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Arabidopsis Thaliana Has The Catalytic Capacity To Activate

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THE JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY Vol. 280, No. 14, Issue of April 8, pp.

13962–13972, 2005
© 2005 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

A New Type of Peroxisomal Acyl-Coenzyme A Synthetase from

Arabidopsis thaliana Has the Catalytic Capacity to Activate
Biosynthetic Precursors of Jasmonic Acid*
Received for publication, December 2, 2004, and in revised form, January 19, 2005
Published, JBC Papers in Press, January 26, 2005, DOI 10.1074/jbc.M413578200

Katja Schneider‡, Lucie Kienow‡, Elmon Schmelzer‡, Thomas Colby‡, Michael Bartsch‡,
Otto Miersch§, Claus Wasternack§, Erich Kombrink‡¶, and Hans-Peter Stuible‡
From the ‡Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Department of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Carl-von-Linné-
Weg 10, 50829 Köln and the §Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Department of Natural Product Biotechnology,
Weinberg 3, 06120 Halle, Germany

Arabidopsis thaliana contains a large number of In the second step, the acyl group is transferred to an ultimate
genes that encode carboxylic acid-activating enzymes, acceptor, which in most cases is CoA, and AMP is released
including nine long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetases, (Reaction 2).
four 4-coumarate:CoA ligases (4CL), and 25 4CL-like pro-
teins of unknown biochemical function. Because of their Acyl-AMP ⫹ CoA 3 acyl-CoA ⫹ AMP
high structural and sequence similarity with bona fide REACTION 2
4CLs and their highly hydrophobic putative substrate-
binding pockets, the 4CL-like proteins At4g05160 and A large number of enzymes catalyzing the above reaction se-
At5g63380 were selected for detailed analysis. Following quence are characterized by the presence of a highly conserved
heterologous expression, the purified proteins were putative AMP-binding domain (PROSITE PS00455), and in
subjected to a large scale screen to identify their pre- fact, this sequence motif has been used to group diverse pro-
ferred in vitro substrates. This study uncovered a signif- teins such as fatty acyl-CoA synthetases, acetyl-CoA syntheta-
icant activity of At4g05160 with medium-chain fatty ac- ses, 4-coumarate:CoA ligases, chlorobenzoate:CoA ligase, non-
ids, medium-chain fatty acids carrying a phenyl ribosomal polypeptide synthetases, and firefly luciferases in
substitution, long-chain fatty acids, as well as the jas-
one superfamily of adenylate-forming enzymes (1, 2).
monic acid precursors 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid and
In Arabidopsis thaliana 44 genes have been identified that
3-oxo-2-(2ⴕ-pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-hexanoic acid. The
encode proteins containing the consensus AMP-binding domain
closest homolog of At4g05160, namely At5g63380,
showed high activity with long-chain fatty acids and signature, whereas 19 additional genes contain a more dis-
12-oxo-phytodienoic acid, the latter representing the tantly related sequence motif (3, 4). For some members of the
most efficiently converted substrate. By using fluores- latter group, the ATP-dependent in vitro adenylation of the
cent-tagged variants, we demonstrated that both 4CL- plant hormones jasmonic acid (JA),1 salicylic acid, or indole-3-
like proteins are targeted to leaf peroxisomes. Collec- acetic acid (IAA) has been demonstrated, and hence a function
tively, these data demonstrate that At4g05160 and in hormone signaling was inferred (3). Recently, it was shown
At5g63380 have the capacity to contribute to jasmonic that one enzyme of this group, called JAR1, functions as a
acid biosynthesis by initiating the ␤-oxidative chain JA-amino acid synthetase conjugating activated JA with iso-
shortening of its precursors. leucine, and genetic evidence supports the notion that JA-Ile is
indeed an essential component of jasmonate signaling in Ara-
bidopsis (5). In contrast to JA, amino acid conjugates of IAA
The activation of carboxylic acids is required in numerous have been known for a long time, but the enzymes responsible
metabolic pathways of all organisms and contributes to the for their biosynthesis have not yet been reported.
biosynthesis or degradation of diverse compounds such as fatty Among the 44 Arabidopsis proteins containing the consensus
acids, amino acids, and a variety of secondary metabolites. AMP-binding domain, several fatty acyl-CoA synthetases dif-
Despite the structural diversity of their substrates, many en- fering in chain length specificity and cellular localization, four
zymes acting on carboxylic acids utilize the same ATP-depend- 4-coumarate:CoA ligases (4CLs), and one acetyl-CoA synthe-
ent two-step mechanism. The first step is characterized by the tase have been identified, but the function of the remaining
formation of an acyl-AMP intermediate, the so-called adeny- enzymes is still unknown (4, 6 –13). Two of the nine long-chain
late, with concomitant release of pyrophosphate (Reaction 1). fatty acyl-CoA synthetases (LACS) present in Arabidopsis,
LACS6 and LACS7, represent peroxisomal enzymes that are
Acid ⫹ ATP 3 acyl-AMP ⫹ PPi essential for storage lipid mobilization during germination (12,
13). Hence a lacs6 lacs7 double mutant requires exogenous

The abbreviations used are: JA, jasmonic acid; IAA, indole-3-acetic
acid; MeJA, methyl jasmonate; 4CL, 4-coumarate:CoA ligase; LACS,
* This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft long-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetase; OPDA, 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid;
Grant KO1192/6-1/2. The costs of publication of this article were de- OPC-8:0, 3-oxo-2-(2⬘-pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-octanoic acid; OPC-6:0,
frayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must 3-oxo-2-(2⬘-pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-hexanoic acid; OPR-3, OPDA re-
therefore be hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 ductase-3; SBP, substrate-binding pocket; PTS1, peroxisomal targeting
U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. signal type 1; IBA, indole-butyric acid; RFP, red fluorescent protein;
¶ To whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: 49-221-5062- YFP, yellow fluorescent protein; MS, mass spectrometry; WT, wild type;
320; Fax: 49-221-5062-353; E-mail: [email protected]. RT, reverse transcriptase.

13962 This paper is available on line at http://www.jbc.org

Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors 13963
sucrose for germination and seedling development (13), a phe- encoded by the Arabidopsis genome (4, 37). It has been sug-
notype also described for the Arabidopsis pxa1 mutant and gested that 4CL-like proteins may activate cinnamic, benzoic,
other mutants defective in ␤-oxidation (14 –16). The PXA1 pro- or fatty acid derivatives, including precursors of plant hor-
tein is an ATP-binding cassette transporter located in the per- mones, but no such enzymatic function has yet been demon-
oxisomal membrane and considered to import long-chain fatty strated for any of these proteins (4, 37, 38). Ideally, direct
acid CoA esters for ␤-oxidation from the cytosol (14). The ob- transfer of structural information from the 4CL system to
servation that the pxa1 mutant and the lacs6 lacs7 double 4CL-like proteins would lead to a defined arrangement of
mutant are compromised in the mobilization of storage lipids amino acid residues forming the putative SBP, thereby delim-
indicates that both activated and free fatty acids are imported iting the space and chemical environment for a potential sub-
into peroxisomes and that peroxisomal LACS activity is essen- strate. However, structure prediction is still a challenging task,
tial for plant ␤-oxidation to support early seedling growth (13). and in case of the 4CL-like proteins further hampered by the
Plant peroxisomes are involved in a variety of oxidative occurrence of insertions and deletions in the region comprising
processes such as the ␤-oxidation of fatty acids to produce the putative SBP-forming amino acid residues. Therefore, we
acetyl-CoA, the metabolism of glycolate formed during photo- developed a luciferase-based assay that is generally applicable
respiration, and the catabolism of aliphatic amino acids (17– to adenylate-forming enzymes and allows the semi-quantita-
19). In addition, peroxisomal enzymes contribute to the forma- tive analysis of their in vitro substrate utilization at a large
tion and turnover of signaling molecules such as nitric oxide scale. By applying this screen to two 4CL-like proteins from
and H2O2 (20) and to the biosynthesis of the plant hormones Arabidopsis, At4g05160 and At5g63380, we uncovered that
IAA and JA (21–24). Analogous to the mammalian eicosanoid both enzymes have the capacity to activate different fatty acid
pathway, the biosynthesis of JA in Arabidopsis occurs via the derivatives, including the JA precursors OPDA and 3-oxo-2-(2⬘-
octadecanoic pathway starting from linolenic acid (18:3) or, pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-hexanoic acid (OPC-6:0). Together
alternatively, via the hexadecanoid pathway starting from with their demonstrated localization in peroxisomes, these cat-
hexadecatrienoic acid (16:3) (25, 26). In leaves, these polyun- alytic activities suggest that both enzymes have a function in
saturated fatty acids may be released from the membrane JA biosynthesis.
lipids of the chloroplast by phospholipases functionally related EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES
to DAD1 (27), and in subsequent steps, they are converted to Isolation and Cloning of At4g05160 and At5g63380 cDNAs—The
the cyclopentenones 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid (OPDA) or dinor- cDNAs of At4g05160 and At5g63380 were amplified by RT-PCR from A.
OPDA, respectively, by the enzymes lipoxygenase, allene oxide thaliana (Col-0) total RNA. Synthesis of the cDNAs and subsequent PCR
synthase, and allene-oxide cyclase (25, 28, 29). OPDA may then amplification of the full-length reading frames was performed with the
Titan® one tube RT-PCR kit (Roche Diagnostics) according to the manu-
be re-esterified to plastid-specific galactolipids (30) or may be
facturer’s instructions with the primer pair At4g05160-FI and -RI (ATG-
released from the chloroplast and function as a signal molecule GAGAAATCCGGCTACGGCAGAGACG and TCACATCTTGGATCTTA-
mediating mechanotransductory processes or plant defense re- CTTGCTGAACAAG) and the primer pair At5g63380-FI and -RI (ATGC-
derivative has to be translocated into peroxisomes where it is CCAC), respectively. The resulting cDNAs were used as templates for a
reduced to 3-oxo-2-(2⬘-pentenyl)-cyclopentane-1-octanoic acid second round of PCR amplification using the primer pair At4g05160-FII
(OPC-8:0) by OPDA reductase-3 (OPR-3), the action of which is
followed by three rounds of ␤-oxidation (22, 25, 32, 33). This CTTGCTGAACAAGTTC) and the primer pair At5g63380-FII and -RII
sequence of ␤-oxidative steps is indicated by the fact that only (TTAAATGGATCCATGCTGACGAAAACCAACGACAGCCG and AAT-
even-numbered carboxylic acid side chains of OPC derivatives TAAGTCGACTCAAAGTTTTGATGCATTGCCATCCACAGC), respec-
led to JA biosynthesis (34). In contrast to all other steps of JA tively. In the case of At4g05160, this second PCR amplification was
used to introduce the SphI and SalI sites required for cloning into the
biosynthesis, enzymes participating in these ␤-oxidative reac-
expression vector pQE32 (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). In case of
tions of JA precursors have not yet been identified or At5g63380, BamHI and SalI sites were introduced in the second round
characterized. of PCR amplification, and the resulting product was cloned into the
Four isoforms of 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) have been expression plasmid pQE30 (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). The DNA se-
identified in Arabidopsis, which presumably constitute the quences of all isolated clones were determined by the ADIS service unit
complete enzyme family (6, 9). Typically, 4CLs activate 4-cou- (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany) on
ABI PRISM377 DNA sequencers (PE Applied Biosystems, Foster City)
maric, caffeic, and ferulic acid to the corresponding CoA esters. by using BigDye Terminator chemistry and were found to be identical
These activated cinnamic acid derivatives serve as precursors with the sequences available from the MIPS data base (Munich Infor-
for the biosynthesis of numerous plant secondary compounds mation Center for Protein Sequences, Neuherberg, Germany).
such as flavonoids, isoflavonoids, coumarins, lignin, suberin, Heterologous Expression and Purification of At4g05160 and
anthocyanins, and wall-bound phenolics, which have essential At5g63380 —Expression and purification of At4g05160 and At5g63380
were essentially carried out as described previously for At4CL2 (2),
functions in plant development and environmental interactions
with the exception that the expression plasmids were introduced into
(35, 36). We have shown previously that the four Arabidopsis the Escherichia coli strain DH5␣ carrying the repressor plasmid pREP4
4CL isoforms exhibit distinct substrate utilization profiles that (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany) and that the growth temperature was re-
may be related to specific metabolic functions (6). By detailed duced to 25 °C. The purity of the enzymes was inspected by SDS gel
biochemical characterization of At4CL2, a naturally occurring electrophoresis. Protein concentrations were determined according to
loss-of-function mutant that is incapable of converting ferulic Bradford (39) with bovine serum albumin as standard.
4CL-catalyzed Synthesis of CoA Esters—4CL activity was deter-
acid, and homology modeling of its substrate-binding pocket mined by the spectrophotometric assay described previously (6) with
(SBP), we uncovered the substrate specificity-determining standard concentrations of the cinnamic acid derivative (0.2 mM), ATP
amino acid code of 4CLs (37). This specificity code allowed the (5.5 mM), and CoA (0.3 mM). The specific increase of absorbance during
rational design of At4CL2 variants with new catalytic proper- CoA ester formation was monitored at wavelengths of 311, 333, 363,
ties, including the capacity to activate ferulic, sinapic, and 345, and 352 nm for cinnamoyl-CoA, 4-coumaroyl-CoA, caffeoyl-CoA,
feruloyl-CoA, and sinapoyl-CoA, respectively, and the appropriate mo-
cinnamic acid, substrates not normally converted by the
lar extinction coefficients were used for calculating activity (40, 41).
At4CL2 wild-type enzyme (37). Luciferase-based Assay of Adenylate-forming Enzymes—To screen a
In extension of this work, we are now exploring the struc- large number of carboxylic acids for activation by 4CL and 4CL-like
ture-function relationship of 4CL-like proteins that are amply proteins, the decrease in ATP concentration was determined by a lucif-
13964 Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors
erase-coupled assay. The standard reaction mixture contained 2 ␮g of tained 2 ␮g of purified enzyme, 1 mM carboxylic acid substrate, 1 mM
purified protein, 200 ␮M carboxylic acid substrate, 50 ␮M ATP, 250 ␮M ATP, 1 mM CoA, 30 mM NH4HCO3, and 0.1% Triton X-100. After an
MgCl2, 100 ␮M CoA, 1 mM dithioerythritol, and 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) incubation period of 60 min, the samples were diluted with equal
in a total volume of 200 ␮l. Highly lipophilic substrates, such as long- volumes of acetonitrile, and 2-␮l aliquots were applied to Au/Pd-coated
chain fatty acids, were dissolved in buffer containing 2% Triton X-100, borosilicate glass capillary type medium (Proxeon Biosystems, Odense,
leading to a final concentration of 0.1% Triton X-100 in the assay. Denmark). Mass spectra were recorded with a Micromass Q-TOF 2TM
Jasmonic acid precursors were first dissolved in EtOH and subse- spectrometer (Waters) equipped with a nanoelectrospray ionization
quently diluted with detergent-containing buffer, leading to final con- source and operating in negative ion mode. Capillary voltage was set at
centrations of 0.1% EtOH and 0.1% Triton X-100 in the assay. The 800 V and cone voltage at 40 V. Full-scan mass spectra were obtained
reaction mixtures were incubated at room temperature, and for ATP by scanning from m/z 0 to 1500. Putative product peaks were further
determination, 2-␮l samples were withdrawn at various time points characterized by MS/MS analysis using argon as collision gas and a
and added to a reaction mixture containing 1 ␮g of firefly luciferase collision voltage of 30 V. Data processing was carried out using the
(Roche Diagnostics), 4.6 ␮g of luciferin (Roche Diagnostics), and 0.1 M MassLynx software (version 3.5) from Micromass (Waters).
Tris-HCl (pH 7.8) in total volume of 200 ␮l. Photon emission was RNA Preparation and Collection of Gene Expression Data—A. thali-
measured for 10 s with a Lumat LB 9501 luminometer (Berthold Tech- ana plants were grown in soil in a growth chamber under controlled
nologies, Bad Wildbad, Germany) and expressed as relative luciferase conditions with the photoperiod set to 10 h of light (180 ␮E m⫺2 s⫺1) and
activity, which is directly proportional to ATP concentration. To mini- 14 h of dark, a temperature of 22–23 °C, and a relative humidity of 65%.
mize the variability of the assay, all ATP determinations were normal- Total RNA was extracted from fully developed leaves of 4-week-old
ized to a reaction containing At4CL2 and sinapic acid, in which no ATP plants using RNAwiz (Ambion, Austin, Texas) according to the manu-
depletion occurred and correspondingly was set to 100%. Time course facturer’s instructions. cRNA labeling, hybridization to the GeneChip
experiments using At4CL2 showed that good substrates resulted in ATH-1 (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA), and collection of fluorescence
significant ATP depletion within 1– 4 h (not shown). Therefore, an data were performed as recommended by the manufacturer. The ex-
incubation period of 2 h was chosen for the large scale screen. pression value of the gene chip was scaled globally to the value of 500
Coupled Enzyme Assay of Acyl-CoA Synthetases—For detailed ki- arbitrary florescence units and the background set to 46.65 arbitrary
netic analyses, the activation of selected substrates to the correspond- florescence units.
ing CoA esters by At4g05160 and At5g63380 was followed by measuring The Arabidopsis cell culture At7 (derived from ecotype Columbia)
AMP formation in a coupled spectrophotometric assay with myokinase, was grown as described previously (44). Five days after sub-culturing, 4
pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase adapted from Ziegler et al. mg of methyl jasmonate (MeJA; Sigma) dissolved in 0.1 ml of ethanol
(42). The reaction mixture (1 ml) contained 0.1 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 2 was added to 40 ml of cell culture. After the indicated times of incuba-
mM dithioerythritol, 5 mM ATP, 10 mM MgCl2, 0.5 M CoA, 0.1 mM tion, cells were harvested by filtration and frozen in liquid nitrogen.
NADH, 1 mM phosphoenolpyruvate, 12 nanokatal of myokinase, 7 nano- Total RNA was isolated from 300 mg of cells using the RNeasy plant
katal of pyruvate kinase, 9 nanokatal of lactate dehydrogenase, and mini kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany), denatured, separated on 1.2%
4 –1600 ␮M carboxylic acid substrate. For highly lipophilic substrates agarose-formaldehyde gels, transferred to nylon membranes (Biodyne
0.1% Triton X-100 was added. The reaction was started by addition of B; Pall Life Sciences, New York), and hybridized with radiolabeled DNA
2– 8 ␮g of purified enzyme and the oxidation of 2 mol of NADH per mol probes as described previously (43). Equal loading was monitored by
of substrate activated was followed at 340 nm (⑀NADH ⫽ 6.22 cm2 ethidium bromide staining of the gel. For semi-quantitative RT-PCR
␮mol⫺1). Km and Vmax values were obtained by linear regression of V/s analysis, cDNA was prepared using the SuperScript cDNA synthesis kit
against s (Hanes plots) from at least three independent experiments. (Invitrogen) and amplified with gene-specific primer pairs for At4g05160
Transient Expression and Subcellular Localization of At4g05160 and (TGGAGAAATCCGGCTACGG and ATTCCATATCCCTGCATAAGC)
At5g63380 in Planta—At4g05160 and At5g63380 cDNAs were PCR- and At5g63380 (TGACGAAAACCAACGACAGC and CGGTGGAACCT-
amplified using the primer pair attB1-05160 and attB2-05160 (attB1- GATAAGCC) both spanning exon-intron junctions, thereby excluding
TCATGGAGAAATCCGGCTACGG and attB2-CTCACATCTTGGATC- amplification of contaminating genomic DNA. Product formation was
TTAGTTGC) and the primer pair attB1-63380 and attB2-63380 (attB1- monitored after 20, 25, 30, and 35 PCR cycles by agarose gel electro-
TCATGCTGACGAAAACCAACG and attB2-CTCAAAGTTTTGATGCA- phoresis. The Arabidopsis actin 2 gene (At3g18780) served as internal
TTGCC), respectively, thereby making the PCR products compatible control.
with the Gateway® cloning system (Invitrogen). Both modified cDNAs Synthesis of Jasmonic Acid Precursors—OPCs were obtained as de-
were inserted into the Gateway donor vector pDONR201 by homologous scribed previously (34). OPDA and dinor-OPDA were prepared from
recombination according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The result- ␣-linolenic acid and (7Z,10Z,13Z)-hexadeca-7,10,13-trienoic acid, re-
ing plasmids were used to transfer both coding sequences into the spectively, by a flaxseed extract according to Ref. 45, purified by re-
expression vector pENSGYFP, which is based on pXCS (GenBankTM versed phase-high pressure liquid chromatography, and checked for
accession number AY457636) and was kindly provided by Dr. N. Medi- purity by gas chromatography-MS. (7Z,10Z,13Z)-Hexadeca-7,10,13-
na-Escobar (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, trienoic acid could be obtained by alkaline saponification of a lipid
Germany), leading to N-terminal fusions of YFP to At4g05160 and extract from tomato leaves and separation of the 16:3 fatty acids re-
At5g63380. To serve as peroxisomal marker, the red fluorescent pro- versed phase-high pressure liquid chromatography. All compounds rep-
tein, dsRED (FP583 from Discosoma sp.), with the peroxisomal import resent mixtures of stereoisomers, which were used without further
sequence -SRL fused to its C terminus (kindly provided by M. Miklis, separation.
Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany) was
cloned via HindIII and EcoRI restriction sites into the plant binary RESULTS
expression vector pAMPAT-MCS (GenBankTM accession number Large Scale in Vitro Substrate Analysis of Adenylate-forming
AY436765). All newly designed vectors allowed the in planta expression
Enzymes—In order to identify in vitro substrates of 4CL-like
of proteins under the control of the constitutive cauliflower mosaic virus
double 35S promoter. For transient in planta expression, detached proteins and other carboxylic acid-activating enzymes operat-
leaves of 4-week-old A. thaliana (Col-0) plants were placed on 1% agar ing via an adenylate intermediate, we established a sensitive
plates containing 85 ␮M benzimidazole and bombarded with 1 ␮m gold enzyme assay, which allows the analysis of a large number of
particles coated with vector DNA using the Biolistic® PDS-1000/He different compounds in parallel. The common feature of all
Particle Delivery System (Bio-Rad). Preparation of the DNA-coated adenylate-forming enzymes is the activation of their respective
gold beads was performed as suggested by the manufacturer. Each
substrates at the expense of ATP. Correspondingly, we deter-
macrocarrier was loaded with 6 ␮l of the gold particle suspension, and
the transformation was carried out as described previously (43). Bom- mined ATP consumption in a semi-quantitative assay based on
barded leaves were placed in a growth chamber for 36 h, and subse- luciferase-catalyzed light emission in microtiter plate format
quent fluorescence microscopy was carried out by using an LSM 510 (Fig. 1A). To establish and optimize the assay conditions, we
Meta confocal laser microscope (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). An argon utilized At4CL2 (wild-type) and the At4CL2 double mutant
laser was used as excitation source (514 nm), and light emission was M293P/K320L, designated PL (37, 46). At4CL2 WT efficiently
detected in the range of 570 – 634 nm for RFP constructs and 535–545
activates 4-coumaric and caffeic acid to the corresponding CoA
nm for YFP constructs. Images were recorded and processed by using
LSM 510 3.2 software (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). esters but exhibits strongly reduced activity toward ferulic and
Mass Spectrometric Analysis—For the identification of the CoA ester cinnamic acid, whereas the PL mutant readily activates all
products formed from various substrates, the reaction mixture con- above-mentioned cinnamic acid derivatives, because of its
Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors 13965
Substrate utilization spectrum of Arabidopsis 4CL and
4CL-like proteins
Purified recombinant proteins were incubated with more than 80
carboxylic acid substrates of which selected representatives are listed.
After 2 h, the residual ATP was determined by the luciferase-based
assay. Values represent relative luciferase activity, normalized to the
reaction containing At4CL2 and sinapic acid in which no ATP depletion
occurs (100%). Bold numbers indicate activities ⬍10%.
At4CL2 At4g05160 At5g63380
Substrate WT

% % %
Cinnamic acid 50 118 66
4-Coumaric acid 4 106 50
Caffeic acid 4 96 69
Ferulic acid 50 128 94
Sinapic acid 100 104 120
Benzoic acid 105 129 95
2-Hydroxybenzoic acid (salicylic acid) 101 124 83
4-Hydroxybenzoic acid 115 87 120
4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxybenzoic acid 96 99 69
4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoic acid 101 106 94
(vanillic acid)
Phenylacetic acid 97 90 81
4-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid 77 86 84
3-Phenylpropanoic acid 92 92 66
3-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid 34 82 66
FIG. 1. Luciferase-based activity assay of adenylate-forming 3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propanoic 120 73 78
enzymes. Reaction sequence carried out for activity determination is acid
shown. The ATP not consumed by 4CL-like proteins for CoA ester 4-Phenylbutanoic acid 127 9 86
formation is used for luciferase-catalyzed bioluminescence (A). Affinity- 4-(2-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)butanoic 89 93 76
purified At4CL2 wild-type (WT) and mutant (PL) enzymes were incu- acid
bated for 2 h with different cinnamic acid derivatives (200 ␮M) in the 5-Phenylpentanoic acid 117 3 59
presence of MgATP (50 ␮M) and CoA (100 ␮M), and residual ATP was 4-Methylpentanoic acid 99 27 50
determined by luciferase-dependent bioluminescence (B). Light emis- 2-Hydroxy-3-phenylpropanoic acid 93 98 72
sion of all assays was normalized to a reference reaction containing (3-phenyllactic acid)
sinapic acid and At4CL2 WT, in which no substrate conversion and 2-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid (mandelic 101 77 81
therefore no ATP depletion had occurred (100%). acid)
Phenylalanine 98 80 92
larger and more hydrophobic SBP. In contrast, both At4CL2 Isoleucine 80 97 119
Succinic acid 108 87 113
WT and PL are completely inactive toward sinapic acid (37). Malonic acid 83 107 92
The results of the optimized luciferase-based assay, as de- Acetic acid 87 91 85
scribed under “Experimental Procedures,” indeed reflect the Propanoic acid 91 103 98
known activity profiles of the At4CL2 WT and PL mutant Butanoic acid 97 78 86
Pentanoic acid 110 13 67
enzymes (Fig. 1B). Essentially, the At4CL2 WT enzyme con-
Hexanoic acid 46 0.7 29
verted more than 95% of the ATP in mixtures containing 4-cou- Heptanoic acid 26 3 8
maric and caffeic acid during a reaction period of 2 h, whereas Octanoic acid 70 11 7
the PL mutant depleted ATP in mixtures containing all cin- Nonanoic acid 54 30 0.5
namic acid derivatives except sinapic acid (Fig. 1B). Based on Decanoic acid 93 13 1
Dodecanoic acid 109 25 3
these results, we considered that efficient substrate conversion Tetradecanoic acid 85 0.6 0.8
is indicated by a decrease in ATP concentration by more than Hexadecanoic acid 94 0.1 2
90% within a 2-h incubation period. Among the more than 80 Octadecanoic acid 98 0.2 0.4
additional potential substrates tested with At4CL2 WT, only
3-(4-hydroxy-phenyl)-propanoic and heptanoic acid were con-
verted with very low efficiency, comparable with the poor sub- intrinsic capacity to activate long-chain fatty acids. However,
strates cinnamic and ferulic acid, characterizing At4CL2 as a conversion of long-chain fatty acids was not observed in control
highly selective enzyme (Table I). reactions, e.g. with test enzymes omitted from the assays (not
When applied to commercially available acetyl-CoA synthe- shown).
tase from yeast (Roche Diagnostics), the luciferase-based assay Structural Features of 4CL-like Genes and Proteins from A.
yielded relative conversion rates of acetic, propionic, and bu- thaliana—Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the superfamily
tyric acids, which are consistent with the known properties of of adenylate-forming enzymes present in Arabidopsis segre-
the enzyme (not shown). Collectively, these results demon- gates into distinct clades, clearly separating the functionally
strate that our assay reliably reflects the properties and activ- identified 4CL and LACS enzymes (4, 37). Nevertheless, strik-
ities of different adenylate-forming enzymes. It is noteworthy ing similarities were apparent between neighboring clades, for
that only a small aliquot of the reaction mixture (2 ␮l) was example, when comparing the structures of the Arabidopsis
transferred to the luciferase and luciferin-containing buffer 4CL genes with their closest homologs, genes encoding 4CL-
(200 ␮l) and that the determination of light emission was like proteins, which were previously designated as group B
limited to the short period of 10 s. This experimental setup enzymes (37). Although the number and size of introns found in
allowed the free variation of assay conditions for the adenylate- At4CL genes vary, their relative positions are conserved, i.e.
forming enzyme to be analyzed, while largely eliminating any three introns are found at identical positions in all four genes,
interference of assay components on the luciferase-catalyzed whereas At4CL4 and At4CL3 contain one and three additional
reaction. This was an important consideration because firefly introns, respectively (Fig. 2A). Genes encoding 4CL-like pro-
luciferase has been demonstrated recently (47) to have the teins (group B) contain a similar number of introns (ranging
13966 Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors

FIG. 2. Structural features of genes encoding 4CLs and 4CL-like proteins from A. thaliana (A) and the substrate specificity code
of the proteins (B). A, exons are represented by dark (4CL, group A) and light gray boxes (4CL-like, group B), which are drawn to scale, whereas
introns, which differ in length, are only represented by gaps. Conserved structural and functional domains of the encoded At4CLs and 4CL-like
proteins are also shown. Box I, the consensus AMP-binding motif, (LIVMFY)XX(STG)(STAG)G(ST)(STEI)(SG)X(PASLIVM)(KR), and Box II
(GEICIRG) are represented by black boxes (f), the L motif (DRLK(DE)L) acting as a linker between the large N- and small C-terminal domains
(〫), and K, the catalytic Lys residue (⫹). A putative peroxisomal targeting signal of type 1 (PTS1) is present at the C terminus of most of the
4CL-like proteins and the sequence of the tripeptide is given at the right of the structure. B, the phylogenetic relationship of At4CLs (group A) and
At4CL-like proteins (group B) is based on the amino acid sequence alignment that was generated with the PILEUP program, and the most
parsimonious tree was found by using the heuristic search algorithm with the program PAUP as described previously (37). The same sequence
alignment was used to extract the amino acids corresponding in position to the 12 amino acid residues that were identified previously to form the
substrate-binding pocket of At4CL2 and the catalytic residue lysine 540 (37). Amino acid color code is as follows: gray, nonpolar side chain; blue,
basic side chain; red, acidic side chain; yellow, polar side chain.

from 3 to 5), and most importantly, these are exclusively lo- between the Arabidopsis 4CL and LACS genes (not shown).
cated at the same relative positions as in At4CL genes, with the Based on the high sequence identity between Arabidopsis
exception of At1g62940, which carries two introns at unique 4CLs and 4CL-like proteins (group B), which ranges from 37 to
sites near its 5⬘ end (Fig. 2A). The genes encoding At4g19010, 44%, and based on the strictly co-linear order of highly con-
At4g05160, and At5g63380 show the greatest structural simi- served domains in both groups of enzymes (Fig. 2A), we con-
larity with the four At4CL genes. By contrast, no obvious sidered it reasonable to apply the previously identified 12
correlation of number and position of introns could be observed amino acid residues comprising the 4CL substrate specificity
Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors 13967
code to the group B proteins. We identified corresponding TABLE II
amino acids from multiple sequence alignments, and although Relative conversion rates of plant hormone precursors by Arabidopsis
4CL and 4CL-like proteins
it was not experimentally established that these residues in-
Purified recombinant proteins were incubated for 2 h with the sub-
deed form the SBPs of 4CL-like proteins, we nonetheless ex- strates listed, and residual ATP was determined by the luciferase-based
pected to obtain hints for possible substrate preferences by this assay. Values represent relative luciferase activity, normalized to the
approach. In Fig. 2B, the phylogenetic relationship between reaction containing At4CL2 and sinapic acid in which no ATP depletion
occurs (100%). Bold numbers indicate activities ⬍10%.
Arabidopsis 4CLs (group A) and 4CL-like proteins (group B) is
correlated with the properties of the putative SBP-lining amino Substrate At4CL2 WT At4g05160 At5g63380
acid residues. Two apparent and verifiable predictions arise % % %
from this analysis. First, none of the 4CL-like proteins carries OPDA 102 21 0.2
a charged residue at position 256, which in At4CL2 (Asn-256) DnOPDA 93 34 104
forms a hydrogen bond with the 4-hydroxy group of 4-coumaric OPC-8:0 111 41 22
OPC-6:0 96 5 82
acid (37), and correspondingly, none of the 4CL-like proteins is
OPC-4:0 95 47 90
expected to activate 4-hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives. Sec- JA 96 109 113
ond, the putative SBPs of two closely related proteins, Indole-butyric acid 110 59 89
At4g05160 and At5g63380, are exclusively made up of hydro- Indole-propionic acid 80 92 120
Indole-acetic acid 105 99 114
phobic amino acids (Fig. 2B) and are therefore expected to
preferentially bind hydrophobic substrates. We have demon-
strated previously that by increasing the hydrophobicity of its
SBP, At4CL2 can be converted to a cinnamic acid-activating by the capacity of at least At4g05160 to also activate fatty acids
enzyme (37), and therefore, we hypothesized that a 4CL-like carrying a bulky phenyl substitution and the fact that both
protein with a hydrophobic SBP may represent a cinnamate: proteins carry putative peroxisomal targeting signals of type 1
CoA ligase. (PTS1) at their C termini (Fig. 2A). It is assumed that peroxi-
somal enzymes are responsible for the conversion of IBA to
Two 4CL-like Proteins Function as Fatty Acyl-CoA Syntheta-
IAA, as well as OPDA to JA, and that both pathways include
ses—To verify the hypothesis, cDNAs of both At4g05160 and
␤-oxidation steps, which in analogy to fatty acid oxidation
At5g63380 were cloned from Arabidopsis (Col-0) total leaf
should include an activation step of the precursor to the corre-
mRNA, the encoded proteins were expressed as hexahistidine-
sponding CoA ester (21, 23, 26, 38). Based on these consider-
tagged fusions in E. coli, and the soluble proteins were purified
ations, we extend our substrate screen. Neither At4g05160 nor
to apparent homogeneity by affinity chromatography under
At5g63380 catalyzed an appreciable conversion of indole-bu-
native conditions (not shown). When tested in the standard
tyric acid (IBA), indole-propanoic acid, or IAA, indicating that
photometric 4CL assay, which records the specific absorption of
both enzymes do not participate in auxin biosynthesis or me-
the formed CoA esters, no conversion of cinnamic acid or any of
tabolism (Table II). In contrast, JA precursors were activated
its derivatives was detectable with either protein, suggesting
by both enzymes, albeit with different efficiencies. The pre-
that SBP hydrophobicity and high sequence similarity with
ferred substrate of At4g05160 was OPC-6:0, whereas
At4CLs are insufficient criteria for cinnamic acid binding and
At5g63380 converted OPDA most efficiently, which in turn was
activation. To identify true in vitro substrates of At4g05160
only a poor substrate for At4g05160 (Table II). Thus, the ap-
and At5g63380, we applied the luciferase-based screening as- parent preference of At4g05160 for substrates with shorter
say with more than 80 candidate substrates comprising cin- chain length, as observed with fatty acids, obviously extends to
namic, benzoic, amino, and fatty acid derivatives. From the JA precursors.
results presented in Table I, it is obvious that both proteins In view of the fact that OPDA and OPC-6:0 represent rather
have the capacity to activate hydrophobic substrates. Specifi- unusual substrates for acyl-CoA synthetases and enzymes cat-
cally, At4g05160 was active with 4-phenyl-butanoic and 5-phe- alyzing their activation have not previously been described, we
nyl-pentanoic acid, but derivatives having either shorter side wanted to demonstrate unequivocally that the ultimate reac-
chains, e.g. 3-phenyl-propanoic, phenyl-acetic, and benzoic tion products are indeed CoA esters and exclude the possibility
acid, or containing additional polar groups, e.g. 4-(2-hydroxy- that the reaction stops at the level of adenylate formation.
4-methoxy-phenyl)-butanoic acid, were not converted. The Enzymes that function solely as long-chain fatty acyl-AMP
most efficiently activated substrates, however, were the medi- ligases and have no intrinsic capacity to form a CoA ester end
um-chain fatty acids, hexanoic and heptanoic acid, as well as product have recently been identified in Mycobacterium tuber-
the long-chain fatty acids, tetradecanoic (C14:0), hexadecanoic culosis (48). Therefore, we determined the chemical nature of
(C16:0), and octadecanoic (C18:0) acid, whereas fatty acids of the reaction products formed from OPDA by At5g63380 by
intermediate chain length (octanoic, nonanoic, decanoic, and using mass spectrometry operating in negative ion mode (Fig.
dodecanoic acid) were activated only with markedly reduced 3). The molecular masses of the product ions m/z 1040.48 and
efficiency (Table I). Subsequent, detailed kinetic analyses re- 519.63 were identical, within the experimental error, to the
vealed that this unusual discontinuous chain length specificity calculated masses of singly and doubly deprotonated OPDA-
with two apparent activity maxima is because of substrate CoA (Fig. 3B). Both product ions were selected for fragmenta-
inhibition by the corresponding C8:0 to C12:0 fatty acids at the tion, and in the corresponding MS/MS spectra the majority of
concentration applied in the luciferase-based activity assay ions could be assigned to typical fragments of phosphoad-
(results not shown). At5g63380, in comparison to At4g05160, enosine containing compounds (49) and fragments containing
preferentially activated fatty acids with increased chain length OPDA (Fig. 3C). Corresponding results were obtained with
(C9:0 to C18:0) and thus shares characteristics with long-chain OPC-6:0, hexanoic, and nonanoic acid upon incubation with
fatty acyl-CoA synthetases, whereas short-chain fatty acids up At4g05160 (not shown). In conclusion, compelling evidence was
to a chain length of C6, as well as phenyl-substituted fatty provided that both enzymes, At4g05160 and At5g63380, cata-
acids, were converted either poorly or not at all (Table I). lyze the conversion of their substrates to the CoA esters.
At4g05160 and At5g63380 Have the Capacity to Contribute Catalytic Efficiency of At4g05160 and At5g63380 —For en-
to JA Biosynthesis—Although At4g05160 and At5g63380 can zymes accepting multiple substrates, critical assessment of
convert medium- and long-chain fatty acids, we were intrigued substrate specificity and utilization required detailed kinetic
13968 Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors

FIG. 3. Electrospray ionization-

mass spectrometric analysis of
OPDA-CoA. Structure of OPDA-CoA (Mr
1041.31), and OPC-6:0 for comparison,
with the cleavage sites and m/z values of
the major negative fragmentation ions
(A). Full scan mass spectra of a reaction
mixture containing OPDA (1 mM),
MgATP (1 mM), and CoA (1 mM) were
recorded in negative ion mode before and
60 min after addition of affinity-purified
At5g63380 protein. The reaction product
OPDA-CoA is represented in the differ-
ence spectrum by the molecular ions [M ⫺
H]⫺1 (m/z 1040.48) and [M ⫺ 2H]⫺2 (m/z
519.63) and the fragments [M ⫺
H2PO3]⫺1 (m/z 960.36) and [AMP-H]⫺1
(m/z 346.04) derived thereof (B). The sin-
gly charged OPDA-CoA ion (m/z 1040.48)
was selected for fragmentation, and the
product ions were recorded in negative
ion mode (C). This MS/MS analysis re-
sulted in fragments characteristic of CoA
or phosphoadenosine-containing com-
pounds, such as [AMP-H]⫺1 (m/z 346.07),
[ADP-H]⫺1 (m/z 426.05), and [ADP-H2O-
H]⫺1 (m/z 408.03), in addition to frag-
ments containing OPDA, such as [M ⫺
H2PO3]⫺1 (m/z 960.36), [M ⫺ AMP-H]⫺1
(m/z 711.27), [M ⫺ AMP-H20-H]⫺1 (m/z
693.24), and [M ⫺ ADP-H2O-H]⫺1 (m/z
613.30), thereby confirming the structure
of the product OPDA-CoA.

parameters. To establish such data, we applied a quantitative the high kcat/Km value of 237.9 determined for OPDA (Table II)
photometric assay, which couples the rate of AMP formation by justify the classification of At5g63380 as a bona fide OPDA:
adenylate-forming enzymes to NADH oxidation via the auxil- CoA ligase. In contrast to At4g05160, the activity of At5g63380
iary enzymes myokinase, pyruvate kinase, and lactate dehy- with OPC-6:0 was too low to allow a reliable determination of
drogenase (42). For both 4CL-like proteins the kinetic param- kinetic parameters. In agreement with the data presented in
eters (Km and kcat) were determined for two medium-chain Table I, activation of fatty acids by At4CL2 was not detectable.
(C6:0, C9:0) and one long-chain fatty acid (C14:0), as well as for Expression Level and Subcellular Localization of At4g05160
the JA precursors OPDA and OPC-6:0 (Table III). From the and At5g63380 —Because JA is synthesized from OPDA or
data in Table III, it is evident that At4g05160 functions as fatty dinor-OPDA in peroxisomes, enzymes contributing to this con-
acyl-CoA synthetase with a preference for substrates of medi- version must be expressed at reasonable levels and targeted to
um-chain length. With a kcat/Km value of 230.6, nonanoic acid this organelle. To verify whether or not At4g05160 and
represents the most efficiently converted substrate, but hex- At5g63380 fulfil both of these criteria, we analyzed their ex-
anoic (kcat/Km ⫽ 16.74) and tetradecanoic acid (kcat/Km ⫽ 42.76) pression and subcellular localization. Steady state mRNA lev-
were also converted with appreciable efficiency. Both OPDA els of At4g05160 and At5g63380 in Arabidopsis leaves were
and OPC-6:0 have comparable but significantly lower kcat/Km considerably higher than those of all other members of group B
values than the fatty acids used in this analysis (Table III). proteins, except At1g20510 and At1g20490, reaching 20 – 60%
In the case of At5g63380, the efficiency of fatty acid activa- of the expression level exhibited by At4CL1 (Fig. 4). At4CL1
tion increases continuously with their chain length, with has been shown previously (6) to represent the most abundant
kcat/Km values of 0.44, 9.35, and 57.19 for hexanoic, nonanoic, 4CL isoform in leaves. Although mRNA levels need not neces-
and tetradecanoic acid, respectively, resulting in a preliminary sarily correlate with protein abundance, we conclude that
classification of this enzyme as LACS. In fact, the activity of At4g05160 and At5g63380 are presumably of functional impor-
both At5g63380 as well as At4g05160 with long-chain fatty tance. The expression of At4g05160 and At5g63380 in other
acids compares favorably with those of other LACS enzymes of plant organs was determined by semi-quantitative RT-PCR.
plant origin (4, 10, 12, 50). However, the low Km of 11 ␮M and The results revealed that both genes are co-expressed and that
Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors 13969
Kinetic properties of the A. thaliana proteins At4g05160 and At5g63380
Enzyme activity was determined by the lactate dehydrogenase-coupled assay with affinity-purified proteins and varied concentrations of the
substrates listed. All values are the mean ⫾ S.D. of at least three independent determinations.
At4g05160 At5g63380
Km kcat kcat/Km Km kcat kcat/Km

␮M s⫺1 s⫺1 mM⫺1 ␮M s⫺1 sec⫺1 mM⫺1

Hexanoic acid 75 ⫾ 18 1.26 ⫾ 0.09 16.74 6302 ⫾ 1548 2.79 ⫾ 0.25 0.44
Nonanoic acid 6⫾1 1.38 ⫾ 0.12 230.65 2125 ⫾ 1700 19.87 ⫾ 9.68 9.35
Tetradecanoic acid 54 ⫾ 7 2.31 ⫾ 0.47 42.76 35 ⫾ 10 2.00 ⫾ 0.16 57.19
OPDA 93 ⫾ 36 0.30 ⫾ 0.08 3.19 11 ⫾ 5 2.62 ⫾ 0.93 237.86
OPC-6:0 187 ⫾ 33 0.41 ⫾ 0.06 2.19 NDa ND ND
ND, not determined, activity too low.

FIG. 4. Expression levels of At4CLs and At4CL-like genes in

Arabidopsis leaves. Total RNA was extracted from fully developed
leaves of 4-week-old Arabidopsis plants, and relative transcript levels FIG. 5. Influence of methyl jasmonate on gene expression in
were determined as described under “Experimental Procedures.” cultured Arabidopsis cells. Cultured Arabidopsis cells were treated
with MeJA (final concentration 100 ␮g/ml) and incubated for the times
indicated. Control cultures were mock-treated and kept in parallel
leaves, stems, and flowers contained comparable mRNA under otherwise identical conditions. Total extractable RNA was sepa-
amounts, whereas those in roots and siliques were significantly rated on agarose gels (30 ␮g/lane), blotted onto nylon membranes, and
lower (results not shown). hybridized with radiolabeled probes. Equal RNA loading was monitored
It its known that jasmonates induce the expression of genes by ethidium bromide staining.
encoding enzymes of JA biosynthesis such as lipoxygenase,
allene oxide synthase, allene-oxide cyclase-2, and OPR-3 (28). leaves were biolistically transformed with RFP-SRL and YFP-
To explore whether At4g05160 and At5g63380 are also part of At4g05160 or YFP-At5g63380, and after a 36-h post-bombard-
this proposed positive feedback regulatory system, we analyzed ment period, single cells inspected by confocal laser-scanning
their expression in cultured Arabidopsis cells in response to microscopy. Transformed cells showed a punctate labeling pat-
MeJA treatment. As is obvious from Fig. 5, the amount of tern, which is characteristic for peroxisomes (Fig. 6). The com-
At4g05160 mRNA increased strongly and transiently under plete three-dimensional co-localization of yellow and red fluo-
these conditions, although with a delay in comparison to allene rescence, originating from YFP-At4g05160/YFP-At5g63380
oxide synthase mRNA accumulation, whereas the expression and RFP-SRL, respectively, provides compelling evidence that
At5g63380 was not affected by MeJA treatment. both At4g05160 and At5g63380 are localized in peroxisomes
When inspecting the N-terminal regions of At4g05160 and (Fig. 6, C and F), i.e. in the organelle that is responsible for
At5g63380 for subcellular targeting signal sequences, no such fatty acid ␤-oxidation and the final steps of JA biosynthesis.
peptide motifs were identified. However, both proteins possess
major peroxisomal targeting signals of type 1 (PTS1) at their C DISCUSSION
termini (Fig. 2A). To demonstrate that the C-terminal tripep- To decipher the function of large sets of new, uncharacter-
tides present in At4g05160 (⫺SKM) and At5g63380 (⫺SKL) in ized proteins and enzymes that are amply predicted from whole
fact target their enzymes to peroxisomes, we constructed fusion genome sequences is a major challenge of the post-genomic
proteins containing spectral variants of the green fluorescent decade that will provide the basis for our understanding of
protein and used these for transient expression and double complex biological phenomena, such as regulatory networks,
labeling experiments. RFP extended by the canonical major biosynthetic pathways, substrate channeling, and the coordi-
PTS1 tripeptide -SRL (RFP-SRL) was used as peroxisomal nation of metabolic flux within cells. We are currently investi-
marker protein, because a corresponding green fluorescent pro- gating the biochemical properties and functions of proteins
tein variant has been shown previously (51–54) to be success- belonging to a large family of so-called adenylate-forming en-
fully targeted to the organelle in yeast, mammalian, and plant zymes, which is characterized by the presence of a consensus
cells. The complete coding sequences of At4g05160 or AMP-binding motif (PROSITE PS00455). In the Arabidopsis
At5g63380 were fused to the C terminus of YFP, and all con- genome, this group consists of at least 44 proteins, which are
structs placed under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus organized in six phylogenetic clades (4). At present, the bio-
35S promoter (Fig. 6A). For co-localization studies, Arabidopsis chemical properties of 16 of these proteins have been studied in
13970 Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors

FIG. 6. Subcellular localization of

At4g05160 and At5g63380 proteins in
Arabidopsis leaves. Expression plas-
mids harboring YFP-At4g05160 or YFP-
At5g63380 (A) under the control of the
cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter
(p35S) were co-transformed with
p35S::RFP-SRL (A) into Arabidopsis
leaves by particle bombardment. Single
epidermal cells were inspected by confocal
laser microscopy using appropriate filter
sets for simultaneous and selective re-
cording of RFP (B and E) and YFP (C and
F) fluorescence, and 16 optical sections
were used for the reconstruction of three-
dimensional images of the cells. The
punctate labeling patterns of RFP (perox-
isomal marker) and YFP (4CL-like pro-
teins) are virtually identical as evident
from the orange color of the merged im-
ages (D and G), clearly demonstrating the
peroxisomal localization of the 4CL-like
proteins. The scale bars represent 20 ␮m.

detail. Enzymes characterized so far comprise nine long-chain first half-reaction (Reaction 1). Such a modified assay will
and two short-chain fatty acyl-CoA synthetases, a single acetyl- allow us to screen first for a substrate that is converted to an
CoA synthetase, and four 4CLs (4, 6 –13). The function of the adenylate and second for alternative acceptor molecules differ-
remaining proteins is unknown, although the presence of the ent from CoA.
conserved AMP-binding domain suggests that they also cata- By applying the substrate screening procedure to two se-
lyze CoA ester formation via an adenylate intermediate. lected 4CL-like proteins, we uncovered that At4g05160 and
In order to identify the substrates of these putative CoA At5g63380 represent fatty acyl-CoA synthetases with a rela-
ligases we established a general assay for adenylate-forming tively broad specificity for medium- to long-chain fatty acids
enzymes by exploiting their common feature, which is the ATP (Table I). This was an unexpected finding, because in Arabi-
dependence of the first half-reaction (Reaction 1). Luciferase dopsis a family of nine bona fide LACS enzymes has already
has been widely used both as reporter for gene expression been characterized, and overall amino acid sequence identity of
studies and an auxiliary enzyme for ATP determination by At4g05160 and At5g63380 to this group of proteins is lower
bioluminescence. By using 4CL variants with specific substrate than 25%. Corresponding to the disparity at the protein level,
utilization patterns, we optimized the conditions in order to no similarity in exon/intron organization of LACS genes and
establish a sensitive and versatile assay that is suitable for the genes encoding At4g05160 and At5g63380 can be observed.
screening different enzymes of unknown catalytic efficiency In addition, several LACS proteins have been reported to con-
and activity optima with a large number of potential sub- tain two peptide motifs, which are responsible for substrate
strates. Assay sensitivity was of particular concern during op- binding and determination of chain length specificity (57, 58).
timization in view of the fact that catalytic activities of en- However, these motifs are not well conserved in At4g05160 and
zymes can vary enormously, and turnover numbers are known At5g63380 and therefore, based on all the above criteria, both
to differ by several orders of magnitude (55). The sensitivity of proteins do not represent typical LACS enzymes. By contrast,
the luciferase-based assay can easily be modulated by varying At4g05160 and At5g63380 show an identical order of highly
the incubation period of enzymes catalyzing CoA ester forma- conserved peptide motifs and an overall amino acid sequence
tion. Consequently, only a fraction of the reaction mixture was identity of about 40% when compared with bona fide Arabidop-
used for ATP determination, thereby allowing repetitive sam- sis 4CLs. Furthermore, the exon/intron organization of both
pling in a temporal window ranging from a few minutes to types of genes is almost identical (Fig. 2A).
several hours. Furthermore, under these conditions the forma- Based on our recent results that At4CL2 can be converted to
tion of uncommon mono- and diadenosine polyphosphates, a a cinnamic acid-activating enzyme by increasing the hydropho-
side reaction of 4CLs and other enzymes forming acyl-adeny- bicity of its substrate-binding pocket (37), and based on the
late intermediates, can be excluded (56). observation that the putative SBPs of At4g05160 or At5g63380
The great versatility that is offered by the luciferase-based are exclusively formed by hydrophobic amino acids, we hypoth-
assay has not yet been fully exploited by our experimental esized that either one or both proteins may represent a missing
approach, which aimed at identifying substrates that are con- cinnamate:CoA ligase, a potential enzyme of salicylic acid bio-
verted to the CoA ester. However, a number of enzymes have synthesis via the phenylpropanoid pathway (59 – 62). However,
recently been identified that catalyze either only the synthesis our results demonstrate that neither At4g05160 nor At5g63380
of the adenylate intermediate without subsequent transfer of converted cinnamic acid to any significant extent (Table I).
the activated acid to an acceptor or utilize acceptors other than Although At4g05160 and At5g63380 are structurally closely
CoA. Enzymes of this kind include fatty acyl-AMP ligases from related to 4CLs, i.e. enzymes of secondary metabolism, their in
M. tuberculosis and jasmonate:isoleucine aminotransferase vitro catalytic activities are comparable with those of fatty
(JAR1) from A. thaliana (5, 48). Pilot experiments indicate that acyl-CoA synthetases, i.e. enzymes of primary metabolism. A
omission of CoA from the assay mixture will make it feasible to generally accepted hypothesis postulates that enzymes of sec-
identify substrates that are only converted to the adenylate, if ondary metabolism have evolved from ancestors necessary for
pyrophosphate (PPi) is removed from the equilibrium of the primary metabolism. Consequently, it has been suggested that
Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors 13971
firefly luciferase evolved from an ancestral LACS and therefore The current scheme of JA biosynthesis suggests that OPDA
has kept its principal capacity for activation of fatty acids (47, and probably dinor-OPDA are reduced to OPC-8:0 and OPC-
63). However, At4CL2, which exhibits significant sequence 6:0, respectively, by the enzyme OPR-3, which is localized in
similarity with luciferase, has apparently lost the capacity to peroxisomes (22, 25, 33). Correspondingly, the reaction prod-
activate fatty acids, whereas the closely related 4CL-like pro- ucts, OPC-8:0 and OPC-6:0, would require activation to the
teins, At4g05160 and At5g63380, have retained this capacity, CoA ester to initiate the ␤-oxidative chain shortening leading
indicating a high evolutionary plasticity of adenylate-forming to JA (25). The capacity of At4g05160 to activate at least
enzymes with respect to their substrate utilization spectra. OPC-6:0 is in accordance with the proposed function, whereas
Enzymes of general phenylpropanoid metabolism, including an enzyme active toward OPC-8:0 remains to be identified.
4CL, are cytosolic proteins or part of protein complexes that Alternatively, if At5g63380 participates in JA biosynthesis by
assemble at the cytosolic side of microsomal membranes (64, activation of OPDA, the implication is that reduction of OPDA
65). By contrast, all 4CL-like proteins (group B), except to OPC-8:0 occurs at the level of the CoA ester. To our knowl-
At1g62940, carry major C-terminal peroxisomal targeting sig- edge it is presently unknown whether or not OPR-3 has the
nals (PTS1) as recently defined for Arabidopsis (66); for capacity to reduce not only the free acid but also the CoA ester.
At4g05160 and At5g63380 we verified the functionality of the Although our data support a participation of 4CL-like pro-
PTS1 (Fig. 6). The observation that At4g05160 and At5g63380 teins in JA biosynthesis, their involvement in other functions
are peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA synthetases and that cannot be dismissed. In contrast to At4CL2, which is a highly
At4g05160 has the catalytic capacity to activate some medium- selective enzyme with clearly defined in vitro substrate speci-
chain fatty acids carrying a bulky substituent, such as 4-phe- ficity, both At4g05160 and At5g63380 in addition to JA precur-
nyl-butanoic and 5-phenyl-pentanoic acid, provided the exper- sors also activate various medium- and long-chain fatty acids
imental lead for extending the substrate screen to compounds (Table I). The capacity to activate different fatty acid deriva-
such as auxin derivatives and jasmonic acid precursors. IBA is tives, including fatty acids carrying a phenyl substitution, is
suggested to be converted to IAA by the peroxisomal ␤-oxida- reminiscent of so-called xenobiotic fatty acid:CoA ligases found
tion system, and consequently, several Arabidopsis mutants in animals, which contribute to the detoxification of lipophilic
with impaired ␤-oxidation exhibit an enhanced tolerance to compounds by their activation to CoA esters and subsequent
otherwise toxic concentrations of IBA or of the proherbicide conjugation with amino acids (71, 72). Therefore, At4g05160
2,4-diphenoxy-butyric acid (21, 67). However, neither and At5g63380 may have functions distinct from JA biosynthe-
At4g05160 nor At5g63380 showed activation of IBA, indole- sis, such as activation of fatty acids for conjugation with other
propanoic acid, or IAA to any significant extent (Table II). By molecules or even activation of fatty acids released from stor-
contrast, the JA precursors, OPDA and OPC-6:0, were con- age lipids for production of acetyl-CoA. However, the latter
verted to their CoA esters by At4g05160 with appreciable effi- reaction is apparently of no physiological relevance, because
ciency, albeit lower than the conversion of fatty acids, whereas the Arabidopsis lacs6 lacs7 double mutant, which is defective
At5g63380 exhibited high activity toward OPDA, whereas in the two peroxisomal isoforms of the LACS enzyme family, is
OPC-6:0 was not converted (Table III). Most importantly, specifically impaired in ␤-oxidation of fatty acids released
OPDA was the most efficiently converted of all tested sub- from storage lipids despite the presence of At4g05160 and
strates, thereby characterizing At5g63380 as an OPDA:CoA At5g63380 (13).
ligase. In view of the fact that the biochemical pathway of JA Both At4g05160 and At5g63380 show a similar organ-spe-
biosynthesis is well established and all participating enzymes cific expression pattern and, with respect to fatty acid activa-
have been identified, with the exception of those initiating and tion, a relatively broad and overlapping substrate utilization
catalyzing the ␤-oxidative chain shortening, this is an impor- profile, which in combination with the other known fatty acyl-
tant finding. In general, fatty acids are thought to cross mem- CoA synthetases in Arabidopsis may form a redundant enzy-
branes as CoA esters, although translocation of medium-chain matic system for fatty acid activation. Such a system is prob-
fatty acids to yeast peroxisomes and of at least a fraction of the ably not only required for the degradation of storage lipids but
long-chain fatty acids to Arabidopsis peroxisomes occurs at the also for the generation, modification, or degradation of lipid-
level of free acids (12, 13, 68). Furthermore, the recent discov- derived signal molecules. The latter function can be associated
ery of peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA thioesterases may indicate with At4g05160 and At5g63380. In fact, both proteins are the
unanticipated high levels of free fatty acids and CoA within first for which the in vitro capacity for activation of JA precur-
peroxisomes (69). It is therefore conceivable that OPDA is sors has been demonstrated. Their apparent selective activa-
either imported by peroxisomes prior to CoA ester formation or tion of different JA precursors raises the intriguing question
that it is released from its CoA ester within the organelle after whether subsequent reactions are also catalyzed by specific
translocation from the cytoplasm. Obviously, both scenarios enzymes or by the general ␤-oxidation machinery. Obviously,
imply the participation of peroxisomal CoA ligases in JA pro- the biological significance of the reactions catalyzed by
duction. In fact, At4g05160 and At5g63380 fulfill several cri- At4g05160 and At5g63380 still needs to be addressed. For this
teria of enzymes involved in JA biosynthesis, including their purpose, the isolation of knock-out mutants for both genes will
capacity to activate JA precursors to the corresponding CoA be essential. Such mutants are predicted to exhibit both phe-
esters and their co-localization in the relevant organelle. Al- notypic and biochemical alterations related to JA function or
though only At4g05160 but not At5g63380 displays jasmonate- biosynthesis, such as male sterility, modification of marker
inducible expression typical of JA biosynthetic enzymes, the gene expression, and the oxylipin signature, provided that a
organ-specific co-expression of their genes and co-localization of nonredundant function is affected. However, a more realistic
the enzymes in planta together with their substrate specifici- expectation is that combinations of defective genes are required
ties suggest that they have a cooperative function in providing to establish a phenotype, similar to the recently described
the cell with activated JA precursors. The observation that Arabidopsis lacs6 lacs7 double mutant (13). The functions of
closely related CoA ligases participating in one product-specific most 4CL-like proteins and many other adenylate-forming en-
pathway are differentially regulated is not unusual and has zymes remain unknown, and the combination of genetic and
been described for the acetyl:CoA synthetase isoforms ACS1 biochemical approaches will be required to uncover their bio-
and ACS2 from yeast (70). logical importance. The screening procedure for in vitro sub-
13972 Activation of Jasmonic Acid Precursors
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