Artigo David Ludwig
Artigo David Ludwig
Artigo David Ludwig
Increasing Adiposity
Consequence or Cause of Overeating?
David S. Ludwig, MD, Ninety years ago, aneditorialinJAMAquestionedthepre- nated effects on carbohydrate and fat metabolism. States
PhD vailingapproachtoobesitytreatment:“Whenwereadthat of increased insulin action, such as excessive insulin treat-
New Balance ‘thefatwomanhastheremedyinherownhands—orrather mentindiabetesandinsulinoma,predictablycauseweight
Foundation Obesity
betweenherownteeth’...thereisanimplicationthatobe- gain,whereasdecreasedinsulinaction(eg,insulinomission
Prevention Center,
Boston Children’s sity is usually merely the result of unsatisfactory dietary in type 1 diabetes) results in weight loss.
Hospital, Boston, bookkeeping...[Althoughlogicsuggeststhatbodyfat]may
Massachusetts, and be decreased by altering the balance sheet through dimin- Metabolic Defects May Precede Overeating in Obesity
Harvard Medical
School, Boston,
ishedintake,orincreasedoutput,orboth... [t]heproblem Inexperimentalmodels,obesitymayarisefromgeneticma-
Massachusetts. is not really so simple and uncomplicated as it is pictured.”1 nipulationofenergyhomeostasispathwaysthroughoutthe
Since then, billions of dollars have been spent on research body that do not affect food intake, including muscle-
Mark I. Friedman, PhD into the biological factors affecting body weight, but the specific insulin receptor ablation, adipose-specific overex-
Nutrition Science near-universal remedy remains virtually the same, to eat pression of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (an
Initiative, San Diego,
California. less and move more. According to an alternative view, enzyme involved in glucocorticoid metabolism), and liver-
chronic overeating represents a manifestation rather than specific overexpression of sterol regulatory element-
theprimarycauseofincreasingadiposity.Attemptstolower bindingprotein-1c(atranscriptionfactorregulatingdenovo
body weight without addressing the biological drivers of lipogenesis). Of particular relevance, changes in dietary
weight gain, including the quality of the diet, will inevitably compositioncanproduceobesityingeneticallynormalani-
failformostindividuals.ThisViewpointsummarizestheevi- mals, independent of an increase in calorie intake. Rats fed
dence for this seemingly counterintuitive hypothesis, ver- high vs low glycemic index diets developed hyperinsu-
sionsofwhichhavebeendebatedformorethanacentury.2 linemia, increased expression of fatty acid synthase in fat
tissue, and greater incorporation of glucose into lipids—
Physiological Mechanisms metabolic abnormalities that predispose to excessive fat
Voluntary changes in calorie intake predictably pro- deposition.7 When the high glycemic index animals were
duce short-term weight change, suggesting the possi- food-restricted to prevent excessive weight gain, they still
bility of conscious control of body weight over the long gained substantially more fat (70%) than the low glycemic
term. However, feeding studies demonstrate that indexanimalsandalsoexhibitedadversechangesincardio-
changes in energy balance produce biological adapta- vascular disease risk factors.8
tions that antagonize ongoing weight loss or gain. For in- This combination of increased adiposity despite
stance, in a study in which 41 lean or obese research par- reduced energy intake cannot be explained by the calorie-
ticipants were underfed or overfed to achieve 10% to centric view of obesity but may be understood by the
20% weight change, energy expenditure decreased or alternative model. Various genetic or environmental fac-
increased, respectively.3 These metabolic responses and tors, including the quality of the diet (Figure), induce an
reciprocal changes in hunger serve to defend baseline excessively anabolic state that favors storage rather than
body weight. Indeed, only a small proportion of over- oxidationofingestedcalories(ie,increasedlipogenesis,avid
weight and obese people in the United States report ever uptake of glucose and lipid into fat cells, and lower fasting
having maintained weight loss of at least 10% for 1 year.4 lipolysis and insulin resistance in muscle). Subsequently,
hunger increases and energy expenditure decreases, re-
Metabolic Fuel Concentration, Hunger, Body Weight flecting the body’s attempt to compensate for the loss of
The body has a continuous energy requirement, and for circulatingmetabolicfuelssequesteredintoadiposetissue
this reason, the concentration of major metabolic fuels— andthereforeunavailableforothermetabolicrequirements.
glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, and ketones—is tightly
controlled, with their combined total ranging in the A Focus on Diet Composition, Not Total Calories,
plasma between 4 and 6 kcal/L according to one study May Best Facilitate Weight Loss
of 8 obese young adults.5 An acute decrease in the cir- If anabolic metabolic defects precede and promote over-
culating concentration or oxidation of these fuels pro- eating, then conventional calorie-restricted diets would
Corresponding vokes intense hunger and food intake.6 Conversely, phar- comprisesymptomatictreatment,destinedtofailoverthe
Author: David S. macological manipulations that increase metabolic fuel long term for most people in an environment of unlimited
Ludwig, MD, PhD,
Boston Children’s
availability, such as fatty acid synthase inhibition or β3- food availability. Such diets could exacerbate the under-
Hospital, 300 agonist administration, lower food intake. lying metabolic dysfunction by further limiting metabolic
Longwood Ave, Disordersinvolvingtheanabolichormoneinsulinhigh- fuel availability, lowering energy expenditure, and increas-
Boston, MA 02115
lightthepotentialinfluenceofmetabolicfuelconcentration inghunger(recapitulatingthestarvationresponseamidap-
@childrens.harvard on body weight regulation. Insulin drives glucose and non- parent nutritional adequacy).7,9 However, qualitative as-
.edu). esterified fatty acids into storage forms through coordi- pectsofdietmayimprovemetabolicfunctionandincrease
A Prevailing model
B Alternative model
circulating concentrations of metabolic fuels independent of calorie tial food provision to enhance differentiation, such as in the DIRECT
content. One approach aims to reduce insulin secretion with a low gly- (DietaryInterventionRandomizedControlledTrial)studyandDiogenes
cemic index or a low-carbohydrate diet.5,7,9 In support of this possibil- (Diet,Obesity,andGenes)Project,suggest important effects of dietary
ity, energy expenditure was about 325 kcal/d greater while consum- composition on body weight and metabolic outcomes.
ing an isocaloric low carbohydrate (60% fat) vs conventional (20% fat) Ultimately, weight loss requires consuming fewer calories than ex-
diet in a controlled feeding study of weight loss maintenance.9 Other pended.Acommoninterpretationofthisthermodynamicprinciplede-
dietary factors speculated to decrease anabolic drive include low re- emphasizes the importance of dietary composition and instead places
fined sugar intake, high polyunsaturated to saturated fat ratio, high focus on behavioral methods to establish a negative energy balance.
omega-3 and low trans-fatty acid intake, adequate protein, high micro- Although reduced energy intake acutely decreases fat mass, predict-
nutrient and phytochemical content, and probiotics and prebiotics. able physiological and behavioral adaptations progressively lessen the
Physical activity level, sleep, and stress may also, directly or indirectly, ability of most people to maintain voluntary energy restriction. Ac-
influence calorie uptake and storage in the adipocyte. cording to an alternative view, the metabolic effects of refined carbo-
hydrate (consumed in greater amounts now than in the 1970s, with
Future Research Needs adoption of the low-fat diet) and other environmental factors cause
Several large dietary counseling studies reported no difference in body the adipocyte to take in, store, and trap too many calories. Subse-
weight between treatment groups differing in macronutrient compo- quently, energy expenditure declines and hunger increases, reflect-
sition.Althoughthesestudiesdemonstratethechallengestolastingbe- inghomeostaticresponsestoloweredcirculatingconcentrationsofglu-
havioralchangeinthemodernfoodenvironment,theinherentefficacy cose and other metabolic fuels. Thus, overeating may be secondary
of specific diets cannot be examined because of limited differentiation to diet-induced metabolic dysfunction in the development of some
among treatment groups. For example, 811 participants in the Pounds forms of obesity. If so, treatment focused on dietary quality, rather than
LostStudy10 reportedmeanmaximumdifferencesofonly9%indietary advice to eat less, could help address this sequence of events at the
fat and 5% in protein among 4 treatment groups. Actual intakes may source and produce better long-term weight loss. Mechanistically ori-
have differed by even smaller amounts because of the possibility of so- ented trials with well-differentiated diet groups and comparative ef-
cial desirability bias in self-reports. In contrast, clinical trials using par- fectiveness studies addressing this controversy are under way.