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S. No. Events Date and Time

1 Notice Inviting BID (NIT) No. 17/ IITPKD/EWD/2023-24/048

Name of Work : Construction of

Permanent Campus for IIT Palakkad
2 Name of work under Phase 1A
SH: Providing additional terrace water
tank for Malhar(K01) & Saveri (K02)
hostel at Sahyadri campus

3 Date of Publication 22-12-2023, 1500 hrs

4 Date / Time of closing 02-01-2024, 1500 hrs

5 Opening of Technical cum Eligibility Bids 02-01-2024,1545 hrs

6 Estimated Cost put to bid Rs. 58,23,000/-

7 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs.1,16,500/-

8 Stipulated date of completion 90 Days

Engineering works Division Indian

Institute of Technology Palakkad
Kanjikode West, Palakkad – 678 623
Email: [email protected]

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Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad (hereinafter called “IITPKD”) invites ONLINE item rate Bids (Cover-1:
Eligibility cum technical Bid, Cover-2: Financial Bid) from approved and eligible contractors registered
with CPWD, MES, BSNL, Kerala State PWD / Working contractors with IIT Palakkad for Civil
Engineering works for the above work at Sahyadri Campus, Pudussery PO, Kanjikode West, Palakkad-
678623. Interested bidders may submit their bids ONLINE at https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com/

Name of Work: Construction of Permanent

campus under Phase 1 A
1. Name of Work SH : Providing additional overhead water tank
for Malhar (K01) & Saveri (K02) hostel at
Sahyadri campus
Rs. 58,23,000/- (Rupees Fifty Eight Lakh Twenty
2. Estimate Cost put to Tender Three Thousand Only)

Rs.1,16,500/- (Rupees One Lakh Sixteen

Thousand Five Hundred Only) Bids without
3. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
paying the EMD in gateway of E- Wizard
portal shall be DISQUALIFIED

4. Period of completion 90 Days

30 days from the date of

5. Validity of the tender
opening of eligibility bid.

Last Date for Submission of

6. 02-01-2024, 1500 hrs

Date of Opening of the Eligibility

7. 02-01-2024, 1545 hrs

Date of opening of the financial bid Will be intimated later to eligible bidders through
online in E- Wizard portal

Officer inviting tender : Executive Engineer (Civil), EWD
Engineer in charge : Executive Engineer (Civil), EWD
Accepting authority : Chairman, EWD
Time allowed for submission of Performance security : 7 days

Maximum allowable extension with late fee at the rate of 0.1% of PS per day beyond the period of 7 days
- 5 days.
No of days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance for recurring date of start : 7 days

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Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
1.1 Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad (hereinafter called “IITPKD”) invites online item rate tenders
under two-bid System. The bid document consists of a schedule of quantities of various items to be
executed, scope of works, terms and conditions of the contract and other necessary documents
can be seen and downloaded from https://mhrd.euniwizarde.com/.
1.2 The bids will be opened by the competent authority of IIT Palakkad on behalf of the IIT Palakkad
1.3 The bids shall be submitted online in MHRD Portal (http://mhrd.euniwizarde.com/)
1.4 The responsibility of submission of the bids on or before the last date shall rest with the tenderer.
1.5 Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bids is strictly prohibited and the bids
submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.
1.6 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid and
IITPKD shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the tender process.
1.7 IITPKD will respond to any request for clarification or modification of the Tender Document that is
received up to FIVE (05) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by IITPKD. For
this purpose, the prospective bidder(s) requiring clarification in the Tender Document shall notify
IITPKD in writing at the address mentioned. Any such clarification, together with all details on which
the clarification had been sought, will be published on the E-Wizard website.
1.8 Except for any such clarification by the Institute, which is expressly stated to be an
addendum/Corrigendum to the tender document issued by the Chairman, EWD, IIT Palakkad, no
written or oral communication, presentation, or explanation by any other employee of any of the
Sections/Departments of the Institute, shall be taken to bind or fetter the Institute.
i. The bidder shall furnish EMD of Rs.1,16,500/- (Rupees One Lakh Sixteen Thousand Five
Hundred Only) through online payment gateway in the E-Wizard.
ii. Bids without paying the EMD in gateway of E- Wizard portal shall be DISQUALIFIED.
iii. EMD of the successful bidder shall be returned on receipt of the prescribed Performance Security
and after signing of the contract agreement.
iv. EMD of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them at the earliest after expiry of the final bid
validity and latest by the 30th day after the award of the contract.
v. 100% EMD shall be forfeited
a. if the bidder withdraws his bid after opening of the bid during the period of validity
of the tender.
b. if the successful bidder refuses or neglects to execute the contract or fails to
furnish the required Performance Security within the time frame specified by the Institute.
c. if the successful bidder fails to execute the Contract on specified timeline
vi. The firms who are registered with National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) / or Small Scale
Industrial (SSI)/ Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) are exempted from furnishing the EMD.
Self-attested photocopy of valid registration certificate issued by competent authority for Civil
Engineering works to be uploaded with the eligibility bid for exemption of EMD.
2.1. At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, IITPKD may, for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, modify the Tender
Document by way of amendment(s)/ Corrigendum
2.2. Addendum/Corrigendum will be intimated through the E- Wizard portal and the bidders shall ensure
that the addendums are carried out in the bid before submission. The addendums will not be
published in newspapers. Bidders should regularly visit the E-Wizard portal to keep themselves
2.3. No extension in the bid due date/ time shall be considered on account of delay in submission of bid.

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3.1 The Tender Document comprises of:
(a) Schedule of Quantity (Annexure - I)
(b) Eligibility Criteria (Annexure-II)
(c) Documents to be uploaded (Annexure III)
(d) Format of Performance Security (Annexure-IV)
(e) Declaration (Annexure-V)
(f) Fall clause notice certificate (Annexure VI)
(g) Letter of Transmittal (Annexure - VII)
(h) Notice for appointment of Arbitrator (Annexure - IX)
(i) Reference of disputes and amount claimed for each dispute to the Chairman (EWD) (Annexure X) The
bidder shall not make or cause to be made any alteration, erasure or obliteration to the text of the Tender
4.1. The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to the tender
exchanged by the Bidder and IITPKD shall be in English and the Contract shall be construed and
interpreted in accordance with that language. If any of the brochures, leaflets or communication is
prepared in any language other than English, a translation of such document, correspondence or
communication shall also be provided at the cost and risk of the bidder. The translation so provided
shall prevail in matters of interpretation. The bidder, with respect to such documents,
correspondence and communications, shall bear the costs and risks of such translation.
4.2. The bid shall not contain any internalizations, erasures, overwriting, except to correct errors made
by the bidder, in which case the person or persons signing the bid shall initial such corrections with
5. Bids submitted in any mode other than ONLINE will be rejected outright. No prices should be
included in the technical bid. Financial Bid should be filled as per the financial bid document.
The bidder should quote the Item rate for each item. If any cells (Rates) left Blank in the Financial bid (Cover
2), then the same will be treated “ZERO”. Contractor must ensure to quote the rate in prescribed columns.
The column meant for quoting rate in figures appears in Yellow color and the moment rate is entered, it
turns sky blue. In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left
blank the same shall be treated as ZERO. Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the
bidder, the rate of such an item shall be treated as “0” (ZERO). However, if a tenderer quotes nil rates
against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any percentage above/below on the total amount of
the tender or any section / subhead in percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will
not be considered as lowest tenderer.
The bid document consisting of specifications, the schedule of quantities of various items to be executed
and the terms and conditions of the contract and other necessary documents can be seen in the tender
Bids shall remain valid for a period of 30 days after the date of deadline for submission of bids prescribed
by the Institute.
The bidders may modify or withdraw the bid after submission only through ONLINE mode, within the period
of deadline for submission of bids. No bids can be modified subsequent to the deadline for submission of
Bids. No bids can be withdrawn in the interval between the bid submission deadline and the expiration of
the bid validity period.

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Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
10.1. The Technical bids will be opened on the prescribed date and time as mentioned in the Bid
document in ONLINE mode.
10.2. The Institute will evaluate the technical bids for the eligibility criteria. Those bids, who satisfy the
eligibility criteria will be considered for opening their financial bids. Those bids which are found to
be either non-responsive, not satisfying the eligibility criteria will not be considered for opening their
financial bids and will be rejected.
10.3. The date of opening of financial bid (cover 2) will be intimated later to the eligible bidders through E-
wizard portal.
10.4. Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit
price and the total price, which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, or between
subtotals and the total price, the unit or subtotal price shall prevail and the total price shall be
corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words shall prevail.
During the bid evaluation, the Institute may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The
request for clarification and the response shall be through ONLINE mode ONLY and no change in the price
or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted.
The competent authority on behalf of the IIT Palakkad does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other
bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received without assigning any reason. All
bids in which any of the prescribed conditions is not full fill including that of conditional rebate is put forth
by the bidders shall be summarily rejected. The competent authority on behalf of the IIT Palakkad reserves
to himself the right of accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform
at the rates quoted.
The Institute reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or to annule the bidding process and reject all
bids at any time prior to Contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the Bidders.
Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the institute will issue the Work Order to the successful
Bidder in writing. The Work Order will form part of the Contract.
On receipt of work Order from the Chairman (EWD), the successful bidder shall sign with the date on each
page of the work order and return it to the Chairman EWD, along with the Performance Security. Copy of
Work Order duly signed by the successful Bidder on each page shall constitute the Contract Agreement.
Within SEVEN DAYS of receipt of notification of award from the Chairman EWD, the successful Bidder shall
furnish the performance security equal to 5% of the Contract value The Performance Security shall be valid
all along the contract period and shall extend up to sixty (60) days after the date of completion of work
accepted by the Engineer in Charge.
The performance security shall be a bank guarantee (in the format as provided in (in the format as provided
in Annexure- IV of the bidding documents) issued by any Scheduled Bank in India acceptable to the
Purchaser or a Demand Draft favoring, INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PALAKKAD payable at
PALAKKAD. The performance security shall be returned to the contractor not later than fifteen (15) days
after its expiration.
16.1 SECURITY DEPOSIT : 2.5% of tendered value. The contractor whose tender is accepted will also
be required to furnish by way of Security Deposit for the fulfillment of his contract, an amount equal to 2.5%
of the tendered value of the work. The Security deposit will be collected by deductions from the running
bills as well as the final bill of the contractor at the rates mentioned above. Fixed Deposit Receipt of a
Scheduled Bank or will also be accepted for this purpose provided confirmatory advice is enclosed.

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If the contractor or his working people or servants shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of building
in which they may be working, or any building, road, road kerb, fence, enclosure, water pipe, cables, drains,
electric or telephone post or wires, trees, grass or grassland, or cultivated ground contiguous to the
premises on which the work or any part is being executed, or if any damage shall happen to the work while
in progress, from any cause whatever or if any defect, shrinkage or other faults appear in the work within
twelve months (six months in the case of work costing Rs. Ten lakhs and below except road work) after a
certificate final or otherwise of its completion shall have been given by the Engineer in- Charge as aforesaid
arising out of defect or improper materials or workmanship the contractor shall upon receipt of a notice in
writing on that behalf make the same good at his own expense or in default the Engineer-in-Charge cause
the same to be made good by other workmen and deduct the expense from any sums that may be due or
at any time thereafter may become due to the contractor, or from his security deposit or the proceeds of
sale thereof or of a sufficient portion thereof. The security deposit of the contractor shall not be refunded
before the expiry of twelve months (six months in the case of work costing Rs. Ten lakhs and below except
road work) after the issue of the certificate final or otherwise, of completion of work, or till the final bill has
been prepared and passed whichever is later. Provided that in the case of road work, if in the opinion of the
Engineer-in-Charge, half of the security deposit is sufficient, to meet all liabilities of the contractor under this
contract, half of the security deposit will be refundable after six months and the remaining half after twelve
months of the issue of the said certificate of completion or till the final bill has been prepared and passed
whichever is later
All documents forming part of the Contract (and all parts of these documents) are intended to be
correlative, complementary and mutually explanatory. The Contract shall be read as a whole. The order of
precedence of the Contract documents shall be as follows:
1. Contract Agreement
2. All other Forms
3. Bid documents
No amendment or other variation of the Contract shall be effective unless it is in writing, is dated, expressly
refers to the Contract and is signed by a duly authorized representative of each party to the Contract.
The Contractor’s obligations involve:
The work shall be executed as per Schedule of quantity / CPWD specifications and as per direction of
Engineer /officer in charge of IIT Palakkad.
The contractors are advised to make site visits before participating in the tender. No such escalation claims
will be entertained once taken up the work for any items mentioned in the schedule of quantity.
The supplying materials related to work completion, necessary transportation permits should be taken care
of by the contractor.The work to be completed by the contractor at site including loading unloading
transportation, handling & rehandling and required manpower charges etc.
The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 90 days from the date of start. The date of start shall
commence from the 7th day of issue of work order. The agency shall complete the work within the period
specified in the tender document and sign the work order or within the period mutually agreed between
Institute and Contractor.
No Advance payment will be made. Running account shall be made by the Executive Engineer, EWD as per
the Execution of items in the BOQ. Gross work to be done together with net payment /adjustment of
advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to interim payment -
Rs. 15 Lakhs

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The final bill shall be submitted by the contractor in the same manner as specified in interim bills within
three months of physical completion of the work or within one month of the date of the final certificate of
completion furnished by the Engineer-in-Charge whichever is earlier.
No further claims shall be made by the contractor after submission of the final bill and these shall be
deemed to have been waived and extinguished. Payments of those items of the bill in respect of which
there is no dispute and of items in dispute, for quantities and rates as approved by Engineer-in-Charge, will,
as far as possible be made within the period specified here in under, the period being reckoned from the
date of receipt of the bill by the Engineer-in- Charge, complete with account of materials issued by the
Department and dismantled materials.
(a) If the Tendered value of work is up to 1 Crore : 2 months
(b) If the Tendered value of work is more than Rs 1 Crore and up to Rs. 10 Crore : 3 months
The Contractor should ensure payment of all taxes, GST, levies and charges assessed by all municipal,
state or national government authorities, in connection with the Goods and Services supplied under the
Contract. Nothing extra shall be paid on any account. Rates quoted shall be inclusive of all taxes and duties
The agency shall not assign to any third party of the awarded Contract or any part thereof without the prior
written consent of the Institute
The Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of India.
The time allowed for execution of the Works shall be 90 days or the extended time in accordance with
these conditions given below shall be the essence of the Contract. The execution of the work shall
commence from such time period as mentioned in the Bid or from the date of handing over of the site,
notified by the Engineer-in-Charge, whichever is later. If the Contractor commits default in commencing
the execution of the work as aforesaid, the performance guarantee shall be forfeited by the Engineer in
Charge and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the Institute without prejudice to any other right or
remedy available in law.
25.1 As soon as possible but within 7 (seven) working days of award of work and in consideration of
(a) Schedule of handing over of site as specified in the bid
(b) Schedule of issue of drawings if applicable as specified in the bid
i. The Contractor shall submit a Time and Progress Chart for each milestone. The
Engineer-in-Charge may within 7 (seven) working days thereafter, if required modify, and
communicate the program approved to the contractor failing which the program submitted by the
contractor shall be deemed to be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The work programme shall
include all details of balance drawings and decisions required to complete the contract with
specific dates by which these details are required by the contractor without causing any delay in
execution of the work. The Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to the time stated in the
Contract documents for completion of items of the works. It shall indicate the forecast of the dates
of commencement and completion of various trades of sections of the work and may be amended
as necessary by agreement between the Engineer-in-Charge and the Contractor within the
limitations of time imposed in the Contract documents.
ii. In case of non submission of a construction programme by the contractor the program approved
by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be deemed to be final.
iii. The approval by the Engineer-in-Charge of such a programme shall not relieve the contractor of
any of the obligations under the contract.
iv. The contractor shall submit the Time and Progress Chart and progress report using the mutually
agreed software or in other format decided by Engineer-in-Charge for the work done during
previous month to the Engineer-in-charge on or before 5th day of each month failing which a

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recovery of Rs.1000 / week shall be made per week or part basis in case of delay in submission of
the monthly progress report .
25.2 If the work(s) be delayed by:-
(i) force majeure, or
(ii) abnormally bad weather, or
(iii) serious loss or damage by fire, or
(iv) civil commotion, local commotion of workmen, strike or lockout, affecting any of the trades
employed on the work, or
(v) delay on the part of other contractors or tradesmen engaged by Engineer-in-Charge in executing
work not forming part of the Contract, or
(vi) any other cause like above which, in the reasoned opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge is beyond the
Contractor's control. then upon the happening of any such event causing delay, the Contractor shall
immediately give notice thereof in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge but shall nevertheless use constantly
his best endeavours to prevent or make good the delay and shall do all that may be reasonably required to
(vii) the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge to proceed with the works. The contractor shall have no
claim of damages for extension of time granted or rescheduling of milestone/s for events listed in sub
clause 25.3.The contractor shall have no claim of damages for extension of time granted or rescheduling
of milestone/s for events listed in sub clause above
25.4 In case the work is hindered by the Department or for any reason/event, for which the Department
is responsible. The authority as indicated in Bid , if justified, give a fair and reasonable extension of time
and reschedule the milestones for completion of work Such extension of time or rescheduling of
milestone/s shall be without prejudice to any other right or remedy of the parties in contract or in law;
provided further that for concurrent delays under this sub clause and sub clause 25.2 to the extent the
delay is covered under sub clause above the contractor shall be entitled to only extension of time and no
damages. Request for rescheduling of Milestones or extension of time and no damages.
25.5 Request for rescheduling of Milestones or extension of time,to be eligible for consideration, shall
be made by the Contractor in writing within fourteen days of the happening of the event causing delay on
the prescribed forms i.e. Form of application by the contractor for seeking rescheduling of milestones or
Form of application by the contractor for seeking extension of time respectively to the authority as
indicated in Bid. The Contractor shall indicate in such a request the period by which rescheduling of
milestone/s or extension of time is desired. With every request for rescheduling of milestones, or if at any
time the actual progress of work falls behind the approved programme by more than 10% of the stipulated
period of completion of contract, the contractor shall produce a revised programme which shall include all
details of pending drawings and decisions required to complete the contract and also the target dates by
which these details should be available without causing any delay in execution of the work. A recovery as
specified in Bid shall be made on a per day basis in case of delay in submission of the revised programme.
25.5.1 In any such case the authority as indicated in Bid may give a fair and reasonable extension of time
for completion of work or reschedule the milestones. Engineer -in-Charge shall finalize/ reschedule a
particular mile stone before taking an action against subsequent mile stone .Such extension or
rescheduling of the milestones shall be communicated to the Contractor by the authority as indicated in
Bid in writing, within 21 days of the date of receipt of such request from the Contractor in prescribed form.
In the event of non application by the contractor for extension of time E-in-C after affording opportunity to
the contractor, may give, supported with a programme a fair and reasonable extension within a reasonable
period of occurrence of the event.
25.5.2 In case the work is delayed by any reasons, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge, by the
contractor for reasons beyond the events mentioned in clause 25.2 or clause 25.3 or clause 25.4 and
beyond the justified extended date; without prejudice to right to take action under Clause 26, the
Engineer-in-Charge may grant extension of time required for completion of work without rescheduling of

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milestones. The contractor shall be liable for levy of compensation for delay for such extension of time
Subject to other provisions contained in this clause, the Engineer-in-Charge may, without prejudice to any
other rights or remedy against the contractor in respect of any delay, not following safety norms , inferior
workmanship, any claims for damages and/or any other provisions of this contract or otherwise, and
whether the date of completion has or has not elapsed, by notice in writing absolutely determine the
contract in any of the following cases:
i) If the contractor having been given by the Engineer-in-Charge a notice in writing to rectify, reconstruct or
replace any defective work or that the work is being performed in an inefficient or otherwise improper or
un-workman like manner shall omit to comply with the requirement of such notice for a period of seven
days thereafter.
(ii) If the contractor has, without reasonable cause, suspended the progress of the work or has failed
to proceed with the work with due diligence and continues to do so after a notice in writing of seven days
from the Engineer-in-Charge.
(iii) If the contractor fails to complete the work or section of work with individual date of completion on
or before the stipulated or justified extended date, on or before such date of completion; and the Engineer
in Charge without any prejudice to any other
right or remedy under any other provision in the contract has given further reasonable time in a notice
given in writing in that behalf as either mutually agreed or in absence of such mutual agreement by his own
assessment making such time essence of contract and in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge the contractor
will be unable to complete the same or does not complete the same within the period specified.
(iv) If the contractor persistently neglects to carry out his obligations under the contract and/ or
commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not remedy it
or take effective steps to remedy it within 7 days after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by
the Engineer-in-Charge.
(v) If the contractor shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in Government service or to any
other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement or reward for doing or
forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in relation to the obtaining or execution of
this or any other contract for Government.
(vi) If the contractor shall enter into a contract with Government in connection with which commission
has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to his knowledge, unless the particulars of any such
commission and the terms of payment thereof have been previously disclosed in writing to the
(vii) If the contractor had secured the contract with the Government as a result of wrong tendering or
other non-bonafide methods of competitive tendering or committed a breach of Integrity Agreement.
(viii) If the contractor being an individual, or if a firm, any partner thereof shall at any time be adjudged
insolvent or have a receiving order or order for administration of his estate made against him or shall take
any proceedings for liquidation or composition (other than a voluntary liquidation for the purpose of
amalgamation or reconstruction) under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force or make any
conveyance or assignment of his effects or composition or arrangement for the benefit of his creditors or
purport so to do, or if any application be made under any Insolvency Act for the time being in force for the
sequestration of his estate or if a trust deed be executed by him for benefit of his creditors.
(ix) If the contractor being a company shall pass a resolution or the court shall make an order that the
company shall be wound up or if a receiver or a manager on behalf of a creditor shall be appointed or if
circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or the creditor to appoint a receiver or a manager or
which entitle the court to make a winding up order.
(x) If the contractor shall suffer an execution being levied on his goods and allow it to be continued for
a period of 21 days.

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(xi) If the contractor assigns (excluding part(s) of work assigned to other agency(s) by the contractor
as per terms of contract), transfers, sublets (engagement of labor on a piece-work basis or of labor with
materials not to be incorporated in the work, shall not be deemed to be subletting) or otherwise parts with
or attempts to assign, transfer, sublet or otherwise parts with the entire works or any portion thereof
without the prior written approval of the Engineer -in-Charge. When the contractor has made himself liable
for action under any of the cases aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the President of India
shall have powers:

(a) To determine the contract as aforesaid so far as performance of work by the Contractor is
concerned (of which determination notice in writing to the contractor
under the hand of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be conclusive evidence). Upon such determination,
Security Deposit already recovered, Security deposit payable and Performance Guarantee under the
contract shall be liable to be forfeited and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the Government

(b) After giving notice to the contractor to measure up the work of the contractor and to take such
whole, or the balance or part thereof, as shall be un-executed out of his hands and to give it to another
contractor to complete the work. The contractor, whose contract is determined as above, shall not be
allowed to participate in the tendering process for the balance work including any new items needed to
complete the work. In the event of above courses being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the
contractor shall have no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reasons of his having
purchased or procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances on account
or with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case action is taken
under any of the provision aforesaid, the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be paid any sum for
any work thereof or actually performed under this contract unless and until the Engineer-in-Charge has
certified in writing the performance of such work and the value payable in respect thereof and he shall only
be entitled to be paid the value so certified.


ETC. The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in the most substantial and
workmanlike manner both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with
the specifications. The contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully to the design, drawings
and instructions in writing in respect of the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall
be furnished free of charge one copy of the contract documents together with specifications, designs,
drawings and instructions as are not included in the standard specifications of Central Public Works
Department specified in Bid or in any Bureau of Indian Standard or any other, published standard or code
or, Schedule of Rates or any other printed publication referred to elsewhere in the contract.
The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the contract and with the care and diligence execute
and maintain the works and provide all labor and materials, tools and plants including for measurements
and supervision of all works, structural plans and other things of temporary or permanent nature required
for such execution and maintenance in so far as the necessity for providing these, is specified or is
reasonably inferred from the contract. The Contractor shall take full responsibility for adequacy, suitability
and safety of all the works and methods of construction.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall have power
(i) to make alteration in, omissions from, additions to, or substitutions for the original specifications,
drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during the
progress of the work, and
(ii) to omit a part of the works in case of non-availability of a portion of the site or for any other

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reasons and the contractor shall be bound to carry out the works in accordance with any instructions
given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and such alterations, omissions, additions or
substitutions shall form part of the contract as if originally provided therein and any altered, additional or
substituted work which the contractor may be directed to do in the manner specified above as part of the
works, shall be carried out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects including price on
which he agreed to do the main work except as hereinafter provided.
28.1 The time for completion of the works shall, in the event of any deviations resulting in additional
cost over the tendered value sum being ordered, be extended, if requested by the contractor, as follows :
(i) In the proportion which the additional cost of the altered, additional or substituted work, bears to
the original tendered value plus
(ii) 25% of the time calculated in (i) above or such further additional time as may be considered
reasonable by the Engineer-in-Charge
28.2 In the case of extra item(s) (items that are completely new, and are in addition to the items
contained in the contract), the contractor may within fifteen days of receipt of order or occurrence of the
item(s) submit market rate claim rates, supported by proper analysis which shall include invoices, vouchers
etc. and Manufacturer's specification for the work failing which the rate approved later by the Engineer-
in-charge shall be binding and the Engineer-in-Charge shall within prescribed time limit of the receipt of
the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration to the analysis of the rates submitted by the
contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates and the contractor shall be paid in
accordance with the rates so determined, failing which it will be deemed to have been approved.
28.3 In the case of contract items which exceed the limits laid down in bid, the contractor may within
fifteen days of receipt of order or occurrence of the excess, claim revision of the rates, supported by
proper analysis for the work in excess of the above mentioned limits, provided that if the rates so claimed
are in excess of the rates specified in the schedule of quantities, the Engineer-in-Charge shall within
prescribed time limit of receipt of the claims supported by analysis, after giving consideration to the
analysis of the rates submitted by the contractor, determine the rates on the basis of the market rates (as
per invoice, vouchers from the manufacturers or suppliers submitted by the agency and duly verified by
Engineer in Charge or his representative) and the contractor shall be paid in accordance with the rates so
determined. The prescribed time limit for finalizing rates for Extra Item(s) and Deviated Quantities of
contract items is within 45 days after submission of proposal by the contractor without
observation of the Engineer-in-Charge.
28.4 For the purpose of operation of bid, the following works shall be treated as works relating to
foundation unless & otherwise defined in the contract:
(i) For Buildings : All works up to 1.2 meters above ground level or up to floor 1 level whichever is lower.
(ii) For abutments, piers and well staining : All works up to 1.2 m above the bed level.
(iii) For retaining walls, wing walls, compound walls, chimneys, overhead reservoirs/ tanks and other
elevated structures : All works up to 1.2 meters above the ground level.
(iv) For reservoirs/tanks (other than overhead reservoirs/tanks) : All works up to 1.2 meters above the
ground level.
(v) For basement: All works up to 1.2 m above ground level or up to floor 1 level whichever is lower.
(vi) For Roads, all items of excavation and filling including treatment of sub base
All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract, shall at all times be
open and accessible to the inspection and supervision of the Engineer-in - charge, his authorized
subordinates in charge of the work and all the superior officers, any of the organization engaged by the
Institute for Quality Assurance and of the Chief Technical Examiner's Office, and the contractor shall, at all
times, during the usual working hours and at all other times at which reasonable notice of the visit of such
officers has been given to the contractor, either himself be present to receive orders and instructions or
have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for that purpose. Orders given to the

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Contractor's agent shall be considered to have the same force as if they had been given to the contractor
If it shall appear to the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized subordinates in charge of the work or the
officers of the organization engaged by the Institute for Quality Assurance or to the Chief Technical
Examiner or his subordinate officers, that any work has been executed with unsound, imperfect, or
unskillful workmanship, or with materials or articles provided by him for the execution of the work which
are unsound or of a quality inferior to that contracted or otherwise not in accordance with the contract, the
contractor shall, on demand in writing which shall be made within twelve months (six months in the case of
work costing Rs. 10 Lac and below except road work) of the completion of the work from the
Engineer-in-Charge specifying the work, materials or articles complained of notwithstanding that the same
may have been passed, certified and paid for forthwith rectify, or remove and reconstruct the work so
specified in whole or in part, as the case may require or as the case may be, remove the materials or
articles so specified and provide other proper and suitable materials or articles at his own charge and cost.
In the event of the failing to do so within a period specified by the Engineer-in- Charge in his demand
aforesaid, then the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the same rate as under clause 30 of
the contract (for non-completion of the work in time) for this default.
In such case the Engineer-in-Charge may not accept the item of work at the rates applicable under the
contract but may accept such items at reduced rates as the authority specified in the bid may consider
reasonable during the preparation of on account bills or final bill if the item is so acceptable without
detriment to the safety and utility of the item and the structure or he may reject the work outright without
any payment and/or get it and other connected and incidental items rectified, or removed and re-executed
at the risk and cost of the contractor. Decision of the Engineer-in-Charge to be conveyed in writing in
respect of the same will be final and binding on the contractor.


If the contractor fails to maintain the required progress in terms of para 25 or to complete the work and
clear the site on or before the contract or justified extended date of completion as per para 25 (excluding
any extension under para 25.5) as well as any extension granted under para 28, he shall, without prejudice
to any other right or remedy available under the law to the Government on account of such breach, pay as
compensation the amount calculated at the rates stipulated below as the authority specified in bid may
decide on the amount of accepted Tendered Value of the work for every completed day/ month (as
determined) that the progress remains below that specified in para 25 or that the work remains incomplete.
(i) Compensation for delay of work With maximum rate @ 1% (one percent) per month of delay to be computed
on a per day basis based on the quantum of damage suffered due to stated delay on the part of the Contractor.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for delay to be paid under this condition shall not
exceed 10 % (ten percent) of the accepted Tendered Value of work or of the accepted Tendered Value of
the Sectional part of work as mentioned in the bid for which a separate period of completion is originally

In case no compensation has been decided by the authority in bid during the progress of work, there shall
be no waiver of right to levy compensation by the said authority if the work remains incomplete on the final
justified extended date of completion. If the Engineer in Charge decides to give further extension of time
allowing performance of work beyond the justified extended date, the contractor shall be liable to pay
compensation for such extended period. If any variation in the amount of contract takes place during such
an extended period beyond justified extended date and the contractor becomes entitled to additional time
under para 28, the net period for such variation shall be accounted for while deciding the period for levy of
compensation. However, during such further extended period beyond the justified extended period, if any
delay occurs by events under sub para 25.2, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation for such

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Provided that compensation during the progress of work before the justified extended date of completion
for delay under this clause shall be for non-achievement of sectional completion or part handing over of
work on stipulated/justified extended date for such part work or if delay affects any other works/services.
This is without prejudice to right of action by the Engineer in Charge under para 26 for delay in
performance and claim of compensation under that clause.
In case action under para 30 has not been finalized and the work has been determined under para 26, the
right of action under this clause shall remain post determination of contract but levy of compensation shall
be for days the progress is behind the schedule on date of determination, as assessed by the authority in
Schedule F, after due consideration of justified extension. The compensation for delay, if not decided
before the determination of contract, shall be decided after the determination of contract.
The amount of compensation may be adjusted or set-off against any sum payable to the Contractor under
this or any other contract with the Government. In case, the contractor does not achieve a particular
milestone mentioned in the bid, or the re-scheduled milestone(s) in terms of para 25.4, the amount shown
against that milestone shall be withheld, to be adjusted against the compensation levied as above.
With-holding of this amount on failure to achieve a milestone, shall be automatic without any notice to the
contractor. However, if the contractor catches up with the progress of work on the subsequent
milestone(s), the withheld amount shall be released. In case the contractor fails to make up for the delay in
subsequent milestone(s), the amount mentioned against each milestone missed subsequently also shall be
withheld. However, no interest, whatsoever, shall be payable on such withheld amount.
Contractors Superintendence, Supervision, Technical Staff & Employees
(i) The contractor shall provide all necessary superintendence during execution of the work and all
along thereafter as may be necessary for proper fulfilling of the obligations under the contract.
The contractor shall immediately after receiving letter of acceptance of the tender and before
commencement of the work, intimate in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge, the name(s), qualifications,
experience, age, address(s) and other particulars along with certificates, of the principal technical
representative to be in charge of the work and other technical representative(s) who will be supervising the
work. Minimum requirement of such technical representative(s) and their qualifications and experience
shall not be lower than specified in the bid. Even of the contractor (or partner(s) in case of firm/ company)is
himself / herself an Engineers, it is necessary on the part of the contractor to employ principal technical
representative / technical representative (s) as per stipulation in Clause No. 32

The Engineer-in-Charge shall within 3 days of receipt of such communication intimate in writing his
approval or otherwise of such a representative(s) to the contractor. Any such approval may at any time be
withdrawn and in case of such withdrawal, the contractor shall appoint another such representative(s)
according to the provisions of this clause. Decision of the tender accepting authority shall be final and
binding on the contractor in this respect. Such a principal technical representative and other technical
representative(s) shall be appointed by the contractor soon after receipt of the approval from
Engineer-in-charge and shall be available at site before start of work.

All the provisions applicable to the principal technical representative under the Clause will also be
applicable to other technical representative(s) The principal technical representative and other technical
representative(s) shall be present at the site of work for supervision at all times when any construction
activity is in progress and also present himself/themselves, as required, to the Engineer-in-Charge and/or
his designated representative to take instructions. Instructions given to the principal technical
representative or other technical representative(s) shall be deemed to have the same force as if these have
been given to the contractor. The principal technical representative and other technical representative(s)
shall be actually available at site fully during all stages of execution of work, during recording/checking/test

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checking of measurements of works and whenever so required by the Engineer-inCharge and shall also
note down instructions conveyed by the Engineer-in-Charge or his designated representative(s) in the site
order book and shall affix his/their signature in token of noting down the instructions and in token of
acceptance of measurements/checked measurements/ test checked measurements. The representative(s)
shall not look after any other work. Substitutes, duly approved by Engineer-in-Charge of the work in similar
manner as aforesaid shall be provided in event of absence of any of the representative(s) by more than two

If the Engineer-in-Charge, whose decision in this respect is final and binding on the contractor, is
convinced that no such technical representative(s) is/are effectively appointed or is/are effectively
attending or fulfilling the provision of this clause, a recovery (non refundable) shall be effected from the
contractor as specified below table and the decision of the Engineer-In-Charge as recorded in the site
order book and measurement recorded checked/test checked in Measurement Books shall be final
Employment of Technical Staff and employees and binding on the contractor. Further if the contractor fails
to appoint suitable technical Principal technical representative and/or other technical representative(s) and
if such appointed persons are not effectively present or are absent by more than two days without duly
approved substitute or do not discharge their responsibilities satisfactorily, the Engineer-in-Charge shall
have full powers to suspend the execution of the work until such date as suitable other technical
representative(s) is/are appointed and the contractor shall be held responsible for the delay so caused to
the work. The contractor shall submit a certificate of employment of the technical representative(s) (in the
form of copy of Form-16 or CPF deduction issued to the Engineers employed by him) along with every on
account bill/ final bill and shall produce evidence if at any time so required by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(ii) The contractor shall provide and employ on the site only such technical assistants as are skilled
and experienced in their respective fields and such foremen and supervisory staff as are competent to give
proper supervision to the work.

The contractor shall provide and employ skilled, semiskilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for
proper and timely execution of the work.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall be at liberty to object to and require the contractor to remove from the works
any person who in his opinion misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the performance of
his duties or whose employment is otherwise considered by the Engineer-in-Charge to be undesirable.
Such person shall not be employed again at works site without the written permission of the
Engineer-in-Charge and the persons so removed shall be replaced as soon as possible by competent

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Sl Requirement of Technical Minimum Designation Rate at which recovery shall be

No. staff experience made from the contractor in the
in Year event of not fulfilling provision of
para 31
major + Figures Words
Qualificati component)

1 Graduate 1 2 Project Manager Rupees

Engineer Or cum Planning/ Rs. 15000/- fifteen Thousand only
Or 5 quality/ per month per person
respectively Site/billing per
Diploma Engineer person

The Retired Engineer/Asst. Engineers who are holding Diploma may be treated at par with Graduate
Engineers for the operation of the Clause. Diploma holder with minimum 10 year relevant experience with a
reputed construction company can be treated at par with Graduate Engineers subject to the condition that
such diploma holders should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers

33. Carrying out part work at risk & cost of Contractor

If contractor:
(i) At any time makes default during currency of work or does not execute any part of the work with
due diligence and continues to do so even after a notice in writing of 7 working days in this respect from
the Engineer-in-Charge; or
(ii) Commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not
remedy it or takes effective steps to remedy it within 7 working days even after a notice in writing is given
in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge; or Fails to complete the work(s) or items of work with individual
dates of completion, on or before the date(s) so determined, and does not complete them within the
period specified in the notice given in writing in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge.
(iii) The Engineer- in-Charge without invoking action under para 26 may, without prejudice to any
other right or remedy against the contractor which have either accrued or accrue thereafter to
Government, by a notice in writing to take the part work / part incomplete work of any item(s) out of his
hands and shall have powers to :
(a) Take possession of the site and any materials, constructional plant, implements, stores, etc.,
thereon; and/or
(b) Carry out the part work / part incomplete work of any item(s) by any means at the risk and cost of
the contractor.
(iv) The Engineer-in-Charge shall determine the amount, if any, is recoverable from the contractor for
completion of the part work/ part incomplete work of any item(s) taken out of his hands and execute at the
risk and cost of the contractor, the liability of contractor on account of loss or damage suffered by
Government because of action under this clause shall not exceed 10% of the tendered value of the work.
In determining the amount, credit shall be given to the contractor with the value of work done in all respect

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in the same manner and at the same rate as if it had been carried out by the original contractor under the
terms of his contract, the value of contractor's materials taken over and incorporated in the work and use
of plant and machinery belonging to the contractor.

(v) The certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge as to the value of work done shall be final and conclusive
against the contractor provided that action under this clause shall only be taken after giving notice in
writing to the contractor. Provided also that if the expenses incurred by the department are less than the
amount payable to the contractor at his agreement rates, the difference shall not be payable to the

(vi) Any excess expenditure incurred or to be incurred by Government in completing the part
work/ part incomplete work of any item(s) or the excess loss of damages suffered or may be suffered by
Government as aforesaid after allowing such credit shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy
available to Government in law or per as agreement be recovered from any money due to the contractor
on any account, and if such money is insufficient, the contractor shall be called upon in writing and shall
be liable to pay the same within 30 days.

(vii) If the contractor fails to pay the required sum within the aforesaid period of 30 days, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to sell any or all of the contractors' unused materials,
constructional plant, implements, temporary building at site etc. and adjust the proceeds of sale thereof
towards the dues recoverable from the contractor under the contract and thereafter there remains any
balance outstanding, it shall be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the contract.

(viii) In the event of above course being adopted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the contractor shall have
no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or procured
any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advance on any account or with a view to the
execution of the work or the performance of the contract


The accepting authority - Chairman, EWD

Name of Work: Construction of Permanent campus under Phase 1 A SH: Providing additional Overhead
water tank for Malhar (K01) & Saveri (K02) Hostel at Sahyadri campus

(I) Estimated cost of work : Rs. 58,23,000/-

(II) Earnest Money : Rs.1,16,500/-
(III) Performance Guarantee : 5% of value
(IV) Security Deposit :2.5% of tendered value

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Officer inviting tender CHAIRMAN (EWD) ENGINEERING


Engineer-in-Charge Executive Engineer (Civil)

Accepting Authority Chairman (EWD) with approval of Director, IIT Palakkad

Percentage on cost of materials and 15%

Labour to cover all overheads and profits

Standard Schedule of Rates Delhi Schedule of Rates 2021 with up to date correction

Authority for fixing liquidated damages Chairman, EWD

Specifications to be followed for execution of work C.P.W.D Specification 2019 Vol. I & II.
With an up to date correction slip.


Deviation Limit beyond which clauses

28.2 & 28.3 shall apply for building work 30%

(i) Deviation Limit beyond which clauses

28.2 & 28.3 shall apply for foundation work :


(Except Earth Work)

(ii) Deviation Limit for items in earth work : 100%

37. Mile Stone(s) as per table given below
Sl No Description of Milestone (Physical) Time allowed in days Amount to be withheld in
(from date of start) case of non achievement
of milestone.

1 Completion of RCC, Dismantling work, 20 days 2% Tendered value

Procurement of 25% of structural steel

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2 Completion of Procurement of 50% 40 days 1% Tendered value
structural steel items and water tank,
Completion of 25% of structural steel

3 Completion of 75% of structural steel 60 days 1% Tendered value


4 Completion of work and handing over 90 days 1% Tendered value


38. Settlement of Disputes & Arbitration

Except where otherwise provided in the contract, all questions and disputes relating to the meaning of the
specifications, design, drawings and instructions here-in before mentioned and as to the quality of
workmanship or materials used on the work or as to any other question, claim, right, matter or thing
whatsoever in any way arising out of or relating to the contract, designs, drawings, specifications,
estimates, instructions, orders or these conditions or otherwise concerning the works or the execution or
failure to execute the same whether arising during the progress of the work or after the cancellation,
termination, completion or abandonment thereof shall be dealt with as mentioned hereinafter:
I. If the contractor considers any work demanded of him to be outside the requirements of the contract, or
disputes any drawings, record or decision given in writing by the Engineer-in-Charge or if the Engineer in
Charge considers any act or decision of the contractor on any matter in connection with or arising out of the
contract or carrying out of the work, to be unacceptable and is disputed, such party shall promptly within
15 days of the arising of the disputes request the Chairman (EWD), or where there is no Chairman (EWD)
request the Director, IIT Palakkad who shall refer the disputes to Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) within
15 days along with a list of disputes with amounts claimed if any in respect of each such dispute. The
Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) give its decision within a period of 60 days extendable by 30 days by
consent of both the parties from the receipt of reference from Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT Palakkad. The
constitution of the Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) shall be as indicated in bid. Provided that no party
shall be represented before the Dispute Redressal Committee by an advocate/legal counsel etc.
The DRC will submit its decision to the concerned Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT Palakkad for acceptance.
Chairman (EWD) in a time limit of 30 days from receipt of DRC decision will convey acceptance or other
wise on the said decision .If the Dispute Redressal Committee (DRC) fails to give its decision within the
aforesaid period or the Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT Palakkad fails to give his decision in the aforesaid
time limit or any party is dissatisfied with the decision of Dispute Redressal Committee (Chairman (EWD) the
neither party may within a period of 30 days from the receipt of the decision of Dispute Redressal
Committee (DRC), Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT Palakkad or on expiry of aforesaid the time limits available
to DRC / Chairman (EWD) / Director IIT Palakkad may give notice to the Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT
Palakkad for appointment of arbitrator on prescribed proforma as per Annexure - X under intimation to the
other party.
It is a term of contract that each party invoking arbitration must exhaust the aforesaid mechanism of
settlement of claims/disputes prior to invoking arbitration.
The Chairman (EWD)/ Director , IIT Palakkad shall in such case appoint the sole arbitrator or one of the
three arbitrators as the case may be within 30 days of receipt of such a request and refer such disputes to
It is a term of this contract that the party invoking arbitration shall give a list of disputes with amounts
claimed, if any, in respect of each such dispute along with the notice for appointment of arbitrator and
giving reference to the decision of the Chairman (EWD) / Director, IIT Palakkad on the finding /

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recommendation of DRC.
Parties, before or at the time of appointment of Arbitral Tribunal may agree in writing for fast track arbitration
as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) as amended in 2015.
Subject to provision in the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 (26 of 1996) as amended in 2015 whereby
the counter claims if any can be directly filed before the arbitrator without any requirement of reference by
the appointing authority. The arbitrator shall adjudicate on only such disputes as are referred to him by the
appointing authority and give separate award against each dispute and claim referred to him and in all
cases where the total amount of the claims by any party exceeds Rs. 1,00,000/-, the arbitrator shall give
reasons for the award
It is also a term of the contract that fees payable to arbitral tribunal shall be as approved by DG, CPWD, OM
issued vide no.2/2006/SE(TLC)/CSQ /137 dated 19-11-2019 (or its latest amendment as approved by DG,
CPWD). This fee shall be shared equally by parties
The place of arbitration shall be Palakkad.
Claim Amount Up to 25 lakhs More than 25 lakhs

Chairman Chairman (EWD) Director, IIT Palakkad

Member Assistant Registrar (F&A) Chairman (EWD)

Member Vice Chairman (EWD) Registrar

Presenting Officer Executive Engineer, EWD Executive Engineer, EWD

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Name of Work: Construction of Permanent campus under Phase 1 A SH: Providing additional terrace water
tanks for Malhar & Saveri hostel at Sahyadri campus
No. Description of Items Qty Unit
1 Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached
pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers,
abutments, posts and struts etc. above plinth level up to floor five level, excluding
cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement :
1.1 1:1.5:3 (1 cement : 1.5 coarse sand(zone-III) derived from natural sources : 3 graded 8 cum
stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size
derived from natural sources)
2 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for
2.1 Columns, Pillars, Piers, Abutments, Posts and Struts 60 sqm

3 Structural steel work riveted, bolted or welded in built up sections, trusses and framed 8500 kg
work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in position and applying a priming coat
of approved steel primer all complete.
4 Providing and fixing bolts including nuts and washers complete. 250 kg

5 Dismantling tile work in floors and roofs laid in cement mortar including stacking
material within 50 meters lead.
5.1 For thickness of tiles above 25 mm and up to 40 mm 60 sqm
6 Steel work welded in built up sections/ framed work, including cutting, hoisting, fixing in
position and applying a priming coat of approved steel primer using structural steel
etc. as required.
6.1 In stringers, treads, landings etc. of staircases, including use of checkered plate 3800 kg
wherever required, all complete
7 Finishing with Epoxy paint (two or more coats) at all locations prepared and applied as
per manufacturer's specifications including appropriate priming coat, preparation
of surface, etc. complete.
7.1 On steel work 200 sqm
8 Providing and fixing Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) pipes, having thermal
stability for hot & cold water supply, including all CPVC plain & brass threaded fittings,
including fixing the pipe with clamps at 1.00 m spacing. This includes jointing of pipes
& fittings with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as per
direction of Engineer in Charge.
8.1 20 mm nominal dia Pipes 50 metre
8.2 25 mm nominal dia Pipes 70 metre
8.3 32 mm nominal dia Pipes 360 metre
8.4 40 mm nominal dia Pipes 80 metre
8.5 50 mm nominal dia Pipes 50 metre
9 Providing and placing on terrace (at all floor levels) polyethylene water storage tank, IS : 70000 per litre
12701 marked, with cover and suitable locking arrangement and making
necessary holes for inlet, outlet and overflow pipes but without fittings and the
base support for tank (5000 litres tank at suitable at site)
9.1 80 mm nominal dia Pipes 600 metre
10 Providing and fixing anchor bolt in existing R.C.C. slab 120 each
11 Providing and fixing ball valve (brass) of approved quality

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11.1 20 mm nominal bore 60 each
11.2 25 mm nominal bore 30 each
11.3 32 mm nominal bore 25 each
12 Making connection of CPVC distribution branch with CPVC main line of following sizes
by providing and fixing tee, including cutting and fixing the pipe etc. complete :
12.1 32 to 80 mm nominal bore 20 each

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Only those bidders fulfilling the following criteria should respond to the tender.

1. Information related to the agency/bidder such as photocopies of the Registration/PAN/GST/TIN

shall be furnished.

2. The enlisted contractors of CPWD, MES, BSNL, Kerala State PWD should upload their valid
Registration Certificate.

3. Working Contractor with IIT Palakkad should have completed at least one single civil engineering
work costing not less than 50% of the estimated cost Rs. 58,23,000/- during the last FIVE years
ending previous day of last date of submission of bid
4. Non enlisted contractors / Non working contractor of IIT Palakkad should have completed
satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last three years ending previous
day of last date of submission of bid:

THREE similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 24 lakh

TWO similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 29 lakh

ONE similar completed works each costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 47 lakh “Cost of
work” for this clause shall mean completed cost of work as mentioned in the final bill including
internal electrical works, if any, carried out under single contract including cost of materials, if any,
supplied by clients. However, the cost of materials issued free of cost shall not be considered for
calculating the cost of work. The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level
by enhancing the actual value of work at a simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date
of completion to the last date of receipt of applications for bids. “Similar work” for this clause
means "Building maintenance work/Building works/ Civil Engineering works”

5. Digitally signed tender documents should be uploaded in Cover One.

6. Has the firm ever been debarred/blacklisted by any Govt. Organization/Dept.? If ‘yes’ the details
thereof (Please upload supporting document). Is any person working with the applicant a near
relative of the Employees of IIT Palakkad? If yes, give details (Separate declaration to be
uploaded along with tender document)

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

1. Photocopies of the PAN/GST
2. GST registration Certificate of the Kerala State if already obtained by the bidder. If the bidder has not obtained
GST registration of Kerala State as required by GST Authorities, then in such a case the bidder shall scan and
upload the following undertaking along with other bid documents.
“If work is awarded to me, I/We shall obtain GST registration certificate of the Kerala State, within one month
from the date of receipt of award letter or before release of any payment by IITPKD, whichever is earlier, failing
which I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c of the work
executed and/or for any action taken by IITPKD or GST Department in this regard”.
3. Copy of Enlistment certificate/ Experience certficate for EWD works of IIT Palakkad.
4. Letter of Transmittal

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

In consideration of the Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad (hereinafter called “IIT Palakkad”) having
offered to accept the terms and conditions of the
proposed agreement between…………………………………………………….and……………………………….
(hereinafter called “the said contractors”) for the work
……………………………………………………………………..(hereinafter called “the said agreement”) having agreed to
production of a irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs……………( Rupees…………..only) as a security /guarantee from the
contractor(s) for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement.

1. We (Hereinafter referred to as “the

(Indicate the name of the Bank)

Bank”) hereby undertake to pay to the IIT Palakkad an amount not exceeding Rs……………………
(Rupees……………………………………………….only) on demand by the IIT Palakkad.
2. We ………………………………………….(Indicate the name of the Bank) do hereby undertake to pay the
amounts due and payable under this Guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from the IIT
Palakkad stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from
the said contractors. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due
and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee

shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs…………………

(Rupees only).
3. We, the said Bank further undertake to pay to the IIT Palakkad any money so demanded notwithstanding
any dispute or disputes raised by the contractors in any suit or proceeding pending before any Court or
Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so
made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the
contractors shall have no claim against us for making such payment.
4. We (indicate the name of the Bank) further agree that the guarantee herein
contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance
of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the IIT Palakkad under
or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till
Engineer-in-Charge on behalf of the government certified that the terms and conditions of the said
agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractors and accordingly discharges
this guarantee.

5. We …………………………………….(Indicate the name of the Bank) further agree with the Government
that the IIT Palakkad shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without effecting in any manner
our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time
of performance by the said contractors from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time
any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said contractors and to for-bear or enforce

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our
liability by reason of any such variation or extension being granted to the said contractors or for any
forbearance, act of omission on the part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the
said contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would, but for this provision have effect of so relieving us.

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the contractor(s).

7. We (Indicate the name of the Bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this
guarantee except with the previous consent of the Government in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid up to unless extended on demand by IIT Palakkad.

Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to Rs.
(Rupees only) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with within six months of the date of
expiry or the extended date of expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand

Dat ed th
e day of

(Indicate the
name of

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST


We hereby undertake that there are pages, serially numbered, in the

submitted tender including the supporting documents. (Please serial number all the pages including
blank pages, if any). We have submitted our principal’s exclusive authorization letter which is specific
for this tender No. dated .

Signature and Seal of the Bidder

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST


(To Be Submitted Only Through Online Mode in Appropriate Format)

This is to certify that we have offered the maximum possible discount to you in our Quotation No. dated
(Please do not reveal the prices here, which will lead to outright rejection of your bid). The prices charged for the
Stores supplied under tender should under no event be higher than lowest prices at which the party sells the items of
identical description to any other Govt. organization/PSU‟s/Central Govt, /State Govt.
Autonomous bodies/Central/state Universities/Central/State Educational Institutions, failing which the “FALL
CLAUSE” will be applicable. The institute will look into a reasonable past period to ensure this. In case, if the price
charged by our firm is found to be more, IIT Palakkad will have the right to recover the excess charged amount from
the subsequent/unpaid bill of the Contractor.


This letter of authority should be on the letterhead of the quoting firm and should be signed by a Competent Authority
and having the power of attorney.

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

(To be duly filled, signed, scanned and uploaded along with e-cover 1 by the tenderer)

To Tender no. 17/IITPKD/EWD/2023-24/048

The Chairman, EWD

IIT Palakkad

Having examined the details given in notice inviting qualification application and tender and
the qualification documents for the above work, I / We hereby submit the application for
eligibility and the tender (financial bid) for the work duly filled in.
1. I / We hereby certify that all the statements made, and information supplied in the enclosed forms and
accompanying statements are true and correct.
2. I/ We have furnished all information and details necessary for deciding our eligibility to be qualified for
taking part in the tendering process for the work. We have no further information to supply.

3. I / We submit the requisite enlistment certificate and authorize the CHAIRMAN EWD to approach the
Department concerned to confirm the correctness of the certificate. We also authorize the CHAIRMAN,
EWD to approach individuals, firms and corporations to verify our competence and general reputation.

4. I/We submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical know-how and capability
for having successfully completed following works.

Name of work Certificate from

5. I/We certify that the tender documents uploaded is the exact replica of the document published by the
IITPKD and no alterations and additions have been made by me/us in the e- tender document.

6. I am /We are aware that the Financial bid submitted by me/us will not be opened if I/We do
not become eligible after evaluation of my/our application for eligibility.

7. 1/We certify that the Proforma for EMD Declaration for declaration and Bank guarantee for Performance
Security which was /were scanned and uploaded while submitting the e- Wizard.

8. I/we agree that the eligibility criteria submissions will become part of the contract.

Seal of the Applicant

Date of submission Signature(s) of the applicants

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

Notice for appointment of Arbitrator

Dear Sir, In terms of para 25 of the agreement, particulars of which are given below, I/we hereby give notice to you
to appoint an arbitrator for settlement of disputes mentioned below:

1. Name of applicant
2. Whether the applicant is Individual/Prop. Firm/Partnership Firm/Ltd. Co.
3. Full address of the applicant
4. Name of the work and contract number in which arbitration sought
5. Name of the Division which entered into contract
6. Contract amount in the work
7. Date of contract
8. Date of initiation of work
9. Stipulated date of completion of work
10. Actual date of completion of work (if completed)
11. Total number of claims made
12. Total amount claimed
13. Date of intimation of final bill (if work is completed)
14. Date of payment of final bill (if work is completed)
15. Amount of final bill (if work is completed)
16. Date of appeal to you
17. Date of receipt of your decision.

Specimen signatures of the applicant (only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign)

I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge.

I/We enclose the following documents.

1. We have exhausted provision of DRC as per clause 25 of this agreement.
2. Statement of claims with amount of claims.

Yours faithfully,


Copy in duplicate to:

1. The Executive Engineer (Civil), EWD

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

The Chairman (EWD)

Subject: Reference of disputes and amount claimed for each dispute to the Conciliator for his proposal for
settlement relating to agreement number: …………………………………………….

Dear Sir,
In terms of para 25 of the aforesaid agreement, particulars of which are given below, I/We hereby refer my / our disputes
and amount claimed for each dispute to you in your capacity as Conciliator and request for your proposal for settlement
relating to agreement number: …………………………………………….

1. Name of Applicant
2. Whether applicant is individual/Prop. Firm/Partnership Firm/Ltd.Co.
3. Full address of the applicant
4. Name of the work and contract number in which arbitration sought
5. Name of the Division which entered into contract
6. Contract amount in the work
7. Date of Contract
8. Date of initiation of work
9. Stipulated date of completion of work
10. Actual date of completion of work (if completed)
11. Total number of claims made
12. Total amount claimed
13. Date of intimation of final bill (if work is completed)
14. Date of payment of final bill (if work is
completed 15 Amount of final bill (if work is
16. Date of Claim made to Engineer-in-Charge
17. Date of receipt of decision from Engineer-in-Charge

I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our knowledge. I/We enclose the following

1. Statement of claims with amount of each claim.

Yours faithfully, .

Signature of the applicant (Only the person/authority who signed the contract should sign here)

Copy to:

The Engineer-in-Charge / Name of Contractor

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST
(To be duly filled, signed, scanned and uploaded along with cover 1 by the
I. Name of the work/Project & Location.

1. Scope of work.

2. Agreement No.

3. Estimated Cost

4. Tendered Cost

5. Value of work done

6. Date of Start

7. Date of completion

8. Amount of compensation levied for deficiency in services if any.

9. Performance report based on Quality

of Work,
Time Management,
and Resourcefulness : Very Good /Good /Fair / Poor



Certificate shall be submitted separately for each work

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

1. Name of contractor
2. Name of work as given in the agreement
3. Agreement no
4. Estimated amount put to tender
5. Date of commencement of work as per agreement
6. Period allowed for completion of work as per agreement
7. Date of completion stipulated in agreement
8. Period for which extension of time if has been given by approval authority

letter no. and date Extension granted

Months Days

(a) 1st extension......................................................

(b) 2nd extension .....................................................

(c) 3rd extension .....................................................

(d) 4th extension .....................................................

(e) Total extension previously given

9. Reasons for which extension have been previously given (copies of the previous applications should be attached)
10. Period for which extension if applied for
11. Hindrances on account of which extension is applied for with dates on which hindrances occurred and the
period for which these are likely to last is to be Submitted to the Authority With copy to the Engineer-in-charge.

Submitted to the Authority with copy to the Engineer-in-charge

Signature of Contractor Dated ..........................

Digitally signed by N
Date: 2023.12.22 17:02:40 IST

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