Project Edx HTML
Project Edx HTML
Project Edx HTML
Project Overview
ABC Consultant is a reputed placement company based in Seattle. Their primary focus is to help people with
less than 5 years of experience to find a suitable placement in their industry. You have been hired by ABC
Consultants as a web developer and they have assigned you the task of creating the porfolio of one of their
clients as a single static webpage to share with the prospective employers. You will be putting to use your
newly acquired skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to do this. You have been asked to create a single page
portfolio for your client, having the following sections:
About Me
Task 1:
Task 2:
The navigation bar has 4 options (About, Skills, Projects, and Recommendations). On mouse hover, the font
and text styling change and the cursor arrow pointer changes to a finger pointer. – 3 points
Task 3:
The “About Me” section has a unique profile image, name, and text reflecting a summary of learners profile.
– 3 points
Task 4:
The skills added by the learner appear, with logo and text in the specified format. – 3 points
Task 5:
The 3 projects are different from the default ones given in the sample code and are in the specified format. –
2 points
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6/17/24, 10:06 PM about:blank
Task 6:
The 3 recommendations are different from the default ones given in the sample code and are in the specified
format. - 2 points
Task 7:
Task 8:
Task 9:
Upon submitting a recommendation, a pop-up message with confirmation dialogue appears. – 2 points
Other Contributor(s)
K Sundararajan
Michelle Saltoun
Date Version Changed by Change Description
26-10-2022 1.0 K Sundararajan Initial version created
09-11-2022 1.1 K Sundararajan Updated instructions based on CFT reviews
16-11-2022 1.2 Michelle Saltoun Minor text edits
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