Remote Inspection Handbook v.2
Remote Inspection Handbook v.2
Remote Inspection Handbook v.2
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Document History
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Document History ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.1. The Remote Inspection Core Team .................................................................................... 4
2. Remote Inspection Options: Standard & Advanced ................................................................ 6
2.1. Standard Remote Inspection ............................................................................................... 6
2.2. Advanced Remote Inspection .......................................................................................... 10
3. A Step by Step process guide of implementing remote inspection ............................... 13
4. Resources .............................................................................................................................................. 16
5. Frequently Asked Question & Useful Tips ............................................................................... 17
Appendix 1. Hardware and Software Purchase Options ............................................................................... 20
Appendix 2. HSSE Guidance for Hardware: Head Mounted Device .......................................................... 23
Appendix 3. REALWEAR Head Mounted Device Quick Start Guide.......................................................... 25
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
1. Introduction
At Shell, the supply chain for our capital projects and assets spans the globe. Throughout this
extensive supply chain, materials, equipment and construction activities undergoes a stringent
quality control process to ensure the eventual safe and reliable operation of our facilities.
Using the latest developments in wearable technologies we can now use remote inspection to
improve the quality control process – lowering cost, time, safety exposure and carbon footprint,
while greatly extending the reach of our experts.
The target audience of this handbook will be the Shell technical and commercial professionals, as
well as the suppliers whom they work with, e.g. EPC Contractors, Third Party Inspectors and
Equipment Suppliers (Refer note 1). 1
Two options for remote inspections will be covered in this handbook, i.e. Standard and Advanced.
Standard remote inspection, which is covered in Section 2.1, includes Live-stream video and
audio between the supplier’s worksite and the client audience. Advanced remote inspection,
which is covered in Section 2.2, supplements the standard remote inspection with software that
has preconfigured inspection procedures, evidence capture and auto-report generating function.
For detailed questions related to the software and hardware products, contact the vendors
(Appendix A).
Section 3 provides a step by step guidance to deploy remote inspection technology and enable
witnessing of inspection activities remotely
Note: 1. This document amounts to “Confidential Information” as defined in respective purchase contracts or non-disclosure
agreements with Shell and in this regard, suppliers of Shell shall be required to adhere to the confidential obligations as set out in
respective purchase contracts or non-disclosure agreements.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
executed numerous remote inspections to support good quality and timely delivery from Shell
suppliers to Shell projects and assets. The core team provides advice on scoping and
implementation, collects lessons-learnt and facilitates experience sharing.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
The witnessing of selected elements of the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) can be executed with
standard remote inspection, as the performance of the test is always done by the supplier of
equipment or module under fabrication. In addition, it is also possible to witness some of the
tests for Design Validation Testing. Activities include:
-Pre-Inspection Meeting (PIM) with workshop tour
-In-progress inspections, like weld preparation/fit up
-Performance inspections and testing, like pressure testing and NDT
-Final inspection and clearing of punch list items
Figure 2: Remote Inspection conducted by Suppliers’ Inspector at Worksite with live feed to
Client Audience Office
Getting started requires the set-up of software, hardware and infrastructure. The information
below states the minimum requirements for a remote inspection solution. It describes what
such a solution should be able to do, not how the solution should do this or which
systems/hardware to be used.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
• Audio Requirements
o Two-way audio between inspector and client audience.
o Clearly transmit voice for questions/response
o Preferably VoIP with analogue backup
o Able to reduce or suppress ambient noise at the worksite
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Smart Phone
HPE MyRoom
MS Team
Wearable device controlled
by voice; Hand-hold device;
File transfer, Pointers Easy set up
Key Advantage/Feature Capable of running
Workflow which is Shell's (**Please note that RealWear can also be
advanced inspection used with MS TEAMs)
Smart Phone with Digital
camera (minimum resolution
Required Hardware RealWear HMT -1
+ Stabilizer
Software at Software HPE MyRoom Microsoft Team
Site Wifi or mobile hotspot Wifi or mobile data
Upload & Download : >1.5 Upload & Download: >5 Mbps
Required Hardware Normal laptop or desktop Normal laptop or desktop
MS Team
and HPE MyRoom
(either install MS Team into
Software at Software (pre-installation and setup
laptop, or use web version
client is required)
without installation)
office Download: >5Mbps Download: >5Mbps
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
One example of such software is WorkFloPlus, which is described in the following section.
ii. Step 2. Execute inspection at site using hardware installed with WorkFloPlus and
Inspection Script.
Subsequently, the inspection script is loaded onto a compatible hardware set(e.g. a RealWear
device). The steps defined in the script are then executed at site by the inspector wearing the
device. As with Standard Remote Inspection it is possible to live-stream the inspection as well as
capture the evidence using the RealWear device according to the workflow defined in the script.
2The digital COE team referred to in contact listed in section 1.1 can be contacted for support.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Refer to below reporting template from the Marine Terminal Jetty Inspection work.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Step 2
Agreed to equipped Conduct demo
with Remote meetings in supplier
Inspection facilities shop
Step 4
Proposed Remote
inspections scope to
project/Shell RVI team
and revised Inspection
& Test Plan
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
as a project progress visualisation tool. The remote inspection core team can provide advice and
lessons learnt to support the decision.
Alternatively, Shell suppliers and inspection agencies can also propose to Shell Projects and
Assets Team to use remote inspection. Supplier may connect with Shell Category Manager, CP
Lead, Shell’s discipline/package engineer or Contract Holder, using this document to gain
For a project that is currently under execution with a contractor/supplier and Shell team would
like to deploy remote inspection in the inspection scope, contact the respective Category Manager
and Shell Remote Inspection Team (refer section 1.1) to know if a supplier already has Remote
Inspection capability.
If the supplier has proven capabilities for remote inspection, the project should agree on which
items/scope in the Inspection & Test Plan can be changed to Remote Inspection, taking into
account the risk profile of the activities.
If the supplier does not have proven capabilities, engage with the contractor/supplier on the
benefits of the Remote Inspection and the potential increase of the efficiency and cost saving
perspective. Once the contractors/suppliers are interested to support Shell’s initiative on Remote
Inspection, then both parties can work together to achieve below from Step 2 to Step 6.
Step 4: Approve the Inspection & Test Plan with remote inspection elements
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Supplier to work with project discipline engineer and EPC to jointly review and approve activities
in the Inspection & Test Plan, what could potentially be replaced by using Remote Inspection. For
example, a Witness point “W” can be replaced by Remote Inspection Witness “RIW”. Shell Team
and Suppliers can use the demo or trial sessions in step 2 to verify feasibility or connect with
Remote Inspection Core Team for experience and advice.
Step 5: Plan for actual Remote Inspection as per ITP Witness/Hold points
Supplier to send invitation to the parties involved via online meeting service platform 1 week
prior to the Remote inspection session, such as Shell package engineer, EPC discipline
engineer/inspector, Shell appointed 3rd party inspector, certification body (if relevant). In the
meeting invitation, clearly state the scope and the duration of the session.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
4. Resources
Remote Inspection Yammer
The place to LEARN and SHARE about using wearables to improve inspection in our projects
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
i. Is the Standard Remote Inspection technology also feasible for other remote
viewing/assistance purposes?
Answer: Yes, the technology was also used for other purposes, e.g. Design Verification Test (DVT),
new supplier facility qualification, design or quality issue investigation, witnessing asset
Risk Based Inspection or Maintenance. The key infrastructure is good internet access
(fixed WIFI or mobile router that can be carried around).
ii. Must I use the software and hardware specified in this document only? Can smart
phones be used as an alternative for RVI?
Answer: For cyber security reasons, software used for Remote Inspection must be assessed
and approved by Shell IT. Other hardware such as Toshiba DynaEdge, software such as
Skype for Business are also available in the market. For certain type of activities, smart
phone as a hardware may be used in conjunction with approved software (e.g. Skype
for Business or Ms Teams) but please bear in mind there are other HSSE considerations
e.g. situations where inspector needs to be handsfree to perform the tasks or to
manoeuvre at height.
iii. What are the key challenges when introducing Remote Inspection?
Answer: The actual procurement and integration of hardware and software by suppliers can be
challenging and take time before ready to use. Hence this handbook provides integrated
system options in Appendix A. In addition, both Shell teams and Suppliers takes time to
familiarise with the concept, trial and take small steps before implementing to more
areas of the ITP. Hence, the inspection and test plans can be modified along the way to
increase coverage of remote inspection following the familiarity of the Shell Team and
iv. Any feedback from the discipline engineers who have confident to sign off FAT
Answer: Good example is Design Validation Test kicked off by SME for DHV Valves and Neway
Valves. Quality and C&P are also worked with fabrication category team to pilot
fabrication scope for remote video inspections in Yanda for existing project.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
some cases, a possible solution would be to hire 2nd party inspector (e.g. a local Brazilian
SGS inspector based in Rio De Janeiro) to be physically present at supplier site in Brazil,
while supplier execute remote inspection which can involve more Shell experts (e.g.
based in Houston and Kuala Lumpur).
viii. What are the key success elements of implementing Remote Inspection?
Answer: Key success elements are Technology, Behaviour and Procedures. Technology elements
includes network connectivity, correct hardware with high resolution pictures and noise
cancellation capability. Both Shell and Suppliers needs to have a “can-do” mind-set to
overcome various technical glitches before reaching smooth implementation. Inspectors
needs to be trained and should be skilful to use the technology and assess the scenario
from HSSE point of view. Lastly it is critical to have a pre-agreed a
checklist/workflow/work instruction in place to be followed correctly by both Shell
team and suppliers. With such agreed flow, client audience can avoid looking at the
screen when inspector is transiting between witness activities, as client audience may
feel dizzy during transit times. An additional fixed mounted camera is optional but can
provide comfort and overview of the test set up.
x. Some software (e.g. HPE MyRoom) has video recording function, what’s the
generally steer from Shell on how to keep these recording.
Answer: Unless otherwise specified for critical reasons, video recordings are not necessary to
support inspection close out for Standard Remote Inspections. This is the same for
advanced remote inspection. For Advanced Remote Inspections, software such as
WorkfloPlus should be configured such that all documents, screenshots, videos (if
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
necessary and critical) captured during the remote inspection session shall be safely
stored and archived as per Shell Record Management policy, contact Digital COE for
detail information. While other software (e.g. HPE MyRoom) has the capability to share
documents, record snapshots and videos as an evidence of the Inspection, Suppliers need
to observe the Confidentiality and Intellectual Property obligation of the contract with
Shell in managing these data.
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
HPE MyRoom License Typical Amount (USD) Some contacts to request for
Cost Structure quotation
ChatRoom (number of Refer to Link https://www.myroom.hpe.c
participants per session) om/Products
VRG License Refer to Link
Total Annual Fees Refer to Link
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Shell Contracting and Procurement Handbook for Remote Inspection Global Implementation on
Supply Chain
Bibliographic information
Subject For Shell Internal Use and Shell Suppliers who have
existing purchase contract or non-disclosure agreement
Export Control