Free Leadership Training

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Leadership Training

• A leader is one who knows the way,

goes the way, and shows the way.

• John C. Maxwell
Management and Strategy Institute
What is This Course About?

Management and Strategy Institute, LLC

The subsequent material is for the following program:
Leadership Training

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the PDF version of this material to keep a personal copy.

The Management and Strategy Institute also offers several

certifications in Leadership:
• Strategic Organizational Leadership (SOLC)™
• Executive Management Certified (EMC)™
• Key Leadership Skills Certified (KLSC)™

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What Makes a Great Leader?

Management and Strategy Institute

Above all, leadership is about:

• To be a good leader you need to have a vision and

energize the people around you. When people are
passionate about what they do, they can be far more
efficient and effective. As a leader you want to make
people passionate about their jobs. But, is this
something you can impose?

Management and Strategy Institute

Above all, leadership is about:




Energizing People


Management and Strategy Institute

Above all, leadership is about:

• You cannot force people into becoming passionate

employees. Instead, as a great leader, you can create a
suitable environment where employees become
passionate about what they do.

Management and Strategy Institute

Above all, leadership is about:

Competence %

Energizing People 33%


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How to Create a Suitable Environment

 What sort of an environment should you create to make

your team or employees passionate about what they do?
The following is a good start:

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How to Create a Suitable Environment

 Clearly stated mission & purpose

 Suitable rewards
– Monetary
– Non-monetary
 Trust
 Lead by example

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How to Create a Suitable Environment

• Clearly stated mission & purpose.

– As a leader you must show the relationship between passion
and the mission of the company. You may need to talk directly to
a small number of employees within your team until they ‘get it’.
You can then spread the passion via this seed group. You also
need to monitor new employees or team members for cultural fit.
You need to make sure that they will be on a compatible
mentality when they join the company or your team.

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How to Create a Suitable Environment

• Suitable rewards
– Also you cannot impose passion for the job, you can reinforce it
in difference directions using rewards. Rewards are not always
financial, though financial rewards are also critical. Quite often,
your effort in creating a suitable cultural environment where
people feel at home and with like-minded people is considered
far more valuable than adding a few more percentage points to
their wages.

Management and Strategy Institute

How to Create a Suitable Environment

• Trust.
– A passionate employee can easily become trustable since they
aspire to become independent and responsible. A team member
who doesn’t have any incentives to participate, may not be
interested to be responsible for any part and would constantly
want to avoid tasks and duties and may eventually quit.

Management and Strategy Institute

How to Create a Suitable Environment

• Lead by example.
– A leader is a person who is followed and you need to set yourself
as an example. If you solve problems by confrontation, your
team may easily follow your example too; resolving internal
issues through confrontation. Naturally you don’t want this. On
the other hand if you encourage cooperation and team-working
when dealing with external issues as part of your leadership, you
set an example for resolving difficult issues. If you show your
passion, maturity of thought and confident leadership style,
those who follow you will take note and respond accordingly.

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Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

 Short term goals wont do it,

– LONG TERM goals are needed.

 Effective managers start at the end

 Look back from the future

Management and Strategy Institute

Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• As a good leader, you must have a vision. You must

know where you are going and be able to convince
others so that they follow you. This means you need to
know what you want; you must have goals and missions.

Management and Strategy Institute

Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• The best way to fully understand what you really want is

to look back from future. In doing so, you get to filter out
all the little detail that may confuse you and just focus on
the major milestones.

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Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• Once you know the end mission, you can work

backwards to reach your destination. This is much like
solving a maze where you start from the end and go all
the way back to the beginning to find out the major
“turns” you need to take.

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Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• Looking back and goal oriented thinking is nothing more

than a state of mind. There is nothing special about it
other than if you use it, it will help you to make better

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Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• Goals are useful when:

– They are not generalized and vague
– There is plenty of details so that you know what the goal really
– You know its importance in relation with your other goals
– Your goals are considered within the context of your life
– They are not too ambitious to be unreachable
– They are prioritized

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Management and Strategy Institute

Vision: How to Come up with Goals?

• So what’s good about planning? Here are a number of

– Helps to stay focused on your objectives
– You get a sense of purpose and fulfilment.
– You can monitor your progress and balance your tasks based on
your priorities
– It is easier to change your plans once you know what they are
without worrying about not doing others.
– Reduces your stress level since you feel you are in control
– By establishing relations between tasks and clustering them, you
can take advantage of synergy which lets you accomplish more
simultaneously by multi-tasking

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Ask Yourself …

• When making these decisions, ask the following

questions of yourself:

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Ask Yourself …

 What outcome do I want to get?

 What outcome does the other person wants to get?
 What is the smallest number of steps to get me from
here to the outcome?
 What do I get once I have achieved the outcome?

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Ask Yourself …

• By continuously looking at the end goal you will have

more chance to respond to your team member’s
requests and understand your priorities.

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Who is Your
Circle of
By the end of this session
you will be able to:

Identify and know how to

interact with your circle of
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Circle of Influence

• A team leader needs to interact with people on his level,

above him and below him. He sits at the centre of a hub
of information and as a result needs to manage this flow
efficiently so that he won’t get buried underneath it.

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Circle of Influence


Team Boss



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Tactics – Strategy - Diplomacy

• There are three main levels you need to consider when

aspiring to get to your goal:

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Tactics – Strategy - Diplomacy

 Tactics & Logistics

– Use Wisdom of the Crowds, much like tactics in battles
– Project Management – Know your numbers
 Strategy
– How do you align yourself?
– Do managers need to understand the grand strategy of the
– Will these actions be noticed at the executive level?

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Tactics – Strategy - Diplomacy

• A good manager needs to use the wisdom of the crowd

to learn about handling battles. In management, these
are day-to-day issues; how to get someone to stop
dominating others, how to get someone to speak up,
how to get someone to express their ideas more clearly,
how to get people motivated and so on. There are
certain well-established methods you can use to improve

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Tactics – Strategy - Diplomacy

• As for strategy, you need to know what you really want.

Do you need to align yourself with your bosses? Would
your actions be noticed at the executive level? If not,
should you really put much effort into the way you are
managing your team? This helps you to focus on high
reward activities and play the number game correctly.

Management and Strategy Institute

Tactics – Strategy - Diplomacy

• Ultimately, a successful manager needs to be diplomatic.

After all, you are trying to achieve a task through people,
and the interaction with people is the key part of your
diplomacy. You need to ask yourself, “What motivates
people?”, “What do they need?”, “How can I serve
them?”, “How can I influence them so that the whole
team gets closer to the ultimate goal over time?”.
Knowing their needs is just the start.

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End of Training

• Please click on the Black X in the top corner to close the

presentation viewer and proceed to the next module.

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