465-Lecture 12

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CSE 465

Lecture 12
Generative models (Autoencoders, Variational Autoencoders)
Supervised vs Unsupervised learning
• Supervised Learning
• Data: (x, y) -- x is data, y is label
• Goal: Learn function to map x → y
• Examples: Classification, regression, object detection, semantic segmentation,

• Unsupervised Learning
• Data: (x) -- x is data, no labels!
• Goal: Learn some hidden or
underlying structure of the data
• Examples: Clustering, feature or
dimensionality reduction, etc

• Autoencoders are a specific type of feedforward neural networks where the

input is the same as the output
• They compress the input into a lower-dimensional code and then
reconstruct the output from this representation
• The code is a compact “summary” or “compression” of the input, also
called the latent-space representation
Learn parameters for autoencoding
Autoencoder pytorch implementation
class autoencoder(nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(autoencoder, self).__init__()
self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(28 * 28, 128),
nn.Linear(128, 64),
nn.ReLU(True), nn.Linear(64, 12), nn.ReLU(True), nn.Linear(12, 3))
self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(3, 12),
nn.Linear(12, 64),
nn.Linear(64, 128),
nn.ReLU(True), nn.Linear(128, 28 * 28), nn.Tanh())
Dimensionality of latent space
Undercomplete autoencoder
Undercomplete autoencoder

• The simplest architecture for constructing an autoencoder is to constrain

the number of nodes present in the hidden layer(s) of the network
• It limits the amount of information that can flow through the network
• By penalizing the network according to the reconstruction error, our model
can learn the most important attributes of the input data and how to best
reconstruct the original input from an "encoded" state
• Ideally, this encoding will learn and describe latent attributes of the input
• It can remove noise from the data
Sparse autoencoders
Sparse autoencoders

• Sparse autoencoders keep the number of nodes in hidden layers same as

the input
• Rather, loss functions are constructed to penalize activations within a layer
• Individual nodes of a trained model which activate are data-dependent,
different inputs will result in activations of different nodes through the
• An undercomplete autoencoder will use the entire network for every
observation, a sparse autoencoder will be forced to selectively activate
regions of the network depending on the input data
• Therefore, sparse autoencoders limits the network's capacity to memorize
the input data without limiting the networks capability to extract features
from the data
How to keep neurons deactivated?

• L1 Regularization
• We can add a term to our loss function that penalizes the absolute value of the
vector of activations
• In layer h for observation i, scaled by a tuning parameter λ
Denoising autoencoders
Denoising autoencoders

• With this approach, our model isn't able to simply develop a mapping
which memorizes the training data because our input and target output
are no longer the same
• Rather, the model learns a vector field for mapping the input data towards
a lower-dimensional manifold
Autoencoders: In summary

• Our input data is converted into an encoding vector where each dimension
represents some learned attribute about the data
• The most important detail to grasp here is that our encoder network is
outputting a single value for each encoding dimension
• The decoder network then subsequently takes these values and attempts
to recreate the original input
Variational autoencoders

• A variational autoencoder (VAE) provides a probabilistic manner for

describing an observation in latent space
• Thus, rather than building an encoder which outputs a single value to
describe each latent state attribute, we'll formulate our encoder to
describe a probability distribution for each latent attribute
Variational autoencoders
• suppose we've trained an autoencoder model on a large dataset of faces
with an encoding dimension of 6
• However, we may prefer to represent each latent attribute as a range of
possible values (from a distribution)
By constructing our encoder model to output a range of possible values (a
statistical distribution) from which we'll randomly sample to feed into our
decoder model, we're essentially enforcing a continuous, smooth latent
space representation
Statistical motivation
• Suppose that there exists some hidden variable z which generates an
observation x
• We can only see x, but we would like to infer the characteristics of z. In
other words, we’d like to compute

• Unfortunately, computing p(x) is quite difficult

• This usually turns out to be an intractable distribution

• However, we can apply variational inference to estimate this value
Statistical motivation

• It is possible to approximate p(z|x) by another distribution q(z|x) which has

a tractable distribution
• If we can define the parameters of q(z|x) such that it is very similar to
p(z|x), we can use it to perform approximate inference of the intractable
• KL divergence is a measure of difference between two probability
• Thus, if we wanted to ensure that q(z|x) was similar to p(z|x), we could
minimize the KL divergence between the two distributions
Statistical motivation
Statistical motivation

• Loss function for this network consists

of two terms
• Penalizes reconstruction error
• A second term which encourages our
learned distribution q(z|x) to be similar to
the true prior distribution p(z)
• We most often assume that the prior
follows a unit Gaussian distribution, for
each dimension j of the latent space

• Rather than directly outputting values for the latent state as we would in a
standard autoencoder, the encoder model of a VAE will output parameters
describing a distribution for each dimension in the latent space
• Since we're assuming that our prior follows a normal distribution, we'll
output two vectors describing the mean and variance of the latent state
• If we were to build a true multivariate Gaussian model, we'd need to define
a covariance matrix describing how each of the dimensions are correlated

• However, the sampling process (while decoding) requires some extra

• When training the model, we need to be able to calculate the relationship
of each parameter in the network with respect to the final output loss
using backpropagation
• We cannot do this for a random sampling process
• However we can do the "reparameterization trick“
• We randomly sample ε from a unit Gaussian, and then shift the randomly sampled ε
by the latent distribution's mean μ and scale it by the latent distribution's variance σ
Reparameterization trick
After the reparameterization trick
Statistical motivation

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