Day 3 - Cartesian Equation of A Plane
Day 3 - Cartesian Equation of A Plane
Day 3 - Cartesian Equation of A Plane
Let P0 ( x 0 , y 0 , z 0 ) represent a known point, P ( x , y , z ) represent a general point on the plane and n⃑ =( A , B , C )
represent a known normal to the plane (nonzero vector perpendicular to all vectors in the plane), then
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Example 1
The point A (−1 , 2, 0 ) is a point on the plane with normal n⃑ =( 3 ,−2 ,−2 ).
(a) Determine the scalar equation of this plane.
(b) Determine where the plane crosses the x -axis.
(c) Determine any other point on the plan.
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Example 2
Determine the Cartesian equation of the plane containing the points A (−1 , 2, 5 ) , B ( 3 ,2 , 4 ) and C (−2 ,−3 ,6 ).
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Example 3
Determine the angle between the two planes π 1 :2 x− y + z−5=0 and π 2 : x −3 y−1=0 .
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