This document outlines procedures for transferring telephone registrations in Chennai, India. It discusses different types of transfers including legal heir transfers after death, near relative transfers during the subscriber's lifetime, third party transfers between non-relatives, and transfers of registrations on an all-India basis. The key requirements for different transfer types include affidavits, death or relationship certificates, payment of transfer fees and deposits applicable at the new location. Transfers are allowed for registrations under OYT, NOYT General and NOYT Special categories subject to eligibility conditions like minimum usage period and location-specific deposit amounts.
This document outlines procedures for transferring telephone registrations in Chennai, India. It discusses different types of transfers including legal heir transfers after death, near relative transfers during the subscriber's lifetime, third party transfers between non-relatives, and transfers of registrations on an all-India basis. The key requirements for different transfer types include affidavits, death or relationship certificates, payment of transfer fees and deposits applicable at the new location. Transfers are allowed for registrations under OYT, NOYT General and NOYT Special categories subject to eligibility conditions like minimum usage period and location-specific deposit amounts.
This document outlines procedures for transferring telephone registrations in Chennai, India. It discusses different types of transfers including legal heir transfers after death, near relative transfers during the subscriber's lifetime, third party transfers between non-relatives, and transfers of registrations on an all-India basis. The key requirements for different transfer types include affidavits, death or relationship certificates, payment of transfer fees and deposits applicable at the new location. Transfers are allowed for registrations under OYT, NOYT General and NOYT Special categories subject to eligibility conditions like minimum usage period and location-specific deposit amounts.
This document outlines procedures for transferring telephone registrations in Chennai, India. It discusses different types of transfers including legal heir transfers after death, near relative transfers during the subscriber's lifetime, third party transfers between non-relatives, and transfers of registrations on an all-India basis. The key requirements for different transfer types include affidavits, death or relationship certificates, payment of transfer fees and deposits applicable at the new location. Transfers are allowed for registrations under OYT, NOYT General and NOYT Special categories subject to eligibility conditions like minimum usage period and location-specific deposit amounts.
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12/5/11 Chennai Telephones-Transfer Procedure
1/3 Heir Trans
Rule And Procedures For Transfer And Third Part Transfer
1. General 2. Legal Heir Transfer 3. Near Relative Transfer 4. Change Of Name Of Compan Or Firm 5. Change Of Telephone To SSI Categor: 6. Transfer of Registration on All India basis GENEAL This means transfer of telephones between subscribers who are not related to each other.The telephones obtained or sanctioned under the following categories are eligible for third part transfer. OYT General, NOYT General and NOYT Special telephones sanctioned to individuals onl. The third part transfer application form is available at the Customer Relations Centre of the area office and also at the Telecom Centre and will be supplied on request. In the case of telephones obtained under OYT, the balance of the advance deposit shall be refunded to the transferor after the deduction of outstanding dues. The transferee will make the pament of the advance deposit for the remaining period. In the case of telephones obtained under NOYT General, the securit deposit, if an, will be refunded to the transferor after deduction of outstanding dues. The transferee will make the pament of advance deposit and Bi- monthl rental as applicable in the case of telephone connections provided under NOYT general categor. Telephones sanctioned under NOYT Special to individuals are eligible for third part transfer provided the original date of NOYT General registration of the subscriber is covered at the present place of working of the telephone. The subscriber who transfers the telephone on third part transfer is not eligible for a telephone under NOYT Special categor once the transfer is effected. New telephone under NOYT Special will be sanctioned to the transferor after a period of two ears from the date of third part transfer. Third part transfer can be done to an categor of subscriber/ business/individual. A sum of Rs.500/- will be collected towards the transfer fee from the above categor of transferees. The transfer application form alongwith the two affidavits are to be submitted b the transferee to the concerned Commercial Officer. Procedre For Transfer Of Telephones: Telephones working in individual name are eligible for Legal Heir Transfer and Near Relative Transfer. Legal Heir Transfer: 12/5/11 Chennai Telephones-Transfer Procedure 2/3 Heir Trans This transIer is aIter the death oI a subscriber. In case the subscriber has leIt a Will in Iavour oI a person, the telephone will be transIerred to his name. In case the Will contains more than one person, the telephone can be transIerred to any one person by mutual consent by others. In the absence oI a Will, the telephone will be transIerred to the widow / widower oI the deceased or otherwise to the legal heir oI the successor. In this case, a copy oI the legal heir certiIicate, a copy oI the death certiIicate and no objection certiIicate Irom other legal heirs and an aIIidavit on Rs.10/- non-judicial stamp paper are to be submitted. II the telephone is transIerred to the widow/widower, no objection certiIicate Irom the other heirs is not required. Near Relative TransIer: Telephones obtained under individual names oI any category can be transIerred to one oI the near relatives, during the liIetime oI the subscriber. The telephones may be transIerred to a near relative viz., Iather, mother, wiIe, husband, son or daughter, brother or sister, stepbrother and stepsister, irrespective oI the categories under which the telephone was originally obtained. The telephone should have worked at least Ior a period oI one year. II the telephone was obtained under Special category on out oI turn priority, the original hirer may not get another new connection under the category Ior a period oI 5 years. In this case, an aIIidavit oI Rs.10/-on a non- judicial stamp paper, declaring the relationship between the transIeror and the transIeree and documentary evidence Ior their relationship alongwith the transIer Iorms should be submitted alongwith the request Irom the transIeror. Change OI Name OI Company Or Firm: A change in the name oI a Iirm or company or institution or organization or association or simply on account oI any change in the name in the constitution amounts to transIer. Change OI Telephone To SSI Category: The telephone provided under special category in the case oI small scale industry is permitted to be transIerred iI the hirer is prepared to convert it into OYT by depositing the requisite amount oI OYT, only iI the original date oI installation oI the telephone has covered under the ceiling date upto which the OYT is current. The Iact that the telephone was obtained on priority under special category prevents transIer under the rules. In case oI registration under special category, transIer is not permissible. The telephone should have worked Ior at least one year in all cases except legal heir transIer. II the telephone is sanctioned under Tatkal scheme, transIer is possible only aIter three years Irom the date oI installation. The transIer Iee oI Rs.100/- will be collected in all the above cases. The registrations waiting Ior release can also be transIerred on the above lines. TransIer oI registration Irom OYT to NOYT general category is not permitted. TransIer oI registration Irom OYT general to OYT special may be allowed either Irom the date oI original registration or Irom the entitlement Ior registration under special category whichever is later. TransIer oI registration Irom NOYT to OYT is allowed only Irom the date oI receipt oI the diIIerence in deposit prescribed. Tanfe Of Regiaion On All India Bai: Registrations made under OYT, NOYT General and NOYT Special categories are eligible Ior transIer to anywhere in India, provided the registration Iee at the new station is either the same amount or higher than one paid at the old station. In the case oI deposit oI the same amount, no additional charges will be collected whereas in the case oI lower to 12/5/11 Chennai Telephones-Transfer Procedure 3/3 Heir Trans he highe egiai fee aea, a -efdabe egiai fee caed "Pceig Chage" i be ceced a R.150/ f each R.1,000/- f each ea f egiai eid, dig hich eid he aica had deied a ee a f e ih he deae. The aica h hae egieed i 28.04.1993 de OYT ad NOYT, i be chaged egiai fee de he ei chee a he e ai. The ceig chage i a be cacaed de he ei chee. The aicai i be egieed de ecia caeg a he e ai, if he aica bi eea dce i f hi cai NOYT ecia caeg. The eii f he aicai a he e ai i be a e he eii a he d ai. The ceig chage i be cideed a dei. The iee he egiai a i be cacaed f he igia dae f egiai. N afe f egiai f NOYT Geea OYT ad ice ea i be eied a he ie f afe A Idia bai. The ee f afe a be ade a ai ae he cceed Teec Ahi, h i eaie ad ie a ede ceificae he Teec Ahi a he e ai ih a c he aica. The aica h eceie he ede ceificae i hae a ih a c f he ede ceificae i a iced aicai f aaiabe a he Ce Reai Cee f he aea ffice ad bi he ae ihi 30 da f he dae f ie f egiai f ede ceificae he aea ffice cceed, h i i cec f he aica he dei/egiai fee a aicabe he e ai agih he -efdabe ceig chage heee ecea. If he igia dae f egiai ha aead bee ceed, he egiai i be eeaed iediae, heie i i be aiied. BAC