Slip Frequency Controlled Inverter-Fed Single-Phase Induction Motors
Slip Frequency Controlled Inverter-Fed Single-Phase Induction Motors
Slip Frequency Controlled Inverter-Fed Single-Phase Induction Motors
Induction Motors
Naser Abdel-Rahim Adel Shaltout
EE Department Dept. of Elect. Power & Machines
Benha University Cairo University
(a) (b)
vs ωr is the rotor speed, electric rad/sec,
Te is the developed torque,
Figure 1: D-Q transformation of the single-phase TL is the load torque,
induction motor Tdamp is the damping torque,
P is the number of poles.
Since the two stator windings; namely the main
and auxiliary coils, have different number of turns, III. Single-phase Motor Performance with
they will yield different mutual reactances. Constant Frequency Supply
Therefore, a transformation is made to transfer the
The transient performance of the motor under
auxiliary winding to an equivalent winding with
study, the data of which are given in Appendix I,
the same number of turns as that of the main coil.
is depicted in Figure 2 and Figure 3. The motor is
The new variables referred to the equivalent coil
supplied with a sinusoidal supply, and is driving a
are given as follows:
constant load torque. The capacitor start process is
v sd' =V sd .(N sq / N sd ) simulated by disconnecting the auxiliary winding
at 2/3 the synchronous speed at the zero crossing
rsd' = rsd .(N sq / N sd )2 of the current. This switching operation is
X sd' = X sd .(N sq / N sd ) 2 demonstrated by disconnection of the auxiliary
current, and hence a reduction in the speed
X c' = X c .(N sq / N sd )2 acceleration.
Time response of the electromagnetic torque
The voltage equation of the motor can be written
exhibits two modes of oscillation. At the initial
in the d-q stationary frame as follows [4]:
stage of the starting period, a supply frequency
' 1 component is generated. This is due to the
v sd = rsd' i sd' + ψ sd + v 'c
ωo interaction of the stator dc transient current with
• the synchronously rotating magnetic field of the
v sq = rsq i sq + ψ sq rotor. The magnitude of this component depends
ωo on the phase angle of the supply voltage at the
ωr 1 • instant of switching, and it decreases with time as
0 = rr i rd + ψ ψ rd + (2). the dc component decreases. The double
ωo ωo rq frequency component is due to the interaction of
1 • ω the backward component of the stator field with
0 = rr i rq + ψ rq − r ψ rd the synchronously rotating field of the rotor. This
ωo ωo component exhibits building up of torque
• oscillations during the presence of the auxiliary
v c' = ωo X c i sd current then such oscillations decrease as the
backward field decreases, but the oscillations
The equations of motion are given by: persist to exist and result in torque oscillations at
p steady state.
Te = (ψ sd i sq −ψ sq i sd' )
ωm = (Te −T L −T damp )
Imain (A)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Iaux (A)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time in seconds
Figure 2: Main and auxiliary windings currents with a Figure 4: Equivalent circuit of the 1-phase I.M.
sinusoidal supply at full-load
(a) + jX r
I magf = I main s
Electric torque (Nm)
0 + j (X r + X m ) (5).
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 rr + js × X r
= I main
rr + js × ( X r + X m )
speed (rad./sec.)
+ jX r
The resulting equation gives the relationship and Figure 3) shows that a reduction is achieved in
between the current in the main winding (Imain), the the value of the starting current and the
rotor slip frequency (ωsL), the inverter output electromagnetic torque oscillations. Figure 8 to
frequency (ωs), and the magnetizing current (Imag). Figure 10 show that the motor can cope with large
This equation is incorporated in the current change in load torque and maintains the assigned
calculator indicated in Figure 5 to determine the speed.
magnitude of the command signal of the current in V. Conclusions
the main winding.
Figure 5 shows the proposed control scheme. The The paper proposed a feedback control scheme
scheme employs the slip frequency control strategy of an inverter-fed single-phase induction motor.
in order to realize single-phase IM drive system The proposed controller is based on the slip
with high-dynamic performance. It consists of an frequency scheme to limit the motor slip to a
inner current loop and an outer speed feedback predetermined value. This scheme allows for
loop. The principle of operation of the control operating the motor at the rated flux, i.e. full
scheme is as follows. First, the actual motor speed, utilization of the motor. Furthermore, it provides
means for limiting the slip and consequently the
ωm, is compared with its reference signal, ωref, to
motor current. This means a reduction in the
produce the slip frequency, ωerr. ωerr is conditioned inverter rating and better efficiency.
by the PI regulator and then passed through a The performance of the controller is verified and
limiter which limits the excursion of the slip it is shown that the controller successfully controls
frequency to a maximum predetermined value to the speed and reduces the current from 70.0 A to
produce ωe. Secondly, ωe is added to the motor 35.0 A. Furthermore, a reduction in the torque
actual speed, ωm, to produce ω. Both ω and ωe are pulsation is achieved.
multiplied by the number of pole pairs of the motor
to produce the commanding signals of the inverter References
output frequency, ωs, and the rotor slip frequency, 1. Paul C. Krause, Oleg Wasynczuk, Scott D.
ωsL. The values of ωsL and ωs are employed in a Sudhoff, Analysis of Electric Machinery and
current calculator (refer to Eq. (10)) to determine Drive Systems, 2nd ed., ISBN: 978-0-471-
the magnitude of the commanding signal of the 14326-0, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2002.
current in the main windings. Finally, the actual
motor main current is compared with its reference
2. I. A. M. Abdel-Halim, H. G. Hamed, and K. M.
Hassaneen, “Modeling and Simulation of VSI-
waveform, I main , in a hysteresis current FED Induction Motors”, Middle East Power
comparator. The output of the hysteresis Systems Conference (MEPCON’2000), pp.80-
comparator is used to control the inverter switching 84.
devices such that the error between the actual motor 3. D.M. Manjure and E. Makram ”Effect of
speed and its reference speed is reduced. converter Drive on Power Systems”, Middle
From the above, it can be seen that setting a East Power Systems Conference
limit on the maximum value of ωe (i.e. ωsL) sets a (MEPCON’2000), March 28-30, 2000, pp. 28-
corresponding maximum limit on the motor line 32.
current during both dynamic and transient stages. 4. Chen-Mun Ong, Simulation of Electric
Limiting the motor line current to a predetermined Machinery, ISBN: 0-13-723785-5, Prentice
value reduces the power inverter rating and hence, Hall, NJ 07458, 1998.
its cost. In this work, the maximum value of the
Appendix I: Single-Phase IM parameters
motor line current is set to 3.0 pu.
The performance of the closed loop controlled Output power=1/3 hp, 4 Poles, N1/N2=a=1.10, η=76%,
1-phase induction motor is shown in Figure 6 to Rated voltage=115.00 V, supply frequency=50 Hz,
Figure 10. Figure 6 and Figure 7 depict the X1=2.22 Ω, r1=1.80 Ω, X2=2.80 Ω, r2=4.10 Ω,
performance of the motor when it is started with Xr =2.22 Ω, rr=1.23 Ω, Xm= 40.22 Ω,
full-load. A comparison of these performances Rotational losses=56 watts, Full load slip=5.0%,
with those of the fixed frequency supply (Figure 2 Vdc=170 V ( 115 2 ).
Figure 5: Proposed control scheme of the 1-phase induction motor
(a) Figure 8: Speed response with step change in the load
of the closed loop operation
Speed (rad./sec.)
50 Command
speed 0
0 (b)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Electric Torque (Nm)
10 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
-10 Time in seconds
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
time (sec.) Figure 9: Response of the current in the main windings
Figure 6: Transient and steady-state performance of the with step change in the load of the closed loop
closed loop operation: speed and electric torque operation
100% step in load torque
Load torque (Nm) Electric torque (Nm)
(a) 40
Imain (A)
-50 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
(b) 2
Iaux. (A)
-20 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Time in seconds
time (sec.)
Figure 7: Transient and steady-state performance of the Figure 10: Torque response with step change in the load
closed loop operation: main and auxiliary currents of the closed loop operation
100% step in load torque
Speed (rad./sec.)
Command speed
Motor speed
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Load torque (Nm)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Time in seconds