Play and Learn 01 GCSE Scan

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1040 ST'


Complete reading tutor parts 1 -3

Prof plays a new game
Prof looks at words
Prof makes sentences
Play and Learn
— Module —

The Computer provides a much under utilised aid to learning.

Not only is it now a vital part of the curriculum, but when used
correctly, it can greatly enhance as well as complement current
learning techniques. A computer, with the correct tools,
provides a superb interactive medium to learning and revision.
For a long time Atari have prided ourselves that we have
provided the ideal Computer for any use, and we are sure that
you will not be disappointed with your choice of the ST, Now,
with the Atari Family curriculum, we have endeavoured to
provide the tools you need for all levels of education and

We have packaged the software in five distinct modules, the

first of which is for young learners, featuring an easy and fun
reading course. The Junior School module takes you up to age
twelve, and the GCSE revision module offers help with some key
courses. Then there are two modules which feature subjects in
which the computer plays a key role. The Creative module
allows endless hours of creativity and fun with a paint package,
a music package and a programming language. The
Productivity module features three programs vital to the
curriculum, as well as in business life, a Spreadsheet, a Database
and a Word Processor.

We have worked very closely with experts connected to the

National Curriculum and we are pleased to be able to say that
all the software comes highly recommended by those who
know. I have certainly learned a few facts whilst putting the
package together and hope you find this package as useful
and fulfilling as we have intended it to be. Please feel free to
recommend it to fellow parents, teachers and families.

Darryl Still for Atari Corp UK Ltd

The books accompanying the programs were written by
Trude Salisbury and illustrated by Ralph Salisbury.
The Computer Program and the books were first published

Text Copyright © Trude Salisbury

Illustration Copyright © Ralph Salisbury

Program Copyright© 1989 Prisma Software


Atari is proud to present the first three parts of Prisma's

widely acclaimed 'Learn to read with Prof' series which in
itself makes up the first three quarters of the first level of the
Play and Read Complete reading tutor.

The complete PLAY AND READ series has three levels and is
a library of 12 packages shown in the chart.

Part 1 Part 2 Part

wr itin3g Part 4
reading spelling reasoning

Level 1 Prof Prof Prof makes Prof hunts

looks at sentences 1 for words 1
plays a
vocabulary new words 1
63 words
game included in this pack available now

Level 2 Prof Prof Prof makes Prof hunts

has looks at sentences 2 words 2
vocabulary new words 2
126 words shoes
available during 1991

Level 3 Prof Prof Prof makes Prof hunts

makes looks at sentences 3 for words 3
vocabulary new words 3
189 words friends
available during 1991

- 1-

Part One ‘Prof plays a new game’ teaches a sight

vocabulary and enables children to read the five books
included in this package. No initial reading ability is

Part Two ‘Prof looks at words’ allows children to take a

closer look at the words learned in Part One. Beginnings
and endings of words are covered, as well as vowels,
double letters and vowel combinations. This can be used
as a companion program to Part One or on its own if the
child has some reading ability.

Part Three ‘Prof makes sentences’ teaches sequencing, an

important part of writing. The words used in Part One are
used to make sentences. There are two basic games,
'Finish the sentence' and 'Make a sentence', each
divided into a number of ability levels, which will give hours
of fun and learning. This Part can be used on its own, if the
child has some reading ability.

Part Four ‘Prof hunts for words’ develops the ability to

reason and demonstrates the knowledge of the words
learned so far. This is an essential part of learning to read.

Part Four is not included in this pack, but is available from

Prisma Software direct or from most good Software stores.


‘Prof plays a new game’

'PLAY AND READ' is a complete reading tutor. 'Learn to

Read with Prof' is the first of three levels. Each 'Learn to
Read with Prof' level has four parts. Each part deals with a
different aspect of reading.

This package teaches a sight vocabulary. The words are

chosen from the Murray and McNally word list. They are
words the child is familiar with and are used in reading
books suitable for beginner readers.

The games on the disk correspond with the reading books,

giving every book its own game.

The opening Menu allows a choice of Book and Step. This

allows you to pace the learning process. You can judge
whether your child is ready for the next step, also you
need not complete a step or book before ending a lesson.

To get the most benefit from Part One it is recommended

that some simple points are remembered:

a) Start with Book 1 Step 1 in the learning game. The

Book number also refers to the reading books and the
Step 'dots' indicate the progress made so far. Book 1
introduces the first nine words and Books 2 and 3
introduce a further nine words each. Books 4 and 5
add 18 words each.

b) Advance from Step 1 through Step 5. This of course

does not have to be in one session, but can be
divided into 5 sessions or more.


c) Steps should not be repeated unless absolutely

necessary. One would not expect a child to be able
to read the words at the end of Step 1 or Step 2. By
the end of Step 3 some words will be familiar and the
child should be able to read them without difficulty.
But it is not until the end of Step 5 that the child has to
be able to read the words in the game so the
corresponding book can be read.

d) Don't attempt to read the books until the words have

been learned. At the end of Step 5 when the words
for a book have been learned the child is able to
read the book with confidence and satisfaction. This
in turn will encourage the child to learn more words to
read the next book.

There is a story which goes with ‘Prof plays a new game’.

This is available on an audio cassette together with a
computer disk. Children can listen to Patricia Hayes, the
well known actress, tell a story and see the accompanying
graphic display on the computer before the computer
learning game is introduced. The story puts the words into
context. This will help with the learning process. Having
listened to the story once, you are of course free to listen
to it whenever you wish. If you would like to purchase this
cassette and disk please send £8.50 to:

Atari Cassette Offer,

Prisma Software,
P.O.Box 211,
or telephone Access/VISA orders: 0244 326244.


i Insert your disk in the disk drive and press the re-set button.


You have the choice of moving the figure slow or fast.

There are also different skill levels (Books 1-5 and steps 1-5).
Make your choice with the arrow keys and the spacebar.

Start with Book 1 Step 1 and progress through all the Steps
to Step 5. At the end of Step 5 the child can read Book 1 .
Continue with Book 2 Step 1 until Book 2 can be read and
so on until the child can read all the books.


1. Move the figure with the arrow keys or joystick.

Choose a word on the left side of the screen and

confirm your choice with the spacebar or 'fire' with

joystick. The word will change colour.

a) In Steps 1 - 3 the figure walks on the lines.

b) In Steps 4 & 5 there are no lines on the left side.
The figure will walk off the ladder opposite a
word. Move the figure so that the word is not
obscured and can be read by the child.


2. Read the word to the child. The child must repeat the
word after you.

3. The child should now find the corresponding word on

the right side, moving the figure to it and confirming
the choice with the spacebar. It is recommended
that this is done without help from an adult. The child
should say the word. The important thing to
remember is that the child must always read the word
on the right side without any help.

If the right word has been chosen it will change


4. Repeat points 1 to 3 until all the words on the right

side of the screen have changed colour.

a) At the end of a correct screen the child is

rewarded with a figure at the top right of the
b) After two consecutive correct screens new
words will appear.
c) Any screens with incorrect words will have no
reward figure.

5. Continue until the end of a Step has been reached

when the child is rewarded with a graphic screen
before starting on the next step.

6. When the end of Step 5 has been reached the child

should read the corresponding reading book.



It is best if the child is not expected to read the books

before the words have been learned. This should be at the
end of Step 5. If the child insists on trying to read a book
before the words have been learned, it is best if the parent
reads it together with the child, similar to paired reading.
If there are more than three or four words the child does
not know, suggest that the words are learned before
reading is continued. Capital letters are not introduced
until a later Level.


There are five reading books included in this pack. Each

book is a stepping stone and should be read at the end of
step 5 of the corresponding computer game.

The idea is that your child reads the book after the words
have been learned. It will then be easy for your child to
read the book without hesitation, gaining a sense of
satisfaction and achievement.

This in turn will motivate your child to learn more words and
read the next book.



Now your child is learning to read, some additional

support will be needed.

Learning to read embraces a number of skills, each one

helping your child to become literate.

Part one ‘Prof plays a new game’ teaches your child to

recognize words and the knowledge of a sight vocabulary
enables one to identify familiar words in any text.

As the sight vocabulary increases it will become

imperative that some understanding of the composition of
words is gained.

Children must be able to distinguish between beginning

and endings of words. It can be quite difficult to see the
difference of ‘no’ and ‘on’. Vowels can be confusing and
‘if’ and ‘of’ are easily mixed up.

To help children with these and many more words a closer

look at words is of great benefit. Part two ‘Prof looks at
words’ does this very effectively.


Having acquired a sight vocabulary your child will be

eager to use the words learned so far. It is therefore
important that plenty of opportunity is given for writing.

- 10-

Encourage your child to make:

a dictionary with the words learned,

(A notebook allowing a page per letter will be
enough to start with.)

a story book using the words learned and drawing

pictures to go with it.

Gradually your child can learn to write sentences. This is a

big step forward and Part Three ‘Prof makes sentences’
can help your child to take this step in easy stages.

Part Four ‘Prof hunts for words’ finally demonstrates that

your child can read for meaning. More and more missing
words have to be found until a whole story is written by
your child.

Here your child has to give the spelling of words some

thought as the computer only accepts correct spelling.
This is also a good introduction to the keyboard. Part Four
‘Prof hunts for words’ is not included in this pack, but can
be obtained from Prisma Software direct or from most
good Software Stores.

- 11 -
‘Prof looks at words’

'PLAY AND READ' is a complete reading tutor, 'Learn to

read with Prof' has three levels. Each 'Learn to Read with
Prof' Level has four Parts. Each Part deals with a different
aspect of reading.


Part two teaches children how to look at words more

closely and so distinguish similar looking words from each
other, as well as help with spelling.

The words used are those which have been taught in Part
One: ‘Prof plays a new game’. Part two can be played
independently of Part One.

Part Two ‘Prof looks at words’ has a nucleus of five games.

game a - beginnings of words,
game b - vowels,
game c - endings of words,
game d - double letters,
game e - vowel combinations.

The games are arranged to correspond with the books

supplied. Games a, b, and c are for books 1 - 5 and
games d and e for book 5 only. Altogether there are 1 7
separate games and each game has a number of steps.


game a looks at the beginning of words. This can be the

first letter or the first two letters when they make
a sound like ‘pr’, ‘pi’ or ‘sp’. Explain to your child
that two letters can make a sound.

- 15-

This should be the first game your child plays. It draws

attention to the beginnings of words and this gives the
best clue to the word. Also it can at times be quite difficult
for children to distinguish between beginnings and ^
endings. \

game b is concerned with the vowels. This is to teach

your child that there are five vowels in the
alphabet and that words which look similar
might sound different and have a different
meaning. Be careful how you sound the vowels
as they change their sound depending on the

game c looks at the endings of words. This will help with

identifying words, but it must be pointed out that
this game should not be played until you are
absolutely sure that your child understands the
difference between beginnings and endings.

game d looks at double letters. This game is only for book

5 as there are not enough words in the earlier
books to make a game with double letters.

game e looks at vowel combinations. This game too is \
only for book 5. Here the following has to be
pointed out: while we are concerned with the
spelling of ‘ea’ for instance, we can not
differentiate at this stage between the different
pronounciations ie. read and learn.
- 16-

Each game has its own reward figures: apples, boats, cars,
dinosaurs and elephants. You can point this out to your

For instance: apple starts with ‘a’ and this is game a.

If your child can't read the complete words it will be

helpful if s/he can learn the words with the help of Part
One ‘Prof plays a new game’. Introduce your child to Book
1 of ‘Prof looks at words’ only after you are confident your
child has learned the words from Book 1 .


Insert your disk in the disk drive and press the re-set button.


Use the arrow keys and spacebar to choose and confirm

from the menus on screen. This allows for the choice of
books/games and steps.


1. Move Prof with the arrow keys or joystick. Prof can

only walk on the lines or up and down on the ladder.

- 17-

Choose a letter on the left of the ladder and confirm

your choice with the spacebar or 'fire' with joystick.

The letter will change colour.

If you wish to change your mind you can do this by

moving Prof to another letter.

2. The chosen letter has to be inserted into one of the

words on the right side of the ladder.

Move Prof to a word which needs your chosen letter

and press the spacebar. Some help is given in Steps 1
and 2 when the missing letters show up in blue and so
indicate where Prof should walk to.

3. If the correct word has been chosen it will change to

red. If it is incorrect the word will disappear for a few
seconds after which the game continues.

4. Repeat points 1 to 3 until all the letters have been

used up and a reward figure has appeared on the
top of the screen.

5. Continue until the end of the game when a reward

screen will entertain your child.


These games are about words. Words can be read and

spoken. This game will be of most benefit if every aspect is
used to the full.

- 18-

Encourage your child to read and say the word after it has
been completed.

If your child has difficulty in finding the right place for a

letter help can be given in this way:

w Point out the line where the word can be found,

w Or say the word which should be completed,
w Or look at each word complete or incomplete in
turn until you find a word with the particular letter

It is always best not to point a word out directly, as the

child needs and likes the challenge to find the word
without too much obvious help.

There is an alternative way of playing these games:

You point at a word and ask your child which letter is
missing. One would have to make quite sure the missing
letter is on the left side. Your child would then have to find
the letter and the game continues as before.
‘Prof makes sentences’

'PLAY AND READ' is a complete reading tutor. 'Learn to

read with Prof' has three levels. Each 'Learn to Read with
Prof' Level has four Parts. Each Part deals with a different
aspect of reading.

This package gives your child a gentle start to writing and

so become efficient in sentence sequencing. It also offers
a simple way to introduce the keyboard. The ability to
write sentences is a requirement of the National

The words used are those which have been taught in Part
One: ‘Prof plays a new game’. Part Three can be used
independently of Part One and Part Two.

Part Three: ‘Prof makes sentences’ has two games and

many different ability levels:

Game 1: 'finish a sentence'

and Game 2: 'make a sentence'.

The games are arranged to correspond with the books


‘Finish a sentence’ is the easier of the two games.

Your child has the choice of using the arrow keys and the
spacebar to insert the words or type the words to finish the

‘Make a sentence’ requires your child to make sentences

using ALL the displayed words.


An 'easy' and 'hard' option is given.

Again your child has the choice of using the arrow keys
and spacebar or typing the sentences and so getting «
familiar with the keyboard.


Insert your disk in the disk drive and press the re-set button.


Start your child with 'finish a sentence’ Book 1 using the

arrow keys to insert the words. When s/he has mastered •
this, progress to typing the words in or to 'make a
sentence’ Book 1 using the arrow keys to make the
sentences. Only after this should your child embark on
typing the sentences in. If this is still too difficult your child
could 'finish' and 'make sentences' in Books 2 to 5 using
the arrow keys and leave the typing until later.

If your child can't read the words it will be helpful if s/he

can learn the words with the help of Part One ‘Prof plays a
new game’.
Both games become more difficult as they progress from
Book 1 to 5.



Choose the game you wish to play. Use the arrow keys to
choose and the spacebar to confirm. Then choose which
book, ‘easy’ or ‘hard’ and lastly ‘spacebar’ or ‘typing’.
When using the arrow keys and spacebar, always confirm
the word you have chosen with the spacebar. When
typing the words, confirm when a word has been finished,
with the spacebar. A simple score is kept which will
encourage your child to do better next time, but at the
same time will not discourage.

At all times the words your child has to use are displayed
on the screen. This means that your child does not have to
worry about spelling correctly, but can concentrate on
learning to make sentences.

‘Finish a sentence’ gives your child the opportunity to think

about sentences and what they mean. A number of
words are displayed on the bottom of the screen and your
child has to choose the words which completes the
sentence. To help your child at the beginning the correct
word is shown in the sentence in blue, but later dashes will
indicate the length of the words. If ‘spacebar’ has been
chosen use the left and right arrow keys to choose the
word which will complete the sentence, confirm with the
spacebar. Encourage your child to read the sentence. If
‘typing’ has been chosen, type the missing word and
confirm with the spacebar. Again, encourage your child
to read the sentence.


When a group of sentences has been completed they will

appear on the screen for your child to see and read.

‘Make a sentence’ teaches sequencing. A number of

words are displayed on the screen which will have to be
put in order to make a sentence. To do this your child will
have to be able to read the words and understand them.
At times the computer will accept sentences which you
will think could be improved and so they can, encourage
your child to make better sentences next time. As well as
‘spacebar’ and ‘typing’ you can choose ‘easy’ and ‘hard’.
This refers to the length of the sentences. It will be best if
your child starts with the 'easy' game, particularly in the
later books.

Remember that your child might have difficulty

recognising the letters on the keyboard because they are
in upper case. To help with this cover them with stickers
which have the lower case letters written on.

Other Activities

The process of learning to read and write starts long before

your child is introduced to the first book or learns to write
some words or letters.

Talking, listening, thinking and doing come long before

reading and writing.

To develop an active mind needs stimulation and the

activities below will give you some ideas of how you can
encourage your child to think and consequently to learn
to read and write.

Some of the activities mentioned below might be more

suitable for older children and some for younger children.
These are only suggestions and it is hoped that they are


The story in the first package 'Prof plays a new game’ is

about learning to read and about playing a game. The
game is a computer game. In the story it is played at

There are of course lots of other games children like to



Games can be divided into outdoor games and indoor


Outdoor games

Find a football, cricketball, tennisball etc. and discuss:

the size of each ball,
the name of the game you can play with each ball,
how many people can play it.

Ask your child to draw a picture of children playing with a

ball. Play a ball game together.

What other games do children play in the playground at

skipping, running, hopping etc.
what are the games called?
how are they played?
how many children can play them together?
which games can be played alone?

Indoor games

Find a number of indoor games: board games, card

games etc. and discuss their differences. Think of other
games like 'pass the parcel', 'musical chairs' etc.

Play games with your child which encourage language,

Ten-Up: One of you can start the game with saying

'one Arrow' and the other players would repeat this

in turn. When it is the turn of the leader again he can
say 'One Arrow and Two Buttons' and again every
player repeats this. The game continues until the list of
items has been increased to ten (for younger children
five items might be enough). Any player forgetting an
item or making a mistake is eliminated. The items
could be:

One Arrow, Two Buttons, Three Cats, Four Dogs,

Five Engines, Six Footballs, Seven Games, Eight
Houses, Nine Infants, Ten Juniors.

My Teacher went to Town: The first child would say

"my teacher went to town and brought back a
computer". The second child would continue "my
teacher went to Town and brought back a computer
and a book". Each child would add another item. If
they forget an item they drop out of the game.

Make up your own game.

Make a book about different games.


Look at the reward pictures.

How many children are in the playground?
What games do they play?
What else can you see?

-31 -

Talk about the other reward pictures.


What sounds can you hear when people are playing

a game?
What sounds can you hear in the classroom?
What sounds can you hear in the playground?
What sounds can you hear at home?


Find words to rhyme with

'play', 'game', 'man',
'run', 'dad' etc.


At school my Prof can say

"I run and like to play".
Write a poem. Press a button to make him run
and you can read a book for fun.

Play and Learn module - ‘PLAY AND READ’
Part One - Prof plays a new game
Part Two - Prof looks at words
Part Three - Prof makes sentences

The 'Early School 7 module has already given your child a start with reading,
spelling and phonics, as well as writing sentences. The three Prof packs; ‘Prof
plays a new game’, ‘Prof looks at words’ and ‘Prof makes sentences’ have
given you an opportunity to share in your child's learning with the best reading
tutor available for your STE.

The Prof packs from ‘PLAY AND READ’ have been carefully developed over a
number of years and in hundreds of primary schools to ensure that you can
use it with your child with confidence. You will find that using these Prof packs
and others from the series will help you to support the school's teaching.
Now that you have made a start with helping your child learn to read there
are a growing number of Prof packs becoming available for you to continue
your child's success.


With the Atari 'Family Curriculum' you have had a unique opportunity to use
the first three packs from 'PLAY AND READ'.
To register as a user please complete this card with your name and address
and send with a stamped addressed envelope to Prisma Software, P.O. Box
211, Chester, CHI 3NJ.

Name of child using 'play and read' -

Age of child -

• Your opinion of 'play and read' packs -

n What other educational software would you like to see





Owning an ATARI Family Curriculum has its privileges
Save £5 on your next Prof pack from 'PLAY AND READ7

'Prof hunts for words' is the fourth pack in the series and is aimed at helping
your child to use what has been learnt with the earlier packs. Your child can
become almost like a detective , hunting down words to complete stories. This
is an ideal way to help develop your child's reasoning and comprehension
abilities. Prof's antics in the two main games takes him to a jungle and a desert
island to hunt for words.
Complete the exclusive order form below and you can save £5 when you
order 'Prof hunts for words'. Levels two and three are also becoming available
so tick the box to get a free catalogue.


Atari Family Curriculum Owner
Prisma Software, P.O. Box 211, Chester. CHI 3NJ Tel: 0244 326244

Please Tick

X Please send the free 'PLAY AND READ' catalogue. I have enclosed a
stamped self addressed envelope.

X For £19.99 I would like to continue my child's learning with 'Prof hunts for
words', the fourth pack in the 'PLAY AND READ' series. I understand I will
save £5 from the usual cost of £24.99. 1 have enclosed £19.99 (no charge
for p&p).

X Please send to me Atari's Cassette Offer. This can be used with 'Prof plays
a new game' and includes a story cassette read by Patricia Hayes as well
as an accompanying disk and instructions. I have enclosed £8.50 (no
charge for p&p).

Method of Payment

Cheque - Send your cheque made payable to Prisma Software with the
completed order form to the address at the top of the form.

Access/ -Complete your card details below and send your order form to
Visa Prisma Software at the above address.

Alternatively phone your order through on 0244 326244




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