ABSB - Volume 29 - Issue Issue 2-D - Pages 1-18
ABSB - Volume 29 - Issue Issue 2-D - Pages 1-18
ABSB - Volume 29 - Issue Issue 2-D - Pages 1-18
The Lower-Middle Miocene succession penetrated in four wells in Ras El Ush oil field (Ras El Ush 7,8,12
and 14), East G. Zeit, Gulf of Suez is examined in detail for its foraminiferal and nannofossil contents. The
Rudeis, Kareem and Belayim formations are distinguished. One hundred and fifty-one foraminiferal and forty-
five nannofossils species are identified. Three planktonic foraminiferal and two nannofossils biozones are
distinguished and integrated. The planktonic foraminiferal zones are Catpsydrax dissimilis (M3) of early
Miocene (Burdigalian) age, Praeorbulina sicana (M5) of early-middle Miocene (Burdigalian-Langhian) age and
Fohsella peripheroacuta (M7) of middle Miocene (Serravallian) age. The nannofossil biozones are Sphenolithus
belemnos Zone (NN3) of early Miocene (Burdigalian) age and Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (NN4) of early
Miocene (Burdigalian)to middle Miocene (Serravallian) aga.
Keywords: Ceramic tiles, Wadi El-Yatim, Wadi El-Tuleia, feldspar-sand, Eastern Desert, Egypt.
initiation of many palaeo-highs during most of
the Miocene age (Evans and Moxon, 1986).
Ras El Ush Oil Field was discovered in Microfaunal zonation and paleoecologic
February 1995 by Marathon Oil Company. The interpretation of the Gulf of Suez area were
production from the field started in Jan. 1996 attempted before (Macfadyen, 1931; Souaya,
by two wells (Ras El Ush-2 from the Matulla 1966; El-Heiny and Martini 1981; Andrawis
Formation and Ras El Ush-3 from the Nubia and Abdel Malik, 1981; Evans, 1988; Haggag.,
Sandstones). The total number of producing et al 1990; El-Azabi 2004; Abul-Nasr et al.,
wells in the field now is four wells (Ras El Ush 2009; Mandur, 2009; Mandur and Baioumi,
3,7,8 and 12). The main producing horizons of 2011; Hewaidy et al. 2013,2016 and Ayyad., et
the field are the Nubia and Matulla reservoirs. al 2018). The aim of the present work is to
The Ras El Ush Oil Field represents the nearest apply the results of analyses of planktic
oil field to the hydrocarbon seepage in the area. foraminiferal and calcareous nannoplankton
It covers onshore and offshore area along Ras assemblages to construct lower-middle
El Ush fault trend. Ras El Ush oilfield is Miocene integrated biostratigraphic schemes
located on the eastern side of Gebel El Zeit and a high-resolution correlation for the Lower-
range. Gebel Zeit Range is one of the main Middle Miocene succession in Ras El Ush Oil
topographic features on the southwestern shore Field at Gebel Zeit area.
of the Gulf of Suez (Fig.1). It extends for about
30 km from north to south close to the Gulf
shore. Its average breadth is 5-6 km. Since the Lithostratigraphically, the Miocene
beginning of the last century, the Gulf of Suez successions in the Gulf of Suez area have been
has been a highly attractive hydrocarbon studied and classified by many authors (e.g.
location and the focus of much oil exploration. Moon and Sadek 1923, 1925; Ghorab &
The Miocene successions in the Gulf of Suez Marzouk (1967), Said & El Heiny (1967), the
display radical vertical and lateral facies National Stratigraphic Sub-Committee (1976),
changes due to its tectonic rift events. Gulf of Grafunkel & Bartov (1977), El Heiny (1982),
Suez tectonic setting played an important role El-Azabi, (2004), Ied et al.(2011),Soliman et
in facies distribution, configuration of the al.,(2012),Hewaidy et al.,(2013), and Hewaidy
depositional sequences and resulted in the et al., (2016). According to the National
Fig.1. Location map of the studied wells at Ras Elush Oil Field, Gebel Zeit area (Conoco, 1987 and
Issawi et al., 1999)
Stratigraphic Sub-Committee, (1976), The well) in west central Sinai. The Rudeis
Miocene sequence in the Gulf of Suez is Formation is formally approved by the National
classified into two major lithostrtigraphic units. Stratigraphic Subcommittee of the Geological
from older to younger as follows Sciences of Egypt (NSSGS), 1974.
1. The lower mainly clastic Gharandal Group, The Rudeis Formation overlies
subdivided into the Nukhul, Rudeis and unconformably the Nukhul Formation and
Kareem formations from base to top. underlies unconformably the Kareem
Formation at Ras El Ush 8, Ras El Ush 12 and
2. The upper Ras Malaab Group, subdivided
Ras El Ush 14, while at Ras El Ush 7 it
into the Belayim, South Gharib, and Zeit
unconformably underlies the Belayim
formations from base to top.
Formation due to the tectonic event. The
In the present study, the Rudeis, Kareem Rudeis Formation is widely distributed and
and Belayim formations are examined and well developed on both sides of the Gulf of
described in detail. Suez region. It is separated by the mid-Clysmic
Rudeis Formation event (Garfunkel and Bartov, 1977; Hewaidy et
al., 2013; Hewaidy et al., 2016). It is composed
Ghorab (1964) firstly introduced the term ' of white and offwhite, cryptocrystalline,
Rudeis Formation' at its type section (Rudeis-2 argillaceous limestone. A major lateral
foraminifera and calcareous nannoplankton are Age: early Miocene (Burdigalian); 19.66–17.62
discussed too. Ma.
4.1. Planktic foraminiferal biozones Assemblage: Species of the genus
Globigerinoides are the most common taxa in
The biostratigraphic scheme of Wade et al.
this zone. These are Globigerinoides
(2011) is used here. Three planktic
altiaperturus Bolli, Gs. immaturus (Le Roy),
foraminiferal biozones were determined in
Gs. quadrilobatus (d'Orbigny), Gs. sacculifer
ascending stratigraphic order. The distribution
Brady and Gs. trilobus (Reuss). The following
of planktic foraminifera are shown on Figs.3, 4,
species are common too: Globorotalia mayeri
5 and 6.
Cushman & Ellisor, Gt. munda Jenkins, Gt.
4.1.1. Catapsydrax dissimilis Concurrent semivera (Hornibrook), Cassigerinella
Range Zone (M3) chipolensis (Cushman & Ponton), Gg.
Definition: Wade et al. (2011) defined this Globigerina angustiumbilicata (Bolli) Gg.
zone as the concurrent range of the nominate preabulloides (Bolli), Gg. leroyi (Bolli), Gg.
taxa between the LO of Globigerinatella sp. occlusa (Bolli), Gg. bulloides d'Orbigny, Gg.
and the HO of Catapsydrax dissimilis. The falconensis Blow, Globigerinella obesa (Bolli),
Globigerinatella species is not recorded in the (figs.2,3,4 and 5).
studied successions. In the present study, this Occurrence: This zone is represented by the
zone is defined as the biostratigraphic interval lower part of the Rudeis Formation in all the
of the nominate taxon (the HO of Catapsydrax studied wells (figs.2, 3, 4 and 5). It varies in
dissimilis). thickness from well to the other. It attains a
Author: Bolli, 1957; emended by Blow, 1969; thickness of about 1140 feet at Ras El Ush 7,
Berggren et al. (1995) and Wade et al. (2011). 700 feet at Ras El Ush 8, 290 feet at Ras El
Fig.2. Distribution chart of the planktic foraminiferal species recorded at Ras El Ush 7 section
Ush12, whereas at Ras El Ush 14 it is about El Ush 7 and Ras El Ush 14, whereas it is
1300 feet. The distribution of planktic represented by the top part of the Rudeis
foraminifera is plotted on Figs.2, 3, 4 and 5. Formation and the lower part of the Kareem
Remarks: This zone has been established Formation at Ras El Ush 8 and Ras El Ush 12.
initially by Blow (1969, 1979). However, The It attains a thickness of about 1090 feet at Ras
LAD of Catapsydrax sp. represents a distinct El Ush7, 800 feet at Ras El Ush 8,590 feet at
bioevent which have been occurred in Ras El Ush 12 and 690 feet at Ras El Ush 14. It
transitional and high-latitude areas as well and is distinguished by high diversity with
serves as a point of regional correlation in the moderately preserved planktic foraminiferal
late early Miocene (Berggren et al., 1995). It is assemblage (figs.2, 3, 4 and 5).
equivalent to the Globigerinoides altiaperturus Remarks: According to Iaccarino (1985), this
(M3) Zone of Bolli (1957). The most zone is defined as the interval from the FO of
characteristic feature of this zone is that the P. sicana De Stefani to the LO of P. glomerosa
genus Globigerinoides becomes more common (Blow). The evolutionary transition from
and represented by different species (Figs.2, 3, Praeorbulina to Orbulina took place during
4 and 5). The M4 Zone is not recorded in the this zone (Berggren et al. 1995). It is
present study due to the ‘‘mid-Clysmic’’ or approximately equivalent in stratigraphic level
‘‘mid-Rudeis’’ event during which basin to the Praeorbulina glomerosa Zone of Bolli
asymmetries in the rift basin were formed (1957, 1966), Bolli and Bermudez (1965),
(Patton et al. 1994). Stainforth et al. (1975), Postuma (1971),
4.1.2. Praeorbulina sicana Interval Zone (M5) Globorotalia peripheroronda Zone of Bolli and
Saunders (1985) and Praeorbulina glomerosa
Definition: Initially, this zone is defined as of Iaccarino (1985). In Egypt, this zone
the biostratigraphic interval between the LO of corresponds to the Praeorbulina glomerosa
Praeorbulina sicana and the LO of Orbulina Zone of Kerdany (1967) in the Gulf of Suez,
suturalis. and (Farouk et al., 2014) in the Nile Delta. This
Author: Blow, 1969, 1979. zone can be correlated with the lower part of
the Globigerinoides sicanus / Globigerinoides
Age: Early to middle Miocene (Burdigalian-
transitoria of Wasfi (1968), Globigerinoides
Langhian); 16.40–15.10 Ma.
sicanus of Beckmann et al., 1986 and
Assemblage:M5 Zone is characterized by the Praeorbulina sicanus /Orbulina suturalis Zone
co-occurrence of the planktic foraminiferal (M5) of (Hewaidy et al., 2013 and 2016).
species: Globigerina bulloides d'Orbigny, Berggren et al. (1995) classified the M5
Globigerina praebulloides Blow, Globigerinoides sicanus -Orbulina suturalis
Globigerinella obesa Bolli, Globigerina Zone into two subzones Praeorbulina sicana
concinna Reuss, Globigerinoides immaturus Le (M5a) and Praeorbulina glomerosa (M5b).
Roy, Globigerinoides quadrilobatus d'Orbigny,
4.1.2a: M5a Subzone (Praeorbulina sicana
Globigerinoides bisphericus Todd & Post,
Interval Subzone)
Globigerinoides sacculifer Brady,
Praeorbulina sicanus De Stefani, Praeorbulina Definition: Biostratigraphic interval between
glomerosa (Blow), Praeorbulina transtoria, the HO of Praeorbulina sicana and the LO of
Preaorbulina curva Blow and Globigerinoides Praeorbulina glomerosa.
trilobus Reuss. Age: early Miocene (Burdigalian); 16.38–16.27
Occurrence: This zone is recorded in the Ma.
uppermost part of the Rudeis Formation at Ras
Plate1. 1. Fohsella peripheroacuta Blow and Banner, 2-3. Globorotalia scitula Brady, 4-5.
Neogloboquadrina continuosa Blow, 6-7. Catapsydrax dissimilis Cushman and Bermudez, 8-9. Globigerina
binaiensis Koch, 9-11. Globigerinoides bisphericus, Todd & Post, 12-14. Globigerinoides diminutus; Bolli,
15. Orbulina bilobata d'Orbigny, 16-17. Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann, 18-19. Preaorbulina glomerosa,
Blow, 20-21. Preaorbulina curva; Blow, 22. Preaorbulina circularis Blow, 23-24. Preaorbulina sicana, De
Stefani, 25. Preaorbulina transitoria, Blow.
Plate 2. 1-3. Discoaster deflandrei Bramlette and Riedel, 4. Discoaster exilis Martini and Bramlette, 5-6.
Helicosphaera ampliaperta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 7-8. Helicosphaera carteri Wallich, 9-10. Helicosphaera
compacta Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 11-12 Helicosphaera euphratis Haq, 13. Helicosphaera gertae Bukry, 14-15.
Helicosphaera intermedia Martini, 16. Helicopontosphaera kamptneri Hay & Mohler, 17-18. Helicosphaera
mediterranea Müller, 19-20. Helicosphaera obliqua Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 21-22. Helicosphaera reticulata
Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 23-24. Helicopontosphaera rhomba Bukry, 25-26. Helicosphaera scissura Miller, 27-28.
Helicosphaera vedderi Bukry, 29. Pontosphaera multipora Kamptner, 31-32. Reticulofenestra haqii Backman,
33. Reticulofenestra perplexa Burns, 34-35. Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica Gartner, 36-37. Sphenolithus
compactus Backman, 38-40. Sphenolithus belemnos Bramlette & Wilcoxon, 41-42-43. Sphenolithus
heteromorphus Deflandre
Remarks: This subzone is strongly matched calcareous nannoplankton in all the studied
with the upper part of the Globigerinatella wells (figs.2, 3, 4 and 5).
insueta Zone of Cushman and Stainforth (1945;
4.1.4. Fohsella peripheroacuta Interval Zone
as emended in Bolli, 1957b) and to the lower
part of Zone N8 of Blow (1969, 1979). It was
renamed according to the convention of Definition: Biostratigraphic interval between
Berggren and Pearson (2005). the LO of the nominate taxon Fohsella
4.1.2b: M5b Subzone (Praeorbulina peripheroacuta and the LO of Fohsella
glomerosa Interval Subzone) praefohsi.
Fig.3. Distribution chart of the planktic foraminiferal species recorded at Ras El Ush 8
Fig.4. Distribution chart of the planktic foraminiferal species recorded at Ras El Ush 12 section
Fig.5. Distribution chart of the planktic foraminiferal species recorded at Ras El Ush 14 section
Fig.6. Planktic foraminiferal biozones used by different authors for the Early Miocene (Aquitanian) – middle
Miocene (Serravallian).
Fig.7. Distribution chart of the nannoplankton species recorded in Ras El Ush 7 section .
Fig.8. Distribution chart of the nannoplankton species recorded at Ras El Ush 8 section
Fig.9. Distribution chart of the nannoplankton species recorded at Ras El Ush 8 section.
Fig.10. Distribution chart of the nannoplankton species recorded at Ras El Ush 8 section
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الملخص العربي
.1ادت الدراسة التفصيلية لمنطقة راس العش الي تعريف ثالثة نطاقات من الفورامنيفرا ونطاقان من
) Catpsydrax dissimilis Zone (M3وعمره الميوسين النانوبالنكتون وهي من االقدم للحدث
االسفل) (Burdigalianو) Praeorbulina sicana Zone (M5وعمره من الميوسين االسفل
لالوسط ) (Burdigalian-Langhianو) Fohsella peripheroacuta Zone (M7وعمره الميوسين
االوسط ) (Serravallianباالضافة الي ) Sphenolithus belemnos Zone (NN3وعمره الميوسين
االسفل) (Burdigalianو) Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone (NN4وعمره من الميوسين االسفل
لالوسط )(Burdigalian- Serravallian
.2نطاقات الفورامنيفرا والنانوبالنكتون متوافقة مع بعضها وتم مقارنتها مع تلك التي سجلت في مصر وخارجها
.3ال Burdigalian Stageتمثل بنطاق واحد من الفورامنيفرا وهو نطاق M3بينما نطاق M4لم يتم تسحيله
بسبب Mid-Rudeis Eventوهذا النطاق يتوافق تماما مع نطاق من النانوبالنكتون NN3والجزء االسفل
من نطاق NN4
.4تم تمييز بداية ال Langhian Stageاعتمادا علي بداية ظهور Orbulina suturalisبالقرب من نهاية
ظهور Helicosphaera ampliaperta Zone
.5الحد الفاصل بين Langhian / Serravallianتميز ببداية ظهور foraminiferal Globorotalia
peripheroacuta (M7) Zoneفي متكون البالعيم في راس العش 8
.6االختالف الكبير في زمن الترسيب والتعرية يدل علي حركات تكتونية مختلفة والتي استغرقت فترة كبيرة من
.7هناك فجوتان يمكن مالحظتهما االولي التي تفصل بين نطاق M3و نطاق M5وغياب نطاق M4و الحد بين
هاتين الوحدتين من الصخور تميزت ب ‘‘mid-Rudeis’’ or ‘‘mid-Clysmic’’ eventكدليل علي عدم
التوافق ومن ناحية اخري االنتقال من نطاق M5bالي الجزء السفلي من نطاق M7بسبب غياب نطاق M6يدل
علي الفجوة الزمنية الثانية والتي نتجت من تاثيرpost-Kareem tectonic event