Project 1

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Project 1: Elementary Logic Gates

A typical computer architecture is based on a set of elementary logic gates like And, Or, Mux, etc.,
as well as on their bitwise versions And16, Or16, Mux16, etc. (assuming a 16-bit machine). In this
project you will build a typical set of basic logic gates. These gates form the elementary building
blocks from which you will build the computer’s CPU and RAM chips in later projects.
Below we describe the tools, resources, and implementation tips needed for completing project 1.

Build the following chips (we use the terms chip and gate interchangeably):
Nand (given)
Since Nand is considered primitive, there is no need to implement it.

Files: For each chip Xxx in the list, we provide a skeletal Xxx.hdl program, also called stub file, with
a missing PARTS section. In addition, for each chip we provide an Xxx.tst script that tells the
hardware simulator how to test the chip, along with an Xxx.cmp compare file containing the
correct outputs that the supplied test is expected to generate. Your task is writing, and testing, the
chip implementations (specifically: Completing the supplied Xxx.hdl files).

Contract: For each chip in the list, your chip implementation (modified Xxx.hdl file), tested by the
supplied Xxx.tst file, must generate the outputs listed in the supplied Xxx.cmp file. If the actual
outputs generated by your chip disagree with the desired outputs, the simulator will report error
messages. / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

Building the chips
A new online IDE (Integrated Development Environment) was recently launched for learners of
Nand to Tetris courses. Therefore, there are now two options for completing project 1:
If you are using the Nand2Tetris IDE Online (which is recommended), all the Xxx.hdl, Xxx.tst and
Xxx.cmp files are available in your browser memory. To develop and test a particular chip, select
the project / chip from the simulator’s drop-down menus. Your edited HDL code will be saved
automatically. To download the HDL files to your local PC, click the download button. The current
version of all the project’s Xxx.hdl files will be downloaded as one zip file.
Using the desktop Nand2Tetris hardware simulator is also possible. If you’ve downloaded the
Nand to Tetris software suite from, and extracted it into a folder named
nand2tetris on your computer, the nand2tetris/tools folder contains the desktop version of the
hardware simulator, and the nand2tetris/projects/1 folder contains all the files needed for
completing this project. You can write/edit the HDL code of each Xxx.hdl file using any plain text
editor, and then test your code using the desktop simulator.
HDL documentation: We sometimes use abbreviated notation. For example, the comment
“if (in) out = 1, else out = 0” means: “if (in = 1) then set out to 0, else set out to 1”. Likewise, the
condition “if (a and b) …” means “if (a = 1 and b = 1) …” , etc.

HDL Guide
Chips Set API

The tutorials below focus on using the desktop version of the hardware simulator. Tutorials for the
online simulator, the preferred tool for this project, will be available soon. However, you can apply
the principles from these tutorials to perform similar actions in the online simulator (a major
difference is that there is no need to load any files in the online simulator).
Hardware Simulator: Intro
Building and Testing Chips
Script-Based Chip Simulation
Hardware Simulator Tutorial (click slideshow)
Consult each reference / tutorial as needed: There is no need to go through the entire resource.

Implementation Tips
0. Before implementing a chip, it is recommended to experiment with its builtin implementation.
If you are using the online simulator, simply click the builtin toggle; If you are using the desktop
version, load the builtin chip from the tools/builtInChips folder. / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

1. Each chip can be implemented in more than one way. The simpler the implementation, the
better. As a general rule, strive to use as few chip-parts as possible.
2. Although each chip can be implemented directly from Nand gates only, you can use any other
chip from project 1 as a chip-part, as needed (see the previous tip).
3. There is no need to build “helper chips” of your own design. Your HDL programs should use
only the chips listed in this project.
4. We recommend implementing the chips in the order in which they are listed. If, for some
reason, you don’t complete the HDL implementation of some chip, you can still use it as a
chip-part in other HDL programs. In the online simulator, the chip evaluation process uses
builtin chip implementations, so there is no further ado. If you are using the desktop version,
rename the chip file that you did not implement, or remove it from the project 1 folder. This
will force the desktop simulator to use the chip’s builtin implementation.
5. Each chip can be tested interactively, or using a test script. In the online simulator, simply run
the test script. In the desktop simulator, you must first load the chip’s test script, and then run
it. / Copyright © Noam Nisan and Shimon Schocken

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