Design of Cold Water Supplies System

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INDEX NUMBER: 6021010746








This research project is my original work and has not been presented to any other
diploma or degree in any University.



This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the Institute supervisor



This research project is dedicated to my mother and all those who supported me during this period.

I thank God for giving me the grace which enabled me to fully concentrate in my Studies, for his
heavenly understanding that he gave me to move on throughout this learning. I am duly and deeply
indebted to my research supervisor MR. Aseka Kennedy for his positive criticism, devotion of her
time and helpfulness to assist me come up with this splendid piece of work. I also want to thank the
management of Bungoma National Polytechnic for the good and conducive learning environment
during my study period. Lastly I give thanks a lot and God bless you for allowing me to undertake
this study in their company.

Access to safe and sustainable water is a fundamental requirement for human well-being and
economic development. This project aims to design and implement a comprehensive water supply
scheme to provide clean and reliable water to the people of Burumba in Busia County. The project
recognizes the significance of water as a vital resource and focuses on ensuring equitable access,
improving infrastructure, and promoting efficient water management practices.
The project begins with a detailed assessment of the target area's water needs, including population
size, water demand, and existing water sources. This assessment helps in identifying the gaps and
challenges in the current water supply system. Subsequently, a robust and sustainable water supply
infrastructure plan is developed, considering factors such as water sources, treatment methods,
distribution networks, and storage facilities.
Emphasis is placed on integrating appropriate water treatment technologies to ensure water quality
meets national and international standards. The project also incorporates measures for water
conservation and efficiency, such as rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharge, and demand
management strategies.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................7
1.1 BACKGROUND..................................................................................................................................................7
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT..................................................................................................................................8
1.3 OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................................................................8
1.4 JUSTIFICATION.................................................................................................................................................8
1.5 SCOPE..................................................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW.................................................................................................................9
2.1 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................9
2.2 WATER SOURCES.............................................................................................................................................9
2.2.1 Ground water sources..................................................................................................................................10
2.2.2 Surface water...............................................................................................................................................10
2.3 WATER DEMAND...........................................................................................................................................10
2.3.2 Domestic Water Demand............................................................................................................................11
2.3.3 Non domestic water demand.......................................................................................................................11
2.3.4 Unaccounted water or Water Loss..............................................................................................................11
2.4 WATER QUALITY TESTS..............................................................................................................................12
CHAPTER THREE......................................................................................................................................................13
3.1 SERVICE RESERVOIR....................................................................................................................................13
3.2 FUNCTION OF SERVICE RESERVOIR.........................................................................................................13
3.3 ACCESSORIES OF SERVICE RESERVOIR..................................................................................................13
3.4 PUMPING..........................................................................................................................................................14
3.4.1 Rot dynamic Pumps....................................................................................................................................15
3.4.2 Centrifugal Pumps.......................................................................................................................................15
3.5 TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM.......................................................................................15
3.6 LAYOUT OF DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM........................................................................................................16
3.7 SELECTION OF PIPE MATERIAL.................................................................................................................16
3.8 PIPE APPURTENANCE...................................................................................................................................17
3.9 LAYING OF PIPES...........................................................................................................................................17
3.10 FLOW METERING.........................................................................................................................................17
3.11 WATER TREATMENT...................................................................................................................................18
3.11.2 Disinfection...............................................................................................................................................18
3.11.3 Requirements of disinfectant:-..................................................................................................................18



Water plays a major important role in life existence. necessities for human being and for all
living things.its one of life’s most basic needs and apparently, access to safe water has
become a primary concern to the rural communities.A lack of access to water affects
agricultural productivity, food security and people’s livelihoods

Most parts of Kenya is faced by the problem of safe access of drinking water supply. This is
because of the lack of technologies and financial supports to utilize their water resources. access
to clean water and sanitation facilities has become a major concern in Kenya rural area To
achieve this goal the kenya government is working to address the problem of safe access of
drinking water in different areas of concern.
Water distribution systems carry drinking water from a centralized treatment plant or well
supplies to consumers’ taps. These systems consist of pipes, pumps, valves, storage
tanks,reservoirs, meters and fittings,

Burumba is located in Mavoko district Muthwani ward its faced with problem of lack of
access to clean and safe water. The purpose of this project is to design an efficient cold water
supply system to supply safe and clean water to Burumba that require low capital investment,
less expensive to maintain and low operational costs.

Population growth and poor water governance are exacerbating the water supply situation of
the countries another factor is impact of climate change on water availability, In Burumba
there is congestion at what tapping points during peak hours sources evidenced by the long
queues at the water points. The distances to the water tapping points are long, people take
longer time to reach water points.The lack of a piped water system has further constrained
the development of Burumba and also lagged sanitation

i. To design a piped water supply system for Burumba area in Busia county
ii. To provide adequate and sufficient water to Burumba area
iii. To determine the water demand in Burumba community.
iv. To solve the problem of water born disease by providing potable water.

v. To design the water supply system components i.e. pipe network, transmission and
distribution system and sizing the storage reservoir.
vi. To estimate the project costs

Given the escalating demand of the water in Burumba area, community schools and
homesteads, the queues at the few water points and the long distances of about 3km to
the improved water sources, this project design therefore is intended to provide an
efficient water supply system to supply safe and clean water to Burumba that
requires low capital investment, less expensive to maintain and low operational

Burumba rural community is located in Busia county,Mavoko subcounty
Muthwani ward and It is 56.88Km from Busia town.
The scope of our study was limited to Burumba rural area


Water is one of the necessities for human being and for all living things. its mainly used for
agricultural, household, industrial recreational and environmental activities. Most of water is
salty and a lot of chores requires clean water which is getting scarce due to looming
population both in rural and urban areas


The source of water can be either be surface source of water or ground source of water.
These sources should be capable of supplying enough water for the Burumba population in a
right quantity and quality. Availability of water from source, depends on the following
1. Location

The source of water should be within Burumba If there are both surface and ground source
available to the area, selection should by considering other factors also. If there is no river,
stream or reservoirs the area will have to depend on the underground source of water only.
2. Quantity of Water

The selected source should have sufficient quantity of water to meet up all the demand
of the area such as domestic demand, non-domestic demand and unaccounted for water
throughout the year.

There should be sufficient quantity of water to meet the demand dictated by future
expansion. Source of water should be able to meet the maximum demand in dry weather
3 Cost:
Are the capital as well as the operation and maintenance costs of the source
4 Water Quality
Water to be used for a public supply must be safe for us, water found in
nature contains a number of impurities in varying amounts. The aim of water treatment is
to produce and maintain water that is safe, aesthetically attractive and potable, in an
economic manner
5 Quality: Drinking water sources must meet the minimum WHO water quality
standards. Water sources can be broadly divided into surface water sources and ground
water sources

2.2.1 Ground water sources

Groundwater is that portion of rainwater which has percolated beneath the ground
surface to form underground deposits called aquifers. Groundwater is often clear, free
from organic matter and bacteria due to the filtering effect of soil on water percolating
through it. Groundwater is often better in quality than surface waters, less expensive to
develop for use. For rural water supply systems, groundwater is generally preferred as
a water source The types and extraction methods are as follows:

i. Wells
It is a hole constructed by any method such as digging, driving, boring, or drilling for
the purpose of withdrawing water from underground aquifers
ii. Springs

It is point where groundwater flows out of the ground, and is thus where the aquifer
surface meets the ground surface. A spring may be intermittent or continuous. Springs
can be developed by enlarging the water outlet and constructing an intake structure for
water catchment and storage.

2.2.2 Surface water

The potentially available surface source for River is a good source of surface water close to it must be
sufficient enough to supply the area without a major storage requirement. Burumba River is the most
reliable surface water resource in the area for water supply development.


Design of water systems require estimation of expected water demands applicable to size the
pumping equipment, transmission and distribution pipe lines and storage facilities.
Estimating water demands for a particular town depends on the size of the population to be
served, their standard of living and activities, the cost of water supplied The demand of water
is divided under the following categories;
i. Domestic water demand
ii. Non domestic demand

iii. Unaccounted for water

2.3.2 Domestic Water Demand

The water demand for actual household activity is known as domestic water demand. It
includes water for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing flushing, toilet, etc. The demand will
depend on many factors, the most important of which are economic, social and climatic.
Below are four major modes of service identified for domestic water consumers. These are:
 House connections
 Yard connections - private
 Yard connections –shared
 Public taps

2.3.3 Non domestic water demand

Non-domestic water demand was also determined systematically. It can be broadly

into the following major categories:

 Institutional water demand

 Industrial water demand.
 Commercial water demand

2.3.4 Unaccounted water or Water Loss

All water leakages in the system and unauthorized connections are categorized under
unaccounted for water.
This includes:-
 Leakage and Overflow from service reservoir.
 Leakage from mains and service pipe connections, Defective
pipe joint, cracked pipes,
 Loose valve and fittings.
 Under registration of supply meter and premises of consumer to get unmetered
 Wastage from public tap.


The first and most important aspect in water supply system design is the quality of the water
for human consumption The quality of water provided to be met by WHO is based on three
distinct characteristics as stated below.
Physical quality of water

The physical quality of water is the appearance of the water to the consumer. Physical
quality includes the clearness of the water, taste, odor, and temperature. For water to be
of attractive physical quality, it must be clear in appearance, or have low turbidity (less
than 5.0 units of turbidity).
Bacterial quality of water
The most important quality of water is that of bacteria content. Progress in
bacteriology and water treatment engineering has all but eliminated outbreaks of
water-borne communicable diseases.
Water chemistry
Water is an excellent solvent, so it is not surprising that it picks up other chemicals.
During this cycle of water movement, water picks up many solid and gaseous
components. As the raindrops fall to the earth, they absorb gases. Most gases within
the atmosphere are carbon, sulphur, and nitrogen compounds. Many of this
substances are soluble in water and will dissolve within the raindrop.

This are water tapping points for storage of water


1. To balance the hourly variation in water demand and to allow the treatment unit and
pumps to work at average constant rate. This will reduce the running, maintenance
2. To maintain constant pressure in the distribution mains, because when the pressure in
the pipeline decreases due to increase in demand at peak hours.water is fed by these
reservoirs and the pumps continue their work at constant speed
3. It reduces the necessary capacity of high rate pumping equipment
4. It reduces the size of the transmission mains.
5. It makes uniform pumping rate possible
6. It reduces friction head losses.
7. It provides uniform water pressure.
8. Water already pumped it to the elevated tank is more certain of availability than water at
the lower level.


The service reservoir has to be provided with the following accessories:
 Storage tank: -is the most important component. The site and shape of which depend
on the design requirements.
 Inlet pipe: - pumped water under pressure is lifted through inlet pipe and this is kept
above the highest water level stored in the tank. This is also known as rising main.
 Man holes: -for providing entry to the inside of reservoir for inspection and
cleaning. Manholes are constructed on the roof slabs of the reservoir.

 Out let Pipe: -out let pipe is fitted at the lowest water level of the reservoir and used for
supplying water to the community. This is operated with help of out- let control valve.

 Drain off pipe:for removing water after cleaning of the reservoir. This is fitted at the
lowest possible water level in the reservoir.

 Float Gauge: -This is a float arrangement fitted with a graduated scale, which
indicates the water level in the tank at any time.

Over flow pipe; - For some reason or other if the water raises above the full designed
level of the tank it goes out of the tank through the over flow pipe.
 Ladders;-normally steel ladders are provided in the overhead reservoirs. They give
facilities of climbing the top of the reservoir from ground level and also to get down inside
the reservoir from reservoir roof.

 Ventilators: - This will allow fresh air to enter the reservoir which helps keeping the
stored water under better condition
7.4 Sites of Distribution Reservoirs (proposed)

The distribution reservoirs are located near the central portion of distribution area. It is always
better to construct on high grounds at such place it can be constructed economically.
7.5 Depth of Reservoir
There is an economical depth of service reservoir for any given site. For a given
quantity of water either a shallow reservoir having long walls and a large floor area
may be constructed or, alternatively. A deep reservoir may be constructed with high retaining
walls and a smaller floor area.

Pumps are hydraulic machines which convert mechanical energy into water energy used in lifting
water to higher elevations. The mechanical energy is provided by electrical power or diesel, gas
or steam prime movers using either vertical or horizontal spindles. There are two main pump
types used in Kenya as outlined below

3.4.1 Rot dynamic Pumps

In the rotodynamic-type pump, water while passing through the rotating element
(impeller) gains energy which is converted into pressure energy by an appropriate impeller

3.4.2 Centrifugal Pumps

In the form of tall, slender, deep-well submersibles, they pump clear water using
impellers to displace water by momentum, rather than by positive mechanical
travel. When rotated at sufficient speeds, impellers convert the velocity energy of
the water leaving the impeller periphery into pressure energy.


The water distribution system is the part of the water work which receives the water from
the pumping station or the conduit in several different ways, as local conditions or other
considerations may dictate. The purpose of a transmission and distribution system of a water
supply scheme is to deliver the right quantity and quality of water conveniently to the
demand areas. The distribution system consists of pipes of various sizes, valves, meters,
pumps, distribution reservoirs, hydrants; stand posts etc. The pipelines carry the water to
every street and road. Valves control the flow of water through the pipes. Pumps are
provided to pump the water to the elevated service reservoirs or directly in the water mains
to obtain the required pressure in the pipelines. Meters are provided to measure the quantity
of water consumed by individual as well as by the town.

The delivery system is classified into two: the transmission main and the distribution.
Transmission mains convey water from the source, treatment, or storage facilities to the
distribution system normally via a storage reservoir. Distribution mains deliver water to
individual customer service lines and provide water for fire protection through fire
hydrants, if applicable.


Generally in practice there are four different systems of distribution, which are used
depending up on their lay out and direction of supply.
1. Dead End or Tree System
2. Circular or ring system
3. Radial system
4. Grid iron system

From the above systems Grid iron system is most suitable for our project because of vast
merits .The main advantages of this system are all dead ends are eliminated; very small area
will be affected during repair work, the friction losses and the sizes of pipes are reduced, and
in case of fire demand more quantity of water can be diverted to the affected area by closing
the valves of nearby localities. The main disadvantages of this system are increased in the
overall cost, difficult design calculation & increase in the number of valves to be closed for

repair work. Based on the above criteria we use grid iron system for our project distribution
system even though it may have relative disadvantages.


Pipes are made from different materials like cast iron, wrought iron, asbestos, steel, plastic etc.
so that selection of pipe material is based on the following methods.

 strength, durability & life of pipe 

carrying capacity of the pipe

 Type of water to be converged & its possible corrosive effect on the pipe  Ease
of transportation, handling & installation

 Tightness of joints & ease to tap for making connections 

Maintenance cost, repair etc.

Among different types of pipes, existing on the market PVC pipes is selected for the
distribution system. This is because PVC pipes are light in weight, cheap, easy to join and
install durable, good electric insulators and free from corrosion


Appurtenances are very necessary materials required in the distribution network for good
operation. Distribution system, pipes of various diameters, having many connections and
branches are used.
i. Valves and Fittings: - In the water works valves are used to control the flow of

water, to regulate pressures, to admit air, to prevent flow of water in opposite direction

ii.Water meter: used to measure volume of water. It also helps for billing purpose.
iii.Valves: are installed at necessary points so as to control the flow of water, for pressure

iv.Fire hydrant: This is installed on the main line and distribution system so as to
prevent fire break at any instant. They are provided at places where fire break is
v.Valve chamber: are provided for easy access and for safety of valves.

vi. Flash-out valves: Mostly located at low points in the pipe line for washing of the

vii. Pressure-relief valve: A safety valve designed to relief pressure in a pipe line.

viii. Air release value: A valve to release air or gas which tends to accumulate at high point
on pipe lines.


Since it passes mostly through farmer’s private lands and main road side, it should be below
ground. A trench about 40 by 60cm size should be excavated along the alignment.
The pipe should be durable and resistant to shocks


Propeller or turbine types of flow meters calibrated in metric units will be provided at the
following locations:
 Outlet from the boreholes;
 Outlet from the service reservoirs

The flow meter from outlet of boreholes indicates the volume of raw water produced, the flow
meter from outlet of booster pumping station indicates volume water pumped to the storage and
the flow meter from reservoir indicate the daily variation in water consumption including losses
in the distribution system.


3.11.1 Introduction.
Water to be supplied must be clean and safe for use the main Surface waters are likely to be
bacteriological contaminated there are two methods of water treatment for example
3.11.2 Disinfection

The process of killing the pathogenic organisms from water and making it to the user is
called disinfection; and the chemicals which are used for killing of the bacteria are known as

3.11.3 Requirements of disinfectant:-

 Destroy bacteria/pathogens within a practicable period of time, over an expected

 Effective at variable compositions, concentration and conditions of water treated.
 Neither toxic to humans and domestic animals nor unpalatable or otherwise
 Objectionable in required concentration.
 Not change water properties
 Have residual in a sufficient concentration to provide protection against
 Can be determined easily, quickly, and preferably automatically.
 Dispensable at reasonable cost
 Safe and easy to store, transport, handle and supply

 Not form toxic by-products due to their reactions with any naturally occurring
materials in water.
 Should be cheap

 The disinfection of water can be done by the following common methods:

a) By boiling the water:- The water can be disinfected by boiling for 100 degrees All the
pathogenic bacteria’s can be killed by this method. This is very costly method and can not be
used for water works.

b) By using ozone: - Ozone is very efficient disinfectant. It is used in gaseous form. This method can
be used only if electricity is easily and cheaply available at water works.

c) By using excess lime:-Lime is usually used for reducing hardness of water. It has been
noted practically that if some additional quantity of lime is added than what it actually
requires for removal of hardness, it will also disinfect the water while removing the
hardness. The addition of excess lime increases the PH value of the water which may be
harmful to human health.

d) By Using ultra-violet rays: - Ultra-violet rays are invisible light rays having different
wave lengths These rays are very effective disinfectant and kill all the

disease producing. But this Process is costly and requires technical skill and costly

e) By potassium Permanganate: - Potassium permanganate reduces the organic matters

by oxidizing them. Since the efficiency of killing bacterial is 98% and not 100% and
the colour of the water becomes light pink, it is not being used.

g) By using chlorine: - when chlorine is added to water it produces nascent

oxygen which kills the bacteria. This method is cheap and most reliable.
Therefore, in the case of Burumba water supply system this method of
disinfection is selected

We recommended chlorine as our treatment method because of the following reasons

 Quick and effective at killing micro-organisms

 Readily soluble at the concentration needed for disinfection

 Tasteless and odorless at the concentration required

 Non-toxic to human life at the concentration required

 Easy to handle, transport and apply
 Easy to detect and concentration easy to measure

Based on the above assessment, the project is technically and financially feasible for the Burumba
Water Supply Project in Busia, it is recommended for further implementation discussing with
concerning community about the water tariff for sustainability of the project. Again the team also
recommends to the government to allocate sufficient budget within two or three years to complete the
project and handover the ownership to the community from the Water Supply and Sanitation in

In conclusion, the project report on the water supply scheme in Busia highlights the critical need for
improved access to safe and reliable drinking water in the country. The proposed scheme aims to
address the challenges of water scarcity, contamination, and inadequate infrastructure by
implementing a comprehensive and sustainable water supply system.
Through the identification of suitable water sources, such as surface water bodies, groundwater, or
rainwater harvesting systems, the project intends to ensure a consistent and sufficient supply of water
for the target population. The report emphasizes the importance of selecting sources that are both
abundant and sustainable to meet the present and future demands.


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