXAM single phase transformers. BE3251-BASIC ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS 13. a) Explain the operation of BJT in common emitter mode with its ENGINEERING characteristics. DATE: 27.6.24 YEAR&SEM: I/II or TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 b) Explain the constructional details and different modes of operation of MOSFET. PART A 10*2=20 14. a) Explain about the error detection and correction codes. 1. Write down the expression for active power and apparent power or 2. Parallel combination of three 3 ohm resistors, connected in series with parallel combination of two 2 ohm resistors. Find the b) Simplifiy the Boolean function, equivalent resistance of the circuit. f(W,X,Y,Z)=WX’Y’+WY+W’YZ’ using k-map. 3. Differentiate step up transformer and step down transformer. 15. a) Describe the construction, working principle of PMMC 4. List out the application of transformers. instruments. Also derive the torque equations. 5. Draw the circuit for Zener voltage regulator. or 6. Differentiate the operation of rectifiers and inverters. b) Explain the measurement of power in three phase circuits using 7. Convert the giver expression in canonical SOP form two-wattmeter method. Y=AC+AB+BC. 8. What is meant by combinational logic circuits? Give examples. PART-C 1*15=15 9. Mention the functional element of a measuring system. 16. a) Draw the functional block diagram of data acquisition system 10. Name the constructional parts of induction type energy meter. and explain the role of each component. PART B 5*13=65 or 11. a) Discuss about the working of RLC series circuit and derive the b) Describe the working of bridge rectifier. Derive its ripple factor. relationships. Give the necessary phasor diagrams. or b) Using mesh analysis, determine the current and potential difference across each resistor in the given circuit. The battery has 90V in first loop and the current source 5A in second loop and the resistor are (R1=9ohm, R2=6ohm, R3=8ohm) R1 & R3 connected in series and R2 common in loop 1 and loop 2. OXFORD ENGINEERING COLLEGE 12. a) With neat diagrams explain the construction and working DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS principle of DC generator. ENGINEERING or MODEL EXAM b) Describe about the construction of core type and shell type BE3251-BASIC ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS AND single phase transformers. INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEERING 13. a) Explain the operation of BJT in common emitter mode with its (CIVIL) characteristics. DATE: 27.6.24 YEAR&SEM: I/II or TIME: 1 pm to 4 pm Total marks: 100 b) Explain the constructional details and different modes of operation of MOSFET. PART A 10*2=20 14. a) Explain the working principle of magnetic circuit? 1. Write down the expression for active power and apparent power or 2. Parallel combination of three 3 ohm resistors, connected in series with parallel combination of two 2 ohm resistors. Find the b) Write a short notes on equivalent resistance of the circuit. i) MMF ii) Flux density iii) Wire and cables 3. Differentiate step up transformer and step down transformer. 15. a) Discuss the classification of transducers based on different 4. List out the application of transformers. characteristics. 5. Draw the circuit for Zener voltage regulator. or 6. Differentiate the operation of rectifiers and inverters. b) Explain the electro pneumatic system? And the principle and 7. Convert the giver expression in canonical SOP form operation to explain in it? Y=AC+AB+BC. 8. What is meant by combinational logic circuits? Give examples. PART-C 1*15=15 9. Mention the functional element of a measuring system. 16. a) Explain the construction operation and working on LVDT 10. Name the constructional parts of induction type energy meter. or PART B 5*13=65 b) Explain the working principle of domestic wiring? 11. a) Discuss about the working of RLC series circuit and derive the relationships. Give the necessary phasor diagrams. or b) Using mesh analysis, determine the current and potential difference across each resistor in the given circuit. The battery has 90V in first loop and the current source 5A in second loop and the resistor are (R1=9ohm, R2=6ohm, R3=8ohm) R1 & R3 connected in series and R2 common in loop 1 and loop 2.