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3.4. Photons

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WJEC (Wales) Physics A-level

Topic 3.4: Photons


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The Nature of Light
There are two key experiments which show what appear to be contradicting statements about the
nature of light. The first is Young’s double slit experiment which shows that light interferes just like
waves do to produce an interference pattern. The second experiment is an experiment based on
the photoelectric effect. This effect demonstrates that light also behaves like a particle.

These particles have been shown to be discrete packets of energy called ​photons​.

Photoelectric Effect
You can demonstrate the photoelectric effect using a gold leaf electroscope.

To observe the effect, you need the plate and metal insides to be negatively charged. As the gold
leaf is free to move, it will repel the metal rod on the inside (because like charges repel) and move
away. When light of a high enough energy is shone onto the plate, it ​ejects some electrons​. This
reduces the negative charge in the electroscope and so the repulsive force on the gold foil
reduces. Therefore, it falls down.

The ejection of electrons is the photoelectric effect.


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Using a gold leaf electroscope, we can see that there is a minimum energy of light for emission of
electrons to occur. The energy of light is ​directly proportional to the frequency of that light​.
However, the minimum energy for emission suggests there is some energy that must be overcome
in order to eject electrons. This is called the ​work function ​and is given the symbol ϕ .

The energy of a light photon is given by the relationship:

E = hf
E is the energy, h is a constant of proportionality called the Planck constant, and f is the
frequency of the light.

Therefore, if a photon is incident on a piece of metal, which has a work function ϕ , the energy left
over is:

E kmax = hf − ϕ
This is the maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. If we look at the graph above, we can
see that this matches. The threshold frequency f T , is when the maximum kinetic energy is zero.

0 = hf T − ϕ
fT = h

Vacuum Photocell

A vacuum photocell is a device which can be used to measure the maximum kinetic energy of
electrons. Light of a known frequency/wavelength is shone onto a photosensitive cathode. Due to
this, electrons are ejected from the cathode. This will create a current in our circuit. Then, using a
variable voltage source, the voltage is increased. This will mean electrons will have to overcome
an ​electrostatic repulsion ​to get to the collector and provide a current.

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Eventually, when the voltage is raised high enough, no electrons reach the collector and there is
zero current in the circuit. This is at the ​stopping voltage​. As the electrons near the collector, their
kinetic energy is turned into potential energy which is given by:

E = eV
V is the stopping voltage and e is the electron charge. Therefore the kinetic energy of those
electrons is equal to eV . If the stopping voltage is 3V, then the maximum kinetic energy of the
( )
electrons is 3 electron-volts and 3× 1.6×10−19 = 4.8×10−19 joules.

In a vacuum photocell, ​not all the electrons have the maximum kinetic energy​ because some
lose energy during collisions with the metal atoms in the container or with air molecules inside if
the vacuum is not perfect. However, the maximum kinetic energy of electrons will be the few
remaining electrons which cause the current to drop to zero which corresponds with the stopping
voltage. Therefore, the stopping voltage provides you with the maximum kinetic energy of ejected

You can plot maximum kinetic energy against the frequency of light on a graph (see above) to
calculate threshold frequency, work function and the Planck constant.

Electromagnetic Spectrum
The visible range is from 400nm to 700nm approximately. The 400nm end is for violet light and the
700nm end is for red light.

Order of magnitude approximations ​for the wavelengths and typical photon energies of the other
parts of the spectrum are given here:

Region Typical photon energies
(order of magnitude)
Radio 103 m 10−9 eV

Microwave 10−2 m 10−4 eV

Infrared 10−5 m 10−1 eV

Ultraviolet 10−8 m 102 eV

X-rays 10−10 m 104 eV

Gamma rays 10−12 m 106 eV

Vapour Lamps – Emission and Absorption Lines

Vapour lamps are tubes containing a gas. A ​high voltage source ​is used to provide electrons with
energy which then transfer some of their energy to the gas atoms. This excites electrons within the
atoms causing them to rise to higher energy states. They then fall back down to the lower energy
state (from which they came) ​releasing a photon​. Because there are multiple energy states within

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atoms, photons of different energies are released. You, therefore, would see a combination of the
colours from the lamp.

To separate the colours you can put the light through a ​prism​. By refracting it, the ​colours
separate ​(due to varying wavelengths) and provide you with the emission spectrum.

You can also pass this light through a ​diffraction grating and it will show you the individual
colours ​separated out. This is what it will look like (this example is hydrogen):

Because the emission spectrum is a characteristic of the atoms' energy levels, the absorption
spectrum is the ​‘opposite’ ​because the energy difference between levels is exactly the same
independent of absorption or emission.

Energy Level Diagrams

These diagrams can help us to show, visually, why there are thin, discrete, emission and
absorption lines.

The coloured lines we see above arise from electrons falling

between some of these states shown to the left. All transitions
will emit a photon of some type of electromagnetic radiation,
however, only four of the emissions are visible.

To calculate the wavelengths of the emissions we need to

know the energy difference between the states and convert
this into a wavelength using:

hc hc
ΔE = hf = λ ⇒λ= ΔE

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Starting from the red end of the spectrum, our transitions are:

n = 3 to n = 2

n = 4 to n = 2

n = 5 to n = 2

n = 6 to n = 2

For the transition n = 3 to n = 2

ΔE =− 1.51 − (− 3.40) = 1.89 eV

(6.6×10−34 )(3.0×108 )
λ= (1.89)(1.6×10−19 )
= 656 nm

This wavelength corresponds to the red light we see in the spectrum.

The same idea applies to absorption except the photons are absorbed instead of emitted.
Therefore the electron rises to a higher energy state.

Ionisation Energy
The ionisation energy is the energy an electron requires to escape an atom leaving it as an ion.
This requires the electron to be moved up through all of the energy states until the state with zero
energy. The negative sign for the energies means the electron is ​bound t​ o the atom. When the
energy becomes zero, the electron escapes.

To find the ionisation energy, you need to work out the energy difference between ground state
and zero energy ( n = ∞ ) state. For the hydrogen atom, you can see the ionisation energy is

Electron Diffraction

After the photoelectric effect had shown that light behaves as a wave and a particle, people
wondered whether other particles could behave like waves, such as the electron.
An electron gun (a high voltage accelerator) rapidly increases the speed of electrons and directs
them through what is often a very thin slice of carbon. ​The atomic spacings act as the slits​,
producing a diffraction pattern. The pattern is made up of alternating ​bright and dark circles
centred on a common point in front of the electron gun. This suggests that the electrons have
interfered like waves do to produce the bright and dark areas.
Therefore, it was concluded that particles also have wave-like properties.

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De Broglie Wavelength
The De Broglie wavelength is the ‘wavelength’ of a particle. You can calculate it if you know the
momentum of the particle, p. The reason why we do not notice wave-like effects in everyday
objects is that their wavelength is so very small that the size of the gap required to diffract them
would not be possible to achieve.
λ= p

This can also be used for calculating the momentum of photons just by rearranging and
substituting in the wavelength of the photons/light. Photons have a momentum but no mass hence
you cannot calculate their momentum in the usual (​ p = mv) way.

Radiation Pressure
Radiation pressure is when there is a ​change in momentum of electromagnetic radiation ​
which causes a pressure to be exerted on a surface.

To calculate the pressure exerted on a surface you first need to calculate the force which is given
by the rate of change of momentum and then divide by the cross-sectional area of the surface.

An example calculation is given below:

2000 photons strike and reflect off a panel of surface area 4 m2 every second. They have a
frequency of 1018 Hz . Calculate the pressure exerted on the panel.

Step 1)
The change in momentum of each photon is equal to Δp = 2p0 because they are reflected.
hf 2(6.6×10−34 )(1018 )
Δp = 2 c = = 4.4 × 10−24 kgm/s
(3.0×10 )

Therefore, the change in momentum of all incident photons within one second equals
4.4×10−24 ×2000 = 8.8×10−21 kgm/s .
Step 2)
The force on the panel is therefore F = Δt = 8.8 × 10−21 N .
Step 3)
Pressure, P = F
A = 4 = 2.2 × 10−21 P a .

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