Solution Python Programs

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Solutions to python programs

1.Write a python program that repeatedly asks user for their age and a password until they
provide valid input[age is in digit and password in alphabet and digit only]
#password and age validation

name= input('enter your name ')

while True :
age=input('enter a number for age ')
password=input('enter the password number and alphabets only ')
if age.isdecimal() and password.isalnum() :

print('valid age and password')

print('please reenter age and password')

enter your name sony

enter a number for age 20

enter the password number and alphabets only qwe$512g

please reenter age and password

enter a number for age 20

enter the password number and alphabets only qwe23edr

valid age and password

2. Develop a python program to swap cases of a given string

Input : Java

Output : jAVA

#To swap the case of the alphabets in the string

s1=input('enter the string ')


for ch in s1:

if ch.isupper():
s2=s2 + ch.lower()


s2=s2 + ch.upper()

print('Swapped case strig is ',s2)


enter the string COMputer

Swapped case strig is comPUTER

3. Develop a python code to determine whether the given string is a palindrome (OR) not

# to check the string palindrome or not

s1=input('enter the string ')


for ch in s1:


print('reversed string is' ,rev)

if s1==rev:

print('it is palindrome')


print('it is not a palindrome')


i) enter the string hello

reversed string is olleh

it is not a palindrome

ii)enter the string madam

reversed string is madam

it is palindrome

4. Write a program to accept the string and display total number of alphabets

#to count number of alphabets in a string

s1=input('enter the string ')

for ch in s1:

if ch.isalpha():

count = count + 1

print(' the number of alphbets in a string',count)


enter the string qwe23&wer

the number of alphabets in a string 6

5. Develop a program to sort the contents to a text file and write the sorted contents in to a separate
text file

infile = open("example.txt", "r")

myList = infile.readlines()

#Remove trailing \n characters

lineList = []

for line in myList:


#sort the list


# Write sorted contents to new file sorted.txt

outfile = open("stext.txt", "w")

for line in lineList:

outfile.write(line + "\n")

infile.close() # Close the input file

outfile.close() # Close the output file

Content of example.txt
Contents of sorted.txt

6. Develop a python program to read and print contents of a text file

infile = open("example.txt", "r")

txt =

print(‘contents of the file’)


example.txt contains

python is a programming language

it is object oriented


python is a programming language

it is object oriented
7. Develop a program to find the total size of all the files in the given directory

import os

# to find the total size of all files


for filename in os.listdir('c:\\user'):

totalsize =totalsize + os.path.getsize(os.path.join('c:\\user',filename))

print('total size is ',totalsize)

c:\user has 3 files

marks.doc - 134 bytes

attendance.txt -235 bytes

invite.txt - 70 bytes


total size is 439

8. a python program to read and print number of words in a text file

# to count the number of word in a file

f=open('sample.txt', 'r')

text =


words = text.split()


for w in words:

count =count + 1

print('number of words in a file is ', count)

Contents of sample.txt


number of words in a file is 20


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