Software Releasedocument AAA31013AAC
Software Releasedocument AAA31013AAC
Software Releasedocument AAA31013AAC
Supercedes: AAA31013AAB
Approvals: At a minimum, the Software Developer, Team/Program Leader and the Software Manager shall approve the
software release. Additional rows may be added as needed.
Software Test Manager Stone, Jason JPB for Jason Stone 11/10/05
Kokoschka, A. - OECB
Lee, JeaPil - OECLG
Kim, JeongO - OEC-SHA
Miguchi, Y. - OTI
Schröder-Brumloop, H - OECB
SRD Revisions (Instructions: Complete this section for an SRD update only (no change to the existing software code).
1. Deliverable Media
The Drive TI 2812 DSP Software (30924) on the GDCB platform is maintained in
FLASH. To enable Otis to load and/or update the application on the target, we have
defined two loaders, a Primary (31013) and Secondary (31014). The Primary Loader
defined here and required on the target, will check for acceptable download options and if
detected, enable the associated tools interface. If no tool is detected, then the Primary
Loader will enable the Drive application. The Secondary Loader maintains the download
smarts (size, location, etc…) and will be contained within the tool media with the
Required Files:
1. AAA31013AAC.out
2. AAA31013AAC_PP.sdp
3. AAA31013AAC_USB.sdp
4. SDFlash2812.out
5. Spectrum Digital’s Flash Burn Utility
Required Hardware:
1. JTAG (XDS510PP or XDS510USB)
2. Option Board (AxA26800ALH)
Programming the FLASH – using the Spectrum Digital Flash Burn Utility
1. Copy the required version of AAA31013AAC.out, AAA31013AAC_PP.sdp and
AAA31013AAC_USB.sdp from Pegasus onto your local disk.
2. Power up the target processor board and/or drive.
3. Exit Code Composer Studio (CCS) if it is already running.
5) Select File->Open Project and select the folder containing the required
30924_xxx.sdp file:
• If using XDS510PP, select 30924_PP.sdp.
• If using XDS510USB, select 30924_USB.sdp.
6) Select Buffer->Coff Load.
7) Select Device->Reset.
8) Select Device->Flash.
9) Click Start. Verify the programming was successful by reading the messages. If an
error occurs between the ERASE and PROGRAM steps, follow this procedure:
• Make sure only Erase option is checked. Click Start.
• When complete, uncheck Erase and check Program. Click Start.
• When complete, uncheck Program and check Verify. Click Start.
• Verify the programming was successful by reading the messages.
10) Exit Spectrum Digital Flash Burn Utility.
11) Power up the target or drive.
12) Using the Service Tool, go to menu M418 if a 422 Interface is being use or M218
(M18 if locally connected) for a CAN interface. Navigate through this menu until
the Primary Loader CRC is being displayed.
13) Verify the CRC32 of the AAA31013AAC as follows:
• The CRC32 of the AAA31013AAC is 1A349C4B if the following versions
of 30924 are used:
o AAA30924AAB
o AP130924AAB
o AP230924AAB
2. Dependencies
Embedded Burn Procedures
Runs on PC Board
• PC board assembly AAA26800AKT is required for this software.
Installation Dependencies
• This software will run with AAA30924AAB, AAA31014AAC.
3. Changes
List all the closed SCRs in this configuration (note: this information is gathered by running the Tracker
Time for starting 30924 Application is too long.
The time from RESET to 30924 transmitting CAN startup message must be reduce to less than 5.0 seconds.
Changed AppValid() to not perform CRC32.
Changed RunSvt() to wait only 0.2 seconds before sending prompt to PC, and to wait only 0.2 seconds for
response from PC.
Component(s) Affected:
Artifacts Affected:
The display will show AAA31013AAC
Component(s) Affected:
Artifacts Affected:
Total SCRs: 2
4. Reference Documents
List the reference documents associated with this release.
Document Number
Title Revision
30924_CHK_GDCB.xls Drive TI 2812 DSP Software 11/07/2005
31014_SDD_GDCB.doc Gen2 Modular Regenerative Drive 04/18/2005
Software Download
Software Design Document
55794_SDP_GDCB.doc Drive TI 2812 DSP Software 11/07/2005
Software Development Plan
30924_STR_GDCB.doc Drive TI2812 DSP Software 11/07/2005
Software Test Results
D323_STP_GlobalDrives .doc Global Drive Control Board 04/15/2005
Software Test Plan
5. Notes