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Yogananda Narasimha

Contact Introduction
Software Developer who has Strong experience in Data Structures and Algorithms with Python,
+91 8978882399
Django, PostgresSQL,MYSQL, Javascript, React JS, Kubernetes, Docker and AWS. Looking for an
Opportunity in a good Place where I can learn good technologies, research and balance my life and
[email protected]

Main Skills Education

Java SE 2023 - 2025 M.Tech. in AI and ML Pilani ,India
Machine Learning BITS Pilani (WILP)
Node JS 2014 - 2017 B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering [81.37 percent] Telangana,India

DBMS(Postgres, Mysql, Sri Indu College of Engineering and Technology - Hyderabad

Mongo DB, Oracle 11g) 2011 - 2013 Intermediate in M.P.C [91.11 percent] Telangana,India
SQL Sree Narayana Junior College - Khammam
2010 - 2011 SSC with 88.89 percent Telangana,India
Backend Krishi High School - Sathupally
Django, Flask, Odoo,
Vertx, Node js, Gatsby Experience
Indigrators India (Sep-2023 to present) Hyderabad
Front End Senior Developer Working in core engineering team. Major job role is a Fullstack de-
Technologies veloper role with Flask, mongo db and React. Working on a pricing software for code
React JS, Angular JS, code optimizations, redesigning few workflows, data migrations to various clients.
Bigbasket(Jan-2022 to Sep 2023) Bangalore
Backbone JS,
Software Engineer 2 Software Developer worked in core engineering team. Major job
JQuery , BootStrap
role is a Fullstack developer role with django and React. Rarely worked on Java vertx.
maintained 2 projects end to end from collecting requirements to production release,
Operating along with production support. Built high quality User Management Application from
Systems scratch and maintained it. Bigbasket uses this Application for User permission man-
UNIX, Windows, LINUX agement for almost all of its SAAS applications.
Financepeer(now LEO1)(October-2020 to Jan-2022)
Miscellenous Hyderabad
Software Developer Software Developer on Python and React JS. Worked on the
Tools Main Financepeer website and Fintech Product, NBFC Velocity, which is used to cre-
Git, AWS, Kubernetes,
ate,process EMIs and record the loans of the customers. Also worked on Sales and
Helm, Docker, Jenkins
Vendor’s applications.
Saboo Cars Pvt Ltd(Config project was sold here) (Jan-2019 to June-2020) Bangalore
Software Engineer Software Development on Python Language, Odoo,
NodeJS,Mongo, Postgres and React JS. Full stack developer role. Rarely worked
on Linux console for AWS deployments like DB backup automation, DB recreations,
GATSBY Website creation, etc. We developed two ERP Products and a web market
place. Student Smart Consultancy and Dealership Management System are ERP
Products. Gurus Market Place is the web market place. This can be customized and
used for any e-commerce.
Config Software Solutions(Project was sold to Saboo)(Mar-2018 to Dec-2018) Hyderabad
Software Engineer Software Engineer on Python Language. Fullstack developer role.
Odoo Framework as backend. JQuery based libraries as front end. Small Manage-
ment Project for the config internal purposes. Postgres SQL is used in backend.
2023- Trade Spend Master(Indigrators (visualfabriq is client) python,flask, pytest, mogodb, react js,
Worked on code optimizations in Excel export and import modules. Made code modi-
fications to increase speed in Contract bulk update and various modules. Created
scripts for extracting reports from various client databases and converting them to
excels and json formats. Created a pytest report generating module.
2022-2023 User Management(Bigbasket) django, mysql, react js, docker, kubernates
Did entire database design and API design from scratch. Developed all models, mid-
dlewares, APIs, including CRUD APIs for various screens to and many service APIs
for different teams. Written docker file, deployment file and helm charts for this Ap-
plication. In a nutshell, entire backend. Implemented multitenancy architecture to
handle multiple databases on request basis. integrated various 3rd party APIs.
2022-2023 Communication Engine(Bigbasket) django, mysql, angular js, docker, kubernates
This is a python application built on django, mysql and Angular js. Created various
REST APIs in this application. Migrated many monolith data APIs and tables to mi-
cro service database. Did many external service provider API integrations to this App,
which includes Service classes and API views, and middlewares handling them. Pan-
das was used for bulk uploads and data processing. The communication templates
are also stored in this app. Created some screen using Angular JS.
2020-2022 EDFUNDS Web(Financepeer, now LEO1) django, postgres, react js
This is a fintech Web application built on django, postgressql and React JS. Built
Voucher Management flow, Communication work flow and Security service from
scratch. Created all, views and corresponding APIs. Written React JS code for
Voucher management and few other small modules.
2020 Dealership Management System(Saboo) odoo, postgres, backbone js, docker
This is an ERP Product built on Odoo,which is an framework built on python and
backbone js. Built entire backend for CRM, Sales, Service and Inventory module using
odoo. Written all models, views and corresponding XML files.
2020 Guru's Marketplace(Saboo) Node js, React JS, Mongo db
Guru’s Marketplace is a Generic Content Management and E-commerce product,
which is used to create websites and maintain content in the Websites. Integrated
Strapi with Node js backend, and designed mongo db structure for application. Built
few service APIs for fetching data.
2019 Student Smart Consultancy(Saboo) odoo, postgres, backbone js, docker
It’s a product for Consultants and Students. Currently used by an International
Medical consultant. Built student module, consultant module, Application workflow
screens, APIs and corresponding models and views.
2018-2019 Config Analyitics Tool(Config) django, mongo db, jquery, Javascript
This is a django application connected to a mongo db. This application basically
converts an excel into a mongo collection. The frontend has a module, which loads
mongo data and converts as various charts. Built this project end to end.
2017-2018 Explora BI(GGK) django, javascript, jquery
Business Analytics tool. Did highcharts integration with jquery. Created APIs for con-
verting data into various formats based on UI requests. Built on django and jquery.

2016 Student Reporting Tool(My Personal)

This is a django application connected to a postgres sql. Did all database design,
all django code and frontend application. The frontend application is built using The
frontend has a module, which loads data from APIs and converts as various charts.
Built this project end to end.
Professional Training
2023 Mathematics for Machine Learning Udemy
Linear Algebra and Vector Calculas
2020 Applied Data Science with Python IBM Cognitive Class
Data Analysis, Statistics and Data Visualization with Python.
2019 Professional Certification in Data Structures and Algorithms Udemy
Data Structures and Algorithms
2017 Oracle Certified Professional- Java SE 6 Oracle Corporation
Java SE Development

2017 Bronze Medal in Code Week 34 Hackerrank
2016 Silver Medal in Code Week 26 Hackerrank
2016 1st Prize in Crypted Wisdom Osmania University
National level Competition
2016 1st Prize in Paper Presentation Osmania University
National level Competition
2016 3rd Prize in Paper Presentation Sri Indu group of Institutons
State level Competition


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