Apr - May 2022

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ililflililtffiililililtilt 2031

lV Semester 5 Year B.A.,LL.B. (Maior-Minor System)

Examination, AprillMay 2A22 (Dec. 2021)
Major - 05 : POLITICAL SCIENCE - 5 (Public Administration)

Duration : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instructions : 1. Answer Question No. 9 and any five of the

remaining questions.
2. Q. No.9 carries 20 marks and the remaining
questions carry 16 marks each.
3. Answers should be written either in English or
Kannada completely.

Q. No. 1. What is Hierarchy ? Explain the principles of Hierarchy. Marks : 16

$eed dd* aodded: ? edd dddrl$dl adotuo.

o. No. 2. Define line agency. Explain the functions of line agencies. Marks : 16
rco$r &aardd eodddl amr&roretuo. fJC)r Daardd
erorld uao$rdSd1 adox:.

o. No. 3. Write in detail about State Public Service Commissions. Marks: 16

@8, eloeddeaa eJofuoerlrl$ dcod: edd"saR udouo.
o. No. 4. Explain the relationship between authority and responsibility. Marks : 16
erQurd d:d: waazrJooo$ dd)ad noa:ofidd1 Ddotu.

o. No. 5. What is management ? Explain the tasks of management. Marks : 16

&drd# aodded: ? &drd#oJ: aaoJ:rd$q ado&.

o. No. 6. Define planning. Explain the kinds and impoftance of planning. Marks : 16
Coerdc1:Q aaranr&x,o. Croeegdo$ add$c d.:d;
J-JJJJ- oJcoa
c^DOc%cJo\J"t clcJUruU.

o. No. 7. Explain the importance and kinds of budget. Marks: 16

uddroS:d d:d* d.:al adil$d{ .)dotuo.

2031 Ililflililttflilfliltil]tilt

Q. No. 8. Write short note on any two of the following : Marks: 2x8=16
dsnd dnQloaddo odcd: €,d,rfpri r,sd,ed udou:o :

(a) Span of control.

&C:o$rod aDd* .

(b) Kinds of authority. r

erQradd adTr$.

(c) STAFF agency.

&aJoO coit.
Q. No. 9. Answer any two of the following : Marks :2x10-20
d$nd dngoaddo ada$ €,d",rlpri erudox :
(a) Qualities of leader.
ano$dd rbeorlgb.
(b) Delegated tegislation.
&oSoedd aasoaercd.

(c) Administrative tribunals.

udvao{d N%o1: a$od9rldo.

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