Testing Methodologies Questions

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1. What is Selenium?

It is an Open Source Automated Testing Tool used to test Web Applications across various

2. Define Automation Testing.

It is a software testing technique used to automate and execute tests, compare results and
generate reports.


1) Plan 5) Release
2) Code 6) Deploy
3) Build 7) Operate
4) Test 8) Monitor

3. Define Manual Testing.

It is a type of software testing that involves manually reviewing and testing a software
application without the use of automated tools.

4. Enumerate the History of Selenium.

➢ It was founded in the year 2004 (Selenium Core) by Jason Huggins.

➢ In the year 2005 - Selenium RC (Remote Control).
➢ In the year 2007 - Selenium IDE (Integrated Development Environment).
➢ In the year 2008 - Selenium Driver.
➢ In the year 2009 - Selenium 2.0.
➢ In the year 2011 - Selenium Grid.
➢ In the year 2016 - Selenium 3.0.
➢ In the year 2018 - Selenium 4.0(Alpha Release).
➢ In the year 2020 - Selenium 4.0(Release Candidate).
➢ In the year 2021 - Selenium 4.0(Table Release).
5. Define Mercury Load Runner.

It is a performance and load testing tool from HP that stimulates real life user loads on a
application to identify and resolve performance issue.

6. Difference Between Manual and Automation Testing.

7. Mention the Disadvantages of Automation Testing.

• Automation Testing is very expensive than manual testing.

• It also becomes inconvenient to decide who would automate & train.
• It has limited to some organization, as many organizations not prefer test
automation. (Mostly they prefer Manual Testing)
• Automated Testing would also require additionally trained & skilled people.
• Automated Testing only removes the mechanical execution of testing process. Butcreation
of test cases still requires testing professionals.
• Even though automation testing is used, most of the test cases should be written inmanual
by professionals.
8. What are the different types of Software Testing?

9. Define White Box testing.

✓ It is a form of application testing that provides the tester with complete knowledge ofthe
application being tested.
✓ It includes access to the source code and design documents.

10. Define Black Box Testing.

✓ Black Box Testing is a technique in which the internal working of software is not knownto
the tester.
✓ The Tester only focuses on the input & output of the software.

11. Define Grey Box Testing.

✓ Grey Box Testing is the combination of White Box & Black Box Testing.
✓ Both Developer & Tester works together in Grey Box Testing process.
12. Define Functional Testing.

Functional Testing is a type of software testing that verifies the features of an application
that work as expected and meet the business needs.

13. Define Non-Functional Testing.

Non-Functional Testing verifies how well the product performs such as its stability,
performance and usability.

14. Define Unit Testing.

✓ Unit Testing is also known as Component Testing or Module Testing.

✓ The process involves the smallest part of testable application called UNITS.

15. Define Integrated Testing.

✓ The components are usually already working well individually but they may break when
integrated with other components.
✓ It is an interaction level testing method that focuses on testing the interaction between
different components of software.

16. Define System Testing.

System testing is a type of software testing that evaluates the overall functionality and
performance of a complete software.

17. Define User Acceptance Testing (UAT).

✓ It is a process that determines if an application or feature meet the need of its end
✓ It is the final stage in software testing process.
✓ UAT is typically performed by the end user or clients.
18.Define Compatibility Testing.
✓ Compatibility testing is a type of Non-Functional Testing.

✓ It evaluates how well a product works across different browsers, devices, platforms
and operating systems.

19.Define Performance Testing.

✓ Performance Testing is a non-functional technique.

✓ It evaluates how a system stabilizes, speed, scalability & responsiveness hold up under a
given workload.

20.Define Usability Testing.

Usability Testing is a way to understand how well something works while testing with
real user in real time.

21.Mention the components of Selenium.

22.Define IDE.
✓ Selenium IDE is the major tool in the selenium suite.

✓ It is implemented as a Firefox Ad-on and as Chrome extension.

✓ It allows for recording, editing and debugging of functional test.

✓ It is previously known as Selenium Recorder.

23.Define RC.
✓ Selenium RC is a server written in JAVA that accepts commands for the browser via HTTP.

✓ RC makes it possible to write the automated test for a web application in any programming

24.Define Selenium Web Driver.

✓ Selenium Web Driver is a web framework that permits you to execute cross browser test.

✓ Selenium contains 2 web drivers which is REMOTE WEB DRIVER and SELENIUM WEB

25.Define Grid.
✓ Selenium Grid allows the execution of web driver scripts on remote machine by routing

✓ Grid aims to provide an easy way to run test in parallel on multiple machines.

✓ It allows testing on different browser versions.

✓ It enables cross platform testing.

✓ It is used to test different browsers in same time.

✓ It is used in Large Scale Companies.

26.Define Web Element.

✓ A web element represents an HTML element on a webpage that can be interacted with
selenium commands.

✓ Web Element interact with visible & invisible elements on the webpage.
27.List the Selenium Web Element Commands.

1) sendKeys()
2) isSelected()
3) click()
4) isDisplayed()
5) submit()
6) isEnabled()
7) getLocation()
8) clear()
9) getSize()

28.Define Locator.
✓ Locators in Selenium are methods that identify and locate web elements on a page.

✓ It is essential to automation testing because they help automate interaction with web

29.List the types of Locators.

1) ID
2) Name
3) ClassName
4) LinkText
5) Partial Link Text
6) TagName
7) CSS Selector
8) XPath

30.Define JDBC.

✓ It is a standard API that allows the java programming language to connect and interact with
many databases.

✓ Selenium is a prominent automation testing tool that performs UI validation.

✓ JDBC is used in Selenium Scripts to get data from a database.

31.Give the descriptions and syntaxes of different types of Locators commonly used in test
automation frameworks.


Id Identify the driver.findElement(By.id(“IdValue”));
using the ID
name Identify the driver.findElement(By.name(“nameValue”));
using the
className Use the Class driver.findElement(By.className(“classValue”));
attribute for
identifying the
linkText Use the text in driver.findElement(By.linkText(“texttofLink”));
hyperlinks to
locate the
partialLinkText Use a part of driver.findElement(By.partialLinkText(“PartialTextofLink”));
the text in
hyperlinks to
locate the
tagName Use the driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“cssValue”));
tagName to
locate the
cssSelector CSS used to driver.findElement(By.cssSelector(“cssValue”));
create style
rules in the
web page is
leveraged to
locate the
xpath Use XPath to driver.findElement(By.xpath(“xpathValue”));
locate the
32.Define TEST NG.


✓ It is a open source testing framework for java.

✓ It allows users to automate web application testing with selenium.

✓ It helps you organize and execute your selenium test more efficiently and effectively.

✓ It supports a variety of testing types which is:


33.List the TEST NG Annotations.

1) @Test – used to mark a method that j-unit should run.

2) @beforesuite – runs before all test methods in the suite are executed.
3) @aftersuite – runs after all test methods in the suite are executed.
4) @beforetest – runs before all test methods of available classes in a folder are executed.
5) @aftertest – runs after all test methods of available classes in a folder are executed.

34.List the advantages of TEST NG.

✓ Annotations are easy to understand.

✓ Easy to group test cases.

✓ Parallel testing is possible.

✓ Supports parameterized and dependency test.

✓ HTML reports are generated by default.

35.Assertions in TEST NG.

✓ They are a way to verify expected result and actual result matched or not.

✓ Asserts are validations or checkpoints for an application.

36.What is Testing Framework?
✓ It is a set of guidelines and tools that help Quality Analyst professionals to create and
design test cases.

✓ It can help to improve accuracy and performance.

✓ It reduces time, cost and possibility of error.

37.Name the 3 types of Testing Framework.


o It separates data sets from the test case, often in excel sheets and imports them into
the automation testing tool.

o It is an testing methodology that uses external data resources to run test with
different sets of input values.

o The test data is separate from the actual test case and can be stored in one or more
central data sources.

2) KEYWORD DRIVEN TEST FRAMEWORK : It uses keywords to define functionality, takes

in parameters() and output relevant results.

3) HYBRID TEST FRAMEWORK : It combines data driven and keyword driven test

38.Flowchart of Data Driven Testing Framework.

39.Define POM (Project Object Model).
✓ Data Driven Testing and Parameterization can be implemented by separating the test logic
from the test data.

✓ Create separate data sources such as csv files, excel sheets or database to store test data.

40.Define POI (Poor Obfuscation Implementation).

✓ It is an open-source java library that allows developers to interact with Microsoft office file
format like excel, word, power-point.

✓ Apache POI facilitates you to run your scripts multiple times with different dataset with all
data maintain at a single location.

✓ It saves time and maintenance effort on the test script.

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