Module 2
Module 2
Module 2
Cash Flow
Analytical reports in Tally.ERP 9 includes _____________. Statement Ratio Analysis BRS All of Above D
Tally.ERP 9 allows us to maintain and generate all primary Purchase Credit Note
books of accounts and registers like_______________. Cash Book Register Register All of Above D
Gateway of Gateway of
Gateway of Tally > Tally > Display > Tally >
Display > Account Account Books Display >
Books > Sales > Register > Register >
Path of Sales Register is ____________. Register Sales Register Sales Register None A
Is Debit Note Register Available in Tally ERP 9. Yes No A
____________ refer to amounts to be received from the Accounts Credit Receivables,A Debit
sundry debtors while ________________ are the amounts Payables,Account Payables,Debit ccounts Receivables,Cre
to be paid to sundry creditors. s Receivables Receivables Payables dit Payables C
Income ledger
If a ledger is having a credit balance, it can be an Expense ledger or or a liability
____________. an Asset ledger Both A and B Nither A Nor B B
Income ledger
If a ledger is having debit balance, it can be an Expense ledger or or a liability
______________. an Asset ledger Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
All income and expense ledger balances are taken to Profi t & Loss
__________. Account Balance Sheet Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
All Asset and Liability ledger balances are taken to Profi t & Loss
__________. Account Balance Sheet Both A and B Nither A Nor B B
Inventory Master Data includes _____________. Service Categories Salary Details Both A and B Nither A Nor B D
Alt + B is a shortcut key of ____________ Budget Variance Ratio Variance Data Variance Variance A
Income Tax
Statutory Master Data includes _____________. Service Categories Classifi cations Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
Which voucher is use for recording of employee
attendance? Emp Attendance Attendance Both A and B Nither A Nor B B
Non Master Accounting Voucher includes
________________. Contra Memorandum Receipt All of Above D
Non Master Inventory Vouchers includes Rejections
________________. Delivery Note Physical Stock Out All of Above D
Purchase Order
Non Master Order Vouchers includes ________________. Purchases ? Attendance Material In Material Out B
Payroll Vouchers includes ____________. Attendance Payroll Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
________________are the resources generally used by any
business entity. Money Material Manpower All of Above D
___________ document connectivity is the system of linking
one document with another. Inter Intra Both A and B Nither A Nor B A
E-fi lling website new features are added for increasing
____________. Number of User Transparency Trust Source None B
View Form
Services offered by e-filing website includes Submit returns/ 26AS (Tax Check ITR-V
_____________. forms Credit) receipt status All of Above D
In Balance Sheet F1 is uesd for _____________ Detailed Condensed Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
______________is a periodic statement, which shows the Profit and Loss Income
net result of business operations for a specifi ed period. Account Statement Both A and B Nither A Nor B C
CBS software developed by TCS is ______. Finacle Quartz Flex Cube Bankmate B
Which of the following is not a server of CBS? Data Base Server Web Server Proxy Server Personal Server D
_____ server hosts the core banking application. Application Proxy Server Web Server Data Base A
_____ of the application is capable of only entering the data
at the end point that is branches in CBS. Final Version Client version Beta Version Alpha Version B
After a program is tested by the users, it is pushed into the User Acceptance Integration
production environment.This is known as__________. Test Testing Unit Testing System Testing A
The HSM or SSM are used for the purpose of _______. Decryption Encryption of Cash Security B
None of the
ATM transactions involve the generation of ________. Cash Journal ATM log Both A & B above C
In the remotely placed ATMs, the electronic journal is Electronic Cash Journal Journal
retrieved by a mechanism known as__________. Journal Pulling Journal Pulling Pulling Recording B
In case of RTGS, the money transfer takes place in the
books of ________bank SBI RBI BOI Canara B
Deferred Net Gross Net None of the
EFT and NEFT work on the basis of _______________ Settlement settlement Settlement above A
Every RTGS message is assigned a unique number known as None of the
________________number STP UTR UTN above B
Which of the following type of processing charges is/are not Cheque return Courier None of the
associated with CMS in CBS? DD issue charges charges charges above D
Which of the following type of controls over parameter
settings are not appliyed in CMS? Clearing cycle Cheque limit Credit limit Intrest B
Business Disaster
_______________ is a process by which the bank ensures Business Recovery Continuity Recovery None of the
the maintenance and recovery of operations. Planning Planning Planning above B
_____ are the main goals of information security. Integrity Confidentiality Availability All of the above D
Application Domain
_______is used for authentication. servers Controller Local Server Web Server B
None of the
______ is a process of unauthorized entering a network. Hacking Mailing Connecting above A
Which of the following information is not displayed on ATM
card? Card holder name Date of expiry Pin number CVV number C
Recording of Passbook Interest
Core Banking Solutions are developed to perform__? transactions maintenance calculations All of the above D
Analytic reports of the RTGS activity includes _______ in Summary of the Charging
CBS. transactions Net position reports All of the above D
____is more powerful to represent complex data structures. ISO 20022 ISO 20023 ISO 20024 ISO 20025 A
Unique Uniform Uniform
Transaction Transaction Transaction None of the
UTF stands for _______. Reference Reference Record above B
The objective of the ____ is to meet the needs of the
customers who have operations all over the country. CMS Cheques DD All of the above A
In CMS parameter settings includes _____. Clearing cycle Credit limit slabs) All of the above D
____ mandates that
every bank should have a security policy. PNB RBI BOI CBDT B
Availability of
Benefits of CBS________. Better MIS 24*7 support accurate data All of the above D
The servers in the data centre are segregated using the
concept of __________ VLAN WAN LAN MAN A
Virtual Local
Virtual Line Area Virtual Local Around
VLAN stands for _______. Network Area Network Network All of the above B
This data type allows alphanumeric characters and special
symbols in Ms-Access. Text Number Auto Number Date/Time A
A __________ enables you to view data from a table based
on a specific criterion in Ms-Access. Form Query Macro Report B
A __ name must be unique within a database. Table Field Record Character A
If I create ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table to store ‘student_id’
of ‘Students’ table, then this ‘Student’ field in ‘Fees’ table is Composite
called ____ in Ms-Access. Foreign key Native key key Primary key A
Tables with
fields and
Query design window has two parts. The upper part shows Name of fields, relationships Sorting check
_____ in Ms-Access. field type and size between tables Criteria boxes B
Every table in relational database contain a field or
combination of fields that can uniquely identify each Composite
records, it is called ___in Ms-Access. Foreign key Native key key Primary key D
The complete information about an entity in a database is
called ____ in Ms-Access. Data Information Record Field C
Which of the following is not a field type in Access? Money Hyperlink OLE Object Lookup Wizard A
Write criteria
values in Write criteria
Write criteria Write criteria same field values in same
To achieve AND effect when you are entering criteria in a values vertically values separated field separated
query design window in Ms-Access is ______. one in a row horizontally with AND with & B
Which of the following is not a database object? Tables Queries Relationship Reports C
In Ms-Access, a search value can be an exact value or it can Wild card Comparison
be____. Logical Operator Relationship character operation C
Once in the On the 1st and
In Ms-Access, When a picture or other graphic image is beginning of the At the top of Every after last pages of
placed in the report header section it will appear____ report every page record break the report A
What are the columns in a Microsoft Access table called? Rows Records Fields Columns C
You can automatically include all of the field in a table in a
query by___ a strike that appear list box in query design Double None of the
view in Ms-Access. Clicking Right clicking clicking above C
It is most common type of query. It retrieves records from
one or more tables and then displays in Ms-Access. Parameter Select Crosstab All of the above B
____ is the text displayed as a tooltip. Screentip Screentop Desktoptip All of the above B
Create Table
To create a new table, in which method you don’t need to Create table in Create Table by Entering
specify the field type and size? Design View using wizard data All of th eabove C
_____ is recording data in only one place implies less disk Comprehensibil
space in Ms-Access. Consistency Redundancy Efficiency ity C
None of the
Abs(-50) will give output____ in Ms-Access. -50 500 50 above C
In Ms-Access, ______ form control lets the user to insert a
picture. Lable Insert Page Logo Option Group C
Which of the following is not a type of Form Control in Ms-
Access? Related Bound Unbound Calculated A
Which of the following activity is not associated with
command button in Ms-Access form? On Click On Run On Mouse Up On Enter B
Which of the following category is not found under Form Macro
Command Button Wizard in Ms-Access form? Record Navigation Operations Application Operations D
Which of the following Tab is not when we open Form in
Design View in Ms-Access? Create Design Arrange Format A
Which of the following is not a type of Action Query in Ms-
Access? Append Select Delete Update B
Which of the following option is not available under
Summary Options in Ms-Access Reopts? Sum Avg Count Min C
Which of the following is not a Logical Operator in Ms-
Access form? = <> ? In C
This key uniquely identifies each record in Ms-Access. Primary key Key record Unique key Field name A
Which type of field is incremented automatically in Ms- Auto
Access? Auto Elevate AutoNumber Increment Auto Value B
Tables and Tables and Queries and
Which object is used to create a form in Ms-Access? Queries Tables only reports reports A
Which tool do you use to create a query object in Ms- Simple filter Simple query Table query
Access? Database wizard wizard wizard wizard C
Which of the following is not a view for interacting with a
form object in Ms-Access? Datasheet view Design view Form view Layout view D
__________ data type field can't be updated YES/NO HYPERLINK MEMO AUTONUMBER D
None of the
A Record is also commonly called as a _________ Column Field tuple above C
Most database operations that we do manually can be
automated by using Program Query Form Macro D
_________ are what we use to summarize and present data
in the table Report Query Form Macro A
In MS-Access, what data type can be used for a phone
number field in a database? Number Text Memo All of the above B
In a table, _____________ uniquely identifies each record
that is stored in the table. Unique Key Foreign Key Primary Key Record Key C
None of the
_________ is used to insert values in Table directly. Query Report Form above A
Which SQL clause is used to retrieve data from database? SELECT WHERE FROM INSERT A
The size of Yes No field is always___ in Ms-Access. 1 bit 1 byte 1 character 1 GB A
The __________clause is used to filter records in database. SELECT WHERE FROM INSERT B
None of the
__________is Example of DBMS Word Excel Access above C
A Junction Table creates a _______________ relationship Many-to- None of the
between two tables. One-to-One One-to-Many Many above C
The Primary key of one table and the matching column in None of the
another table is known as ______________. Matching Key Foreign Key Index key above B
For ordering conditions with updating None of the
In SQL, having clause is used for _________ records group by clause records above B
A form can be divided into_________ to increase the None of the
readability Pages Section Rows above A
How can you define a field so that when entering data for
that field it will display ****** instead of actual typed text
in Ms-Access? Input mask Validation Rule Indexed IME Mode A
Which field type will you select when creating a new table if
you require to enter long text in that field in Ms-Access? Text Memo Currency Hyperlink B
In table design view, which key can be used to switch
between the field names and properties panels in Ms-
Access? F3 F4 F5 F6 D
CAATs can be used to audit in a computerized manner for
____________services. Statutory Audit Tax Audit Internal Audit All of the above D
Level of AuditComputer
Factors to be considered for using CAATs are, Time Constraints Risk Knowledge All of the above D
Inspection, Observation and Recalculation can be used for Audit None of the
obtaining, Audit Evidence Audit Summary Sampling above A
Defining the CAAT objectives is the part of ________audit Audit None of the
phase. Execution Planning Evidence above B
Output Audit
The Audit Evidence must necessarily include, Audit Findings Produced Conclusions All of the above D
IDEA exports data in a number of formats such as, Text Database Mail Merge All of the above D
CAATs can be applied even by using commonly used MS
software such as, MS Word MS Excel PowerPoint MS Access B
____________accumulates the values of Numeric fi elds for
each unique key. Stratification Summarisation Indexing Sorting B
Number of
records for eack Total of Non- None of the
__________is not a task provided by Summarisation List of unique keys key numeric data above C
The Quick Summarisation option may be used in case the
database has more than _________unique keys. 4000 3000 10000 5000 A
____________option in IDEA is used for reconciling totals Summarisation Statistics Stratification All of the above B
By default, the Field Statistics window displays the statistics
for __________ fields. Numeric Date Text All of the above A
Sampling in IDEA is, Statistical based Both A & B Haphazard C
Systematic, Random and Stratified Sampling are types Probability Judgemental
of_______Sampling Statistical based Sampling Haphazard B
Stratification in IDEA can be done on______fields Numeric Date Character All of the above D
None of the
The fields selected for sorting the records by are known as, Keys Index Mark above A
Key Functions used in IDEA to identify Anamolies and Duplicate
exceptions are, Gap Detection Detection Both A & B Statistics C
Improve Ensure better
To increase audit efficiency of audit
Why are CAATs needed? quality audit process Planning All of the above D
In IDEA, data completeness can be checked by, Detection Gap Detection Statistics Summarisation B
In IDEA, the parameters in equations are separeated by Comma Semi colon Both A & B Apostphe C
Default date format for a Date Parameter in IDEA is, MMDDYY YYYYMMDD MMDDYYYY DDMMYYYY B
Which search in IDEA enables users to use AND operator
along with the keywords? Boolean Wildcard Proximity Integrated A
Which one of the following is not a practical application of Non arm's length Petty Cash
Benford's Law? transactions Bad debts book Sales C
The_________feature in IDEA can provide a valuable
reasonableness test for large data sets. Gap Detection Benford's Law Statistics Stratification B
Which function in IDEA is used to identify transactions
made on any day of the week? date dow day db B
___________ are very critical tools for Auditors MS Office CAATs Tally All of the above B
_______is to identify samples as Judgemental Statistical Haphazard None of the
required. Sampling Sampling Sampling above B
Which of the following is not a test performed during Copying of Duplicate
Audits? Detect Frauds Identify Errors samples Payments C