4 Branch Accounts

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“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.”


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MAY 18 NOV 18 MAY 19 NOV 19 NOV 20 JAN 21 JULY 21 DEC 21


A Branch can be described as any establishment carrying on either the same or

substantially same activity as that carried on by Head Office.

Page 4.1



Maintenance of Branch accounts may be maintained Departmental accounts are
Accounts either at branch or at head office. maintained at one place only.
Allocation of No allocation problem arises since Common expenses are
common the expenses in respect of each distributed among departments
expenses branch can be identified. concerned on some equitable
basis considered suitable in the
Reconciliation Reconciliation of head office and No such problem arises.
branch accounts is necessary in
case of independent branches at the
end of the accounting year.
Conversion of At the time of finalization of No such problem arises in
foreign accounts, conversion of figures of departmental accounts.
currency foreign branch is necessary.


Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d By Balance b/d
Stock (At Invoice Price) xx Creditors xx
Debtors xx O/s Expenses xx
Cash in hand xx By Stock Reserve xx
(on Opening stock)
Fixed Assets xx By Goods sent to branch (Loading) xx
Prepaid expenses xx By Goods Returned to H.O. (At I.P.) xx
To Goods sent to branch (At I.P.) xx By Bank (Remittances to H.O.)
To Goods ret. to H.O. (Loading) xx • Cash Sales xx
To Bank (Cash sent by H.O. to xx • Collection from Debtors xx
branch for expenses/Purchase • Recovery from Insurance Co. xx
of fixed assets) • Expenses paid by branch (xx) xx
To Stock Reserve xx By Balance c/d
(on Closing stock)
To Balance c/d Stock (At I.P.) xx
Creditors xx Debtors xx
O/s Expenses xx Cash in hand xx
To Net Profit (Bal. Fig.)* xx Fixed Assets xx
Prepaid expenses xx
By Net Loss (Bal. Fig.)* xx
*Any one of these

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Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening stock (at cost) xx By Sales
To Goods sent to branch xx Cash xx
(-) Returns (xx) xx Credit xx
To Direct Expenses xx ( - ) Sales Return (xx) xx
To Gross Profit (Bal. Fig.) xx By Abnormal Loss xx
By Closing stock (at cost) xx
To Indirect expenses xx By Gross Profit xx
To Abnormal Loss xx By Discount received xx
To Net Profit (Bal. Fig.) xx

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Branch Stock Account (At Invoice Price)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d xx By Goods sent to branch xx
To Goods sent to branch xx By Bank (Cash Sales) xx
To Branch Debtors A/c xx By Branch Debtors A/c xx
(Returns) (Credit Sale)
To Surplus transferred to xx By Shortage/Abnormal Loss xx
Branch adjustment [SP > IP]
By Branch Adjustment xx
(Normal loss)
By Balance c/d xx
Note In case of Branch Stock Account, if Balance figure is on credit side then:
Case 1: Closing stock not given → then balance figure will be considered as Closing Stock.
Case 2: Closing stock is given → then consider balance figure to be shortage/abnormal loss
and separate the same accordingly in Branch adjustment & Branch P&L account.

Branch Adjustment Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Goods sent to branch- xx By Stock Reserve (Opening xx
Returns (Loading) stock)
To Stock Reserve (Closing xx By Goods sent to branch xx
stock) (Loading)
To Abnormal Loss (Loading) xx By Surplus transferred from xx
Branch Stock A/c
To Branch Stock (Normal loss) xx
To Branch P&L {Gross Profit} xx

Branch Expenses Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Bank A/c (expenses) xx By Branch P & L A/c xx
[like printing & stationery,
salaries, rent & rates, etc.)

Branch P & L Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Branch Expenses A/c xx By Branch Adjustment (G.P.) xx
To Branch Debtors A/c By Branch Cash a/c
Discount (Claim received from xx
Bad Debts xx insurance Co.)
To Abnormal Loss (Cost) xx
To Net Profit (Bal. Fig.) xx

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Goods Sent to Branch Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Branch stock A/c xx By Branch stock A/c xx
To Branch Adjustment A/c xx By Branch Adjustment A/c xx
To Purchases/Trading A/c xx
(Bal. Fig.)

Branch Debtors Account

Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d xx By Branch stock A/c (Returns) xx
To Branch stock A/c (Credit xx By Branch P&L A/c (Discount, xx
Sales) Bad Debts, etc.)
By Bank A/c (Collection) xx
By Balance c/d xx

Reasons/Objectives for sending goods on invoice price by Head Office to

the Branch
a) To keep secret from the branch manager, cost price of the goods & profit made, so that
branch manager may not start a rival and competitive business with the concern;
b) To have effective control on stock i.e stock at any time must be equal to opening stock
plus goods received from head office minus sales made at branch.
c) To dictate pricing policy to its branches, as well as save work at branch because prices
have already been decided.



Particulars Head Office Branch Particulars Head Office Branch
By Goods sent
To Opening stock    
to Branch
To Purchases   By Sales  
To Goods Received By Closing
   
from Head Office Stock
To Gross Profit   
To Indirect
  By Gross Profit  
To Stock Reserve  
To Net Profit  

Page 4.5

Features of Accounting System
1. Branch maintains its entire book of accounts under double entry system.
2. Branch opens in its books a Head Office Account to record all the transactions that takes
place between Head Office & Branch.
3. Head Office maintains a Branch account to record these transactions.
4. Branch prepares its trial balance, Trading & P & L a/c at the end of accounting period &
sends copy of these statements to Head Office for incorporation.
5. After receiving final statement from branch, Head Office reconciles between the two –
Branch A/c in Head Office Books & Head Office A/c in Branch Books.
6. Head Office prepares necessary entries to incorporate Branch trial balance in its books.
S.No. Transaction Books of H.O. Books of Branch
Goods Dispatched by Head Branch A/c Dr. Goods Rec.from HO A/c Dr.
Office To Goods Sent to Branch A/c To HO A/c
Goods Sent to Branch A/c Dr. HO A/c Dr.
2 Goods Returned by Branch
To Branch A/c To Goods Rec.from HO A/c
Remittance by Branch to Head Cash & Bank A/c Dr. HO A/c Dr.
Office To Branch A/c To Cash & Bank A/c
Head Office sending cash to Branch A/c Dr. Cash & Bank A/c Dr.
Branch To Cash & Bank A/c To HO A/c
No Entry Purchases A/c Dr.
5 Direct purchases by Branch To Cash/Creditors A/c
Purchases by Branch but Branch A/c Dr. Purchases A/c Dr.
payment by Head Office To Cash/Creditors A/c To HO A/c
No Entry Cash / Debtors A/c Dr.
7 Sales by Branch
To Sales A/c
Collection from Debtors by No Entry Cash & Bank A/c Dr.
branch To Debtors A/c
Collection from Debtors directly Cash & Bank A/c Dr. HO A/c Dr.
by Head Office To Branch A/c To Debtors A/c
No Entry Expenses A/c Dr.
10 Expenses incurred at Branch
To Cash & Bank A/c
Expenses of Branch paid by Branch A/c Dr. Expenses A/c Dr.
Head Office To Cash & Bank A/c To HO A/c
Branch A/c Dr. Expenses A/c Dr.
Head Office expenses charged to To Expenses A/c To HO A/c
Branch (Allocation to Branch)

Sending Branch
HO A/c Dr.
Transfer of goods from one Receiving Branch A/c Dr. To Goods Rec.from HO A/c
branch to another To Sending Branch A/c Receiving Branch
Goods Rec.from HO A/c Dr.
To HO A/c
Fixed Assets A/c maintained at
Fixed Asset purchased by No Entry Fixed Assets A/c Dr.
Branch To Cash & Bank A/c

Page 4.6

Fixed Asset purchased by Branch A/c Dr. Fixed Assets A/c Dr.
b) To Cash & Bank A/c To HO A/c
Branch paid by Head Office
No Entry Depreciation A/c Dr.
c) Depreciation on the above To Fixed Assets A/c

Fixed Asset A/c maintained at

Head Office
Fixed asset purchased at Branch Branch Fixed Assets A/c Dr. HO A/c Dr.
a) & recorded at Head Office To Branch A/c To Cash & Bank A/c
Branch Fixed Asset recorded in Branch Fixed Assets A/c Dr. No Entry
b) To Cash & Bank A/c
HO books & payment by HO




Integral foreign Non-Integral foreign

Operations Operations

IFO It is a foreign operation, the activities of which are integral part of those of the
reporting enterprise. The business of IFO is carried on as if it were an extension
of the reporting enterprises operations.
NIFO It is a foreign operation that is not an integral foreign operation. The business
of NIFO is carried on in substantially independent way by accumulating cash &
other monetary items, incurring expenses, generating income & arranging
borrowing in its own local currency.

Conversion Rates
Particulars IFO NIFO
1. Opening Stock Opening rate Opening rate
2. Expenses & Incomes Average rate Average rate
3. Closing Assets & Liabilities Closing rate Closing rate
(Other than Fixed Assets)
4. Fixed Assets (& Depreciation) Actual rate on Closing rate
purchase date
Goods received from Head Office Value appearing in HO Value appearing in HO Trial
5. /Remittance to HO and Head Trial Balance Balance
Office account balance
Difference in Trial Balance Transferred to Foreign
Transferred to P&L A/c
6. (Exchange Difference) Currency Translation
as Exchange Gain/Loss
Reserve A/c in Balance sheet

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Question 1 Pg no._____
Pawan, of Delhi has a branch at Jaipur. Goods are invoiced to the branch at cost plus 25%.
The branch is instructed to deposit the receipts everyday in the head office account with the
bank. All the expenses are paid through cheque by the head office except petty cash
expenses which are paid by the Branch. From the following information, you are required to
prepare Branch Account in books of Head office:
Stock at invoice price on 1.4.2020 1,64,000
Stock at invoice price on 31.3.2021 1,92,000
Debtors as on 1.4.2020 63,400
Debtors as on 31.3.2021 84,300
Furniture & fixtures as on 1.4.2020 46,800
Cash sales 8,02,600
Credit sales 7,44,200
Goods invoiced to branch by head office 12,56,000
Expenses paid by head office 2,64,000
Petty expenses paid by the branch 20,900
Furniture acquired by the branch on 1.10.2020 (payment was 5,000
made by the branch from cash sales & collection from debtors)
Depreciation to be provided on branch furniture & fixtures @ 10% p.a. on WDV basis.

Question 2 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Widespread invoices goods to its branch at cost plus 20%. The branch sells goods for cash
as well as on credit. The branch meets its expenses out of cash collected from its debtors
and cash sales and remits the balance of cash to head office after withholding ₹ 10,000
necessary for meeting immediate requirements of cash. On 31st March, 2020 the assets at
the branch were as follows:
₹ (‘000)
Cash in Hand 10
Trade Debtors 384
Stock, at Invoice Price 1,080
Furniture and Fittings 500
During the accounting year ended 31st March, 2021 the invoice price of goods dispatched by
the head office to the branch amounted to ₹ 1 crore 32 lakhs. Out of the goods received by
it, branch sent back to head office goods invoiced at ₹ 72,000. Other transactions at branch
during the year were as follows:
₹ (‘000)
Cash Sales 9,700
Credit Sales 3,140
Cash collected by Branch from Credit Customers 2,842
Cash Discount allowed to Debtors 58
Returns by Customers 102
Bad Debts written off 37
Expenses paid by Branch 842

Page 4.8

On 1st January, 2021 the branch purchased new furniture for ₹ 1 lakh for which payment was
made by head office through a cheque.
On 31st March, 2021 branch expenses amounting to ₹ 6,000 were outstanding and cash in
hand was again ₹ 10,000. Furniture is subject to depreciation @ 16% per annum on
diminishing balance method.
Prepare Branch Account in the books of head office for the year ended 31st March, 2021.

Question 3 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Sell Well who carried on a retail business opened a branch X on January 1st, 2021 where all
sales were on credit basis. All goods required by the branch were supplied from the Head
Office and were invoiced to the branch at 10% above cost. The following were the
Jan 2021 Feb 2021 March 2021
Goods sent to Branch (Purchase Price) 40,000 50,000 60,000
Sales as shown by the branch monthly report 38,000 42,000 55,000
Cash received from Debtors and remitted to H.O. 20,000 51,000 35,000
Returns to H.O. (Invoice price to Branch) 1,200 600 2,400
The stock of goods held by the branch on March 31, 2021 amounted to ₹ 53,400 at invoice to
branch. Record these transactions in the Head Office books, showing balances as on 31st
March, 2021 and the branch gross profit for the three months ended on that date.

Question 4 Pg no._____
Mr. Chena Swami of Chennai trades in Refined Oil and Ghee. It has a branch at Salem. He
dispatches 30 tins of Refined Oil @ ₹ 1,500 per tin and 20 tins of Ghee ₹ 5,000 per tin on 1st
of every month. The Branch has incurred expenditure of ₹ 45,890 which is met out of its
collections; this is in addition to expenditure directly paid by Head Office.
Following are the other details:
Chennai HO Salem B.O.
Purchases Refined Oil 27,50,000 -
Ghee 48,28,000 -
Direct expenses 6,35,800 -
Expenses paid by H.O. - 76,800
Sales Refined Oil 24,10,000 5,95,000
Ghee 38,40,500 14,50,000
Collection during the year (including - 20,15,000
Cash Sales)
Remittance by Branch to Head Office - 19,50,000

(Chennai HO)
Balance as on: 01-04-2020 31-03-2021
Stock : Refined Oil 44,000 8,90,000
: Ghee 10,65,000 15,70,000
Building 5,10,800 7,14,780
Furniture & Fixtures 88,600 79,740

(Salem Branch Office)

Balance as on: 01-04-2020 31-03-2021
Stock : Refined Oil 22,500 19,500
: Ghee 40,000 90,000

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Debtors 1,80,000 ?
Cash on Hand 25,690 ?
Furniture & Fixtures 23,800 21,420
Additional information:
a) Addition to Building on 01-04-2020 ₹ 2,41,600 by H.O.
b) Rate of depreciation: Furniture & Fixtures @ 10% & Building @ 5% (already adjusted in
above figure)
c) The Branch Manager is entitled to 10% commission on overall organisational profits after
charging such commission.
d) The General Manager is entitled to a salary of ₹ 20,000 per month.
e) General expenses incurred by Head Office is ₹ 1,86,000.
You are requested to prepare Branch Account in the Head Office books and also prepare
Chena Swami’s Trading and Profit & loss Account (excluding branch transactions) for the
year ended 31st March, 2021.

Salem Branch Account
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Balance b/d By Bank (Remittance to HO) 19,50,000
Ghee 40,000 By Balance c/d
Oil 22,500 Stock
Debtors 1,80,000 Ghee 90,000
Cash in Hand 25,690 Oil 19,500
Furniture & Fittings 23,800 Debtors (W.N.-1) 2,10,000
To Goods sent to Branch Cash in Hand (W.N.-2) 44,800
Ghee (20*5,000*12) 12,00,000 Furniture & Fittings 21,420
Oil (30*1500*12) 5,40,000
To Bank (Expenses paid by 76,800
To Net Profit (Bal.Fig.) 2,26,930
23,35,720 23,35,720

Trading and Profit and Loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2021
(Excluding branch transactions)
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
To Opening stock By Sales:
Ghee 10,65,000 Ghee 38,40,500
Oil 44,000 Oil 24,10,000
To Purchases By Closing stock
Ghee 48,28,000 Ghee 15,70,000
-Goods Sent (12,00,000) 36,28,000 Oil 8,90,000
Oil 27,50,000
-Goods Sent (5,40,000) 22,10,000
To Direct Expenses 6,35,800
To Gross Profit (Bal. Fig.) 11,27,700
87,10,500 87,10,500
To Manager’s Salary 2,40,000 By Gross Profit 11,27,700
To General Expenses 1,86,000 By Branch Profit tfd 2,26,930
To Depreciation

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Furniture (88,600-79,740) 8,860

Building (5,10,800+ 37,620
To Manager’s Commission 80,195
To Net Profit (Bal. Fig.) 8,01,955
13,54,630 13,54,630
WN-1 Memorandum Debtors A/c
To Balance b/d 1,80,000 By Bank/Cash 20,15,000
To Sales By Balance c/d (Bal. Fig.) 2,10,000
Ghee 14,50,000
Oil 5,95,000
22,25,000 22,25,000
WN-2 Branch Cash a/c
To Balance b/d 25,690 By Remittance 19,50,000
To Collections 20,15,000 By Expenses 45,890
By Balance c/d (Bal. Fig.) 44,800
20,40,690 20,40,690
1) Branch managers generally get commission based on the Branch profits and not on overall
organizational profits. The answer given above is on the basis of the information given in the
question and the commission of branch manager is computed as 10% on overall
organizational profits after charging such commission.
2) Since the amount of cash sales was not given specifically in the question, total amount of
cash collections during the year amounting ₹ 20,15,000 has been considered as collection
from Debtors in the above solution.


Question 5 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____
Hindustan Industries Mumbai has a branch in Cochin to which office goods are invoiced at
cost plus 25%. The branch sells both for cash and on credit. Branch Expenses are paid direct
from head office, and the Branch has to remit all cash received into the Head Office Bank
Following details relates to calendar year 2021. Branch does not maintain any books of
account, but sends weekly returns to the Head Office:

Goods received from Head Office at invoice price 6,00,000
Returns to Head Office at invoice price 12,000
Stock at Cochin as on 1st Jan., 2021 60,000
Sales in the year – Cash 2,00,000
– Credit 3,60,000
Sundry Debtors at Cochin as on 1st Jan. 2021 72,000
Cash received from Debtors 3,20,000
Discount allowed to Debtors 6,000
Bad debts in the year 4,000
Sales returns at Cochin Branch 8,000
Rent, Rates, Taxes at Branch 18,000
Salaries, Wages, Bonus at Branch 60,000

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Office Expenses 6,000

Stock at Branch on 31st Dec. 2021 at invoice price 1,20,000
Prepare Branch accounts in the books of Head Office by Stock & Debtors method.
Pg no._____
Question 6
Yuvraj Singh, a cloth trader of Kolkata opened a Branch at Kanpur on 1–4–2020. The goods
were sent by Head Office to the Branch and invoiced at selling price to the Branch, which is
125% of the cost price of Head Office.
The following are the particulars relating to the transactions of the Kanpur Branch
₹ ₹
Goods sent to Branch (at cost to H.O.) 4,50,000
Sales—Cash 2,10,000
—Credit 3,20,000
Cash collected from Debtors 2,85,000
Return from Debtors 10,000
Discount Allowed 8,500
Cash sent to Branch for Freight 30,000
for Salaries 8,000
for other expenses 12,000 50,000
Spoiled clothes written off at invoice price 10,000
Normal loss estimated at 15,000
Prepare Branch Stock Account, Branch Debtors Account and Branch Adjustment Account
showing the net profit of the Branch.

Question 7 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Harrison of Chennai has a branch at New Delhi to which goods are sent @ 20% above cost.
The branch makes both cash and credit sales. Branch expenses are met partly from H.O.
and partly by the branch. The statement of expenses incurred by the branch every month is
sent to head office for recording. Following further details are given for the year ended 31st
December, 2021:

Cost of goods sent to Branch at cost 2,00,000
Goods received by Branch till 31-12-2021 at invoice price 2,20,000
Credit Sales for the year @ invoice price 1,65,000
Cash Sales for the year @ invoice price 59,000
Cash Remitted to head office 2,22,500
Expenses paid by H.O. 12,000
Bad Debts written off 750

Balances as on 01-01-2021 31-12-2021

₹ ₹
Stock 25,000 (Cost) 28,000 (Invoice Price)
Debtors 32,750 26,000
Cash in Hand 5,000 2,500
Show necessary ledger accounts in the books of head office and determine the Profit and
Loss of the Branch for the year ended 31st December, 2021 by Stock & Debtors method.

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Question 8 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Beta, having head office at Mumbai has a branch at Nagpur. The head office does wholesale
trade only at cost plus 80%. The goods are sent to branch at the wholesale price viz., cost
plus 80%. The branch at Nagpur is wholly engaged in retail trade and the goods are sold at
cost to H.O. plus 100%.
Following details are furnished for the year ended 31st March, 2021:
Head Office (₹) Branch (₹)
Opening stock (as on 1.4.2020) 2,25,000 -
Purchases 25,50,000 -
Goods sent to branch (Cost to 9,54,000 -
H.O. plus 80%)
Sales 27,81,000 9,50,000
Office expenses 90,000 8,500
Selling expenses 72,000 6,300
Staff salary 65,000 12,000
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account of the head office and
branch for the year ended 31st March, 2021.

Question 9 Pg no._____
Jhaveri Sons have their Head Office at Calcutta and a branch at Agra. The goods are sent to
Branch at 20% less than list price which is cost plus 100%. From following particulars
ascertain the profit made by the branch as well as the Head Office on wholesale basis:
Head Office (₹) Branch (₹)
Opening Stock (Cost/Invoice Price) 40,000 20,000
Purchases 4,00,000 -
Expenses 60,000 12,000
Goods destroyed by accident at invoice price - 2,000
Sales at list Price 3,40,000 1,60,000
Goods sent to branch at invoice price 1,60,000 1,60,000

Question 10 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

M/s Rahul operates a number of retail outlets to which goods are invoiced at wholesale
price which is cost plus 25%. These outlets sell the goods at the retail price which is
wholesale price plus 20%.
Following is the information regarding one of the outlets for the year ended 31.3.2021:

Stock at the outlet 1.4.20 30,000
Goods invoiced to the outlet during the year 3,24,000
Gross profit made by the outlet 60,000
Goods lost by fire ?
Expenses of the outlet for the year 20,000
Stock at the outlet 31.3.21 36,000
Prepare following accounts in the books of Rahul Limited for the year ended 31.3.21
(a) Outlet Stock Account.
(b) Outlet Profit & Loss Account.
(c) Stock Reserve Account

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Question 11 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____
Goods worth ₹ 50,000 sent by head office but the branch has received till the closing date
goods for worth ₹ 40,000 only. Give journal entry in the books of H.O. and branch for goods
in transit.

Question 12 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Give Journal Entries in the books of Branch A to rectify or adjust the following:
(i) Head Office expenses ₹ 3,500 allocated to the Branch, but not recorded in the Branch
(ii) Depreciation of branch assets, whose accounts are kept by the Head Office not provided
earlier for ₹ 1,500.
(iii) Branch paid ₹ 2,000 as salary to a H.O. Inspector, but the amount paid has been debited
by the Branch to Salaries account.
(iv) H.O. collected ₹ 10,000 directly from a customer on behalf of the Branch, but no
intimation to this effect has been received by the Branch.
(v) A remittance of ₹ 15,000 sent by the Branch has not yet been received by the Head Office.
(vi) Branch A incurred advertisement expenses of ₹ 3,000 on behalf of Branch B.

Question 13 Pg no._____
Show what journal entries would be passed by the Jaipur Head Office to record the following
transactions in their Books on 31st March, 2021, the closing date:
(a) A remittance of ₹ 35,000 made by Sikar Branch to Head Office on 29thMarch, 2021 and
received by the Head Office on 5th April, 2021.
(b) Goods of ₹ 63,000 sent by the Head Office to the Bikaner Branch on 28th March, 2021 and
received by the later on 4th April, 2021.
(c) Sikar Branch paid ₹ 30,000 as salary to a visiting Head Office Official.

Question 23 Pg no._____
Show adjustment Journal entry along with working notes in the books of Head Office at the
end of April, 2021 for incorporation of inter-branch transactions assuming that only Head
Office maintains different branch account in its books.
A. Delhi Branch:
(1) Received goods from Mumbai – ₹ 1,40,000 and ₹ 60,000 from Kolkata.
(2) Sent goods to Chennai – ₹ 1,00,000, Kolkata – ₹ 80,000.
(3) Bill Receivable received – ₹ 80,000 from Chennai.
(4) Acceptances sent to Mumbai – ₹ 1,00,000, Kolkata – ₹ 40,000.
B. Mumbai Branch (apart from the above):
(5) Received goods from Kolkata – ₹ 60,000, Delhi – ₹ 80,000.
(6) Cash sent to Delhi – ₹ 60,000, Kolkata – ₹ 28,000.
C. Chennai Branch (apart from the above):
(7) Received goods from Kolkata – ₹ 1,20,000.
(8) Acceptances and Cash sent to Kolkata – ₹ 80,000 and ₹40,000 respectively.
D. Kolkata Branch (apart from the above):
(9) Sent goods to Chennai – ₹ 1,40,000.
(10) Paid cash to Chennai – ₹ 60,000.
(11) Acceptances sent to Chennai – ₹ 60,000.

Page 4.14

Journal Entry in the Books of Head Office
Date Particulars L.F. Dr. Cr.
Amount Amount
30.04.2021 Mumbai Branch A/c Dr. 12,000
Chennai Branch A/c Dr. 2,80,000
To Delhi Branch A/c 60,000
To Kolkata Branch A/c 2,32,000
(Being adjustment entry passed by HO in
respect of inter-branch transactions for
month of April, 2021)

Working Note:
Inter – Branch transactions
Delhi Mumbai Chennai Kolkata
A. Delhi Branch
(1) Received goods 2,00,000 (Dr.) 1,40,000 (Cr.) 60,000 (Cr.)
(2) Sent goods 1,80,000 (Cr.) 1,00,000 (Dr.) 80,000 (Dr.)
(3) Received B/R 80,000 (Dr.) 80,000 (Cr.)
(4) Sent acceptance 1,40,000 (Cr.) 1,00,000 (Dr.) 40,000 (Dr.)
B. Mumbai Branch
(5) Received goods 80,000 (Cr.) 1,40,000 (Dr.) 60,000 (Cr.)
(6) Sent cash 60,000 (Dr.) 88,000 (Cr.) 28,000 (Dr.)
C. Chennai Branch
(7) Received goods 1,20,000 (Dr.) 1,20,000 (Cr.)
(8) Sent cash & acceptances 1,20,000 (Cr.) 1,20,000 (Dr.)
D. Kolkata Branch
(9) Sent goods 1,40,000 (Dr.) 1,40,000 (Cr.)
(10) Sent cash 60,000 (Dr.) 60,000 (Cr.)
(11) Sent acceptances 60,000 (Dr.) 60,000 (Cr.)
60,000 (Cr.) 12,000 (Dr.) 2,80,000 (Dr.) 2,32,000 (Cr.)

Question 15 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

KP manufactures a range of goods which it sells to wholesale customers only from its head
office. In addition, the H.O. transfers goods to a newly opened branch at factory cost plus
15%. The branch then sells these goods to the general public on only cash basis.
The selling price to wholesale customers is designed to give a factory profit which amounts
to 30% of the sales value. The selling price to the general public is designed to give a gross
margin (i.e., selling price less cost of goods from H.O.) of 30% of the sales value.
KP operates from rented premises and leases all other types of fixed assets. The rent and
hire charges for these are included in the overhead costs shown in the trial balances.
From the information given below, you are required to prepare for the year ended 31st Dec.,
2021 in columnar form.
(a) A Profit & Loss account for (i) H.O. (ii) the branch (iii) the entire business.
(b) Balance Sheet as on 31st Dec., 2021 for the entire business
H.O. Branch
₹ ₹ ₹ ₹
Raw materials purchased 35,000
Direct wages 1,08,500

Page 4.15

Factory overheads 39,000

Stock on 1-1-2021
Raw materials 1,800
Finished goods 13,000 9,200
Debtors 37,000
Cash 22,000 1,000
Administrative Salaries 13,900 4,000
Salesmen’s Salaries 22,500 6,200
Other administrative & 12,500 2,300
selling overheads
Inter-unit accounts 5,000 2,000
Capital 50,000
Sundry Creditors 13,000
Provision for unrealized profit 1,200
in stock
Sales 2,00,000 65,200
Goods sent to Branch 46,000
Goods received from H.O. 44,500
3,10,200 3,10,200 67,200 67,200
(1) On 28th Dec., 2021 the branch remitted ₹ 1,500 to the H.O. and this has not yet been
recorded in the H.O. books. Also on the same date, the H.O. dispatched goods to the
branch invoiced at ₹ 1,500 and these too have not yet been entered into the branch books.
It is the company’s policy to adjust items in transit in the books of the recipient.
(2) The stock of raw materials held at the H.O. on 31st Dec., 2021 was valued at ₹ 2,300.
(3) You are advised that:
a. there were no stock losses incurred at the H.O. or at the branch.
b. it is KP’s practice to value finished goods stock at the H.O. at factory cost.
c. there were no opening or closing stock of work-in-progress.
(4) Branch employees are entitled to a bonus of ₹ 156 under a bilateral agreement.

Question 16 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Ring Bell Ltd. Delhi has a Branch at Bombay where a separate set of books is used. The
following is the trial balance extracted on 31st December, 2021.
Head Office Trial Balance
₹ ₹
Share Capital
(Authorised: 10,000 Equity Shares of ₹ 100 each):
Issued: 8,000 Equity Shares 8,00,000
Profit & Loss Account - 1-1-2021 25,310
Interim Dividend paid - Aug. 2021 30,000
General Reserve 1,00,000
Fixed Assets 5,30,000
Stock 2,22,470
Debtors and Creditors 50,500 21,900
Profit for 2021 82,200
Cash Balance 62,730
Branch Current Account 1,33,710
10,29,410 10,29,410

Page 4.16

Branch Trial Balance

₹ ₹
Fixed Assets 95,000
Profit for 2021 31,700
Stock 50,460
Debtors and Creditors 19,100 10,400
Cash Balance 6,550
Head Office Current Account 1,29,010
1,71,110 1,71,110
The difference between the balances of Current Account in two sets of books is accounted
for as follows:
Cash remitted by the Branch on 31st December, 2021, but received by the Head Office on 1st
January 2022 - ₹ 3,000.
Stock stolen in transit from Head Office and charged to Branch by the Head Office, but not
credited to Head Office in the Branch books as the Branch Manager declined to admit any
liability (not covered by insurance) - ₹ 1,700.
Give the Branch Current Account in Head Office books after incorporating Branch Trial
Balance through journal.


Question 17 Pg no._____
DM Delhi has a branch in London which is an integral foreign operation of DM. At the end of
year 31st March, 2021, the branch furnishes the following trial balance in U.K. Pound:
Dr. (Pound) Cr. (Pound)
Fixed assets (Acquired on 1st April, 2017) 24,000
Stock as on 1st April, 2020 11,200
Goods from head Office 64,000
Expenses 4,800
Debtors 4,800
Creditors 3,200
Cash at bank 1,200
Head Office Account 22,800
Purchases 12,000
Sales 96,000
1,22,000 1,22,000
In head office books, the branch account stood as shown below:
London Branch A/c
₹ ₹
To Balance b/d 20,10,000 By Bank 52,16,000
To Goods sent to branch 49,26,000 By Balance c/d 17,20,000
69,36,000 69,36,000
The following further information are given:
(a) Fixed assets are to be depreciated @ 10% p.a.
(b) On 31st March, 2021 :
a. Expenses outstanding - £ 400
b. Prepaid expenses - £ 200
c. Closing stock - £ 8,000

Page 4.17

(c) Rate of Exchange :

a. 1st April, 2017 - ₹ 70 to £ 1
b. 1st April, 2020 - ₹ 76 to £ 1
c. 31st March, 2021 - ₹ 77 to £ 1
d. Average - ₹ 75 to £ 1
You are required to prepare:
(1) Trial balance, incorporating adjustments of outstanding and prepaid expenses,
converting U.K. pound into Indian rupees.
(2) Trading and profit and loss account for the year ended 31st March, 2021 and the Balance
Sheet as on that date of London branch as would appear in the books of Delhi head office
of DM.

Question 18 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

M/s Carlin has head office at New York (U.S.A.) and branch at Mumbai (India). Mumbai branch
is an integral foreign operation of Carlin & Co.
Mumbai branch furnishes you with its trial balance as on 31st March, 2021 and the additional
information given thereafter:
Dr. Cr.
Rupees in thousands
Stock on 1st April, 2020 300 -
Purchases and sales 800 1,200
Sundry Debtors and creditors 400 300
Bills of exchange 120 240
Wages and salaries 560 -
Rent, rates and taxes 360 -
Sundry charges 160 -
Computers 240 -
Bank balance 420 -
New York office a/c - 1,620
3,360 3,360
Additional information:
(a) Computers were acquired from a remittance of US $ 6,000 received from New York head
office and paid to the suppliers. Depreciate Computers at 60% for the year.
(b) Unsold stock of Mumbai branch was worth ₹ 4,20,000 on 31st March, 2021.
(c) The rates of exchange may be taken as follows:
a. on 1.4.2020 @ ₹ 40 per US $
b. on 31.3.2021 @ ₹ 42 per US $
c. Average exchange rate for the year @ ₹ 41 per US $
d. Conversion in $ shall be made upto two decimal accuracy.
You are asked to prepare in US dollars the revenue statement for the year ended 31st March,
2021 and the balance sheet as on that date of Mumbai branch as would appear in the books
of New York head office of Carlin & Co.
You are informed that Mumbai branch account showed a debit balance of US $ 39609.18 on
31.3.2021 in New York books and there were no items pending reconciliation.

Question 19 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

The Washington branch of XYZ Mumbai sent the following trial balance as on 31st December,

Page 4.18

$ $
Head office A/c - 22,800
Sales - 84,000
Debtors and creditors 4,800 3,400
Machinery 24,000 -
Cash at bank 1,200 -
Stock, 1 January, 2021 11,200 -
Goods from H.O. 64,000
Expenses 5,000 -
1,10,200 1,10,200

In the books of head office, the Branch A/c stood as follows:

Washington Branch A/c
₹ ₹
To Balance b/d 8,10,000 By Cash 28,76,000
To Goods sent to branch 29,26,000 By Balance c/d 8,60,000
37,36,000 37,36,000
Goods are sent to the branch at cost plus 10% and the branch sells goods at invoice price
plus 25%. Machinery was acquired on 31st January, 2017, when $ 1.00 = ₹ 40.
Rates of exchange were:
1st January, 2021 $ 1.00 = ₹ 46
31st December, 2021 $ 1.00 = ₹ 48
Average $ 1.00 = ₹ 47
Machinery is depreciated @ 10% and the branch manager is entitled to a commission of 5%
on the profits of the branch.
You are required to:
(i) Prepare the Branch Trading & Profit & Loss A/c in dollars.
(ii) Convert the Trial Balance of branch into Indian currency and prepare Branch Trading &
Profit and Loss A/c and the Branch A/c in the books of head office.

Page 4.19



Question 1 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

The Bombay Traders invoiced goods to its Delhi branch at cost. Head Office paid all the
branch expenses from its bank account, except petty cash expenses which were met by
the Branch. All the cash collected by the branch was banked on the same day to the credit
of the Head Office. The following is a summary of the transactions entered into at the
branch during the year ended December 31, 2021.
₹ ₹
Balances as on 1.1.2021: Bad Debts 600
Stock 7,000 Goods returned by customers 500
Debtors 12,600 Salaries & Wages 6,200
Petty Cash, 200 Rent & Rates 1,200
Goods sent from H.O. 26,000 Sundry Expenses 800
Goods returned to H.O 1,000 Cash received from Debtors 28,500
Cash Sales 17,500 Balances as on 31.12.2021:
Credit Sales 28,400 Stock 6,500
Allowances to customers 200 Debtors 9,800
Discount to customers 1,400 Petty Cash 100
(a) Branch Account (Debtors Method),
(b) Memorandum Branch Trading and Profit & Loss Account and
(c) Branch Stock Account, Branch Debtors Account, Branch Expenses Account & Branch
P&L Account as per Stock & Debtors Method.
(Ans: Net Profit 9,400)
Question 2 Pg no._____
LMN is having branch at Mumbai. Goods are invoiced to the branch at 25% profit on sale.
All expenses are paid by head office except petty expenses, which are met by the Branch.
Prepare branch account in the books of head office:

Stock as on 1st April, 2020 (Invoice price) 40,000
Sundry Debtors as on 1st April, 2020 25,000
Cash in hand as on 1st April, 2020 1,000
Office furniture as on 1st April, 2020 4,000
Goods invoiced from the head office (invoice price) 1,80,000
Goods return to head office 6,000
Goods return by debtors 1,250
Cash received from Debtors 65,000
Cash sales 1,20,000
Credit sales 70,000
Discount allowed to debtors 300
Expenses paid by Head Office
Salary 4,000
Staff Welfare 750

Page 4.20

Telephone Expenses 1,200

Other Misc. Expenses paid by branch 700
Stock as on 31st March, 2021 (at invoice price) 35,000
Depreciation to be provided on branch furniture 10% p.a.
(Ans: Net Profit 47,150)
Question 3 Pg no._____
M/s X has a branch at Delhi and the goods are invoiced to branch at a profit of 20% on
invoice price. Head Office paid all the branch expenses from its bank account, except petty
cash expenses which were met by the branch. Branch expenses directly paid by M/s X on
behalf of Delhi branch amounted to ₹ 20,000. Following information is available of the
transactions at Delhi branch for the year ended 31st December, 2021:
As on As on
01-01-2021 31-12-2021
Stock, at invoice price 80,000 1,00,000
Debtors 24,000 22,000
Petty cash 3,000 5,000
Transactions during the year ended 31st December, 2021:

Goods sent to branch, at invoice price 8,40,000
Goods returned by branch to head office, at invoice price 30,000
Cash sales 3,10,000
Credit sales 3,60,000
Cash sent for petty expenses 12,000
Bad debts at Delhi branch 2,000
Goods returned by debtors 2,000
Prepare Delhi Branch A/c (on cost basis) in the books of M/s X under Debtors System
(Ans: Net Profit 4,000)
Question 4 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____
Harrison of Chennai has a branch at New Delhi to which goods are sent @ 20% above cost.
The branch makes both cash and credit sales. Branch expenses are met partly from H.O.
and partly by the branch. The statement of expenses incurred by the branch every month is
sent to head office for recording. Following further details are given for the year ended 31st
December, 2021:

Cost of goods sent to Branch at cost 2,00,000
Goods received by Branch till 31-12-2021 at invoice price 2,20,000
Credit Sales for the year @ invoice price 1,65,000
Cash Sales for the year @ invoice price 59,000
Cash Remitted to head office 2,22,500
Expenses paid by H.O. 12,000
Bad Debts written off 750
Balances as on 01-01-2021 31-12-2021
Stock 25,000 (Cost) 28,000 (Invoice Price)
Debtors 32,750 26,000
Cash in Hand 5,000 2,500

Page 4.21

Prepare Branch Account in the books of the head office and determine the Profit and Loss
of the Branch for the year ended 31st December, 2021 by Debtors method.
(Ans: Net Profit 16,250)


Question 5 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

M/s Marena, Delhi has a branch at Bangalore to which office goods are invoiced at cost plus
25%. The branch sells both for cash and on credit. Branch Expenses are paid direct from
head office and the Branch has to remit all cash received into the Head Office Bank Account.
From the following details, relating to calendar year 2021, prepare the accounts in the Head
Office Ledger and ascertain the Branch Profit. Branch does not maintain any books of
account but sends weekly returns to the Head Office.
Goods received from Head Office at invoice price 45,00,000
Returns to Heads Office at invoice price 90,000
Stock at Bangalore as on 1st January, 2021 4,50,000
Sales during the year – Cash 15,00,000
Credit 27,00,000
Sundry Debtors at Bangalore as on 1st January, 2021 5,40,000
Cash received from Debtors 24,00,000
Discount allowed to Debtors 45,000
Bad Debts in the year 30,000
Sales returns at Bangalore Branch 60,000
Rent, Rates and Taxes at Branch 1,35,000
Salaries, Wages and Bonus at Branch 4,50,000
Office Expenses 45,000
Stock at Branch on 31st December, 2021 at invoice price 9,00,000
(Ans: Net Profit 2,67,000)
Question 6 (Inter Nov 2020) (10 Marks) / (RTP Nov 2021) (Similar) Pg no._____
Vijay & Co. of Jaipur has a branch in Patna to which goods are sent @ 20% above cost. The
branch makes both cash & credit sales. Branch expenses are paid direct from Head office
and the branch has to remit all cash received into the bank account of Head office. Branch
doesn't maintain any books of accounts but sends monthly returns to head office.
Following further details are given for the year ended 31st March, 2021:
Amount (₹)
Goods received from Head office at Invoice Price 8,40,000
Goods returned to Head office at Invoice Price 60,000
Cash sales for the year 2020-21 1,85,000
Credit Sales for the year 2020-21 6,25,000
Stock at Branch as on 01-04-2020 at Invoice price 72,000
S. Debtors at Patna branch as on 01-04-2020 96,000
Cash received from Debtors 4,38,000
Discount allowed to Debtors 7,500
Goods returned by customers at Patna Branch 14,000
Bad debts written off 5,500
Amount recovered from Bad debts previously written 1,000
off as Bad

Page 4.22

Rent Rates & Taxes at Branch 24,000

Salaries & wages at Branch 72,000
Office Expenses (at Branch) 9,200
Stock at Branch as on 31-03-2021 at cost price 1,25,000
Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Head office by following Stock and
Debtors method and ascertain Branch profit.
(Ans: Net Profit 93,800)
Question 7 (Inter May 2018) (10 Marks)
Ayan Ltd. invoices goods to its branch at cost plus 33 1/3%. From the following particulars
prepare Branch Stock Account, Branch Stock Adjustment Account and Branch Profit and
Pg no._____
Loss Account as they would appear in the books of head office.
Stock at commencement at Branch at invoice Price 3,60,000
Stock at close at Branch at Invoice Price 2,88,000
Goods sent to Branch during the year at invoice price 24,00,000
(including goods invoiced at ₹ 48,000 to Branch on 31.03.2021
but not received by Branch before close of the year).
Return of goods to head office (invoice Price) 1,20,000
Credit Sales at Branch 1,20,000
Invoice value of goods pilfered 24,000
Normal loss at Branch due to wastage and deterioration of stock 36,000
(at invoice price)
Cash Sales at Branch 21,60,000
Ayan closes its books on 31st March, 2021
(Ans: Net Profit 5,52,000)
Question 8 (Inter Dec 2021) (10 Marks) Pg no._____
Delta Ltd. has branch at Kanpur. Goods are invoiced from the Head office to the Branch at
cost plus 50%. Branch remits all cash received to Head office and all the expenses are met
by Head office. Prepare necessary ledger accounts in the books of Delta Ltd. under Stock
and Debtors system to show profit earned at the Branch for the year ending 31st March,
2021. Following information related to branch is given:
Particulars ₹ Particulars ₹
Stock on 1st April 2020 31,200 Surplus in stock 600
(Invoice price) (Invoice price)
Debtors on 1st April 2020 17,400 Goods returned by Debtors 3,000
Goods invoiced at cost 72,000 Expenses at Branch 13,400
Sales at Branch: Discount allowed to Debtors 700
Cash sales 20,000
Credit sales 68,200 Debtors on 31st March 2021 14,300
(Ans: Net Profit 14,700)


Question 9 Pg no._____
M/s. Sandeep having Head Office at Delhi has a Branch at Kolkata. The Head Office does
wholesale trade only at cost plus 80%. The Goods are sent to Branch at the wholesale price
viz. cost plus 80%.

Page 4.23

The Branch at Kolkata wholly engaged in retail trade and the goods are sold at cost to Head
Office plus 100%.
Following details are furnished for the year ended 31st March, 2021:
Head Office Kolkata Branch
Opening Stock (As on 01.04.2020) 1,25,000
Purchases 21,50,000
Goods sent to Branch (cost to H.O. plus 80%) 7,38,000
Sales 23,79,600 7,30,000
Office Expenses 50,000 4,500
Selling Expenses 32,000 3,300
Staff Salary 45,000 8,000
You are required to prepare Trading and Profit & Loss Account of the Head Office and Branch
for the Year ended 31st March, 2021.
(Ans: Net Profit 12,22,600 & 57,200)
Question 10 Pg no._____
From the following details of Western Branch Office of M/s. XYZ Corp. for the year ending
31st March, 2021, ascertain branch stock reserve in respect of unrealized profit in opening
stock and closing stock:
(i) Goods are sent to the branch at invoice price and branch also maintains stock at the
same price.
(ii) Sale price is cost plus 40%.
(iii) Invoice price is cost plus 15%.
(iv) Other information from accounts of branch:
Opening Stock as on 01-04-2020 3,45,000
Goods sent during the year by HO to BO 16,10,000
Sales during the year 21,00,000
Expenses incurred at the branch 45,000
(Ans: Closing Stock 2,30,000; Stock reserve 45,000 & 30,000)
Question 11 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____
Following is the information of the Jammu branch of Best New Delhi for the year ending 31st
March, 2021 from the following:
(1) Goods are invoiced to the branch at cost plus 20%.
(2) The sale price is cost plus 50%.
(3) Other information:
a. Stock as on 01.04.2020 (invoice price) 2,20,000
b. Goods sent during the year (invoice price) 11,00,000
c. Sales during the year 12,00,000
d. Expenses incurred at the branch 45,000
(i) the profit earned by the branch during the year
(ii) branch stock reserve in respect of unrealized profit.
(Ans: Net Profit 1,95,000)

Page 4.24


Question 12 (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Alphs having head office in Mumbai has a branch in Nagpur. The branch at Nagpur is an
independent branch maintaining separate books of account. On 31.3.2021, it was found that
the goods dispatched by head office for ₹ 2,00,000 was received by the branch only to the
extent of ₹ 1,50,000. The balance goods are in transit. What is the accounting entry to be
passed by the branch for recording the goods in transit, in its books?
Question 13 (RTP Nov b) 2018) Pg no._____
Pass necessary Journal entries in the books of an independent Branch of M/s TPL Sons,
wherever required, to rectify or adjust the following transactions:
(i) Branch paid ₹ 5,000 as salary to a Head Office Manager, but the amount paid has been
debited by the Branch to Salaries Account.
(ii) A remittance of ₹ 1,50,000 sent by the Branch has not received by Head Office on the
date of reconciliation of Accounts.
(iii) Branch assets accounts retained at head office, depreciation charged for the year ₹
15,000 not recorded by Branch.
(iv) Head Office expenses ₹ 75,000 allocated to the Branch, but not yet been recorded by
the Branch.
(v) Head Office collected ₹ 60,000 directly from a Branch Customer. The intimation of the
fact has not been received by the Branch.
(vi) Goods dispatched by the Head office amounting to ₹ 50,000, but not received by the
Branch till date of reconciliation.
(vii) Branch incurred advertisement expenses of ₹ 10,000 on behalf of other Branches, but
not recorded in the books of Branch.
(viii) Head office made payment of ₹ 16,000 for purchase of goods by branch, but not
recorded in branch books.

Question 14 (Inter Jan 2021) (5 Marks) / (ICAI Study Material) Pg no._____

Give Journal Entries in the books of Branch to rectify or adjust the following:
a) Branch paid ₹ 5,000 as salary to H.O supervisor, but the amount paid by branch has been
debited to salary account in the books of branch.
b) Asset Purchased by branch for ₹ 25,000, but the Asset was retained in H.O. Books.
c) A remittance of ₹ 8,000 sent by the branch has not been received by H.O.
d) H.O. collected ₹ 25,000 directly from the customer of Branch but fails to give the
intimation to branch.
e) Remittance of funds by H.O. to branch ₹ 5,000 not entered in branch books.


Question 15 Pg no._____
Omega has a branch at Washington. Its Trial Balance as at 30th September, 2021 is as:
Dr. (US $) Cr. (US $)
Plant and machinery 1,20,000 -
Furniture and fixtures 8,000 -
Stock, Oct. 1, 2020 56,000 -

Page 4.25

Purchases 2,40,000 -
Sales - 4,16,000
Goods from Omega (H.O.) 80,000 -
Wages 2,000 -
Carriage inward 1,000 -
Salaries 6,000 -
Rent, rates and taxes 2,000 -
Insurance 1,000 -
Trade expenses 1,000 -
Head Office A/c - 1,14,000
Trade debtors 24,000 -
Trade creditors - 17,000
Cash at bank 5,000 -
Cash in hand 1,000 -
5,47,000 5,47,000
The following further information is given:
(1) Wages outstanding – $ 1,000.
(2) Depreciate Plant and Machinery and Furniture and Fixtures @ 10 % p.a.
(3) The Head Office sent goods to Branch for ₹ 39,40,000.
(4) The Head Office shows an amount of ₹ 43,00,000 due from Branch.
(5) Stock on 30th September, 2021 – $ 52,000.
(6) There were no in transit items either at the start or at the end of the year.
(7) On September 1, 2019, when fixed assets were purchased, the rate of exchange was ₹ 38
to one $.
On October 1, 2020, the rate was ₹ 39 to one $.
On September 30, 2021, the rate was ₹ 41 to one $.
Average rate during the year was ₹ 40 to one $.
You are asked to prepare:
(a) Trial balance incorporating adjustments given under 1 to 4 above, converting dollars
into rupees.
(b) Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 30th September, 2021 and
Balance Sheet as on that date depicting the profitability and net position of the Branch
as would appear in India for the purpose of incorporating in the main Balance Sheet.
(Ans: Exchange Gain 7,00,000 & Net Profit 27,01,600)
Question 16 Pg no._____
Omega Ltd., an Indian company has a branch at New York (USA). The trial balance of the
Branch as at 31st March, 2021 is as follows:
Particulars Dr. (US $) Cr. (US $)
Fixed Assets 51,200
Opening Stock 22,400
Purchases/Sales 96,000 1,66,400
Goods sent from H.O 32,000
Carriage inward 400
Branch Expenses 4,800
Head Office Account 45,600
Sundry Debtors/Creditors 9,600 6,800
Cash at Bank 2,400
2,18,800 2,18,800

Page 4.26

The following further information is given below:

1) Expenses outstanding $ 400.
2) Depreciate Fixed Assets @ 10% p.a. at written down value.
3) The Head Office sent goods to Branch for ₹ 15,80,000.
4) The head office shown an amount of ₹ 20,50,000 due from Branch.
5) Closing Stock $ 21,500.
6) There were no transit items either at the start or at the end of the year.
7) On April 1, 2019 when the fixed assets were purchased the rate of exchange was ₹ 43 to
one $. On April 1, 2020, the rate was ₹ 47 per $. On March 31, 2021, the rate was ₹ 50 per
$. Average Rate during the year was ₹ 45 to one $.
Convert the USA Branch trial balance in ₹ assuming that Branch is an Integral Foreign
Operation of the Company. Calculate Foreign Exchange gains/loss & show its Accounting
Treatment as per AS11.
(Ans: Exchange Gain 1,08,400)
Question 17 (RTP May 2019) Pg no._____
M/s ABC & Co. has head office at New York (U.S.A.) and branch in Bangalore (India).
Bangalore branch is an integral foreign operation of ABC & Co. Bangalore branch furnishes
you with its trial balance as on 31st March, 2021 and the additional information given
Dr. Cr.
Rupees in thousands
Stock on 1st April, 2020 300 -
Purchases and sales 800 1,200
Sundry Debtors and Creditors 400 300
Bills of Exchange 120 240
Wages and Salaries 560 -
Rent, rates and taxes 360 -
Sundry charges 160 -
Computers 240 -
Bank balance 420 -
New York office a/c - 1,620
3,360 3,360
Additional information:
(a) Computers were acquired from a remittance of US $ 6,000 received from New York head
office and paid to the suppliers. Depreciate computers at 60% for the year.
(b) Unsold stock of Bangalore branch was worth ₹ 4,20,000 on 31st March, 2021.
(c) The rates of exchange may be taken as follows:
- On 01.04.2020 @ ₹ 55 per US $
- On 31.03.2021 @ ₹ 60 per US $
- Average exchange rate for the year @ ₹ 58 per US $
- Conversion in $ shall be made up to two decimal accuracy.

You are asked to prepare in US dollars the revenue statement for the year ended 31st March,
2021 and the balance sheet as on that date of Bangalore branch as would appear in the
books of New York head office of ABC & Co. You are informed that Bangalore branch account
showed a debit balance of US $ 29845.35 on 31.3.2021 in New York books and there were no
items pending reconciliation.
(Ans: Net Loss 13,778.68)

Page 4.27

Question 18 (Inter May 2019) (8 Marks) Pg no._____

M/s Ravi & Co. has head office at New York and branch at Delhi (India). Delhi branch is an
integral foreign operation of M/s Ravi & Co. Delhi branch furnishes you with its Trial Balance
as on 31st March, 2021 and the additional information thereafter:
Dr. Cr.
Rupees in thousands
Stock on 1st April, 2020 600 -
Purchases and Sales 1,600 2,400
Sundry Debtors and Creditors 800 600
Bills of Exchange 240 480
Wages 1,120 -
Rent, rates and taxes 720 -
Sundry Expenses 320 -
Computers 600 -
Bank Balance 520 -
Singapore Office a/c - 3,040
Total 6,520 6,520
Additional information:
(a) Computers were acquired from a remittance of US dollar 12,000 received from US Head
Office and paid to the suppliers. Depreciate Computers at the rate of 40% for the year.
(b) Closing Stock of Delhi branch was ₹ 15,60,000 on 31st March, 2021.
(c) The Rates of Exchange may be taken as follows:
(i) on 1.4.2020 @ ₹ 50 per US Dollar
(ii) on 31.3.2021 @ ₹ 52 per US Dollar
(iii) average Exchange Rate for the year @ ₹ 51 per US Dollar
(iv) conversion in US Dollar shall be made upto two decimal accuracy.
(d) Delhi Branch Account showed a debit balance of US Dollar 59,897.43 on 31.3.2021 in the
Head Office books and there were no items pending for reconciliation.
In the books of Head office, you are required to prepare:
(1) Revenue statement for the year ended 31st March, 2021 (in US Dollar)
(2) Balance Sheet as on that date (in US Dollar)
(Ans: Net Loss 13,466.67)
Question 19 (RTP Nov 2020) (Similar) Pg no._____
M & S Co. of Lucknow has a branch in Canberra, Australia. At the end of 31st March 2021, the
following ledger balances have been extracted from the books of the Lucknow office and
the Canberra.
Particulars (₹ ‘000) (Aust. Dollars in ‘000)
Debit Credit Debit Credit
Capital 2,000
Reserves and Surplus 1,000
Land 500
Building (cost) 1,000
Buildings Depreciation Reserve 200
Plant & Machinery (cost) 2,500 200
Plant & Machinery Depreciation Reserve 600 130
Trade receivables/payables 280 200 60 30
Stock (01-04-2020) 100 20

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Branch Stock Reserve 4

Cash & Bank Balances 10 10
Purchases/Sales 240 520 20 123
Goods sent to Branch 100 5
Managing Director’s salary 30
Wages & Salaries 75 45
Rent 12
Office Expenses 25 18
Commission receipts 256 100
Branch/H.O. Current A/c 120 7
Total 4,880 4,880 390 390
The following information is also available:
(i) Stock as at 31st March, 2021
Lucknow ₹ 1,50,000 Canberra A$ 3125 (all stock are out of purchases made at Abroad)
(ii) Head Office always sent goods to the Branch at cost plus 25%
(iii) Provision is to be made for doubtful debts at 5%
(iv) Depreciation is to be provided on Buildings at 10% and on Plant and Machinery at 20%
on written down value.
You are required to:
(1) Convert the Branch Trial Balance into rupees by using the following exchange rates:
Opening rate 1 A $ = ₹ 50
Closing rate 1 A $ = ₹ 53
Average rate 1 A $ = ₹ 51.00
For Fixed Assets 1 A $ = ₹ 46.00
(2) Prepare Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31st March 2021 showing
to the extent possible H.O. results and Branch results separately
(Ans: Exchange Loss 208 & Net Profit Combined 4,668.625)
Question 20 Pg no._____
The Washington branch of ABC India sent the following trial balance as on 31st December,
Particulars $ $
Head office A/c - 13,680
Sales - 50,400
Debtors and creditors 2,880 2,040
Machinery 14,400 -
Cash at bank 720 -
Stock, 1 January, 2021 6,720 -
Goods from H.O. 38,400 -
Expenses 3,000 -
66,120 66,120

In the books of head office, the Branch A/c stood as follows:

Washington Branch A/c
Particular ₹ Particular ₹
To Balance b/d 4,86,000 By Cash 23,25,600
To Goods sent to 23,55,600 By Balance c/d 5,16,000
28,41,600 28,41,600

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Goods are sent to the branch at cost plus 10% and the branch sells goods at invoice price
plus 25%. Machinery was acquired on 31st January, 2016, when $ 1.00 = ₹ 46.
Exchange rate per US$ were:
1st January, 2021 ₹ 64
31st December, 2021 ₹ 66
Average Rate ₹ 65
Machinery is depreciated @ 10% on written down value basis. The branch manager is entitled
to a commission of 5% on the profits of the branch.

You are required to prepare in the books of Head Office:

a) Branch Trading & Profit & Loss A/c in dollars.
b) Convert the Trial Balance of branch into Indian currency.
c) Branch Trading & Profit and Loss Account in Rupees
d) Branch Account
(Ans: Exchange Loss 45,960 & Net Profit 4,81,308)

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