6724 Council KofC Minutes Oct, 21 TEMPLATE 2018

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Knights of Columbus

Mother Seton Council # 6724 – Nativity Catholic Church, 605 E. Brandon Blvd.
Brandon, FL 33511

Business Meeting Minutes

DATE: Oct. 1 ,2018

MEETING CALLED TO ORDER at: 7:31 by Worthy Grand Knight Tim Kasprzyk
ROLL OF OFFICERS CALLED (noted as follows):
Grand Knight (Tim Kasprzyk): Present Recorder (Andrew Balser): Present Trustee - 1 Year (Richard Spinelli): Present
Chaplain (Fr. Tapp): Excused Financial Secretary (Don Carpenter) Present Trustee - 2 Year (Bill Jay McCabe): Present
D/Grand Knight (Stephen Curcio): Present Treasurer (Karlos del Aguila): Present Trustee - 3 Year (Bill Queenan): Excused
Chancellor (Ray Quiñones): Present Advocate (Howard Baum): Present Inside Guard (Frank Orsillo): Present
Warden (Neil Waid): Present Lecturer (Vinnie Urso): Present Inside Guard (Louis Rodriguez) Present
Outside Guard (Steve Mirabole): Present

Meeting opened with the Lords Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
The Opening Ode was sung by all members.
1. The minutes as previously published were approved by the Grand Knight.


2. Applications for admission:
3. New: Elvi Mora from Richard Spinelli
4. Transfers:
5. Re-Admissions / Re-Activations:
Motion to accept new member made by: SK Ray Quiñones, 2nd By: SK Dick Hardesty


1. Meetings
a. Next Council Business meeting is Monday, November 5
b. September Officers and Directors meeting will be Wednesday November 28
2. Membership
a. Membership is 327
b. Goal for this year is 22
c. Insurance goal is 8
d. YTD gain: 5
e. YTD loss: 1
f. YTD membership net: 4
g. YTD insurance gain: 2
h. YTD insurance loss: 1
i. YTD insurance net: 1
3. Supreme August Family of the Month Winner
a. Stephen Curcio
b. One of 100 monthly winners
c. Receive a Holy Family gift for their home
4. Upcoming events
Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council 6724 - Business Meeting Minutes (

a. October 6, Miller Road Clean-up, 8:00am

b. October 7, Coffee & Donuts
c. October 7, Life Chain, 2:30-3:30pm
d. October 13, Bikes, Cars & Crafts, Nativity Women’s Guild
e. October 13, District Soccer Challenge Finals, 2:00pm
f. October 14, Nativity Blood Drive
g. October 25, Trunk of Treat, do we have a volunteer?
h. October 27, Family Faith Fest, Al Lopez Park
5. Grand Knight
a. Will be gone from October 27 through November 9
b. Deputy Grand Knight will conduct November Council meeting
6. Awards
a. Knight of the Month –
b. Family of the Month – Orsillo Family

Old Business:
1. Annual Golf Classic
a. Held on Saturday, September 15
b. 69 golfers registered, 68 showed
c. More than doubled our attendance last year
d. Overall, a success
e. Will let Financial Secretary report on financial results
f. Thanks to everyone who came out to help and those that obtained donations and
hole sponsors
2. Day of Spiritual Renewal
a. Saturday, October 20, 2018
b. Bethany Center, Lutz Florida
c. Worthy Deputy Grand Knight will report on number attending
d. Do we want to car pool?
e. 8:00am-3:00pm
3. Bikes, Cars & Crafts
a. Nativity Women’s Guild
b. Saturday, October 13 at Nativity, 9:00am-2:00pm
c. Assist with parking starting at 7:00am
d. Council will have a table
e. Sell Christmas cards and magnets
f. Sell State raffle tickets
4. Other
New Business:
1. Memorial Mass
a. November 9
b. Ray Quiñones is the chair
c. Ray to give detail

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Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council 6724 - Business Meeting Minutes (

Financial Sect. has raffle tickets, and dues for destressed members are covered.

Treasasures Report- Balance fwd 8/31/2018 $9,749.37

Deposits = $7,454.18
Checks = $4,096.64
Ending Bal. = $13,106.91 9/30/2018

Prayer for vocations-

Church Director – Ray Quinones, supporting Womans Guild on Cars & Coffee, Kraft table
with Christmas cards & magnets and Advertising for Detail Plus. Need help with parking and

Community director – Neil Waid Miller rd, clean up family’s welcome no children under 12
Need help with donuts after masses Oct,7 Oct,18.
Oct 8th 7pm @ Christ the king Rosary procession.
Veterans day parade at Hailey’s veterans hospital Nov, 10th @ 10a.m. color core be there at 9am.
Need 4 people in regalia to post colors at opening of Nov, Fest.

Chriss Gladu- need help at the fleture abortion mill.

Banquet for life Nov, 17th , need people at Higgins hall donations will help with the burden of
the council.

Youth Director – Steve Mirabole soccer challenge 6 pm. Oct 2, & Oct 18th
Regionals Oct, 13. Donate blood at church.

Prison Ministry – Richard Spinelli Oct,4 thru Oct 7th looking for volunteers, need prayers.

Golf Classic was a success!

4th Degree Report - Turkey delivery will be on Nov, 19th

VA Christmas party Dec 1, at Hailey’s Hospt.
Knights Christmas party at Yengling Brewery Dec.1 or Dec 8th

District Deputy – Steve Oster Jan, 5th meeting for mid yr. membership
Annual march for life Jan, 18th in Washington D.C.
Supreme recruiting new members 8:30 pm 16 oct.
1st degree St. Stephens Oct 16th
3erd Degree Nov, 3erd
4th Degree St Stephens Jan, 19th

Good of the Order : Vinnie Urso

Read how we should be “Great Believers” now more than ever. There are many ways to be

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Knights of Columbus Mother Seton Council 6724 - Business Meeting Minutes (

Knights in need of Prayers. – SK Bill Queenan, SK Dick Hardesty, sk,Mark Cote’s

mother-in-law, Bob Dunn, Jay McCabe, Mother of sk. Andrew Balser “lois Folk”, Nancy
Kasperzyk, Wilten Glen Amaris Umbarger-sister, Vicenzo Ferraro, Claude Gladu, Donald

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