Recurrencia de Coinfecciones
Recurrencia de Coinfecciones
Recurrencia de Coinfecciones
Departments of Global Health and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA., bMedical Research Council
Tropical Epidemiology Group, Faculty of Epidemiology and Population Health, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine,
London, UK, and cVaccine and Infectious Disease Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Correspondence to Ruanne V. Barnabas, UW Box 359927, 325 Ninth Ave., Seattle, WA 98104, USA.
E-mail: [email protected]
Ruanne V. Barnabas and Emily L. Webb contributed equally to the writing of this article.
Received: 27 November 2010; revised: 28 April 2011; accepted: 24 May 2011.
ISSN 0269-9370 Q 2011 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 1559
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
1560 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 13
Background (coinfection rates for TB and HSV-2 are 33% [7] and
85% [8], respectively, and HIV increases the frequency
The HIV pandemic has carved starkly different trajec- and severity of acute malaria [9,10]). Further, effective
tories around the globe in the last three decades. In 2009, treatment options are available. The impact of helminth
33.3 million people were living with HIV and coinfections on HIV viral load was recently reviewed
approximately 2.6 million people were newly infected elsewhere [11]. Finally, we discuss opportunities to
[1]. Sub-Saharan Africa is the most severely affected enhance HIV prevention and care by treatment of these
region, home to two-thirds of those living with HIV (an coinfections.
estimated HIV prevalence in adults of 5%) and almost
70% of new infections. In contrast, about 12% of HIV-
infected people live in south and south-east Asia, whereas
just less than half this number live in North America (5%) Methods
and Latin America (4%), with smaller proportions in
western and central Europe (2%), representing estimated We followed Cochrane Collaboration guidelines in
HIV prevalences in adults of 0.3–0.6% [1]. conducting our review [12] and Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses
The differential spread of HIV between populations (PRISMA) guidelines in reporting results [13].
results from multiple factors which drive transmission
[2]. One key determinant of HIV transmission is HIV Criteria for considering studies for this review
viral load [3,4]. A growing body of evidence suggests that The a priori criteria for considering studies for the review
recurrent or persistent coinfections, such as malaria, are tabulated in the appendix (Table S1, http://links.lww.
tuberculosis (TB), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) com/QAD/A149). Both observational studies and
infection and helminths, may increase HIV viral load randomized controlled trials (RCTs) were eligible. To
and thus facilitate HIV transmission at both individual ensure comparability between groups in observational
and population levels by increasing the person-time at studies, we searched for studies that controlled for key
viral load levels associated with risk of ongoing spread. confounders of viral load, including time from infection
In areas where these coinfections are common, they or CD4 cell count. We excluded the following from
may increase viral load during the protracted interval analyses: studies in which all participants were on ART,
between acute HIV infection and AIDS or initiation of were pregnant women, children or HIV-2-infected
antiretroviral therapy (ART), and the duration at this individuals; studies in which the intervention modified
elevated level, driving HIV transmission. Infections HIV viral load with and without coinfection; and studies
may also increase susceptibility to HIV, as seen with in which the control group was not proven negative for
the association between HSV-2 infection, and HIV the coinfection. For studies in which a subgroup of
acquisition [5]. participants was on ART, pregnant, aged less than 16 or
HIV-2 positive, results were extracted excluding these
Although HIV prevention strategies initially focused participants. The only exception was episodic HSV-2
primarily on HIV-negative individuals, the advent of therapy for which three of the four trials had small
ART has radically reframed the opportunities for and numbers on ART (<4% of all participants) and it was not
potential efficiencies of prevention in HIV positives possible to extract data on ART-naive participants only.
[6]. The growing emphasis on ‘positive prevention’
recognizes that combinations of interventions targeted Search strategy for identification of studies
at HIV-infected people could simultaneously improve Electronic searches of PubMed and EMBASE databases
survival and reduce transmission. Indeed, interventions were conducted on 31 January 2009 and updated on 10
such as ART that reduce HIV viral load are likely February 2010. In PubMed, the following Medical
not only to delay HIV progression but also to limit Subject Heading (MeSH) search terms were used:
secondary infections. In individuals diagnosed with HIV ‘HIV infections’ and ‘malaria/HSV-2/TB’ and ‘adult’.
who are not yet eligible for ART, treatment of In Embase, the following search terms were used: (HIV
coinfections may offer an important alternative approach infection and malaria/HSV-2/TB and adult). The
to reducing HIV viral load and thereby slow disease searches were done separately for each coinfection,
progress, delay ART initiation and decrease HIV included all languages, and were limited to human studies.
transmission. Because the search for TB yielded over 6000 abstracts,
many of which reported on clinical management, the
We therefore explore the potential role of three following additional filters were used independently:
persistent or recurrent infections (malaria, HSV-2 clinical trial, viral load or viral shedding, and disease
and TB) on HIV transmission and acquisition by susceptibility. Reference lists in articles were hand
systematically reviewing the literature. These three searched as were infectious disease conference abstract
coinfections were selected because they are common books. Finally, correspondence with authors yielded one
among HIV-infected persons in sub-Saharan Africa PhD thesis [14] and two in press articles [15,16].
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
HIV coinfections and viral load Barnabas et al. 1561
Selection of studies, data extraction and statistic [28], defined as the percentage of total variation in
synthesis the study estimates that is due to between-study
Abstracts were reviewed and full-text articles of heterogeneity. For example an I2 value of 50% would
potentially relevant studies were examined independently mean that half of the total variability among effect sizes is
by two authors (R.V.B. and J.N.W. for the initial search; caused not by sampling error, but by true heterogeneity
E.L.W. and H.A.W. for the updated search) against between studies. Funnel plots [29] were visually examined
prespecified selection criteria (Table S1, appendix, and Egger tests [30] were conducted to assess the Data were extracted possibility of publication bias. All statistical analyses were
independently by R.V.B., J.N.W. and E.L.W. for the conducted in STATA version 11 (StataCorp, College
original search, and by E.L.W. and H.A.W. for the Station, Texas, USA).
updated search, using a data extraction form. Discre-
pancies were discussed and consensus reached.
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1562 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 13
Malaria HSV-2 TB
Malaria: pregnancy (55), no VL data (51), review/comment (16), subjects on ART/malaria prophylaxis (4), genetics (4), malaria and mortality/disease progression
(not VL) (4), biological mechanism of interaction (3), mathematical model (3), immunology (2), children (1), no data on CD4 count (1)
HSV-2: no VL data (56), review/comment (25), identified in previous review of HIV acquisition (20), pregnancy (10), HSV-2 is outcome (7), biological mechanism of
interaction (5), mathematical model (5), HIV acquisition but with no adjustment for other factor (3), subjects on ART/other intervention (3), HSV-2 and
mortality/disease progression (not VL) (3), baseline data for RCT (1), not HSV-2 (1)
TB: no VL data (63), review/comment (43), risk of TB acquisition (17), subjects on ART/other treatment (16), biological mechanism of interaction (14), genetics
(9), no data on CD4 count (9), immunology (8), TB and mortality/disease progression (not VL) (4), pregnancy (3), mathematical model (2), control group had
suspected TB (1).
effect (I2 ¼ 94.7%), with estimates from 0.13 log10 copies/ the other studies, including number of bites, inoculum
ml (95% CI 0.06 to 0.32) to 1.23 log10 copies/ml (95% size and protection offered by malaria prevention
CI 1.01–1.45). interventions.
Six studies assessed the impact of malaria treatment on Herpes simplex virus type 2
PVL (Table 1b). The impact of malaria treatment was We identified 20 studies of the effect of HSV-2 infection
measured as the mean difference in PVL before and after and treatment and HIV viral load. Of these, eight assessed
malaria treatment. Of these, five found that malaria the association between HSV-2 infection and PVL
treatment was associated with decreased PVL [14,20,34– (Table 2a); three were cohort studies [21,37,38], four
36], with estimates from 0.89 log10 copies/ml (95% CI were cross-sectional [39–42] and one was a nested case–
1.03 to 0.75) to 0.10 (95% CI 0.31 to 0.11). The control study [43]. Cross-sectional and case–control
remaining study, which showed an increase in PVL [25], studies compared PVL among participants with or
had a follow-up period of 9 days compared with a without HSV-2, and cohort studies measured PVL
minimum of 28 days for the other studies. The summary through the course of a HSV-2 clinical episode. Three
estimate showed a trend towards a decrease in PVL of articles reported results from separate substudies accord-
0.25 log10 copies/ml (95% CI 0.59 to 0.10) associated ing to stage of HSV-2 and HIV-1 infections [21,42] or sex
with treatment (Fig. 2b), although there was substantial [39] (Table 2a). One of the two cohorts analyzed in Gray
heterogeneity between studies (I2 ¼ 92.3%). Excluding et al. [40] was reported on more fully in another article
the study with short follow-up [25] the summary estimate [43]; only the latter, more informative data were included
was a mean decrease of 0.37 log10 copies/ml (95% CI in the meta-analysis. The effect of incident HSV-2
0.70 to 0.04) with I2 ¼ 92.5%. Further, when the infection (i.e. recent seroconversion) on PVL was
challenge study was excluded [20] there was little reported in two articles, neither of which found any
evidence of heterogeneity in the malaria treatment association [21,37]. Eight studies examined the associ-
studies; I2 ¼ 20.3%. This decrease in heterogeneity ation between prevalent HSV-2 infection and HIV PVL.
may be explained by differences between the challenge The summary estimate revealed a mean increase in PVL
study design compared with naturally acquired malaria in of 0.20 log10 copies/ml (95% CI 0.00–0.41). Pooling
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 1. Association between malaria and HIV-1 viral load.
Study difference
Study Location Period Study design Endpoint/follow-up Population Malaria diagnosis size (95% CI) Viral load assay
Malaria Study difference Viral load
Study Location Period Study design Endpoint/follow-up Population diagnosis Treatment size (95% CI) assay
AL, artemether-lumefantrine; CI, confidence interval; NASBA, nucleic-acid sequence-based-analysis; P. vivax, Plasmodium vivax; RT, real time; SP, sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine.
Baseline measurements from cohort study.
HIV coinfections and viral load Barnabas et al.
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1564 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 13
French 2004 0.13 (-0.06, 0.32) Kublin 2005 -0.37 (-0.55, 0.19)
Study Year Difference (95% CI) Reference Year Difference (95% CI)
Fig. 2. Forest plots of associations between coinfections and their treatment and plasma HIV viral load (log10 copies/ml).
CI, confidence interval; HSV-2, herpes simplex virus type 2; TB, tuberculosis.
studies of HSV-2 prevalence and incidence, the summary regimens. Seven studies were RCTs [16,44–48,50] and
estimate showed a mean PVL increase of 0.18 log10 one was an observational cohort study [49]. Sample sizes
copies/ml (95% CI 0.01–0.34), with substantial hetero- ranged between 12 and 3302 participants and trials were
geneity (I2 ¼ 60.3%; Fig. 2c). conducted in the United States, Thailand, Burkina Faso,
South Africa, Uganda, Tanzania, Botswana, Zambia,
Eight studies assessed the impact of HSV-2 suppressive Kenya, Rwanda and Peru. Seven of these studies found
therapy on PVL (Table 2b). Of these, half evaluated decreases in PVL associated with suppressive therapy, with
regimens using acyclovir 400 mg twice daily, whereas the effect estimates from 0.53 log10 copies/ml (95% CI
remainder tested higher dose acyclovir or valacyclovir 0.72 to 0.35) to 0.25 log10 copies/ml (95% CI
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2. Association between herpes simplex virus type 2 and HIV-1 viral load.
Study Mean difference Viral load
Study Location Period Study design Endpoint/follow-up Population size (95% CI) assay
(continued overleaf )
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Table 2 (continued )
Study Study difference
Study Location Period design Population Therapy Endpoint/follow-up size (95% CI) VL assay
et al. [52] South Africa with HSV ulcers thrice daily for 5 days) to 0.01)
Phiri et al. [15] Lilongwe, 2004–6 RCT HIV-1 infected Episodic (acyclovir 800 mg Single endpoint, 28 days 244 0.09 (0.08 to 0.26) RT-PCR
Malawi individuals with twice daily for 5 days)
HSV-2 ulcers
Study difference
Study Location Period Population Therapy Endpoint/follow-up Specimen size (95% CI) VL assay
CI, confidence interval; CRT, community randomized trial; HSV-2, herpes simplex virus type 2; NA, not applicable; NASBA, , nucleic-acid sequence-based-analysis; RCT, randomized controlled trial;
RT, real time; STI, sexually transmitted infection; VL, viral load.
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
HIV coinfections and viral load Barnabas et al. 1567
0.29 to 0.22). The remaining suppressive treatment The infection studies were all observational, with three
study [16] found no evidence of an effect possibly due to cohort [19,26,53], three-nested case–control [18,32,54],
the comparatively low adherence (123/232 participants and three cross-sectional studies [26,55,56]. Two of these
[16] compared with 2363/2924 participants [45] with reported on the association of latent TB with viral load,
>90% adherence) and relatively low dose of acyclovir one finding a significant decrease [32] and the other
(400 mg twice daily by mouth). Overall, the summary finding no effect [18]. Of the six articles on active TB,
estimate of the decrease in PVL was 0.28 (95% CI three were pulmonary [26,54,55], two were both
0.36 to 0.19), with I2 ¼ 83.1% (Fig. 2d). pulmonary and extrapulmonary TB [53,56] and the
sixth article did not specify site of infection [19]. Overall,
Four studies (three RCTs and one cohort study) assessed active TB was associated with a mean increase in viral load
the relationship between episodic therapy (5–10 days of of 0.40 log10 copies/ml (95% CI 0.13–0.67) (Fig. 2e),
acyclovir treatment at a range of doses) and PVL up to although there was again substantial heterogeneity
45 days after treatment initiation [15,38,51,52]. Sample between studies (I2 ¼ 78.8%).
sizes ranged from 8 to 422 participants, and studies
included participants in the United States, Malawi, South Of the 12 studies that investigated associations between
Africa, Ghana and the Central African Republic. Three treatment of active TB and PVL, ten were cohort studies
of the four trials [15,51,52] had small numbers on ART and two were RCTs of non-TB treatment (immune
(<4% of all participants), and it was not possible to extract modulators pentoxifylline and Immunoxel) and standard
data on ART naive participants only. Two of the studies TB treatment versus standard TB treatment alone
using higher dose acyclovir regimens reported a [17,57]. In both trials, the intervention arm showed a
significant decrease in PVL associated with episodic significantly greater reduction in PVL than controls.
therapy, whereas the other two studies found no evidence We, therefore, used data only from the standard TB
of an association (summary estimate of decrease treatment arms of these RCTs. Duration of treatment
0.08 log10 copies/ml, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.11). and study follow-up varied considerably (2–8 months;
and 2–12 months after treatment initiation, respec-
Eleven studies measured GVL [15,16,31,39,44,46– tively). The summary estimate of the mean difference in
48,50–52]. There was wide variation in treatment PVL was a decrease of 0.03 log10 copies/ml (95% CI
regimens and in both the site and method of collection 0.19 to 0.13) (Fig. 2f), which did not change
of samples for this outcome. Collection methods included significantly when studies with less than 6 months of
cervicovaginal lavage, semen samples and endocervical follow-up were excluded.
and rectal swabs. Ten of the 11 studies were RCTs of the
effect of HSV-2 treatment (seven suppressive; three Two additional studies [22,33] reported change in PVL
episodic). The remaining was a cross-sectional study [39] from before active TB onset compared with after TB
that found no difference in GVL by HSV-2 infection treatment, so that it was not possible to distinguish
status. Six of the RCTs found that treatment significantly between the effects of infection and treatment. However,
decreased GVL (five suppressive; one episodic) both showed a significant increase in viral load associated
[31,44,47,48,50,52]. All of these evaluated valacyclovir with infection/treatment (results not shown).
or high dose acyclovir regimens. The remaining studies
found no significant effects. A formal meta-analysis was Risks of bias within and across studies
not undertaken for this outcome, due to numerous The methodological quality of studies varied. For
sources of heterogeneity, including the range of treatment malaria, the majority of studies were cohort studies
regimens, the variety of techniques used for sample which reported viral load before, during and after acute
collection, the variable lower limits of detection in the malaria infection and were therefore rated A or B,
GVL assays used and day-to-day variations in detectable depending on whether there was an external control
levels of viral load present in genital samples. Individual group. One cross-sectional study was rated C for
study results for the RCTs are summarized in Table 2c. methodological quality because associations between
treatment and PVL did not adjust for difference in CD4
Tuberculosis cell count between the comparison groups. Studies of
Eight articles (one containing results from two studies, of HSV-2 treatment were of high methodological quality,
which one study was divided into participants with CD4 the majority being RCTs. However, studies examining
cell count 500 or less and more than 500 [26]) reported HSV-2 infection were of variable methodological
on the effect of TB infection on PVL (Table 3a), and quality. Two did not adjust for potential confounders
12 examined the association of TB treatment and PVL [39,40] and were, therefore, rated C. For TB, three
(Table 3b). Sample sizes varied from seven participants to cross-sectional studies were rated C due to extremely
276 (median 20). All studies were facility-based (hospital, small sample size or failure to adjust for time since
clinic or TB treatment center) and located in urban or infection. For each coinfection, removal of studies rated
periurban settings. The majority were conducted in C from the meta-analysis did not significantly change
Africa. results.
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Study difference
Study Location Period Study design Population Follow-up TB size (95% CI) VL assay TB diagnosis
Lopez-Gatell USA 1984-2005 Cohort HIV-1/TB-coinfected Median Active 15 0.76 (0.39 to 1.10) RT-PCR Culture, cytology,
et al. [53] men 5.4 years clinical or
Manoff et al. [18] Baltimore, USA 1990–4 Nested HIV-1 infected Latent 6 0.14 (0.94 to 0.66) bDNA TST >5 mm
case–control individuals
Mawa et al. [32] Entebbe, Uganda 2000 Nested HIV-1 infected Latent 29 0.5 (0.99,0.01) RT-PCR TST > 5 mm
case–control individuals
Toossi et al. [26] Kampala, Uganda 1993–5 Cross-sectional HIV-1/TB coinfected Active 51 0.04 (0.36 to 0.28) RT-PCR Culture positive
individuals with for MTB
Cross-sectional HIV-1/TB coinfected Active 23 1.30 (0.44 to 2.16) RT-PCR Culture positive
individuals with for MTB
CD4 cell count > 500
Cohort HIV-1 infected 6 months Active 10 0.43 (0.05 to 0.81) RT-PCR Culture positive
individuals for MTB
who developed
pulmonary TB
Whalen et al. [54] Kampala, Uganda 1993–4 Nested HIV infected individuals Active 40 0.10 (0.31 to 0.11) RT-PCR Culture positive
case–control with and without TB for MTB
Study difference VL TB
Study Location Period Population Therapy Follow-upb TB size (95% CI) assay diagnosis
(continued overleaf )
Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
HIV coinfections and viral load Barnabas et al. 1569
Culture positive
Culture positive
Culture positive
Culture positive
Sputum smear
for MTB, or
for MTB
for MTB
for MTB
Malaria, HSV-2 and TB contribute significantly to the
AFB, acid fast bacillus; MTB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis; RT, real time; TB, tuberculosis; TST, tuberculin skin test; US, United States; VL, viral load.
(95% CI)
12 months
2 months
2EHRZ3/4RH3 6 months
2 months
6 months
No details HIV-1/TB-coinfected
No details
no details
Kampala, Uganda
interest (viral load) and its main modifier (CD4 cell count)
All are cohort studies.
Time since diagnosis.
et al. [24]
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1570 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 13
Our results add to those in a recent review of the impact rate above 1 in the population. ART may be able to
of coinfection treatment [62]. Our findings for impact of supersede other factors in forcing viral load back below
malaria and HSV-2 treatment support those of the review, these levels. However, for the vast number of HIV-
but our TB results do not. The Modjarrad review infected individuals who are in the pre-ART window
included two studies of malaria treatment, two of TB or who do not have access to ART despite being
treatment and six of HSV-2 treatment. In contrast, we eligible, interventions to prevent and treat coinfections
identified six studies of malaria treatment, 12 of TB may be an important strategy to tip the balance in favor of
treatment and eight of HSV-2 suppressive treatment, as the host not only by limiting progression and delaying
well as studies of coinfection prior to treatment. There are ART initiation, but also by maintaining community viral
several differences between the reviews, including the load at levels that limit transmission and help curb
inclusions/exclusion criteria, methods of analysis, and epidemic trajectory. It is noteworthy that the potential
data extracted. For example, the Modjarrad review impact of coinfections on total community viral load
required studies to include a control group to adjust for over time is a function not only of the magnitude of the
natural history changes in viral load over time, but most of increase in HIV viral load observed in coinfected
the additional studies included in our review were cohort individuals, but also of the prevalence of the infection
studies conducted over relatively short periods during among HIV-positives and the average duration or
which viral load would not be expected to change proportion of time during an interval such as one year
substantially in the absence of coinfection or interven- that coinfection is likely to exist. When the results of
tion. We, therefore, included pre-post studies without our meta-analysis are examined from this perspective,
control groups. Further, the Modjarrad review used the the potential impact of HSV-2 coinfection on total
standardized mean difference (SMD) as the measure of community viral load over a year is likely to markedly
effect, rather than the actual viral load, which tends to outstrip that of malaria and TB, even though the increase
exaggerate differences between studies because the in HIV viral load in coinfected individuals with malaria
dimensionless scale of the SMD is not directly is more than three times that observed with HSV-2,
interpretable. Finally, for the two TB studies that were and the increase with TB is more than twice that with
included in both this and the Modjarrad review [19,55], HSV-2.
the data extracted in the Modjarrad review used a
subgroup of patients, while we included data from Although treatment of coinfections has been demon-
all patients. strated to delay HIV disease progression and ART
initiation, it has yet to be shown to reduce HIV
Impact on HIV transmission transmission in intervention trials. Although an RCT of
Although our review found only modest changes in PVL HSV-2 suppressive therapy found a 16% reduction in HIV
associated with coinfections and their treatment progression as measured by CD4 cell count less than 200,
(0.2 log10 to 0.7 log10 for coinfections and 0.3 log10 ART initiation or death [hazard ratio 0.83 (0.71–0.98)],
to 0.4 log10 for treatment), modeling studies have there was no effect on HIV transmission [45,67]. This
reported that small changes in mean viral load at may be due to persistent immune activation, including
population level could translate to significant reductions HIV target cells in the genital tract as much as 2 months
in HIV incidence – a decrease in PVL of 0.3 log10 was after ulcer healing on standard HSV suppressive therapy
estimated to decrease HIV transmission by 20% and [68]. Hence, although HSV-2 suppressive therapy
HIV progression by 25% [63]. Lingappa et al. [64] decreases PVL sufficiently to help reduce the impact of
produced similar estimates in their analysis of PVL HIV disease on infected individuals, further work is
among 108 genetically linked HIV transmission events, needed to fully understand the mechanisms by which
suggesting that a 0.3 log10 reduction in PVL would HSV boosts HIV viral load, better define the viral load
reduce HIV transmission risk by 25%. reductions needed to curb transmission, and design HSV
treatment regimens that reliably achieve these targets.
Fraser et al. [65] proposed that HIV evolves to reach One recent model indicates that at least a 0.75 log10
a balance between sufficiently high viral load for reduction in HIV viral load is needed to decrease
successful transmission with each exposure and suffi- transmission by 50% [64]. Trials are needed to evaluate
ciently low viral load for a protracted asymptomatic the impact of carefully redesigned treatment regimens for
period to maximize transmission opportunities. We HSV and other coinfections on HIV transmission, as well
posit that coinfections help HIV achieve that ‘sweet as on the surrogate of HIV viral load. Evidence of an
spot’ viral load through immune activation [58,66], impact of TB and malaria on HIV progression is limited,
increasing the cumulative time spent at the optimum with mixed findings for TB [69,70] and no effect for
viral load for both asymptomatic disease and HIV malaria [71,72]. In evaluating non-ART regimens to
transmission. From a population perspective, this may reduce HIV disease progression we suggest using
accelerate HIV epidemic trajectory by increasing the outcomes as defined by Lingappa et al. [67]: ART
aggregate person-time at viral loads at which the risk for initiation, CD4 cell count less than 200 and HIV-related
transmission is sufficient to maintain the reproductive death.
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HIV coinfections and viral load Barnabas et al. 1571
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1572 AIDS 2011, Vol 25 No 13
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