HOL - OS - Colostomy Irrigation Care Tips - NA - 923065-1217
HOL - OS - Colostomy Irrigation Care Tips - NA - 923065-1217
HOL - OS - Colostomy Irrigation Care Tips - NA - 923065-1217
Colostomy Irrigation
General Information
• Similar to an enema with the water being placed into
your stoma
• Routine irrigation is done on doctor’s orders (to regulate
emptying of the bowel at a scheduled time)
• Appropriate for some people with sigmoid or descending
• Not appropriate for people with a urostomy or ileostomy
• Should only be done based on the recommendation of a
knowledgeable healthcare professional
• Allow approximately one hour for irrigation procedure
Colostomy Irrigation
How often should Most people irrigate their colostomy every day or every other day. This will be
I irrigate? influenced somewhat on your past bowel habits.
What time of day It is best to irrigate about the same time every day. You can choose the time of day
should I irrigate? that works best with your schedule.
Can I use tap water Most tap water is fine to use. If the water is safe to drink, it is generally safe for your
to do my irrigation? colostomy irrigation.
How fast should the That will depend upon how much water you use. If you use 1000 cc (one quart) of
water flow into my water, it will take approximately ten minutes. If the water stops flowing you may need
stoma? to reposition the cone.
What does it mean It could be because the water is going into your bowel too quickly. You can use
when I experience the clamp to stop the flow of water. Leave the cone in your stoma and see if the
cramps during my cramps resolve. Water that is too cold may also cause cramping. Removing the
irrigation? stoma cone and allowing the bowel to empty should relieve cramps completely. If
severe cramping persists, contact your healthcare professional.
Do I need to lubricate Some people find that their bowel has enough natural mucus to lubricate the cone
the cone before I insert during insertion. If you find that the cone does not slip in easily, some water-soluble
it into my stoma? lubricant on the cone tip makes this easier.
Do I need to insert the No. How far the cone is inserted varies from person to person. The cone should be
whole cone into my snug enough to prevent water from coming out of your stoma when you begin the
stoma? irrigation. If you have questions, contact your healthcare professional.
Hollister Incorporated
For product questions, sampling needs, or detailed clinical questions concerning our products in the US, 2000 Hollister Drive
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Prior to using any ostomy products/accessories be sure to read all product inserts and labels. Hollister Limited
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