Conference Exhibitors
Chopin Technologies
Headquartered in Mexico, the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (known by its
Spanish acronym, CIMMYT) is a not-for-profit agriculture research and training organization. The
center works to reduce poverty and hunger by sustainably increasing the productivity of maize
and wheat in the developing world. CIMMYT maintains the world’s largest maize and wheat
seed bank and is best known for initiating the Green Revolution, which saved millions of lives
across Asia and for which CIMMYT’s Dr. Norman Borlaug was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
CIMMYT is a member of the CGIAR Consortium and receives support from national governments,
foundations, development banks, and other public and private agencies.
© International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) 2013. All rights reserved.
The designations employed in the presentation of materials in this publication do not imply the
expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of CIMMYT or its contributory organizations
concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city, or area, or of its authorities, or concerning
the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The opinions expressed are those of the author(s),
and are not necessarily those of CIMMYT or our partners. CIMMYT encourages fair use of this
material. Proper citation is requested.
Correct citation: Zhonghu He and Daowen Wang (eds.). 2013. Proceedings: 11th International
Gluten Workshop, Beijing, China, August 12–15, 2012. Mexico, D.F.: International Maize and Wheat
Improvement Center (CIMMYT).
ISBN: 978-607-8263-30-1
AGROVOC Descriptors: Gluten; Wheat; Seed quality; Protein quality; Protein content
Printed in Mexico.
123 New possibilities in micro-scale wheat quality characterisation: micro-gluten determination
and starch isolation
128 Characteristics and evaluation parameters associated with cooking quality of Chinese
fresh noodles
137 Optimization and application of capillary electrophoresis for rapid separation and
characterization of water-soluble proteins in wheat grains
143 The effects of bug (Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp.) damaged flours on quality characteristics
of cakes, cookies and breads
148 Molecular cloning and characterization of four i-type LMW glutenin subunit genes from
T. zhukovskyi and T. compactum
153 Effects of interactions between high molecular weight glutenin subunits and waxy alleles on
dough-mixing properties in common wheat
158 Application of molecular markers for HMW-GS in wheat cultivar improvement
162 Complex quality characterisation of Hungarian wheat cultivars
166 Bread-making qualities of a blend of protein-removedrice flour and extra-strong wheat flour
169 Effect of cultivar and roller milling on the levels of phenolic compounds in Italian durum wheat
174 The effect of bug (Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp.) damaged flours on formation of acrylamide
and hydroxmethylfurfural (HMF) in cakes, cookies and breads
179 Session 4: Starch and health attributes of the wheat grain
179 Starch biosynthesis in rice grains: natural variation and genetic improvement
180 Bio-fortification for high micronutrients in wheat breeding programs in China
185 Allergen potential of non-prolamin seed proteins in Brachypodium distachyon
190 Blood pressure lowering peptides from wheat gluten
195 How reliable are the measurements of residual gluten in gluten-free foods?
200 Effects of HMW- & LMW-glutenins and grain hardness on size of gluten polymers
206 Structural and mechanical properties of compression-molded wheat gluten, gliadin and
glutenin enriched films
209 DNA sequence variations of four Wx alleles generating polymorphic Wx-A1 protein for
decreased amylose content in wheat
Sincerely yours,
Thomas A. Lumpkin
Director General
The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
Tom Lumpkin: LeƩer to the ParƟcipants of the 11th InternaƟonal Gluten Workshop vii
Shumin Wang: Welcome Speech at 11th International
Gluten Workshop, Beijing, China, August 12–15, 2012
The 11th International Gluten Workshop would not have been possible without the valuable
contributions of the Organizing Committee. I would like to sincerely acknowledge the advice and
help of my committee colleagues: Xu Liu, CAAS, China; Rudi Appels, Murdoch University, Australia;
Roberto Javier Pena and Hans-Joachim Braun, CIMMYT, Mexico; Gerard Branlard, INRA, France;
Craig Morris and Susan Altenbach, USDA-ARS, USA; T.M. Ikeda, NARO, Japan; W. John Rogers,
Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Wujun Ma, Western
Australia Department of Agriculture and Food, Australia; Domenico Lafiandra, University of Tuscia,
Italy; Perry K. W. Ng, Michigan State University, USA; Shunhe Cheng, Yangzhou Agricultural
Research Institute, China; Aimin Zhang, CAS, China; Xianchun Xia, CAAS, China; Yueming Yan,
Capital Normal University, China; and Daowen Wang, CAS, China.
Many committee members also chaired sessions along with scientists listed below: Angela Juhasz,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; Guangyuan He, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, China; Frank Bekes, FBFD PTY LTD, Australia; Yimin Wei, CAAS, China; and Tuula
Songtag-Strohm, University of Helsinki, Finland. I am also very grateful to Aimin Zhang and his staff
at the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, and Na Zhang, Simin Li, Yonggui Xiao,
Yong Zhang, and Yan Zhang at the Institute of Crop Science, CAAS, for organizing the visit to the
wheat labs in these two institutes and for other logistical support.
Financial support was generously provided by the National Natural Science Foundation of China
(NSFC, 31210303039), National Basic Research Program on Genetic Studies of Wheat Agronomic
Traits and Varietal Improvement (2009Cb11830) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, and the
International Collaboration Program (2011-G3) from the Ministry of Agriculture. I also particularly
wish to acknowledge the participation, exhibition and financial contributions of Brabender, Chopin
Technologies, and Perten in this workshop.
This workshop would not have been possible without administrative support from the Institute of
Crop Science, CAAS, the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, CAS, and CIMMYT.
Finally, I am sure all authors and the organizing committee join with me in giving special thanks
to Professor Robert McIntosh for editing the manuscripts included in these proceedings, and to the
CIMMYT editorial team for design and printing.
Z. H. He
Chair of the Organizing Committee
Acknowledgements ix
Session 1: Capturing discoveries from genomics,
proteomics, and transcriptomics
The State Key Lab of Plant Cell and Chromosome Engineering, Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
Wheat is one of the most important food crops in the world, and is more widely cultivated and
consumed than other major cereals. Because of its immense importance for human subsistence, major
international efforts are being devoted to study and improve the agronomic traits of wheat, such
as yield, quality, nutrient use efficiency, and resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Wheat quality
includes multiple aspects (i.e., processing, milling, flour color, starch, functional nutrient, etc.), each
involving the action of multiple genes and being influenced by environmental conditions. Although
conventional genetic and breeding studies have contributed substantially to understand and improve
wheat quality traits, they usually focus on a small number of genes, and may not be highly efficient
in revealing the functional complexities underlying the different types of quality traits. Functional
genomics studies, conducted at genome wide level, offer high prospects for dissecting, understanding,
and modifying complex agronomic traits. However, these kinds of studies are currently not possible
for wheat owing to the lack of complete genome sequence information. The huge and complex
polyploid genomes in common and durum wheats have made complete genome sequencing difficult
in these species. Thus, alternative and complementary strategies are needed for obtaining genome
sequencing information for wheat. Our State Key Laboratory has chosen to sequence the A genome
of Triticum urartu (AA, 2n = 2x = 14), which is the progenitor of the A genomes in many polyploid
wheats (including common and durum wheats). Using next generation sequencing facility, coupled
with transcriptome sequencing of multiple organs, a draft genome sequence of Triticum urartu
has been generated. In this presentation, the salient features of Triticum urartu A genome will be
briefly described. The major emphasis of the talk will be placed on several lines of ongoing research
concerning the application of Triticum urartu genome sequencing information and resources in studying
and improving wheat quality traits.
The unique transcripts from a range of wheat gene transcripts datasets and coding sequences predicted
from the wheat genome survey sequences (International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium; IWGSC)
were resources used to establish a dataset of predicted protein entities with their respective molecular
weights estimated. This dataset was then cross-referenced to available data for the molecular weights
of proteins reported in the literature as well as from our own analyses of grain protein in samples from
structured mapping populations. The chromosomal locations from a mapping population of 225 doubled
haploid lines using high throughput MALDI-TOF analyses could be compared to predicted locations of
proteins determined from the chromosome arm-based analysis of the wheat genome survey sequences. A
pilot study on the proteogenomic analysis of wheat utilized published tandem mass spectrometry spectra
from proteins separated on 2D gels, and this study validated annotations defined by AUGUSTUS gene
predictions (using the maize model). We found 170 peptides in total, mapped to 76 known genes and 5
novel genes. A more complete analysis using gene models predicted from FL-cDNAEST and RNA-seq
evidence and mass spectra from shotgun mass spectrometry will provide a higher proteome coverage
and ultimately provide a more comprehensive insight into the gene space within the wheat genome. The
study highlighted some technical challenges in resolving proteins close to each other in molecular weight.
This can now be addressed with newer mass spectroscopy technologies. The available dataset of predicted
proteins was also analyzed for epitopes of potential interest for identifying grain proteins that may cause
health issues in consumers of wheat-based products.
Fig. 1 The alignment of trypsin peptides from the predicted gene (“query”), triticin, on chromosome
1DS to the respective peptides from the triticin gene in GenBank (“Sbjct”). The perfectly matched
peptides were located in the region reference triticin amino acid sequence from position 472 to 560.
Proteomic strategies combining high-resolution 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and tandem
mass spectrometry (MS/MS) offer considerable potential for understanding the effects of environment
on flour quality and immunogenic potential. However, it is challenging to create a detailed map of
the wheat flour proteome, largely because of the complex nature of the major gluten proteins. Using
improved methods, a comprehensive proteomic map of wheat flour from the bread wheat Butte 86 was
developed in which 230 proteins were associated with specific gene sequences. The proteomic map
was used to identify proteins that are differentially expressed in developing Butte 86 grain in response
to post-anthesis fertilizer. These results coupled with recent success in the genetic transformation of
Butte 86 facilitate targeted efforts to alter flour composition in the US bread wheat and to more clearly
define the roles of individual proteins in flour quality and in the response of the grain to the growth
Fig. 1 Research strategy to decipher the effects of environment on wheat flour quality. Plants are grown
in greenhouses under defined environmental regimens. Effects of the environmental treatments on flour
quality are assessed and quantitative 2-DE is used to identify individual flour proteins that change in
abundance. Expression of genes encoding differentially accumulated proteins is modified in transgenic
plants. Transgenic plants are used to relate specific changes in the proteome to flour quality and to better
define the roles of specific proteins in the response of the grain to environment.
Table 1. Numbers of peptides identified by MS/MS with different proteases. Data are summarized from
Dupont et al. (2011).
A) B)
Fig. 2 2-DE analysis of grain protein from Butte 86 plants. Proteins were obtained from grain of A)
non-transgenic control plants and B) T3 transgenic plants containing an RNAi construct targeting the
omega5-gliadin genes. Omega5-gliadins are circled in Panel A.
UMR 1095 GDEC, 5 Chemin de Beaulieu, 63039 Clermont-Ferrand, France; 2Blaise Pascal University,
Proteomics analysis of gluten proteins was carried out on manually dissected starchy endosperm of
three bread wheat cultivars: Récital, Arche and Tamaro. The albumins and globulins of the developing
endosperm were first extracted and 21 stages of development were analyzed for the cultivar Récital.
Proteomics analysis of storage proteins was also carried out for eight stages of development from
the late period of endosperm cell division to physiological maturity. Based on quantitative variations
in these storage proteins, principal component analysis revealed four major phases during their
accumulation. Hierarchical cluster analysis revealed 10 major profiles, providing evidence for
differences in the kinetics of protein accumulation. Identification of individual gliadins and glutenins
showed that the protein accumulation profiles differed for these two groups. The storage protein
profiles were compared to recently identified profiles of albumin-globulin proteins. A similar analysis
was performed on cultivars Arche and Tamaro (medium and very high quality, respectively) which
were subjected to two temperature regimes during the post-anthesis period: 28/15°C (high temperature
treatment) versus 23/11°C (control) day/night air temperature. Although significant differences were
observed in the gliadin:glutenin ratio between the high temperature treatment and the controls during
the grain filling period, the ratios at maturity showed no significant differences between stressed and
control for each cultivar. Interestingly, the very high quality cultivar Tamaro had far fewer fluctuations
in its gliadin:glutenin ratio than cv. Arche, indicating differences in the genetic regulation of gluten
protein synthesis among cultivars.
4.5 alpha-beta
B) 0.6 gamma
mg protein/grain
192 247 343 457 547 655 764 1003 0.5 omega
7 0.4
6.5 0.3
6 0.2
5.5 stages of development °Cd
192 247 343 457 547 655 764 1006
4.5 1.4 HMW
mg protein/grain
192 247 343 457 547 655 764 1003 1
Thermal time in °Cdays 0.8
Fig. 2 Two-dimensional electrophoresis of proteins 0.6
extracted with urea/thiourea/CHAPS from the ma- 0.4
ture endosperm of cv. Récital (A). The two LMW- 0.2
stages of development °Cd
GS clusters resulting from HCA are highlighted 0
with 31 spots (surrounded) and 16 spots (arrows) 192 247 343 457 547 655 764 1006
(A). The five higher (lower) profiles and the average Fig. 3 Quantity of protein per grain versus thermal
profile (thick line) for each cluster are shown in (B) time after anthesis for 104 WSP spots grouped as
and (C), respectively. Vertical bar, ±1 S.D. type-, -, w-gliadins (A) and HMW-GS and
Fusarium head blight (FHB), a worldwide wheat disease, has a detrimental effect both on productivity
and qualitative properties of wheat flour. To evaluate the impact of FHB on the wheat flour we
compared the proteomes of mature kernels obtained from Fusarium graminearum-infected spikes and
control bread wheat plants. The same analysis was also performed on mature seeds of control and
F. graminearum-infected transgenic bread wheat plants expressing a Poly-Galacturonase Inhibiting
Protein (PGIP) that possesses partial resistance to FHB. DIGE investigation of metabolic proteins and
A-PAGE and SDS-PAGE analysis of storage proteins (gliadins and glutenins) extracted from mature
seeds did not identify any component differentially accumulated between the infected plants and non-
infected controls, between infected and non-infected transgenic plants, or between infected and non-
infected transgenic and control plants. Conversely, total starch content showed a significant difference
between infected and non-infected control plants, with the infected control plants showing a reduced
total starch content. Similarly, there was a significant difference between infected transgenic and
control plants, with the transgenic plants showing higher total starch contents. These results indicate
that moderate infection of FHB does not cause significant changes in the wheat seed proteome, but
does reduce the total seed starch content. Moreover, the expression of PGIP protects the grain from
starch decrease following F. graminearum infection.
C Ci T Ti C Ci T Ti
A) B)
Fig. 1 Example of endosperm protein analyses. A) A-PAGE of the gliadin extracts. B) SDS-PAGE of
glutenin subunits (HMW-GS and LMW-GS). C, control; Ci, control infected; T, transgenic; Ti, transgenic
infected. Proteins were visualized with Coomassie Blue and each sample was run in triplicate.
BAC clones containing -gliadin genes from the loci Gli-A2, Gli-B2, and Gli-D2 were screened from
a genomic BAC library of Triticum aestivum cv. Chinese Spring. We selected five BAC clones, viz. two
clones for Gli-A2, two for Gli-B2, and one for Gli-D2, for full sequencing. Approximately 200 kb was
sequenced for each locus. In total, twelve intact-gliadin genes and four pseudogenes were found.
Annotation of these sequences revealed an abundance of retrotransposons or other transposons
accumulated around the -gliadin genes. The pattern of genome segmental duplication within each
BAC was revealed by dot-plot analysis. We calculated evolutionary time since duplication of each
set of -gliadin genes and insertion of retrotransposons based on the numbers of base substitutions
per site. Duplication of all adjacent genes within the same BAC clone took place before or after
allotetrapolyploidization, but duplication of certain genes occurred before diploid differentiation
of wheat species. Retrotransposons were also inserted before and after the segmental duplication
events. Duplication of genome segments containing -gliadin genes and retrotransposons were
brought about through unequal crossing-over or saltatory replication, but -gliadin genes were also
duplicated without recombination events. The expression of -gliadin genes annotated from the
sequence was estimated from the frequency of ESTs. Of the twelve intact -gliadin genes used in
this study, nine were expressed, although their patterns of expression were different. Since they have
similar cis-elements and promoter structures, mechanisms underlying the distinct gene expression
and possible applications are suggested.
20 kb
B. (BAC11)
Gypsy_FaƟma Gypsy_Laura Byron
Gypsy_Sabrina CACTA
Gypsy_Sabrina Copia_TAR2CACTA CACTA Gypsy_Sabrina
C. (BAC5)
CACTA Copia_unnamed
Copia_BARA1 unknown unknown Gypsy_Romani Copia_Inga Gypsy_FaƟma
D. (BAC6)
Gypsy_Sumana Gypsy_Sumana
E. (BAC2)
Gypsy_Sabrina Gypsy_Laura Copia_WIS
Fig. 2 Organization of transposons and retrotransposons. Black arrowheads indicate -gliadin genes.
Arrows above boxes indicate the directions of gene transcription. Thick arrows indicate a predicted LTR.
Upward-pointing arrows indicate the border of a major duplicated fragment.
Gli-A2 BAC3 Sabrina gypsy 1,353 718 2.56 (0.62) 1.97 (0.48)
BAC3 Sabrina gypsy 1,339 720 2.55 (0.62) 1.96 (0.46)
BAC11 Laura gypsy 1,215 1,215 2.85 (0.50) 2.20 (0.38)
BAC11 Sabrina gypsy 744 1,202 12.55 (1.37) 9.65 (1.05)
BAC11 WIS copia 1,711 1,713 4.29 (0.51) 3.30 (0.39)
BAC11 Fatima gypsy 486 486 4.04 (0.89) 3.10 (0.68)
Gli-B2 BAC5 Unknown copia 128 128 0.79 (0.72) 0.61 (0.56)
BAC5 Romani gypsy 2,840 2,850 0.39 (0.11) 0.30 (0.09)
BAC5 Inga copia 1,736 1,733 4.42 (0.55) 3.40 (0.42)
Gli-D2 BAC2 Wilma gypsy 1,522 1,520 4.28 (0.53) 3.30 (0.40)
BAC2 Valerie copia 2,177 2,178 1.11 (0.22) 0.85 (0.17)
BAC2 WIS copia 1,718 1,726 0.82 (0.20) 0.63 (0.15)
Yokohama City University, Kihara Institute for Biological Research, Maioka-cho 641-12,
Yokohama 244-0813, Japan
Gluten significantly contributes to the processing properties of dough. Gluten consists of gliadin
and glutenin, which are seed storage proteins in wheat. Storage proteins play an important role in
influencing the quality of flour. In addition, these proteins function as allergens. In particular, α/β-
gliadin is reported to cause celiac disease (CD). Ingestion of α/β-gliadins by people with CD induces
inflammation of the small intestine, which results in malnourishment. Genes encoding α/β-gliadins
belong to multigene families at the Gli-A2, Gli-B2, and Gli-D2 loci located on the short arms of wheat
chromosomes in homoeologous group 6. To characterize gliadins in bread wheat, we performed
profiling of gliadins from Chinese Spring using two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(2D-PAGE). We assigned certain spots to the A, B, and D genomes using the homoeologous group 6
nullisomic-tetrasomic lines and ditelosomic lines. Gliadins were extracted from mature seeds using the
sodium iodide (NaI) method. We identified 73 gliadin spots in Chinese Spring and assigned 9 spots to
the A genome, 7 to the B genome, and 16 to the D genome. Furthermore, we obtained the profiles of
gliadins from other bread wheat genotypes. Different varieties showed wide variations in the positions
of the spots, suggesting the possibility of breeding hypoallergenic bread wheat.
6 pH 8.5
50 kd
37 kd
25 kd
Fig. 1 Gliadin profiles of Chinese Spring (CS) and aneuploid lines of CS obtained using 2D-PAGE.
The low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) are represented by many heterogeneous
proteins. The most common, based on the first amino acid of the mature sequence, are known as
LMW-m and LMW-s types. These differ as a consequence of three extra amino acids at the N-terminus
of LMW-m types. The nucleotide sequences of their encoding genes are in fact nearly identical, so
that it is not easy to ascertain the exact N-terminal amino acid sequence on the basis of the nucleotide
sequence. It was hypothesized that the presence of an asparagine residue in position 23 of the
coding sequence might account for the processing of the N-terminal end of the LMW-s sequence.
The resulting cleavage by an asparagine protease would generate the observed N-terminus of the
LMW-s type. Conversely, replacement of the asparagine residue by a threonine would generate the
LMW-m type N-terminal sequence. We performed site directed mutagenesis of a LMW-s gene to
replace asparagine at position 23 with threonine and the converse to a LMW-m type gene. Next we
produced transgenic durum lines. These were transformed with the mutated versions of the LMW-m
and LMW-s genes along with the wild type counterpart of the LMW-m type gene. Western blot
analyses on 2D gels and proteomic comparisons between the transgenic and untransformed lines
enabled identification of the transgenic proteins. MS/MS analyses and Edman N-terminal amino acid
sequences confirmed that processing occurs according to our predictions.
Wheat dough viscoelasticity is controlled by gluten proteins consisting of the monomeric gliadins and
polymeric glutenins, and representing the most abundant proteins in wheat grain endosperm. The
functional properties of the gluten proteins depend on their amount and composition, and also on their
assembly into polymers, which in turn depends on the specific locations of gluten proteins within the
endosperm and their segregation during deposition. It is widely accepted that two trafficking pathways
operate in wheat endosperm, leading to two mechanisms of protein body formation; one requiring
translocation via the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and Golgi and deposition in the vacuole, and the
other, direct aggregation and deposition in the ER. It has also been suggested that individual proteins
may follow one or both routes, and that the two trafficking pathways may differ in importance during
grain development, with accumulation within the ER becoming more prominent at the later stages. Our
understanding of the dynamics of trafficking and deposition of specific gluten protein types and of the
mechanism of wheat protein body formation has been limited so far by practical difficulties in developing
monospecific antibodies for gluten proteins and by an inability to unequivocally identify the origins of
membranes in microscopy sections. We overcame both technical limitations by using epitope tagging
to specifically tag individual gluten proteins and to tag membrane proteins that can act as markers for
specific organelle compartments (ER, Golgi, vacuole) in transgenic wheat.
Fig. 1 Constructs used for transformation of wheat for expression of fluorescence- and epitope-tagged
membrane proteins for organelle tagging. A, marker for endoplasmic reticulum (ER); B, marker for the
tonoplast (vacuole); C, marker for the Golgi.
Fig. 2 Constructs used for transformation of wheat to express epitope-tagged gluten proteins.
Transgenic rice was used to study the pattern and pathway of deposition of wheat high molecular
weight (HMW) subunit 1Dx5 within rice endosperm using specific antibodies to determine whether it
is deposited in the same or different protein bodies to rice storage proteins, and whether it is located
in the same or separate phases within them. The protein distribution and the expression pattern of
HMW subunit 1Dx5 in transgenic rice endosperm at different stages of development were also studied
using tissue printing, light and electron microscopy. The use of high molecular weight glutenin
subunits (HMW-GS) specific antibodies showed that subunit 1Dx5 was expressed mainly in the sub-
aleurone cells of the endosperm and that it was deposited in both types of protein body present in the
rice endosperm; derived from the ER and containing prolamins, and derived from the vacuole and
containing glutelins. In addition, new types of protein bodies were also formed within the endosperm
cells. Our results suggest that the HMW Dx5 protein could be trafficked by either the ER or vacuolar
pathways, possibly depending on the stage of development, and that segregation of gluten proteins
may occur both between and within protein bodies.
D) E) F)
Fig. 1 Double labeling: A-C, transgenic rice 7, 14, and 25 days after flowering (daf) labeled with anti-R2-
HMW+prolamin antibodies; D-F, transgenic rice 7, 14, and 25 daf with anti-R2-HMW+glutelin antibodies;
10 nm gold particles indicated the prolamin/glutelin proteins (large arrowheads); the larger (enhanced)
gold particles indicate the HMW Dx5 GS proteins (small arrowheads). PBS, PB-I structures.
to the expected subcellular locations in vegetable trafficking of cereal grain proteins that can be
tissues (Furukawa et al. 2007). The high rate used to improve quality for traditional end uses
of the synthesis of the storage proteins in the or to exploit cereals as systems to produce novel
endosperm tissue may have affected the site of high value products.
deposition of recombinant proteins transported
by the secretory pathway
The morphology of protein bodies was distorted
in lines accumulating the HMW-GS. These This work was supported by the Hungarian
results indicate that the transgene products can Scientific Research Fund (NKTH-OTKA, MB08A)
be transported in the most suitable form for
accumulation. Our study also suggests that the
ER of rice endosperm cells is an appropriate References
storage compartment for foreign gene products. Denery-Papini S, Popineau Y, Quillien L, Van Regenmortel
MHV (1996) Specificity of antisera raised against
synthetic peptide fragments of high Mr glutenin
subunits. J Cereal Sci 23:33-144
Conclusions Furukawa S, Itou M, Masumura T, Tanaka K, Kiyokowa
Our study provided information on differences Y, Wakai Y (2007) Ultrastructure of low-glutelin rice
in storage protein trafficking and deposition in endosperm. Plant Biotechnology 24:227-229
rice and wheat seeds, and the extent to which Krishnan HB, Franceschi VR, Okita TW (1986)
these are determined by the properties of the Immunochemical studies on the role of the Golgi
proteins. It also provided information on the complex in protein-body formation in rice seeds.
Planta 169:471-480
For a number of applications, including bread-making, pasta-making, and bio-based plastics
production, gluten protein polymerization and structure are of highest importance in determining
end-use properties. Our results show that environmental factors contribute to a similar extent as the
genetic background to protein composition and polymerization behavior in mature wheat. Most
important is nitrogen availability during various phases of wheat development and the genetically
determined plant development rhythm. However, the extent of importance of nitrogen availability
and plant development rhythm is influenced by the temperature during the plant development time.
Furthermore, a genetic component is important for polymerization of proteins during mixing. In
production of bio-based plastics from wheat gluten, rearrangements of the structures and polymers of
the gluten proteins are increased even further than during bread-making. Protein polymer structure
was changed from a high content of unordered amide groups, and/or α-helix conformations, towards
a situation where β-sheet structures of both intermolecular and extended type were common. Higher
amounts of extended β-sheet structures led to outstanding characteristics of tensile strength, low
protein extraction values, very low diffusion of allergy-causing proteins from the material, and low
oxygen permeability in the material. Further, a hexagonal closed packed structure was found in this
material. Thus, understanding how proteins are aggregating and how to combine different gluten
proteins into the most suitable polymers is extremely important in both production of bread with the
best baking performance and in achieving tailored materials from gluten.
Table 1. Percentages of explained (obtained through R-square from simple linear regression) environmental
(temperature and nitrogen) and cultivar (cultivar dependent development time) factors on percentage of
unextractable polymeric proteins into total polymeric proteins (%UPP).
Transcriptional regulation of LMW glutenin genes was investigated in-silico using publicly available
sequence and expression data. Genes were grouped into different low molecular weight (LMW)
glutenin types and their promoter profiles were determined using cis-acting regulatory element
databases and published results. Based on promoter sequences and expression characteristics, LMW
glutenin genes might be transcribed following two different mechanisms. Differences observed in their
expression could be related to differences in the promoter sequences. The 24 variants of 12 storage
protein-specific promoter motifs that were identified mainly belong to DOF, bZIP and Myb type
transcription factor recognition sites. The various elements belong to conserved non-coding regulatory
regions (CREs) and could act in different ways. There are regions in which regulatory elements, such
as the GCN4 motifs found in the -300 element region, could serve as key factors in tissue-specific
expression. Some other elements, like the further complete endosperm boxes in the -600 region or
the individual prolamin box variants might modulate the level of expression. Based on the relatively
small distance between different cis-acting promoter motifs, possible DOF-bZIP, DOF-Myb, bZIP-Myb
interactions can be identified.
Table 1. Polymorphism observed in the endosperm boxes of LMW glutenin gene types.
LEB composition
LMW glutenin additional EB
type LEB -300 element (EB1) EB2
IQA - Pbox1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox5 no data
IPP - Pbox1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox5 Pbox3 – GCN4 like 3
IQP - Pbox1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox5 no data
IEN + Pbox1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox5 – GCN4 like 3 -
MEN + Pbox1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox5 – GCN4 like 3 -
MSP1 - Pbox1 – Skn1 like Pbox 5 – GCN4 like 3 Pbox3 – GCN4 like 2-Skn1 like
MSP2 no data no data no data no data
MSP3 no data no data no data no data
MSG1 - Pbox1 – Skn1 like Pbox7 Pbox 7 – GCN4 like 3
MSG2 no data Pbox7 – Skn1 like
no data
MSH - Pbox1 – Skn1 like Pbox7
MRC1 + Pbox 1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox 7 – GCN4 like 3 Pbox 4 – Skn1 like, Pbox3-
MRC2 + Pbox 1 – GCN4 like 1 Pbox7 – GCN4 like 3 GCN4 like 2-Skn1 like
MDS1 no data no data no data no data
MDS2 no data no data no data no data
MSC1 - Pbox1 – Skn1 like - no data
MSC2 no data no data no data no data
MSS1 no data no data no data no data
MSS2 - Pbox1 – Skn1 like Pbox5 – GCN4 like 3 no data
MSV - Pbox1 Pbox5 Pbox3 – GCN4 like 2
EB1, endosperm box at the position -300 is the first EB in the Long Endosperm Box; EB2, second endosperm box in the LEB; +, gene
type contains a complete LEB, -gene type does not contain a complete LEB; no data, no sequence information is available.
α-gliadins are associated with human celiac disease. A total of 23 non-interrupted full open α-gliadin
gene reading frames and 19 pseudogenes were cloned and sequenced from the C, M, N and U
genomes of 4 diploid Aegilops species. Sequence comparisons of α-gliadin genes from Aegilops and
Triticum species demonstrated extensive allelic variations in the Gli-2 loci of the 4 Aegilops genomes.
Specific structural differences included the compositions and variations of 2 polyglutamine domains
(QI and QII) and 4 T cell stimulatory toxic epitopes. The average numbers of glutamine residues in the
QI domain in the C and N genomes and the QII domain in the C, N and U genomes were much higher
than those in Triticum genomes, and the QI domain in C and N genomes. The QII domain in the C, M,
N and U genomes displayed greater length variations. Interestingly, the types and numbers of 4 T cell
stimulatory toxic epitopes in α-gliadins from the 4 Aegilops genomes were significantly less than those
in common wheat and its progenitors. Study of the relationships among the structural variations of
the two polyglutamine domains and distributions of 4 T cell stimulatory toxic epitopes resulted in the
α-gliadin genes from Aegilops and Triticum genomes being classified into three groups.
Table 1. Summary of the 341 α-gliadin genes from different genomes of Aegilops and Triticum spp. used
in this study.
Number of Q-residues
15 Total
10 Genome of genes Gli- Gli-2 Gli-9 Gli-20
5 M 8 0.63 0 0 0
U 11 0.91 0.45 0.64 0
M U C N A/Am/Au B/Ss/Sl D/Dt C 12 0.33 0 0 0
N 11 0.45 0 0 0
A/Am/Au 66 0.02 0 0.85 0.88
Fig. 2 Variations in average numbers of glutamine B/Sl/Ss 108 0.18 0.03 0.48 0.50
residues in the two polyglutamine domains of D/Dt 123 0.76 0.63 0.63 0.82
α-gliadins in Aegilops and Triticum genomes.
Fig. 3 Sketches of α-gliadin genes from three groups. S, signal peptide; R, repetitive domain; QI,
polyglutamine domain I; U1, unique domain I; QII, polyglutamine domain II; U2, unique domain II; *,
stop codon; , position of point mutation in the two polyglutamine domains; dashed box, segment might
occur as an insertion or a deletion.
Fig. 4 Neighbor-joining tree of 23 cloned α-gliadin genes and 8 other genes from common wheat and
several Aegilops species. The suffixes of GenBank accession numbers indicate different types of genes.
The aim of this work was to compare the effects of incorporated wheat storage proteins on the
functional properties of rice and wheat flour. The advantage of rice as a base flour compared to
wheat is that it does not contain any wheat flour components, and therefore has no interactive effect
between wheat glutenin proteins. The incorporation of individual high molecular weight (HMW)
glutenin subunit proteins (Bx6, Bx7, and By8) in different ratios had significant positive effects on the
mixing requirements of both rice and wheat doughs. Reconstitution experiments using two x+y type
high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) pairs together with a bacterially expressed low
molecular weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) was also carried out in this study. The largest effects of
polymer formation and mixing properties of rice flour dough were observed when Bx and By subunits
were used in 1:1 ratios and when LMW-GS were in 1:3 ratios. However, with the same ratios when
using wheat flour (instead of rice flour) as the base flour, these synergistic effects were not observed.
180 160
A) B)
UPP [%]
UPP [%]
100 110
0 25 50 75 100 % LMW GS 0 25 50 75 100 % LMW GS
100 75 50 25 0 % Bx7+By8 100 75 50 25 0 % Bx7+By8
100 180
C) D)
UPP [%]
BD [%]
Wheat 140
120 Rice
40 100
0 25 50 75 100 % LMW GS 0 25 50 75 100 % LMW GS
100 75 50 25 0 % Bx7+By8 100 75 50 25 0 % Bx7+By8
Figure 1
DDT [%]
UPP [%]
130 Rice
110 100
0 25 50 75 100 % Bx7 0 25 50 75 100 % Bx7
100 75 50 25 0 % By8 100 75 50 25 0 % By8
100 160
C) D)
BD [%]
ST [%]
70 Rice
Rice 130
120 Wheat
0 25 50 75 100 % Bx7 0 25 50 75 100 % Bx7
100 75 50 25 0 % By8 100 75 50 25 0 % By8
Figure 2
Fig. 1 and 2. Effects of individually incorporated HMW-GS subunits Bx7 and By8 (Fig. 1), and individual
Bx7 and By8 subunits plus LMW glutenin subunits (Fig. 2) on mixing properties and the polymer size
distribution in the protein matrix in rice ( ) and wheat doughs ( ). Bx7 and By8 were isolated native
HMW-GS; the LMW-GS was bacterially expressed and purified LMWG-1D1 protein. For each figure: A,
un-extractable polymeric protein (UPP); B, dough development time (DDT); C, breakdown in resistance
(BD); D, stability (ST). 100% value represents the parameters regarding the control dough.
With both HMW-GS pairs the LMW glutenin increasing the proportion of the LMW subunit
subunit had a positive effect on tolerance to in the wheat base flour resulted in a slight
over-mixing as indicated by decreasing BD monotonic decrease in DDT and an increase
values. The minimum value of the curve was in BD values (Fig. 2B, C). The incorporated
reached when the HMW:LMW ratio was 1:3. The LMW-1D1 subunit did not significantly modify
stability of the reconstituted rice dough revealed the strength of the wheat dough according to
similar effects from the LMW subunit as the DDT the stability (ST) data (Fig. 2D). The amount of
mixing parameter. The peak value was reached polymeric proteins in the reconstructed wheat
at the 1 HMW:3 LMW ratio. Incorporation of dough did not change significantly during the
the LMW subunit alone drastically reduced the increase in the LMW:HMW subunit ratio, but
strength of the dough in both cases (Fig. 2B). was monotonic (Fig. 2A). It should be noted
The amount of polymeric proteins in rice dough that the bacterially expressed and purified
was also increased after incorporation of the LMW-1D1 subunit itself had positive effects on
LMW-1D1 glutenin subunit. The UPP% was at the mixing parameter and UPP% of the wheat
its maximum value at a 1:3 ratio of HMW:LMW- dough compared to the control.
1D1 proteins in the mixture (Fig. 2A). Conversely,
Allelic differences in glutenin subunit genes influence bread-making quality; therefore it is important
to characterize the glutenin subunit alleles using DNA and protein markers, and to understand the
relationships between different alleles and dough properties for developing new varieties. In this
study, the glutenin alleles in Japanese cv. Haruyokoi with good bread-making quality and advanced
lines were determined. One of the advanced lines, HW5, proved to have the same alleles as Haruyokoi.
Although the protein content of HW5 was similar to Haruyokoi, the dough properties were clearly
different. Based on SDS-sedimentation volume and SE-HPLC analysis, the quantity of glutenin
polymers in HW5 was less than in Haruyokoi. 2D-PAGE was carried out focusing on gliadin proteins,
and at least three spots were specifically detected only in the flour protein of HW5. In addition, the
cell walls of HW5 seemed to be thick when observed by electron microscopy. This indicated that the
arabinoxylan content of HW5 might be more abundant. In this study, varietal differences controlling
dough properties and glutenin polymer quantity were independent of the glutenin genes. This
suggests a need to pay attention to genetic factors additional to glutenin alleles for selecting lines with
high bread-making quality in the early generation stages in breeding programs.
Table 1. High and low molecular weight glutenin alleles determine by DNA marker and SDS-PAGE.
1) 2)
Fig. 1 2D-PAGE of gliadin fraction: (1) Haruyokoi, (2) HW5. Arrows indicate spots detected only in HW5.
1) 2)
Fig. 2 SEM images of transverse sections of wheat seeds: (1) Haruyokoi, (2) HW5. Arrows indicate
endosperm cell wall.
Large variations in Rmax between seasons, varieties and locations were observed. Seasons with lower
temperature and higher precipitation during grain development seemed to be associated with lower
gluten resistance. Extremely low Rmax values in 2011 were associated with protein degradation after 4
h of incubation indicating enzyme activity
0.4 0.4
0.3 0.3
0.2 0.2 398
242 296
0.1 257
0.0 0.0
Fig. 1 Mean Rmax of varieties from different fields in season 2005 and 2006 (A) and- 2011 (B).
Numbers in the figure show average falling.
Kieffer R, Wieser H, Henderson MH, Graveland A (1998)
Correlations of the breadmaking performance of
Fig. 2 2SDS-PAGE of Olivin and Finans wheat flour with rheological measurements on a
from one of the fields in 2011 after 4 and 16 h micro-scale. J Cereal Sci 27:53-60
incubation (C: control). Moldestad A, Færgestad EM, Hoel B, Skjelvåg AO, Uhlen
AK (2011) Effect of temperature variation during
grain filling on wheat gluten resistance. J Cereal Sci
Institute of Agro-Food Processing Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Agriculture Sciences/Key
Laboratory of Agro-Products Processing, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100193, China
To learn about the changes in protein components during noodle processing and cooking, three kinds
of wheat cultivars with large differences in quality were selected. Protein content, protein components
content, glutenin macro-polymer (GMP) content, gluten content and gluten index of the flour, dough
crumbs, dough sheets, dried noodles and cooked noodles were investigated. Protein content was
unchanged from wheat flour to cooked noodles. Changes in protein components differed with wheat
cultivars. After dough mixing, the content of gliadin and GMP significantly decreased. During the process
from dough crumbs to dried noodles, glutenin content, GMP content, content of wet and dry gluten
underwent no significant changes. After cooking, the contents of albumin+globulin and gliadin were
significantly decreased, while the glutenins content and GMP increased substantially, and the gluten
structure disappeared. In conclusion, protein content underwent no significant change during noodle
processing and cooking, but gluten protein components changed significantly after mixing and cooking.
Vacuum freeze-drying
Protein content Protein composition GMP content Gluten content and gluten index
16 6
14 5
Crude protein content (%)
Salt-soluble protein (%)
8 3
Zhengmai 366 Zhengmai 366
Yongliang 4 1 Yongliang 4
2 Xiaoyan 22 Xiaoyan 22
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sample Sample
Fig. 2 Changes in protein content in noodle Fig. 3 Change in salt-soluble protein content in
processing and cooking; Sample 1, flour; Sample noodle making.
2, dough crumbs after mixing; Sample 3, sheets
before cutting; Sample 4, dried noodles; Sample 5,
cooked noodles.
8 Xiaoyan 22
Wet gluten content (%)
4 20
2 15
10 Zhengmai 366
1 2 3 4 5 Yongliang 4
5 Xiaoyan 22
Fig. 5 Changes in glutenins content in noodle making. 0
1 2 3 4 5
14 Fig. 7 Changes in wet gluten content in noodle making.
Glutenin index
2 40
Zhengmai 366
0 20 Yongliang 4
1 2 3 4 5 Xiaoyan 22
Sample 0
Fig. 6 Changes in GMP content in noodle making. 1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 8 Changes in gluten index in noodle making.
The storage proteins of wheat have a crucial role in the development of end-product quality; their
allelic composition and expression determine the strength and extensibility of dough made from
wheat flour. Prolamins consisting of monomeric gliadins and polymeric high molecular weight
(HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS), stabilized through inter- and
intra molecular disulfide bonds, form a complex protein matrix, the gluten network. The composition
and size of this network and its physico-chemical characteristics depend on the expression profile of
the different components. An in silico analysis was carried out to identify various motif compositions
in the promoter regions of HMW genes showing significant differences in gene expression. Our
study was limited to HMW sequences and expressed sequence tags (EST) data available in public
databases. Results show that no single motif is responsible for high or low expression but rather it is
the composition of different motifs.
gb/AJ577815/Glu-1Dx2 0
gb/M2220/Glu-1Ax2 Group 3
gb/AJ566673/Glu-A1-2 Group 1
gb/EU157184/Glu-1Bx7 0
gb/DQ119142/Glu-1Bx7 Group 2
Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of promoter profiles and related gene expressions. The tree shows the result
of multiple alignment of promoter sequences of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS)
that were longer than 490 bp. Their accession numbers and genome locations are shown. Promoter
sequences of HMW glutenins are clustered into groups 1, 2 and 3.
Table 1. Numbers of expressed sequence tag (EST) hits of selected sequences in Chinese Spring EST
libraries. 5-30 stand for 5, 10, 20, and 30 DPAs, respectively. The highest expressing allele is Bx7 as
expected. Ax2 has zero expression that is in harmony with earlier findings.
Conclusions References
This study was based on publicly available Duffus CM, Cochrane MP (1992) Grain structure and
data and due to the small number of HMW composition. In: Shewry PR (ed) Barley: Genetics,
Biochemistry, molecularbiology and biotechnology.
promoter sequences, our data may not satisfy CAB International, Wallingford, UK, p291-317
the stringency of a robust statistical analysis but
Fauteux F, Strömvik MV (2009) Seed storage protein
we believe it provides insights to the biology gene promoters contain conserved DNA motifs in
behind HMW-GSs expression profiles. Both the Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae. BMC plant
promoter profiles and expression data show biology 9:126.
some variability related to alleles. The highest articlerender.fcgi?artid=2770497&tool=pmcentrez&ren
expressed Glu-1B genes have a distinct branch dertype=abstract
of their own on the phylogenetic tree. Alleles at Juhász A, Makai S, Sebestyén E, Tamas L, Balazs E (2011)
Role of conserved non-coding regulatory elements
Glu-1A and Glu-1D loci have different promoter
in LMW-glutenin gene expression. PLoS ONE 6(12):
motif compositions depending on their HMW- e29501. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0029501
GS type (x or y). Nevertheless due to the fact Kawakatsu T, Takaiwa F (2010) Cereal seed storage
that only 6 HMW-GS genes are present in each protein synthesis: fundamental processes for
cultivar, EST-based expression analysis cannot recombinant protein production in cereal grains. Plant
be directly linked to different promoter profiles. Biotech J 2008:1-15.
pubmed/20731787 (September 22, 2010)
Ragupathy R, Naeem HA, Reimer E, Lukow OM,
Sapirstein HD, Cloutier S (2008) Evolutionary origin
of the segmental duplication encompassing the
wheat GLU-B1 locus encoding the overexpressed Bx7
(Bx7OE) high molecular weight glutenin subunit.
Theor Appl Genet 116:283-96
Tamura K, Peterson D, Peterson N, Stecher G, Nei M,
Kumar S (2011) MEGA5: Molecular evolutionary
genetics analysis using maximum likelihood,
evolutionary distance, and maximum. parsimony
methods. Molecular Biol & Evol 28:2731-2739
One objective of wheat quality research is to solve problems for the milling, baking and food
processing industries, and ultimately to benefit consumers. A second objective is to provide these
same industries and consumers new and innovative products and ingredients. In this regard, research
information flows in both directions – up and down the wheat research-processor-consumer chain.
This presentation will focus on two such examples. The first deals with refining an end-use quality
model for soft wheat, the second involves the development of a ‘new’ type of wheat – soft kernel
durum. In the US and elsewhere many ‘soft’ wheat products include low moisture cookies and
crackers. These products may be prepared from ‘lean’ formulas with little more than wheat flour,
water, salt and leavening, to ‘rich’ formulas with high ratios of sugar and sometimes fat. For most
cookies, gluten development is undesirable as it imparts a tough or hard (‘flinty’) product texture.
However, in many instances, the low moisture content of cookie dough and the high formula sugar
content prevent gluten development. Conversely, crackers, most notably ‘saltines’, typically require
some level of gluten development and are prepared from a fermented dough which is sheeted,
laminated and docked (Morris and Rose 1996). These doughs may contain a considerable amount of
hard wheat flour to attain the necessary level of gluten strength. A key feature of cookies and crackers
is their very low moisture content and relatively long shelf life (stability). Consequently, one aspect of
baking is to drive out dough water down to less than about 4% moisture. This requirement places great
importance on dough water relations, especially damaged starch and arabinoxylans. Damaged starch
results mostly from the milling process and can be controlled genetically through the deployment
of the ‘soft’ Puroindoline genes (Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a). Among soft wheat varieties and germplasm, the
‘carbonate solvent retention capacity test’ (carbonate SRC) is effective in estimating this parameter.
Arabinoxylans (AX), often sub-divided into total and water-extractable fractions, appear to be more
complexly inherited, with an approximately twofold range among Pacific Northwest soft (Finnie et
al. 2006) and hard (Li et al. 2009) wheat varieties. Direct measurement of AX may be accomplished via
phloroglucinol colorimetric (Kiszonas et al. 2012) or gas chromatography-flame ionization detection
(Courtin et al. 2000). Similar to before, the sucrose SRC test is targeted at estimating the effect of AX to
overall water absorption of flours. The last point to be made here is that there is a marked premium
associated with the hard ‘bread’ wheat classes of wheat in the US and elsewhere. For example, local
wheat prices in eastern Washington at the time of this writing were $248/mt soft white vs. $320/
mt for ‘Dark Northern Spring’ (14% protein). Obviously, bakers are willing (forced?) to pay for
gluten strength, and differences in ‘strength’ are implicit features of the US Classes. This generalized
landscape is driving a trend to increase gluten strength in US soft wheat. In the western US, club
wheat is bred to have very weak gluten and thus this sub-class provides an excellent option for
“blending down” strength in soft white. The second example involves the development of soft kernel
durum wheat. We successfully transferred through ph1b-mediated recombination the Hardness locus,
including Pina-D1a/Pinb-D1a, into Langdon durum, and subsequently crossed the soft kernel trait
into the Italian cultivar Svevo (Morris et al. 2011). Why did we do it? 1) Because we could, and 2) to
examine the effect that kernel texture has on durum milling, pasta and bread processing. To date, we
have found no detrimental effects of soft kernel, only neutral-to-positive influences on milling, baking
and pasta processing.
Genetic improvement of wheat quality in China was initiated in the 1980s and significant progress
was made in three aspects during the last ten years: (1) Standardized laboratory testing and evaluation
methods were established for traditional Chinese noodles, and three key traits responsible for noodle
quality were identified. (2) A comparative genomics approach was employed to understand the allelic
variations at loci for low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) and for traits associated with
color for various products; 33 functional markers were developed and validated. Conventional quality
testing and molecular markers were used to characterize major Chinese wheat varieties. (3) Improved
varieties with excellent pan bread-making quality and noodle quality were released and sown on large
areas. Development of new varieties with high yield potential, excellent quality, and broad adaptation
remains a challenge, but it is expected that more markers and new technologies will be used in
breeding programs.
Table 1. Functional markers developed and validated by the CAAS-CIMMYT wheat program.
The Genetic Engineering International Cooperation Base of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese
National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan) HUST Part, The Key Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics
of Chinese Ministry of Education, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong University of Science &
Technology (HUST), Wuhan 430074, China
Avenin-like b proteins, a small family of wheat storage proteins, each containing 18 or 19 cysteine
residues, could contribute to the functional properties of wheat flour via inter-chain disulphide bonds.
To clarify the effect of the Avenin-like b proteins on functional properties of wheat flour, functional
and biochemical properties of wheat flour were analyzed using transgenic wheat lines overexpressing
Avenin-like b proteins by Mixograph and size exclusion-high performance liquid chromatography (SE-
HPLC) analyses. Mixograph analysis showed that the overexpression of the Avenin-like b proteins in
two transgenic lines led to improved flour mixing properties. SE-HPLC analysis of the gluten proteins
in wheat flour demonstrated that improved flour properties of transgenic lines were due to increased
proportions of large polymeric proteins compared with the ratios of %F1, %F1 /%F2, (%F3 + %F4)/%F1
and %UPP. These results demonstrated that Avenin-like b proteins could contribute to the functional
properties of wheat flour and provided a basis to confirm the hypothesis that Avenin-like b proteins
could be integrated into polymeric subunits by inter-chain disulphide bonds. This work helps to clarify
the influence and mechanism of Avenin-like b proteins on functional properties of wheat flour.
1,200 bp
M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
400 bp
B) C)
Fig. 1 PCR (A and B) and Southern blotting analysis (C) of the transgenic plants. A & B, PCR
amplification of the uidA gene (A) and CaMV35S terminator sequence (B). Lane M, DNA Marker III (A)
or Marker I (B); lane 1, plasmid pAHC25 (A) or pLRPT-avel (B) for positive control; lane 2, water for
negative control; lane 3, DNA of Zhengmai 9023 for negative control; lanes 4-12, DNA of regenerated
plants. The samples in lanes 4-12 of Fig. 1B correspond to the samples in lanes 4-12 in Fig. 1A. (C)
Southern blotting analysis of the transgenic plants. Lane 1, positive control of pLRPT-avel digested with
BamHI; lane 2, genomic DNA of Zhengmai 9023 digested with BamHI and HindIII; lanes 3-7, genomic
DNA of transgenic plants digested with BamHI and HindIII. The PCR results for lanes 3-7 in C are
shown in 1B lanes 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12, respectively.
A) kDa M 1 2 3
Fig. 2 SDS-PAGE (A) and Western blotting analyses (B)
of gluten proteins extracted from flours of transgenic and
72 non-transformed plants. (A) Lane M, Protein marker; lane
1, Zhengmai 9023; lane 2, line M3; lane 3, line M6. The
arrow indicates the position of the transgenic Avenin-like
55 b proteins. (B) Lane 1, Zhengmai 9023, lane 2: line M3;
lane 3, line M6. Housekeeping protein GAPDH was used
43 as control to normalize for equal amounts of protein and
to calculate the relative content. (C) Relative amounts of
the Avenin-like b proteins in the transgenic plants were
densitometrically quantified with respect to the non-
34 transformed plants.
1 2 3
C) 4
Relative Expression
(Arbitrary units)
1 2 3
Resistance (AU)
related to strength), resistance to breakdown
(RBD) (positively related to stability), maximum 50
bandwidth during the mixing (MBW), the
bandwidth of midline after mixing time (MRW) 30
and bandwidth at peak resistance (BWPR) (all
positively related to resistance to extension) (Tosi 10
et al. 2005). As shown in Table 1, the PR, MRW 0
and BWPR of transgenic wheat lines M3 and M6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (min)
were increased relative to the non-transformed B) M3
line, suggesting that extensibility of the 90
transgenic wheat dough was improved. Based on
the RBD (Table 1) the stability of the transgenic 70
wheat dough was improved. The transgenic Resistance (AU) 50
lines showed a significant increase in PR, which
together with decreases in RBD indicated greater 30
dough strength and stability. In addition, slight
positive changes were observed in MT. 10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SE-HPLC Time (min)
SE-HPLC analysis can be used to fractionate C) M6
gluten proteins based on molecular mass without
reduction of the inter-chain disulphide bonds
Resistance (AU)
Table 1. The 10-g Mixograph parameters for flours of transgenic lines M3 and M6 and non-transformed
Zhengmai 9023.
Bandwidth of Maximum
Mixing Peak Resistance to Bandwidth at midline after bandwidth
time resistance breakdown peak resistance mixing time during mixing
Flour (min) (AU) (%) (AU) (AU) (AU)
M3 3.46±0.04 45.67±0.78b 14.44±0.67b 26.44±0.65b 28.98±0.66b 31.73±1.26b
M6 3.56±0.04 46.16±0.67b 13.16±0.44b 24.92±0.48b 25.77±2.27b 35.91±3.5b
Zhengmai 9023 3.42±0.09 40.28±0.14a 16.42±0.76a 17.2±0.43a 18.62±1.81a 21.17±0.21a
LSD0.05 NS 2.07 1.98 1.82 5.96 7.44
Conclusions References
We clearly demonstrated that lines testing PCR- Chen P, Wang CD, Li KX, Chang JL, Wang YS, Yang GX,
positive for the CaMV35S terminator were also Shewry PR, He GY (2008) Cloning, expression and
characterization of novel avenin-like genes in wheat
positive for transgene expression, unequivocally and related species. J Cereal Sci 48:734-740
determined by using anti-Avenin-like b proteins
Clarke B, Phongkham T, Gianibelli M, Beasley H, Bekes F
polyclonal antibody. (2003) The characterisation and mapping of a family of
After analysis for the presence and expression LMW-gliadin genes: Effects on dough properties and
bread volume. Theor Appl Genet 106:629-635
of the transgene by PCR, Southern blotting,
Gupta RB, Khan K, MacRitchie F (1993) Biochemical
SDS-PAGE and western blotting in four
basis of flour properties in bread wheats. I. Effects
generations (T0-T3), two transgenic wheat lines of variation in the quantity and size distribution of
overexpressing the Avenin-like b gene were polymeric protein. J Cereal Sci 18:23-41
studied. Mixograph analysis showed that the Kan YC, Wan YF, Beaudoin F, Leader DJ, Edwards K,
increased content of Avenin-like b protein Poole R, Wang DW, Mitchell RAC, Shewry PR (2006).
in transgenic lines improved flour mixing Transcriptome analysis reveals differentially expressed
properties. Analysis of gluten proteins extracted storage protein transcripts in seeds of Aegilops and
wheat. J Cereal Sci 44:75-85
from wheat flour demonstrated that this was
associated with an increased proportion of large Shewry PR (2009) Wheat. J Exp Bot 6:1537-1553
and medium-sized glutenin polymers, with the Sparks CA, Jones HD (2004) Transformation of wheat
by biolistics. In: Curtis IS (ed) Transgenic crops of
Avenin-like b proteins overexpressed in the
the world-essential protocols. Kluwer Academic
transgenic wheat plants. Publishers, Dordrecht. pp. 19-34.
Tosi P, Masci S, Giovangrossi A, D’Ovidio R, Bekes F,
Larroque O, Napier J, Shewry PR (2005) Modification
of the low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin
composition of transgenic durum wheat: effects on
glutenin polymer size and gluten functionality. Mol
Breed 16:113-126
University, Murdoch 6150, Western Australia; 7Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Cereal Research Center,
Winnipeg, Canada; 8USDA Agricultural Research Service, Western Regional Research Center, Albany, USA;
9South Australian Research and Development Institute, Adelaide, and LongReach Plant Breeders, Lonsdale
5160, South Australia; 10Tamworth Agricultural Institute, Calala, NSW 2340, Australia; 11Unidad de Genética,
ETSIA, Madrid, Spain; 12Institute of Crop Science, National Wheat Improvement Center/The National Key
Facility for Crop Genetic Resources and Genetic Improvement, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Beijing, and CIMMYT China Office, Beijing, China
Allelic variation for the low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS) is a major determinant
of differences in dough viscoelastic properties observed between cultivars of both bread wheat and
durum. Technical difficulties in allelic identification due to the complexity of the protein profile
produced by each cultivar and the use of different nomenclature systems in different laboratories
has historically interfered with information exchange between research groups, a situation
exacerbated by the vast number of possible profiles found in different cultivars due to the multi-
allelic nature of the principal loci encoding LMW-GSs (Glu-A3, Glu-B3 and Glu-D3). These various
difficulties prompted research workers at CAAS, CIMMYT, INRA, NARO and UNCPBA to form an
international collaborative group aimed at unifying criteria across laboratories and comparing four
different methods of allelic identification (SDS-PAGE, 2-DE, MALDI-TOF-MS and PCR). The current
contribution summarizes progress to date made by this group in studies on bread wheat, seeks to
address remaining challenges and places the findings in the context of the wheat gene catalog. We
also propose the formation of a wider international group aimed at facilitating the resolution of the
remaining problems in the field.
The following specific results were obtained in At all three Glu-3 loci, cases were identified of
the set of cultivars studied: alleles difficult to distinguish in SDS-PAGE, but
were readily distinguished by MALDI-TOF-MS;
SDS-PAGE for example, at Glu-A3, alleles Glu-A3e and Glu-
A3f; at Glu-B3, alleles Glu-B3f and Glu-B3g; and at
At Glu-A3, (a) alleles Glu-A3a, Glu-A3b, Glu-A3c Glu-D3, alleles Glu-D3b and Glu-D3c.
and Glu-A3f could be readily distinguished, but
it was difficult to distinguish Glu-A3e (null) and PCR
Glu-A3f since both tended to be identified as null;
and (b) alleles Glu-A3d and Glu-A3g could only PCR made valuable contributions to allelic
be distinguished by the gliadin encoded by Gli- identification. For example, in this collection of
A1o linked to Glu-A3d. cultivars, all alleles thought to be present at the
Glu-A3 locus could be distinguished (Glu-A3a
At Glu-B3, (a) alleles Glu-B3d, Glu-B3h and Glu- to Glu-A3g); and of the Glu-B3 alleles, only three
B3i each carried slow bands that were not always (Glu-B3ab, Glu-B3ac and Glu-B3ad) do not yet
easy to distinguish; (b) allele Glu-B3b almost have allele specific primers.
coincided with Glu-B3a, although the Glu-B3b
Gluten study
Importance Increasing needs for the development of wheat cultivars with more specific grain
quality attributes.
Gluten proteins plays a major role in determining the end use of wheat under
different environmental conditions.
The degree of complexity of gluten proteins has led to the misclassification of
several alleles.
Problems Identification methods of gluten alleles are different among laboratories.
Stand cultivars to identify the gluten alleles are not shared.
We use different wheat growing conditions to evaluate the effects of particular
alleles on end-use properties.
It is difficult to evaluate Glu-3 allelic effects without considering tightly linked Gli-1
alleles, which seem to contribute dough extensibility.
Unifying the nomenclature of gluten protein alleles and the standard methods to
examine gluten proteins.
Development of wheat cultivars with specific grain quality attributes under
different environmental conditions, including heat and drought stresses.
Fig. 1 Flow diagram of the project proposed by the International Gluten Research Group.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 101
Gliadin composition of 137 doubled haploid wheat lines
derived from a cross between Kariega and Avocet
M.T. Labuschagne and A. Van Biljon
Department of Plant Sciences, University of the Free State, P.O. Box 339, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa
Gliadins are seed storage proteins coded by a series of genetic loci on several chromosome arms. The
frequency of alleles encoding the gliadins often differs among countries, with cultivars from the same
country often having similar patterns. In this study a doubled haploid (DH) population of 137 lines
was developed from a cross between Kariega (a hard red South African bread wheat with excellent
quality) and Avocet S (a standard white Australian spring wheat), using the wheat-maize technique.
Reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) was used to determine the gliadin
composition of the parents and the population. Protein extraction was done and absorbance units
under the different peaks were calculated. There were 12 distinct gliadin peaks in Avocet and 14 in
Kariega. Three peaks absent in Avocet were present in Kariega, and one was absent in Kariega but
present in Avocet. The gliadin peaks of the DH population were not intermediate between those of the
parents, indicating some interaction between genes coding for these loci. Missing peaks recorded in
either parent were expressed in the DH population in a much higher percentage than expected in two
cases and much lower than expected in two cases. Highly significant positive or negative correlations
between pairs of gliadins indicated that they were sometimes consistently expressed together, or that
the presence of one peak led to the absence of another.
Table 1. Gliadin peak area (%) at specific elution times (min) of parents and the doubled haploid (DH)
Name P20.8 P21.4 P22.3 P23 P24 P25.1 P26 P26.5 P27 P27.5 P28.6 P31 P34.5 P36
Avocet 2.91 6.13 0.00 0.00 2.4 0.00 13.12 10.35 4.25 8.00 2.66 18.47 6.89 1.27
Kariega 3.99 3.63 1.94 1.3 2.3 2.65 8.67 7.89 4.02 7.49 0.00 18.49 5.03 1.33
DH 3.44 3.86 1.28 1.77 2.36 0.900 13.16 11.29 5.13 6.69 2.59 16.57 6.77 1.74
Type ω ω Ω α α α α α α α α γ γ γ
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 103
References Payne PI (1987) Genetics of wheat storage proteins and
the effect of allelic variation on bread-making quality.
Caballero L, Martín LM, Alvarez JB (2004) Variaton and
Annu Rev Plant Physiol 38:141-153
genetic diversity for gliadins in Spanish spelt wheat
accessions. Genet Res Crop Evol 51:679-686 Pienaar R de V, Horn M, Lesch AJG (1997) A reliable
protocol for doubled haploid accelerated wheat
Laurie DA, Bennett MD (1988) The production of haploid
breeding. Wheat Inf Serv 85:9-51
wheat plants from wheat x maize crosses. Theor Appl
Genet 76:393-397 Tatham AS, Shewry PR (1995) The S-poor prolamins of
wheat, barley and rye. J Cer Sci 22:1-6
Metakovsky EV, Branlard GP, Graybosch RA (2006)
Gliadins of common wheat: polymorphism and Wieser H, Antes S, Seilmeier W (1998) Quantitative
genetics. In: Wrigley C, Békés F, Bushuk W (eds) determination of gluten protein types in wheat
Gliadin and glutenin, the unique balance of wheat flour by reversed-phase high-performance liquid
quality. AACC, St Paul, MN, pp35-84 chromatography. Cereal Chem 75:644-650
Metakovsky EV, Graybosch RA (2006) Gliadin alleles in
wheat: identification and applications. In: Wrigley C,
Békés F, Bushuk W (eds) Gliadin and glutenin, the
unique balance of wheat quality. AACC, St Paul, MN
Glutenin subunit composition is one of the most important determinants of wheat end-use properties.
We compared Australian and North American wheat classes [Australian Standard White (ASW),
Australian Prime Hard (APH), No.1 Canada Western (1CW), US Dark Northern Spring (DNS), US
Hard Red Winter (HRW) and US Western White (WW)] exported to Japan in 2009. APH, DNS, HRW,
and 1CW are hard wheat classes mainly used for bread and Chinese alkaline noodles. ASW is a
mixture of hard and soft wheat used for Japanese white salted noodles. WW is a soft wheat class used
for cakes and cookies. We analyzed 60 individual seeds of each genotype by protein (SDS-PAGE and
2DE) and DNA (PCR) analyses. For the Glu-1 loci, most seeds comprising DNS, HRW and 1CW had
Glu-D1d, which increases gluten strength, whereas about 20% of ASW, PH and WW had this allele. On
the other hand, most WW seeds had a null allele (Glu-A1c) or lacked one of the two Glu-B1 subunits
(Glu-B1a or Glu-B1bl) that decrease gluten strength. For Glu-3 loci, most seeds of ICW had Glu-A3e or
Glu-A3f, which decrease gluten strength, but only half of DNS had this allele. Most 1CW, DNS, PH and
WW seeds had Glu-B3h, but most HRW seeds had Glu-B3b or Glu-B3g, which increase gluten strength.
In the combination of Glu-D1d and Glu-B3b or Glu-B3g, dough becomes very strong (Tabiki et al. 2006;
Ito et al. 2011). HRW should have genetic potential for very strong dough properties. We also found
a new Glu-A3 allele in HRW and WW, and a new Glu-B3 allele in WW (Ikeda et al. 2008; Ikeda et al
2009; Liu et al. 2010). We propose a matrix based on glutenin subunit alleles and their effects on gluten
strength in Fig. 1. Each class was plotted at different positions based on glutenin allelic compositions.
The protein amount and glutenin composition of these classes should correspond to their end-product
uses. This matrix should also be useful for selecting breeding lines for particular uses.
Glu-B1al Strong Extra strong
Glu-D1d DNS
Glu-D1a Medium
Glu-A1c Club WW
Weak Strong
Glu-A3e Glu-A3e/f Glu-A3c/d
Glu-B3j Glu-B3d/h/i Glu-B3b/g
Fig. 1 A matrix indicating relationships between glutenin alleles and gluten strength. The seven wheat
classes are plotted based on glutenin allelic compositions. HMW-GS = high molecular weight glutenin
subunits; LMW-GS = low molecular weight glutenin subunits; ASW = Australian Standard White;
APH = Australian Prime Hard; 1CW = No.1 Canada Western; DNS = US Dark Northern Spring; HRW = US
Hard Red Winter; WW = US Western White.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 105
References Ito M, Fushie S, Maruyama-Funatsuki W, Ikeda TM,
Nishio Z, Nagasawa K, Tabiki T, Yamauchi H (2011)
Ikeda TM, Branlard G, Peña RJ, Takata K, Liu L, He
Effect of allelic variation in three glutenin loci on
Z, Lerner SE, Kolman MA, Yoshida H, Rogers WJ
dough properties and bread-making qualities of
(2008) International collaboration for unifying Glu-3
winter wheat. Breeding Sci 61:281-287
nomenclature system in common wheats. In: Appels R,
Eastwood R, Lagudah E et al. (eds) Proc 11th Int Wheat Liu L, Ikeda TM, Branlard G, Pena RJ, Rogers WJ, Lerner
Genet Symp, Sydney University Press, Sydney, NSW, SE, Kolman MA, Xia X, Wang L, Ma W, Appels R,
Australia, pp130-132 Yoshida H, Wang A, Yan Y, He Z (2010) Comparison
of low molecular weight glutenin subunits identified
Ikeda TM, Branlard G, Peña RJ, Takata K, Liu L, He
Z, Lerner SE, Kolman MA, Rogers WJ (2009)
common wheat. BMC Plant Biol 10:124
Characterization of new Glu-3 alleles in bread wheat.
In: Proc 10th Gluten Protein 2009, INRA, Clermont- Tabiki T, Ikeguchi S, Ikeda TM (2006) Effects of high-
Ferrand France, pp180-184 molecular-weight and low-molecular-weight glutenin
subunit alleles on common wheat flour quality.
Breeding Sci 56:131-136
HMW-GS and LMW-GS play important roles in wheat processing quality. In the present study, the
relationships between glutenin subunits and processing qualities of pan bread, Chinese steamed bread
and fresh white Chinese noodles were investigated in variety Aroona and its near-isogenic lines (NILs)
with different high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenin
subunits (LMW-GS). For dough strength-related traits such as farinograph stability and energy,
7+9, 17+18, 5+10, Glu-A3b, Glu-A3d, Glu-A3f, Glu-B3b, Glu-B3g were correlated with superior dough
properties. The NIL with the Glu-A1 null subunit conferred a lower pan bread total score (PBTS)
than the other two NILs with alleles at this locus. For dough extensibility, a significant difference was
found among Glu-A3 NILs; Glu-A3e was the most inferior allele, whereas the other five Glu-A3 alleles
had similar effects on Rmax, ST, %UPP and extensibility. Glu-B3g and Glu-B3b were associated with
higher quality parameters than the other Glu-B3 alleles, and the Glu-B3c NIL performed the worst in
PBTS, Rmax, ST, SV, %UPP and some other parameters. Five Glu-D3 alleles produced similar quality
parameters except for farinograph water absorption. For Chinese steamed bread quality, Glu-B3a
and Glu-B3b showed significantly better skin color. Glu-B3a exhibited a higher total score than other
allelic variants. For fresh white Chinese noodles, Glu-B3a and Glu-B3d showed significantly better
smoothness than the other lines, and Glu-A3b, Glu-B3g, Glu-B3h exhibited better whiteness than the
others. Functional markers for LMW-GS were developed and validated on the Aroona NILs and 141
CIMMYT wheat varieties and advanced lines with different Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 alleles. These results
provide very useful information for wheat quality improvement in breeding programs.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 107
and fresh white Chinese noodles using variety replications during the 2010 cropping season.
Aroona and its derived near-isogenic lines, and Twenty varieties from our laboratory collection
(2) clone LMW-GS genes at the Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 and 141 wheat varieties and advanced lines from
loci from common wheat, and develop allele- the International Maize and Wheat Improvement
specific STS markers for different Glu-A3 and Center (CIMMYT) with different Glu-A3 and
Glu-B3 alleles. This will benefit the improvement Glu-B3 protein alleles detected by SDS-PAGE
of wheat quality in breeding programs. were employed to validate the allele-specific
Table 1. Allelic constitutions of 25 near-isogenic lines with different high molecular weight glutenin
subunits (HMW-GS) and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (LMW-GS).
number Line Glu-A1 Glu-B1 Glu-D1 Glu-A3 Glu-B3 Glu-D3 Donor parent
1 Aroona A c a c b c
2 Aril2-4 (2*) b c a c b c Sonalika
3 Aril3-2 (null) c c a c b c Chinese Spring
4 Aril5-2 (7*) a a a c b c Orca
5 Aril7-1 (7*+8) a b a c b c India 115
6 Aril9-3 (6+8*) a d a c b c Rendezvous
7 Aril10-1 (17+18) a i a c b c Gabo
8 Aril12-3 (3+12) a c b c b c Rendezvous
9 Aril13-3 (5+10) a c d c b c Halberd
10 Aril14-3 (2.2+12) a c f c b c Norin 61
11 Aril16-1 (A3b) a c a b b c Gabo
12 Aril18-5 (A3d) a c a d b c Orca
13 Aril19-2 (A3e) a c a e b c Lerma Rojo
14 Aril20-1 (A3f) a c a f b c Bungulla
15 Aril21-2 (B3a) a c a c a c Chinese Spring
16 Aril23-4 (B3c) a c a c c c Halberd
17 Aril24-3 (B3d) a c a c d c Orca
18 Aril26-1 (B3f) a c a c f c Gawain
19 Aril27-6 (B3g) a c a c g c Millewa
20 Aril28-4 (B3h) a c a c h c Sonalika
21 Aril29-4 (B3i) a c a c i c Jufy 1
22 Aril30-1 (D3a) a c a c b a Chinese Spring
23 Aril36-2 (D3b) a c a c b b Bungulla
24 Aril33-1(D3d) a c a c b d Jufy 1
25 Aril35-1 (D3f) a c a c b f India 115
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 109
lines with 1, 2* and N plus the inferior subunit Fresh white Chinese noodle quality
2+12 showed no significant differences in dough Glu-B1 had a significant effect on viscoelasticity,
properties due to the epistatic effect of 2+12. taste flavor and total score, accounting for 35, 37,
The contribution of Glu-D3 to dough properties and 19% of the phenotypic variances, respectively.
was not significant and there were no significant Glu-A3 made a high contribution to color and
differences between the effects of individual firmness, accounting for 13 and 27% of the
Glu-D3 alleles on dough properties, consistent phenotypic variances, Glu-B3 had a higher effect
with Liu et al. (2009). on smoothness than other loci, accounting for 26%
of phenotypic variances, respectively, and Glu-D3
Chinese steamed bread showed a higher effect on appearance, accounting
Glu-D1 had a significant effect on skin color of for 26% of the phenotypic variance. At the Glu-A1
Chinese steamed bread, accounting for 24% of the and Glu-D3 loci, no significant differences were
phenotypic variance. Glu-A3 showed a significant observed in fresh white Chinese noodle quality.
effect on stress relaxation of Chinese steamed Noodle sheet b* values differed among lines with
bread, accounting for 25% of the phenotypic different Glu-B1, Glu-D1, and Glu-A3 alleles. At
variance. Glu-B3 made the highest contributions Glu-B1 subunits 7*+8 and 17+18 were associated
to shape, specific volume and steamed bread total with superior whiteness. At Glu-D1, 5+10 conferred
score. Glu-D3 made the highest contribution to significantly better whiteness than other subunits.
smoothness and structure. We concluded that the Significant differences occurred at the Glu-B3
contribution of LMW-GS exceeded HMW-GS in locus for smoothness and a* and b* values of
determination of Chinese steamed bread quality. noodle sheets; Glu-B3a and Glu-B3d conferred
At the Glu-A1 locus, a significant difference in significantly better smoothness than others. Glu-
bun shape was observed for different lines. The B3f was correlated with an inferior noodle sheet a*
genotype with subunit 1 showed significantly value. Glu-B3g and Glu-B3h had significantly higher
better shape. At the Glu-B1 locus, a significant whiteness. This was in general agreement with
difference in stress relaxation was observed; previous studies in which no significant difference
7*+8 and 6+8* were associated with better stress in fresh white Chinese noodle quality was observed
relaxation than other subunits. At the Glu-D1 for HMW-GS at Glu-1, and Glu-A3d and Glu-B3d
locus, there was a significant difference in skin were slightly better than other alleles (He et al. 2005).
color and structure; lines with 5+10 showed
Gene-specific PCR markers for Glu-A3
significantly better skin color and structure
protein alleles
than others. At the Glu-A3 locus, a significant
difference was observed in stress relaxation for To distinguish genotypes containing Glu-A3
different lines; Glu-A3e had the highest stress alleles a, b, c, d, e, f and g, seven STS markers were
relaxation. At the Glu-B3 locus, a significant developed based on the SNPs detected among
difference was observed in skin color, stress them; the primers are listed in Table 2. In the six
relaxation and steamed bread total score with NILs and Glenlea, marker gluA3a amplified a 529 bp
Glu-B3a making a positive contribution to skin specific PCR product in Aroona-A3a with the Glu-
color, stress relaxation and steamed bread A3a protein allele. Marker gluA3b designed for the
total score, whereas Glu-B3d and Glu-B3g were Glu-A3b allele in Aroona-A3b generated an 894 bp
associated with inferior steamed bread total score. band. Marker gluA3d identified Glu-A3d in Aroona-
There were no significant differences at Glu-D3 A3d, producing a 967 bp PCR product. For Glu-A3e
associated with Chinese steamed bread quality. in Aroona-A3e, marker gluA3e generated a 158 bp
band. To discriminate Glu-A3f from other alleles,
The DSSR multiple comparison of the effect of marker gluA3f was developed, generating a 552 bp
genotypes for Chinese steamed bread indicated band in Aroona-A3f. In Glenlea with the Glu-A3g
that 1/7+9/5+10/Glu-A3c/Glu-B3b/Glu-D3c had allele, a 1,345 bp PCR product was amplified with
better skin color than other genotypes. Subunits marker gluA3g. Marker gluA3ac was developed to
and allele combination 1/7+9/2+12/Glu-A3e/Glu- amplify both Glu-A3a and Glu-A3c in both Aroona-
B3b/Glu-D3c had the highest stress relaxation A3a and Aroona because it was difficult to design
and steamed bread total score. Stress relaxation a specific primer set for Glu-A3c; this marker in
determined the steamed bread total score. combination with the marker gluA3a can be used to
identify Glu-A3c.
Table 2. Allele-specific PCR markers for the discrimination of Glu-A3 alleles defined by protein mobility
in common wheat.
Marker Primer Target
name set Sequence (5’3’)a Glu-A3 allele Fragment size
a Mismatched nucleotide is underlined; b Specific for both Glu-A3a and c.
Table 3. Allele-specific PCR markers for the discrimination of Glu-B3 alleles defined by protein
mobility in common wheat.
Marker Primer Target
name set Sequence (5’3’)a Glu-A3 allele Fragment size
gluB3i SB9F As SB6F i 621
aMismatched nucleotides are underlined; bSpecific for both Glu-B3f and g; cSpecific for Glu-B3b, e and f.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 111
allele-specific markers (Tables 2 and 3). With four Acknowledgements
exceptions, the results were consistent with those This study was supported by the National
detected by SDS-PAGE Basic Research Program (2009CB118300), the
National Science Foundation of China (30830072),
international collaboration project from the
Ministry of Agriculture (2011-G3), and the China
Glu-B1, Glu-D1, Glu-A3, and Glu-B3 had large Agriculture Research System (CARS-3-1-3).
effects on dough strength, such as energy,
extensograph maximum resistance, farinograph
development time and farinograph stability time. References
HMW-GS subunits 7+9, 17+18, 5+10, and alleles Andersen JR, Lübberstedt T (2003) Functional markers in
A3b, A3d, A3f, B3b and B3g showed significantly plants. Trends in Plant Sci 8:554-560
superior effects on dough strength compared to Chen F, He ZH, Chen DS, Zhang CL, Zhang Y, Xia XC
other genotypes. (2007) Influence of puroindoline alleles on milling
performance and qualities of Chinese noodles,
For Chinese steamed bread, Glu-D1 and Glu-B3 steamed bread and pan bread in spring wheats. J
had significant effects on skin color of Chinese Cereal Sci 45:59-66
steamed bread, with 5+10, Glu-B3a and Glu-B3b D’Ovidio R, Masci S (2004) The low-molecular-weight
showing the highest values. Allelic variants at glutenin subunits of wheat gluten. J Cereal Sci
Glu-A1 showed a difference in shape and subunit 39:321-339
1 conferred the highest value. Allelic variants Gale KR, Ma W, Zhang W, Rampling L, Hill AS, Appels
at Glu-D1 showed differences in structure R, Morris P, Morrel M (2001) Simple high-throughput
and subunit 3+12 was associated with inferior DNA markers for genotyping in wheat. In: Eastwood
R, Hollamby G, Rathjen T, Gororo N (eds) Proc 10th
structure. Allelic variants at Glu-B1, Glu-A3
Australian Wheat Breeding Assembly, Wheat Breeding
and Glu-B3 loci showed differences in stress Society of Australia, Mildura, Vic, pp26-31
relaxation, with 7*+8, 6+8*, Glu-A3e and Glu-B3a Gianibelli MC, Larroque OR, MacRitchie F, Wrigley
having the highest values. Allelic variants at CW (2001) Biochemical, genetic, and molecular
Glu-B3 showed differences in steam bread total characterization of wheat glutenin and its component
score and Glu-B3a had a higher score than others. subunits. Cereal Chem 78:635-646
He ZH, Liu L, Xia XC, Liu JJ, Peña RJ (2005) Composition
Allelic variants at Glu-B3 had different effects of HMW and LMW glutenin subunits and their effects
on smoothness of fresh white Chinese noodles, on dough properties, pan bread, and noodle quality of
with Glu-B3a and Glu-B3d producing higher Chinese bread wheats. Cereal Chem 82:345-350
smoothness than other alleles. Allelic variants Jackson EA, Morrel MH, Sontag-Strohm T, Branlard
at Glu-B1, Glu-D1, Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 conferred G, Metakovsky EV, Radaelli R (1996) Proposal for
different noodle sheet b* values, and 7*+8, 17+18, combining the classification systems of alleles of Gli-1
and Glu-3 loci in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). J
5+10, Glu-A3b, Glu-B3g, Glu-B3h showed superior
Genet & Breed 50:321-336
whiteness relative to others.
Liu L, He ZH, Ma WJ, Liu JJ, Xia XC, Peña RJ (2009) Allelic
Seven and 10 allele-specific markers developed variation at the Glu-D3 locus in Chinese bread wheat
for Glu-A3 and Glu-B3 loci, respectively, were and effects on dough properties, pan bread and noodle
qualities. Cereal Res Commun 37:57-64
validated on 13 NILs, Glenlea and Cheyenne,
and 161 wheat varieties and advanced lines. The Liu L, He ZH, Yan J, Zhang Y, Xia XC, Peña RJ (2005)
Allelic variation at the Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci, presence
results were in general accordance with those of the 1B·1R translocation, and their effects on
detected by SDS-PAGE. mixographic properties in Chinese bread wheats.
Euphytica 142:197-204
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 113
Estimating dough properties and end-product quality
from flour composition
F. Békés1, W. Ma2, and S. Tömösközi3
1FBFD PTY LTD,Beecroft, NSW, Australia;2State Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Murdoch University,
Perth, WA, Australia; 3Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Applied Biotechnology
and Food Science, Budapest, Hungary
Most of our knowledge about the ‘genetics of quality’ derives from two different experimental
approaches: i) direct measurements of quality traits on samples with systematically altered chemical
compositions; and, ii) relating quality and chemical composition/genetics of large sample populations
using statistical methods. An overview on the recent achievements of these two approaches will
be given illustrating the advantages/limitations of small- and micro-scale methodology and in vitro
reconstitution/incorporation methods in basic research and in different applications as well as
introducing three prediction procedures for dough properties (Protein Scoring System; PSS), loaf
volume (PQI) and water absorption. The PSS model relates the individual and interactive contributions
of high molecular weight (HMW) and low molecular weight (LMW) glutenin alleles to specific dough
parameters, predicting the genetic potential of dough strength and extensional properties of dough
of wheat flour with 12% protein content and with the ratios of glutenin to gliadin and HMW to LMW
glutenin subunits (GS) of 1.0 and 0.2, respectively. The most advanced version of the model is capable
of considering the effects of expression levels of different storage protein genes, allowing prediction of
actual dough parameters. The input of this model is the allelic composition and quantitative protein
composition (including UPP%), while the output provides a good estimate of actual dough strength
and extensibility of a given sample (r2 >0.85 and r2 >0.75, respectively). Further applications of the
models are also useful in blending formulations and in combining data to predict the technology
specific bread-making potential (PQI) of samples using a nonlinear model.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 115
The application of the PSS model on different and partly on the protein’s interaction with other
sample populations importantly point to the prolamin type proteins present in the base flour.
impact of allelic interactions as major variables A novel approach, introducing incorporation into
determining dough properties. The realization of rice flour dough can now clearly monitor only
the large influences of allele–allele interactions the direct effects of individual polypeptides on
on wheat flour doughs may alter our way of mixing properties while the same experiments
utilizing our knowledge of relating genetic/ using wheat flour doughs result in the direct plus
chemical information to quality attributes in interactive effects (Oszvald et al. 2011).
wheat breeding, the grain industry and in
Rice flour contains no wheat prolamin type
basic research. In breeding, the real value of a
proteins and therefore, in principle, it can provide
particular allele has to be investigated in several
a new approach to investigate the functional
backgrounds before its interaction-potential can
properties of wheat proteins. By incorporating
be utilized. Thus, different allelic combinations,
these proteins into rice flour dough, the direct
rather than individual glutenin alleles, should
effects of the proteins on the functional properties
be targeted in breeding situations to develop
of rice dough can be investigated in the absence
new lines with particular quality attributes, but
of interactions with other prolamin type proteins.
especially to improve extensibility.
Previous studies describe a reduction/oxidation
The interactive effects of the alleles present in procedure, optimized for rice flour, which is
commercial wheat flour blends are responsible suitable for incorporating purified wheat protein
for the well-known industrial problem where fractions into rice dough and monitoring their
dough properties, such as dough strength effects on the mixing properties of rice dough.
and extensibility, are not simply additive It was confirmed that dough with reasonable
characteristics, but usually show non-linear strength and stability can be made from rice
relationships with the blend formulation (Békés flour supplemented by wheat gluten (Oszvald
et al. 1998). In applying equation (2) to flour et al. 2008, 2009). Initial results of incorporating
blends; if the αi and βi,j parameters are known, different wheat storage proteins in different
the quality attributes of blends can be estimated, proportions into both rice and wheat flour
providing an efficient way of using samples in doughs demonstrate the potential of using rice
stock (Haraszi et al. 2004), even to develop non- flour as a model system to characterize functional
linear optimization model methods for blend properties of wheat storage proteins (Oszvald et
formulation (Békés 2011). al. 2011, 2012).
Further genetic and biochemical investigations
Estimating end product quality
are needed in the future to satisfactorily
explain the molecular aspects of allele-allele Since the pioneering work of Finney and
interactions. This requirement underlines the Barmore (1948), various researchers have
potential for more intensive application of attempted to predict bread quality by combining
in vitro methodologies in the initial stages of measurements made from grain, flour, or dough
pre-breeding and germplasm development. and combining them into prediction models
Using the bulk isolated product of the gene of (reviewed by Békés 2012b). Among these
interest (produced either from the flour of the predictive models the most successful tool for
source of the allele or bacterial expression) in estimating loaf volume seems to be PQI, a new
‘incorporation’ or ‘model dough’ experiments, generation predictive model (Békés et al. 2006).
the interaction-potential of a certain gluten Previous models did not deal with the fact that
protein (glutenin allele) can be monitored in a most of the relationships between grain or flour
reasonably cheap and rapid set of experiments. parameters and loaf volume are not linear and
there is an optimum level of energy required to
However, the principal limitation of these produce the largest volume loaf. Under- or over-
incorporation studies is that the results of such mixing will produce loaves of inferior volume and
experiments are largely dependent on the allelic quality. For any set of technological parameters
composition of the base flour (Békés 2012a, b). and ingredients, there is an optimal dough
The resulting changes in rheological properties strength and extensibility. The PQI model applies
of the wheat dough are partly dependent on the the Morup–Olesen transformation (Morup and
direct contribution of the incorporated protein
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 117
Cornish GB, Békés F, Eagles HA, Payne PI (2006) Oszvald M, Tömösközi S, Tamás L, Keresztényi E, Békés
Prediction of dough properties for bread wheats. In: F (2008) Characterization of rice proteins by size
Wrigley CW, Békés F, Bushuk W (eds) Gliadin and exclusion high performance liquid chromatography. J
glutenin. The unique balance of wheat quality. AACCI Cereal Sci 48:68-76
Press, St Paul, MN, pp243-280 Oszvald M, Tömösközi S, Békés F, Tamás L (2009) Effects
Eagles HA, Hollamby GJ, Gororo NN, Eastwood RF (2002) of wheat storage proteins on the functional properties.
Estimation and utilisation of glutenin gene effects from J Agric Food Chem 57:10442-10449
the analysis of unbalanced data from wheat breeding Oszvald M, Balázs G, Tömösközi S, Békés F, Tamás L
programs. Aust J Agric Res 53:1047-1057 (2011) Comparative study of the effect of incorporated
Finney KF, Barmore MA (1948). Loaf volume and protein individual wheat storage proteins on mixing
content of hard winter and spring wheats. Cereal properties of rice and wheat dough. J Agric Food
Chem 25:291-312 Chem 59:9664-9672
Gras PW, Békés F (1996) Small-scale testing: The Oszvald M, Balázs G, Tömösközi S, Békés F, Tamás L
development of instrumentation and application as a (2012) Studying the protein-protein interactions and
research tool. In: Wrigley CW (ed), Proc. 6th Int. Gluten functional properties of wheat prolamins in gluten
Workshop. RACI, Melbourne, Australia, pp506-510 free model system. In: He ZH (ed) Proc. 11th Int Gluten
Gupta RB, Békés F, Wrigley CW (1991) Prediction of Workshop, Beijing, CIMMYT
physical dough properties from glutenin subunit Payne PI, Nightingale MA, Krattiger AF, Holt LM (1987)
composition in bread wheats: correlation studies. The relationship between HMW glutenin subunit
Cereal Chem 68:328-333 composition and the bread-making quality of British-
Haraszi R, Békés F, Ruggiero K, Gale KR, Anderssen RS grown wheat varieties. J Sci Food Agric 40:51-65
(2004). Analysis of wheat grain blends. In: Black CK, Tamás L, Solomon RG, Békés F, Gras PW, Morell MK,
Panozzo JF, Rebetzke GJ (eds) Proc. 54th Australian Cer Appels R (2002) Modification of chain termination
Chem Conf and 11th Wheat Breeders Assembly, RACI, and chain extension properties by altering the density
Melbourne, Australia, pp362-365 and distribution of cysteine residues in a model seed
Morup IK, Olesen ES (1976) New method for prediction of storage protein: Effects on dough quality. J Cereal Sci
protein value from essential amino acid patterns. Nutr 36:313-325
Rep Int 13:355-365
Dough visco-elasticity is the main factor defining the bread-making quality of wheat. In breeding to
improve bread-making quality it is necessary to apply selection pressure as early as possible (at least
at the early-advanced stages). The Mixograph and the Alveograph are commonly used methods to
determine dough mixing properties (development time, DDT and work input, %T), dough visco-
elasticity (deformation energy or dough strength; ALVW, and tenacity/extensibility; ALVPL ratio).
Bread loaf volume is the ultimate parameter indicating bread-making quality. However, all these
methods are time consuming and slow, with little application in early stages of selection for quality
traits. The present study evaluated three small-scale tests: sodium dodecyl sulfate-sedimentation
(SDS-S), lactic acid retention capacity (LARC), and swelling index of glutenin (SIG), for their value in
estimating dough visco-elastic properties (DDT; %T; ALVW; ALVPL) and bread loaf volume (LV). A
large population (242) of advanced wheat lines was used. SIG and LARC were strongly interrelated (r
= 0.92) and both showed larger correlation coefficients than SDS-S with dough strength parameters and
bread LV, although SIG showed a larger correlation coefficient than LARC to screen for dough strength
(r: 0.77 vs. 0.83, respectively) and bread LV (r: 0.54 vs. 0.62, respectively). Testing for LARC is simpler
and faster than for SIG. Therefore, the use of either LARC or SIG to screen for dough strength and bread
LV depends on the strength of the selection pressure applied to early advanced wheat germplasm.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 119
glutenins in an isopropanol-lactic acid solution Lactic acid retention capacity (LARC)
is quantified (Wang and Kovacs 2002). The lactic LARC was determined in flour samples using
acid retention capacity (LARC) test (AACC (2000) a scaled-down version of the standard LARC
Method 56-11, 2000) is another small-scale method method of the AACC Method (56-11). In the
that has gained some recognition as a valuable miniaturized method, 300 mg of flour was placed
predictor of dough visco-elastic properties (Bettge into a 2.0 ml previously weighed Eppendorf
et al. 2002; Duyvejonck et al. 2011), and can be tube; followed by the addition of 1.5 ml of 5%
considered an additional tool for predicting lactic acid solution and vortex-mixed for 10-
dough rheological properties and bread-making 20 sec to fully suspend the flour. The tubes
quality in breeding programs. were immediately put in a Thermomixer with
The aim of this study was to determine and mixing action at 1400 rpm for 5 min (25°C);
compare the reliability of three different gluten- and centrifuged at 4000 x g for 2 min. After
quality related small-scale tests (SDS-S, LARC, centrifugation the supernatant was decanted
and SIG) as tools to predict dough rheological and the tube was left to drain on tissue paper
parameters and bread loaf volume. for 10 min. Finally, the tube was weighed, and
the LARC was calculated following the formula:
[(Tube and gel weight – empty tube weight)/
Materials and methods Flour weight)] (86/100 flour moisture) -1 * 100.
Table 1. Mean and range of values for dough rheological parameters and bread loaf volumes of diverse
advanced bread wheat lines (n = 242).
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 121
0.90 Conclusions
0.80 SDS-S The small-scale tests, SDS-sedimentation, lactic
0.70 SIG acid retention capacity and swelling index of
glutenin, showed different prediction values for
0.60 bread-making quality parameters. SIG appeared
0.50 to be the best predictor (followed by LARC and
then by SDS-S), particularly of dough strength
and bread loaf volume. LARC is a simpler and
0.30 faster small-scale test, and has only slightly lower
0.20 prediction value than SIG in estimating dough
strength and bread LV. The choice of either test
0.10 over SDS-S depends on the selection pressure
0.00 being applied on early advanced lines.
Fig. 2 Pearson correlation coefficients between small-
scale tests (SDS-S, LARC and SIG) and flour protein References
(FLRPRO), mixograph dough development time
(MIXTIM) and %Torque (%TQ), alveograph strength AACC (2000) Approved methods of the American
(ALVW) and tenacity/extensibility ratio (ALVPL), and Association of Cereal Chemists, (10th ed). The
bread loaf volume (LV). SDS-S = sodium dodecyl American Association of Cereal Chemists, St Paul, MN
sulfate-sedimentation; LARC = lactic acid retention Bettge AD, Morris CF, Demacon VL, Kidwell KK (2002)
capacity; SIG = swelling index of glutenin. Adaptation of AACC Method 56-11, Solvent Retention
Capacity, for use as an early generation selection tool
for cultivar development. Cereal Chem 79:670-674
Duyvejonck AE, Lagrain B, Pareyt B, Courtin CM,
Delcour JA (2011) Relative contribution of wheat flour
LARC and the SDS-S tests. Between LARC and constituents to Solvent Retention Capacity profiles of
SIG, LARC is faster, because it is easier to weigh European wheats. J Cereal Sci 53:312-318
300 mg than 40 mg, and because the mixing and Peña RJ, Amaya A, Rajaram S, Mujeeb-Kazi A (1990)
centrifugation times are smaller and the steps are Variation in quality characteristics associated with
some spring 1B/1R translocation wheats. J Cereal Sci
fewer. Sample weighing (1 g of flour) is much
faster in SDS-S. Considering testing time and
Weegels PL, Hamer RJ, Schofield JD (1996) Functional
simplicity, LARC seems to be a better screening properties of wheat glutenin. J Cereal Sci 23:1-18
method than SIG; however, if the prediction
Wang C, Kovacs MIP (2002) Swelling Index of Glutenin
value is critical, then SIG should be preferred Test. I. Method and comparison with Sedimentation,
over LARC and SDS-S to predict dough strength Gel-Protein, and Insoluble Glutenin Tests. Cereal
and bread-making quality. Chem 79:183-189
When sample size is limited, small-scale dough testing methods are needed. Since the development
of the 2 g Mixograph, the first commercially available small-scale dough testing instrument, followed
by the appearance of micro-extension instruments and micro-dough inflation procedures, intense
research activities have been carried out to evaluate different micro-scale systems as well as studying
the effects of reduced sample quantities on the measured parameters. During the last decade, a family
of micro-scale instruments have been developed through long-term cooperation between Hungarian
and Australian partners; resulting in prototypes of a micro-mill and a micro-sieve, a Farinograph/
Valorigraph-type micro-Z-arm mixer, and a combined macro- and micro-sedimentation tester
(Sedicom®) followed by commercialization of these instruments. Recently, a new type of gluten and
starch washer (GluStar®, BME-Labintern, Hungary) was constructed. The novelty of this system is its
capability of determing wet gluten content and isolating eluted starch and soluble components of flour
from one cycle. Both macro- and micro-modes of application are possible, with sample requirements
of 10 g or 4 g of flour, respectively. The modularity of the measuring system ensures the separate
utilization of the basic modules (gluten washer, and carbohydrate collector). The gluten washer alone
is applicable for measuring wet gluten content. The method was validated, and results were found to
be well correlated with generally used standard methods. The equipment has been used in various
research studies, such as screening large sample populations of Hungarian and Australian wheat
lines, with satisfactory reproducibility in wet gluten content and providing starch samples for further
chemical and functional tests. Some examples for the application of the new equipment are given,
including an investigation of the impact of the AM/AP ratio and the arabinoxylan (AX) content on
rheological properties of samples for producing blends of conventional bread wheat flours with high-
amylose and waxy wheat flours.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 123
a simple but new measuring procedure. In this For determination of wet-gluten content and
case, a combined instrument was developed in starch (carbohydrate) isolation, the new gluten
which gluten washing and starch (unsoluble washer system (GluStar® System) was used (Fig. 1).
carbohydrate) isolation can run separately, or Standard macro- and micro-scale procedures were
in parallel on macro- and micro-scales. This developed for measuring 10 and 4 g flour samples,
flexible instrument and associated methods allow respectively. The gluten washing procedures
both routine analytical and research activities. were validated against the ICC-Standard Method
A study of the roles of starch and non-starchy No. 106/2. AM/AP ratio was measured by the
carbohydrates in wheat dough formation, and the iodine binding method (Hoover and Ratnayake
rheological behavior of the dough, was one of the 2001) and AX content was determined by
focus areas in the present research. gas chromatography (Gebruesrs et al. 2009).
Viscosimetric characterization of wheat flours and
isolated carbohydrates were performed with a
Materials and methods Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA, Perten Instruments.
Various Hungarian and Australian wheat CITY). Standard statistical evaluation was
samples were used in the experiments. A total performed on the basis of the results of parallel
of 740 flour samples from lines in a MAGIC measurements using the Statistica Ver 6 package.
population (4-way cross) established in CSIRO
Plant Industry (Cavanagh et al. 2008) were
analyzed using the GluStar equipment. For the Results and discussion
study of amylose/amylopectin (AM/AP) and The novelty of the newly developed analytical
arabinoxylan (AX) effects, 26 old Hungarian equipment is its capability of simultaneously
landraces and varieties recently bred at the determining wet gluten content and separating
Agricultural Institute, Center for Agricultural the starch from wheat flour samples of 10 g or 4 g.
Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Both the macro- and micro–methods take the same
Martonvásár, were investigated. time. The modularity of the measuring system
ensures separate utilization of the basic modules.
Fig. 1 GluStar®, the new member of small-scale instruments for determining gluten contents and
separating wheat carbohydrates.
this analysis, the reproducibility was consistent
with that defined by the Carnamah control 2,000
samples. A particularly useful aspect of the small- 1,500
scale analyses, in addition to the % wet gluten
measurement, was the fast qualitative assessment
of the dough formed by the flour samples. 500
A) Standard methods vs Macro GluStar System B) Standard methods vs Micro GluStar System
Correlation: r= ,99298 Correlation: r= ,98815
42 42
40 40
38 38
Micro GluStar System
36 36
34 34
32 32
30 30
28 28
26 26
24 24
22 22
24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44
Glutomatic 2,200 0,95 Conf. Int. Martonvás ás 0,95 Conf. Int.
Fig. 2 Method validation: Comparison of wet-gluten content measured with the macro- and micro-
GluStar® methods and the ICC-Standard No. 106/2 procedure.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 125
The composition of the eluted starchy materials the viscous behaviour of these starchy isolates
was also investigated. One of the interesting was determined not only by the AM/AP rates and
observations was that the water unextractable sizes of molecules, but also by the NSPs.
arabinoxilane (WUAX) content of starchy
Simple correlation studies showed different
isolates is higher than, or almost equal to,
relationships between viscosity parameters
those for wheat flours (Fig. 4). Naturally, the
determined by the RVA method and the
water extractable arabinoxilanes (WEAX) in
composition of starchy isolates. For example,
washed out starches are much lower than in
it is clear in Table 1 that the breakdown after
wheat flours. These results indicate that the
peak maximum and the time required to reach
non-starchy carbohydrates (NSPs) are (partly)
maximum viscosity is significantly correlated
washed out from the gluten during gluten
with amylose content whereas setback apparently
washing and remain in the effluent. Therefore,
depends more on WEAX.
-481 -481
Table 1. Application of GluStar® system in research: Correlation between carbohydrate constitution and
Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) parameters of separated carbohydrates.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 127
Characteristics and evaluation parameters associated with
cooking quality of Chinese fresh noodles
Y. Zhang1, J. Yan2, Y.G. Xiao1, D.S. Wang1, and Z.H. He1,3
1Instituteof Crop Sciences/National Wheat Improvement Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
Beijing 100081, China; 2Cotton Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Anyang 455000,
China; 3CIMMYT China Office, Beijing 100081, China
Noodle cooking quality is an important aspect in assessing processing quality of Chinese fresh noodles.
Forty-six Chinese wheat cultivars and advanced lines from the Northern Plain and the Yellow and
Huai River Valleys Winter Wheat Regions were used to determine the relationship between wheat
quality characters and evaluation parameters of Chinese fresh noodle cooking quality, including total
organic matter (TOM), cooking losses, water absorption, and noodle stickiness. Large variations were
observed in milling quality, dough rheology characteristics, starch properties, and noodle cooking
quality parameters, including TOM value, cooking losses, and noodle stickiness. Extensogram energy
and maximum resistance contributed negatively to TOM value, with correlation coefficients of -0.66
(P <0.01) and -0.56 (P <0.01), respectively. Correlation coefficients between farinogram stability,
extensogram energy and maximum resistance and cooked noodle weights with optimal cooking (6 min)
and overcooking (10 min) ranged from -0.55 to -0.63 (P <0.01). Farinogram mixing tolerance index was
significantly and positively correlated with the weights of noodles cooked for 6 min and 10 min, with
correlation coefficients of 0.67 (P <0.01) and 0.69 (P <0.01), respectively. Starch pasting temperature was
significantly and positively correlated with noodle weights when cooked for 10 min (r = 0.60, P <0.01).
This indicated that increased flour protein content and dough gluten strength contributed positively to
noodle cooking quality. Flour protein properties were the major factor in determining noodle cooking
quality. Noodle cooking quality was only slightly affected by starch pasting parameters. TOM value
was significantly and positively correlated with noodle weights after cooking for 6 min and 10 min,
with correlation coefficients of 0.66 (P <0.01) and 0.69 (P <0.01), respectively. The correlation coefficient
between noodle weights after cooking for 6 min and 10 min was 0.86 (P <0.01). It is recommended that
the weight of noodles cooked for 10 min should be an important parameter for evaluation of noodle
cooking quality. Noodle weight (from 10 g fresh noodles) after 10 min of cooking should be no more
than 21.0 g for good noodle cooking quality Chinese wheat samples.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 129
Noodle preparation Parameters of noodle cooking quality
Noodle preparation and quality evaluation TOM value: For each test, 100 g of noodles (20
were performed according to Ye et al. (2010). cm length) were cooked in 1,000 mL of distilled
Flour (200 g, 14% MB) was mixed with enough water previously heated to 100°C for 6 min. The
water to achieve 35% water absorption and 1% TOM value that could be rinsed from the drained
salt using a mixer (Kenwood, Havant, UK). Salt cooked noodles was determined as described by
was dissolved in distilled water and added to Zhang et al. (1998).
the flour during mixing. For sensory evaluation
Cooking losses: The cooking loss test was a
of noodle quality, six samples were tested at
slight modification of that described by Zhang
each panel session including a well-known
et al. (2008). Loss of solids during cooking was
Chinese commercial flour (Xuehuafen) as the
determined by collecting the cooking water
control, which showed a relatively consistent
following drainage of the noodles for the TOM
noodle quality score in sensory tests, and at
value test; 5 ml of cooking water was dried in an
least 5 panelists compared the samples with the
oven at 105°C. The dried residue was weighed
control for six weighted parameters (viz. color
and results were expressed as a proportion of the
15, appearance 10, firmness 20, viscoelasticity
uncooked noodles.
30, smoothness 15, and taste-flavor including
taste and mouth feeling 10) from which a total Water absorption test: The water absorption test
score for each sample was derived. The scores of was a slight modification of that described by
the six parameters for the control were always Matsuo et al. (1986). Seven separate 10 g samples
10.5, 7, 14, 21, 10.5 and 7, respectively. All work of noodles were cooked in 2,000 ml of boiling
was performed under uniform temperature and distilled water for 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 min,
humidity conditions of the noodle laboratory, respectively. Samples were immersed in stainless
that is, 22±2°C; and 50-60% RH. strainers. At the end of cooking, samples were
Table 2. Mean, range, and coefficients of variance (CV) for quality parameters of tested samples.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 131
Noodle water absorption Zhoumai 23 was apparent with 10 min cooking;
their values were 22.2 and 20.2 g. This suggests
Increasing cooking times at 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10
that noodle water absorption and cooking quality
min led to increases in cooked noodle weights of
for Taikong 6 was similar to Zhoumai 23 at the
tested samples (data not shown). Noodle water
optimal cooking time, but noodle cooking quality
absorption increased, but noodle cooking quality
for Zhoumai 23 was clearly better than for Taikong
decreased, as cooking time increased. Cooked
6 when overcooked. Cooked noodle weights for
noodle weights of four samples at different
Xinong 979 were lowest with values of 16.2, 17.7,
cooking times are listed in Table 4. There were
and 19.8 g at 4 min, optimal, and overcooking
larger differences in noodle water absorption of
times, respectively, indicating the best noodle
different samples at 4 min cooking time, optimal
cooking quality. These results showed that noodle
cooking time (6 min), and with overcooking (10
cooking qualities for Xinong 979 and Zhoumai 23
min). Cooked noodle weight for Linmai 4 was
were better than those for Taikong 6 and Linmai 4.
highest with the values of 18.2, 19.9, and 23.5 g at
4, 6, and 10 min cooking, respectively. The cooked The 46 tested varietal samples were classified
noodle weight for Linmai 4 was significantly into three groups based on cooked noodle weight
higher than those for the other three genotypes, at 10 min cooking time. Nineteen varieties,
indicating lower noodle cooking quality. On the including Xinong 979, Zhoumai 23, Shi 05-7338,
other hand, there were no significant differences Zhongyou 335, Zhongmai 349, Wennong 14, Jishi
between Taikong 6 and Zhoumai 23 with respect 02-1, Zhengmai 9023, Shun 1718, Zhongyou 206,
to cooked noodle weights at 4 and 6 min of 10CA11, Xinmai 18, Xinong 9871, Beijing 0045,
cooking, the values being 17.1 g and 17.0 g versus 10CA006, Zhongmai 895, Shannong 055843,
18.6 g, and 18.5 g, respectively. A significant Zhongyou 629, and Jimai 20, conferred good
difference at P = 0.05 between Taikong 6 and noodle cooking quality with cooked noodle
weights of less than 21.0 g. Among them, only
Table 3. Means, ranges, and coefficients of variance (CV) for processing parameters of noodles.
Table 4. Cooked noodle weights (g) of varietal samples after different cooking times.
r = 0.66 P < 0.01 20
16 19
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 17 18 19 20 21
TOM value (%) cooked noodle weight for 6 min (g)
Fig. 1 Relationship among evaluation parameters of noodle cooking quality. (A) Relationship between
total organic matter (TOM) value and cooked noodle weight; (B) Relationship of noodle weights between
optimum cooking time and overcooking.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 133
Relationship between wheat quality trait and 2.5
noodle cooking quality
Relationships between TOM value and 2.0 r = 0.66 P < 0.01
parameters farinograph, extensograph, and starch
TOM value
pasting properties are shown in Table 5 and 1.5
Fig. 2. The correlation coefficient between TOM
value and energy and maximum resistance were 1.0
-0.66 (P <0.01) and -0.56 (P <0.01), respectively,
indicating that increasing gluten strength leads 0.5
to decreased TOM. Protein content and dough
extensibility were negatively associated with 0.0
cooking loss, with correlation coefficients of -0.51 0 50 100 150
(P <0.01) and -0.51 (P <0.01), respectively. There Energy (cm2)
were significant relationships between grain 24.5
hardness, gluten strength, and starch pasting B)
Table 5. Correlation coefficients between wheat quality traits and noodle cooking quality parameters.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 135
Matsuo RR, Dexter JE, Boudreau A, Daun JK (1986) The Zhang L Wang XZ, Yue YS (1998) TOM being a new
role of lipids in determining spaghetti cooking quality. assessment method for Chinese noodle cooking
Cereal Chem 63:484-489 quality and effects of wheat quality characteristics on
Soh HN, Sissons MJ, Turner MA (2006) Effect of starch size it. J Chin Cereals Oils Assoc 13(1):49-53 (in Chinese
distribution and elevated amylose content on durum with English abstract)
dough rheology and spaghetti cooking quality. Cereal Zhang GQ, Wei YM, Ou Yang SH, Xi ML, Hu XZ, Sietz W
Chem 83:513-519 (2000) Noodle quality characters of wheat varieties.
Wang XX, Lei H, Qu Y, Liu X, Shi JF (2010) Effect of starch J Chin Cereals Oils Assoc 15(3):5-8 (in Chinese with
composition in flour on noodle cooking quality. J English abstract)
Henan Univ Technol (Nat Sci Edn) 31(2):24-27 (in Zhang Y, Yan J, Yoshida H, Wang DS, Chen DS, Nagamine
Chinese with English abstract) T, Liu JJ, He ZH (2007) Standardization of laboratory
Wei YM, Zhang GQ, Ou Yang SH, Xi ML, Hu XZ, Sietz W processing of Chinese white salted noodle and
(1998) Influence of processing parameters on quality its sensory evaluation system. J Triticeae Crops
properties of spaghetti. J Chin Cereals Oils Assoc 27(10):158-165 (in Chinese with English abstract)
13(5):42-45 (in Chinese with English abstract) Zhang J, Li MQ, Gong XZ, Jiang LY (2008) Relationship
Ye YL, He ZH, Zhang Y (2010) Effect of different water between wheat flour traits and quality indexes of
addition levels on Chinese white noodle quality. Sci fresh-wet noodles. J Chin Cereals Oils Assoc 23(2):20-
Agric Sin 43:795-804 (in Chinese with English abstract) 24 (in Chinese with English abstract)
Yin SW, Lu QY, Yang XG (2005) Study on effect of Zhao ZD, Liu JJ, Dong JY, Zhang L, Li Q (1998) The
damaged starch on cooking quality of noodles. relation between TOM and cooking quality of Chinese
Food Sci Technol (10):68-70 (in Chinese with English noodle. Acta Agron Sin 24:738-741 (in Chinese with
abstract) English abstract)
Separation and analysis of water-soluble proteins (WSP) are important in understanding the
fundamentals of the wheat grain proteome. However, due to their high degrees of heterogeneity and
complexity in composition, separating WSP is generally difficult and relevant methodologies are not
yet fully developed. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is one of the analytical methods currently used for
protein separation and characterization. In the present study, a CE method was optimized for rapid
separation and characterization of water-soluble proteins (WSP) in wheat grains. The established
method was tested in various applications, including wheat varieties and germplasm identification,
as well as protein synthesis and accumulation during different grain development stages and
under different environmental conditions. The characteristic CE patterns of a range of bread wheat
cultivars and related species were readily identified. The synthesis and accumulation patterns of
wheat WSP during grain development, as well as their stabilities in different environments, were also
investigated. The technical advances presented in this paper appear to be useful for wheat cultivar
and germplasm identification, as well as for genetic and breeding research.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 137
structural characteristics are still not clear (Wang 8, Jing 411, Gaocheng 8901, Jimai 20, Sunstate,
et al. 2006). During kernel development, albumins Zhongyou 9507 and CB037, which were obtained
and globulins are synthesized earlier than other from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural
proteins, rapidly accumulating in the early filling Sciences (CAAS), Beijing. In addition, four
stages and gradually declining thereafter, but durum cultivars (T. durum, AABB, 2n=4x=28),
slightly rebounding at the mature stage (Zhao and viz. Durum-1, Bonadur, Grandwr and Ofanto,
Yu 2005). and accessions of seven wheat-related species,
viz. tetraploids T. dicoccum (AABB, 2n=4x=28)
Traditional separation methods of wheat grain
TD-05, T. dicoccoides (AABB, 2n=4x=28) TD-91,
proteins include sodium dodecyl sulfate-
and Aegilops peregrina (UUSS, 2n=4x=28) AP-1,
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE),
and diploids T. urartu (AuAu, 2n=2x=14) TU-7
acidic-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
and T. monococcum (AmAm, 2n=2x=14) TM-2,
(A-PAGE) and reversed-phase high-performance
TM-6 and Einkorn-1 (AA, 2n=2x=14), which were
liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). These
collected from different countries and stored
methods, however, have considerable limitations,
in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and
and cannot meet the needs of in-depth dissection
Proteomics, Capital Normal University (CNU),
of the complexity required by modern scientific
Beijing, were used. Three CS alien chromosome
research. In recent years, capillary electrophoresis
substitution lines CS-1C/1A, CS-1Sl/1B and
(CE), two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE)
CS-1U/1B, developed at the Plant Breeding
and particularly a variety of biological mass
Department, Technical University of Munich,
spectrometry techniques have been developed in
were kindly provided by Dr. S. Hsam.
the field of structural and functional proteomics
(Gao et al. 2009). CE has also been used to study
WSP extraction and CE
WSP in wheat, allowing a better understanding
of their functions. Grain samples were ground into powder and 200
mg of flour from each were oscillated for about
CE has many advantages compared to traditional 1 h with 0.2 ml ethanol at room temperature
separation methods, including higher resolution, based on a method outlined by Wang et al.
lower reagent consumption and simpler sample (2008). After centrifugation for 5 min at 13,000 g,
requirements, and a high degree of automation. the supernatant was collected, and centrifuged
It provides a powerful tool for studying the again at 13,000 g for 15 min. Finally, 40 μl
genetic and biochemical properties of WSP as supernatant was transferred to a 1 ml centrifuge
well as their contributions to processing quality. tube and used for CE analysis. A Beckman
Nevertheless, after extensive application in PA800 with uncoated fused-silica capillaries
various separation tasks, it is often criticized for and the accompanying 32 Karat operating
its poor reproducibility. In recent years, with software was used for WSP separations. The
the availability of MALDI-TOF technology, CE buffer was 50 mM sodium phosphate, pH 2.5
seems to have lost attention and has become less with 20% (v/v) acetonitrile (ACN), 0.05% (w/v)
used in separation of wheat grain proteins. In the hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC) and 50
current study, attempts were made to increase mM hexane sulfonic acid (HSA) based on Bean
CE reproducibility in analyzing wheat grain and Tilley (2003). Different separation conditions,
WSP by using a phosphoric acid-glycine buffer including performance voltages, temperature,
system. A fast and efficient separation method inner and outside diameter, and injection time,
was established and its potential application was were optimized. All samples were detected by
investigated. UV absorbance at 200 nm by the traditional way
of using NaOH-HCl as a balanced system for
regulation of pH. However, sodium and chloride
Materials and methods ions may easily interfere with the experimental
Plant materials results at 200 nm of UV absorption wavelength.
The system has high conductivity and therefore
Wheat samples used in this study included produces high currents and joule heating that
ten bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum, causes baseline problems. We therefore used
AABBDD, 2n=6x=42), viz. Chinese Spring phosphoric acid to adjust pH and buffer to
(CS), Zhengmai 9023, Neixiang 188, Jingdong minimize such interference.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 139
Apparent differences in WSP compositions were could be readily differentiated based on WSP peak
present in different species and genotypes. In migration, height and area. Although hexaploid
general, the polymorphisms of WSP in diploid bread wheats showed similar CE patterns of
and tetraploid species were higher than those WSP composition, different cultivars were
in hexaploid bread wheat. The main WSP distinguishable from their peak characteristics and
components were present in 5-6 min in diploid numbers (Fig. 1c). Analysis of CS substitution lines
species, 7-9 min in tetraploid species and 6-8 showed that some WSP peaks could be assigned
min in bread wheat cultivars. Our results to chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1S1, 1C and 1U (Fig. 1d).
indicated that different species and cultivars This shows that CE can be used as a tool to study
the genetic control of WSP.
A) Einkorn-1 B) Durum-1
0.14 0.18
TU-7 0.16
0.14 Grandwr
TM-6 0.12
0.08 Ofanto
0.00 0.00
Absorbance at 200 nm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
C) Zhengmai 9023 D)
0.250 0.16
Jingdong 8 0.14 1B
0.200 1B CS
Neixiang 188 0.12 1B 1B
0.150 0.10 1S1 1S1 1S1 CS-1S1/1B
Jing 411
0.125 0.08
0.100 Gaocheng 8901 1C
0.06 1C 1C
Jimai 20 0.04
0.050 1U 1U
1U 1U
0.02 CS-1U/1B
0.025 Sunstate
0.000 0.00
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tim, min
Fig. 1 Separation and identification of grain WSP from diploid (a), tetraploid (b), hexaploid
bread wheat (c), and CS alien substitution lines (d).
0.175 0.08
0.20 0.150
Absorbance at 200 nm
Absorbance at 200 nm
0.15 Zhangjiakou
0.10 0.075
0.00 0.00
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Tim, min Tim, min
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 141
Grain produced at the four locations generally Gao L, Wang A, Li X, Dong K, Wang K, Appels R, Ma
displayed similar WSP patterns, but clear W, Yan Y (2009) Wheat quality related differential
expressions of albumins and globulins revealed by
quantitative and qualitative differences were
two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2-D
also present. For example, most of the main DIGE). J Proteomics 73:279-296
WSP components, such as the protein peak at Guo G, Lv D, Yan X, Subburaj S, Ge P, Li X, Hu Y, Yan Y
about 7 min, showed greater variations in peak (2012) Proteome characterization of developing grains
height and area, suggesting that the amounts in bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.). BMC
of grain WSP were affected by environmental Plant Biol 12:147
conditions. Moreover, the WSP peak at about 7 Guttman A (1996) Effect of the temperature on the peak
min from Yinchuan was divided into major and efficiency in capillary gel electrophoresis. Trends in
minor components and two minor peaks at about Anal Chem 15:194-198
5 min and 7.6 min from Beijing were absent as Majoul T, Bancel E, Triboi E, Hamida JB, Branlard G
(2003) Proteomic analysis of the effect of heat stress
indicated in Fig. 2b, probably resulting from
on hexaploid wheat grain: characterization of heat-
genetic variations induced by environmental responsive from non-prolamins fraction. Proteomics
factors. Additionally, the growing environment 3:175-183
may cause post-translational modifications of Osborne TB (1907) The proteins of the wheat kernel.
protein (Guo et al. 2012), and consequently lead Carnegie Inst Washington Pub 84, 119pp
to qualitative differences in WSP compositions. Rharrabti Y, Villegas D, Garcia D, Moral LF, Aparicio N,
Elhani S, Royo C (2001) Environmental and genetic
determination of protein content and grain yield in
Conclusions durum wheat under Mediterranean conditions. Plant
Breed 120:381-388
We optimized experimental parameters such Shewry PR, Halford NG, Belton PS, Tathan AS (2002) The
as temperature, voltage, buffer, injection time, structure and properties of gluten: an elastic protein
and capillary column type that influence CE from wheat grain. Phil Trans Royal Soc London Ser B -
resolution. An efficient CE procedure was Biol Sci 357:133-142
established for analyzing wheat grain WSP, Shomer I, Lookhart G, Salomon R, Vasiliver R, Bean S
including capillary length; 30.2 cm (detection (1995) Heat coagulation of wheat flour albumins
length 20 cm), inner diameter; 50 μm, operating and globulins, their structure and temperature
fractionation. J Cereal Sci 22:237-249
voltage; 11 kV, capillary temperature; 35°C,
Singh JS, Skerritt J (2001) Chromosomal control of
injection time; 6 s, and detection wavelength;
albumins and globulins in wheat grain assessed using
200 nm. The CE procedure was then applied different fractionation procedures. J Cereal Sci 33:163-
to differentiate various wheat cultivars and 181
genotypes. WSP accumulation patterns across Strege MA, Lagu AL (1993) Studies of migration time
5 grain development stages, and various reproducibility of capillary electrophoretic protein
environmental conditions, were also successfully separations. J Liquid Chromatogr 16:51-68
studied by our optimal CE procedure, indicating Wang A, Pei Y, Zhang Q, Yan Y (2006) Advances on
its potential as a powerful alternative tool for wheat non-prolamins proteins. J Capital Normal Univ
studies on genetic, physiological, biochemical (Natural Science Edition) 27:5-8
and proteomic characterization of grain WSP. Wang A, Gao L, Pei Y, Zhang Y, He Z, Xia X, Appels
R, Ma W, Huang X, Yan Y (2008) Rapid separation
and characterization of grain water-soluble proteins
in bread wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) by
capillary electrophoresis. Can. J Plant Sci 88:843-848
Basset LM, Allan RE, Rubenthaler GL (1989) Genotype ×
Weiss W, Huber G, Engel KH, Pethran A, Dunn MJ,
environment interaction on soft white winter wheat
Gooley AA, Gorg A (1997) Identification and
quality. Agron J 81:955-960
characterization of wheat grain albumin/globulin
Bean SR, Tilley M (2003) Separation of water-soluble allergens. Electrophoresis 18:826-833
proteins from cereals by high-performance capillary
Zawistowska U, Bietz JA, Bushuk W (1986)
electrophoresis (HPCE). Cereal Chem 80:505-510
Characterization of low molecular weight protein with
Francois C, Morile PH, Dreux M (1996) Adjusting the high affinity for flour lipid from two wheat classes.
selectivity of inorganic anion separation by capillary Cereal Chem 63:414-419
electrophoresis. J High Resol Chromatogr 19:5-16
Zhao J, Yu Z (2005) Review on relationship between
metabolism of protein and starch in grains of wheat
and formation of quality. J Triticeae Crops 25:106-111
Certain heteropterous insects (Eurygaster spp., Aelia spp., and Nysius huttoni) cause pre-harvest damage
to wheat in Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and New Zealand. Wheat bugs attack developing
wheat kernels by piercing them with their mouthparts and injecting their salivary secretions containing
proteases. Dough prepared from bug-damaged flour is very sticky and weak and produces loaves of
poor volume and unsatisfactory texture due to gluten degradation. Loaves baked from bug-damaged
wheat have low volume and coarse texture. The presence of 3-5% damaged kernels seriously affects
rheological and baking quality. Grain with higher levels of damage (>10%) must be rejected from milling
grades of bread wheat, generally being down-graded to feed grade. In this study, the effects of high
protease activity flour (HPAF) due to Eurygaster spp. and/or Aelia spp. damage to wheat on rheological
properties and quality characteristics of bakery products such as bread, cookies and cakes were
determined. High protease activity flour (HPAF) due to Eurygaster spp. and/or Aelia spp. damage was
added at different levels in cookies (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%), cakes (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and
100%) and bread (25%) produced by AACC and modified AACC (2.5%, 5%, 10% and %15) formulations.
High level addition of HPAF reduced the quality of bread (volume and texture) and cookies (spread ratio
and texture), but there were no effects on cake quality (volume, texture and symmetry).
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 143
Results 9
Chemical and physicochemical properties of
HPAF and the flours used for bread, cake and
cookie production are shown in Table 1.
Spread ratio
The color, spread ratio and texture values of
cookies are shown in Fig. 1, 2 and 3; images are
shown in Fig. 4. No significant differences in
color values were observed, but cookies from 0 20 40 60 80 100
HPAF2 increased in hardness with increasing HPAF2 additon level (%)
levels of grain-damaged flour. The spread ratio Fig. 2 Spread ratio values of cookies.
increased as expected.
L a b 100
40 50
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
HPAF2 additon level (%) Additon level (%)
Fig. 1 Color values of cookies (L, Brightness; a, Fig. 3 Effect of HPAF2 levels on texture values of
Redness; b, Yellowness). cookies.
0 20 40 60 80 100
HPAF2 addition level (%)
Fig. 4 Effects of HPAF2 on cookies.
70 Bread
L a b
60 Color, volume and texture values of breads are
shown in Fig. 9, 10 and 11; images are shown in
Fig. 12. While there were no significant differences
40 in crust color, there were significant reductions
0 25 50 75 100
0 25 50 75 100 HPAF1 additon level (%)
HPAF2 additon level (%) Fig. 9 Bread crust color values (L, Brightness; a,
Fig. 6 Cake volumes. Redness; b, Yellowness).
5 Hardness
3 Gumminess
2 Stiffness
0 25 50 75 100
HPAF1 additon level (%)
Fig. 7 Cake texture values.
0 25 50 75 100
HPAF2 addition level (%)
Fig. 8 Effects of HPAF2 on cakes.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 145
Volume (cm3)
0 25 50 75 100
HPAF1 additon level (%)
Fig. 10 Bread loaf volumes.
5 Hardness
4 Springiness
0 25 50 75 100
HPAF1 additon level (%)
Fig. 11 Bread texture values.
0 2.5 5 10 15
Addition level (%)
Fig. 12 Effects of HPAF1 on bread.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 147
Molecular cloning and characterization of four i-type
LMW glutenin subunit genes from T. zhukovskyi and
T. compactum
Q. Wang, Y. Li, X.Y. Li, X. Xiao, F.S. Sun, Y.S. Wang, G.Y. He, and G.X. Yang
The Genetic Engineering International Cooperation Base of Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese
National Center of Plant Gene Research (Wuhan) HUST Part, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong
University of Science & Technology (HUST), Wuhan, 430074, China
Four novel low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) genes, designated TzLMW-i1, TzLMW-i2,
TcLMW-i1 and TcLMW-i2, were cloned and characterized from the genomic DNA of Triticum zhukovskyi
and Triticum compactum. The coding regions of TzLMW-i1, TzLMW-i2, TcLMW-i1 and TcLMW-i2 were
759 bp, 837 bp, 756 bp and 1,170 bp in length, encoding peptides with 251, 277, 250 and 388 amino acid
residues, respectively. Analysis of deduced amino acid sequences showed that the four novel genes
were LMW-i types and the comparative results indicated that the four genes had similar structures
and higher homologies with LMW-i-type genes than with LMW-m and LMW-s type genes. Sequence
alignment results showed that TzLMW-i1, TcLMW-i1 and TcLMW-i2 have all eight cysteines at
conserved positions in the C-terminal domain, whereas TzLMW-i2 has an additional cysteine residue.
This additional cysteine residue was predicted to be involved in the formation of intermolecular
disulfide bonds. Therefore, TzLMW-i2 may act as a “chain brancher” and have the possibility of
increasing protein cross-links in the gluten network, forming larger glutenin polymers, which
contribute to dough elasticity and high bread-making quality. Moreover, TcLMW-i2 possessed a longer
repetitive domain, which was considered to be associated with good wheat quality. To investigate the
evolutionary relationship of the novel genes with other storage protein genes, a phylogenetic tree was
constructed. It showed that prolamin genes could be absolutely clustered into five groups, including
high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS), LMW-GS, α/β-, γ- and ω-gliadins, and the four
LMW-GS genes cloned in the present study were grouped into the LMW-i subgroup.
Table 1. Nucleotide compositions of deduced amino-acid sequences and molecular weights of four novel
LMW-i genes from Triticum zhukovskyi and Triticum compactum.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 149
Nucleotide composition, deduced amino-acid chromosome 1A than those on the chromosomes
sequences and molecular weights of four 1B and 1D (Table 2). This indicates that the
novel LMW-i genes from T. zhukovskyi and T. four i-type LMW-GS genes may be located on
compactum chromosome 1A.
After sequencing the PCR products, multiple As shown in Fig. 2, these four novel i-type
alignment of the sequences with known LMW-GS LMW-GS have a set of eight conserved Cys
genes (Fig. 2) showed that they belonged to i-type residues compared with other LMW-i subunits.
LMW-GS genes and therefore were designated Interestingly, TzLMW-i2 has an additional
TzLMW-i1, TzLMW-i2, TcLMW-i1 and TcLMW-i2. cysteine residue in its C-terminal cysteine-rich
The lengths of their coding sequences and region (Fig. 2), and this may allow additional
predicted relative molecular masses are shown inter-molecular disulfide bonding and may act as
in Table 1. Homology analysis demonstrated “chain brancher” in the gluten protein network
that LMW-GS genes cloned in this study show (Xu et al. 2006). Moreover, the TcLMW-i2 subunit
higher homology with the LMW-GS genes on has a longer N-terminal repetitive domain
Table 2. Identities of four LMW-GS genes identified in this study with homologous Glu-3 locus-encoded
proteins from the wheat A, B, and D genomes.
State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Key Laboratory of Crop Biology of Shandong Province, Group of
Shandong Agricultural University, Taian, Shandong, P.R. China, 271018, China
The glutenin and waxy genes of wheat are important determinants of dough quality. This study was
conducted to evaluate the effects of high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) and waxy
alleles on dough-mixing properties over 3 years using a population (Nuomai 1 × Gaocheng 8901) of
290 recombinant inbred lines (RILs). The results indicated the following: 1) the Glu-A1 and Glu-D1
loci had greater impacts on Mixograph properties than the Wx-1 loci and the effects of Glu-D1d and
Glu-D1h on dough mixing were superior to those of Glu-D1f and Glu-D1new1 in this population; 2)
the interactions between the Glu-1 and Wx-1 loci affected some traits, especially midline peak value
(MPV), and lack of Wx-B1 or Wx-D1 led to increased MPV for all variants of Glu-1 loci.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 153
Results and discussion too small for meaningful comparisons (Table 2).
There were significant differences in MPT between
Effects of HMW-GS and Wx allelic diversity on the Wx combinations b/a/a and the other six
mixing properties combinations, except a/a/a.
A high level of allelic diversity was observed at Effects of interactions between the Glu-1 and Wx
the Glu-A1 and Glu-D1 and the three Wx loci in loci on mixing properties
this population (Table 1). For the Glu-A1 loci,
significant differences between Glu-A1a and Interactions between the Glu-A1 and Wx loci had
Glu-A1c were observed for the Mixograph peak no significant influence on almost all Mixograph
time (MPT), Mixograph midline peak (MPV), properties except MPV (Table 3). Interaction
Mixograph midline peak integral (MPI) and between the Glu-A1 and Wx-B1 loci significantly
Mixograph band width at 8 minutes (8MW), but affected MPV. No significant interactions were
not the Mixograph band width at MPT (MPW). observed between Glu-D1 and Wx-A1 alleles
However, the MPT was significantly affected by for most Mixograph traits. However, significant
Glu-D1 allelic diversity. Significant differences interactions occurred between Glu-D1f and Wx-A1
were found between Glu-D1d and the other three for the MPV and 8MW. Significant interactions
alleles on MPT, MPI and 8MW. Only MPV was were also observed between Glu-D1f and Wx-B1
significantly affected by Wx-B1 alleles. Significant for MPV, MPW and 8MW. Only the interactions
differences in MPT and MPI were observed at the between Glu-D1new1 and Wx-B1 significantly
Wx-D1 locus. Therefore, the effects of the HMW- affected MPV. Thus, the interactions between
GS allelic diversity on the mixing characteristics different HMW-GS subunits and Wx proteins
were stronger than those of the Wx loci. affected some Mixograph traits, especially MPV.
Deletions of Wx-B1 and Wx-D1 increased MPV in
Effects of HMW-GS and Wx subunit all types of HMW-GS.
combinations on mixing characteristics
Interactions between HMW-GS subunits and
There were significant differences between Wx allele combinations (Table 4) indicated that
combinations 1/7+8/5+10 and the other three HMW-GS combinations significantly affected
combinations for the MPT and MPI (Table 2). the MPT, MPV and MPI, but Wx combinations
When Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 were the same, Glu-D1d only significantly influenced MPV. No significant
had better effect on MPT and MPI than Glu-D1f. effects were observed for HMW-GS × Wx alleles
Although four new combinations were found, on Mixograph traits.
the number of samples per combination was
Table 1. Effects of glutenin and waxy alleles on Mixograph properties of the recombinant inbred line
(RIL) population.
Mixograph properties1
Locus Allele2 N MPT3 MPV MPW MPI 8MW
Glu-A1 a 142 3.11a 62.74a 23.93a 158.10a 6.49a
c 125 2.75b 60.69b 23.14a 135.54b 5.68b
Glu-D1 d 162 3.28a 61.15b 23.10a 163.47a 6.72a
f 91 2.41b 63.06a 24.37a 122.66b 5.13b
h 8 2.67b 58.619b 22.69a 128.14b 5.36b
new1c 6 2.33b 63.49a 24.29a 121.74b 5.46b
Wx-A1 a 139 2.97a 61.23a 23.68a 147.82a 6.28a
b (null) 128 2.91a 62.38a 24.98a 147.33a 5.93a
Wx-B1 a 146 3.00a 60.65b 23.26a 147.71a 6.09a
b (null) 121 2.87a 63.14a 23.89a 147.39a 6.12a
Wx-D1 a 132 3.05a 61.25a 23.44a 151.07a 6.16a
b (null) 135 2.84b 62.29a 23.65a 144.14b 6.03a
1 Means followed by different letters indicate significant differences within columns at P < 0.05.
2 MPT, Mixograph peak time; MPW, Mixograph band width at MPT; MPV, Mixograph midline peak value; MPI, Mixograph
midline peak integral; 8MW, Mixograph band width at 8 minutes.
3 New allele.
Table 3. Mean values of Mixograph properties for combinations of alleles at the Glu-1 and Wx loci in the
recombinant inbred line (RIL) population.
Mixograph characteristics1
Locus 1 Locus 2 MPT2 MPV MPW MPI 8MW
Glu-A1a Wx-A1a 3.16a 62.08a 23.78a 157.84a 6.62a
Wx-A1b 3.06a 63.46a 24.09a 158.38a 6.35a
Glu-A1c Wx-A1a 2.75a 60.26a 23.56a 135.37a 5.89a
Wx-A1b 2.74a 61.15a 22.63a 135.86a 5.45a
Glu-A1a Wx-B1a 3.18a 61.68b 23.78a 158.20a 6.59a
Wx-B1b 3.03a 64.07a 24.11a 157.97a 6.36a
Glu-A1c Wx-B1a 2.80a 59.44b 22.65a 135.35a 5.51a
Wx-B1b 2.69a 62.13a 23.65a 135.89a 5.87a
Glu-A1a Wx-D1a 3.23a 62.46a 23.66a 162.61a 6.65a
Wx-D1b 2.99a 63.03a 24.20a 153.32a 6.32a
Glu-A1c Wx-D1a 2.83a 59.76b 23.17a 136.79a 5.70a
Wx-D1b 2.68a 61.52a 23.07a 134.54a 5.65a
Glu-D1d Wx-A1a 3.32a 61.03a 23.56a 164.50a 7.17a
Wx-A1b 3.26a 60.49a 22.28b 161.91a 6.23a
Glu-D1f Wx-A1a 2.47a 61.55b 24.30a 122.39a 4.85b
Wx-A1b 2.40a 65.04a 24.86a 126.52a 5.59a
Glu-D1h Wx-A1a 3.24a 60.68a 23.28a 160.20a 7.03a
Wx-A1b 3.05a 62.88a 23.66a 156.86a 5.96a
Glu-D1new1 Wx-A1a 2.14a 63.01a 22.70a 108.70a 4.66a
Wx-A1b 2.36a 62.96a 24.27a 121.10a 5.30a
(cont’d on next page)
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 155
Table 3. Mean values of Mixograph properties for combinations of alleles cont’d...
Mixograph characteristics1
Locus 1 Locus 2 MPT2 MPV MPW MPI 8MW
Glu-D1d Wx-B1a 3.44a 59.85b 23.00a 168.19a 7.23a
Wx-B1b 3.07b 62.06a 22.78a 156.02a 5.93a
Glu-D1f Wx-B1a 2.46a 61.79b 23.80b 122.39a 4.81b
Wx-B1b 2.41a 64.93a 25.57a 126.76a 5.69a
Glu-D1h Wx-B1a 3.00a 60.95a 22.98a 148.17a 5.62a
Wx-B1b 3.28a 62.16a 23.80a 166.87a 7.29a
Glu-D1new1 Wx-B1a 2.36a 60.35b 23.26a 116.19a 5.05a
Wx-B1b 2.18a 65.35a 23.93a 115.60a 5.01a
Glu-D1d Wx-D1a 3.46a 60.36a 22.45a 170.50a 7.08a
Wx-D1b 3.10b 61.20a 23.42a 155.24b 6.27a
Glu-D1f Wx-D1a 2.40a 62.47a 25.29a 119.69a 4.78a
Wx-D1b 2.47a 63.57a 24.04a 127.41a 5.46a
Glu-D1h Wx-D1a 3.17a 60.59a 23.29a 156.61a 6.46a
Wx-D1b 3.14a 62.89a 23.63a 161.35a 6.70a
Glu-D1new1 Wx-D1a 2.26a 64.76a 24.05a 116.91a 4.92a
Wx-D1b 2.27a 61.00a 23.13a 114.73a 5.14a
1 Means followed by different letters indicate significant differences within columns at P <0.05
2 MPT, Mixograph peak time; MPW, Mixograph band width at MPT; MPV, Mixograph midline peak value; MPI, Mixograph midline peak
integral; 8MW, Mixograph band width at 8 minutes.
Table 4. The effects of interactions between HMW-GS subunits and Wx alleles on mixing properties in the
recombinant inbred line (RIL) population using the Generalized Linear Model (GLM) in SAS.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 157
Application of molecular markers for HMW-GS in wheat
cultivar improvement
X. M. Chen1, Y. Zhang1, X. C. Xia1, Z. H. He1,2, D. S. Wang1 and Y. Zhang1
1Institute of Crop Sciences, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), 12 Zhongguancun South
Street, Beijing 100081, China; 2CIMMYT-China Office, C/O CAAS , 12 Zhongguancun South Street, Beijing
100081, China
To improve both yield and bread-making quality simultaneously, 12 BC2F5 breeding lines with
high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) 7+8 and 5+10 derived from the cross Yumai
34/3*Lunxuan 987 and selected by markers were used to investigate the yield and quality performance.
Cultivar Yumai 34, with excellent bread-making quality, was used as the donor of HMW-GS 7+8 and
5+10, and Lunxuan 987 as the high yielding backcross parent. Nine of twelve lines had higher values
for major quality parameters than Lunxuan 987, including dough development time and farinogragh
stability, maximum extensograph resistance, and superior loaf volume and total score. Three of four
lines with the 1BL/1RS translocation showed negative quality effects. The yields of 11 lines were
increased by 3.3 to 19.5% compared with Lunxuan 987; among them, three named CA1063, CA1062 and
CA1061 were significantly higher yielding than Lunxuan 987, and higher than the Zhongmai 175 check
by 4.1%, 3.5% and 1.9%, respectively. Eight lines, that were not significantly different in yield from
Zhongmai 175, exhibited better quality than both Lunxuan 987 and Zhongmai 175. The results indicated
that yield and quality could be improved at the same time by molecular marker assisted selection.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 159
Table 1. Yield and quality parameters of tested lines derived from cross Yumai 34/3*Lunxuan 987. MR,
maximum resistance.
Farniograph Extensograph
Yield1 ±CK12 ±CK2 HMW-GS3 1BL/ protein Stability Exten- MR Bread
Line (kg/ha) % % 7+8 5+10 1RS (14%MB) (min) sibility (BU) score
CA1063 8433.0 a 4.1 19.5 + + - 12.0 7.6 146.2 256.2 62.5
CA1062 8386.5 a 3.5 18.9 + + - 11.9 8.3 135.2 208.6 58.5
CA1061 8259.0 a 1.9 17.0 + + - 11.8 9.6 138.0 269.9 64.0
Zhongmai175 8103.0 ab 0.0 14.8 - - - 12.1 2.6 187.1 100.9 49.0
CA0998 8059.5 ab -0.5 14.2 + + - 12.1 10.2 138.0 330.5 53.5
CA1064 7764.0 abc -4.2 10.0 + + - 12.6 4.7 139.8 197.0 64.0
CA0996 7746.0 abc -4.4 9.8 + + - 12.5 8.5 143.0 244.0 65.0
CA1065 7738.5 abc -4.5 9.7 + + + 12.9 3.5 134.1 135.5 64.5
CA1059 7726.5 abc -4.6 9.5 + + - 12.3 10.5 134.5 393.9 60.5
CA1066 7714.5 abc -4.8 9.3 + - + 12.7 1.9 134.8 53.5 48.0
CA1058 7696.5 abc -5.0 9.1 + + + 12.3 9.2 144.4 318.3 63.0
CA1067 7290.0 bcd -10.0 3.3 + + + 13.7 2.6 131.6 112.0 60.0
Lunxuan987 7056.0 cd -12.9 0.0 - - + 12.3 2.1 151.2 78.6 41.0
CA1060 6700.5 d -17.3 -5.0 + + - 12.6 14.5 134.5 391.2 71.0
1 Values with same letter are not significantly different at P=0.05
2 CK1, Zhongmai 175 ; CK2, Lunxuan 987; HMW-GS, High molecular weight glutenin subunit
3 +, presence, -, absence
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 161
Complex quality characterization of Hungarian
wheat cultivars
G. Balázs1, A. Harasztos1, Sz. Szendi1, A. Bagdi1, M. Rakszegi2, L. Láng2, Z. Bedő2, F. Békés3,
and S. Tömösközi1
1Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BUTE), Department of Applied Biotechnology and Food
Science, Budapest, Hungary; 2Agricultural Institute, Center for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, Martonvásár, Hungary; 3FBFD PTY LTD, Beecroft, NSW 2119, Australia
Old landraces and new Hungarian wheat cultivars bred at the Agricultural Institute of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences (Martonvásár, Hungary) along with international standard cultivars (Glenlea
and Bezostaja-1) were characterized, covering qualitative and quantitative analysis of gluten and
non-gluten protein as well as the carbohydrate composition of the flours, and rheological analysis.
The aims were to: i) evaluate the genetic potential of these lines with novel and conventional methods;
ii) look for correlations between parameters obtained from chemical composition and from different
conventional and novel analytical methods; iii) develop predictive models for quality attributes as a
function of chemical data, and iv) obtain an improved understanding about rheological parameters
and biochemical background. A subset of results is highlighted to illustrate the usefulness and
outcomes of the study. The results presented were evaluated with regard to different genetic
backgrounds and protein compositions. The chemical parameters were also used in correlation studies
and to develop mathematical modeling for estimation of complex wheat quality.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 163
About 80% of the LMW-GS allelic combinations a single measurement it is possible to analyze
were differentiated by LOC; however it is not the conventional, mainly protein-related dough
proven to be a decisive method (Balázs et al. properties (like dough strength and stability),
2012). HMW/LMW ratio can also be determined and with a temperature program as a continuous
by LOC. In this case the main problem is the variable, it is possible to characterize the mostly
occasional fusion of the last HMW-GS and the carbohydrate-related viscous parameters.
ladder protein used as an inner standard for the
In our study, it was an acceptable method for
applied LOC system. However, using a correction
differentiation of samples. The dough properties
with the average area of the inner standard,
correlated well with “classic” rheological
meaningful ratios in the interval with acceptable
measurements, like stability with MixoLab
reproducibility (RSD below 10%) can be achieved.
and Farinograph (r=0.74), (Fig. 1); however,
A large level of variation was observed among the carbohydrate-related parameters showed
the quantitative protein composition of samples: less significant correlations with conventional
the Glu/Gli ratio varied between 0.84 and 1.68 methods like RVA parameters.
(average 1.38), whereas the UPP% values (one of
the most important protein parameters in relation
Table 2. Variation in arabinoxylan content and
to bread-making quality) covered an interval of
Zeleny test values in the sample population.
32.2-54.3 (average 44.6). Similarly, large differences
have been observed in both water soluble and total Weax Totax
arabinoxylan content as well as in the values of A/X A/X Zeleny
Zeleny sedimentation test (Table 2). Weax ratio Totax ratio test
Novel methods in quality measurement Min 0.26 0.55 1.10 0.52 2.85
Average 0.65 0.75 1.63 0.62 4.68
Mixolab is a relatively new complex rheological Max 1.09 1.70 2.57 0.74 7.13
instrument from Chopin Technologies. During
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 20 40
Stability - Mixolab (min) 0,95 Conf. Int.
Fig. 1 Relationship between stability values determined by MixoLab (x) and Farinogrph (y).
The correlation graph was made with Statistica 10.0
This research work was supported by the
64 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA 80292
and OTKA 80334) and the Hungarian National
Project (TECH-09-A3-2009-0221) for development
of breeding, agricultural production and food
Water absorption (predicted)
58 References
Balázs G, Tömösközi S, Harasztos A, Németh T, Tamás A,
Morgounov A, Ma W, Békés F (2012) Advantages and
56 limitation of lab-on-a-chip technique in the analysis
of wheat proteins. Cereal Res Comm DOI: 10.1556/
54 Baracskai I, Balázs G, Liu L, Ma W, Oszvald M, Newberry
52 56 60 64 68 M, Tömösközi S, Láng L, Bedő Y, Békés F (2011) A
Water absorption (measured) retrospective analysis of HMW and LMW glutenin
alleles of cultivars bred in Martonvásár, Hungary.
Fig. 2 Relationship between measured and predicted
Cereal Res Comm 39:226-237
water absorption.
Békés F, Kemény S, Morell M (2006) An integrated
approach to predicting end-product quality of wheat.
European J Agron 25:155-162
Kovács A, Rakszegi M, Láng L, Ma W, Békés F, Bedő
Z (2013) Application of a rapid electrophoresis
technique analysing the glutenin subunit composition
of Hungarian wheat varieties in breeding selection
practices. Cereal Res Comm. In press
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 165
Bread-making qualities of a blend of protein-removed rice
flour and extra-strong wheat flour
W. Maruyama-Funatsuki1, 2, T. Noda2, K. Nagasawa2, Z. Nishio2, M. Ito2, T. Umemoto2, and H. Yamauchi3
1NARO Western Region Agricultural Research Center, Fukuyakma, Japan; 2NARO Hokkaido Agricultural
Research Center, Sapporo, Japan;3Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan
Rice (Oryza sativa subsp. japonica) flour with the protein removed has good bread-making quality when
it is blended with flour of the Japanese wheat cultivar ‘Yume-Chikara’, which has extra-strong dough
properties. The concentration of NaOH used as a soaking solution to remove the rice protein was
0.10–0.20%. This is useful information allowing the rice/wheat bread market to utilize rice for bread
and to increase the level of self-sufficiency of cereals in Japan.
Flour properties qualities of blend3
NaOH Medium particle Starch Protein Amylose SLV
concentration size damage content content ratio3 Panel
Treatment2 (%) μm % % % % score
I - 23.2 2.1 4.7 19.3 82 48.3
II 0.01 7.7 5.6 3.8 20.2 79 50.8
III 0.03 7.4 4.7 3.0 19.8 80 50.3
IV 0.05 6.3 5.5 1.1 20.2 91* 51.3
V 0.10 6.4 5.8 0.2 20.8 88* 52.5
VI 0.15 6.0 5.8 0.2 20.6 92* 52.8
VII 0.20 5.4 8.3 0.2 20.6 90* 52.3
VIII 0.20 6.4 5.7 0.2 19.8 85* 52.3
1 Mean values of more than two determinations.
2 Rice grains were soaked in different concentrations of NaOH overnight at 4°C except for treatment VIII, for which the rice flour was
soaked for two nights.
3 Ratio of specific loaf volumes (SLV; ml/g) of each loaf was calculated against the SLV of 100% Yume-Chikara loaves. SLV ratios with an
asterisk are significantly different (P <0.05) from the SLV of 100% for Yume-Chikara.
A) B)
Fig. 1 SEM images of rice flour. Rice flour milled by a cross jet mill in semi-dry conditions
(A) and protein-removed rice flour treated with 0.2% NaOH (B). Magnification, 500x.
Processing qualities of the blend of protein- With regard to good bread-making qualities
removed rice flour and extra-strong wheat flour of rice flour, the appropriate concentration of
NaOH as a soaking solution to remove rice
The SLV ratios of the rice/wheat blend loaves
protein is thought to be 0.10–0.20%. It is also
were higher at lower protein contents of rice
thought that low protein content, rather than
flour, viz. IV, V, VI, VII and VIII (Fig. 2), but all
low starch damage, contributes more to good
showed higher loaf scores than those made from
bread-making quality of rice/wheat flour blends.
rice flour without alkaline treatment (Table 1, Fig.
2, 3). It seems that storage proteins in ‘japonica’
rice flour prevent polymerization of wheat
glutenin in blended flour and eventually reduce
the SLVs of bread.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 167
100% Rice flour: Rice flour: Rice flour: Rice flour: Rice flour:
Yume-Chikara I IV V VI VII
SLVs of rice/wheat bread tended to be small in
SLV ratio of rice/wheat loaf (%
100: Yume - Chikara loaf)
The authors are grateful to Ms. K. Shimizu for
technical assistance.
52 56 60 64 68
Protein content of rice flour (%)
Fig. 3 Correlation between rice flour protein
content and specific loaf volume (SLV) of rice/
Araki E, Ikeda TM, Ashida K, Takata K, Yanaka M, Iida S
wheat blended loaf. (2009) Effects of rice flour properties on specific loaf
volume of one-loaf bread made from rice flour with
*, Significant at the P = 0.05
wheat vital gluten. Food Sci Technol Res 15:439-448
Department of Soil, Plant and Food Sciences (Di.S.S.P.A.), University of Bari, Via Amendola, 165/a, 70126,
Bari, Italy;1Food Science and Technology Unit; 2Plant Breeding Unit
Various studies have analyzed the polyphenol contents of the soft, medium and hard wheat classes
of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Marginal attention has been devoted to durum wheat (Triticum
turgidum L. spp. turgidum var. durum), the essential raw material for producing high quality pasta, one
of the basic foods in the Italian diet. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of roller milling
and cultivars on soluble phenolic contents (SPC) in durum wheat. A set of 20 Italian durum cultivars
was considered. SPC ranged from 1.69 to 2.26 mg ferulic acid equivalent (FAE)/g of wholemeal.
Various milling by-products derived from the same grain lot were analyzed. The SPC of different
milling fractions differed significantly, with the highest levels in bran and “cruschello” middling (about
3.8 mg FAE/g). The decrease in SPC was progressive as the contribution of inner parts of kernels
increased. The results showed that bran and bran-rich middlings from selected Italian durum cultivars
could be potential sources of phenolic substances to be used as functional food ingredients per se, or as
base materials to prepare antioxidant extracts.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 169
Marginal attention (Lempereur et al. 1997; Menga in 50:50 (v/v) acetone-water. The results were
et al. 2010) has been devoted to the polyphenol expressed as ferulic acid equivalents (FAE).
content of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum
L. ssp. turgidum var. durum), the essential raw Determination of PPO activity
material for producing high quality pasta, one PPO activity was determined as described in
of the basic foods in the Italian diet. The aim of Taranto et al. (2012); 30 seeds from three samples
this work was to evaluate the effect of milling of each plot were incubated in 5 mL of 0.01 M
processes and cultivars on the levels of phenolic disodium tyrosinate solution (pH 10.7) at 37°C for
compounds in Italian durum. The relationship 19 h. After removal of the seeds, the absorbance of
between phenolic levels and flour color with PPO the solution was measured at 405 nm.
activity were also investigated.
Color measures
Materials and methods The brown index (BI) of dough, calculated as
100-L*, was determined using a reflectance
Samples colorimeter (Chroma Meter CR-300, Minolta,
Twenty Italian durum cultivars (Appio, Appulo, Osaka, Japan) equipped with a pulsed xenon arc
Arcangelo, Arcobaleno, Ariosto, Ciccio, Cirillo, lamp. Dough was prepared by hand-kneading
Colosseo, Dauno, Duilio, Fiore, Giotto, Iride, Isa, 1 g of wholemeal from each sample with 700
Messapia, Normanno, Parsifal, Produra, Russello, μL distilled water in a clean porcelain capsule,
Simeto) were grown in the experimental field until water was completely absorbed and dough
of the University of Bari at Valenzano (Italy) in appeared smooth and elastic. The dough was then
2010, in a randomized complete block design compressed between two sterile Petri plates to
with three replications. The plots consisted of 1 m obtain uniformly thick discs. Color measurements
rows, 30 cm apart, with 50 germinating seeds per were performed immediately after kneading
plot. Three sets of different milling by-products and compression. Brown indices of milling
derived from the same grain lots were supplied by-products were determined by placing them
by local durum wheat mills. These included: into the granular materials attachment (CR-A50,
debranned wheat, bran and various middlings, Minolta, Osaka, Japan) of the colorimeter to obtain
called “cruschello”, “farinaccio” and “farinetta” a smooth surface suitable for color readings.
containing, in different proportions, both starchy
endosperm and fragments of outer grain layers Quality determinations on milling by-products
(Table 1). Levels of ash, total dietary fiber and starch were
determined according to AACC Methods 32-45.01,
Determination of phenolic substances 08-01.01, and 76-13.01, respectively.
Grains of each cultivar were milled on a
laboratory mill (Cyclotec Sample Mill, Tecator Statistical analyses
Foss, Hillerød, Denmark). Following McCallum One-way analysis of variance was carried out to
and Walker (1990), 0.1 g of wholemeal flour compare the analytical data.
was incubated at room temperature for 2 h with
1 mL acetone-water 50:50 (v/v) on an orbital
shaker set at 200 rev/min. This was followed Results and discussion
by centrifugation at 8,000 g for 5 min. The SPC The distribution of SPC in the durum cultivars
of supernatant extract was determined with is shown in Fig. 1. SPC ranged from 1.69 to 2.26
Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The reaction mixture mg FAE/g wholemeal. The highest values were
contained 100 μL extract, 500 μL Folin-Ciocalteu observed in Ariosto, followed by Colosseo,
reagent as described by Yu and Zhou (2004) and Russello and Appio, whereas the lowest level
2 ml of 15% sodium carbonate. The final volume was in Normanno, followed by Appulo and
was made up to 10 mL with distilled water. After Arcangelo. The majority of cultivars showed levels
2 h, and then centrifugation at 12,000 g for 3 min, ranging from 1.81 to 1.90 mg FAE/g wholemeal.
the absorbance at 765 nm was read. The phenolic Four cultivars, namely Normanno, Ciccio, Simeto
content was estimated on the basis of a standard and Duilio, were recently analyzed by Menga et
curve prepared using ferulic acid solutions al. (2010). Although the absolute values of SPC
In bread wheat, Revanappa and Salimath (2011)
assessed phenolic contents of 0.216–0.246 mg 6
of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g in wholemeal
from Indian cultivars, Adom et al. (2003) detected 4
levels of 709.8–860.0 μmoL of GAE/100 g in US
cultivars, Vaher et al. (2011) observed levels of 2
0.168–0.459 mg GAE/g in 15 Estonian cultivars,
and Menga et al. (2010) recorded contents 0
0.30-0.40 0.41-0.5 0.51-0.6 0.61-0.7 >0.71
between 0.783 and 1.068 mg FAE/g in wholegrain
PPO activity (Abs 405 nm)
from 25 cultivars. The last measurements were
similar to those from 30 durum samples grown Fig. 2 Distribution of polyphenol oxidase activities
in the same conditions (0.780–0.946 mg FAE/g) in wholemeal from 20 Italian durum cultivars.
(Menga et al. 2010). PPO = polyphenol oxidase.
7 6
6 5
Number of samples
Number of samples
1 1
0 0
1.6-1.7 1.71-1.8 1.81-1.9 1.91-2 >2.1 30-30-50 30.51-31 31.01-31.5 3151-32 >32
Phenolic content (mg ferulic acid equivalent/g whole meal) Brown Index of dough
Fig. 1 Distribution of soluble phenolic contents in Fig. 3 Distribution of brown index of the dough
wholemeal from 20 Italian durum cultivars. obtained from wholemeal of 20 Italian durum cultivars.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 171
usually considered undesirable. In this cultivar Adom et al. (2005) detected 0.487–0.530 mg GAE/g
set no significant correlation was observed in bran/germ fractions of US bread wheat. The
between SPC and the brown index of dough (R = brown index of the various milling by-products
0.132), but again, further investigation is needed paralleled the trend observed for SPC, i.e.,
on a wider diversity of samples, that should increased with the proportion of the outer layer
include landraces and wild tetrapoloid accessions components.
from germplasm collections as modern cultivars
may have a restricted range of variability.
To assess the effect of roller milling on SPC
content, debranned wheat, bran and various As for bread wheat, bran and bran-rich middlings
middlings derived from the same grain lot from selected Italian durum cultivars could be a
(referred to, in Italian, as “cruschello”, “farinaccio” potential source of phenolic substances to be used
and “farinetta”) were analyzed. These middlings as functional food ingredients per se, or as a source
contained different proportions of both starchy material to prepare enriched antioxidant extracts.
grain and fragments of the outer grain layers.
The contribution of the external layers of
the caryopsis decreased from “cruschello”, to
“farinaccio” and “farinetta”, as indicated by This research was funded by MIUR, within the
decreasing levels of total dietary fiber and ash, PON ISCOCEM Project no. 01_01145.
and by increasing values of starch (Table 1).
The SPC of the examined by-products differed References
significantly, with the highest values in bran Abdel-Aal ESM, Hucl P, Sosulski FW, Graf R, Gillott C,
and “cruschello” (about 3.8 mg FAE/g). The SPC Pietrzak L (2001) Screening spring wheat for midge
decrease was progressive as the contribution resistance in relation to ferulic acid content. J Agric
of inner parts of the kernel increased. These Food Chem 49:3559-3566
findings were similar to those reported for bread Adom KK, Liu RH (2002) Antioxidant activity of grains. J
wheat, where the SPC of bran fractions are about Agric Food Chem 50:6182-6187
15-fold higher than those of endosperm (Adom et Adom KK, Sorrells ME, Li RH (2003) Phytochemical
al. 2005; Gallardo et al, 2006; Mattila et al. 2005). profiles and antioxidant activity of wheat varieties. J
Agric Food Chem 51:7825-7834
Among 51 cultivars of bread wheat of different
Adom KK, Sorrells ME, Liu RH (2005) Phytochemicals
classes and some cultivars of durum, Verma
and antioxidant activity of milled fractions of different
et al. (2008) detected SPC levels ranging from wheat varieties. J Agric Food Chem 53:2297-2306
3.40 to 6.70 mg GAE/g bran. Mattila et al. (2005) Biesalski HK, Dragsted LO, Elmadfa I, Grossklaus R,
detected phenolic content levels of 4.52 mg/g Müller M, Schrenk D, Walter P, Weber P (2009)
in bran, Velioglu et al. (1998) reported 0.349 mg Bioactive compounds: definition and assessment of
FAE/g in commercial bread wheat germ, and activity. Nutrition 11:1202-1205
Table 1. Mean values of soluble phenolic contents (SPC) and brown index (BI) of different commercial
roller milling by-products (n = 3).
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 173
The effect of bug (Eurygaster spp. and Aelia spp.)
damaged flours on formation of acrylamide and
hydroxmethylfurfural (HMF) in cakes, cookies and breads
S. Özçandir, D. Sivri Özay, and V. Gökmen
Grain pests like Pentatomid insects named as wheat bugs (Eurygaster spp., Aelia spp. and Nysius
huttoni) or “suni bug” (Eurygaster spp.) have detrimental effects on grains, especially Gramineae.
While the insects absorb their nutrients they leave their digestive secretions in the grain before
harvest. The proteolitic enzymes in their salivary secretion result in processing problems in dough
and low-quality end products. It has been shown that wheat bug damage causes high protease
activity in flour, resulting in hydrolysis of gluten and release of some amino acids. Acrylamide and
hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) are mainly formed through the Maillard reaction and dehydration
of certain sugars. They can be regarded as the most important heat-induced contaminants occurring
in bakery products. Formation of acrylamide, free amino acids, especially asparagine, and reducing
sugars in food are important precursors. In this study, the effects of high protease activity flour
damaged by Eurygaster spp. and/or Aelia spp. on formation of acrylamide and HMF in bakery
products such as bread, cakes and cookies were determined by liquid chromatography coupled with
tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). High protease activity flour due to Eurygaster spp. and/
or Aelia spp. damage was added at different levels in cookies (0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%),
cakes (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%) and bread produced by modified AACC (2.5%, 5%, 10% and
15%) formulations. No variations were observed in acrylamide and HMF contents of bread and cake
samples with added bug-damaged wheat flour. Although no change was observed in the HMF content
of cookies, formation of acrylamide increased up to 30% (96 μg/kg) at the highest addition level (100%)
as compared to the control (77 μg/kg). These results suggested that bug-damaged flour causes no
health risk for baking products such as bread and cakes due to acrylamide formation, but there is an
increased potential health risk in cookies. Variations in free amino acids in high protease activity flours
during hydrolysis (0, 30, 45, 60 and 120 min) were also determined by liquid chromatography coupled
with high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS). The amounts of asparagine in bug-damaged
flour (HPAF1) used in cookie and cake production were increased by approximately 23%.
+ HO H
R2 NH2 R1 N
O R2 O
carbonyl source asparagine
R1 CH2
R2 O CO2 N
decarboxylation R2
Schiff base
R1 NH2 NH2
O O O + NH
+ CH2 CH
R2 R2
(Beta alanine amide)
O + NH3
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 175
Results kg) (Fig. 2, 3). Acrylamide contents in cookies
No variations were observed in acrylamide and at different HPAF2 addition levels are shown as
HMF contents of both bread and cake samples chromatographic peaks in Fig. 4. The amount
(results not shown). Although no change in of asparagine in bug-damaged flour (HPAF2)
the HMF content of cookies was observed, used in cookie production was increased by
formation of acrylamide was increased by up to approximately 26% (Fig. 5). No change was
30% (100 μg/kg) at the highest HPAF2 addition observed in the asparagine content of bug-
level (100%) compared to the control (77 μg/ damaged flour (HPAF1) used for bread.
1.07 100%
80 40%
20 0.92 0.99
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
HPAF2 addition level (%) Time
Fig. 2 Effect of HPAF2 on formation of acrylamide Fig. 4 Chromatograms of acrylamide contents of
in cookies. cookies at different HPAF2 addition levels.
HMF Asparagine
1.6 120
0.8 60
0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 30 45 60 120
HPAF2 addition level (%) Time (min)
Fig. 3 Effect of HPAF2 on formation of acrylamide Fig. 5 Variation in asparagine during hydrolysis.
in cookies.
Session 3: Improvement of end use qualiƟes by geneƟc and alternaƟve approaches 177
Session 4: Starch and health attributes of the
wheat grain
Starch, the reserve carbohydrate in cereal grains, makes up approximately 80-90% of the dry weight
of the mature cereal grain, and contains two distinct polymers, amylose and amylopectin. The ratio of
amylose and amylopectin as well as their fine structure varies with the botanical source of starch and
affects its end use quality. Rice, rich in starch, is used as a major diet for more than half of the world’s
population. In Asia, over 2,000 million people obtain 60% to 70% of their daily calories from rice and
its processed products. Compared with other crops, rice starch contains tiny starch granules with
a narrow size distribution, making rice starch ideally suited as a cosmetic dusting power, a textile
stiffening agent, and a fat mimetic in foods.
The grain quality in rice was greatly affected by starch composition and structure. Therefore, starch
biosynthesis might play a crucial role in the formation of rice quality, especially the cooking and
eating quality. In our studies, the natural variation of 18 genes involved in starch synthesis, as well
as the diversity of the grain starch quality, was carefully investigated among many representative
germplasms. The effects of the variation on grain quality were firstly studied through association
analysis, and then confirmed by using near-isogenic lines and/or transformants. In this presentation,
the genetic variation of these starch synthesis related genes (SSRGs) and their effects on grain quality
will be presented. The strategies and application of molecular techniques for quality improvement in
rice will be also presented and discussed.
Two hundred and sixty-five Chinese wheat cultivars were sown at Anyang, Henan province, in 2005-2006
to evaluate genetic variation in major mineral elements in the grain. They displayed a wide variation
for all elements investigated, ranging from 28.0 to 65.4 mg kg-1 for Fe and 21.4 to 58.2 mg kg-1 for Zn.
Cultivars Jimai 26, Henong 326, and Jingdong 8 displayed high Fe and Zn concentrations, for which
Jingdong 8 was the most promising for increasing Fe and Zn. Thirty-seven cultivars grown at Anyang
over two seasons were used to determine phenolic acids, and the fractions of free and bound types were
analyzed using HPLC with measurements of individual phenolic acids in each fraction. Most of the
parameters were significantly influenced by cultivars, seasons, and their interactions, with cultivars being
predominant. The average concentration of bound phenolics was 661 μg g-1 of dm (dry matter), making
up 97.5% of the total phenolic acids, with ferulic acid accounting for 70.7% of it. Free phenolics made
up only 2.5%, with syringic acid accounting for 44.7% of that. Bound phenolics predominated. Cultivars
Liangxing 66 and Zhongmai 895 were stable with high values in phenolic acids across seasons, indicating
they could be used as parents in breeding for health beneficial phenolic acid content.
Prolamin proteins are considered key players in the development of wheat-related health problems,
such as celiac disease or wheat allergy. However, there are further protein families that cause allergic
responses. The relatively small number of expressed wheat seed proteins reported in the protein
databases makes it difficult to get a complete overview of the allergome of wheat seed. Whole genome
sequencing projects carried out on cereals such as wheat and barley will facilitate an understanding
of the complex genetic effects of cereal allergies. Brachypodium distachyon serves as the evolutionary
closest sequenced genome for the Triticeae. To better understand the potential detrimental effects of
different seed proteins, an in-silico analysis was carried out using publicly available epitope databases
and Brachypodium distachyon genome sequence data. This study summarizes our results in identifying
potentially harmful non-prolamin proteins that may cause either celiac disease or wheat allergy-
related symptoms.
Table 1. Distribution of harmful proteins and epitopes encoded on different Brachypodium distachyon
Chromosome 1 2 3 4 5
Celiac disease
No. of proteins with intact 49 21 33 24 11
epitopes when digested
Intact epitopes in B. distachyon QQQP PQQLPQ QQQP QQQP QQQP
seed proteins IPEQ QQQP IPEQ IPEQ
Wheat allergy
No. of proteins with intact 5 12 6 4 3
epitopes when digested
5.00E-2 <5.00E-7
acyl convertase
nucleic transferase
acid UDP-glycosyl
binding transferase transferase
protein glycogenin
binding glycosyl
binding glycosyl transferase
catalytic transferase
protein molecular activity
hexosyl glycosyl
dimerization function
transferase transferase
transcription nutrient
regulator reservoir
activity activity
B) transcription transcription
cofactor factor
binding protein
activity dimerization
initiation transcription protein
regulator binding unfolded
activity protein
heat binding
molecular protein
function binding
binding DNA
Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 66, FI-00014, University of Helsinki, Finland
High blood pressure is an important health problem worldwide and it has associated risks of
cardiovascular and kidney disease. The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) is the most important system
that regulates blood pressure. Angiotensin-I converting enzyme (ACE) can stimulate high blood
pressure via the RAS. Obtaining ACE-inhibitory peptides from food sources is a cheap and efficient
approach to correct the problem. This work studied liberation of ACE-inhibitory peptides from wheat
gluten by enzymatic hydrolysis of thermolysin or/and prolyl endoprotease from Aspergillus niger
(Clarex), followed by 3 kDa cut-off ultrafiltration. The strongest ACE inhibition activity was obtained
when the sample was first hydrolyzed by thermolysin and then Clarex (IC50 value 0.016 mg protein/
ml). The ACE-inhibitory tripeptide leucine-glutamine-proline (LQP) was detected by a reverse-phase
liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (RPLC-MS) system. Liberation of ACE-inhibitory peptides
by specific enzymes and isolation by membrane filtration techniques appeared a promising approach
to produce blood pressure lowering peptides from wheat gluten.
Polymeric Monomeric
Proteins Proteins Polypeptides Small peptides and free amino acids
1,540 C
Absorbnce 210 nm (mAU)
1,140 T+C
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Elution Volumn (mL)
100 kd 15kd 6.5kd 1.4kd
Fig. 1 Size-Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) analysis of each hydrolysate. Control: Vital wheat
gluten. C: Clarex hydrolysis. C+T: first Clarex then thermolysin hydrolysis. T: thermolysin
hydrolysis. T+C: first thermolysin followed by Clarex hydrolysis. Polymeric and high molecular
weight proteins ≥100 kDa, monomeric protein 100 kDa - 15 kDa, polypeptides 15 kDa - 1.4 kDa,
peptides and amino acids <1.4 kDa. Molecular mass standards: 0.5 mM aprotintin (6.5 kDa), 6.5
mM cyanocobalamin (1.4 kDa), and 1.5 M glycine (75 kDa). (Molecular mass standards from
Loponen et al. 2009).
f2 f3
Total current (TIC) intensity
4,0E+08 f11
f4 f12
f9 f10
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Retention time (min)
Fig. 2 Mass chromatogram of hydrolysate T+C (first thermolysin followed by Clarex) after C18
column separation.
225.1 368.2
214.0 244.0
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 880 900 950 1,000
Fig. 3 Mass spectrum of the main peak in fraction 9 separated by C8 column from hydrolysate T+C
(first thermolysin followed by Clarex).
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) are used to quantify proteins that are harmful
for people with coeliac disease, i.e., wheat, barley and rye prolamins, and to control the safety of
gluten-free foods. Prolamins consist of a complex mixture of proteins that set high requirements for
quantification. Modification of proteins further increases their diversity, and risks the reliability of
analysis results. The reactivity of prolamins with different prolamin-specific antibodies was examined
and clear differences between the recognition of antibodies of prolamin subgroups were shown
by western blotting. The results of ELISA demonstrated that barley prolamins are not accurately
quantified by R5 antibody. However, with a barley prolamin standard, more precise results were
obtained. Further studies were carried out to study how enzymatic or chemical modification affects
the measurement of prolamin contents. Both sandwich and competitive R5 ELISAs detected residual
rye prolamins after enzymatic hydrolysis in sourdough systems with comparable results. However,
after deamidation by acid treatment ELISAs based on R5 and ω-gliadin antibodies failed to measure
accurately wheat prolamins. The results demonstrate that current gluten analysis methods cannot
accurately quantify prolamins in all food matrices and more work is needed to improve the reliability
of gluten quantification.
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Fig. 1 Western blot (ω, R5) and SDS-PAGE (gel) analysis of 40% 1-propanol (1), 40% 1-propanol with 1%
dithiotreitol (2) and the SDS sample buffer (3) extracts of wheat, barley and rye. ω and R5 are western
blots by the ω-gliadin antibody and the R5 antibody, respectively. The prolamin subgroups are marked
on the right side of the gel (reproduced from Kanerva et al. 2011b).
1,800 600
Gliadin standard Hordein standard
ppm of hordein
ppm of gluten
400 200
200 100 77
100 32 63 38
8 16 10
0 0
0 0.025 0.05 0.1 0.2 0 0.03 0.13 0.26 1
Amount of barley (%) Amount of barley (%)
Fig. 2 Gluten contents of barley-contaminated oat samples when detected by the sandwich R5 ELISA
method using either gliadin or hordein standards. The dark lines show the level of hordein added to the
samples. Error bars indicate standard deviations (reproduced from Kanerva et al. 2006).
1.2 1
1.0 Standar
Vital gluten 0.8
0.8 Vital gluten DA gluten
0.6 Gliadin standar
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0
0.00 0.01 0.10 1.00 10.0 100.0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Protein content (g/ml) Protein content (ng/ml)
Fig. 3 Reactivity of gluten before (vital gluten) and after acid deamidation (DA gluten) by competitive and
sandwich R5 ELISAs (reproduced from Kanerva et al. 2011a).
Bread quality depends on various traits of wheat flour including storage protein composition, grain
hardness and size of gluten polymers. To better understand relationships between these traits, a
statistical study was performed on a set of French varieties cultivated in 3 locations during 2 years.
Variation in grain hardness was primarily associated with SNPs within the PinB gene and not in
PinA (no PinA variants were detected), and also with the HMW-Glu-D1 locus. The mass of storage
protein polymers varied from 5 to 49 million Daltons, as evaluated by Asymmetric Flow Field Flow
Fractionation. Polymer mass and its heterogeneity were mainly influenced by the LMW-Glu-D3
locus. Percentages of storage protein fractions, evaluated by SE-HPLC, were significantly affected
by the LMW-Glu-B3, -A3 and HMW-Glu-D1 loci. Interactions between glutenins and puroindoline-B
alleles significantly influenced polymer characteristics and percentages of ω-gliadins. These effects
were variable depending on glutenin and puroindoline alleles. Environmental effects on flour quality
traits were also studied. The sum of mean June and July temperatures, the two last months of grain
development, was significantly correlated with polymer characteristics but not with storage protein
proportions. Moreover, temperatures during the last 2 months of grain development had variable effects
on the characteristics of gluten polymers depending upon grain hardness. This study is the first report
of interactions between glutenins and puroindoline alleles affecting storage protein polymer traits.
Protein Grain
content hardness Mw2 Mw/Mr2 Rw2 %F1 &F2 &F3 &F4 %F5
Glu-A1 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
HMW-GS Glu-b1 ns ns * ** * * * ns ns ns
Glu-D1 ns *** ns ns ns *** *** * ns ns
Glu-A3 ns * ns ** ns *** ns ** *** ns
LMW-GS Glu-B3 ns ns ns ns ns *** *** *** *** **
Glu-D3 ns ns *** *** *** ns ns ns ns *
R2 % 0.2 19.9 9 15.9 11.2 47.1 58.7 16.9 45.3 10.5
HMW-GS = high molecular weight glutenin subunits; LMW-GS = low molecular weight glutenin subunits; ns = not significant;
MW2 = molecular mass; Mw/Mn2 = polydispersity index; Rw2 = polymer radius.
Glu-A1 Glu-B1 Glu-D1 Glu-A3 Glu-B3 Glu-D3
0.14 D3-b
Standardized coef.
Mw2 Mw2
29 PinB 21 PinB
D1a D1a
24 D1b 19 D1b
D1d D1d
x 106 Da
x 106 Da
19 17
14 15
9 13
1 6+8 7+8 7+9 13+16 17+18 6.1+22 a d ef
Glu-B1 Glu-A3
Fig. 3 Interaction values found for PinB x Glu-B1 alleles (A) and PinB x Glu-A3 alleles (B). MW2 = polymer mass.
Interestingly, no significant effect was observed 15
on percentages of protein fractions, indicating
that storage protein composition was not affected
by temperature during the two last months of 5
grain development. The fact that even the F1
fraction was not impacted by temperature clearly 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220
indicates that the F1 fraction does not contain the
Sum mean temp. (°C)
largest polymers. These results provide evidence
that the largest polymers were not retrieved by Fig. 4 Differential effect of sum of mean
temperatures on polymer mass (MW2) depending
on grain hardness classes.
Within the future bioeconomy there is a need to replace petroleum-based plastics with renewable
materials derived from plant polymers, e.g., starch and proteins. The wheat gluten proteins gliadin
and glutenin offer a unique and interesting combination of strength and elasticity for utilization in
the bio-based material industry. In addition, wheat gluten proteins have good oxygen barrier and
film forming properties with high biodegradability potential. The aim of the present study was to
examine the structural properties and protein-protein interactions in compression-molded plasticized
wheat gluten, gliadin and glutenin enriched films. Differences in structural and mechanical properties
of plasticized wheat gluten, gliadin and glutenin enriched films were also evaluated. Size exclusion
high performance liquid chromatography (SE-HPLC) and reverse phase high performance liquid
chromatography (RP-HPLC) were used to study the structural and polymerization behavior of
compression-molded bioplastic films. Tensile testing was used to measure the mechanical properties.
Results obtained by SE-HPLC showed that the protein solubility of compression molded wheat
gluten, gliadin and glutenin enriched bioplastic films (with 30% glycerol) in SDS extraction buffer
was extremely low compared to raw gluten, gliadin and glutenin-enriched proteins. The solubility
of proteins remained low even after repeated sonication. The low protein solubility is due to a high
degree of protein aggregation during compression-molding at high temperature (130°C) and pressure
(10 MPa). The RP-HPLC results also showed that not all the proteins were extracted when using DTT
and 6 M urea, indicating the presence of covalent types of bonding other than disulphide cross-linking.
Varying mechanical properties of plasticized wheat gluten, gliadin and glutenin enriched films were
determined in the study.
Waxy (Wx) genes encode granule-bound starch synthase I (also called Wx protein) responsible for
amylose synthesis of cereal grain starch. In this study, four wheat Wx-A1 alleles, viz. Wx-A1c, -A1e,
-A1i and -A1j producing polymorphic Wx proteins were studied at the DNA sequence level. It had
been suggested that apparent amylose contents conferred by the alleles increase in the order of Wx-
A1e (= waxy phenotype) <-A1i<-A1c<-A1j (= amylose level of wild type Wx-A1a, or about 20%). DNA
sequencing of these alleles detected SNPs and insertion/deletion variations, of which a particular
SNP causing amino acid changes in Wx-A1e and -A1c was identified as the likely factor responsible
for decreased amylose. On the other hand, a transposable-like element of 376 bp present in the 3’UTR
of Wx-A1i most probably lowered the levels of Wx protein and amylose. The fourth allele, Wx-A1j,
possessed four SNPs, of which two altered amino acids of the Wx-A1j protein and should cause the
protein polymorphism. Based on the DNA sequence determination, functional markers for Wx-A1c,
-A1e and -A1i were developed.
Table 1. Wx alleles examined, origins in wheat, phenotype of Wx proteins and apparent amylose contents.
Apparent amylose(%)***
Wx allele Origin* Phenotype of Wx protein** 2010 harvest 2011 harvest Average
PZ QT105, PZ WB357
Wx-A1c (PZ WB6, PZ WB27, Greater mobility on SDS-PAGE 16.8 ± 0.9c (4) 16.8 ± 1.1c (4) 16.8
PZ 49P70-27, PZ 49P70-9 more basic PI
-A1e KU 3659, KU 3655 More basic PI 0.9 ± 0.5a (4) 2.9 ± 0.0a (4) 1.9
-A1i KU 9259 Decreased amount 7.0 ± 0.1b (6) 8 ± 0.2b (4) 7.5
-A1j MI More basic pI than Wx-A1c 23.0 ± 0.3d (3) 22.6 ± 1.4d (4) 22.8
Wx-A1a Bai Huo - 22.5 ± 1.5d (6) 23.8 ± 1.5d (4) 23.2
(wild type) Langdon - - - -
-AIb (waxy) Kanto 107 Null 0.8 ± 0.4a (3) 3.3 ± 0.4a (3) 2.1
* Wheat strains carrying the variant Wx-A1 protein but lacking both Wx-B1 and -D1 proteins were developed (Yamamori 2009,
Yamamori and Yamamoto2011) and used, except for PZ 49P70-9, KU 8937B and KU 3655. PZ is an abbreviation of Pakistani cv
Zairaishu. For the four wheat strains in parentheses, the Wx-A1c gene region containing SNPs was directly sequenced.
** Yamamori et al. (1994, 1995), Yamamori and Yamamato (2011).
* Values with the same letter in the same harvest year were not significantly different (p<0.05 Turkey’s studentized range test).
Numbers in parentheses show numbers of strains used for measurement.
G AA1e
C AA1e Microsatellite
(Ala) (Ala) (Pro) (Pro) (Glu) (Lys)*
A1i: insertion A1e, i: deletion CCC CCGA1e,i
of 3 bp (AAG) of 40 bp (Pro) (Pro)
Fig. 1 Structure of the Wx-A1 gene showing nucleotide and amino acid sequence changes in Wx-A1c, -A1e,
-A1i and -A1j alleles. Amino acids are shown in parentheses. Asterisks indicate possible factors decreasing
the amylose content conferred byWx-A1c, -A1e and -A1i. TATA and CAAT signals are from AY050175 and
the putative polyadenylation signal AATAAA is from Clark et al. (1991). Exons 1–12 are shown by boxes;
the boundaries of exon 1 were determined by EST clones BQ605981 and AW448831. The horizontal thin line
indicates the promoter region, which was not sequenced in Wx-A1a of Chinese Spring, or-A1c, -A1d and -A1j
in this study. The 3’ UTR region (47 bp) shown by the dotted line was not examined in genomic DNA.
Fig. 2 Amino acid sequence comparison between plant GBSSs and micro-organism glycogen synthases.
Ta, Triticum aestivum; Hv, Hordeum vulgare; Os, Oryza sativa; Zm, Zea mays; St, Solanum tuberosum;
Ath, Arabidopsis thaliana; Ps, Pisum sativum; Ec, Escherichia coli; Atu, Agrobacterium tumefaciens; Cr,
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Numbers 134, 405 and 480 with arrows indicate positions in the Wx-A1
protein at which amino acid changes (K, G, M, K) have occurred in Wx-A1j, -A1c and -A1e, respectively.
Asterisks show identical amino acids among the ten starch synthases.
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