Final Resume
Final Resume
Final Resume
Programming Languages: C++, Python,C,javaScript
Technologies: React, NodeJS, Express, Mongodb, Next.js, MySQL, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Tailwindcss
Cyber Cafe Management System Jan 2024 – Present
ReactJS, TailwindCSS, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB
• Developed and deployed a full-stack web application for managing a cyber cafe.
• Implemented user authentication and authorization using JWT tokens for secure access.
• Designed a responsive and interactive user interface using ReactJS and TailwindCSS.
• Features: Real-time session management, booking system, usage tracking, and an admin dashboard.
• Received positive feedback for the intuitive user interface and efficient management system from users and cafe administrators.
Freelance MERN Stack Developer Jan 2024 – Present
ReactJS ,TailwindCSS, NodeJS, Express, Mongod
• Developed and deployed multiple full-stack web applications using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack,
focusing on custom solutions tailored to client needs
• Acquired projects exclusively through personal networks and referrals, demonstrating strong networking and client relationship
management skills.
• Collaborated closely with clients to gather requirements, develop technical specifications, and deliver high-quality products within
agreed timelines.
• Led the full software development lifecycle from initial concept through final delivery, ensuring adherence to project scopes and
client expectations.
leetcode 23 july-2024
• got a rank 6229 out of 35585 participants in Weekly Contest 403 weekly contest 403
• standing in top 20% of users
• Solved more than 500 DSA problem at various platforms like LeetCode ,GFG and Coding Ninja