Assembly Instructions 3.1
Assembly Instructions 3.1
Assembly Instructions 3.1
This file will show you how to build Faze4 robot arm. All info about the project will be on my
Little bit about the arm. It was made with the idea of having high repeatability and low
vibrations. Alot of other open source arms didnt have those requirements so i decided to
build my own arm. This is fourth arm i made and thus the name Faze4 .Whole build is based
and designed around cycloidal gearboxes i designed. Actually the whole idea of arm came to
be when i found that the gearboxes were relatively cheap and behaved good.
Arm has around 1000 parts so you will have to buy and print a lot of stuff. I printed mine
with PETG ,but i think PLA could work even better if you dont overheat the motors.
-When printing parts try to reduce the weight as much as possible . You can probably
print most parts with 25-50 max infill with 2-3 parameters. I printed most parts with
50-80 infill and that was a mistake.Print large parts with 0.3-0.35 layer height and
smaller ones with 0.15-0.2 .
-There are alot of large parts . print them SLOW. I rushed some big parts and
regreted that.
-If I used 10 screws to screw one part it does not mean you need all of them ,almost
whole arm is overdesigned and you can probably half all screws for connecting parts.
Most parts are attached by screws that make their own thread in plastic part. All step
files will be available so you can check hole sizes and maybe adjust them for your
printer. I printed on PRUSA I3 MK2S.
Make shure cycloidal discs are tight but not too tight so they cant be rotated.It is
hard to explain but when you print one you might immediately feel what is right and
what is not.
Before you start extend EVERY wire for about 1.5 meters.Those that are on the tip of the
arm should be extended for 1.5 and those on the bottom for less.
Next page is BOM and after that instructions start.
Use BOM in github for most updated parts !!!
Part Quantity Position Notes: To insert brass inserts you need to heat
Joint 6 Output shaft 1 1 them up . I recommend using soldering iron .
M3 4mm brass inserts 12 2 Place insert on heated tip of soldering iron and
M2 5mm screw 1 3 slowly press it down in the hole. Push them so they
dont peak above the plastic.
M2 nuts 2 4
Part Quantity Position Notes:Dont tighten nuts too much . We will need to adjust
Wrist case 1 1 sensor soon.
Inductive sensor 1 2 (Both M8 nuts should be included with inductive sensor)
M8 nuts 2 3
Part Quantity Position Notes: One of tricky parts now is to route stepper wires
M3 5mm screws 4 1 and sensor wires thru channels in 3d printed part and
make them come out of this hole (marked green).If you
Nema 14 ,19:1 gearbox motor 1 2
routed wires screw motor to case with 4x M3 screws.
Wrist Assembly Step3
Part Quantity Position Notes: Remove M2 screws with nuts from output
M3 4mm set screw 1 1 shaft.Unscrew sensor so you can see the hole on
the 3d printed wrist part. Now allign that hole and
one on the output shaft.Insert set screw and
tighten it up.Return M2 screw and nuts and adjust
sensor so it is really close to the screw but not
touching it
Wrist Assembly Step4
Part Quantity Position Notes: Insert lid and then screw it with M2 screws.
Wrist cover 1 1
M2 5mm screw 2 2
Forearm assembly Step1
Part Quantity Position Notes: Attach stepper so that the side where wires go
Forearm main case 1 1 out is turned towards hole marked with RED. Also pull
stepper wires thru that hole.Also all other wires and
Nema 17 stepper 1 2
pipes used in this build will have to be pulled thru that
M3 5mm screws 4 3 hole.They should go thrue channels marked in green.
Part Quantity Position Notes: Place roller pin assembly in marked spot
Ball bearing 3x8x4 24 1 and secure it with M3 25 mm screw. Do this 12
J5 Ring rollers 12 2 times.It can take up to 1h to clean and assemble all
M3 25mm screws 12 3 12 pins so take breaks if needed. ;)
Example how wiring should look like
Forearm assembly Step2
Part Quantity Position Notes: Insert only one assembled cyclo disc
11:1 cyclo disc 2 1
17x23x4 ball bearing 2 2
Part Quantity Position Notes: Dont overtighten set screw. When you start
Eccentric shaft J5 1 1 feeling some resistance make one extra half turn
M3 nut 1 2 and that is it.
M3 4mm set screw 1 3
Forearm Assembly Step3
Part Quantity Position Notes: When putting second cyclo disc try to allign
2 holes on them. It will not be perfect but closest
configuration should be correct.
Pull wires
thru one
of these
Part Quantity Position Notes: This is option 2 that is tested and used.
Servo gripper plug 1 1 After you insert Servo plug take 2 zip ties and tie
them around marked parts ( RED).
Part Quantity Position Notes:It you have problems puting output shaft in,
make shure you aligned the dots on cyclo discs.
Forearm Assembly Step6
Part Quantity Position Notes: You will need to pull wires of Wrist part thru
Joint 5 switch trigger 1 2 the bearing and J5 switch trigger part. We will
secure them with screws later.Wires need to be
routed like stated in step one of Forearm assembly.
Part Quantity Position Notes:On second pulley insert only one screw so
M3 15mm screw 7 1 you can tighten the belt.
J5 28 teeth pulley 2 2
HTD 5M 430 mm timing belt 1 1
10 mm wide
Forearm Assembly Step8
Part Quantity Position Notes: Insert rest of the screws to the pulley.
M3 15mm screw 5 1 If the belt is not tight enough you can place
Optional additional ball bearings to holes marked with red
M3 15mm screw 2 2 to tighten it more
3x8x4 or 3x10x4 ball bearing 4 3
Part Quantity Position Notes: wires from wrist need to go thru the
M3 15mm screw 6 1 channels marked by green and thru the hole
marked in red in step 1 of forearm assembly.
Forearm Assembly Step9
Part Quantity Position Notes:ALL wires (and pipes if you are using them)
Joint4 shaft 1 1 need to go thru the hole marked with red.
M5 20mm IMBUS screw 7 2
Part Quantity Position Notes: This assembly is same as one for Joint 5
Joint 4 motor case 1 1 cyclo .
J4 ring spacers 12 2
Nema 17 motor 12 3
M3 5mm screw 4 4
M3 25mm screw 12 5
3x8x4 ball bearing 24 6
Part Quantity Position Notes: Make shure holes on discs are alligned.
M3 nut 1 1
M3 4mm set screw 1 2
Part Quantity Position Notes: make shure that side of stepper where
M3 10 mm screw 5 1 wires go is one marked with red here.(Watch out
on orientation of holes Joint 4 top cover.)
Elbow Assembly Step4
Part Quantity Position Notes: Red dot is side of stepper where wires need
Nema 23 Bipolar 0.9deg 2.8A 1 1 to be.
2.5V 57x57x56mm
M5 8mm HEX screws 4 2
Joint 3 main case 1 3
Part Quantity Position Notes: Wires of the stepper need to go thru the
channel on the bottom and then thru the large
hole on the side
Part Quantity Position Notes: Make shure that holes on discs are alligned.
Part Quantity Position Notes: Wires of micro limit swithc need to go thuru
Micro limit swtich 1 1 the hole market with red.
M2 8mm screws 2 2
Part Quantity Position Notes:pull all wires thru pulley ( only those that
Joint 4 pulley 28 teeth 1 1 come from forearm and wrist assembly).we will
attach it with screw later.
Lower arm Assembly Step2
Part Quantity Position Notes:First insert one screw and then tighten the
M3 20 -25 mm screw 6 1 belt and insert other screws.
Example how wiring should look like
Example how wiring should look like
Arm Assembly Step1
Part Quantity Position Notes:Top 3 screws are 20mm , bottm five are 30
M5 HEX 20 mm screw 3 1 mm.
M5 HEX 30 mm screw 5 2
Arm Assembly Step2
Part Quantity Position Notes: route the wires thru the tunnel .
Micro limit switch 1 1
M2 8mm screws 2 2
Part Quantity Position Notes:Pull all wires thuru joint 3 limit trigger.
Joint 3 limit trigger 1 1 We will adjust it later.
Arm Assembly Step6
Part Quantity Position Notes: adjust the holes on limit trigger so that they
match ones on Elbow assembly . They must be matched
to look like bottom and top picture .
If they are not matched your arm will not look like top
picture so move the trigger for one hole up or down.
Part Quantity Position Notes:Now all wires must be pulled thru hole marked
with green to the rectangle marked with red.
Example how wiring should look like
Joint 2 cyclo Assembly Step1
Part Quantity Position Notes: make shure that side of stepper is pointing
J2 main case 1 1 To the side where arrow is pointing
M5 HEX 8 mm screws 4 2
Nema 23 Bipolar 4A 2.26V 1 3
Part Quantity Position Notes:Now all wires from previous step should be
J2 cover 1 1 routed thru Joint2 cover part.
Joint2 cyclo Assembly Step2
Part Quantity Position Notes: Wires must go thrue the square hole on top
to the hole on side.
Part Quantity Position Notes: It must look like this . If you accidentaly
pressed wires while pressing parts together ,there
will be gaps so try again.
Part Quantity Position Notes: dont screw set screw all the way.
Joint 2 eccentric shaft 1 1
M3 nut 1 2
M3 4mm set screw 1 3
This part is also changed it is named 27to1 disc_rework and it is in same folder as
part changed in previous step. You will also need to use TWO 20x27x4 ball bearings.
X 14
Part Quantity Position Notes:This part is still attached to rest of the arm.
M3 30 mm screw 14 1 Rest of the arm is hidden so that instructions are
more clear.
Joint 2 cyclo Assembly Step6
Part Quantity Position Notes:Make shure you allign holes on cyclo discs.
Joint 2 cyclo Assembly Step7
Part Quantity Position Notes: ALL wires from arm now must come out of
the hole marked with red
Part Quantity Position Notes: Pull all wires thrue hole marked with red.
Part Quantity Position Notes: Make shure that hole pointed by arrow is
M10 HEX 60 mm screw 4 1 oriented like this. ALL wires must go thru Joint 1
M5 HEX 40mm screws 2 2 output shaft
Joint 1 output shaft 1 3
Part Quantity Position Notes: Slide this nut in the hole marked with arrow
M8 nuts (usually included 1 1
with sensor)
Part Quantity Position Notes:First pull sensor wires thru the hole.After that
Inductive sensor 1 1 screw the sensor in the nut we inserted in previous
step.Now screw second nut .Sensor should be inserted
M8 nuts (usually included 1 2
so very little of its thread can be seen.
with sensor)
Base Assembly Step13
Part Quantity Position Notes:Pull sensor wires thru hole marked with red
and other same holes . Wires should go thru the
big hole marked with arrow.
Base Assembly Step14
Part Quantity Position Notes:After inserting arm to the base make shure
HTD 5M 490 mm timing belt there is around 0.5-1mm space between inductive
10 mm wide sensor in base and screw marked with arrow.Test
the sensor to see if it tirggers properly. If it does
not adjust the screw or sensor and try again.
Base Assembly Step15
Part Quantity Position Notes:If belt is not tight enough you can insert ball
36 teeth pulley 1 1 bearings to tighten it up .You can insert them
M3 15mm screws 8 2 where arrow points.
Base Assembly Step16
Part Quantity Position Notes:ALL wires go thru hole marked with arrow.
We are done with main assembly , good job.
Covers Step1