1 s2.0 S0308016113000185 Main
1 s2.0 S0308016113000185 Main
1 s2.0 S0308016113000185 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this paper, a maintenance policy is proposed for pipelines subject to corrosion, by taking into account
Received 9 June 2012 imperfect inspection results. The degradation of the pipeline is induced by uniform and pitting corrosion,
Received in revised form leading to losses in the pipe wall thickness. The inspection is applied to detect the corrosion defects,
15 January 2013
namely the corrosion depth and width. The inspection has a detection threshold under which no cor-
Accepted 30 January 2013
rosion can be measured. Due to uncertainties, each inspection is affected by the probability of detecting
small defects and the probability of wrong assessment in terms of defect existence and size. The present
work aims at integrating imperfect inspection results in the cost model for corroded pipelines, where the
failure probabilities are computed by reliability methods. A numerical application on a gas pipe shows
Reliability the influence of inspection quality and cost on the choice of the optimal maintenance planning.
Corrosion Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0308-0161/$ e see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Sahraoui et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 104 (2013) 76e82 77
standard deviation are, respectively, 0.066 and 0.037 for the mul-
tiplier kUC, and 0.53 and 0.14 for the power n [23].
2. Degradation model
2.1.3. Failure pressure
The failure of pipes is identified by using a semi-empirical
2.1. Pipeline corrosion
model based on fracture mechanics to determine the pressure at
which the vessel fails as a function of the size and the geometry of
The corrosion distribution in pipes can be stochastically
the corrosion defect. This approach has been developed in the early
described by spatial random fields. Although the corrosion geom-
seventies (e.g. see Maxey et al. [26] and Kiefener et al. [27], and still
etry is usually described by either uniform corrosion or localized
remain the most widely applied method. It is furthermore used in
corrosion, most of corrosion problems encountered in the real
several standards, such as the B31G [5,6]. A review of the approach
world are a combination of these two forms. Consequently the total
and different proposed modifications is given by Ahammed and
corrosion depth at any location x and time t can be described by the
Melchers [7]. The model presented here is based on the work in
sum of these two types of corrosion:
Refs. [7], but modified by considering both local and uniform cor-
rosion. The final failure can occur as either leakage or rupture,
dC ðx; tÞ ¼ dU ðtÞ þ dLC ðx; tÞ (1)
depending on the size of the through-wall defect. The failure
where dC(x,t) is the total corrosion depth at the location x and time pressure expression is written as:
t, dLC(x,t) is the depth of the localized corrosion defect and dU(t) is
the depth of the uniform corrosion. Fig. 1 shows a longitudinally- dLC
oriented surface corrosion defect in the wall of a pressurized ðd dUC Þ 1
Pr ¼ 2Sf dd (4)
pipeline. In this Figure, d is the pipe wall thickness, dLC is the depth D dLC
of localized corrosion, dUC is the depth of uniform corrosion and lLC ðd dÞM
is the length of the corroded region projected on the longitudinal
axis. where D is the pipe diameter, Sf is the flow stress, defined by
multiplying the yield stress by a factor mf: Sf ¼ mffy. Ahammed and
2.1.1. Uniform corrosion Melchers [7] proposed to model mf by a lognormal distribution
A practical engineering way to account for uniform corrosion is with mean value equal to 1.1 and coefficient of variation of 0.05. The
to use a power law to model the loss of wall thickness with the Folias factor M (also known as bulging factor) is a semi-empirical
exposure time [8,23]. The general form of the corrosion power law factor that covers the fracture mechanics aspects; it is given by
is written as: Ref. [7]:
l2LC l4LC l2LC
M ¼ 1 þ 0:6275 0:003375 ; 50
Dðd dUC Þ D ðd dUC Þ2
2 Dðd dUC Þ
l2LC l2LC
M ¼ 0:0032 þ 3:3; > 50
Dðd dUC Þ Dðd dUC Þ
where dUC(t) is the thickness of the corroded layer in mm, t is the 2.2. Pipeline reliability
elapsed time (i.e. age of the pipe in years) and kUC and n are the
corrosion constants, to be evaluated by fitting Eq. (2) from field The reliability analysis allows us to understand how the un-
corrosion data [23,24]. For atmospheric pressure, the mean and certainties are propagating within the structural system, and hence
78 Y. Sahraoui et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 104 (2013) 76e82
X 2
dLC ðtÞ bðtÞ ¼ minimize Ti x j subject to G xj ; t 0 (9)
ðd dUC ðtÞÞ d dUC ðtÞ i
Gðxi ; tÞ ¼ 2mf fy Pa (7)
D dLC ðtÞ
1 where Ti(xj) is the probabilistic transformation of the model vari-
ðd dUC ðtÞÞMðtÞ
ables to standard Gaussian variables. The solution of this opti-
The failure probability Pf(t) is evaluated by: mization problem can be obtained by optimization or reliability
Y. Sahraoui et al. / International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 104 (2013) 76e82 79
Table 1
Conditional probabilities in terms of the pipe conditions and inspection result.
algorithms [30,31]. The failure probability can thus be evaluated by Fig. 3. Effect of active corrosion on probability of failure of an underground pipe.
the first order approximation:
where C1.1 ¼ C2.1 ¼ C3.1 ¼ C4.1 ¼ C5.1 ¼ C6.1 ¼ CF are the direct failure
costs, CR is the repair cost, PF(T1) is the failure probability at time T1
and PFi.1.Act is the updated failure probability at time T1 for the i-th
scenario. The updating is performed because inspection results
improve the knowledge about the system degradation.
Expected repair costs
E½CIN ¼ 1 PF ðTÞ1
2 3 (c)
Ci þ C1:2 ð1 PF1:1:Act ÞPðS1 Þ þ C2:2 ðð1 PF2:1:Act ÞPðS2 Þ
4 þC3:2 ð1 PF3:1:Act ÞPðS3 Þ þ C4:2 ð1 PF4:1:Act ÞPðS4 Þ 5
þC5:2 ð1 PF5:1:Act ÞPðS5 Þ þ C6:2 ð1 PF6:1:Act ÞPðS6 Þ
with Ci the inspection cost and C1.2 ¼ C2.2 ¼ C3.2 ¼ C4.2 ¼ C5.2 ¼
C6.2 ¼ Ci.
Table 4
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