Lecture - 02 Electric Charge
Lecture - 02 Electric Charge
Lecture - 02 Electric Charge
• Electric Charge
• Interaction of charges
• Types of Electric Charge
• Electric charge and the structure of matter
• Atoms and ions
• Conservation of charge
• Conductors and insulators
• Charging by induction
• Electric forces on uncharged objects
• Applications of Electrostatics
• Electrostatic painting
• Laser printer
• Electrostatic Crop Sprayer
Electric Charge
• Electric charge is fundamental property of subatomic
particles(protons, neutrons, and electrons) that gives rise to the
phenomenon of experiencing force in the presence of electric and
magnetic fields.
• These fields exert influence on charged particles, resulting in
observable effects.
Electric Charge
• Electric Charge is nothing but the amount of energy or electrons that
pass from one body to another by different modes like conduction,
induction or other specific methods.
• Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to
experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field.
• You can easily observe electrical charges in everyday life. For example, if you
rub a balloon on your hair, the balloon becomes negatively charged (i.e. it has
an electron surplus) and your hair becomes positively charged (i.e. it has an
electron deficiency).
• A coulomb (C) is the standard unit of electric charge in the
International System of Units (SI).
• It is the amount of electricity that a 1-ampere (A) current carries in one
second (s).
21-1 Coulomb’s Law Interaction of Charges
(a) The two glass rods were each rubbed with a silk cloth and
one was suspended by thread. When they are close to each
other, they repel each other.
(b) The plastic rod was rubbed with fur. When brought close to
the glass rod, the rods attract each other.
21-1 Coulomb’s Law Interaction of Charges