Contents 3 Islamic Beliefs09!05!12

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List of Contents

Transliteration Chart 9
Publisher's Note 11
Symbols' used in this Book 12
Translator's Foreword 13
Preface to the Second Edition 15
Foreword - By Shaykh `Abdullah ibn
` al-Jibrõ-n 17
Foreword - By Shaykh S.a-lih_. ibn `Abdul-
`Azõ-z ibn Muhammad Al ash-Shaykh 19
Foreword - Shaykh Sa`u-d ibn Ibra-hõ-m ash-Shuraym 30
Foreword - Shaykh Muhammad ibn Jamõ-l Zayno 31
Foreword - Shaykh ibn `Abdul-Karõ-m 32
Introduction 33
Important Definitions 39
Definition of `Aqõ-dah 41
`Aqõdah in Arabic 41

`Aqõdah in Shari`ah terminology 42


Islamic `aqõ-dah 42
Definition of the Salaf 44
Salaf in Arabic language 44
Salaf in shari`ah terminology 45
Definition of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah 53
Sunnah in the Arabic language 53

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6 List of Contents

Sunnah in shari`ah terminology 54

Al-Jama-`ah in Arabic language 54
Jama-`ah in shari`ah terminology 55
Features of the `Aqõ-dah of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah 61
`Aqõ-dah according to the methodology
of the righteous salaf 63

Basic Principles of the `Aqõ-dah of the Righteous

Salaf (Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah) 65
Basic Principles of the `Aqõ-dah of Ahl as-Sunnah
wal-Jama-`ah 67
1 - Eema-n (Faith) and its Pillars 68
Eema-n and its pillars 68
The first pillar Ð Belief in Allah 68
1. Tawh.-õd ar-Rubu-biyah
(Oneness of the Divine Lordship) 69
2. Tawh.-õd al-Ulu-hiyah (Oneness of the Divinity) 73
3. Tawh.-õd al-Asma' was.-S.ifa-t
(Oneness of the Divine Names and Attributes) 76
The second pillar Ð Belief in the Angels 88
The third pillar Ð Belief in the Books 92
The fourth pillar Ð Belief in the Messengers 99
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah 102
The fifth pillar Ð Belief in the Last Day 108
The minor signs of the Hour 109
Major signs of the Hour 111
The sixth pillar Ð Belief in the Divine Decree 118
a) Knowledge 119
b) Writing 120

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Islamic Beliefs 7
c) The divine Will 120
d) Creation 121
2 - Definition of Eema-n according to
Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah 128
Definition of Eema-n 128
3 - The Attitude of Ahl as-Sunnah towards
the issue of Takfõ-r 140
The attitude of Ahl as-Sunnah towards
the issue of Takfõ-r 140
4 - Belief in the texts which contain promises
and warnings 148
Belief in the texts which contain
promises and warnings 148
5 - Friendship and enmity according
to the `Aqõ-dah of Ahl as-Sunnah 155
Friendship and enmity according
to the `Aqõ-dah of Ahl as-Sunnah 155
6 - Belief in the miracles (Karama-t) of the Awliya' 164
Belief in the miracles (karama-t) of the awliya' 164
7 - The Sources of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah
and their methodology of deriving rulings 172
The sources of Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah
and their method of deriving rulings 172
8 - The Obligation to obey Muslim leaders
with regard to that which is right and proper 180
The obligation to obey Muslim leaders with regard
to that which is right and proper 180
9 - The Belief of Ahl as-Sunnah concerning
the S.ah.a-bah, Ahl al-Bayt and the Caliphs 186

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8 List of Contents

The belief of Ahl al-Sunnah concerning

the S.ah.a-bah, Ahl al-Bayt and the caliphs 186
10 - Attitude of Ahl as-Sunnah towards those
who follow their whims and desires
and who follow innovations (Bida`) 192
Attitude of Ahl as-Sunnah towards those
who follow their whims and desires
and who follow innovations (bida`) 192
The signs of those who follow their
whims and desires and innovation 196
Advice from the Imams of the Salaf
warning against the people of bid`ah 199
11 - The View of Ahl as-Sunnah regarding
manners and attitude 205
The view of Ahl as-Sunnah regarding
manners and attitude 205
The attitude of the righteous salaf, Ahl as-
Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah, includes the following 211
Instructions of the Imams of Ahl as-Sunnah 218
Instructions of the Imams of Ahl as-Sunnah concerning
following the Sunnah and avoiding bid`ah 218
Conditions and guidelines for calling people to the
`Aqõ-dah of the Ahl as-Sunnah wal-Jama-`ah 228
Guidelines and starting points for da`iyahs 229
Conclusion 236
Glossary 241

Copyright © IIPH 2009

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