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11 Perform Data Analysis in Power Bi Desktop

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Perform Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop Module 10 - Perform Advanced Analy

Perform Data Analysis in Power BI

The estimated time to complete the lab is 45 minutes

In this lab you will create the Sales Exploration report.

In this lab you learn how to:

Create animated scatter charts

Use a visual to forecast values

Work with the decomposition tree visual

Work with the key influencers visual

Lab story
This lab is one of many in a series of labs that was designed as a complete story from
data preparation to publication as reports and dashboards. You can complete the labs
in any order. However, if you intend to work through multiple labs, for the first 10 labs,
we suggest you do them in the following order:

1. Prepare Data in Power BI Desktop

2. Load Data in Power BI Desktop

3. Model Data in Power BI Desktop, Part 1

4. Model Data in Power BI Desktop, Part 2

5. Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop, Part 1

6. Create DAX Calculations in Power BI Desktop, Part 2

7. Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 1

8. Design a Report in Power BI Desktop, Part 2

9. Create a Power BI Dashboard

10. Create a Power BI Paginated Report

11. Perform Data Analysis in Power BI Desktop

12. Enforce Row-Level Security

Exercise 1: Create the Report

In this exercise you will create the Sales Exploration report.

Task 1: Get started – Sign in

In this task you will setup the environment for the lab by signing in to Power BI.

Important: If you have already signed in to Power BI in a previous lab, continue from the
next task.

1. To open Microsoft Edge, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Edge program shortcut.

2. In the Microsoft Edge browser window, navigate to https://powerbi.com.

Tip: You can also use the Power BI Service favorite on the Microsoft Edge favorites

3. Click Sign In (located at the top-right corner).

4. Enter the account details provided to you.

5. If prompted to update the password, reenter the provided password, and then
enter and confirm a new password.

Important: Be sure to record your new password.

6. Complete the sign in process.

7. If prompted by Microsoft Edge to stay signed in, click Yes.

8. In the Microsoft Edge browser window, in the Power BI service, in the Navigation
pane, expand My Workspace.

9. Leave the Microsoft Edge browser window open.

Task 2: Get started – Create a dataset

In this task you will setup the environment for the lab by creating a dataset.

Important: If you have already published the dataset in the Create a Power BI
Dashboard lab, continue from the next task.

1. In the Microsoft Edge browser window, in the Power BI service, in the Navigation
pane, at the bottom, click Get Data.

2. In the Files tile, click Get.

3. Click the Local File tile.

4. In the Open window, navigate to the D:\DA100\Labs\09-create-power-bi-

dashboard\Solution folder.

5. Select the Sales Analysis.pbix file, and then click Open.

6. If prompted to replace the dataset, click Replace.

Task 3: Create the report

In this task you will create the Sales Exploration report.

1. To open the Power BI Desktop, on the taskbar, click the Microsoft Power BI
Desktop shortcut.

Important: If you already have Power BI Desktop open (from a previous lab), close
that instance.
2. To close the getting started window, at the top-left of the window, click X.

3. If Power BI Desktop is not signed in to the Power BI service, at the top-right, click
Sign In.

4. Complete the sign in process using the same account used to sign in to the Power
BI service.

5. To save the file, click the File ribbon tab to open the backstage view.

6. Select Save.

7. In the Save As window, navigate to the D:\DA100\MySolution folder.

8. In the File Name box, enter Sales Exploration.

9. To create a live connection to the Sales Analysis dataset, on the Home ribbon tab,
from inside the Data group, click Power BI Datasets.
10. In the Select a Dataset to Create a Report window, select the Sales Analysis

11. Click Create.

12. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

You’ll now create four report pages, and on each page you’ll work with a different
visual to analyze and explore data.

Exercise 2: Create a Scatter Chart

In this exercise you will create a scatter chart that can be animated.

Task 1: Create an animated scatter chart

In this task you will create a scatter chart that can be animated.

1. Rename Page 1 as Scatter Chart.

2. Add a Scatter Chart visual to the report page, and then position and resize it so it
fills the entire page.
3. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:

The labs use a shorthand notation to reference a field. It will look like this: Reseller
| Business Type. In this example, Reseller is the table name and Business Type is
the field name.

Legend: Reseller | Business Type

X Axis: Sales | Sales

Y Axis: Sales | Profit Margin

Size: Sales | Quantity

Play Axis: Date | Quarter

The chart can be animated when a field is added to the Play Axis well/area.
4. In the Filters pane, add the Product | Category field to the Filters On This Page

5. In the filter card, filter by Bikes.

6. To animate the chart, at the bottom left corner, click Play.

7. Watch the entire animation cycle from FY2018 Q1 to FY2020 Q4.

The scatter chart allows understanding the measure values simultaneously: in this
case, order quantity, sales revenue, and profit margin.

Each bubble represents a reseller business type. Changes in the bubble size reflect
increased or decreased order quantities. While horizontal movements represent
increases/decreases in sales revenue, and vertical movements represent
increases/decreases in profitability.

8. When the animation stops, click one of the bubbles to reveal its tracking over time.

9. Hover the cursor over any bubble to reveal a tooltip describing the measure values
for the reseller type at that point in time.

10. In the Filters pane, filter by Clothing only, and notice that it produces a very
different result.

11. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

Exercise 3: Create a Forecast
In this exercise you will create a forecast to determine possible future sales revenue.

Task 1: Create a forecast

In this task you will create a forecast to determine possible future sales revenue.

1. Add a new page, and then rename the page to Forecast.

2. Add a Line Chart visual to the report page, and then position and resize it so it fills
the entire page.

3. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:

Axis: Date | Date

Values: Sales | Sales

4. In the Filters pane, add the Date | Year field to the Filters On This Page well/area.

5. In the filter card, filter by two years: FY2019 and FY2020.

When forecasting over a time line, you will need at least two cycles (years) of data to
produce an accurate and stable forecast.

6. Add also the Product | Category field to the Filters On This Page well/area, and
filter by Bikes.
7. To add a forecast, beneath the Visualizations pane, select the Analytics pane.

8. Expand the Forecast section.

If the Forecast section is not available, it’s probably because the visual hasn’t been
correctly configured. Forecasting is only available when two conditions are met: the
axis has a single field of type date, and there’s only one value field.

9. Click Add.

10. Configure the following forecast properties:

Forecast length: 1 month

Confidence interval: 80%

Seasonality: 365

11. Click Apply.

12. In the line visual, notice that the forecast has extended one month beyond the
history data.

The gray area represents the confidence. The wider the confidence, the less stable—
and therefore the less accurate—the forecast is likely to be.

When you know the length of the cycle, in this case annual, you should enter the
seasonality points. Sometimes it could be weekly (7), or monthly (30).

13. In the Filters pane, filter by Clothing only, and notice that it produces a different

14. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

Exercise 4: Work with a Decomposition Tree

In this exercise you will create a decomposition tree to explore the relationships
between reseller geography and profit margin.

Task 1: Work with a decomposition tree

In this task you will create a decomposition tree to explore the relationships between
reseller geography and profit margin.

1. Add a new page, and then rename the page to Decomposition Tree.
2. On the Insert ribbon, from inside the AI Visuals group, click Decomposition Tree.

Tip: The AI visuals are also available in the Visualizations pane.

3. Position and resize the visual so it fills the entire page.

4. Add the following fields to the visual wells/areas:

Analyze: Sales | Profit Margin

Explain By: Reseller | Geography (the entire hierarchy)

5. In the Filters pane, add the Date | Year field to the Filters On This Page, and set
the filter to FY2020.
6. In the decomposition tree visual, notice the root of the tree: Profit Margin at

7. Click the plus icon, and in the context menu, select High Value.

8. Notice that the decomposition tree presents resellers, ordered from highest profit

9. To remove the level, at the top of visual, beside the Reseller label, click X.

10. Click the plus icon again, and then expand to the Country-Region level.

11. Expand from the United States to the State-Province level.

12. Use the down-arrow located at the bottom of the visual for State-Province, and
then scroll to the lower profitable states.
13. Notice that New York state has negative profitability.

14. Expand from New York to the Reseller level.

15. Notice that it is easy to isolate root cause.

United States is not producing profit in FY2020. New York is one state that’s not
achieving positive profit, and it’s due to four resellers paying less than standard costs
for their goods.

16. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

Exercise 5: Work with Key Influencers

In this exercise you will use the Key Influencers AI visual to determine what influences
profitability within reseller business types and geography.

Task 1: Work with key influencers

In this task you will use the Key Influencers AI visual to determine what influences
profitability within reseller business types and geography.

1. Add a new page, and then rename the page to Key Influencers.

2. On the Insert ribbon, from inside the AI Visuals group, click Key Influencers.

Tip: The AI visuals are also available in the Visualizations pane.

3. Position and resize the visual so it fills the entire page.

4. Add the following fields to the visual wells:

Analyze: Sales | Profit Margin

Explain By: Reseller | Business Type and Reseller | Geography (the entire

Expand By: Sales | Quantity

5. At the top-left of the visual, notice that Key Influencers is in focus, and the specific
influence is set to understand what influences profit margin to increase.

6. Review the result, which is that the city of Bothell is more likely to increase.

7. Modify the target to determine what influences profit margin to decrease.

8. Review the result.

9. To detect segments, at the top-left, select Top Segments.

10. Notice that the target is now to determine segments when profit margin is likely to
be high.
11. When the visual displays the segments (as circles), click one of them to reveal
information about it.

12. Review the segment results.

Task 2: Finish up
In this task you will complete the lab.

1. Select the Scatter Chart page.

2. Save the Power BI Desktop file.

3. To publish the file to your workspace, on the Home ribbon tab, from inside the
Share group, click Publish.

4. Close Power BI Desktop.

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